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Cold air continues to affect the fluctuation of temperature in North China, Huanghuai and other places.

  Cctv newsAccording to China Weather Network, at present, most of northern China is experiencing a strong cold air activity, and this cold air will continue to move eastward today and tomorrow (December 6-7). Due to the overall influence of cold air to the east and north, the cooling time is short. Although the temperature in some areas such as northwest, north China and Huanghuai fluctuates, it will not completely reverse the current high temperature situation. In addition, in the next three days, most areas in China will still maintain the pattern of scarce precipitation.

  Cold air actively "opens" the temperature in many places in the north is like riding a roller coaster.

  Yesterday, a strong cold air appeared, affecting most parts of northern China from west to east. Monitoring shows that at 06: 00 today, compared with 06: 00 yesterday, the temperature in central and eastern Inner Mongolia, northwestern Shanxi, northwestern Hebei and northwestern Heilongjiang dropped by 4 ~ 8 C, and the local drop exceeded 10 C.

  Today and tomorrow, this cold air will continue to move eastward. Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, northern Xinjiang and other places will have a temperature drop of 4 ~ 8 C. Among them, the temperature drop in eastern Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang can reach 10 ~ 14 C, and the local temperature will exceed 14 C. In addition, during the day, there will be 4 ~ 5 winds in parts of Inner Mongolia, North China, Huanghuai and Northeast China, with gusts of 7~8. There will be sand or dusty weather in parts of western Inner Mongolia, eastern Gansu, Ningxia, north-central Shaanxi, most of Shanxi, southern Hebei, north-central Henan and western Shandong.


  However, due to the overall influence of this cold air to the east and north, the cooling time is short. Although the temperature in some areas such as northwest, north China and Huanghuai fluctuates, it will not completely reverse the current high temperature situation. It is estimated that on the 8th, the highest temperature in Shijiazhuang will reach 21℃, in Jinan 20℃, in Zhengzhou 23℃ and in Hefei 23℃, and the warmth will be rare in the same period of the year.

  Looking forward to the later period, there will be a cold air relay from the 8 th to the 9 th, and this cold air will go deeper south. By then, the temperature in Inner Mongolia, North China, Huanghuai and Northeast China will drop by 4 ~ 8℃ one after another, and the temperature drop in eastern Inner Mongolia and south-central Northeast China will reach more than 10℃.

  In the next three days, most of China’s precipitation is scarce, and the development of rainfall in the south has increased since the 9 th

  Compared with cooling, the rain and snow weather brought by cold air in the northern region is slightly inferior. Yesterday, only small to medium snow or sleet appeared in parts of northern Xinjiang, northwestern Heilongjiang and eastern Tibet.

  In the next three days, most areas in China will still maintain the pattern of scarce precipitation. Among them, today and tomorrow, due to the influence of cold air, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in the northeastern part of Inner Mongolia, the northern and eastern parts of Northeast China, and the northern Xinjiang, and the local area will be as big as blizzard; The rainy weather in the south will increase again from the 9th.

  Specifically, the Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, northwestern and eastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, eastern Liaoning, northern and eastern Xinjiang, eastern Tibet, southern Sichuan Plateau and northwestern Yunnan, among which there will be heavy snowstorms in eastern Jilin and northern Xinjiang. There is light rain in parts of southern Sichuan, most of Yunnan, southeastern Guangxi, southern Guangdong, Hainan Island and Taiwan Province Island, among which there is moderate rain in the eastern part of Taiwan Province Island.

  Tomorrow, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia, central and western Heilongjiang, northern Xinjiang, eastern Tibet, southern Sichuan Plateau and northwestern Yunnan. Among them, there will be heavy snowstorms in Ili Valley of Xinjiang and southeastern Tibet. There are small to moderate rains in parts of southern Tibet, southern Sichuan, central and western Yunnan and Taiwan Province Island, among which there is heavy rain in western Yunnan.

  The day after tomorrow, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, most of Heilongjiang, central Jilin, northern Xinjiang, eastern Tibet and western Sichuan Plateau. Among them, there are heavy snowstorms in parts of northern Heilongjiang, Ili Valley in Xinjiang, eastern Tibet and southern western Sichuan Plateau. There are small to moderate rains in parts of southeastern Tibet, southern Sichuan Plateau, most of Yunnan, Sichuan Basin, northeastern Guizhou, Hunan, southern Hubei, north-central Jiangxi, western Zhejiang and southern Anhui, among which there is heavy rain in western Yunnan.

  China Weather Network reminds that cold air activities will be frequent in the next few days, and the temperature will fluctuate rapidly. The public should pay attention to the latest forecast in time, appropriately increase or decrease clothes, and take personal protection when going out.

Why is the ocean so important?

At the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the concept of "World Ocean Day" was put forward for the first time, aiming at praising the oceans shared by the whole world, emphasizing the connection between the oceans and ourselves, raising people’s awareness of the importance of the oceans in daily life, and understanding the important ways to help protect the oceans.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 63/111 on 5 December 2008, which willJune 8th was designated as World Ocean Day.

Humans don’t live on the ocean, but why is the ocean so important?

The ocean is the cradle of life, accounting for nearly 3/4 of the earth’s surface area and the ninety-seven percent of all the earth’s water resources. It is the source of our life, and the life of human beings and all other creatures on earth depends on the ocean. The ocean provides many resources and services for human beings, such as oxygen, climate regulation, carbon sequestration, food and medicine, which is of great significance to the survival and development of human society.

The ocean produces at least 50% of the oxygen on the earth, which is the home of most biodiversity on the earth, and the protein ingested by more than one billion people in the world mainly comes from the ocean. And the ocean is vital to our economy. It is estimated that by 2030, the marine industry will employ 40 million people.

Although the ocean has so many benefits, it still needs support.

With 90% of the large fish stocks exhausted and 50% of the coral reefs destroyed, the resources we get from the ocean far exceed the amount that the ocean can supply. In order to protect the ocean and everything it supports, we must establish a new balance based on a true understanding of the ocean and the relationship between human beings and the ocean. We must learn from the lessons of the past and establish contact with the ocean in an inclusive and innovative way.

The purpose of "World Ocean Day" is to tell the public about the impact of human activities on the ocean, promote the global citizens’ movement to protect the ocean, and mobilize and unite the people of the world to carry out a project of sustainable management of the world’s oceans.

"Ocean: Life and Livelihood" is the theme of World Ocean Day in 2021, and it is also a statement of intention to start the ten-year challenge and realize the sustainable development goal 14 "Protection and sustainable utilization of oceans and marine resources" by 2030.

This year, the United Nations organized activities to celebrate World Ocean Day. This is also the second virtual celebration of the United Nations World Ocean Day held on June 8, 2021.

This year’s annual event, jointly organized by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs and the non-profit organization Global Ocean and partner Blancpain, will reveal the wonders of the ocean and how the ocean has become the source of our life and supported human beings and all other living things on earth.

Join us in this year’s annual activities of the United Nations World Ocean Day, and you can hear the voices of thought leaders, celebrities, institutional partners, communities, entrepreneurs and cross-industry experts to discuss information about the biodiversity and economic opportunities maintained by the oceans.

At the same time, this year’s theme is particularly important in the preparations for the United Nations Decade of Marine Science for Sustainable Development, which will last from 2021 to 2030. This decade will strengthen international cooperation and develop scientific research and innovative technologies that can meet the needs of marine science and society.

Man and the ocean are a community of life, and we should care for the ocean like life! Only by adopting a more sustainable production and consumption mode and promoting a green production and lifestyle can we improve the global marine ecological health and ensure the well-being of mankind for generations to come.

In the future construction of marine ecological civilization, it is urgent for more people to pay attention to and join the ranks of protecting the marine ecological environment and biodiversity, conserve the diverse marine life and habitats, realize the sustainable utilization of marine resources, and leave a blue sea and blue sky for our future generations.

(Source: United Nations, China Green Development Association, etc.)

Finishing /Xiaoai editing/greenery

Xianglushan Street in Chongqing High-tech Zone: Public Welfare Movies Entering the Community to Share Harmonious Neighborhood.

Hualong News (correspondent Liang Wenya) In order to further enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the broad masses of residents, improve the cultural quality and taste of community residents, promote the construction and integration of community culture, and create a harmonious and warm community atmosphere, recently, a movie-watching activity of "public welfare movies enter the community to share harmonious neighborhood feelings" was held in the shared living room of Kangju Xicheng, Xianglushan Street, Chongqing High-tech Zone, providing residents with a comfortable and relaxed audio-visual feast.

"Come on, Khufu, there is a movie in the shared living room. Let’s go and watch it together." Before the film screening began, residents came to the shared living room one after another, and the scene suddenly became lively. "Here we go, here we go …" Everyone soon quieted down and watched the film attentively. The film shown this time is a warm, touching and inspirational film "Miracle Stupid Child", and the atmosphere was harmonious and warm.

After the film screening, many residents are reluctant to leave and are still discussing the wonderful movie plot. Uncle Jiang, a resident of Kangsan, said, "This film is very educational, and it also makes me feel the hardships of young people starting a business and the warmth of family and friends. I will come to the movies in the future."

It is reported that the shared living room has held more than 20 activities, including popular science lectures, public viewing and food production, which attracted more than 1,000 residents to participate and fully demonstrated the vitality and enthusiasm of the community. Many residents have expressed their feelings that the completion of the shared living room has once again narrowed the distance between neighbors.

In the next step, Xianglushan Street will rely on the shared living room and various community activity stations to carry out more cultural activities that are rich in content and popular with residents, so as to further meet the cultural needs and life fun of residents.

One second into the picture! These original ecological landscapes are so beautiful, and some of them are limited in seasons …

Living in Beijing

We have seen many architectural monuments.

Indulge in the bustling night of the city

Visited many unpopular art halls.

But sometimes

I always have one in my heart.

The throb of longing for the vastness of the world

Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant between mountains and rivers

Forget the world and indulge in chic.

Actually, there are several wetland parks in Beijing.

Original ecological landscape

It can also make you short-lived

Let’s take a look together ~


Cuihu Wetland Park

The total area of Cuihu Wetland is 157.16 hectares, and the water area is about 90 hectares, including 45 hectares of open area and 18.3 hectares of water area.

The reservation opening hours of Cuihu Wetland are from April to October every year, and group tourists are allowed to make reservations on Mondays and Wednesdays, and individual tourists are allowed to make reservations on Saturday mornings.

Birds can be seen in almost all months of the year. If you are a bird watcher, then spring and autumn are the best seasons to watch waterfowl in Cuihu Wetland, especially in October.

The purpose of Cuihu Wetland is to show the northern wetland landscape, popularize wetland knowledge, watch wetland animals and plants, and publicize popular science. The park focuses on ecological protection and does not have amusement facilities.

Address: Cuihu North Road, Shangzhuang Town, Haidian District, Beijing


Dongjiao Forest Park Wetland Park

Beijing Eastern Suburb Forest Park-Wetland Park is one of the five major theme parks in Beijing Eastern Suburb Forest Park, adjacent to the bank of Wenyu River, with a planned total area of about 3.15 million square meters and a water area of about 30% of the park area.

There are Yuling Lake, the largest lake in the Eastern Suburb Forest Park, and Lancui Tower, the first commanding height in the Eastern Suburb Forest Park. In addition, there are scenic spots such as Lin Yun Jade Watching, Lover’s Wharf, White Sands Heron Watching and Liu Yin Yuze Watching.

There are facilities such as riding greenway, landscape wooden plank road, rest station, tree-lined square, children’s activity equipment and so on.

There are more than 60 species of trees and shrubs, such as Sophora japonica, Fraxinus chinensis, weeping willow, Fraxinus fargesii, Pyrus pyrifolia, Magnolia grandiflora, Begonia, Prunus armeniaca, Lagerstroemia indica, and more than 70 species of ground cover flowers and aquatic plants, such as pseudo-faucet, chrysanthemum morifolium, lotus, Lythrum lyratum and Acorus calamus.

Address: East Sixth Ring Road, Tongzhou District, Beijing


Majiawan Wetland Park

Majiawan Wetland Park covers a total area of 710,000 square meters, including 260,000 square meters of water area and 450,000 square meters of landscape area.

The water source of Xiao Taihou Yunliang River is cited in the park, which makes the wetland waters in the park communicate with each other and keep the water level above 1 meter all the year round.

There is a scenic spot in the park, "Woniu Wenxi". In the shape of a huge cow, lying still beside a wetland. Legend has it that a bronze bull statue was built on the south bank of Xiao Taihou River in Liao Dynasty as a water beast, so the nearby village was named "Buffalo House", and the former bronze bull has long been a thing of the past.

In the Woods on the bank of Henan in Xiao Taihou, there is a wooden plank road that is as long as 1,000 meters. This little-known wooden plank road, with no other plank road or road interspersed, bends around and is hidden in the surrounding green jungle.

Address: Daludian North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing


Hanshiqiao Wetland Park

Hanshiqiao Wetland Nature Reserve is located in JD.COM Plain, with a total area of 1,900 hectares, of which the core area is about 3,000 mu. It is the only large reed swamp wetland in Beijing Plain.

There are 153 species of birds recorded in the nature reserve, including 2 species of national first-class protected animals, 17 species of national second-class protected animals and 292 species of wild plants. It is the habitat and transit point of many rare and endangered bird migration.

Hanshiqiao Wetland is open from March 16th to November 14th every year, and it is closed at 8:00-17:20 and 16:20 from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are closed from 8: 00 to 17: 50 and 16:50. It is closed to the public from November 15th to March 15th of the following year.

Address: Han Shi Qiaocun, Yangzhen Town, Shunyi District, Beijing


Xinfengqu Wetland Park

Xinfengqu Wetland Park used to be a three-room industrial compound, but now it has been transformed into a picturesque wetland.

The park mainly includes three parts: the front pond in the north, the subsurface wetland in the middle and the surface wetland in the south, which have the functions of regulation, purification and stability respectively, and discharge the treated surface water to the main stream of Xinfeng River.

The park is built by the lake, surrounded by dense green vegetation, and the roads are paved with plastic trails, including small bridges, kiosks and plank roads in the water. Beautiful scenery, fresh air, quiet and comfortable.

The whole park is just the right size, and it is just right to go shopping. Whether it’s oxygen inhalation and lung washing, or want to see the scenery, it is a good place. And every place here can be a holy place to take pictures, so you can pat it as you like.

Address: Zhongding Road, Daxing District, Beijing

Source: Beijing Tourism Network Comprehensive

Weifang: Optimizing Medical Service Resources and Improving Primary Medical Service Ability

Weifang Radio and Television New Media News Primary health care is related to the health protection of the whole people, and primary medical institutions are the net to provide basic medical and health services to the masses. Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that to promote the construction of healthy China, we should give priority to the protection of people’s health, focus on rural areas and communities, and vigorously improve the basic medical level and health management and protection capabilities.

Zhao Tongxiang, deputy chairman of Weifang Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society: "In the investigation, Weifang Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society learned that the medical staff in primary medical institutions are highly mobile and the brain drain is serious; There are also individual primary health service institutions, lacking large-scale commonly used necessary inspection equipment, etc., and people tend to choose large hospitals for medical treatment. Focusing on solving these problems, we sorted out and submitted proposals. "

The proposal proposes to strengthen the construction of talent team in primary medical institutions, increase financial input in primary health care, strengthen the support of medical insurance policy to primary medical institutions, vigorously promote the grading diagnosis and treatment system, etc., improve the medical service capacity of primary medical institutions as soon as possible, and better make primary medical institutions become the health guards of the general public.

Wang Qinghai, the second researcher of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, said: "After receiving the proposal from the CPPCC, we seriously adopted and implemented the proposal. Innovative implementation of single-disease group management, always taking the health needs of the people as the focus and starting point, taking multiple measures to strengthen the construction of primary health service system, continuously improving the capacity of primary medical services, and improving the grading diagnosis and treatment system, further enhancing the satisfaction and sense of gain of the people. "

With the attention and support of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Municipal Health and Health Commission actively responded to the concerns of CPPCC members and people from all walks of life, continuously optimized medical service resources, greatly improved the capacity building of primary medical services, resolutely safeguarded people’s health and life safety, and further enhanced people’s sense of acquisition, happiness and security.

In the civil war of women’s singles table tennis, Manyu Wang defeated Wang Yidi 4-2, advanced to the final and was recognized.

For Manyu Wang, how brilliant will his achievements be? The WTT Macau Championship in 2023 will last until the sixth match day, and the men’s and women’s singles semi-finals have now ended. In the high-profile women’s table tennis competition, four China table tennis players presented two amazing semi-finals. This is the second year in a row that she has won the world championship at this level. In a just-concluded semi-final, Manyu Wang defeated Wang Yidi with a score of 4:2, thus successfully advancing to the final. In this competition, Manyu Wang showed amazing strength. His goal is to win the final championship. Even if he loses the competition, he can consolidate his position in the third place in the world.

At present, there are obvious differences between the two core players of China table tennis team. During the whole Paris Olympic cycle, Wang Yidi’s performance showed a trend of low opening and high walking, from the marginal main force of table tennis to one of the five main forces of table tennis. With Chen Meng’s ranking falling to the fourth place in the world due to the elimination of Olympic points, Wang Yidi’s ranking in the world has climbed to the third place, while Manyu Wang has shown a trend of high opening and low walking throughout the cycle.

Especially in this year, Manyu Wang showed an amazing performance, coupled with injuries and the change of the head coach, his performance is quite bad. His grades don’t seem to have changed much either. Chen Meng failed to win the championship in many competitions. Unfortunately, her efforts failed to win in the end. But he still sticks to his dream. In the Macau Championship, Manyu Wang and Wang Yidi staged a thrilling reversal in the semi-final, which provided him with an opportunity to win the championship again.

In the first game, Wang Yidi seized the opportunity of the game with keen insight and keen sense of smell. Take the lead in the score, then remain stable in several rounds, and finally lead the opponent by 11:7, successfully opening the door to victory. He used his expertise and technology to attack. With the arrival of the second game, Manyu Wang launched a counterattack and successfully occupied the advantage on the field. And control it. Whether in attack or defense, we can seize the opportunity skillfully in the stalemate and win. After pulling back the second game with 11:9, the score was 1:1, and in the third game, the competition between the two sides became more intense.

However, there is still a chance to catch Manyu Wang, who took a 2-1 lead with a score of 11-9, performed well in the multi-beat stalemate in the fourth game without mercy, and finally took the lead. Although he was robbed by his opponent in the last board, he finally defeated his opponent to win. Under the score of 11:6, we have achieved a 3:1 lead, which is a very excellent victory. This also shows that he is very confident about this game. In the fifth game, Wang Yidi showed indomitable spirit, even in the face of last stand.

From falling behind to equalising and then leading, we finally won the bureau with a score of 11:5, making the score 2:3. Manyu Wang, whose victory in the sixth game was in sight, did not give up the victory, but won with the score of 11:4, and finally eliminated Wang Yidi with the score of 4:2, thus winning the national table tennis civil war. This is another great achievement after he won the titles of "best server" and "excellent receiver and receiver". Despite the hard-won victory, Manyu Wang is expected to challenge the first singles title this year and become a new champion.

Due to long-term injury and coach change, Manyu Wang’s performance this year is not satisfactory, and he has not been able to break through the championship shortage so far, but in the end, he successfully entered the finals and will have an excellent chance to win the championship. Although his current state is not very good, he still hopes that he can return to the competition as soon as possible and strive for a better record. This is also the root cause of Manyu Wang’s recovery. Although his performance in the game is not good at present, if he can maintain his current competitive state, he can lay a solid foundation for winning greater victories next year. In order to consolidate the existing position, it is indispensable to achieve corresponding results after the global ranking has risen to the second position. Therefore, his performance in this competition is still good, especially his excellent service, which won him a good chance and finally won the runner-up. For Manyu Wang, how excellent will his performance be in this competition? We will analyze his pre-match preparation and performance in the competition and give some suggestions. Welcome everyone to leave a message and exchange.

Inzaghi faced two fateful battles at Inter Milan and Kong Di’s three choices in Italy.

Inter Milan lost to Spezia 1-2 away, which put coach Inzaghi in a delicate position at Inter Milan.

Next, the Nerazzurri need to face Porto in the Champions League and Juventus in Serie A..

These two games will play a decisive role in Inzaghi’s future.

Inter Milan’s minimum requirement for Inzaghi is to keep the top four position in Serie A, otherwise the coach may face dismissal after this season.

People’s doubts about Inzaghi are increasing.

On the other hand, Kong Di and Tottenham are both bored, and they will probably leave Tottenham after this season, and may even be fired in advance.

If Kong Di does not choose to coach in other leagues this summer and returns to Italy, then he has three main options.

At present, Kong Di’s net annual salary at Tottenham is about 10 million euros, which is one of the biggest obstacles for Kong Di to coach in Serie A..

Juventus and Inter Milan are two potential destinations for Kong Di in Serie A..

For Juventus, the current coach allegri’s net annual salary is about 7 million euros, and his contract with the team expires in the summer of 2025, which means that Juventus will have to pay a high price for firing allegri and signing Kong Di.

In addition, it is also possible for Kong Di to return to Italy for a year and then return to work.

These are Kong Di’s three main choices in Italy. Of course, there may be teams outside Italy who will hire Kong Di to coach.

Paris Saint-Germain is willing to spend 50 million pounds to introduce Maguire?

Paris Saint-Germain is preparing to offer 50 million pounds for Harry Maguire in the summer and bring him to France..

It is reported that Manchester United are willing to break the club record and sign Eduardo Camavinga from Real Madrid for 115 million pounds..

Tottenham Hotspur is facing a struggle to convince Thomas Tuchel to become their new head coach. It is reported that both he and Mauricio Pochettino are the best candidates to succeed Antonio Conte, and Chairman Daniel Levy has reservations about bringing back former head coach Pochettino..

Manchester United has added Mason Mount of Chelsea to the list of attacking midfield targets including ude Bellingham. If Erik ten Hag spends most of his summer budget on bringing in Harry Kane or Victor Osimhen, the summer transfer window will exceed the budget..

The exit of Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League is likely to prompt the departure of head coaches Christophe Galtier and Sports director Luis Campos..

Considering the cost of living crisis, the soaring business income of Chelsea, the performance of the club this season and the possible impact of the rising ticket fees on the atmosphere of the match day at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea fans warned the club president Todd Boehly that if he decided to raise the ticket price after a bad season at Stamford Bridge, it would cause "irreversible harm" to the fans..

Before Saturday’s game against Brighton, Leeds may get unexpected good news, and striker Rodrigo may play only one month after ankle surgery..

Wolves hope to beat Premier League rivals Tottenham Hotspur and West Ham United and plan to sign Alex Scott of Bristol City for 20 million pounds..

Daniel Levy, chairman of Tottenham Hotspur, will consider a series of candidates to change coaches, including Mauricio Pochettino, who may return to the club, and Luis Enrique, who was fired by Spain after the World Cup. Celtics coach Ange Postecoglou, Brighton coach Roberto De Zerbi and Neapolitan coach Luciano Spalletti..

Google launched PaLM-E, a visual language model with 562 billion parameters.

Recently, it was reported that Robotics at Google, Technical University of Berlin and Google Research team jointly launched the largest visual language model PaLM-E, with the final parameters as high as 562 billion. It is understood that this model has the ability to understand images, understand generation languages and handle complex machine instructions.

In this regard, Google said that the model also has an environmentally adaptive response and has the ability to face possible unexpected situations. It is reported that the model is robust to interference because it is integrated in a control loop.

It is reported that this model is a combination of PaLM-540B language model and Vit-22B visual Transformer model, and its core is its powerful language processing ability. The highlight is that the model can use visual data to enhance its own language processing ability after acquiring and processing visual data. For example, the corresponding traffic rules can be solved by pictures of traffic signs, the production process can be understood by pictures of ingredients, or the robot can be guided to complete relatively complicated actions by inputting instructions.

It is understood that PaLM-E has another outstanding advantage, that is, it has strong positive migration ability. In the relevant test results released by Google, the researchers believe that PaLM-E has the ability of self-learning, so it can perform planning and cross-length tasks on different entities. For example, after the model guides the robot to complete the "color block by color", it can further guide the robot to push the green color block to the ornaments that have never been seen before.

Some people think that although the guidance given by PaLM-E to robots does not seem very complicated at present, with the change of data training, it will give robots more thinking ability, and it is expected to be able to plan and execute the commands issued by humans more reasonably in the future, and make great breakthroughs in industrial application and design.

It is understood that in the artificial intelligence track, Microsoft previously published a similar case mentioned in the above research in February this year, that is, through the program written by ChatGPT to guide drones how to find drinks.

[The picture in this article comes from the network]

The last stop of the ball king

I missed the quarter-finals of the Champions League again, and now it’s time for Paris to break up. The team must change the status quo a little now. "L ‘Equipe" recently talked about the future of Paris. At present, the top management thought is to build the team with Mbappé as the core of the team’s future. On the contrary, Messi, who is rumored to have a possible contract renewal, pointed out that the club has a high probability of giving up.

Although Messi won the Argentine championship in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and got the last title puzzle of his career, it seems that Messi’s "nightmare" in the Champions League is not over yet:He fell to the quarter-finals for three consecutive years, missed the Champions League for eight consecutive years, and failed to break the door of Bayern for eight consecutive years.

Messi, who entered the animal year, announced the end of this season’s Champions League tour only in March. It’s so close and so far away from the fifth Champions League trophy, just like Jacky Cheung’s song.

Every time Messi has rumors of leaving the team, it is enough to shock football.

In the summer of 20 years, that "leaving email" that shocked football, he originally joined forces with his mentor Guardiola in Manchester City, almost decided to send out an application for leaving email, but Barcelona prevented Messi from leaving with the terms of "700 million liquidated damages".

In the summer of 21 years, Messi, who was originally married to Barcelona, was suddenly "abandoned" by Barcelona when he was enjoying the joy of winning the first America’s Cup, and had to switch to the Greater Paris in Neymar and Di Maria.

In the summer of 23 years, Messi will encounter a difficult "choice" again. In front of him, there are about three feasible ways.

Renew the contract with Greater Paris. So far, Paris Saint-Germain is the only club that has made a specific offer to Messi. However, Paris Saint-Germain also has its own problems, limited by the fiscal fairness bill, and there are rumors that they will make great adjustments to their lineup this summer, and some of them will have to reduce their salaries. The next few days will be the time for negotiations between the two sides.

Shares+real estate projects+various commercial marketing, MLS (American Professional League) tried its best to attract Messi to join.Join the American professional leagueProbably like Beckham in those days, except for a handsome salary, he may get his own franchise or a stake in Miami in the future.

The last road, of course, is the result that fans want to see most.Return to BarcelonaIt is the result that many Barcelona Messi fans have always wanted. After all, Barcelona still owes Messi a decent farewell ceremony. However, judging from the current salary space and financial situation of Barcelona, it is simply a gap to operate Messi’s return.

Xiao Bian believes that Messi will renew his contract with Paris in a high probability, at least in the five major leagues in Europe until the America’s Cup in 2024. After that, the plum ball king will make his next choice. Where do you think Messi will go this summer?