Adding elevators to existing residential buildings in Hangzhou has benefited more than 14,000 households. AR real-life software for adding elevators is gradually being applied.

Adding elevators to existing residential buildings in Hangzhou has benefited more than 14,000 households. AR real-life software for adding elevators is gradually being applied.

To improve the livable level and living conditions, the installation of elevators in existing houses in Hangzhou has entered the fourth year as a livelihood project that conforms to the people’s yearning for a better life. Up to now, 347 new elevators have been installed in existing houses throughout the year, with a total of 1156 completed.
The amount of completion doubled compared with the same period last year.
This year, 347 elevators have been installed.
"Started, not far from the day of sitting on the elevator! I finally have hope! " Residents in the colorful community of Xixing Street in Binjiang District are all excited to see one machine entering the site for construction. Although they were temporarily shut down due to the epidemic, the two-level housing, insurance and housing management departments in the urban area did not stop serving the residents, and began to make full preparations for the resumption of work early, striving to minimize the delay caused by the epidemic to the installation of elevators.
(Colorful Community Construction Site)
Since the comprehensive resumption of work, the installation of elevators in the city has sounded the horn of "acceleration". Thirteen districts, counties (cities) and Qiantang New District have gone hand in hand, strengthened guidance and coordination for local towns and communities, and made every effort to promote the process of adding stairs, such as holding a street ladder promotion meeting in Shangcheng District and Binjiang District; Gongshu district actively coordinates the pipeline department and pre-arranges the relocation and renovation of pipelines; Lin ‘an District took the lead in launching the joint trial of adding stairs … As always, it actively promoted the implementation of this livelihood project and achieved practical results. Among them, 10 districts, counties (cities) have included the work of adding stairs in the key promotion of people’s livelihood at the district level this year, so that more households can enjoy the convenience brought by installing elevators.
Up to now, the city has added 327 joint audit projects and completed 347; Over the years, 1,424 projects were started and 1,156 projects were completed, benefiting more than 14,000 households and nearly 35,000 residents.
At the same time, the Bureau is making every effort to promote the formulation of the first domestic government regulation on installing elevators-"Administrative Measures for Installing Elevators in Existing Houses in Hangzhou", striving for breakthroughs in key issues such as public opinion unification, joint review and follow-up management, which has been submitted to the Municipal Bureau of Justice for review.
"Project" and "policy" are pushing forward, and Hangzhou is making efforts to speed up the installation of elevators from "bonsai" to "scenery"
Adding ladder loan and endowment insurance
Hangzhou ladder service is innovative.
Recently, the owners who live in Xinghai Yunting, Chongxian Street, Yuhang District are very happy, because the "ladder loan" they applied for has been successfully handled, which is another step away from the realization of the "ladder dream".
This is another innovative service to promote the addition of elevators in Hangzhou. "Financing difficulty" has always been a difficult problem in the process of installing elevators in existing houses. In view of the economic ability of the disadvantaged groups in old residential areas, Yuhang District and China Bank took the lead in launching a low-interest "ladder-adding loan"-the owner can apply for a maximum credit of 150,000 yuan with ID card, household registration book, real estate license, elevator installation contract or agreement, income situation and personal credit situation, which not only meets the residents’ demand for ladder-adding, but also relieves the residents’ pressure of one-time payment. At present, many owners in Xinghai Yunting, Chongxian Street, Yuhang District and Shuixie Huadu Community, Tangqi Town have successfully applied for the "elevator loan", which also provides a blueprint for the subsequent installation of elevators in the city.
Not only that, the owners of Xinghai Yunting can also customize the most satisfactory elevator style for themselves through the first AR real-life application software in China. This "visible and tangible" ladder-adding AR real-life APPlication software was successfully piloted in Yuhang District a few days ago. The app has a variety of ladder-adding schemes and decoration configurations built in. The owner can generate the real-life effect of ladder-adding superimposed on the real residence in real time through positioning, and select the details such as the number of elevator stops, materials and colors according to the needs. Finally, it is adjusted in real time by AR real-life software in one step, which is more intuitive, simple and efficient than the previous plane drawing scheme mode.
(map of ladder service in Nanyuan Street, Yuhang District)
What’s more, Nanyuan Street in Yuhang District has also released the first map of elevator service. Through on-the-spot survey of each house in each community within its jurisdiction, the houses that meet, basically meet and do not have the conditions for adding stairs are marked with "green, blue and red". Residents can know whether their buildings meet the conditions for adding stairs by looking at the map, and they also emphasize the policies and procedures for adding stairs, which provides a detailed strategy for residents and promotes the work of adding stairs into the "fast lane".
The installation of elevators is being rolled out in an all-round way, and more and more residents enjoy the convenience of going up and down the stairs. After it is put into use, elevator maintenance and other issues have always been concerned. Focusing on the problem of "long-term follow-up management", we insist on exploring and cultivating diversified daily maintenance methods, and encourage all districts to try first according to the principle of "the owner is the main body and the market operates", and explore various ways such as owner self-management, property custody, third-party custody and elevator insurance.
This year, Daguan Street in Gongshu District tried first and made bold innovations. With micro-governance of the community as the platform and "democracy promoting people’s livelihood" as the goal, through the forms of "building a platform+participating in insurance", "convention management+participating in insurance" and "owner autonomy+participating in insurance", the streets, communities and residents made concerted efforts to promote the installation of elevator projects to actively participate in insurance. It also took the lead in realizing the first comprehensive insurance model of "15+2" elevator "for the aged" in the 1-unit elevator project of Building 8 in Xisiyuan, which provided a new model and a new path for the follow-up maintenance of elevator projects in the whole city, the whole province and even the whole country.
(At the signing ceremony of comprehensive insurance for the "15+2" elevator in Gongshu District) In this year’s 2019 reform and innovation best practice case selection activity in Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou’s unique ladder-adding model of "owner-oriented, community-led, government-guided, and support from all parties" won the "excellent practice case". This also encourages the urban two-level housing, insurance and housing management departments to step up the ladder, and will continue to vigorously promote and improve the top-level design, create quality projects, improve the long-term mechanism, and constantly realize the people’s yearning for a better life.


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