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Just now, Evergrande responded!

  In response to the short-selling agency’s report that Evergrande had never made a profit, China Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on the morning of December 4 that the report had no actual basis.

  On the morning of December 4, China Evergrande Hong Kong shares fell by more than 4%. As of 9:56, China Evergrande Hong Kong shares rose by more than 5%.

  Evergrande will further clarify

  On the morning of December 4, China Evergrande issued a clarification notice on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, stating that the company noticed that an institution published a report on December 1, 2023 that the company had never made a profit. The report has no actual basis, and the company will further clarify the content of the report later.

  On December 1, GMT Research, a short-selling agency, published a report that pointed out that the delayed release of China Evergrande’s 2021 annual report clearly reflects the company’s obvious exaggeration of revenue and profitability, and it is likely to continue to exaggerate for many years. Evergrande may have basic problems or even never made a profit.

  Operating loss in the first half 17.38 billion yuan

  On August 27, China Evergrande released its semi-annual report for 2023. During the period, revenue was 128.20 billion yuan, an increase of 44% year-on-year; gross profit was 9.80 billion yuan, an increase of 38% year-on-year. During the period, the operating loss was 17.38 billion yuan, the non-operating loss (including litigation, land recovery, equity disposal and other losses such as asset appraisal impairment) was 15.03 billion yuan, and the income tax expenditure was 6.84 billion yuan. The total net loss was 39.25 billion yuan. In addition, Evergrande’s cumulative sales so far this year are about 40.50 billion yuan, an increase of 123% year-on-year. As of June 30, Evergrande’s land reserves reached 190 million square meters, and there were 78 old renovation projects (34 in Shenzhen).

  A few days ago, China Evergrande disclosed the update announcement of Evergrande Real Estate involving major litigation and failure to pay off due debts. The announcement shows that as of the end of October 2023, Evergrande Real Estate had a total of 2002 pending proceedings with an amount of more than 30 million yuan, and the total amount of the underlying amount was about 470.755 billion yuan. As of the end of October 2023, Evergrande Real Estate had completed a total of 75 real estate projects through equity transfer, land and construction transfer, trust, and holding.

  During October 2023, Hengda Real Estate added 100 pieces of information to be executed as of the deadline set out in the previous announcement, and the total amount of new execution was about RMB 6.617 billion yuan.

  As of the end of October 2023, Hengda Real Estate and its subsidiaries within the scope of the merger involved a total of about 301.363 billion yuan in unliquidated maturing debts, and a total of about 2059.33 billion yuan in overdue commercial tickets.

  In addition, China Evergrande disclosed the "Litigation Information" on November 29, 2023, and China Evergrande noted the announcement issued by Evergrande Property Group Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of China Evergrande) on November 28, 2023, regarding its subsidiary Jinbi Property Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Jinbi Property"), including China Evergrande and three related subsidiaries, for the enforcement of its 2 billion yuan deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank. Approximately 1.9963125 billion yuan and approximately 152.0628 million yuan of provisional interest.

  As of the date of the above announcement, China Evergrande and its related subsidiaries have not received notice of the lawsuit filed by the Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China regarding Jinbi Property. China Evergrande will seek legal advice to safeguard the legal rights of China Evergrande. China Evergrande will issue further announcements on any material progress of the above litigation in due course. (Dong Tim)


Is it realistic to rent a car and run a network to book a car? The old master tells you that you should pay attention to a few "super pits"

Renting a car has always been controversial. I really know this industry very well. Can you rent a car? I tell everyone clearly that you can definitely rent a car. It just needs to be consideredhaveIt’s not a question of whether you can rent a car, but whether you will. There are too many real cases around me, I really can’t count them! In Huaian, Jiangsu, where I am located, basically every company rents3800Yuan, the monthly flow can reach1.2But let me tell you, the so-called "pits" are not visible on the surfaceIt’s called"Pit"! The following "super pits" must be paid attention to!

The first is the mileage limit. When renting a car, if you don’t mention it, they will definitely not take the initiative to bring up this issue. Generally, the rented car will only run for you every month.110,000 kilometers, as long as you run enough miles, you can’t continue running this month. Didn’t you think? As I mentioned above, what you can’t see is the real "pit". 10,000 kilometers of running water is probably1.2About 10,000 yuan, after all, when you usually use the car and pick up passengers, it doesn’t count as money.

1.2Million yuan removed500Yuan household electricity bill, minus300The electricity bill of the Yuan fast charging station, and3800Yuan car rental, you can only have the rest7400Yuan! Under normal circumstances, if you are really going to rely on online car-hailing to eat, every month1Ten thousand kilometers is absolutely not enough. Just this alone, it is estimated that many people can’t bear it.

Secondly, the condition of the car, although the car is used to make money, the condition of the car cannot be ignored. You must not rent that kind of old car, because the battery of the old generation car is not very good, and the shrinkage is more serious. The battery life of more than 400 kilometers can run at most200.About kilometers, this is a very serious matter. Charging is a small matter, mainly to delay making money by yourself. If you can’t rent a new car, don’t hesitate and give up!

Here to talk about, generally GAC Ai’an, Changan Yidong New Energy, Geely Emgrand, GeometryA proThe new BAICEUQichenD60They are all more reliable. I don’t mean that the car is good, but it is more reliable than the entire car rental industry. If you rent a Pentium, the old BAICEU5, then be careful, these cars will be like I said above. Also, the mileage should be less than20Thousands of kilometers, more than20The 10,000-kilometer car’s battery life is basically downhill, which has a relatively large impact on making money and is prone to problems.

Finally, there is the issue of the duration of the contract. If it is signed at one time6Years, don’t hesitate, just give up. The reason is simple, if you can really run6Year, then here6In years, you will definitely choose to buy your own car. If you are not satisfied with running6Years, the same need to pay liquidated damages. Therefore, be sure to be optimistic about the contract period, generally2It is signed once a year or so. Then there is the problem of accidents. The industry standard is that the insurance driver of the year after the accident is carried out. If there is no insurance, the insurance premium will be borne by the company. It depends on how the individual handles it. The insurance fee is about1.2About 10,000 yuan.

If you are addicted to "Animal Crossing", do you know what game literacy is?

Can games be an effective way to learn, and how should we perceive the learning function of games?

The University of Wisconsin-Madison professor James Paul Gee’s book Game-Changed Learning: Game Literacy, Critical Thinking, and the Future of Education provides a model for discussing the relationship between games and learning. For him, a game is a well-designed learning experience in which you can identify problems, understand them, and solve them.

The true potential of the game has yet to be tapped.

"The" sense of play "is everywhere"

The game Pikmin 3.

When it comes to video games, many people’s first reaction is to be addicted and unable to withdraw. They believe that online games can easily lead to negative problems such as declining academic performance or reduced work efficiency, poor eyesight, and withdrawn personality. Is this our misunderstanding of games?

James Paul Gee (author of Games Change Learning: Game Literacy, Critical Thinking, and Education for the Future): People become addicted to anything that brings pleasure, especially when it makes up something that is not there in life. However, pleasure is an important human driver. Without pleasure, one would not want to learn.If we need to deal with a variety of addictive behaviors, we need to identify what the addict is missing in real life and help them find it.In addition, we also need to learn how to make powerful technologies benefit lives rather than harm them.

When my son Sam was six years old, he played a game called Pikmin, which was designed by Shigeru Miyamoto in 2001. You may not know who Shigeru Miyamoto is, but his masterpiece is the famous Super Mario. In Pikmin, the player takes on the role of Captain Olima, whose spaceship crashes to an unknown planet due to a comet impact. Olima can only survive for 30 days, and within 30 days, he must find the missing spaceship parts and escape from the planet. The game sounded interesting, but after watching his grandson play for a few hours, Sam’s grandfather commented, "Although it may be good for the child’s eye-hand coordination, it’s a waste of time because the game has nothing worth learning."This is also a typical misconception that important knowledge is often gained from the subjects taught in schools, and the rest is just "meaningless entertainment". But in fact, games can also generate knowledge.

Jing Sun (Translator of "Games Change Learning: Game Literacy, Critical Thinking, and Future Education"): From the perspective of consumption, in our traditional culture, games and work learning are a set of binary opposing expressions, and this evaluation of traditional games has more or less influenced people’s views on digital games. From the perspective of production, although people currently know that games can play serious functions other than entertainment, and can be used in various scenarios such as education and medical care, there are very few such game products, and the public does not have much access to such games.

Furthermore, contemporary attitudes towards games are mainly divided into "addiction school" and "addiction school". It is obvious that the "addiction school" misunderstands games and advocates that all games are bad. On the contrary, the "addiction school" exaggerates the entertainment function of games and believes that all games are good.Both views are also generational differences between "digital natives" and "digital refugees," but both views are misconceptions of gaming, and ultimately a lack of adequate game literacy.

Upper Study: Game literacy is a very important concept proposed by Professor Ji in the book. What is game literacy?

James Paul Gee: When people play video games, they are learning a new kind of literacy. As an important part of digital literacy, game literacy is not just the ability to understand the game or play the game, but the ability of the player as an active participant to "control" the game symbol system in turn. In the process of playing, the player can not stop at "input" – one-way passive acceptance of the game content, but also be able to "output" – active and critical gaming experience.

In the book, I distinguish between "lowercase games," which are the software you play, and "uppercase games," which are not just the software but also the social interactions and social resources that go with it, so that players can put the game into a social context, go beyond the game itself and reflect on it, discuss it, and even modify it.What we should be focusing on is "capital games," that is, games and all the social elements associated with them. Now, players make this very clear.

Sun Jing: As far as the term "game literacy" is concerned, Professor Ji has laid a solid theoretical foundation for this concept from the perspective of linguistics and pedagogy, which is also the biggest gain I have gained from translating this book. I believe that game literacy is an active and critical game experience. One is the ability to read games, emphasizing the evaluation of games for specific game works, and to understand games in specific social and cultural contexts. The other is the ability to use game writing, that is, to modify and create games, and eventually to use games to express themselves.

When it comes to reading and writing, we usually think of words. Can games become the same medium as words?

Sun Jing: Of course, and it has already happened. In short, game thinking is a way of thinking that solves problems through trial and error, with initiative, exploration, and criticism.Today’s young people are all "game generation", growing up in the infiltration of games. Through games, they can understand traditional media such as literature, television, film, painting, etc. It can be said that the "sense of game" is everywhere, becoming a way for them to understand the world.

James Paul Gee: We’ve known for a long time that people can learn from all kinds of media experiences, just as they learn from real-world experiences. It’s true that sometimes they can’t remember whether what they’re learning came from the real world or from a medium. Games are also gradually becoming a medium like books, and have a deeper impact on people than books. In other words,Books can tell us what an electron is, but games can make us an electron.

"The Secret of the Game"

Laura in the game Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation.

Upper Study: Not everyone who plays games is successful in translating the advantages that come from gaming into their daily lives. What’s going on with some deep gamers who benefit from gaming, while others run into trouble?

James Paul Gee: The same is true for books. What you get out of a book depends on what you read, how you read it, and who you read or discuss with. Compared to other types of reading, a romance novel may not be "spiritual food for thought and practice."But if you read it with a critical perspective and "read it like an author," thinking in your head how to use it, how to change it, how to make it a spiritual imagination, then novels like this can also pay off.

Sun Jing: This is still related to game literacy. If you passively accept the content conveyed by game producers and game works, then players will still have nothing to gain except entertainment pleasure. Even hard-core players, some people are just immersed in the game, excessive consumption of time and money, affecting real life; while others may repeatedly refine strategies, optimize tactics, and become world esports champions. If you want to gain something from the game, you must have enough critical thinking and game literacy, be able to understand the game, and more advanced, be able to use the technical language of the game to solve real life problems.

Upper Study: Whether it is learning or gaming, difficulty and skills are the key parameters. In games, it is very common to not give up even if you are turned into a slag in seconds, and it is very common to not sleep until you complete the level. Why can players enjoy immersing themselves in the game, but be hesitant to learn?

James Paul Gee: This can be called the secret of games. I’ve played a lot of games and found that a good game has a characteristic: almost every problem has multiple solutions. Players can choose strategies that suit their learning, thinking, and acting styles, which is a great motivator and a rich resource for reflecting on their behavior and problem-solving. I wrote this book to help people uncover this secret, find effective ways to coordinate game skills and task difficulty, and then apply the corresponding game thinking to learning to make learning fun and effective.

Upper Study: Professor Ji mentioned in the book that one of the spiritual cores of the game is critical reflection. How is criticism reflected in the game?

James Paul Gee: I had this experience in the game Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. You play as Lara, a teenage girl, who follows an archaeologist, Professor von Croix, on an expedition through a Cambodian temple. The professor once told Lara to follow him and not stray from his path. But I found that if you follow the professor’s orders, you risk missing out on a lot of hidden treasure. Good games have a mechanism that encourages players to try, question and break the rules, and such experiences not only enhance the fun of the game, but also cultivate critical thinking.In this way, players no longer rely on various operation guides, get rid of the established routine of completing tasks, and even jump out of the rules. They will also reflect on the values that the entire game mechanism has shaped.

Jing Sun: It can be said that critical reflection underpins game thinking. In fact, critical reflection may not have been ubiquitous in the general public at every stage of history, from Plato’s "The Parable of the Cave" to Kant and Foucault’s "What is Enlightenment". At present, people are faced with too much information, and the discourse of power operates in more subtle ways in daily life, which can also affect the way some people understand the world. Because of this, we need to emphasize the cultivation of critical thinking.

James Paul Gee: Just to add that critical thinking is not the same in different fields of knowledge and practice, for any branch of science, law, game design, or gardening. Critical thinking involves understanding how to make and use knowledge, principles, and methods in a given field to discover, to criticize, and to solve problems. In order to produce critical thinking in any meaningful dimension, we need to teach people how to acquire knowledge in that field, for example, the spread of viruses, the nature of video games, or the role of government, and how to use that knowledge to cooperate with people to solve problems and reach effective criticism,The purpose of criticism is to construct, not to destroy. We need to use knowledge as a tool, not rote for exams.

"The game is always changing."

But the problem we have to face is that the game industry is mixed, and not all games are suitable for teenagers. What kind of digital games can have great appeal and practical benefits for children?

James Paul Gee: Like choosing a book, teenagers are left to decide on their own which games are good. In any case, we want teenagers not to jump in without thinking, but to think like designers and ultimately learn to "design" their lives with their own experiences, using a variety of different tools and effective ways to become good people. They will also become teachers and parents, and hopefully they will be able to "design" quality experiences for their children and students.

We can learn from games that schools should not be designed as warehouses of past knowledge, but as a source of imagination that can make life and society better.

Jing Sun: The quality of game works is uneven, which is normal, because novels, movies and other art works also have the same problem. Teenagers are still in the stage of exploring the world and learning to learn, so it is not suitable for game products that emphasize consumption. Consumption here includes both money consumption and time consumption. Therefore, video games that emphasize exploration and creation with one-time payment are more suitable for teenagers to play.

As for how we can learn from good video games to design learning models and education systems, Professor Ji gives a detailed answer in the book. He lists 36 principles, including building situations, encouraging exploration, and understanding fun groups. This kind of education can not only make children feel interesting and learn knowledge, but more importantly, it can cultivate their way of thinking, which will benefit them for life.

The current challenge we are facing is how to use the unique projective identity of games to construct meaningful "second classrooms" outside of school education and in the game world. This poses a challenge to current game design. Can we change the crude way of mass production of games that look at money, and make games that are not only formal and slogans, but also thought-provoking?

James Paul Gee: I talk a lot about projected identity in my books. Projected identity in a video game is when the player projects their identity on a virtual character or stand-in, performing some form of action, and the player accepts the stand-in’s values, goals, and identity.I believe that we are also adapting to our new identities in the real world in the same way. If we want to learn science, we need to accept being a scientist before we can really use scientific knowledge in depth.

Developing a science game is easier for students to experience as a scientist than learning, at least in the United States. In reality, however, schools can do the same if the school space is properly adjusted to have a strong interaction with the world outside the school, the virtual world, the simulation world and the game world.

We need to change not only the profit-driven approach to the mass production of games, but also current classroom teaching and schooling to develop problem-solving strategies and plan for an entirely new future. In the United States, this often stems from the need for standardization and profit in the textbook industry, at the expense of critical thinking and problem-solving. Putting multiple design technologies (including literacy) at the service of design thinking, problem-solving in deep collaboration, and ensuring that we all serve in a rapidly changing, high-stakes complex world will only get better when people discover the importance of this approach. For now, we must pay more attention to the future and use the past to imagine the future, otherwise we humans will not have the future.

Driven by the digital revolution, new technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI) are changing the learning environment. Will games under the new technologies affect people’s learning ability more deeply?

James Paul Gee: It’s critical for people to realize that digital games are a very cutting-edge and rapidly changing technology. If you compare games from 1995 to games today, there are a lot of differences between the two. New game genres are being discovered and made. The types of games we’ve made, maybe only 1% of future games, still have a lot of room for imagination and creativity. Games are always changing, and this trend will continue as games merge with other technologies like VR, AR, and AI. Emerging social games and cooperative games will also be developed. This is a powerful technology that is undoubtedly critical to economic, cultural, and even social development.

People need to realise that when it comes to books, most of what they hear are "bestsellers". However, there is an important and growing industry of indie games that make games from the fields of art, medicine, design, science, collective intelligence and more. Above all, it is important to realise what digital game technology really means. It is a virtual imagination, based on important choices, strategic thinking and learning from failure. It is also an external active imagination, based on well-designed and carefully directed virtual experiences that allow players to merge their identity with real-world experiences.

Sun Jing: I also think that the answer is yes. In the real world, learning resources and feedback cycles are limited, and games can create more diverse and rich learning scenarios by simulating reality and fiction. For example, there are VR games that specifically train medical students to perform surgery, which can provide operators with real-time feedback and accurately complete surgical training.

Good games typically convey knowledge and shape people’s way of thinking, while good educational games can also stimulate interest in learning, create a more immersive learning environment, and provide a more fulfilling formative evaluation.With them, you and I can not only become the "number one player", but also benefit our future learning and lifelong education.

"Games Change Learning: Game Literacy, Critical Thinking, and the Future of Education"

?By James Paul Gee

Translated by Sun Jing

East China Normal University Press

Huang Bo and Zhou Xun fought on the same screen, and Zhang Yi and Andy Lau came with six films!

1905 movie network feature After flipping through the 2023 calendar page by page, we have come to the end of November. In the remaining two months of 2023, more than 30 new films have been officially finalized.

2023 is a year of rapid recovery of the film market, but also a year of frequent explosions in the film market. In 2023, the total box office of the film is about to break through the 50 billion mark. What kind of expectations will the upcoming more than 30 new films bring to the audience?

01.Drama bone drama, theme surprise, detonation of November movie viewing expectations

Among the many movies to be shown in November, the genres can be said to cover all aspects, including action, comedy, suspense, love and other genres. Among them, the two movies with the highest number of people wanting to see in November are and.

2023 is known as the golden year of crime films. Whether it is a hit film or a film with high social discussion, it has attracted the attention of the audience.

On the one hand, "Involved in the Sea of Anger" took advantage of this year’s crime film boom, and on the other hand, it played the first warning in the history of the Chinese mainland screen "It is recommended that audiences under the age of 18 watch as appropriate". The combination of the two greatly raised the audience’s expectations for the scale and plot of the film.

The release of the clips of the blockbuster drama with the two of them made the spiciness of this "sea of anger" pervade the audience in advance.

In the film, Huang Bo seems to have returned to the oily-faced underclass people of the era. Freed from the shackles of the social middle class, when he saw his daughter who was stabbed 17 times lying cold in front of him, he once again issued a cry of grief from the bottom of his life.

And Zhou Xun also swept away the cool and artistic screen image in recent years, playing a mother who guards her son and is almost crazy.

As the scenes of the two opposing and killing each other in the film are released one by one, the final outcome of the showdown between the two "ruthless people" is gradually becoming the most anticipated flashpoint for the audience.

Another highly anticipated film, "I Am High Mountain," is based on the touching story of Zhang Guimei, a teacher in the mountainous area, who helps female students in the mountainous area get out of the mountains.

In the trailer released so far, Haiqing’s high degree of restoration of the image of Principal Zhang has become an important reason for the soaring number of people in the film. This restoration is not only the closeness of the image, but also the inconvenient legs of Principal Zhang and the slightly hunched waist have permeated Haiqing’s performance.

In addition to stripping away the restoration of images and stories, the most anticipated reason for "I Am a Mountain" is that it records Zhang Guimei’s state of mind and thinking as a woman in the dead of night.

Did she regret her choice? Did she ever hesitate for a moment when she understood her mission as a teacher? These true reflections on Zhang Guimei’s life are also worth the audience’s expectation.

02.Movie model workers and leading year-end Chinese films

In terms of filmmakers, two movie models emerged – Zhang Yi and Andy Lau, who each have three films to be screened at the end of the year.

Zhang Yi, who focuses on the keyword "breaking the comfort zone". His three pending films are family road movies, spy mystery movies and crime movies.

In "Priceless Treasure," Zhang Yi plays a low-class person who is forced to take care of the daughter of a creditor during the process of demanding wages, and in the process plays many stories of warm Maimai. Zhang Yi’s role as a "father" for the first time on the big screen is worth watching. How he will perform it is worth the audience’s expectation.

From the genre point of view, "The Tip of the Knife" is more like a combination of harmony. In this comfort zone of Zhang Yi, whether he will try a new type of performance, and how to interpret the complex role of "Jin Shenshui" into various levels, is the most worthy proposition for Zhang Yi fans.

In "Three Battalions," the most talked-about of the three films to be released, he will continue the "unsuccessful" police officer image of the 2023 blockbuster drama, playing a police officer who has gone from high-spirited and domineering to cautious but still passionate.

At the same time, he will also play on the same screen in "Three Battalions", and the continuation of the front line between the two has caused the film to have enough "tap water" attention before it was released.

On the other hand, Andy Lau’s keyword at the end of the year is "new classics".

Among his three pending films is a comedy, directed by Mr. Lau, who will work together again 18 years later. In "Mr. Red Carpet," a darkly humorous adaptation of 999 true events, Andy Lau makes his superstar debut and introduces various ironic episodes on the road to stardom. He removes some of the fig leaf of the entertainment industry and aims to provide the entertainment industry with a pot of "steaming" hot reviews.

In his old business, Hong Kong films, he is also about to sweep away the rumors and gloom of "Hong Kong films are dead" and contribute ultra-high-quality performances in Hezhong.

In "Goldfinger", the audience will see Andy Lau and the same frame after 20 years of absence. After the baptism of time in the film market for 20 years, this time the audience will have a deep look back on the feelings of Hong Kong films.

"Stealth" staged a wonderful drama of three generations of Hong Kong people, which is a powerful shot in the arm for the revitalization of Hong Kong films.

Looking at the film market in 2023, box office results and audience satisfaction are constantly refreshing new highs. As of now, the total box office of domestic films is only one step away from 50 billion, but the expectations of all filmmakers and audiences for the achievements of Chinese films in 2023 are far more than 50 billion.

Among the more than 30 films to be screened at the end of 2023, we are looking forward to new dark horses coming out, and we also hope that the strongest team of Chinese films can keep pace with the times and keep close to the audience’s ideas and preferences. We also hope that after healthy competition, the blooming Chinese films can drive the market to heat up again and warm the cold winter of 2023.

How about Xiaomi TV and what are the characteristics of Xiaomi TV?

  Introduction: Friends are very familiar with Xiaomi and mobile phones. In everyone’s impression, Xiaomi mainly produces mobile phone products. In 2013, Xiaomi launched the self-developed Xiaomi TV. How about Xiaomi TV? Most friends are very curious about this issue. How is the performance of Xiaomi TV? What are the characteristics? You can take a look at the introduction below. Although Xiaomi has been engaged in TV production for a long time, the quality of the product is completely fine.

  Although there are not many TV products launched by Xiaomi, the reputation of Xiaomi TV has been good since its launch, especially among young users. It can also be said that this is a TV product specially developed for the younger generation. It is very advanced in terms of production technology and manufacturing process. It is also equipped with independent Bluetooth and audio, which makes many friends feel very cool. What else are the specific features? Friends may wish to learn about it together.

  Features of Xiaomi TV:

  First, the Xiaomi TV uses an ultra-clear screen design. It can be said that the clarity of this TV is more than 4-5 times that of other TVs, and the picture is enhanced with high definition technology. The LCD screen design is used in the panel of the TV, which can appear more distinct and outstanding in terms of brightness.

  Second, the TV can be more high-quality in terms of sound effects, enabling a sound experience similar to that of a movie theater. An independent sound system is installed inside the TV, achieving high-quality sound in terms of sound.

  Third, the operating system is provided by an independent TV, with a lot of free TV programs built in. It can be said that Xiaomi TV is a model of smart TV. Users and friends can watch those high definition programs they like at any time when using the TV, and it is free!

  Fourth, the Xiaomi TV is designed with a high-speed CPU, with a 4-core processor inside, making even large-scale games run smoothly. Friends don’t have to worry about getting stuck.

  How about Xiaomi TV? The above is the explanation of this problem. Friends can find that Xiaomi TV is still very good. It is also slightly better than other products in terms of workmanship, and it adopts a narrow frame design, which can look more fashionable than other TV products. The external Bluetooth controller can make the functions of games play to the extreme, and it can be said that there are absolute advantages in video playback and games.

Han Xue joined the emperor and Zhang Meng to "compete for favor" Hu Ge blew himself up and wanted to play a eunuch

??Movie Network News(Photo/Film Festival News Team) On June 13, during the 12th Shanghai International Film Festival, the new drama promotion and star signing ceremony of Shanghai Film Emperor Cultural Development Co., Ltd. was held in Shanghai. Yang Shoucheng, chairman of Emperor Group, Ren Zhonglun, president of Shanghai Film Company, and actors Hu Ge, Zhang Meng and Zhang Shi were on hand to witness Han Xue becoming the first contracted artist of Shanghai Film Emperor. Han Xue and Zhang Meng, two actresses, one in pink and the other sexy and sultry, each made a high-profile appearance and staged a "favorite show". The handsome Hu Ge said at the scene that the role he most wanted to play was a eunuch, which was "surprising".

Han Xue

Zhang Meng

Han Xue’s pink skirt is cute, Zhang Meng’s cleavage is sexy and sultry

??On the day of the press conference, Han Xue, who has always been depicted as a jade girl, was dressed in a short skirt with slanted shoulders, a large ruffle and a bow to set off her chest and waist, and pink shoes. With long hair with bangs, she looked pink and cute in front of her. Han Xue said that this hairstyle was just cut by her for this signing ceremony, indicating that everything has to start again. At the same time, she also said that she has been waiting for this opportunity for many years to develop in film.

??The other actress present, Zhang Meng, took the opposite route. A super low-cut gold dress exposed her cleavage, and with long curly hair, she looked sexy and enchanting. After the press conference, neither of them left immediately, each occupying a corner, constantly cooperating with the media to take various poses to take pictures, and "stealing the camera" was very happy.

Hu Ge

Zhang Shi

General Hu Ge blew himself up and wanted to play eunuch Zhang Shi, saying that if he became popular, the price would increase

??In the three years since its establishment, the Shanghai Film Emperor has filmed many high-quality film and television dramas, including the 2008 billion-dollar box office movie "Slam Dunk" starring Jay Chou. In 2009, the Shanghai Film Emperor invested over 100 million yuan to produce and distribute the first domestic TV drama "Myth" with Jackie Chan as the director and Tang Jili as the artistic director. Starring is Hu Ge, Bai Bing, Zhang Meng, Zhang Shi and many other stars.

??Hu Ge played the general Jackie Chan once played in the movie version of "Myth" in the TV series version, and there will naturally be many big plays. "I have a lot of fun playing this character, because when I don’t lose, I win every time." Although he said it proudly, Hu Ge admitted that he actually wanted to play the eunuch played by Zhang Shi the most. "I especially want to play his role. This character is a chef in modern society, a good person who is honest and honest. But in the Qin Dynasty, because he is" unfamiliar with the place ", he was bullied and his personality gradually twisted. Eventually, he became the notorious eunuch Zhao Gao in history. With such a big contrast, it is very challenging."

??Hearing this, Zhang Shi, who was on the side, showed a surprised expression, and then said, "I also really want to play the role of Hu Ge. In fact, I want to have his appearance, how handsome he is." Although the play was not finished, Zhang Shi was full of confidence in the future prospects, and he joked and asked for a "salary increase" on the spot. "I believe that with such a good script and team, we will definitely be popular if we play" Myth ". Sorry, my salary will go up in the future."

[Movie Network] www.1905.com exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting!

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Geely Galaxy Galaxy L6 price reduction news in Chengdu! Promotional offers 27,000, great deals today

In [Easy Car Chengdu Local Auto Market Discount Promotion Channel], we have sorted out the ongoing
Promotions. As a much-talked-about model, the Galaxy L6 is currently offering amazing discounts. The highest discount can even reach 27,000. The minimum starting price is only 93,800. You can get a larger discount by clicking the "Inquire" button in the quotation form. If you are looking for a practical and affordable model, you may wish to find out about the Galaxy L6 discounts.

First of all, from the appearance, the front face of the Galaxy L6 gives people a very young feeling, looking very sporty. The headlights are elegant and eye-catching. The car is equipped with LED daytime running lights, headlights height adjustment, automatic opening and closing, delayed closing, etc. Come to the side of the car, the body size of the car is 4782MM*1875MM*1489MM, the car adopts cold lines, the side circumference presents a clean and refreshing design style, with large-sized thick-walled tires, the shape is quite cold. In the rear part of the car, the rear looks very hard, the taillights are more delicate and elegant.

Inside the Galaxy L6, the front face of the Galaxy L6 looks very domineering and rich in functions. The steering wheel of the car is well designed, made of leather material, and the shape is very combat. From the central control point of view, the car is equipped with a stable and atmospheric touch LCD central control screen, which makes the interior design quite layered and looks young. Let’s take a look at the dashboard and seats. The car is equipped with a unique dashboard, which creates a more sporty atmosphere. The car adopts imitation leather seats, equipped with seat electric adjustment and other functions, and the overall comfort is good.

The exterior design of the Galaxy L6 is excellent, with smooth lines and stylish and atmospheric shape. Driving it on the road, the return rate is quite high. Moreover, its power performance is also very strong, accelerating rapidly and overtaking easily. What is even more surprising is that the energy consumption performance of this car is also very satisfactory, which can not only meet the daily travel needs, but also effectively reduce the cost of use. It is a very cost-effective car.

Foshan Geely Automobile Xingyue significantly reduced its price in the middle of the year, with the lowest offer of 122,200! If you miss it, you won’t

In the [Easy Car Foshan Local Car Market Promotion Channel], we sorted out the ongoing
Preferential activities. As a car that has attracted much attention, the current discount rate of the Star Yue L is still very amazing. The highest discount rate can even reach 15,000, and the lowest starting price is only 122,200. You can win a larger discount rate by clicking the "Inquiry" button in the quotation form. If you are looking for a practical and affordable model, you may wish to learn about the preferential situation of Xingyue L.

Let’s take a look at the appearance of Xingyue L. The front face of Xingyue L is more domineering and looks very sporty. Then the sports headlight design is adopted, and the visual effect looks quite simple. The car is equipped with LED daytime running lights, headlight height adjustment, automatic opening and closing, adaptive far and near light, delayed closing and so on. Come to the car side, the car body size is 4795MM*1895MM*1689MM, the car adopts soft lines, and the car body gives people a very personal feeling. With large-sized thick-walled tires, smooth lines run through the whole car side. In the rear part, the rear of the car echoes the front of the car, and the taillights look very elegant and neat.

Coming into the car, the interior design of Xingyue L is very sharp and rich in functions. The steering wheel design of the car is very unique, made of leather, and its practicality and face value are not bad. Take a look at the central control. The car is equipped with a fierce touch-control LCD central control screen, which makes the interior design quite layered and gives people a sense of simplicity. The dashboard and seats are equally eye-catching. The car is equipped with a tough dashboard and full of technology. The car adopts leather seats, which are wide and thick, and improve the riding experience of drivers and passengers.

Xingyue L is a model with excellent overall performance. Its spacious space can meet the needs of family travel, and its strong power also brings the ultimate driving experience. In addition, the performance of vehicles in energy consumption is also very satisfactory, which not only saves energy and environmental protection, but also saves fuel expenses. If you are looking for a practical and high-performance SUV, then Xingyue L is definitely worthy of your attention.

Flexible short wheelbase, higher playability, test drive of the Great Wall Cannon in the venue.

When it comes to pickup trucks, a few years ago, people always had the impression that they were tall and powerful, imagining American farmers driving and living a happy life in the garden. Just after the launch of the (picture | configuration | inquiry) series, its rich models fully meet the needs of commercial and professional players, and now it has become the representative of domestic high-end pickup trucks. We can drive it through the desert and mud, and its rich models are enough to meet multiple use scenarios. At this exhibition, the gun brought a brand-new model named "",and we soon had the opportunity to give it a try.

big gunLowest selling price: 91,800; highest price reduction: 0.85 million.

Picture parameter configuration inquiry reserve price

Know the car points3.69Know the car and measure itSpace, performance, etcCheyouquan61,000 riders are hot.Used car72,000 vehicles | 127 vehicles

The artillery is built on the platform of "",which adopts a single row short wheelbase design and can only have two drivers and passengers. Its length, width and height are 4963/1975/1950mm, its wheelbase is 2745mm, its approach angle is 34 degrees, and its departure angle is 26 degrees. The design of short wheelbase greatly improves the passability of the whole vehicle. And with nitrogen shock absorption, the minimum ground clearance is 249mm, and the maneuverability and flexibility of the whole vehicle have also been effectively improved.

The artillery uses the Bailuchi KO2 tire, which is an ALL-TERRAIN tire (commonly known as AT tire) that is very popular among off-road modification enthusiasts. At the same time, this car is equipped with off-road suits such as front winch and wading throat, which makes its off-road performance more outstanding.

At the same time, the gun also has great modification potential. It has reserved five modification interfaces, including roof spotlights, engine room maintenance lights, walkie-talkie reservation, cargo box lighting and power supply modification, and these modification positions have reserved electrical switches, which is more safe and convenient. At the same time, it also comes standard with a 2.5-ton trailer device.

The length, width and height of the container are 1760/1520/540mm, which has excellent loading capacity and also supports the modification of capping. Especially in the off-road vehicle team, it is really suitable to be a support car.

The interior design of the gun is very primitive, the instrument adopts traditional mechanical type, and the audio head also adopts traditional radio and MP3, and the storage compartment left under it can also be used for loading platform or upgrading the original large-screen navigation.

The seat is made of fabric, and the main and auxiliary drivers are manually adjusted. But for cross-country enthusiasts, it really doesn’t matter.

In terms of power, the gun uses a 2.0T engine, with a maximum power of 218 HP and a peak torque of 380N·m, which matches the part-time 4wd of Borgwarner and the electronically controlled differential lock of the front and rear axles, with outstanding off-road performance.

The four-wheel drive mode knob of artillery includes three types: two-wheel drive, low-speed four-wheel drive and high-speed four-wheel drive, and it has three locks and an ultra-short wheelbase, which is more suitable for sand, snow, mud and narrow jungle roads. Driving modes include seven all-terrain driving modes: economy/standard/sport/snow/mud/sand /4L.

In the process of our test drive, the short body of the gun, coupled with the blessing of AT tires, is not only very calm in the face of steep slopes, but also does not have to worry about being in the air like a "balance" at the top of the slope.

In the process of jungle shuttle, it often passes through narrow corners, and the artillery becomes much more flexible in this process. In the process of our test drive, it is even more possible to leave the off-road guns with double typesetting far behind.

It is also very simple to pass through the side slope, basically determining the direction, and the rest can be controlled by the throttle. However, this kind of working condition is relatively the advantage of long wheelbase, which can bring better stability, and the body is more stable when going uphill or downhill sideways, and it is not easy to roll over. However, the difficulty in our cross-country venue is far from being achieved.

The test drive site is also a muddy section that has just rained, and this set of Bailuchi K02 tires also shows excellent grip. The four-wheel drive system can intervene quickly when the wheels slip. In the face of this road section, it is almost effortless, and there is almost no idling of the tires. The overall performance is excellent.

big gunLowest selling price: 91,800; highest price reduction: 0.85 million.

Picture parameter configuration inquiry reserve price

Know the car points3.69Know the car and measure itSpace, performance, etcCheyouquan61,000 riders are hot.Used car72,000 vehicles | 127 vehicles

Summary: Gun, as a vehicle series, was also shown at the test drive meeting, which means that a motorcycle can be loaded in the container, and it supports automatic lifting and loading and unloading functions, which greatly improves the convenience. As far as guns are concerned, the off-road guns, brigade guns and electric guns derived from them are unexpected and impossible. Therefore, at present, guns can achieve monthly sales of over 10,000 yuan, and the whole pickup series has achieved the first sales in export, which has become a matter of course. In short, in addition to SUVs, pickup trucks are no longer limited to the "tool" attribute, but really provide a platform with high playability for enthusiasts. How to change it is up to you.

Ele.me launches "Barrier-Free Festival" for visually impaired users: free shopping does not close, and care does not stop

  Recently, a news about the "Barrier-Free Day" has caused heated discussions on the Internet, and many netizens have asked: What is the "Barrier-Free Day"? The reporter learned that Ele.me recently announced that August 7 will be designated as the "Barrier-Free Day", and will send benefits to visually impaired users every year from this year.

  On the day of the free-order festival, the platform offers free-order for visually impaired users: no need to guess the answer, no need to grab time, and no total quota. The first catering order of the day can be free of charge for up to 39 yuan. This is also the second consecutive year that Ele.me has launched a special free-order event for visually impaired users.

  The sense of participation of minorities, that is, the responsibility of marketing activities

  According to the data released by the China Disabled Persons’ Federation, the total number of disabled people in our country has exceeded 85 million. The number is huge, but they are rarely seen – because they rarely go out. Because of this, the issue of disabled people has always been a hot topic of attention from all walks of life in the country and society.

  According to data, more than half of visually impaired people choose to order takeout to solve their daily diet, and more than 70% of visually impaired users use Ele.me. The large visually impaired group relies heavily on takeout apps, so Ele.me has always paid great attention to the experience of visually impaired users, gained insight into the needs of the disabled group, and carried out many benefits and activities for visually impaired users to send warmth to everyone.

Ele.me launches "Barrier-Free Festival" for visually impaired users: free shopping is not closed, care is not stopped _fororder_ picture 4

  Barrier-free environment is an important basic condition for facilitating the full participation of special groups such as the disabled, the sick, the elderly, and the young in social life. At the same time, it is also a key factor in improving the quality of life and service level in urban environments.

  "Will there be free Ele.me this year? There was one last year, and now it’s almost that time again." A user named "Star Magic" posted a question on the Zhidu forum, an online community for the visually impaired. Their discussion has been followed by Ele.me.

  According to the relevant person in charge of Ele.me, this year’s free-order rules are similar to those of last year. Since Ele.me cannot directly identify visually impaired users, users who have opened the Ele.me App using screen-reading software between July 5 and August 5 (this is the operation of visually impaired people using mobile phones) will automatically enjoy free-order eligibility.

  Zhao Zhiguo, spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, recently mentioned that we will continue to promote the results of information accessibility construction and guide 1,735 mainstream commonly used websites and mobile apps to complete the senior-friendly transformation. The implementation of a series of relevant policies and regulations has provided a strong guarantee for the construction of a barrier-free environment in our country, helping all sectors of society to actively participate in the construction of a barrier-free environment and improve the well-being of the people with disabilities.

  The benefits are not closed, and the care is not stopped. "Last year’s free-order activity for visually impaired users received a very enthusiastic response. Recently, we also saw some netizens concerned about the situation this year in the forum for visually impaired people." The original intention of the free-order activity is to make more people happy, and we will not forget visually impaired users this year, and plan to stick to it every year. "

Ele.me launches "Barrier-Free Festival" for visually impaired users: free shopping is not closed, care is not stopped _fororder_ picture 5

  Welfare is one aspect, and more importantly, visually impaired people believe that they are cared for and valued, which is the reason why they are happier.

  In recent years, our country has continued to introduce relevant policies to promote the construction of barrier-free facilities and services. On June 28, at the third meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People’s Congress, the Barrier-free Environment Construction Law was officially voted and will come into effect on September 1, 2023, providing a strong legal guarantee for the construction of barrier-free environment in our country.

  From a business perspective, due to the small user base, most companies rarely launch targeted product launches and activities for visually impaired people, making it difficult to customize activities that suit their experience.

  Therefore, in some large-scale marketing activities, under the conditions permitted by the platform or enterprise capabilities, it is a useful exploration to integrate activities that are more convenient for visually impaired users to participate in. When more and more enterprises join, they can enhance the consensus of disadvantaged groups in social care.

  As some netizens said in a message, the social treatment of minorities is a silhouette of the degree of civilization in a society. To pay attention to them is to pay attention to everyone, because anyone may become a minority.

  From helping popular science to supporting merchants, the sense of social responsibility of "playing" free of charge

  In fact, although giving benefits is a public welfare activity, it hides the attribute of "popular science" behind it. Since the main activity of free shopping is "guessing the answer and free shopping", Ele.me invited many professional institutions, experts and scholars to pose questions, and developed it into a large-scale popular science platform with the help of the traffic of the event itself.

  For example, on July 20, "China Aerospace News" was invited to publish a popular science project about China’s lunar exploration project, and Shanghai Fire Protection also published a popular science topic about the "trivia" that cannot be placed in the home at will, which is easy to cause fires.

Ele.me launches "Barrier-Free Festival" for visually impaired users: free shopping is not closed, care is not stopped _fororder_ picture 6

Aerospace experts pose a popular science question about China’s moon landing plan

  There are also institutions such as Qingdao Anti-Fraud Center, Jinan Ecological Environment Bureau, and China Packaging Federation, which have been invited to provide happy popular science for netizens in the form of questions. The fields are diverse enough, the content is practical enough, and the interaction is interesting enough, so that the participants can sow the seeds of knowledge and curiosity in an unconsciously happy atmosphere.

  This type of activity exploration has given special groups a sense of inclusive participation, allowing platform companies to root their business development in social needs. This has undoubtedly opened up avenues for other platforms and brands, providing an excellent reference sample.

  At the same time, free shopping also effectively promotes consumption and drives the growth of merchant orders. Last year’s free shopping activities led to the recovery of orders from a large number of merchants in Shanghai, Changsha and other places. This year, Ele.me invited the Jinzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce to issue a question to promote Jinzhou BBQ. The topic of Weibo #Jinzhou is the ceiling of the barbecue industry #boarded the hot search, and the reading volume exceeded 110 million that day.

Ele.me launches "Barrier-Free Festival" for visually impaired users: free shopping does not close, care does not stop _fororder_ picture 7

  Compared with last year, the number of merchants benefiting from free orders this year has increased significantly. The latest disclosure data of Ele.me shows that since the opening of the free order activity on June 21, the participating merchants have exceeded 1.50 million, which is 2.5 times more than last year’s 600,000.

  The inspiration of free-order public welfare: looking forward to many parties working together to "create festivals"

  In addition to targeting visually impaired groups, Ele.me also collaborates with merchants to provide benefits to outdoor workers in many places through free-of-charge activities. For example, starting from July 15, Ele.me started a series of cool-off activities in Guangzhou, going to the construction site of Guangzhou Metro Fangbai Intercity Rail Project in Baiyunrenhe to distribute free cold drinks to subway workers who are struggling on the front line. At the same time, Ele.me also set up "cool stations" in many places in Guangzhou, distributing 10,000 free ice drinks for outdoor workers to receive for free; in order to allow workers to survive the hot and hot summer season, on July 23, Ele.me and Zhengzhou Federation of Trade Unions sent hundreds of watermelons weighing about 1,000 kilograms to outdoor workers to relieve the heat and so on at the Huaibei Community Love Station of Huaihe Road Street Office, Erqi District.

  In fact, the free-order form has a certain appeal to any consumer. It allows consumers to intuitively see the discounts and profits on real money, and there are no extra routines, so it is a success for brands. And if you want to achieve long-term benefits through the free-order economy, you must also focus on higher social value dimensions. The plan given by Ele.me is to combine its own business conduct with social responsibility, and drive merchants to invest in it, laying a solid foundation for the long-term sustainability of its model.

  As a platform enterprise in the field of local instant e-commerce, Ele.me pays attention to the product experience and well-being of visually impaired people. It can be seen that it has always rooted its business value in social needs, and has therefore harvested good social feedback and market data. Sorting through media reports in recent years, it can be seen that Ele.me is not a whim to create a festival for visually impaired users. In March 2023, Ele.me App was awarded the first batch of excellent cases of Internet application senior-friendly and barrier-free transformation. In addition, Ele.me continues to realize the dreams of visually impaired users by supporting blind school teams and holding blind e-sports competitions.

  Making benefits for visually impaired users fixed as a festival not only allows more visually impaired people to be seen, but also expresses Ele.me’s firm determination to appeal for the rights and interests of visually impaired people. This can not only drive more brands to participate, but also play a demonstration role in society and build a broader consensus. Perhaps we can imagine that there will be a large number of brands in the future to create a lifestyle consumption festival for visually impaired people.

  Ele.me said that only when the government, platforms, merchants and other parties work together can the value of the festival be maximized and a sustainable state of long-term development be formed. Ele.me will continue to work with all partners in the ecological chain to make more visually impaired people visible and valued through technological innovation, unique business gameplay and other forms.

  Reporter | Han Donglin

  Intern reporter | Tian Mi