The new M5 Standard Edition is on the market, and the old model has great discounts. Explore the store and ask the M7.

The new M5 Standard Edition is on the market, and the old model has great discounts. Explore the store and ask the M7.

Recently, the new standard version officially listed, the new car launched two configuration models, priced 249,800 – 269,800 yuan. Under the premise of price reduction, the configuration has increased or decreased, and the overall cost performance has improved. However, the new M5 may not have reached the level of explosion, and it is still difficult to twist the overall decline of the brand.

According to the data of the Passenger Federation, the sales volume of new energy vehicles reached 3.747 million in the first half of this year, an increase of 44.1% year-on-year. Under the background of the high growth rate of the new energy vehicle market, the Q-world M5 lagged behind the market. Taking the Q-world M5, which sells the main model, as an example, the cumulative sales volume in the first half of this year was only 17,067, a year-on-year decrease of 15.5%.

Recently, we visited several Huawei stores and learned that the 2022 Q M5 now has a discount of up to 55,000 yuan. However, the price reduction can not be exchanged for sales. We believe that the reason for this situation is the decline of Q products, as well as the emergence of competing products, Q failed to respond quickly and other factors.

The price of the new model is reduced, and the discount of the old model is even stronger.

As the market penetration rate gradually increases, the elimination competition of new energy vehicles is accelerating. Ideal monthly delivery is leading steadily, NIO delivery is rebounding, Xiaopeng G6 is expected to play a "turnaround", while Zero Run, Nezha and Extreme Krypton perform well. At the same time, new energy users are also undergoing a fundamental transformation, from early adopters to the general public. Who can break through and survive? The "key to victory" still lies in differentiated products and excellent technology.

As a user of new energy vehicles for 6 years, and a small editor of the owner at the same time, I personally have always believed that 1.86 million new owners of BYD last year could not have purchased BYD for BYD’s intelligence, because BYD’s intelligence has always been very bad, and the real reason for driving consumers to buy is excellent new energy technology. Many brands are also aware of this key point and spare no effort to publicize their own new energy technology platforms.

With the help of Huawei’s halo, Ask the World has been a highlight. Although everyone only knows Huawei but not Cyrus, Ask the World M5 is still Cyrus in the end, and Cyrus is still a concubine in the end. If you want resources, you don’t have resources, and if you want technology, you don’t have technology. Dongfeng has new energy technology, but it’s not the turn to ask the world, and the direct descendants of Lan Tu and Fengshen will be given priority to "enjoy". If it wasn’t for Huawei’s blessing, maybe Cyrus would run faster than Weimaraner, and Skyrim.

Since he couldn’t get the technical support from the "big factory", Cyrus couldn’t figure it out himself, so he could only use the ready-made solution of his partners. The new energy technology of the M5 was also from Huawei, using the HUAWEI DriveONE pure electric drive platform. At the same time as the price of the new M5 was reduced, the battery life of the new car under WLTC conditions was increased from 150km to 200km, but the number of cameras was reduced, and some configurations were also castrated.

The new Q Jie M5 standard version is officially listed, and the old model discount is quite awesome. It is understood that the 2022 Q Jie M5 cash discount is 35,000 yuan, and there is a small amount of stable 20,000 government subsidies, and the comprehensive discount for the new car reaches 55,000 yuan. Take the lowest 2022 extended range rear drive standard version as an example, the guide price is 259,800 yuan, and the discount is more than 200,000 yuan, which is 45,000 yuan cheaper than the new model.

The market competition is intensifying, and the core selling points are not outstanding

Is it cost-effective to buy a 200,000 budget to ask the world M5? The BYD frigate 07 of the same level, the starting threshold is set at 202,800; the "table-lifting" zero-run C11 extended range version, 149,800; quite the bold dark blue S7, the extended range version starts at 149,900 yuan, and the top match is also 169,900 yuan. The guide price is 80,000 – 100,000 yuan cheaper than the asking world M5. The question is, can the product power of the asking world M5 support this price difference?

Hardware specifications such as the chassis of the front double fork arms and the rear five links, the 150km WLTC pure electric battery life, and various indicators on the books, there is no shortage of competing products. In all fairness, the smart car machine of the M5 is indeed easy to use, showing the fineness, the fluency of use, the response speed of human-machine interaction, and the degree of intelligence are almost impeccable. But are these so-called "smart" worth buying for nearly 100,000 yuan?

Ask the world M5 positioning medium-sized SUV, but the body size is compact. Among the compact hybrid SUV, there are many products that are not compact, such as BYD, which leads the entire new energy market. The DM-i version starts at 154,800 yuan, and the long-life version is also 179,800 yuan. Under the premise of similar battery life, it is 70,000 yuan cheaper than the Ask World M5. Moreover, whether it is word-of-mouth or second-hand value preservation, the Song Plus DM-i must be stable.

At the same time, the traditional fuel vehicle brand officially started the transformation, the launch of the E series and series, and the release of the D family. For example, the power and fuel consumption, comfort and intelligence are fully balanced, and the top match is only 173,700 yuan. Of course, the pure electric endurance is still a little bit worse. Also, to accelerate the landing of intelligent new energy layout, performance and price are worth looking forward to.

Write at the end

Compared with new power brands, Wenjie’s service and intelligence are not outstanding. Compared with the new energy brands of traditional car companies, Wenjie’s core technology is not leading either. Whether it is its own product competitiveness or the market environment, in terms of the current sales performance of Wenjie, it is indeed facing greater growth pressure. The arrival of the new Wenjie M5 standard version may be able to inject new vitality into the rising sales of Wenjie. It can also be seen that Wenjie has realized the problem, but the strength and courage to reverse the decline are still lacking.


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