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The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

The healing sandbox building game "Tiny Glade" created by Pounce Light launched the latest demo at the recent Steam New Festival, and the game was loved by many players.

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

Pounce Light recently updated the latest news on the Steam homepage, and the number of wish lists added to the game has reached 1 million, far exceeding the developers’ expectations.

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

Pounce Light mentioned in the update that it was originally expected that "Small World in the Woods" would become a niche indie game, but they were surprised by the attention and love of many players. Therefore, the developers decided to extend the demo of the new festival by one week until June 23, so that players who missed it would have the opportunity to experience the game.

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

"Small World in the Woods" is a casual, healing castle-building game. There are no grid restrictions, and players can explore the interaction of building materials to the fullest, and see what kind of world the game can build with bricks, stones, and planks. No management, no combat, no right or wrong. Leisurely, you can turn forgotten meadows into lovely miniature landscapes.

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

The central government issued detailed implementation rules, 31 provinces issued implementation plans, and the fair competition censorship structure was fully established

  Our reporter, Wan Jing

  In June 2016, after the release of the "Opinions of the State Council on Establishing Fair Competition and Censorship in the Construction of the Market System" (hereinafter referred to as Document No. 34), in 2017, all provinces and cities across the country began to establish rules and regulations, and fully implemented Document No. 34. 31 provinces have issued implementation plans or implementation measures.

  The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, together with relevant departments, studied and formulated the "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Fair Competition Censorship (Interim) " (hereinafter referred to as the "Detailed Rules"), which were approved by the State Council and issued in October 2017. The industry unanimously commented that "another boot has landed" to allow the fair competition review to enter the substantive implementation stage.

  19 provinces were included in the performance appraisal

  "Legal Daily" reporters found that since the release of Article 34, all ministries and commissions of the State Council have established a fair competition review mechanism; 31 provinces have issued implementation plans to carry out the review work in an orderly manner. It is particularly noteworthy that 19 of these 31 provinces have proposed to establish and improve the government affairs and administrative commitment assessment system and improve the accountability mechanism for fair competition review.

  Six provinces – Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Jiangxi, Hebei and Qinghai – called for stronger accountability and the establishment of a system of assessment, supervision and accountability for fair competition review work. Taking Jiangxi Province as an example, the Provincial Fair Competition Review Joint Conference Office and relevant industry authorities should strengthen the assessment and supervision of fair competition review work, and local governments and departments that fail to conduct fair competition review or violate fair competition review standards and introduce policies and measures, as well as fail to correct relevant policies and measures in a timely manner, must be seriously accountable.

  In addition, more than 10 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) including Shanghai, Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Shandong have proposed to improve the evaluation mechanism and encourage the government to purchase services and entrust third parties to carry out evaluations. Evaluation reports should be open to the public for comments, and evaluation results should be open to the public.

  The rules ensure that the review is left behind

  At the end of October 2017, the "Detailed Rules" jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council were officially issued. Non-review and non-serious review in the practice of fair competition review are the primary issues to be solved by the "Detailed Rules".

  To this end, the "Detailed Rules" mainly strengthen the procedural constraints on the fair competition review work in the following aspects: clarify the internal review mechanism, require the formation of written review conclusions, refine the rules and procedures for soliciting opinions, and establish a regular reporting system. More notably, the "Detailed Rules" further clarify the issue of supervision and reporting and accountability, and stipulate that any unit or individual can report to the policy-making authority or report to the superior authority or the anti-monopoly law enforcement agency if the review is not conducted or the review standards are violated.

  Professor Shi Jianzhong, a member of the Expert Advisory Group of the Anti-Monopoly Committee of the State Council and Vice President of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that it is far from enough to establish fair competition censorship, and the cage of the system must be further tightened and tightened. The Detailed Rules explain and refine the relevant provisions of fair competition censorship from the aspects of review mechanisms and procedures, review standards, exception provisions, social supervision, and accountability, ensuring that fair competition review becomes a necessary procedure before the introduction of policies and measures, ensuring that review leaves traces, avoiding self-censorship as a formality, and preventing perfunctory.

  Investigate and punish restrictions on competition

  In July 2017, the National Development and Reform Commission disclosed that the National Development and Reform Commission and the Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission investigated and found that the Chengdu State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission organized a special coordination meeting and issued meeting notes, requiring municipal state-owned enterprises and their wholly-owned and controlling subsidiaries (sub) companies to give priority to insurance services provided by local state-owned enterprises under the same conditions of price and service. Chengdu State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission took the initiative to issue a document to abolish the above meeting notes.

  Rather than establishing rules and regulations, the public is more concerned about practical actions. As fair competition censorship has gradually and solidly advanced across the country, in 2017, many local governments began to strictly review their respective policy documents in accordance with the spirit of Circular 34. During the year, many acts of restricting competition or abusing administrative power to interfere with market competition order have been corrected or are being corrected.

  According to a person from the Price Supervision Bureau of the National Development and Reform Commission, there are currently more than 40 cases of abuse of administrative power to exclude and restrict competition that have been completed or are being handled in various places, and will be disclosed one after another in the near future.

  On December 5, 2017, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the "2017-2018 Work Plan for Cleaning Up Existing Policies to Exclude and Restrict Competition".

  According to the plan, by May 2018, all departments of the State Council and local people’s governments at all levels and their subordinate departments will form a conclusion on the policies and measures to eliminate and restrict competition, and repeal or adjust them according to the procedures. Before July 2018, local people’s governments at all levels and their subordinate departments will conduct a comprehensive summary of the clean-up work, form a written report, and report it level by level. Before November 2018, the inter-ministerial joint conference on fair competition review will organize inspections of the clean-up work of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and departments, and correct those that are not in place.

  Supervision network ride-hailing local policy

  In 2017, the biggest challenge to fair competition censorship was the introduction of local policies on ride-hailing. Many people use local policies on ride-hailing as "test strips" to test whether fair competition reviews are real.

  New regulations on ride-hailing in many places have set up obstacles to the relevant conditions of "people and cars", and "deliberately" shrinking the policy space given to the online car-hailing industry by the Ministry of Transport. In response, Beijing Tianyuan Law Firm recently reported to the relevant anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies that "the detailed rules of online car-hailing in some cities are suspected of violating fair competition censorship and are suspected of abusing administrative power to exclude and restrict competition." At present, the National Development and Reform Commission has started to investigate the situation of local online car-hailing fair competition reviews.

  Under the supervision of the National Development and Reform Commission, in September 2017, Quanzhou, Fujian and Lanzhou, Gansu Province successively revised the previously formulated detailed rules for the implementation of online car-hailing. The adjustment direction includes weakening the personal and household registration restrictions on online car-hailing drivers, lowering the price and technical conditions requirements for online car-hailing vehicles, canceling access restrictions on online car-hailing vehicles and drivers, and canceling other unreasonable restrictions that violate the requirements of the market economy.

  According to a relevant person from the Price Supervision Bureau of the National Development and Reform Commission, many local governments are not copying or forwarding documents in implementing the spirit of Document No. 34, but actually conducting censorship, which is why there are more than 40 cases mentioned above. This is also closely related to the efforts of the development and reform departments to initiate and organize local administrative departments to train and study Document No. 34 and the Detailed Rules. At present, some local governments, especially at the grass-roots municipal and county levels, need to speed up the implementation of fair competition censorship, establish relevant working mechanisms as soon as possible, and really move. In addition, local governments need to come up with practical solutions in specific work implementation, such as the problem of "stock clearance".

Tencent Company Profile

  Founded in November 1998, Tencent is currently one of the largest Internet integrated service providers in China and one of the Internet companies with the largest number of service users in China. Since its establishment more than ten years ago, Tencent has been adhering to the business philosophy of "everything based on user value" and has always been in a state of steady development. On June 16, 2004, Tencent was publicly listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code 700).


  Enhancing the quality of human life through internet services is Tencent’s mission. Currently, Tencent regards providing users with "one-stop online life services" as its strategic goal, providing Internet value-added services, mobile and telecommunications value-added services and online advertising services. Through China’s leading online platforms such as instant messaging QQ, Tencent Network (QQ.com), Tencent Games, QQ Space, Wireless Portal, Soso, Paipai, and Tenpay, Tencent has built the largest online community in China to meet the needs of Internet users in communication, information, entertainment, and e-commerce. As of September 30, 2011, the number of active accounts on QQ instant messaging reached 711.70 million, and the highest number of simultaneous online accounts reached 145.40 million. The development of Tencent has profoundly affected and changed the communication methods and living habits of hundreds of millions of Internet users, and opened up broader application prospects for China’s Internet industry.


  Facing the future, insisting on independent innovation and establishing a national brand is Tencent’s long-term development plan. At present, more than 50% of Tencent’s employees are R & D personnel. Tencent has a considerable number of patent applications in instant communication, e-commerce, online payment, search engine, information security and games. In 2007, Tencent invested over 100 million yuan to establish the first research institute of China’s Internet in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, to conduct independent research and development of core basic technologies of the Internet, and is gradually embarking on the road of independent innovation of national industry development.


  To become the most respected Internet company is Tencent’s long-term goal. Tencent has been actively participating in public welfare undertakings, striving to assume corporate social responsibility, and promoting Internet civilization. In 2006, Tencent established the first charity foundation in China’s Internet, the Tencent Charity Foundation, and established Tencent Charity Network (gongyi.qq.com), focusing on assisting youth education, development in poverty-stricken areas, caring for disadvantaged groups, and disaster relief and poverty alleviation work. At present, Tencent has carried out a number of public welfare projects across the country, actively practicing corporate citizenship and contributing to the construction of a "harmonious society".


  The most respected internet company.


  Improve the quality of human life through internet services.


  Integrity, enterprising, cooperation, innovation.

Business philosophy:

  Everything is based on user value.

Management philosophy:

  Caring about employee growth.

Corporate Strategy

  Tencent takes "providing users with one-stop online life services" as its strategic goal, and has completed its business layout based on this. It has built four major online platforms: QQ, Tencent, QQ Games and Paipai, forming the largest online community in China.

Smart driving upgrade does not need to press "picture" Suoji, Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy upgrade is listed

On January 8, the official announcement of the Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy upgrade was listed. The car has mainly undergone four upgrades: smart driving upgrade, equipped with no map NCA function that does not rely on high-precision maps; comfort upgrade, four somatosensory optimization; chassis upgrade, new Huawei iTRACK function; rights upgrade, the highest "intelligent" rights and interests can be enjoyed for life. And the whole system does not increase the price, maintaining the 90-degree rear drive version 300,000 yuan, 116-degree rear drive version 335,000 yuan, 90-degree luxury version 350,000 yuan, 116-degree luxury version 390,000 yuan The price remains unchanged.

With the launch of the car, Avita has entered the era of "de-precision mapping" smart driving, effectively making up for the shortcomings of the high-precision map smart driving solution, not only solving the pain points of "follow the picture", but also unlocking more high-frequency smart driving scenarios. It is reported that its urban NCA smart driving function will unlock more than 300 cities at one time, bringing users a travel experience that "can be driven all over the country and is easy to drive all over the country".

Thanks to the industry’s top-class vehicle sensing and computing capabilities brought by the 3-laser radar that is fully equipped at the beginning, Avita 11’s smart driving NCA function that does not rely on high-precision maps can be quickly implemented. Avita 11’s smart driving system integrates road topology inference network (RCR) + the industry’s first GOD network to build road information in real time, keenly identify various obstacles, and improve driving safety for people and smart driving.

Avita 11’s intelligent driving system can make rapid and reasonable vehicle motion planning and path planning, and the driving style is more "human-like". In response to scenarios such as subway repair, tidal lanes, and temporary road changes caused by traffic control, the intelligent driving system can make up for the difference in the iteration cycle of high-precision maps, and truly can be opened without pictures, and complex road conditions will not be degraded. In response to daily commuting and self-driving inter-provincial travel scenarios, the intelligent driving system can independently choose roads with higher traffic efficiency.

Combined with user feedback, the car has also been optimized for the four body senses of the seat, such as legs, waist, back, and sitting posture, so that users can have a comfortable experience no matter which seat they take. At the same time, the chassis upgrade of the car is equipped with Huawei iTRACK architecture, which can realize ultra-fine road condition perception 10,000 times per second, and torque real-time adjustment of 1,000 times per second to achieve the best power output mode under different road conditions and create the best driving experience.

Huawei iTRACK function "makes the road smooth". For the most common speed bump scenarios in daily life, Huawei iTRACK accurately recognizes wheel speed fluctuations, and adjusts and controls torque within milliseconds to achieve rapid convergence. After actual measurement, wheel speed fluctuations can be reduced by 50%, and aftershock time can be reduced by 40%, thus effectively improving the comfort and safety of the whole vehicle and bringing users a better driving experience. 

Benefit upgrade is convenient. From now until February 29, 2024, car buyers can choose one of the following benefits: Benefit 1, users who buy cars after January 8 will be given a high-end smart driving bag worth 26,000 yuan; Benefit 2, car buyers can enjoy a discount of 5,000 deposit to 25,000 yuan during the event. In addition, Avita also launched more car benefits for a limited time, including: the first owner’s lifetime Sandian quality assurance; 6,000 yuan replacement subsidy; gift intelligent fragrance system; down payment of 42,000 yuan, full-term ultra-low interest financial incentives, etc.

Upstream News, Wu Jian

Editor: Wang Xinyu, Editor in charge: Zheng Wei, Review: Zhao Lei

Running a red light, going retrograde… Why do takeaway riders repeatedly perform life and death speed?

  investigation motive

  Recently, #BeijingA takeaway rider illegally overtook a car and caused death #Rush on the hot search. Beijing traffic control authorities revealed that a takeaway driver was driving past a car on a section of Xicheng District when he hit a pedestrian crossing the road. After being sent to the hospital, the pedestrian died after being rescued. At the time of the incident, the takeaway driver was speeding and did not drive on the right, which was a number of faults.

  In this regard, many netizens left messages saying that in life, traffic violations such as red lights, retrograde, and speeding by takeaway riders have become commonplace, seriously affecting traffic order and requiring urgent rectification. Public reports show that traffic accidents and even deaths caused by takeaway riders due to traffic violations are also common.

  The reporter conducted an investigation and interview on why the delivery riders "risked their lives" on the road and how to solve this chaos.

  □ Wen Lijuan, reporter of Rule of Law Daily

  □ Zheng Ting, Intern of Rule of Law Daily

  "Riders often perform life-and-death speed when delivering takeout, and we can’t stop it at all," said Wang Li, a traffic counselor at an intersection in Chaoyang District, Beijing. Every day during the midday and evening rush hours, Wang Li sees many takeout riders "flash by" in front of her eyes, whether it is a red light or a green light; she has also seen many takeout riders have traffic accidents as a result.

  Guo Kun, a rider, is one of the "speeding experts". He confessed to the Legal Daily reporter that he had run red lights twice and retrograde three times during a delivery process, and the whole speed exceeded 50km/h many times. "Of course I know it’s not safe, but if you don’t do it, you won’t be able to deliver it on time. If the delivery is overtime, you will be deducted more money than you should earn," he said. "As a rider, who didn’t run a red light and who didn’t exceed the speed?"

  With the development of the Internet ordering industry, takeaway food delivery has become more and more convenient for people’s lives, but at the same time, the pursuit of speed has led riders to ignore traffic laws and regulations, and the accident rate has been high. Reporters recently visited multiple intersections in Beijing and found that traffic violations such as red lights, reverse driving, and speeding were prominent, and some riders still had distracted driving behaviors such as looking at their mobile phones and answering phones during driving.

  Rider intersection ignores red light

  Retrograde speeding is extremely common

  At 6 p.m. on July 17, the peak time for takeaway riders to deliver food. At a crossroads connecting shopping malls and many office and residential buildings in Chaoyang District, Beijing, reporters observed that more than 70 riders passed through the intersection within 30 minutes, including 35 who went retrograde, diagonally crossed the road, and ran red lights.

  There are many restaurants around the intersection, and dozens of takeaway electric vehicles fill the sidewalk, so pedestrians can only walk along the side of the road. After the riders pick up the order, they ride the electric vehicles directly along the sidewalk and drive into the road.

  A few riders looked to the left and saw that the car was still some distance away from them, so they drove onto the sidewalk and rushed to the opposite side of the road, completely ignoring the warning of the red light; when they reached the middle of the road, because there were many vehicles on the right and the speed was fast, the riders stopped, some took out their mobile phones and looked down to check the information, some waited on the head of the electric car, and some kept observing the road conditions. Once there was a "gap", they immediately increased their horsepower and "sprinted" over.

  Guo Kun often delivers takeout in this area, with a delivery radius of up to 5 kilometers, and the delivery time of an order varies from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. He told reporters that during the peak delivery period, a rider may have six or seven orders on hand at the same time, and the delivery time is almost overlapping. To avoid timeout, the delivery time of each order can only be compressed as much as possible. The system will provide route navigation for each order, but the delivery time is calculated based on the shortest route, and some of the shortest routes even include retrograde sections. If it is not retrograde and speeding, it is impossible to deliver every order on time.

  Once the delivery is timed out, the price is high: a certain percentage of the delivery fee is deducted, sometimes as much as 70%, depending on the timeout. "Everyone earns hard money and has to be fast," Guo Kun said.

  Zhang Yi, who works as a security guard in Beijing, will work as a part-time rider during the holidays. "I definitely want to send a few more orders and make more money." He said that the maximum speed of the national standard electric car is only 25 yards. Normally, you can only take 2 to 3 orders at most. If you want to send a few more orders and speed up, you have to take risks to modify the electric car. In order not to time out, you must always keep an eye on the time during the delivery process. Running red lights and going retrograde are inevitable.

  Especially on rainy days when it is easiest to "order surge", riders often have to appease anxious customers while rushing. Once, on a rainy day, it took the customer about an hour to place an order before Zhang Yi received the order. After receiving the order, the customer immediately called him and asked why the order had not been delivered for an hour. In fact, the delivery time of riders is calculated from the beginning of receiving the order.

  "The road is not easy to walk on rainy days. If the speed of the car exceeds 20 yards, the brakes will easily slip and fall. In addition, the rain will affect the line of sight, so the delivery time will be longer than on sunny days." Zhang Yi said.

  Luo Yu, a part-time rider from Guangzhou, Guangdong, faces the same dilemma. He only runs three or four hours a day, concentrating on lunch and dinner, and completes an average of more than a dozen orders a day. He has a system to send orders, and he also grabs orders himself. Although there is a risk of timeout in taking more orders, Luo Yu still hopes to be able to take more orders, because taking more orders means making money. And when he has more orders, running red lights and going retrograde have become commonplace for him.

  The number of traffic accidents is on the rise

  The rights and interests of both parties are difficult to protect

  Riders speeding, going the wrong way, and running red lights have led to an increasing number of traffic accidents.

  According to the staff of the traffic accident handling center in Changsha, Hunan Province, a large part of the traffic accidents involve delivery riders. Most of the cases involve running red lights and driving in the opposite direction, especially the phenomenon of looking at mobile phones while riding. In recent years, the traffic accident rate of delivery riders has been on the rise.

  Wang Li has seen many riders have accidents due to rampage while on duty, "especially the cross road *** has a high accident rate".

  On the evening of August 1, it was raining in the sky. The reporter witnessed a traffic accident in a community in Chaoyang District, Beijing: a takeaway rider wearing a raincoat and a rain hat half-covered his eyes was riding while answering the phone, completely oblivious to the passers-by walking in front. After he reacted, he made a quick turn, and the electric car slipped directly, causing the takeaway in the incubator to fall to the ground.

  For riders, compensation is often difficult to achieve in the event of an accident.

  Liu Lin, a rider in Beijing, was hit by a car while delivering food and left a 5cm scar on the outside of his arm. "The driver had insurance, and the insurance company asked me to provide proof of income to calculate the missed work fee. My monthly income at that time was about 10,000 yuan, but when I asked the platform for proof of income, the platform said it had nothing to do with them. In the end, the insurance company paid according to the minimum wage standard."

  The rights and interests cannot be guaranteed, and there are passers-by who were injured by takeaway riders.

  Beijing photographer Wang Pingping was injured by a takeaway rider on the way to work. After the accident, the traffic police determined that the rider was fully responsible for the accident, but the rider could not afford it personally, so they went to the platform company, but the other party brushed off the responsibility. "In order to avoid injury, I can only try to stay away from the’speeding ‘takeaway rider in the future."

  A variety of factors contribute to the chaos

  The platform algorithm needs to be improved

  The reason for "working hard" and seeking fast, many interviewed riders mentioned that on the one hand, they are in order to take more orders and make more money, and on the other hand, they are in order to evaluate the performance of the platform and avoid being punished for overtime.

  The reporter learned that most takeaway platforms currently implement piece-rate wages. Riders’ income mainly comes from the commission of "running orders", and the more orders they receive, the more they earn. In addition, the status level of a rider depends on the rider’s "bee value", which is calculated through multiple dimensions such as attendance, order volume, response rate, and praise rate. The higher the "bee value", the more orders will be dispatched. Riders desperately run orders to protect data and compete for "bee value" because it is closely related to income.

  Wu Jie is the webmaster of Shandong Tai’an site of a takeaway platform outsourcing distribution company. He told reporters that takeaway platforms are usually only responsible for merchant settlement and merchant order generation, and distribution services are outsourced to various distribution companies, and then local sites under each distribution company provide delivery services.

  "The reward and punishment systems of different distribution companies are basically similar, but the calculation rules are different. For example, the average unit price in Shandong is 4 yuan, and the reward and punishment system is relatively loose on this basis. The average unit price in Beijing is 6 yuan to 8 yuan, and the reward and punishment system is more strict. The most important thing in the performance appraisal of riders is the punctuality rate, satisfaction rate, violation rate and attendance rate," Wu Jie said.

  Regarding rider rewards, Wu Jie introduced that full-time riders mainly include full attendance award, single king award (the top three orders on this site in the month), total order salary, order ladder award, bad weather subsidy, distance subsidy, weight subsidy, night subsidy, etc.; part-time riders mainly have order fees, various platform activity rewards such as "hand-holding" and "rushing single award", etc. Other subsidies mainly depend on the willingness of merchants. If an order is not received by a rider for a long time, the merchant will increase the unit price.

  The reporter learned from Wu Jie that for full-time riders, the delivery fee is fixed at 4 yuan per order. If it exceeds the delivery range by 1 kilometer, the subsidy is 1 yuan, and if it exceeds the delivery range by 2 kilometers, the subsidy is 1.5 yuan. If it is seriously overtime (referring to exceeding the delivery time of the order by more than 30 minutes), a fine of 5 yuan per order will be imposed. For part-time riders, 20% of the delivery fee will be deducted for 3 minutes overtime, and 50% will be deducted for more than 3 minutes overtime.

  "Regarding complaints and bad reviews, if a full-time rider encounters such a situation, they can either negotiate with the customer or only accept a fine," Wu Jie said. "The part-time rider will deduct personal credit points according to the situation. When the credit points are insufficient, it is forbidden to take orders. Online training and answering questions are required to restore the authority to take orders. In more serious cases, the number will be permanently banned."

  Some riders also pointed out that the platform’s journey algorithm has many unreasonable aspects. For example, the delivery time is calculated based on the distance, and it will not be judged based on the speed of the merchant’s meal, the small size of the meal, and whether there are special circumstances on the road.

  Zhang Yi was most afraid of delivering takeout to a community under renovation or a high-end community. Such orders were most likely to be timed out, and vehicles could not enter and could only be delivered on foot. After entering the community, he found that there was no building number or unit number, so he could only keep asking and calling customers. Once, because he couldn’t find the address and couldn’t contact the customer for a while, it took him an extra 20 minutes to deliver the order. At this time, there was not much time left for the next order.

  Dong Lai, a traffic law practice expert and director of Beijing Kaiya Law Firm, has long been concerned about the rights and interests of takeaway riders. He summarizes the reasons for the frequent occurrence of riders’ traffic violations. In addition to the riders’ own poor awareness of traffic rules and lack of safety education, platform dispatch models and algorithms are important reasons.

  "Some platforms have unreasonable order delivery models and high deduction fees. The monthly income of takeaway riders basically depends on the delivery fee. If you get a delivery fee of about 5 yuan for an order, then if you send 30 orders a day, the rider can earn 150 yuan; but if it expires, the rider will usually be deducted a certain proportion of the delivery fee; if the customer refunds the order, the rider needs to bear the full loss." Dong Lachao said that in addition, some platforms have a single algorithm, and the estimated arrival time is too short, so the rider can only run hard.

  "In order to appease users, some platforms even display different arrival times for riders on the user’s mobile phone and those displayed on the rider’s mobile phone. The time on the user’s mobile phone is often 1 minute to 2 minutes earlier, which leads to riders having to run on the road in order not to get bad reviews." In addition, some merchants that provide takeaway food are slow to eat, and they have already clicked "food preparation is complete" before they have eaten, resulting in longer waiting times for riders and squeezed time on the road.

  Linkage supervision and governance chaos

  Certification is urgent

  In April this year, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Cyberspace Administration of China, and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Responsibilities of Online Catering Platforms and Effectively Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Takeaway Deliverymen", proposing that platforms should not use the "strictest algorithm" as an assessment requirement. They can reasonably determine the number of orders, punctuality rate, online rate and other assessment factors through "algorithm selection" and other methods, and appropriately relax the delivery time limit. Online catering platforms and third-party cooperative units shall participate in social insurance for takeaway deliverymen who have established labor relations in accordance with the law, and encourage other takeaway deliverymen

  The reporter observed a takeaway platform and found that its pilot changed the "estimated delivery time point" to "estimated delivery time period", and set "Junction Treasure" to guarantee the delivery time of the order. If the rider does not deliver within this time period, the platform will pay the corresponding amount according to the excess time. However, on the order receiving page of the rider, it still shows the number of minutes required to be delivered, which has a strict time limit. However, the rider can extend the delivery time by reporting the slow delivery of the merchant. The delivery time starts to be calculated after receiving the order.

  It is urgent to balance the contradiction between the "slowdown" and "income" of takeaway riders.

  A number of interviewed experts and industry insiders pointed out that the management of traffic violations and chaos among takeaway riders cannot be separated from linkage supervision, one is the supervision of the platform, and the other is the supervision of riders.

  Dong Lachao suggested that the platform adjust the assessment rules and optimize the algorithm. At present, many takeaway platforms have not established a complete set of mechanisms to incentivize takeaway riders to reduce traffic violations, such as rewarding takeaway riders who have not committed traffic violations; they can make full use of big data intelligent analysis to formulate standards to remove the time spent on traffic congestion from the rider’s assessment, and at the same time disregard unreasonable bad reviews.

  "In addition, the legal relationship between the platform and the rider also needs to be clarified urgently. At present, the management body between the rider and the platform company is not clear, and there are complex social management models, such as special delivery model, labor dispatch model, crowdsourcing model, individual model, agency model, etc., resulting in lax management. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the legislation to clarify the management body. When the rights and interests of riders or platform companies are damaged, they can get social relief with reasonable evidence and law." Dong Lachao said.

  In his opinion, it is urgent to set up a strict entry system for the takeaway rider industry, and it is recommended that riders be licensed to work. For example, determine a social management body to train riders, and after the training, they will be certified to work, and the riders will be assessed and evaluated every year. If traffic violations reach a certain number of times, they will not be able to pass the annual review the following year, and effective supervision will be formed through source management.

  Liu Wei, a partner at Beijing Shengchi Law Firm, also proposed that the platform should optimize algorithm design and other measures to achieve a balance between corporate economic efficiency, rider income, and safety.

  "How does the platform deal with customer dissatisfaction and complaints? Whether to simply punish the riders or solve them through other channels, we need to think more, try to meet customer requirements while avoiding excessive pressure on the riders, and prevent the situation that the riders are desperate to speed up the delivery of orders regardless of safety." Liu Wei said. He also suggested that the relevant departments can urge the platform to establish and improve the channels and procedures for reflecting the demands of takeaway riders through irregular inspections, such as simplifying the procedures and shortening the process. The relevant demands of takeaway riders should be handed over to the first responsible person, and timely feedback should be given. The feedback time should be controlled within 24 hours as much as possible to resolve conflicts in a timely manner.

  (The parties in the text are all pseudonyms)

Prepare New Year’s goods, Hunan people buy "new tricks"

  This year’s Spring Festival came earlier than in previous years. Just after New Year’s Day, everyone was busy buying New Year’s goods. On January 8, the reporter visited major shopping malls and supermarkets and found that the purchasing power of Hunan people’s New Year’s goods this year has not decreased, and there have been many new changes, buying "new tricks".

  While major shopping malls and supermarkets usher in the peak passenger flow before the Spring Festival, major online e-commerce companies have rushed to the New Year’s goods market. Hunan people who love to taste "fresh" not only pursue seasonal local specialties, but also put "foreign fresh" on the table; with the advent of the 5G era, smart products have also "broken" into people’s New Year’s shopping lists.

  1. Online and offline, the price is much more "beautiful" than usual.

  There is still half a month for the Spring Festival, and when I enter the supermarkets such as BBK, China Resources Vanguard, and Carrefour, I can already feel the Spring Festival atmosphere. Decorations such as "Happy Year of the Rat 2020" are beaming, and cookies, dried fruits, candies and other areas are full of hot-selling gift-giving products.

  The reporter saw in the BBK Changsha Dongtang store that there are a wide range of preferential activities such as buy 100 yuan and get 100 yuan cash coupons for snack food, and price-break discounts for milk cartons. Ms. Yang, a citizen who is shopping for chocolate gift boxes, said that there are many relatives visiting during the Spring Festival, and they take advantage of the strong discounts in supermarkets to stock up on some snacks.

  The supermarket salesperson of BBK Changsha Dongtang store told reporters that preserves, candies, milk and puffed food are still must-have items in the shopping cart of Hunan people’s New Year’s goods, but with the gradual rise of the health craze in the "post-80s" and "post-90s", nuts have become one of the popular New Year’s goods. Sugar-free, low-fat biscuits and cakes and other healthy snacks are increasingly sought after by young people.

  Offline supermarkets offer strong discounts, and online e-commerce is also in full swing. The "New Year’s Shopping Festival" that started one after another in January has become the first promotion of the new year for major e-commerce in 2020.

  Tmall’s "New Year’s Shopping Festival" this year set a small goal of "helping farmers across the country to underwrite at least 300 million catties of fruit"; JD.com uses "Spring Festival does not close" and "buy expensive and pay" as selling points to provide New Year’s goods while upgrading services; Sunny Retail Cloud, which sank into the county market, released data on January 4. During the "New Year’s Shopping Festival" event, the overall order volume increased by 113%.

  Li Ying, a girl from Chenzhou who works in Guangzhou, told reporters that this year her family was in Guangzhou for the Chinese New Year. To understand her homesickness, she ordered Xiangxi five-flower bacon from Songkwai Fong online. The store coupons and promotional allowances provided by e-commerce platforms made the price much more "beautiful" than usual.

  2. All local and specialty "foreign products" will be accepted according to the order.

  It was New Year’s Eve in the market. At this time, the ordinary people in Shili Baxiang would sell their own native products, and this year was no exception.

  On January 2, Zhangjiajie Yongding District Jiaoziya Town held the first Tujia New Year’s Shopping Festival. Xiang Zuopeng, a villager in Qijiaping Village, Jiaoziya Town, did not expect that the rice and rice he brought were so popular and sold for thousands of yuan. It is understood that Tujia New Year’s Shopping Festival attracted nearly 30,000 people from urban areas and surrounding townships to the market to purchase authentic New Year’s goods, and 925 on-site exhibition booths sold a total of more than 50,000 kilograms of agricultural and sideline products.

  Guiyang County also collected local and special products from various villages, and held the third New Year’s Shopping Festival on January 6. Fungus food, local chicken and duck, white water sour chili peppers, etc. merged into a "New Year’s goods street". As Mr. Chen, a citizen, bagged the New Year’s goods, he said: "Sour chili peppers are very famous, but it is difficult to buy them too far from the county seat. This time I specially bought a few more cans for relatives and friends to give them a taste."

  Local seasonal agricultural products continue to sell well, and novel New Year’s goods from all over the world have also begun to hit the shelves.

  Reporters in Hema Fresh Changsha Xiyingmen store saw that Thailand’s rich shrimp, Australian lobster, New Zealand blue abalone and other fresh seafood and Chilean cherries, afterfruit, Australian mango and other southern hemisphere fruits have been put into the shopping cart by consumers one after another.

  According to the "Fresh New Year’s Cargo Spring Festival Travel Map" released by Hema Fresh on January 8, there are currently hundreds of high-quality fresh New Year’s cargoes from more than 40 countries around the world, successfully grabbing tickets, air tickets and ferry tickets for the Chinese Spring Festival travel, and non-stop shipping the best local agricultural products to China.

  According to Hema Fresh data, many Hunan people have achieved "cherries freedom". Chilean cherries have seen a large increase in sales, with sales increasing by more than 500% compared with the same period last year. Consumption frequency has also increased. Hema Fresh staff said that imported fruits and seafood have changed from gifts for relatives to daily consumer goods in people’s family life, appearing on the New Year’s Eve dinner table of more and more families.

  3.5G era is approaching, keeping up with the new trend of smart consumption

  "Xiao Ai, play a song" Gong Xi Fa Cai "." At the Xiaomi Home Changsha Wangfujing store, as soon as the staff finished speaking, the smart speaker immediately began to play lively Spring Festival songs. The staff said that before the Spring Festival, many people added household items, and a full set of smart home products such as Xiaomi TVs, air conditioners, sockets, and switches were loved by many young people.

  According to data released by Tmall on January 8, during Tmall’s "New Year’s Shopping Festival", "post-00s" who officially entered the 20-year-old threshold became loyal fans of smart devices. Bluetooth headphones and smart speakers are new choices in the "post-00s" New Year’s list. Buying a Tmall Genie for parents to enjoy a high-tech smart life has also become a new way for "post-00s" to be filial to their parents.

  Suning big data shows that on January 1, the sales of smart drying racks on the Ning platform increased by 471% year-on-year, the sales of smart toilet covers increased by 159% year-on-year, and the sales of water purifiers increased by 129% year-on-year. 5G mobile phones have become the new favorite of shopping years ago. The sales of online and offline omni-channel mobile phones on Suning.com are hot, and the sales of 5G mobile phones have increased by 490% month-on-month.

  It is understood that this year, the sales of Tongcheng Electric smart products have also increased by more than 300% year-on-year.

  Technology has added new options to Chinese New Year gifts. Mr. Tang, a resident of Changsha, is preparing to buy a smart bracelet as a gift for his grandfather. "It’s Chinese New Year. Wear a smart bracelet for the elderly, so you can monitor your physical condition in real time and do your filial piety," he said.

  (Text by Huang Tingting)

On the self-cultivation of top students: BYD joins hands with Horizon to move towards high-level intellectual driving.

  Just after the Spring Festival holiday, BYD began to "strengthen" its friends. On February 19th, BYD launched the glory version of Qin PLUS and destroyer 05, and set the starting price of the two models at 79,800 yuan. A week later, BYD Han and Tang glory models also came on the market. Among them, BYD Han DM-i glory version started at 169,800 yuan, Han EV glory version started at 179,800 yuan, Tang DM-i glory version started at 179,800 yuan, and there were also 2024 Han DM-p God of War versions with a price of 259,800 yuan. Obviously, for the whole automobile market, this price reduction is not only an operation of "lifting the table", but also a blow to all friends in the price range of 100,000-150,000 yuan.

On the Self-cultivation of Top Students: BYD Joins Hands with Horizon to Drive for Higher Order _fororder_image001

  According to the sales data in the first two weeks of March, BYD achieved 38,600 vehicles and 49,100 vehicles respectively. At the same time, thanks to the continuous expansion of the glory family, BYD’s sales in the second week (March 4-March 10) finally returned to more than 40,000 vehicles, which not only surpassed Volkswagen in sales, but also increased by more than 27% from last week. Analysis of the reasons: First, the price war effect of the core product line is remarkable. Up to now, BYD has launched more than 10 glory versions of new cars, from Qin PLUS glory version, Han EV glory version to Seagull glory version, etc., and the main models of BYD Dynasty series and Ocean series have basically completed the annual change.

  Secondly, BYD used "all-category layout+energy revolution+cost control+intelligent upgrade" to fundamentally rob the user population of the joint venture brand. In the past, independent brands wanted to break through the blockade of joint venture brands on the mainstream household market, mostly relying on a single category to break through. The most common one was to make a "flat replacement" for CR-V or RAV4 models. However, with the continuous deepening of BYD’s "vehicle intelligence" strategy, the core advantages of its products no longer rely solely on price, but have achieved a comprehensive breakthrough in driving comfort, economy and intelligence, especially BYD, which has always been considered by the outside world as lacking intelligence. With the cooperation between the 2024 BYD Han EV Glory Edition and Horizon (equipped with Journey 5), BYD, a "top student", has opened the road of high-level intellectual driving.

  Therefore, if BYD’s strategy of "electricity is lower than oil" only makes the joint venture car companies "complain repeatedly", then it is even more painful for friends that this top student whose annual sales just broke 3 million will continue to make progress in 2024.

  There is no time to be quiet, and the intelligent track only has to be rolled up.

  On the 2024 BYD Dream Day held on January 16th this year, Wang Chuanfu announced a new strategy for the intelligent development of enterprise cars — — The whole vehicle is intelligent, and it shows the intelligent strength and future strategic layout to the outside world.

On the Self-cultivation of Top Students: BYD Joins Hands with Horizon to Drive for Higher Order _fororder_image002

  Taking the automatic driving section as an example, BYD divides the existing DiPilot intelligent driving platform into two systems and multiple gears, among which the L2-oriented auxiliary driving system is uniformly named DiPilot 10 and 30 platforms, while the L2+-oriented high-order intelligent driving system is uniformly named DiPilot 100, 300 and 600, and the newly launched BYD Han EV Glory Edition Eye of God intelligent driving model is built based on DiPilot 100 platform.

  According to official information, the glory version of Han EV with a price of 249,800 yuan is the first model of Yadi Dynasty equipped with the "Eye of the God" DiPilot 100 platform. Its hardware adopts a high-order intelligent driving special computing scheme from the horizon, with a computing power of 128TOPS. Based on the L2+ intelligent driving assistance function, it has upgraded the high-speed navigation NOA and AVP parking service functions of high-speed and urban expressways. It can also achieve driving tasks such as intersection traffic (straight, left turn, right turn, U-turn, etc.), traffic light traffic, overtaking, intelligent obstacle avoidance, merging, lane keeping, cruising driving, lane switching and pedestrian-non-motor vehicle courtesy in urban areas, and the intelligent driving strength has been improved obviously.

  Wang Chuanfu believes that vehicle intelligence can solve two major pain points: First, at present, the industry equates automobile intelligence with intelligent cabin driving, which leads to the narrowing of the concept; Second, most systems of smart cars are purchased and assembled by different suppliers, which leads to the failure of linkage and integration between systems and the inability to truly meet the diverse needs of users.

  Speaking of this, Journey 5 is also the first computing solution in the industry that integrates high-order automatic driving and intelligent interaction. It not only has a computing power of 100, but also has a computing performance of 1718FPS, a delay speed of 60 milliseconds, and a power consumption of 30 watts. From the book data evaluation, it has indeed achieved the characteristics of high computing power, high performance and low power consumption, and hand in hand with BYD Han EV Glory Edition with an annual sales volume of 220,000+. It will also promote NOA’s high-level intelligent driving function to continue to explore models below 250,000 yuan, especially in the face of the core demands of NOA’s "opening the city", "scale" and reducing costs and increasing efficiency in 2024, and the cooperation with Horizon will also help BYD to go more smoothly on the road of high-level intelligent driving.

  Horizon makes BYD’s road to high-level intellectual driving smoother.

On the Self-cultivation of Top Students: BYD Joins Hands with Horizon to Drive for Higher Order _fororder_image004

  Why choose the horizon? From a macro perspective, Horizon is currently the largest intelligent driving computing solution provider in China, and it is also the first intelligent driving computing solution provider in the industry that can support L2~L4 full-scene intelligent driving pre-installation mass production. According to the latest Market Share List of NOA Calculation Scheme for Passenger Cars Front-mounted in China Market in 2023 released by the Institute of Intelligent Automobile of Hi-Tech, Horizon has become the head player after NVIDIA, accounting for 35.49% of the market, and NOA models equipped with Horizon calculation scheme are in the lead at present.

  Obviously, from the perspective of industry status and mass production capacity, Horizon and BYD can be called "suitable".

  Secondly, judging from the bottleneck of NOA track development, the breakthrough of NOA high-level intelligent driving needs to go through three hurdles, namely, cost hurdle, scale hurdle and daily hurdle; At the same time, for car companies, the demand for smart driving products is developing differently. The essence of volume value and volume price comes from the bottleneck of efficiency. The key to solving the problem lies in the reconstruction of the computing base, and all of this is to reduce costs and increase efficiency. The computing scheme based on unified hardware architecture, tool chain and software stack will be the ultimate answer.

On the self-cultivation of top students: BYD joins hands with Horizon to move towards higher-level intelligent driving _fororder_image006

  The brand-new ecological model proposed by Horizon, which is soft and hard full-stack empowerment and cooperation between car companies, is in line with the intelligent demands of the current head car companies. First, Horizon is one of the few players in the industry who have the full-stack capability of software and hardware. In addition to launching Journey 5 and Journey 6 series for high-level intelligent driving, Horizon also has world-class algorithms and leading software technology stack, which realizes the rapid deployment of high-performance algorithms by combining the advantages of software and hardware of Horizon. Second, Horizon is committed to creating an "ARM+Android" model in the era of smart cars through various empowerment methods such as open software IP authorization and BPU IP authorization. Based on the technical scheme of "chip+tool chain+reference algorithm", it will build a software and hardware shelf for intelligent driving, which will help the development and landing of differentiated intelligent driving schemes between car companies and industrial chain partners.

  It can be found that Horizon can not only provide a smart driving calculation scheme covering low, middle and high levels, but also provide a flexible and affordable smart driving scheme, which is just in line with "vehicles that need to travel" like BYD Tang, Song and Seal, and from the user’s point of view, in the future, high-speed pilot-assisted driving functions should also be standard for mid-to high-end brands.

  Obviously, the urban NOA is much more complicated than the high-speed NOA, so it puts forward higher requirements for the ability of the intelligent driving system. At present, only a few car companies have this ability, and with the listing of BYD Han EV Glory Edition, it undoubtedly means that BYD’s "intelligent second half" has taken a step forward successfully, and the platform cooperation of the horizon will also help BYD speed up its intelligence. It is worth mentioning that BYD has officially announced that it will be the first batch of mass-produced intentional cooperative car companies of Horizon Journey 6 series. Based on the cooperation of Journey 6, the two parties will jointly open a new stage of the development of smart driving. (Text: Yang Xiaohong Figure: Horizon BYD)

Newton Group suspends capital injection! Hengda Auto’s heavy announcement: resumption of trading tomorrow

Every editor, Zhang Jinhe    

On the evening of October 8, 2023, Hengda Automobile announced the resumption of trading and disclosed the latest progress of the war investment.

Evergrande Motor said in the announcement that on September 29, 2023, it received a letter from Newton Group stating that in view of Evergrande Motor’s announcement of the suspension of trading of its shares on September 28, 2023, together with a series of recent changes in China Evergrande, which in turn will also bring significant uncertainty to the share purchase agreement and the proposed transaction. According to the share purchase agreement, the completion of Evergrande Group’s workout and a series of other prerequisites are very important prerequisites for closing. In this case,Newton Group suspends its obligations under the share purchase agreement. 

Newton Group said that according to the transitional financial support agreement, due to the current situation that the preconditions under the share purchase agreement cannot be met, the preconditions for Newton (Zhejiang) Automobile to pay the second and third funds to Hengda New Energy Vehicle (Tianjin) have not been met.It is not obligated to pay the second and third tranches of funds to Hengda New Energy Vehicle (Tianjin) for the time being. 

In addition, Newton Group also hopes that Hengda Automobile will reply to clarify the following aspects:

First, the Hengda Group workout plan involved in the share purchase agreement needs to be readjusted, and there are plans to launch a new restructuring plan;

Second, China Evergrande, Evergrande Automobile, creditors and related parties are willing to renegotiate the adjustments required for the proposed transaction plan on the premise that the new restructuring plan is clear.

Third, Newton Group confirms that the letter sent to Hengda Automobile does not constitute a notice to terminate the share purchase agreement, and there is no request to terminate the share purchase agreement as of the date of issuance.

Evergrande Automobile pointed out that on October 5, 2023, it sent a reply to Newton Group.Expresses its willingness to renegotiate with it any necessary adjustments to its plans for the proposed transaction.Evergrande also said it would make further announcements in due course in accordance with the Listing Rules and Takeover Rules. 

The board of directors of Evergrande Automobile believes that,It currently has no other insider information that needs to be released.It has applied to the Stock Exchange to resume trading from 9:00 am on October 9, 2023. At the same time, Evergrande also cautioned that as the proposed transaction may not proceed, shareholders and potential investors should exercise caution during the transaction.

On the evening of August 14, Hengda Automobile (0708.HK) issued an announcement,The first strategic investment of US $500 million (about RMB 3.63 billion) by the US-listed company Newton Group (NWTN), which is held by the UAE sovereign fund, and 600 million RMB transition funds will arrive one after another 5 working days after the announcement

All investment funds are used in Hengda Automobile’s Tianjin factory to ensure the normal production of Hengchi 5 and the successive mass production of Hengchi 6 and 7It is reported thatNWTN Group will also assist Hengda Automobile to develop overseas markets and achieve the annual export of 30,000 – 50,000 Hengchi vehicles to the Middle East market

Before the suspension, Hengda Automobile’s share price was HK $0.56, and its market value was HK $6.073 billion.

On the evening of September 21, Hengda Automobile released the 2023 semi-annual report, showing that as of June 30, 2023, the company’s total assets 42.852 billion yuan (RMB, the same below),Total liabilities 75.692 billion yuan.

As of June 30, 2023, Hengda Motor borrowed 26.997 billion yuan, up 1.011 billion yuan from 25.985 billion yuan at the end of 2022.

As of June 30, 2023, Hengda Automobile was involved inFailure to pay off maturing debts accumulated about 9.341 billion yuan, the overdue commercial ticket accumulated about 3.591 billion yuan.

In the first half of 2023, Hengda will focus on the production and delivery of Hengchi 5, with more than 760 vehicles delivered.

On the evening of July 26, 2023, Hengda Automobile (00708.HK) released its 2021 and 2022 results announcement. For the year ended December 31, 2022,The Group incurred a loss of 27.664 billion yuan (2021: loss 56.344 billion yuan)As of December 31, 2022, the Group’s cumulative loss and shareholder loss were 98.906 billion yuan (2021: loss 71.241 billion yuan) and 68.651 billion yuan (2021: loss 39.339 billion yuan) respectively.Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 2022 at $220 million (2021: $2.453 billion)

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Image source: Hengda Automobile Announcement

In terms of debt,Evergrande Automobile’s total liabilities in 2022 are 183.872 billion yuan, excluding the advance receipt 3.314 billion yuan, the debt scale is 180.558 billion yuan. As of December 31, 2022,The Group is involved in unliquidated maturing debts of approximately 11.626 billion yuanIn addition, as of December 31, 202,Group overdue tickets accumulated about 18.512 billion yuanAs of December 31, 2022, Hengda AutomobileThe total assets are 115.22 billion yuan, which is already insolvent

According to Life Daily, Newton Group (NWTN) is the "pacesetter" of new energy vehicles in the United Arab Emirates, with deep ties to China. Newton Group was formerly known as the Tianjin-based company Iconic. After "Nirvana",Newton Group received funding from the UAE Royal Fund and was established in Dubai in 2016To be born again.Newton Group is now controlled by the Royal Group of the United Arab EmiratesIt has unique advantages in core technologies such as modular pure electric platforms, digital vehicle interconnection systems, electrical and electronic architecture, and autonomous driving. Supercar, full-size SPV, and compact SPV are the main products being developed by Newton Group.

As the first manufacturer to obtain a new energy vehicle production license in Abu Dhabi, the strength of Newton Group should not be underestimated. In May 2022, Newton Group announced that it signed a PIPE subscription agreement with Al Ataa Investment LLC (hereinafter referred to as LLC) in Abu Dhabi, UAE, with a total amount of 200 million US dollars. LLC is the UAE Royal Assets Company, which is not only an important part of the UAE economy, but also represents the national intention of the UAE’s special political system. This subscription shows the strong support of the UAE for new energy vehicles, and also shows the country’s determination to develop local new energy vehicles.

With the strong support of the UAE government,Newton Group successfully "landed" on Nasdaq in the United States on November 14, 2022, becoming the first stock in the United Arab Emirates’ new energy vehicle listing in the United States

Before putting on the coat of "the first share of new energy vehicles in the United Arab Emirates", Newton Group was active in domestic and foreign markets as the "Iconic" brand.

According to Iconic’s official Weibo chat history, in September 2016, Tianjin Iconic New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. was established. In April of the following year, the company brought its first pure electric MPV to the Shanghai Auto Show and claimed that it had won nearly 10,000 pre-orders at home and abroad before it was listed. The first batch of new cars will be delivered in 2019.

Image source: Weibo screenshot

Similar to the "hot-selling" news of the product, there are also its big-name partners that have been officially announced, such as product design by W Motors, a Middle Eastern supercar manufacturer, prototype car building by Turin studio, and working with Microsoft to create future smart travel solutions.

However, as the time came to 2019, Iconic did not release more news on the delivery of orders. But at the same time, the company is still revealing new "highlights". According to a report by China News Service in April 2019, during the 2019 Shanghai Auto Show, Iconic founder and president Wu Nan announced that Iconic established Tianjin Tianqi New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd.

In July of the same year, Tianjin Aikonik New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. was renamed Tianjin Tianqi Group Co., Ltd. At that time, many media reported that Aikonik and Tianjin Jinghai District Government, Tianjin Baili Machinery Equipment Group Co., Ltd. and Tianjin Jinghong Investment Development Group Co., Ltd. reached an agreement on the transfer of equity of Meiya Automobile, and thus obtained the car manufacturing qualification.

Inside the registered place of Tianjin Tianqi Group, picture source: Photo by Li Xing, every reporter

According to the news released by Tianjin Jinghai District Rongmedia Center in 2019, the Tianqi New Energy Vehicle Headquarters project will be settled in Jinghai District Ziya Economic and Technological Development Zone. The project is divided into two phases as a whole. The first phase starts the new energy vehicle production base project, and the planned annual production capacity is 50,000 new energy MPVs. It is expected to start construction in October 2019 and be completed and put into operation in October the following year.

However, there is no public information on the progress of the project.

Previously, a reporter from the "Daily Economic News" called the investment project department of the Jinghai District Government Service Office to inquire about the follow-up progress of the aforementioned project. After the other party’s inquiry, the project was not established in the system. "[The project unit at that time] may have an agreement with the district government, but it may only be a framework agreement, or a strategic agreement. In the end, the project unit may not be cost-effective (think) it is not suitable, or the supporting site selection may feel that there is a problem, and it will not be connected. Then the project will be completed in the end."

The daily economic news is comprehensive from Hengda’s announcement and the daily economic news (reporters: Zhu Chengxiang, Li Xing, Yang Yu)

Disclaimer:articleThe content is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

Meizu: I make products with ingenuity

  Recently, there have been frequent news about Meizu’s new mobile phone on the Internet, probably because the 15th anniversary of Meizu is getting closer and closer. The flagship phone that Huang Zhang personally promised to build for Meizu’s 15th anniversary is highly anticipated, so there are different opinions about this mysterious new product.

  What has attracted the most attention and discussion is the picture of the three openings on the back of the fuselage, which has been interpreted by many people as the design of Meizu’s new machine. There is also news that Meizu’s flyme 7.0 is far away, which has aroused a lot of kerosene emotion. However, these revelations have recently been confirmed to be rumors: the online spy photos have nothing to do with Meizu’s new machine, and flyme 7.0 is not as the revelation said, "It’s still early".

  In fact, Meizu has been able to attract so much attention because of its ingenuity in building products, which has won the recognition and love of the majority of users, and has therefore won more expectations.

  Recently, both Gionee and OPPO have released new products. Gionee has released eight new models, focusing on full-screen. Among them, the MediaTek Helio P30 processor equipped with the mid-to-high-end S11S of Gionee is priced at 3,299 yuan; while OPPO’s new A79 mobile phone is equipped with the MediaTek Helio P23 processor, priced at 2,399 yuan. In comparison, Meizu can be said to be quite kind in terms of price.

  Take Meizu’s recently released flagship model Pro 7 as an example. First of all, the production process is very sophisticated. It uses high-end skills to forge a luxurious texture, a new glossy wire drawing process, and an integrated metal body is forged. The brushed metallic luster is more noble. Even the small card slot is made of all-metal material to ensure the integrity of the fuselage. Whether it is visual or tactile, it creates top-notch craftsmanship. In the design field that Meizu has always been passionate about, the flagship model breaks through the industry design bottleneck and innovatively introduces a dual-screen design, breaking the limitations of the mobile phone industry in the field of screen design. It is deeply recognized and praised by the industry and consumers.

  There is also the Flyme system that must be mentioned when it comes to Meizu. As Meizu’s original system, it provides a strong internal support for the high quality of Meizu mobile phones. The smooth running experience, user-friendly interaction design, and changeable and fast function operation all inject an irreplaceable soul gene into the quality of Meizu mobile phones. The perfect combination of Flyme and dual-screen design brings users a new scene experience in both design appearance and user experience. It is truly a design and product for users, and it shows Meizu’s sincere original intention.

  From the design to the craftsmanship to the Flyme system, it can be seen that Meizu has a serious attitude and craftsman mentality when it comes to the opposite product. And such quality, among similar products, the price is actually more sincere. Generally, products of the level of Meizu Pro 7 have long been priced beyond the actual value of the product. And Pro 7 is based on the principle of one heart to the user, and the price starts at 2499. Properly pricing a high-end model as a "cost-effective" model shows Meizu’s sincerity.

  All along, in the face of the turbulent world, Meizu has not been affected, does not follow the trend, does not deliberately imitate, but adheres to its own philosophy, forges its inner spirit into the product, and speaks with strength. It is precisely because of this seriousness that it is able to make a high-quality product like Pro 7, which is widely recognized and loved by consumers.

  Meizu mobile phones have always been in the spirit of ingenuity, developing products that are truly tailor-made for consumers. It is precisely because of this that when other brands are taking advantage of the time to release new products at the end of the year, Meizu has always been calm and does not act rashly. We have reason to believe that Meizu is brewing a big move for the upcoming 15th anniversary. And from the habit of Meizu always liking innovation and creating high-end quality products, the new machine will definitely bring satisfactory surprises, and also let us give a little more time to our attentive products and look forward to Meizu’s new works together.

Lynk & Co 02 Hatchback new model will be available today, lowering the price threshold

BITECH On March 24th, the 02 Hatchback Plus/Pro model will be launched today. The two new models are equipped with a Drive-E 2.0TD T4 turbocharged engine and are matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission. Their launch will not only enrich their product line, but also lower the price threshold and provide more choices to consumers. On June 1st last year, the 02 Hatchback Halo model was announced, with a price range of 17.68-18 1,800 yuan.

It is reported that the 02 Hatchback Plus/Pro will be basically the same as the Halo in terms of styling, and offer gray, black and white paint options. The Plus roof is the same color as the body, and the Pro is designed with a roof-to-body color. In addition, both new cars are equipped with 19-inch Goodyear Eagle F1 sports tires, and the interior is unified in a black minimalist style.

In terms of configuration, the 02 Hatchback Plus/Pro is equipped with 17 ADAS safety driver assistance systems and direct intelligent tire pressure monitoring functions. The configuration on the Halo model has been optimized and upgraded on the Plus/Pro model.

Including OTA online self-service upgrade, mobile app vehicle assistant, car-home interconnection, one-click custom button of steering wheel and car Wi-Fi connection function at any time. The car system is upgraded to E03 chip, the operation response is faster and the experience is smoother.

In the power part, the 02 Hatchback Plus/Pro is equipped with a Drive-E 2.0TD T4 turbocharged engine with a maximum output power of 190kW and a peak torque of 300N · m. In the transmission part, it is matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission. The official comprehensive fuel consumption of 100 kilometers is 6.4L.

In the test list of Easy Car, the 02 Hatchback Halo model equipped with Drive-E 2.0TD T5 turbocharged engine, matched with 8-speed automatic transmission, has a 100-kilometer acceleration time of 7.43s and a braking distance of 36.87m. Four data, including 100-kilometer fuel consumption and Elk test, all ranked second in the same class, after the eighth-generation Golf, showing good competitiveness. On the Plus/Pro model, the new car will be equipped with Drive-E 2.0TD T4 turbocharged engine, matched with 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission. How each test project performs, please pay attention to the detailed test experience brought by the follow-up test of Easy Car.