A-share afternoon comment: the index continued to pull up in early trading, and most pharmaceutical stocks strengthened.

A-share afternoon comment: the index continued to pull up in early trading, and most pharmaceutical stocks strengthened.

  The index continued to rise in early trading. The GEM index rose by nearly 3%, and the heavyweights () once rose by nearly 4.5%. Semiconductors and components, silicone, liquor and other sectors were active. Most pharmaceutical stocks such as CRO concept and traditional Chinese medicine strengthened, while the airport shipping and coal concept sectors weakened, and the scenic spots and tourism sectors suffered heavy losses. The stocks in the three cities rose more and fell less, and the rate of board explosion was neutral, which had a strong profit-making effect.

  On the disk, the scenic spots and tourism sectors opened down, () fell by nearly 8%, (), (), Zhangjiajie followed; The concept of coal fell and weakened, () fell by nearly 5%, (), () and () followed; The concept of liquor continued to rise, () daily limit, () rose by more than 5%, (), () and () followed; The Chinese medicine sector strengthened, () before the daily limit, (), () and () followed.

  Plate heat:

  Straight flush hot stock list:

  Transaction review:

  At 09: 25, the three A-share indexes were mixed at the opening, with the Shanghai Composite Index down 0.02%, the Shenzhen Component Index up 0.15% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index up 0.45%. The concept of treatment and pension in COVID-19 was active at the opening.

  At 09:30, the scenic spots and tourism sectors fell, Lingnan Holdings fell by nearly 8%, followed by Jiuhua Tourism, Zhongxin Tourism and Zhangjiajie.

  At 09:31, the rare earth permanent magnet plate opened stronger, () rose by nearly 6%, (), Earth Bear, () and () followed suit. In the news, the latest data of China Rare Earth Industry Association showed that the price index of rare earths was 420.6 on February 14th, up 15% from the previous month, and reached a record high.

  At 09:33, the Growth Enterprise Market Index rose to 1%, the Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.02%, and the Shenzhen Component Index rose by 0.47%.

  09:34 yuan’s concept of the universe rose and strengthened, () rose by more than 4%, while Rainbow Technology, () and () followed suit.

  At 09:36, the concept of coal fell and weakened, Jizhong energy fell by nearly 5%, and power investment energy, Yankuang energy and Orchid Science and Technology fell.

  At 09:46, the lithium extraction plate in Salt Lake continued to fall, () once hit the limit, and (), () and () followed.

  At 09:54, the concept of liquor continued to rise, and the daily limit of Huangtai wine industry increased, and the welcome wine rose by more than 5%, while Shede wine industry, Jiugui wine and Laobaigan wine followed suit.

  At 09:55, the Chinese medicine sector strengthened. essence pharmaceutical had a daily limit, followed by Yiling Pharmaceutical, Longjin Pharmaceutical and China Resources Sanjiu.

  At 10:03, the education sector pulled up and strengthened, () before the daily limit, () rose more than 11%, () and () followed.

  At 10:06, the Shenzhen Component Index rose to 1%, the Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.43%, and the Growth Enterprise Market Index rose by 1.59%.

  At 10:22, the concept of silicone continued to strengthen, and () rose by over 7%, followed by (), () and ().

  At 10:52, the building decoration plate continued to rise, and nearly 10 stocks, such as () and (), had daily limit, while () and () followed suit.

  At 10:57, the "first share of Bingdundun" () hit a daily limit, with a turnover of over 800 million yuan. On the evening of February 13th, Yuanlong Yatu once again announced the abnormal fluctuation and risk warning of the company’s stock trading, indicating that the company’s qualification for licensed production and sales in the Winter Olympics is not exclusive. According to () data, the cumulative increase of Japanese Yen Longyatu in the previous six transactions was nearly 80%.


  1. Intel is close to acquiring Israel Tower Semiconductor for about $6 billion.

  Market News: Intel is close to acquiring Israeli Tower Semiconductor for about $6 billion.

  2. China Securities Journal: The central bank still has the possibility of lowering the RRR and cutting interest rates.

  From February 7 to 14, the central bank’s open market operation changed the previous situation of "replenishing water", and the accumulated net withdrawal of funds from six operations exceeded 1 trillion yuan, but the interest rate indicators of major money markets still dropped significantly. The industry believes that with the return of cash to the banking system after the Spring Festival holiday, the central bank’s capital investment will be timely and effective to avoid capital accumulation, which is in line with previous operating practices, and there is still the possibility of lowering the RRR and cutting interest rates in the future. The financial market is expected to benefit from the stable and abundant funds. (CSI)

  3. CITIC Securities: The wealth management target is under pressure in the short term, and it still has great potential in the long term.

  CITIC Securities pointed out that on February 14th, the related targets of wealth management in the brokerage sector fell sharply. We believe that this decline is mainly caused by the following factors: 1) Since 1)2021Q4, the fund issuance and scale growth have been lower than expected, and the market is increasingly worried about redemption; 2) The proportion of high fund positions increases the underlying β attribute, and the stock price is obviously affected by the compensatory decline. Although market fluctuation and previous excessive growth bring short-term downward pressure, it will not change the long-term vigorous development direction of wealth management industry. Looking forward to the future, the wealth management industry will still have a lot to do, with the dividend of capital market reform, the improvement of the securitization level of new economy industries and the continuous transfer of bank wealth management funds. We will still be optimistic about the relevant targets of equity asset management. Focusing on the present, a comprehensive brokerage firm with balanced development of multiple businesses has both fundamental and valuation advantages.

  4. National Health Commission: Yesterday, 40 local confirmed cases and 7 local asymptomatic infections were added.

  National Health Commission: Yesterday, there were 40 locally confirmed cases (29 in Liaoning, 8 in Jiangsu, 2 in Guangdong and 1 in Guangxi) and 7 locally asymptomatic infections (4 in Jiangsu and 3 in Yunnan).

  5. The central bank launched a one-year MLF operation of 300 billion yuan and a reverse repurchase operation of 10 billion yuan.

  According to the central bank, in order to maintain liquidity in the banking system’s reasonable abundance, on February 15th, 2022, the People’s Bank of China launched a medium-term loan facility (MLF) operation of 300 billion yuan (including the continuation of MLF’s expiration on February 18th) and a reverse repurchase operation of 10 billion yuan in the open market. Today, 20 billion yuan of reverse repurchase expires, and 200 billion MLF expires on Friday.

  6. The AITO Wujie M5 model jointly operated by Cyrus and Huawei will be delivered in large quantities in March.

  According to ()’ s Celeste related person on February 15th, the AITO Wujie M5 model that Celeste cooperated with Huawei will be delivered in large quantities in March 2022, fulfilling its promise to users. From release to listing to delivery, it took AITO only three months to ask about the M5 model. In this regard, the relevant person of Sailis said that this benefited from the Liangjiang Smart Factory built by Xiaokang Co., Ltd. with Industry 4.0 as the standard, and through the cooperation of more than 1,000 robots, 100% automation of key processes was realized. (shanghai securities news)

  7. Meiyabake: Stable electronic data forensics equipment and domestic alternatives for big data platforms have been formed.

  () According to the interactive platform, the company started the "ice-breaking plan" as soon as it was included in the "entity list" by the United States, and set up an "ice-breaking laboratory" to carry out domestic technical research. Now it has formed stable and reliable electronic data forensics equipment and domestic alternatives for big data platforms, and achieved key technological breakthroughs.

  8. Today, the National Development and Reform Commission will organize a "reminder and warning meeting" for the smooth operation of the iron ore market.

  The reporter was informed that in order to ensure the stable operation of the iron ore market, the price department of the National Development and Reform Commission will hold a "special meeting to remind and warn" with the General Administration of Market Supervision and the Futures Department of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on the afternoon of February 15th. At that time, relevant enterprises including Minmetals Group, CITIC Metal, AVIC International Mineral Resources, Xiamen Jianfa, Jidong Development, (), (), () and () will participate in this special reminder meeting. According to the reporter of Economic Observer Network, the above-mentioned participating enterprises are all important participants in the domestic iron ore trade field. (Economic Observer Network)

  Investment advice:

  Soochow securities pointed out that on Monday, the stock index continued to step back. Although the decline of the index increased compared with last Friday, individual stocks were not in a general decline trend, mainly due to the obvious drag of the weighted stocks held by institutions. Growth enterprise market refers to the short-term rebound after continuous adjustment, and the market style is expected to change to the growth theme. It is not appropriate to blindly bearish. Investors should not step on the wrong rhythm and wait for the rebound in the near future.


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