Data resumption: 500 million net inflow into real estate development list to grab shares in Zhongcheng.

Data resumption: 500 million net inflow into real estate development list to grab shares in Zhongcheng.

  On Friday (January 26th), 2,145 stocks rose and 3,031 stocks fell, with a turnover of 828.147 billion, a decrease of 62.705 billion compared with the previous trading day. The three major indexes were mixed, and as of the close,Shanghai stock indexIt rose by 0.14% and the Shenzhen Component Index fell by 1.06%.Growth enterprise market indexIt fell by 2.23%.
  In terms of plates,Real estate developmentReal estate serviceRailway highwayAnd other sectors were among the top gainers.semiconductormedical serviceconsumer electronicsAnd other sectors were among the top losers.
main forceResumption: 500 million rushed to raise real estate, over 300 million fled.WuXi AppTec
  Friday real estate,gameThe net outflow of the main force of the plate is the least, including real estateNet inflow498 million yuan.
Oriental wealth ChoiceThe data shows that among the top 20 stocks bought by the main force on January 26,Longtou stockRanked first, the main net purchase was 394 million yuan;Kweichow MoutaiRanked second, the main net purchase was 190 million yuan.PetroChina Company LimitedRanked seventh, the main net purchase was 138 million yuan, and the stock rose more than 6% today.
Eastern wealth Choice dataIt shows that among the top 20 stocks sold by the main force on January 26,Hongbo stockRanked first, the main net sales of 519 million yuan;Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., LimitedRanked second, the main net sales of 445 million yuan.WuXi AppTecRanked eighth, the main net sales of 319 million yuan, the stock fell today.

  Northbound funds bought 1.51 billion yuan on the same day.

  On January 26, the two cities fluctuated and differentiated, and the Shanghai Composite Index rose slightly, and the Shanghai Composite Index fell more than 2%. Northbound capital bought 1.51 billion yuan today, of which,Shanghai Stock ConnectThe net purchase was 1.915 billion yuan,ShengutongNet sales of 405 million yuan. The turnover of northbound funds on that day was 128.487 billion yuan, accounting for 15.50% of the total turnover of A shares.
  This week, the three major A-share indexes were mixed, with the Shanghai Composite Index up 2.75%, the Shenzhen Component Index down 0.28% and the Shanghai Composite Index down 1.92%. This week, northbound funds accumulated a turnover of 657.664 billion yuan, with a total net purchase of 12.101 billion yuan, of which,Shanghai Stock ConnectThe total net purchase was 11.291 billion yuan.ShengutongThe total net purchase was 810 million yuan.
  Published by the exchangeShanghai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock ConnectThe top ten trading stocks show thatMidea groupZhong Ji Xu ChuangChinese architectureToday, they were bought by a net of 757 million yuan, 540 million yuan and 343 million yuan respectively.BYDThe net sales amount ranked first, with an amount of 484 million yuan.
Billboard: 81 million rushed to raise fundsZhongcheng stockInstitutional net purchase of 7 shares

  Among the listed stocks in the day, the largest net inflow of funds isZhongcheng stock, 81.4102 million yuan. The data shows that the stock closed at the daily limit and has recorded three consecutive boards, with a cumulative increase of 33.09%. The net inflow of funds in the top three days was 29.2609 million yuan from Ciyong Road, Cixi, Guosheng.

  Judging from the active business department,Guotai JunanShanghai Branch bought a net of 492 million yuan in the day and participated in it.COFCO CapitalandMingzhi electrics. Huaxin Shanghai Branch traded 357 million yuan in a day and participated in it.Shenhuafa aFengshan groupHua kong sai geSpecial messagePingtan developmentWait. CITIC Shanghai Branch had a turnover of 319 million yuan in a day, and participated in it.Longtou stockNational new cultureSound flying storageWuXi AppTecMingzhi electricsWaiting for stocks.
  Institutional participation in the Dragon and Tiger List involves a total of 25 shares, of which 7 shares are bought by institutions.Tongfu micro-electricityIt was bought the most, which was 33.7491 million yuan. Another 18 shares were sold by the institution.Shi Ying sharesIt was sold the most, with a net sale of 384 million yuan in three days.

  Lu Stock Connect participated in the Dragon and Tiger List with a total of 21 shares, of which 7 shares were bought by Lu Stock Connect.Mingzhi electricsIt was bought the most, with a net purchase of 95.2351 million yuan in three days. The other 14 shares were sold by Land Stock Connect.Tongfu micro-electricityIt was sold the most, at 170 million yuan.

  The number of daily limit households decreased, and Shenhuafa issued 7 boards in 10 days.

  In terms of the number of daily limit, there were 67 daily limit shares on Friday and 110 daily limit shares on the last trading day. Among them, Shenhuafa A10 Tianqi 7 board,State-owned assets cloud conceptSpecial message5 boards,Online travelZhongshi communication6 days and 5 boards.

  Statistics of daily limit of even-board stocks on January 26th

  In terms of non-linked stocks,Pingtan developmentTengda technologyHuawen groupThe net inflow of main funds is in the top.

  Statistics of daily limit of non-linked stocks on January 26

  (Note: the price limit of the main board is 10%, and the ST is 5%; GEM and science and technology innovation board are 20%; North Exchange is 30%)

(Article source:eastmoney terminalResearch center)


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