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Getting out of the misunderstanding of labor education practice: "gamification" can’t gain labor interest

  Bright pictures/vision china


  editorial comment/note

  Labor refers to the activity that people create material wealth and spiritual wealth necessary for their own survival and development through their own hard physical or mental efforts. In the new era, labor education has been picked up again, and schools have gradually begun to jointly carry out labor education practice with society and families. But in reality, labor education is often reduced to a simple task in daily teaching, a simple physical education, skill learning, and even alienated into entertainment, punishment and domestication. This paper holds that the lack of understanding of the connotation of labor and labor education still leads to some misunderstandings in the practice of labor education, such as the "servitude" of cognitive mental work that makes learning and labor oppose each other, the "play" that replaces the real pleasure of labor, and the lack of continuity in labor education, which needs serious reflection based on the connotation of labor education, and has certain practical pertinence, hoping to bring inspiration to readers.

  1, learning "servitude" put learning and labor in opposition.

  In recent years, labor education has been promoted to the same position as moral education, intellectual education, physical education and aesthetic education, so some schools have vigorously carried out labor education practice. Some open up schools to build farms and guide students to carry out productive labor practice; Some combine social resources and rely on labor education practice bases to organize students to experience labor. Social practice activities of learning agriculture and learning industry are carried out regularly every year in many places. However, while increasing the opportunities of labor experience, we will find a conventional concept that students’ daily study is not labor. This is really worth reflecting on. Isn’t learning itself labor?

  In fact, learning itself is also a kind of labor, and learning is cognitive mental labor. Soviet educator Suhomlinski believes that "labor education begins when students sit behind desks and study. Desk is the most complicated machine tool, which makes children, teenagers and teenagers feel that it is shameful to be careless, and laziness and idleness are sad. It is the most difficult thing for students to establish this understanding in education". Learning is a kind of labor that promotes the combination of wisdom and hands’ efforts. In this labor, learning is labor, while knowledge is the result of labor efforts. Under the background of digital labor era, the function of labor gradually turns to the existential function of realizing personal self-worth and obtaining the sense of value and meaning of existence. From this perspective, completing labor outside of learning may not be able to obtain more sense of value and existence than learning process.

  If learning is labor, why talk about labor education now? Why didn’t the mental work, which occupies the main position in students’ life at present, achieve the purpose of labor education? Why do schools often oppose mental labor and productive labor, and think that too much emphasis on intellectual development leads to insufficient labor experience? This is because the mental work of learning is alienated, and learning has been externalized as "labor".

  To recognize that learning is externalized as "labor", we need to trace back the essence of learning, a mental labor, and re-examine the current learning process of students. From Marx’s definition of labor, we can see that labor is firstly a process between man and nature. In the process of material exchange with nature, people increasingly realize the common attributes of things and phenomena, and find the regularity and connection between them, while mental labor is expressed in the form of representation, concept and reasoning. Learning this mental work ultimately points to scientific understanding of things, which is also an essential attribute for learning to become mental work. At present, students’ learning has gradually become "externalized labor" pointed out by Marx. Marx said in the Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844: Labor is an external thing for workers. In labor, he does not affirm himself, but denies himself. Instead of feeling happy, he feels unfortunate. Instead of freely exerting his physical strength and intelligence, he makes himself physically tortured and mentally destroyed. Once the external force stops, he will escape from labor like a plague. This exposition of externalization of labor seems to be just right to describe the study of today’s students. Students’ study is not to scientifically understand reality, but to pursue external material needs. The "tearing books after the college entrance examination" repeatedly exposed by the media reflects the students’ escape from this externally imposed task. Therefore, learning is no longer real labor, and it no longer has the function of liberating physical strength and intelligence.Instead, it becomes "hard labor", so it has little effect on improving students’ labor literacy.

  2. "Gamification" makes students lose their interest in labor.

  Corresponding to the fact that learning has become "hard labor", other forms of labor education that are gradually emerging show a trend of "gamification". Some schools carry out interesting and wonderful labor activities to attract students, and some schools integrate labor education into spring outing. On the one hand, this can improve students’ enthusiasm for participating in labor, but on the other hand, we need to pay attention to avoid blurring the difference between labor and games. Labor is the process of externalizing oneself, while game is the process of internalizing reality. The fuzziness of the difference between labor and games is more obvious in the digital age. Digital labor blurs the time-space boundary between entertainment and work, and dispels the traditional antagonistic relationship between play and labor.

  Labor is a serious process of giving, and the joy of labor lies in creation. This kind of giving also explains the self-externalization of labor. Students devote their physical strength and intelligence to the labor process and gain certain results. The pleasure that students feel in their work is the pleasure of creating things because of self-sacrifice, not fun. There is a difference between labor and games. Games can naturally bring satisfaction to children, but labor itself has no interest in children, so the interest in labor needs to be cultivated and developed consciously. The "gamification" of labor makes many activities look interesting, but there is no labor in essence, and students can’t gain interest in labor. Suhomlinski believes that the interest in labor should be manifested as "they realize that they can act on nature, make plants give fruits, and use tools to process wood or metal into needed shapes". Therefore, in the practice of labor education, we need to judge whether the interest in the labor process comes from giving and creating, or is interfered by other factors such as gamification.

  The contribution in the process of labor can cultivate positive labor values and make students love the working people and respect the fruits of labor. At the end of the 19th century, a "new" school appeared in France to train people engaged in "advanced knowledge occupations". In this school, students treat manual labor just like games and sports, because they don’t have to live by manual labor in the future. Although this school is located in the countryside, the students are far away from farmers’ lives. Although they are also working, they can’t really understand and study various social relations. Rousseau believes that only by taking part in labor in person and understanding all its complexity and arduousness according to experience can students judge the social significance of a production department in the future. Therefore, if we don’t regard labor as a serious process, we can’t cultivate our feelings for the working people, and we can’t cultivate our appreciation for the obtained survival materials.

  3. Labor education stays in experience and ignores daily self-service labor.

  At present, the labor practice of studying industry and agriculture in some areas is vigorously carried out, and an institutionalized labor experience system is gradually formed based on the construction of learning industry and agriculture bases. However, the persistence of these activities is worthy of attention. Most schools spend one week each semester leading students to experience labor, but they only stay in the experience once each semester, and there is a lack of cohesion between the activities, which is easy to make the labor experience become a casual entertainment. What’s more, some schools organize students to pull weeds in wasteland, and students regard pulling weeds as a kind of hard labor. This kind of labor experience of "working without teaching" deepens students’ rejection of manual labor. Therefore, the experience of labor must be complete, so that students can see the results of labor and feel satisfied with the achievements they have made through their own labor. If we just stop at pulling weeds without letting students experience the significance of pulling weeds for the growth of saplings, it will be difficult for this labor experience to play its due role. To lead students to plant wheat seedlings, we should let them see the process of wheat seedlings growing, heading and harvesting, and even let them see the process of wheat grains turning into food. At this time, the sense of pleasure comes not only from obtaining external products, but also from experiencing the sense of value and existence of labor.

  In fact, daily self-service labor is just the way to implement the principle of continuity of labor education. However, these are often ignored in schools and families. Schools spend time and energy to organize off-campus labor practice, but at noon, catering staff bring students lunch to the classroom, "depriving" students of the opportunity to experience self-service. The relationship between man and self is at the core of the three attributes of man, which also means that students’ self-service labor plays a vital role in students’ all-round development. Self-service labor can be regarded as the beginning of labor education. No matter what kind of productive labor he is engaged in in in the future, self-service will become his obligation and habit, and it is also the habit of cultivating people to observe discipline, meet their personal needs by doing it themselves, and form the habit of respecting others. When students get food effortlessly, it is difficult to ask them to respect food and labor.

  4. Strategies and suggestions for getting out of the misunderstanding of labor education practice.

  "If there is labor, there may not be education". Labor needs to satisfy three relational attributes, namely, man and self, man and nature, and man and society. The basic contents of labor are: self-service labor, productive labor and social welfare labor. Labor education is a practical activity based on physical labor and material production labor, exploratory innovation labor and artistic aesthetic labor, which is manifested in independent life in family life, practice and hands-on operation in study, public welfare activities in society and various professional labor. Therefore, the strategy to get out of the misunderstanding of labor education practice is to balance people’s different forms of labor demand through diversification.

  First of all, set up a cohesive and comprehensive labor education course. Dewey once said in The Waste of Education that all aspects and stages of education lack the necessary connection and cohesion with each other, which leads to conflicts and even negative effects. Similarly, in order to avoid the waste of education caused by labor education staying at the experience level, the labor education curriculum needs to pay attention to the cohesion of labor content and skills, which is reflected in the cohesion of curriculum content and the cohesion of education system. In terms of course content, it is necessary to set up labor courses that echo and connect properly according to the needs and characteristics of students of different classes and grades. In the education system, it is necessary to consolidate the skills and concepts of labor education through the cooperation between family and society. Schools can encourage students to find service jobs at home, take the initiative to participate in housework, and learn some labor skills. In addition, the content of labor curriculum also needs to take into account three basic labor education contents, namely, self-service labor, productive labor and social welfare labor.

  Secondly, change the concept of labor education of parents and educators, so that parents and educators can establish labor education awareness. The promotion of the cooperative mechanism between labor educators and schools puts forward higher requirements for teachers and parents’ awareness of labor education. For example, some schools will arrange "homework". If teachers and parents can’t pay attention to it, the effect will be greatly reduced. In order to avoid staying in the curriculum, labor education needs to enhance the awareness of teachers and parents. On the one hand, it is necessary to interpret the connotation, function and significance of labor education in combination with the development of the new era. On the other hand, it is necessary to change the concept of labor education through necessary education and training, so that they can voluntarily carry out and cooperate with the development of labor education activities.

  Finally, actively develop creative forms of labor and promote the combination of physical strength and brain power. Creative labor enables students to use the power of wisdom in physical labor, realize the unity of "internal thinking" and "external doing", and thus experience the happiness of labor. Wang Shaoliang, a scholar, believes that the labor values of contemporary teenagers have changed from "labor glory" to "labor happiness", that is, from "a kind of praise obtained from the outside through labor achievements" to "confirmation and affirmation of an essential force from their own labor achievements". Therefore, the development of school labor activities can not stay in simple physical labor, but needs to develop challenging creative labor that can show students’ physical and mental potential. Suhomlinski’s "creative labor theory" also points out that the content of labor education should be enriched with enough knowledge, abundant wisdom and refined talents.

   (Author: Ning Bentao Feng Linlin, respectively, professor of the Department of Education, Department of Education, East China Normal University, researcher of the Institute of Basic Education Reform and Development; Master student, Department of Education, East China Normal University)

Football News: Taishan will win the second place in the U21 League. In the final round, four teams will compete for the remaining place for the second place.

Live broadcast: On November 3rd, in the 21st round of U21 League, Shandong Taishan U21 team defeated Shanghai Harbour U21 team 2-1, locked in the championship one round ahead of schedule, and got the qualification to participate in the 2024 season B. According to "Football News", in the final round, there were four teams competing for the remaining one B spot.

According to the rules, the top two players in U21 League this year won the number of places in China B, but the rules on registration, promotion and demotion have not been finalized. After this round, Taishan scored 45 points, Haigang scored 40 points, Dalian scored 39 points, Rongcheng scored 39 points and Shenhua scored 38 points. Taishan U21 team has won the championship ahead of schedule and successfully rushed to B, while the four U21 teams of Haigang, Dalian, Rongcheng and Shenhua all have hope of rushing to B in the final round.

At present, the situation in the seaport is the best. If you win, you will get the qualification of B. If you draw, you need another game and it will be a draw. If you lose, you will miss B.: If Dalian people win and the harbor doesn’t win, they can get the qualification of B, and they will be tied or negative; If Rongcheng wins, and the harbor doesn’t win, it will get the qualification of B, and it will be flat or negative; If Shenhua wins and Dalian people draw with Rongcheng, they can get the qualification of B.


Shenzhen civil aviation safety supervision department responded to "a loud noise occurred near Shenzhen Baoan Airport"

  Jimu journalist Li Xiancheng

  On the evening of October 30, many netizens said that they heard a huge plane roar near Shenzhen Baoan Airport and saw a plane flying at a low altitude. On the evening of 30th, the staff of Shenzhen Safety Supervision Bureau of Civil Aviation responded to a journalist who said that at 6: 22 that night, a flight made a go-around due to air traffic control and deployment. When the plane went around, the engine made a loud roar.

  Netizens broke the news that there was a huge roar at Shenzhen Baoan International Airport (Source: Network)

  At about 6: 30 pm on October 30, many netizens reported that they heard a rush of aircraft roaring near Shenzhen Baoan International Airport and saw a plane flying at a low altitude, which shook the windows. I have never encountered such a situation before.

  On the evening of the 30th, the customer service staff of Shenzhen Baoan International Airport told Jimu journalists that they had not received any relevant reports of aircraft anomalies. At present, Shenzhen Baoan International Airport is operating normally, and the inbound and outbound flights are operating normally.

  Many netizens reported encountering similar situations (Source: Network)

  At 10 o’clock on the evening of October 30, the staff of Shenzhen Safety Supervision Administration of Civil Aviation responded to a journalist who said that after detailed verification, at 6: 22 that night, a flight made a go-around due to air traffic control and deployment, and it was loud when going around. The flight landed normally at 6: 37.

  "During the go-around process, the engine generated a loud roar. Because it is full horsepower, many netizens hear this voice. At present, it is still a normal deployment, and the more detailed situation requires more detailed investigation in the follow-up. " The above staff said.

  Go-around, the technical term of civil aviation, also known as go-around (GA; Go Around), refers to the plane before landing to the ground, adjust the throttle to the maximum position (TO GA) and pull up the nose to return to the air and hover to land again.

[See you at 8 o’clock] Official announcement! Corruption-related personnel are not allowed to be released on parole for this behavior.

  At 8 o’clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours.

  [Follow] Official announcement! Corruption-related personnel are not allowed to be released on parole for this behavior.

  According to the website of the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Court recently issued the Supplementary Provisions on the Specific Application of Laws in Handling Cases of Commutation and Parole. The Supplementary Provisions make it clear that criminals who were originally state functionaries who were sentenced for corruption and bribery, refused to plead guilty and repent, or did not perform or did not fully perform the property judgment in the effective judgment, were not granted parole, and generally did not receive commutation.


  The deflagration accident of Fangda Special Steel has caused 2 deaths and 8 injuries. Investigation on the listed supervision accident in Jiangxi Province

  According to the Jiangxi Provincial Emergency Management Department, as of 13: 00 on May 31, the deflagration accident of Fangda Special Steel Company in Nanchang has caused two deaths and eight injuries (six of them are in critical condition). According to the relevant laws and regulations, the Nanchang Municipal Government has set up an accident investigation team to carry out accident investigation, and the Jiangxi Provincial Safety Committee Office has listed and supervised the accident investigation, and will interview the person in charge of Fangda Group Industrial Co., Ltd. in the near future.

  The new version of foreigner visa, group visa and residence permit is so long!

  The State Administration of Immigration issued an announcement on May 31, deciding to enable the new version of foreigners’ visas, group visas and residence permits. The exit-entry administration departments of public security organs nationwide began to issue the new version of foreigners’ visas, group visas and residence permits from June 1, and stopped issuing the current version of foreigners’ visas, special economic zone tourist visas, group visas and residence permits. Special economic zone tourist visa business uses the new version of the visa to make and issue.

  Nearly 100 ancient tombs have been found in Tsinghua University, but no funerary objects have been found yet.

  On May 31st, it was reported that an ancient tomb was discovered during the construction of the northern side of Six Religions in Tsinghua University. According to Tsinghua University’s news about WeChat WeChat official account, 87 tombs of Ming and Qing Dynasties and 5 tombs of Han Dynasty have been discovered this time. The excavation work is not over yet, and the exact figures need to be further discovered and verified. As the funerary objects have not been found yet, the specific archaeological value has yet to be confirmed. According to the on-site staff, in addition to the bones, there are items such as copper coins at the excavation site.

  Beijing: The number of smokers has decreased by 200,000 after the implementation of the tobacco control regulations for four years.

  May 31st is the fourth anniversary of the implementation of the Regulations on Smoking Control in Beijing. Since the implementation of the Regulations, Beijing 12320 hotline has received 50126 complaints and reports on tobacco control, and the top three places for complaints and reports are office buildings, restaurants and entertainment places, accounting for 40.3%, 24.5% and 9.8% of the total complaints respectively. The rate of illegal smoking in public places decreased from 34.4% to 4.9%, a decrease of 85.8%; The adult smoking rate in Beijing decreased from 23.4% in 2014 to 22.3%, and the number of smokers decreased by 200,000. The exposure rate of secondhand smoke decreased from 35.7% to 20%, a decrease of 15.7 percentage points, and the number of people exposed to secondhand smoke decreased by 2.8 million.

  Beijing’s first bicycle lane opens

  On May 31st, the first bicycle lane in Beijing was put into trial operation. Bicycle lanes are totally enclosed, with a total length of 6.5 kilometers. They start from Huilongguan in Changping District in the east and end at Houchangcun Road in Haidian District in the west. There are 8 entrances and exits, and the speed of cycling does not exceed 15 kilometers per hour. Pedestrians, electric bicycles and other vehicles are prohibited from entering. After opening, it will directly serve about 11,600 commuters along the line, effectively alleviating the traffic pressure between Huilongguan and Shangdi on Metro Line 13 and improving the regional green travel environment.

  Li Guowen, former member of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress, accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation.

  According to the website of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Guowen, former member of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress, is under disciplinary review and supervision investigation.

  In 2018, the top ten online terms in China were announced, and koi fish, Buddhism and skr were selected.

  On the morning of May 31, the Report on Language Life in China (2019) released by the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission showed that ten words, such as koi fish, Buddhism and skr, became the annual online terms in 2018.

  These top 10 online terms include: koi fish, Bar Jing, skr, Buddhism, Confirmed Eyes, Official Announcements, C-position, earthy love words, peeling, burning my calories. When explaining "skr", the report pointed out that the word originally refers to the rubbing sound of automobile tires, and then it quickly became popular with the frequent use of a pop singer in variety shows, and was imitated and spread by netizens. When you encounter something recognized, you will use skr to express your admiration and praise.


  Eleven people have been killed and six injured in a shooting in Virginia, USA.

  On Friday afternoon local time, a shooting incident occurred in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA, killing 11 people and injuring 6 others. It is reported that the gunman has been killed by the police.

  Caressing Nara deer or causing it to be "abandoned" conservation groups: don’t touch it!

  According to Japanese media reports on May 31st, Nara Park, a famous tourist attraction in Japan, is now at the peak of deer birth. Local conservation groups have called for the doe to stop taking care of the deer if it is infected with the smell of people, so if tourists see the deer, "don’t touch it."

  American man sued Delta Air Lines for being bitten by a dog on the plane and leaving a scar on his face.

  According to US media reports, Marlin Jackson, a man from Alabama, filed a lawsuit against Delta Air Lines on May 31, claiming that in 2017, an emotional support dog of a passenger of Delta Air Lines attacked him on a flight.

  According to reports, litigation documents show that on the flight from Atlanta to San Diego, Jackson was sitting in a window seat, and a passenger’s "big dog" suddenly attacked him, bit his face and forced him to cling to the window of the plane. He is suing the airline for an unknown amount, claiming that the company failed to ensure his safety and allowed the dog to board the plane without proper restraint.

  Nearly half of Chileans rely on self-study to watch American TV plays in English.

  According to foreign media reports, the "Global English Learning Report" conducted by Yuguan Survey Network shows that 49% of Chilean respondents teach themselves English by watching American TV shows. The report said: "In developing countries, such as Indonesia and Chile, people are more inclined to master some English skills through self-study." In Germany, 93% of the respondents learn English through school teaching.


  The driver refused to take the drunk passenger and was responded by dripping.

  Recently, a drip driver refused to carry a drunk passenger and was beaten, which triggered a heated discussion. On May 31, Didi explained that on the evening of the 27th, Master Qin, the driver of Didi in Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province, was beaten by five drunken passengers during the service and was injured and hospitalized. According to the audio and video evidence, the driver refused to take the taxi, and Didi would permanently stop providing taxi service to the taxi driver. At present, Master Qin is in stable condition and is recovering.

  In 2019, the mountaineering season on the China side of Mount Everest ended, with 241 people reaching the summit, 2 rescued and 2 killed.

  The press conference on Mount Everest in Xizang Autonomous Region in 2019 was held in Lhasa on May 31st. The People’s Government of Xizang Autonomous Region released the relevant data of the climbing season on the China side of Mount Everest in 2019. A total of 241 people climbed the world’s highest mountain from the north slope of Mount Everest in Xizang Autonomous Region, China, and two foreign climbers were rescued in distress and died due to physical discomfort.

  The Guangdong police’s Hurricane 2019 operation destroyed more than 300 criminal gangs in five months.

  On May 31st, the press conference held by the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department reported that the Guangdong police’s "Hurricane 2019" special campaign launched 34 "Hurricane" cluster campaigns from January to May, destroying more than 300 criminal gangs and arresting more than 5,400 criminal suspects, successfully cracking a number of criminal cases, effectively driving the province’s criminal alert and criminal filing down by 16.4% and 9.6% respectively.

  A fire broke out in a KTV building in Changchun.

  On the morning of May 31, a fire broke out in a KTV building near the intersection of Changchun Street and Dajing Road in Changchun City. At 10 o’clock in the morning, firefighters were carrying out fire fighting work. The building where the fire broke out was unrecognizable, and the fire was under control, but there was still an open flame in the building. It is not clear whether there are any casualties.


  80 yuan also sent a cheering T-shirt to announce the highest fare for the national football warm-up match.

  Weibo, the official of China Football Team, announced the ticket price of the national football warm-up match in June. The highest price is only 80 yuan, and you can also get a cheering T-shirt.

  According to the information released by China Football Team Weibo, the tickets for this warm-up match are divided into three stages: 30 yuan, 50 yuan and 80 yuan, and all spectators who buy tickets for the match can receive a T-shirt for China team for free on the match day.


  [Xia Gengen] The only boy wears a wedding dress to shoot graduation photo.

  Graduation photo, a special student of Northwest Normal University, became popular on the Internet, with a boy wearing a wedding dress and 28 girls wearing suits surrounding him. A group of special graduation photo popular networks in Northwest Normal University in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, have been dubbed by netizens as "the funniest graduation photo of the year". Xia Gengen, the hero in the photo, said, "We don’t want to be unconventional or eye-catching. We just want to leave a good memory for graduation photo in the class. As long as the students are happy, I am not afraid of other people’s opinions and ridicule. "

  [Wang Yongfeng] We must be in awe of nature.

  At the end of the climbing season on the China side of Mount Everest in 2019, Wang Yongfeng, Vice Chairman of chinese mountaineering association, told the climbers in an interview on May 31 that they must be awed by nature, and introduced chinese mountaineering association’s efforts to ensure the safety of climbers on Mount Everest. Besides, enjoying the process is more important than reaching the top.

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

  Editor: Zhu Xinyu

The news of the snow has been confirmed. It is freezing in Zhejiang, and there is sunshine on New Year’s Eve.

Chao news client reporter Fang Li

Recently, it has been overcast with rain in Zhejiang Province, with obvious rain today (February 3-4), and the precipitation was suspended on the 5th, and the freezing rain and snow weather resumed on the 6th-7th.

Let’s stick to it for a few more days. Judging from the current weather situation, the weather in Zhejiang on New Year’s Eve was good, accompanied by sunshine, and the temperature began to rise.

West Lake misty rain user sea photo

Affected by cold air, the daytime was still cold yesterday. At 15 o’clock yesterday, the temperature in all parts of Zhejiang was low. Huzhou was only 2.9℃, and southern Zhejiang was relatively warmer. The temperature in many areas dropped by more than 10℃ compared with the same time the day before. At night, the water vapor strengthened again and the rain increased again.

Today, there are sometimes showers in cloudy weather in the whole province, and more rain will appear tomorrow, with moderate rain and partial heavy rain in the whole province.

For example, in Hangzhou, due to the eastward movement of the deep south branch trough, the Jianghuai cyclone was also born in the southwest airflow in front of the trough and the easterly airflow at the bottom of the northern high pressure. At the same time, the water vapor condition of precipitation in Hangzhou has been strengthened and the dynamic conditions have become more sufficient. The whole city of Hangzhou will experience moderate rain and partial heavy rain.

In the next few days, the rain will stop all over the province on the 5 th, mainly cloudy weather. However, due to the influence of multiple cold air, the temperature will drop further.

The coldest day is February 6, and it is predicted that Zhejiang will join the "ice and snow group chat" on this day.

Since the 6th, the warm and humid air flow has been strengthened again, and combined with the low temperature, it is easy to change the phase of rain and snow.

In the morning, the temperature fell below the freezing point again, and the lowest temperature in most parts of the province was 0 ~-2 C with thin ice and-3 ~-5 C with freezing. The highest temperature during the day is only about 2℃ in northern Zhejiang.

It is estimated that there will be sleet or snow in the mountainous areas of central and northern Zhejiang on June 6-7, and there will be sleet locally in the plain areas.

The rainy weather in Zhejiang will last until the 7th, and it will turn cloudy to cloudy on the 8th.

From this point of view, despite the baptism of rain and rain before the festival, on New Year’s Eve, we can finally be accompanied by winter sunshine.

Hangzhou’s red wall Bai Mei netizen sea photo

Let’s draw the key points again-

It was rainy in our province before New Year’s Eve, and there was low temperature, rain and snow freezing in the mountains on June 6-7. 2-5 days, there is a wide range of rain, snow and freezing weather in central and eastern China.Friends who have plans to return home should plan their itinerary in advance to ensure safe travel.

Medium-range weather forecast

4th (Sunday): There is moderate rain in the whole province, and partial heavy rain in northern and western Zhejiang.

5th (next Monday): The whole province is cloudy.

Day on the 6th (next Tuesday): It is cloudy to cloudy in the southwest of Zhejiang, and it turns cloudy with light rain in the afternoon; Cloudy to cloudy in other areas.

6th night-7th (next Wednesday): There is little to moderate rain in the province, and there is sleet or light snow in the mountainous area of central and northern Zhejiang.

8th (next Thursday): The northern part of Zhejiang is cloudy to cloudy, while the rain in other areas gradually stops and turns cloudy.

9th (next Friday): Cloudy to sunny in the whole province.

"Reprint please indicate the source"


Blacklist, duty on the road, exam! There is always a takeaway brother who is "suitable" for traffic violations.

CCTV News:Shanghai Pudong police recently notified several major traffic accidents involving take-away riders and punished the enterprises involved.

As can be seen from the monitoring screen, in October last year, two take-away riders drove electric cars in tandem on the non-motor vehicle lane in order to save time. As a result, the rear rider mishandled and ran into the front car, causing the rear rider to fall to the ground and be injured. He died after being rescued by the hospital. On January 2 this year, when a man was driving a two-wheeled scooter, he collided with a takeaway rider who was driving in the opposite direction. The man fell and was injured and died after being treated by the hospital.

Takeaway riders are ordered to rectify traffic violations.

According to the statistics of the traffic police department on the types of traffic violations committed by take-away riders in January 2019, the number of times of "driving electric bicycles in reverse" was 1777, ranking first in traffic violations. For the case that the main responsibility of traffic safety management of take-away enterprises is not implemented in place, the traffic police department also imposed fines on several take-away enterprises and full-time traffic safety management personnel of enterprises and ordered them to make rectification.

A takeaway rider was blacklisted for repeatedly breaking the law.

In the list of take-away riders with frequent traffic violations by take-away enterprises in Pudong New Area in January 2019, a take-away rider broke the law 13 times in one month, with a score as high as 40 points, and was finally blacklisted by take-away enterprises, becoming the first case in Pudong New Area to be blacklisted by take-away enterprises due to traffic violations.

Li Chun, head of Shanghai regional security of a takeaway enterprise:Deduct 36 points in a quarter, which shows that you are a rider who often violates the law. Our company considers others for its own sake, so we pull the black with the industry.

Score management for riders’ traffic violations.

Since the end of 2017, the traffic police department in Pudong, Shanghai has worked out the "Traffic Civilization Scoring Method" in consultation with the express delivery and take-away enterprises within its jurisdiction, and managed the rider’s traffic violations through the "Take-away Traffic Civilization" APP with personal information.

Lu Wei, Captain of Che Xuan Brigade of Traffic Police Detachment of Pudong Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau:For other riders with scores over 24 to 36, we ask them to be on duty for an hour on the road to carry out voluntary activities of traffic civilization. There are also some riders who break the law more, and we ask them to pass online tests to improve their awareness of law-abiding.

Once the benchmark of the hatchback, Volkswagen Golf 8 is no longer brave.

As the saying goes, "A golf course is half a popular history. It shows the significance of golf to Volkswagen Group. Since the launch of the model for 47 years, the cumulative sales volume is close to 40 million, ranking third in the world, which can be regarded as a satisfactory report card. Because of its pivotal position, the domestic market pays great attention to the listing of the eighth generation golf. After all, as a hatchback niche model, its performance in recent years is also relatively low. As the benchmark of this market segment, can golf inject new vitality into hatchback cars through the iteration of models?

However, since the launch of Golf 8 in November last year, its sales performance has fallen far short of expectations. Feeling disappointed at the same time means that consumers are not too cold about this newly replaced golf. As a global model that has been selling well for many years, is Golf 8 unacceptable?

It is precisely because domestic consumers love SUV models, and often independent brands lock the first launched models as SUVs, including the now famous new car-making forces Weilai, Tucki, Ideality and Weimar, etc., all of which send an SUV model first. Introducing an SUV with stronger passability than a car makes it easier for car companies to open the market smoothly.

For the car category that emphasizes driving maneuverability and comfort, consumers will prefer the traditional sedan shape, which is more practical without it. Especially in our country, even luxury brands are introduced into China, and they may not have the courage to go public without lengthening and broadening. It can be clearly seen from the sales list of last year’s models that the top ten are all sedan cars or SUVs.

The hatchback structure of golf is really embarrassing. It is an indisputable fact that hatchbacks have fallen out of favor in the mass market, leaving only so-called feelings, but it is difficult to resonate with consumers. For example, Mazda Angkor Sela and Buick Weilang have cancelled the supply of hatchback versions due to poor sales; Many hatchback models, such as Honda Fit, Toyota Zhixuan, Ford Focus, etc., have also begun to increase the cross-border style version in order to stabilize the pattern, but it is still difficult to have the explosion of hatchbacks like Nissan Tiida and Volkswagen Polo.

You know, in the most brilliant golf 7 period, its domestic monthly sales once reached 26,000, and the average monthly sales exceeded 10,000, so there was no pressure, and there were even cases where it was necessary to raise the price. However, times have changed. In the past few months, the highest performance of Golf 8 was only about 7,500 vehicles in the first full month after listing, and then it fell to more than 5,000 vehicles in January of the new year, which was more negative than the previous generation products at the end, and quite different from the heyday.

Before the peak was revealed, fatigue began to appear. We can attribute the poor sales to the fact that the new car has just been listed, the terminal discount has not yet started to be released, and consumers are generally on the sidelines. However, it also reflects the problem of insufficient cost performance of Golf 8 from another side. Although the starting price of the new car of 129,800 is slightly lower than that of the previous generation, it can be seen that the main model is 1.4T power, but its starting price has risen to 148,800.

Like the popular hatchback models Fit or Tiida, their price ranges are mostly in the early 100,000 s.. If it rises to around 130,000, I am afraid that I will be asked: Isn’t Xuanyi Corolla fragrant? Golf is a little higher than Fit and Reach. Of course, golf is really above them, but according to consumers’ usage habits, they have no difference in level, and the rear seat space is not even as good as Fit, which is good at "stealing space".

The price of 148,800 yuan can be considered as a sedan Civic or Angkor Sela that also meets the needs of young people in personality, and the starting price of the high-end 1.5T and 2.0L automatic versions is only 139,900 yuan, and the proportion of the car body is even more explosive. What’s more, the current automobile market is not as single as it was five years ago, and niche golf can also be favored. The rise of independent brands will undoubtedly have a greater impact on the car-making of joint-venture brand cars, such as the high-quality showstopper character of Linke 03 and the subversive rhetoric of Geely Xingrui’s 2.0T system. What they want to chew is the cake in the 150,000 range of joint-venture brand cars.

In an era when even luxury brands have to rely on terminals to make profits, perhaps the date of golf 8 discount impulse is getting closer and closer.

According to the configuration of the overseas version, it was thought that the Golf 8 listed in China was a sincere replacement. The interior of the digital cockpit was optimized and upgraded, and with the brand-new 1.5T power, consumers naturally had a lot of expectations for the new car. Unfortunately, after the domestic launch of Golf 8, we were surprised to find that the new car still used the 1.2T and 1.4T engines of the previous generation. The unsynchronization with the overseas version inevitably made domestic consumers feel unbalanced.

Although the difference between 1.5T and 1.4T is only 0.1L, and there is no obvious difference in power parameters, the gap between the two engines is a whole generation of research and development time-consuming. As early as 2016, Volkswagen Group released a new generation of EA211 1.5T Evo engine, which was widely used in overseas models. After four years of precipitation, it still doesn’t appear on the new generation of domestic golf 8. Don’t the public know the importance of the China market?

The existing EA211 1.4T engine has been in service in the market for many years, which has made great contributions to golf. However, compared with the slightly backward stability, consumers prefer to choose the most advanced products. The new Volkswagen EA211 1.5T Evo engine is equipped with a variable cross-section vortex supercharger, which can also drive the turbine to rotate at low engine speed, thus improving the lag of the previous 1.4T turbine machine. At high engine speed, with the increasing waste pressure, the angle of the guide vane of the supercharger also expands, achieving an ideal supercharging effect.

In addition, thanks to the introduction and optimization of many new technologies, such as ACT active variable cylinder, VTG variable turbine geometry, high compression ratio Miller cycle, GPE gasoline particulate trap, brand-new intermediate cooling and intake system and more accurate temperature management, EA211 1.5T Evo engine can bring better fuel economy to new cars. It is reported that although the displacement has increased, the official fuel consumption per 100 kilometers has become lower.

It is estimated that the time of EA211 1.5T Evo engine on domestic golf version will be in 2023, and it will take a long time. From the perspective of domestic consumers, it is obviously difficult to understand that there is a better engine technology, but an old power that has no market competitiveness is adopted. It is no wonder that the new generation of golf is in a state of being willing but unable to do so.

It has already entered a niche market, and the price competition is unprecedented. In addition, due to the recall of the overseas version of the new golf due to software problems, the confidence of domestic consumers in the reliability of the new golf has been weakened, and the concept of "digital golf" has become a laughing stock. As a legendary model with a long history, it really shouldn’t. It can only be said that it is really not the best time to start golf 8.

Figure | from the network

The State Administration of Financial Supervision will be unveiled soon.

  The State Administration of Financial Supervision is about to go online.

  On May 17, The Paper was informed that the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau will officially unveil it in the morning of May 18. Someone close to China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission told The Paper that the unveiling time can refer to the unveiling in China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission in 2018, and it should not be too late.

  Previously, the "top leader" of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau has been formally settled. On the afternoon of May 10th, the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau held a meeting of leading cadres. The responsible comrades of the Organization Department of the Central Committee announced the central decision: Comrade Li Yunze was appointed Party Secretary of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau.

  In March this year, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Party and State Institutional Reform Plan", proposing the establishment of the State Financial Supervision and Management Bureau, which is responsible for the supervision of the financial industry except the securities industry, strengthening institutional supervision, behavioral supervision, functional supervision, penetrating supervision and continuous supervision, coordinating the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests, strengthening risk management and preventive disposal, and investigating and handling illegal acts according to law, as an institution directly under the State Council.

  The State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau was established on the basis of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the daily supervision duties of the People’s Bank of China on financial holding companies and other financial groups, the protection duties of financial consumers, and the investor protection duties of the CSRC were assigned to the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau. At the same time, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission is no longer retained.

  It has been five years since China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission was founded. In March 2018, the State Council’s institutional reform report proposed that the Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission would be established, and the responsibilities of China Banking Regulatory Commission and China Insurance Regulatory Commission would be integrated as institutions directly under the State Council. At the same time, the responsibilities of China Banking Regulatory Commission and China Insurance Regulatory Commission to formulate important draft laws and regulations on banking and insurance industry and the basic system of prudential supervision were assigned to the People’s Bank of China.

  At 8: 30am on April 8th of that year, relevant leaders held a flag-raising ceremony at the south gate of the former CBRC, and then unveiled the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. This also means that China Banking Regulatory Commission and China Insurance Regulatory Commission, which have a history of 15 and 20 years respectively, ended their historical missions after the establishment of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission.

  Five years later, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission once again handed over to the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau.

Zhengzhou issued a yellow warning for heavy pollution weather.

According to the provincial and municipal air quality forecast and consultation results, Zhengzhou will experience a round of moderate-severe pollution from January 11th. According to the requirements of joint prevention and control of heavy polluted weather in Henan Province and the Notice of the General Office of Zhengzhou Municipal People’s Government on Printing and Distributing the Emergency Plan for Heavy Polluted Weather in Zhengzhou City (Zheng Zheng Ban [2023] No.43), Zhengzhou issued a yellow warning for heavy polluted weather, and started the Class III response of heavy polluted weather at 18: 00 on January 10, 2024.

During the yellow warning period, citizens should do a good job in health protection. Children, the elderly and susceptible people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and respiratory diseases should stay indoors, and protective measures should be taken if they really need to go out; The general population should reduce outdoor sports and outdoor work time. If it is inevitable, it is recommended to take protective measures.

Advocate public green consumption and green travel, try to travel by public transport or electric vehicles, stop the car in time, and reduce the idle running time of the vehicle; Advocate public green life and reduce energy consumption.

Relevant departments should implement emission reduction measures for industrial sources, dust sources, mobile sources and non-point sources. Including the National Fourth Diesel Truck, it is forbidden to drive into the south of the North Fourth Ring Road (Dahe Road, excluding this road), the west of the East Fourth Ring Road (including this road), the north of the South Fourth Ring Road (including this road), and the east of the West Fourth Ring Road (even Huo Expressway is not allowed in the area).

This round of early warning is expected to be lifted on January 15, and the specific lifting time is subject to the official notice according to the results of the consultation and judgment.

(Zhengguan journalist Qi Qijuan trainee reporter Huang Qiyue)


The film "Angry Tide" faces the overseas criminal industry chain directly.

Original title: The movie "Angry Tide" faces the overseas criminal industry chain directly.
Beijing Daily News (Reporter Yuan Yuner) Confronted with the issue of overseas criminal industrial chain, it triggered public thinking about social reality and personal safety issues. Recently, the film Angry Tide held its premiere in Beijing. This film is the first work of the actor Ma Yuke, and it shows the complexity and dark side of human nature in a unique way.
Angry Tide is based on real events. The criminal interest chain in the film involves nearly 2,000 victims, including kidnapping, human trafficking, organ trading, drug manufacturing and trafficking, and many other crimes, which is shocking. In order to defend justice, the police in the film fought fiercely with criminals at all costs, showing their firm belief and fearless courage. Nick Cheung plays a cold-blooded killer who revenges his sister. His violent behavior stirs up many forces and makes the fate of the characters and the direction of the story full of suspense.
At the premiere, starring Ehan Juan revealed that before the filming, director Ma Yuke arranged for all the actors to participate in professional martial arts training. There is a fighting scene between Nick Cheung and Ehan Juan in the film, which is extremely difficult to shoot. They are very involved in it, and he is satisfied with the final result. The film will be released today.
Source: Beijing Daily