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The big directors have returned to the film circle, and the dispute between cinema and streaming media is hard to stop.

Image source @ vision china

Wen | Eye Entertainment, Author | Mu Ying

What kind of movies can Zhao Liying and Yang Mi, two popular "85 Flowers", make a hot search for a role?

# Yang Mi, the girl in the sauce garden ## Yang Mi Zhao Liying Jiangyuan Lane ## Yang Mi docking rumor sauce garden lane #…… Recently, the topic about the attribution of the role of Su Qing, the second female in the movie "Sauce Garden Lane", has been frequently searched, which makes onlookers wonder, what is the fragrant "cake" that can make the popular female star grab it like this?

"Sauce Garden Lane" is indeed one of the most concerned projects in the recent film market.Well-known director Chen Kexin grinds a sword for seven years, and Zhang Ziyi, the winner, takes the lead. This is simply going to win the prize. No wonder the stars want to squeeze in and brush their faces.

To tell the truth, the Chinese film market seems to have been so busy for a long time. Even Chen Kexin lamented that it was his busiest time in the past decade, and he was not the only one who was busy in the film industry recently.

Xiaogang Feng crowded into the 2023 Lunar New Year file with Feng’s New Year film "If You Are the One 3", and held a press conference with Ge You, Shu Qi, Fan Wei and other actors.

Xu Ke, the "old monster", returned to Jin Yong’s martial arts after 30 years, and took the top entertainment in Sean Xiao to shoot "The Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Great Man", and stayed in Inner Mongolia for several months;

Yuan Heping also chose to return to the martial arts, and the new film "The Dart Man: The Wind and the Desert" has been successfully established, and actresses are being recruited all over the world.


I still remember that before 2023, the rapid development of streaming media, coupled with the epidemic situation, led to a fierce impact on cinema films, and the box office was not optimistic. A large number of well-known directors such as Wong Kar-wai, Xu Anhua and Jia Zhangke played cross-border games, either to shoot advertisements or to shoot online dramas, and the film market was once silent.

When streaming media and cinema started a "protracted war", the industry began to worry about the future of the film industry, butJudging from the current state of the film market, streaming media is probably a cinema that can’t be killed..

With the rise of streaming media, it is an inevitable trend that cinema films will be impacted, and the real war between them began in Lost in Russia.

In the Spring Festival of 2020, under the circumstance that almost all cinema films were forced to be withdrawn, Xú Zhēng’s comedy film Lost in Russia directly crossed the cinema and was broadcast on streaming media.The change of media form led to the earthquake in the film industry..

Lost in Russia was the first to go online with streaming media, which undoubtedly caused great damage to the interests of cinemas. At that time, tens of thousands of employees claimed that the national cinemas suffered as a result, and even declared that they would boycott the films of Xú Zhēng and the producer Huanxi Media in the future. It can be seen that the relevant personnel in the film industry hated streaming media.

From the film side’s point of view, Joy Media sold Lost in Russia for 630 million yuan, which was undoubtedly a steady profit. At that time, the industry situation was not good. Even if it was successfully released in the cinema, it might not be able to get a higher box office, not to mention the film release under the influence of the epidemic was far away.

For the streaming media, Byte spent 630 million yuan to buy Lost in Russia, but the watermelon video really needs a movie to refresh itself. What’s more, watching Lost in Russia for free has made Byte well received by the general audience, and gained word of mouth and reputation. This business is not a loss.

The only loss among the three parties is the cinema, which invested a lot of publicity and film arranging expenses in the early stage, but in the end it was nothing.

more importantly,Lost in Russia has opened a new outlet for movies. Once movies enter the era of streaming media, cinemas are bound to suffer heavy blows.At a time when this trend was looming in the film industry.

In fact, the dispute between streaming media and cinema is not limited to China.This problem also exists in Europe and America, where the film industry is more developed..

In July, 2021, Scarlett Johansson, a widowed sister, went to court with Disney, because Disney had promised that her new Marvel Comics film "Black Widow" would be exclusively shown in the cinema, but the other party turned around and synchronized the film on the D+ streaming media platform, which would inevitably affect the cinema box office, and a large part of the remuneration of "widowed sister" came from the share of the cinema box office.

The rise of streaming media is an irreversible trend. If Disney wants to develop an online streaming media platform, it will definitely harm the interests of cinemas and even actors, which has caused a series of debates.

The dispute between streaming media and cinemas is a problem in the whole industry. With the rapid development of the Internet, audiences are gradually gathering online, and streaming media tends to overwhelm cinemas. Just like Warner Bros. put all the films produced in 2021 on the streaming media platform, the share prices of many cinemas in the United States plummeted.

The same is true in China. In 2019, the total box office of China movies was as high as 64.2 billion yuan, but in 2020, only 20 billion yuan was left, and in 2022, the number of rooms was as high as 30 billion.

The decline of cinemas has led to a sharp drop in box office and revenue, which has hindered the development of the film industry to some extent.Directors have made more profitable TV dramas. Xiaogang Feng made the online drama "North Road South", Chen Kaige produced the Legend of the Wonder Man in the Early Republic of China, and Wong Kar-wai made the Flowers. ……

It is difficult for streaming media and cinemas to have a truce. Well-known directors have joined the drama market one after another, and the film industry has actually suffered the most.

Although the industry once shouted the slogan that China movies entered the streaming media era, in fact,The film industry is still dominated by cinemas, and it is difficult for small screens to replace big screens..

The rapid development of streaming media benefited from the changes in the general environment to a certain extent, but with the decline of the epidemic in 2023, the recovery of offline cinemas led to the recovery of the box office.Cinema has become the main battlefield of the film industry again, and the market share of streaming media in the film industry is gradually decreasing..

On the one hand, it is difficult to replace the social attributes and experience attributes of offline traditional cinemas. More and more ordinary audiences enter cinemas and enjoy the immersive viewing experience, and cinemas are also one of the main places for socializing, which meets the social needs of ordinary people. This is what Guangming Daily once said.The cultural field created by cinema viewing is irreplaceable by Internet viewing.”。

At the same time, the film industry can’t leave the offline distribution channel. Due to the long production cycle and large investment, it is difficult to make a profit by only streaming media distribution. The cinema is always the core of the film economy, which will also drive the consumption of urban entities to a certain extent. It is a kind of urban cultural need, and the big screen is still the first choice for the film market.

On the other hand, streaming media is still in the development stage, and its main task is "innovation".However, the effect of staying in movies is not as good as that of dramas and variety shows, and the investment of relative streaming media in movies will be reduced..

Generally speaking, the purchase cost of movies is high, and the viewing time is mostly 2-3 hours, so it is difficult to keep users for a long time. However, the update cycle of dramas and variety shows is relatively long and the volume is relatively large, which can keep users to the greatest extent. Therefore, the investment of streaming media platforms in the field of long video is much greater than that of movies.

At the same time, users of domestic streaming media platforms have relatively low willingness to pay, and viewers are unwilling to spend money on content, which also leads to rampant online video piracy.Once the movie turns to streaming media, it is difficult to make a profit.Therefore, in the movie market, it is difficult for streaming media to replace the status of cinemas.

However, although it can’t completely replace the cinema, streaming media has its own advantages and its influence in the film market can’t be ignored.

With the vigorous development of the Internet, the influence of streaming media is gradually expanding, which provides a better platform for the promotion, marketing and dissemination of movies, and movies can reach a wider audience through streaming media.

Not only that, streaming media viewing is not limited by the environment, which actually makes up for the shortage of cinemas and provides a more convenient way for some viewers in need.To some extent, streaming media and cinema are actually complementary..

For China movies, streaming media did once occupy the living space of cinemas. However, with the recovery of the industry and the revival of cinemas, streaming media can’t replace cinemas, and the same cinemas can’t eliminate streaming media. They will continue to coexist in the movie market, providing more diversified content platforms for audiences and markets.


Double super in one city! Why is Qingdao football fruitful?

Public Network reporter Mao Daoguang reports from Qingdao

The past weekend has become the most unforgettable day for Qingdao football!

In the 29th round of League A, Qingdao West Coast, which holds the initiative, beat Guangzhou team 2-0, thus locking the Super League seat in advance for next season. At this point, there are two Super League teams for the first time in the history of Qingdao football, and it has become the seventh city in China that will soon have the "Super League Derby" after Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Success is never achieved overnight. In the past ten years, Qingdao professional football has set foot on the top of the mountain and once fell into a trough. Fortunately, Qingdao football has never given up lightly, and with a tenacity, it has regained the road of chasing dreams in difficulties.

One city "double super"! At this moment, Qingdao football has realized the "dream of two heroes" in the top leagues in China, and let the whole country see the profound connotation of "Football City" and let football become the shining business card of this city again!


Looking back at Qingdao football in recent years, there are too many moments worth remembering!

Drinking ice for 9 years, blood is hard to cool! After many years of silence, Qingdao Manatee returned to the Super League from China B, and made its home debut 10 years later in Youth Stadium, the first 50,000 professional football stadium newly opened in Shandong this season, beating former enemy Beijing Guoan 3-1, which made countless fans dream back to 10 years ago and rekindled the hope of Qingdao football.

Qingdao West Coast Football Club, formerly known as Qingdao Kangtaiyuan Commercial Concrete Football Team, was established in 2007. In 2019, it was awarded the qualification of Grade B, and officially entered the China Football Professional League in 2020. In April, 2022, Qingdao Youth Island Football Club officially moved into German Football Asia Base. After playing in League A in the 2022 season, the young team hit it off with the West Coast, a city of youth, and set a more ambitious goal: changing its name to the West Coast, fighting for Qingdao and fighting for the West Coast New District.

The home relocation to Qingdao West Coast University Town Stadium marks that Qingdao West Coast New District has the first team to compete in professional football matches. As a new landmark of the West Coast New District, Guzhenkou University Town Stadium can accommodate 20,000 people and is one of the closest stadiums in China. It has been officially unveiled and put into use on May 10th this year. As the home of Qingdao West Coast Team in League A and Qingdao Red Lion Team in League B, it has been frequently unveiled in national competitions.

This autumn, Qingdao Manatee relegated to the Super League two rounds ahead of schedule, Qingdao West Coast overtook the Super League one round ahead of schedule, and Qingdao women’s football team returned to the domestic women’s football professional league, all of which are inseparable from the silent cultivation of Qingdao football for many years. With the end of the "Jinyuan Football" era, the inherent advantages of Qingdao football have gradually emerged, and the achievements of football development and youth training have blossomed everywhere, which has also polished the "golden signboard" of football again.

"The success of the West Coast Club is inseparable from the attention of the municipal party committee and the municipal government and the support from all walks of life. With two super league teams, Qingdao football has reached a new height. I hope that we can make persistent efforts next, and Qingdao Football can continue to contribute to China Football. " Tian Weiguo, director of Qingdao Football Activity Management Center, said this.


As a prestigious "Football City", on January 25th, 2022, Qingdao was successfully selected as one of the first nine key cities for football development in China during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. This is the third time that Qingdao has won this honor since 1979 and 1992. In 2023, Qingdao Football has achieved full coverage of football professional clubs at all levels, including Super League, China A, China B, Women A and Five Super League.

The achievement of such excellent results is inseparable from Qingdao’s policy support for football development.

In terms of support for professional sports clubs, Qingdao Sports Bureau issued the Measures for Supporting and Encouraging High-level Professional Sports Clubs in Qingdao according to the spirit of the document "Implementation Opinions on Promoting National Fitness and Sports Consumption to Promote High-quality Development of Sports Industry". The Qingdao Municipal Sports Bureau will set up a sports industry support incentive fund, which will invest 35 million yuan every year to support the high-level professional sports clubs in Qingdao, and reward them according to the results of professional leagues.

In November of the same year, the leading group for the promotion of football reform and development in Qingdao also issued the "Construction Plan of National Key Cities for Football Development in Qingdao during the Tenth Five-Year Plan". The plan clearly sets the goals to be achieved by 2025, focusing on building 1-2 super league teams; Realize the 9-level elite echelon of Super League Club and the 7-level elite echelon of Zhongjia Club; Set up 1-2 professional women’s football clubs … and the goal of focusing on building 1-2 super league teams was first fulfilled this autumn.

Looking at the whole country, there are only a handful of cities that can be called "football cities". Qingdao has enjoyed a good reputation for many years, which is inseparable from its excellent youth training system and good youth football competitions.

For a long time, Qingdao youth football has a profound foundation and outstanding achievements in youth training. The traditional event "Mayor Cup" campus football league has gone through 32 seasons. The league also achieved full coverage from the primary school, junior high school, senior high school and university four-level campus football league system. By the end of 2021, the "Mayor Cup" campus football league had organized 3,694 games, in which 22,553 players from 1,510 teams participated. Qingdao campus football is constantly exploring the deeper field of integration of sports and education. The introduction of a series of security policies and the practice of trying first provide protection for children who like playing football and take care of their studies.

By 2023, 10 Qingdao athletes, including Wang Ziming, Liu Yang, Li Lei, Wei Zhang, Wang Haobin, Li Suda, Liu Chen, Zhang Yiqian, Shuo Yang and Shao Mingzhen, have been selected into national football teams at all levels, and outstanding talents are constantly emerging; Qingdao U9-U14 football team won five championships in six groups in the 2023 Shandong Football Championship, and Qingdao U16 women’s football team became the first team to advance to the top four of the National Student (Youth) Games, with excellent competitive results.

In addition, Dong Lu, a well-known football commentator, also praised Qingdao’s youth training in the recent live broadcast. He said that Qingdao has a large number of football talents and good football development genes. Youth training clubs such as Qingdao West Coast Football Club and Qingdao Zhuifeng Youth Football Club have performed very well on the field, and many high-level athletes and coaches are also impressive.


"Fight, Qingdao team!" It is not only a slogan, but also engraved into the football memory of a generation.

Counting the football history of Qingdao, at the beginning of the China Professional League, Qingdao established its own professional team-Qingdao Manatee. The time can be traced back to December 31st, 1993. Qingdao Manatee Football Club was formally established, and it became one of the founding teams of Chinese Football Association Super League together with Shandong Taishan, Beijing Guoan, Tianjin Jinmenhu and Shenzhen Team.

In 2002, Qingdao Yizhong Manatee hired Li Zhangzhu, a famous Korean coach, as the head coach, and the team won the China Football Association Cup, which was the first national championship in the history of Qingdao professional football. Qingdao Huanghai Qinggang Team won the championship in the 2019 season and successfully overtook it. In the 2020 season, Qingdao Manatee Team and Qingdao West Coast Team also staged the "Qingdao Derby" in the second season. In the 2021 season, the Qingdao Manatee team took the lead in rushing to the A, and the West Coast team subsequently succeeded in rushing to the A in the play-offs of the 2021 season. In the 2022 season, the two teams will continue to stage the "Qingdao Derby" in the Chinese team. Last year, the Manatees took the lead in overtaking, and the West Coast team gained a foothold in the Chinese team. By the 2023 season, the West Coast team was successful, while the Manatee team was successful in relegation in the Super League.

At the recently concluded 2023 China Qingdao Fashion Sports Industry Conference, Liu Jianhong attended as a guest, also talked about Qingdao at the scene, and praised the development of Qingdao football. He said, "In 1996, as a reporter of CCTV’s Football Night, I came to Qingdao to interview League A and B, and witnessed the process of the Manatees returning from League A to League A that year." After leaving CCTV, Liu Jianhong came to Qingdao again in 2021. He presided over the expedition ceremony of Qingdao Manatee. The Manatee was successfully upgraded from B in that year, and it was successful at the end of 2022. Today, the Manatee has become a strong force in the Super League again. As a football city, Qingdao and Liu Jianhong have witnessed the ups and downs of Qingdao football for so many years.

In the long history of football development in China, Qingdao football has experienced ups and downs, but it has never been absent.


Derby is an unavoidable topic in a region where football is booming. Two teams in the same region staged a "peak showdown", accompanied by tens of thousands of fans shouting like a tsunami, the two sides joined hands in the game to contribute to the offensive and defensive war, and the fierce physical confrontation and the collision of beliefs among fans undoubtedly made it the most eye-catching game at present, which also made the football economy "hot"!

Looking around the world, there are the famous Manchester derby and North London derby in the Premier League, the national derby between Real Madrid and Barcelona in La Liga, the "Milan duo" in Serie A, and the most intense national derby between Boca and Riverbed Argentina.

In China, the derby in the same city is also one of the most concerned games. Compared with the "Jinglu War" and "Jingyue War", the once Guangzhou Derby, Wuhan Derby and Tianjin Derby gradually disappeared from public view with the fading of "Jinyuan Football". Now, the joining of Qingdao Derby not only injects fresh blood into the league, but also appears more precious in timing.

Looking forward to the 2024 season, Qingdao will usher in the "city derby" of the Super League for the first time, Qingdao manatee and Qingdao West Coast will usher in "love and kill each other", and the "football economy" will gradually spread from the north shore of Jiaozhou Bay, which was on fire this year, to the west coast of Jiaozhou Bay. At that time, the two teams will also dedicate a wonderful showdown for Qingdao and even the national fans.

One city "double super"! This is an affirmation of the hard work of Qingdao football for many years, and it has injected a "cardiotonic agent" into the development of Qingdao football. Whether manatees avoid relegation, or the West Coast overtake, or the gradual improvement of the youth training system, to a certain extent, it reflects the long-term vision and unremitting pursuit of Qingdao’s football career development.

Dapeng rises with the wind in one day, soaring to Wan Li. In the future, Qingdao Football will take advantage of the east wind of "building a key city for national football development" to vigorously promote the deepening of football reform, do a good job in training and transporting youth football, comprehensively improve the overall development level of football, and make the reputation of "Football City" a "golden signboard" of Qingdao.

After reading these 14 historical truths, I realized how shallow my historical knowledge is! How many do you know?

1. Women in Song Dynasty will be fined if they don’t marry at fourteen.

During the Song Renzong period, men were married at the age of fifteen and women at the age of thirteen; Ming Taizu stipulates that a man marries at the age of 16 and a woman marries at the age of 14. A woman who does not marry at the legal age will be fined.

For example, when Emperor Xiaohui of the Han Dynasty was filial, anyone who wanted to have a daughter who was over 15 to 30 years old and had not married was fined 600 yuan; In the Tang Dynasty, men over the age of 20 and girls over the age of 15 were also punished.

2. Zhongguancun was originally a eunuch nursing home.

Zhongguancun, a desolate cemetery decades ago, is mostly the tomb of eunuchs.Because eunuchs were called "middle officials" in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was called "middle official grave".

Eunuchs built temples and old-age manors here, and because they were called "middle officials" at that time, they called this place "middle official village". After liberation, they chose to build the China Academy of Sciences here. They thought the word "middle official" was not good, so they changed their names to "Zhongguancun".

3. Confucius is the pioneer of Weibo style.

The Analects of Confucius is the earliest collection of Weibo;

1. Each Analects does not exceed 140 words;

2, concise and profound;

3, more fragmented, mostly for Confucius to bask in the mood and exchange philosophy.

4. Strong interaction, and often reply and interact with Zigong, Yan Hui, Zilu, etc.

5. Confucius has more than 3,000 fans, 72 of whom are V tuba.

4. The origin of "jealousy" originated from the Tang Dynasty.

Fang Xuanling was the prime minister for 22 years and was an important founder of Zhenguan rule.In order to show his merits, Emperor Taizong gave two beautiful women. Then this angered the prime minister’s wife and forbade beautiful women to enter the house.

Li Shimin gave her two choices:One is to get back the beauty; The second is to drink the "poisoned wine" given by the royal family.

After the heroic Mrs. Fang drank the "poisoned wine" on the spot, she knew it was a cup of vinegar. Emperor Taizong couldn’t help but take back the beauty, and the word "jealous" spread.

5, Gao Qiu was Su Dongpo extremely.

Gao Qiu was originally Su Dongpo’s mini-story, that is, extremely clever and good at copying.When Su Shi was transferred to Zhongshan House, he gave him to Wang Jinqing of Wang Shen, the captain of Xiaowangdu. Once, Wang Shen wanted to send Duan Wang was a comb knife for trimming sideburns, which was sent by Gao Qiu.

It happened that Duan Wang was playing cuju, and Gao Qiu took the opportunity to show off his skills, so he won the favor of Zhao Ji and stayed with Duan Wang from now on.After Zhao Ji succeeded to Song Huizong, Gao Qiu rose steadily.

6. Yan was not alone.

I always thought that Yan was one person, but it turned out to be ten.Yamaraja in Ten Temples is the floorboard of ten hades who are in charge of hell, which is said by China Buddhism. This statement began in the late Tang Dynasty.

They are:King Guang of Qin, Chu Jiangwang, Emperor Song, King Wu Guan, Yan Luowang, King Bian Cheng, King Tai Shan, King Ping, King Du Shi and King Huan.

These ten kings live on the ten halls of hell respectively, because they are called the ten halls of hell.

7. "Hou" was originally the title of emperor.

When you see the last word, you will always think of the queen, the queen mother and so on.However, in ancient times, the latter word represented men, was the embodiment of power, the symbol of emperors and the title of the son of heaven.

Later, it was the title of emperor before the Zhou Dynasty, when the wife of the son of heaven was a princess, and later it was used as the title of emperor for more than 360 years. It was not until the Zhou Dynasty that the princess was renamed.

After Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, the emperor was called the emperor, and the emperor’s wife was called the queen.

8. In Wei and Jin Dynasties, a man must look like a beautiful woman to be beautiful.

In Wei and Jin Dynasties, a man had to look like a beautiful woman to be praised, and gentle female beauty was the standard of beautiful men.Therefore, men of all ages in Wei and Jin dynasties desperately went to the "false mother" line. Noble men and women, almost everyone never leaves the mirror. Every day, they wear powder, lipstick and perfume, to the point where they disappear without makeup.

At that time, the famous false mothers were: writers Cao Zhi, Pan An, calligrapher Wang Xizhi …

9. Although the Ming emperor was dissolute, he had no wimps.

Although some emperors of the Ming Dynasty were dissolute and heartless, none of them were wimps!The Great Ming Dynasty lasted for 276 years, and never paid compensation, ceded land or paid tribute. The emperor guarded the country and the king died.

Emperor Chongzhen was martyred, but orthodox prisoners never begged for mercy. Longwu was killed in the battlefield, and Shaowu was captured and committed suicide by hunger strike.At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the soldiers were still divided into two ways to deal with the Manchu and the King, and they did not give up the desire of "the whole Liao can be restored" from beginning to end.

10. It was stipulated in the Song Dynasty that officials were not allowed to enter the wine shop, regardless of public or private funds, they were impeached.

According to Ouyang Xiu’s "Returning to the Field", Lu Su’s simple public service is a virtue, and the public service is easy to take and drink in a wine shop. Zhenzong asked, "Why did you enter the wine shop privately?" Gong said:"I am poor and have no utensils, and I have everything in the wine shop. I have come from afar with my relatives in the village, so I drink with them. However, the minister is easy to serve, and the city people have no knowledge of the minister. "

Zhenzong said, "Your majesty is a courtier, and I’m afraid he will be played by the censor."

11, the origin of the yellow flower girl

In ancient times, unmarried women liked to use yellow color to draw various patterns on their foreheads or faces when dressing up. It can also be cut into various patterns with yellow paper and pasted.

And "yellow flower" refers to chrysanthemum. Because chrysanthemum can resist cold in Ao Shuang, it is often used as a metaphor for people having moral integrity.

Therefore, adding the word "yellow flower" in front of the prostitute means that the woman is not married yet, but can remain chaste.

12. The origin of "Erguotou"

In the middle of Qing Dynasty, in order to improve the quality of shochu, Jingshi shochu Workshop needed to treat the distilled liquor, the "liquor head" cooled by cold water in the tin pot for the first time and the "liquor tail" cooled by cold water in the tin pot for the third time.

Because the first pot and the third pot are cooled by substances, only the wine that flows out after being cooled by the cold water changed into the tin pot for the second time is picked, so it is called "Erguotou".

13. Housing security system in Song Dynasty: the monthly rent of low-rent housing in Kaifeng is 106 yuan.

Building shop service, later renamed as "shop house service", is responsible for the management and maintenance of state-owned real estate, and to the public for rent. Look a little familiar! Equivalent to the current low-rent housing.At that time, there were 1192 public houses in Kaifeng, the capital, with a monthly rent of 170 yuan (RMB 106.25).

Can ordinary people afford to rent the land of capital city at the foot of the son of heaven?This is a housing security system, which is completely affordable.

14. Four nicknames of ancient China: Shenzhou, Kyushu, Huaxia and Zhongyuan.

1. China, the ancient sage took China’s China, which was called "the land of China".

2. Huaxia, originally referred to the Central Plains, later included the whole territory.

3. Kyushu, the ancient China, was divided into: Ji, Yan, Qing, Xu, Yang, Jing, Liang, Yong and Yu.

4. The Central Plains, the birthplace of Chinese civilization, was regarded as the center of the world by the Chinese nation in ancient times.

Source: One poem and one lesson.

32 historical photos, reviewing history

In 1979, 518 meters above the street in new york, a worker was responsible for installing the antenna of the World Trade Center, which attracted attention to his security measures. The train carriages in the 1890 s showed the comfortable travel environment at that time. In 1987, a building in alba iulia was relocated. In the 1890s, the picture of an Inuit warm wife showed deep love. In 1901, Anne Edersen Taylor survived by going down Niagara Falls in a wooden bucket. Children’s skulls without deciduous teeth and human hearts without blood reveal the strangeness of life.

In 1993, Queen Elizabeth II tested a combat rifle. In 2006, Qatar auctioned the world’s most expensive telephone number 666-6666 for 1.5 million pounds for charity. The duel between WWE legend Andre and boxing legend Mehmetali was impressive. The oldest copper fishhook found in the archaeological site of Ashkelon reveals ancient fishing techniques.

The colonial life during the British Empire and the abnormal brain of Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky glimpse the cruelty and strangeness of history. Franz Reichelt died trying to test his parachute, and the photos were chilling. The similarity between chimpanzees and human fingers is thought-provoking. Nelson mandela became the South African President after 27 years in prison, showing people tenacity and victory. Warren Buffett’s life in his youth glimpses the trajectory of future billionaires.

Newton’s original handwriting and a group of people celebrating the arrival of bananas in Norway outline the subtle interweaving of individuals and history. Marilyn Monroe’s wedding photos reveal the reality under the dreamy appearance. Kung Fu superstar Bruce Lee, dressed in the uniform of the Reserve Officers Training Corps, presents a multifaceted life. Tokyo’s urban buildings are as dense as chips, emitting modern prosperity.

The scenes of ancient Greek and Roman athletes cleaning their bodies with oil and grinding fine sand make people understand the way of life of ancient culture. The vertical staircase scenery in Hawaii is amazing. Beauty in modern dress style shows the evolution of fashion. During the Iranian revolution in 1979, the scene of burning the American flag showed political turmoil.

The night view of Italy reflects the light of the city, just like a shining river flowing to the sea. The wooden houses on the Polish Tartrat Mountain exist like fairy tales. Blue gem ring, which has a history of nearly 2,000 years, once belonged to the Roman emperor Ka Rygula, and it is stained with the blood of history.

Cindy Chin’s pencil-carved works of train art show the combination of creativity and skill. The London boy in historical photos shows complex emotions in the face of family death. These 32 historical pictures guide us to review history, feel the long river of time and enjoy the colorful life. Which of these photos do you think impressed you the most?

# century famous painting! # # Exploring the mystery of art # # Shocking works # # Real times # # Corbusier’s works # # Talking about the history of Russian art # # Moving Matisse # # Anecdote in the Art Museum # # History of exotic paintings # # Review after a hundred years #

Stay away from the "swimming shoulder" Four postures make swimming more enjoyable

Recently, high temperature warnings have been issued in many places. The heat is unbearable, and many people choose swimming, which can not only cool down and exercise, but also lose weight, burn fat and shape their bodies. However, improper swimming posture can also cause harm to the body. Wang Jing, director of the Department of Bone and Joint and Sports Medicine of Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, reminded netizens to be careful about "swimming shoulders".

What is a "swimming shoulder"?

Swimming is a sport that uses the shoulder joint the most frequently. "Swimming shoulder" is mainly caused by the frequent movements of the shoulder joint over the head when swimming, which leads to the collision between the subacromial coracoacromial ligament and the greater tubercle or rotator cuff tendon, resulting in subacromial bursitis and rotator cuff tendinitis, and the shoulder pain is induced.

In addition, when swimming, the upper arm needs to fully rotate and abduct, and the upper arm repeatedly exerts its strength. At the same time, due to the resistance of water, it exerts great pressure on the shoulder, and excessive exercise will lead to tendon injury of the shoulder joint.

What are the symptoms of "swimming shoulder"?

The clinical symptoms of "swimming shoulder" mainly include shoulder pain, including rest pain, exercise pain, nocturnal pain and movement disorder.

Specifically, acute injury is characterized by severe pain in the shoulder and decreased abduction ability of the shoulder; In chronic injury, the shoulder is dull and painful, while in abduction, the abduction is limited. In the early stage, it is often manifested as shoulder pain at rest or at night, decreased activity, weakened strength, etc., and symptoms such as persistent pain and frozen shoulders will appear in the later stage.

Which strokes are prone to "swimming shoulder"?

Compared with other strokes, people in freestyle, butterfly and backstroke are more likely to suffer from "swimming shoulder". Because the shoulder joint frequently moves above the head, the ligament under the acromion, the greater tubercle of humerus and the rotator cuff tendon repeatedly hit, resulting in local injury of the shoulder joint.

For example, in freestyle, the internal rotators such as pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi are often used in the "pull" stage, while the external rotators such as deltoid and infraspinatus are often used in the "recovery" stage. Generally speaking, the external rotator is weak and easily injured. However, the basic posture of breaststroke determines that its shoulder movement range is small, so it will be relatively better.

It should be noted that no matter what kind of swimming stroke, if the swimming action is not standardized, uncoordinated or too long, lack of sufficient warm-up and excessive exercise intensity, the shoulders will be in an excessive state of exercise.

How to prevent "swimming shoulder"?

First, the preparation activities should be sufficient. Warm up well before swimming, such as bending your head forward, leaning back and rotating your back from side to side for more than 10~15 times to move your neck; Shoulder shrug, arm circle drawing and chest expansion exercise 10~15 times each to move shoulders and chest; Stretch your legs, bend over, touch your toes with your hands, bend your knees, bend your hips and squat, and stand up alternately for 10 to 15 times to move your knees;

The second is to pay attention to maintaining the correct posture. The body is in a flat floating state, relaxed and stretched, the coordination of hand and foot movements is in place, and the swimming speed is balanced. It is not advisable to be too fast or too fierce;

The third is to control the swimming time reasonably. Each swimming time should not be too long, and it is recommended not to exceed 1 hour;

Fourth, relax properly after swimming. By stretching muscle ligaments, regulating breathing and supplementing nutrition, the body can recover better.

Remind that once you have shoulder discomfort, you should stop swimming. After 1-2 weeks of rest, the pain is still not relieved, so you need to seek medical advice in time.

How to treat "swimming shoulder"

It is recommended to stop all pain-inducing activities or training. At present, effective treatments include: using anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs (oral, topical or local injection), ice compress, acupuncture exercise therapy, physical therapy and rehabilitation exercise.

If the above conservative treatment fails or rotator cuff tears occur, surgical repair should be performed as soon as possible.

Editor: Geng Jieyu

The brand-new Chongqing team appeared in China football! The warm-up match defeated the newly promoted Super League, which made the fans sit up and take notice.

A few days ago, Chongqing football ushered in a brand-new professional league team, which is Chongqing Tonglianglong, which gathered many old Lifan generals. After the dissolution of the Chongqing team, Chongqing Tonglianglong began to play in the China Champions League and began to carry the banner of reviving Chongqing football. Chongqing Tonglianglong performed well in the Champions League last season and got the qualification of Chong B. After Chongqing Tongliang Dragon rushed to China B, it filled the gap that there was no professional team in Chongqing football.

Chongqing lifan used to be a strong football team in China, and it also performed well in the Super League, and once beat Evergrande. Chongqing team has also trained international players like Zhang Chiming and Feng Jin. Unfortunately, before the Super League started last season, the team once again encountered the crisis of unpaid wages. Finally, after comprehensive consideration, Chongqing team decided to quit professional football. Chongqing team quit professional football, which made Chongqing football lose its professional team.

At the critical moment, Chongqing Tonglianglong stood up, started to play in the China Champions League in a team, and recruited the Chongqing football flag Wu Qing. Chongqing Tongliang Dragon has now rushed to China B, attracting the attention of a group of old Lifan generals. Chongqing Tonglianglong can consider introducing Liu Huan whose contract with Guoan expired. After leaving Guoan, Liu Huan went to Dalian for trial training.

Whether Liu Huan can stay in Dalian is a huge unknown. Because Liu Huan’s Dalian team is in a precarious state. Dalian team doesn’t even have the qualification to introduce new aid. If this problem is not solved in the future, Liu Huan will not be able to complete the registration. Therefore, Liu Huan can consider returning to Chongqing. At the same time, Chongqing Tonglianglong chose to play a warm-up match in order to test the training results during this period.

Chongqing Tonglianglong chose to play with Qingdao Manatee, a new Chinese Super League army. Originally, fans thought that Chongqing team would be played by Manatee. Unexpectedly, the Chongqing team was very tenacious in the game and finally defeated its opponent 1-0. The strong play of Chongqing team in the warm-up match made the fans see the hope of rushing to armour. I look forward to Chongqing Tonglianglong’s steady and steady progress in the Chinese B League and achieving the goal of rushing to the first division in the new season.

Laundry technology sharing: can ChatGPT make autonomous driving faster?

Recently, the hottest topic in the science and technology circle is "ChatGPT". However, ChatGPT is only an external manifestation, and what deserves more attention is the development of AI technology behind it and its future application.

Some people even describe the changes brought by ChatGPT optimistically: Before ChatGPT, AI was only a module of existing scene products at most. Then, after ChatGPT, AI will redefine the product framework of existing scenarios.

Whether it is as optimists say remains to be seen, but whether autonomous driving, as one of the important scenes of AI landing, will have further development in this wave has still aroused many people’s discussion.

Some people think that autonomous driving needs more graphics, images and data processing ability, requires higher image algorithm, and has little correlation with natural language processing ability. It is not possible to realize autonomous driving with ChatGPT’s ability at present.

Of course, some people think that the appearance of ChatGPT shows us a possibility, that is, trained AI will make high-level autonomous driving expected to appear in a few years.

Why does the progress of AI technology make people pay attention to whether autonomous driving is affected?

Observing the development history of autonomous driving, it is not difficult to find that every major breakthrough of autonomous driving is synchronized with the development of AI technology.

We know that,AI is actually imitating the brain neural network and learning some very humanized skills by analyzing a large amount of data.In 1980s, the first practical application of neural network happened in the field of automatic driving.

In 1987, researchers at Carnegie Mellon Artificial Intelligence Laboratory tried to make a truck that could drive automatically. They manually write codes for all driving behaviors and write as detailed instructions as possible for various situations encountered by trucks on the road, so as to make the vehicles run automatically. But unfortunately, this way can only make the car achieve a speed of several inches per second.

Manual code writing failed, and another doctoral student named Dean pomerleau chose another way: neural network.

He named his system ALVINN. After adopting this system, trucks use the images taken by the roof camera to track what drivers are doing, so as to observe how to learn to drive on the road. In 1991, ALVINN drove from Pittsburgh to Erie, Pennsylvania at a speed of nearly 60 miles per hour.

However, a more direct and broader impact occurred in 2012.

Jeff Hinton, a professor at the University of Toronto, and two of his students, Alex Krzyzewski and Ilya Satsky, won the first prize in the ImageNet image recognition competition, and published a paper introducing the algorithm AlexNet. This paper is not only the turning point of artificial intelligence, but also the turning point of global technology industry.

As the key technology of autonomous driving, target detection and image recognition are highly benefited from the breakthrough of computer vision algorithm. Therefore, with the recognition accuracy of Li Feifei team, director of Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, surpassing humans for the first time on ImageNet open data set in 2015, autonomous driving, as one of the most important landing scenes of AI, has also entered the fast lane of development.

So, will the appearance of ChatGPT become the Milestone of autonomous driving again?

Generally speaking, AI can be divided into three parts: voice, vision and natural language understanding.The last wave of AI was mainly based on the breakthrough of visual image recognition technology, and this time ChatGPT is a natural language processing technology based on GPT-3 model, which can effectively simulate human language understanding ability, thus helping people better understand and analyze natural language text data.

When we want to discuss what impact ChatGPT will have on autopilot, we think that we should first find out whether autopilot here refers to mass-produced low-level autopilot (assisted driving) or high-level L4 autopilot. Secondly, does ChatGPT refer to a language model or a more generalized generation model?

From the perspective of natural language understanding, ChatGPT has a more direct impact on human-computer interaction in the assisted driving part, but it may not have a great impact on L4-level automatic driving.

Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Federation, also wrote in his WeChat WeChat official account that the innovation of human-computer interaction and intelligent cockpit system is very strong, especially the human-computer interaction ability of domestic car companies is very strong. Only China enterprises can understand Chinese more deeply. With the empowerment of the bottom layer in the future, the domestic automobile industry will have more good human-computer interaction effects at the application level.

For example, by using ChatGPT, the vehicle can interact with the driver by voice or text, and provide the driver with real-time feedback on vehicle status and driving information.

Before this, although a large number of in-vehicle interactive systems have appeared, the pain point of the industry mainly focuses on the "understanding" part, and most of the in-vehicle voice interactive systems are not intelligent in "understanding", resulting in a single function and command word of the whole system. ChatGPT’s explosion made the market see the hope of solution.

However, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Federation, also said that,Electrification is the core of new energy vehicles, and intelligence is just icing on the cake. In the future, the core competitiveness of car companies will still be to build electric vehicles, and at the same time make full use of intelligence such as ChatGPT to empower the development of the automobile industry.

Of course, whether it is the core or not, it is not enough to have a technological breakthrough if you want to get on ChatGPT. An AI industry person told Titanium Media that "there are still cost issues, including the use cost, cloud service cost and targeted training cost."

However, from a broader generative model, the generative model with big data and large parameters will help to achieve a higher level of autonomous driving.

He Xiang, a data intelligence scientist at Mimo Zhixing, said in an interview with Titanium Media App that the vehicle-side capabilities mainly include two categories: perception and cognition. The perception ability really relies mainly on image technology, while the cognitive ability relies more on similar generation technology of ChatGPT.

That is to say,ChatGPT’s revolutionary significance lies in: letting AI model enter the era of knowledge and reasoning. At present, the biggest shortcoming of autonomous driving lies in the lack of sufficient intelligence in decision-making planning.

ChatGPT uses a training method called "Human Feedback Reinforcement Learning (RLHF)", and He Xiang, a data intelligence scientist at Mimo Zhixing, explained to Titanium Media APP.GPT is a large-scale universal pre-training language model. GPT1, GPT 2 and GPT 3 mainly improve the parameter scale, while ChatGPT mainly introduces human feedback data for reinforcement learning.

The introduction of this method can ensure the minimum output of useless, distorted or biased information according to human feedback in training.

It happens that there is also a kind of automatic driving decision algorithm called imitation learning, which is to let the machine learn how human drivers do it in different scenarios.

Generally speaking, every takeover by a human driver is an artificial feedback to the autonomous driving strategy; This takeover data can be simply used as a negative sample, which is a record that the autopilot decision is corrected. At the same time, it can also be used as a positive sample to improve cognitive decision-making

"The big model of big data and big parameters can learn more potential knowledge, including different environments and different scenarios, which is equivalent to learning a lot of common sense of autonomous driving. This common sense is very important for autonomous driving decisions." He Xiang, a data intelligence scientist at the end of the year, told Titanium Media App.

That is to say,In the process of autonomous driving research and development, the idea of human feedback reinforcement learning can be used to train a model to verify and evaluate the output of the machine model, so that it can make continuous progress and finally reach the driving level of human beings.

Therefore, it can be said that the improvement of basic ability has brought about the expansion of imagination and applicable scenarios. However, at this stage, we still can’t accurately judge how much change the big model represented by ChatGPT will bring to autonomous driving. An industry person told Titanium Media App that the excellent generalization ability trained by the big model may make there no corner case in the world.

Corner case refers to a small probability event that may occur during driving, but the frequency is extremely low. Although it is rarely encountered at ordinary times, it is likely to lead to a fatal traffic accident when encountering a corner case that cannot make a decision for an autonomous driving system.

The emergence of ChatGPT has made the industry realize that it is possible to gain a higher level of autonomous driving technology by constantly accumulating kilometers and running like this.

In fact, before this, both foreign Tesla and domestic Tucki, Baidu and Mimo Zhixing were already exploring the route of "big model".

In 2020, Tesla announced that it would introduce a large model based on deep neural network into its autonomous driving, and now it has realized a large-scale public beta of pure visual FSD Beta; Tucki expressed the viewpoint of using large models to get through the whole scene of XNGP on the 1024 Science and Technology Day in 2022. Baidu Apollo believes that the Wenxin model will be the core driving force of the elevator’s automatic driving ability.

As early as 2021, Mimo Zhixing announced that it would improve its data processing ability with the help of a large model. On February 17th this year, Mimo Zhixing officially upgraded the large model of human driving self-monitoring cognition to "DriveGPT", which will continue to introduce large-scale real takeover data, and continuously improve the evaluation effect through intensive learning of human driving data feedback. At the same time, it also uses DriveGPT as a cloud evaluation model to evaluate the driving effect of small models at the vehicle end.

However,The development of high-level self-driving cars is a complex multidisciplinary field, involving a wide range of technical and regulatory challenges. The progress of artificial intelligence technology can bring some impetus, but this is not a short-term problem.

It is reported that GPT3.0 involves 170 billion parameters, with more than 300 GB of memory, and the training process costs more than 12 million US dollars. The above-mentioned industry insiders said that the autopilot algorithm is to run in the car. Can such a large model be deployed to the car? How much computing power does it need to support? In addition, autonomous driving can not be completed by repetitive and simple road data stacking, so how to ensure a large amount of data is also a key issue.

The article is reproduced from the titanium media. The opinions in the article are only for sharing and communication, and do not represent the position of WeChat official account. If copyright issues are involved, please let us know and we will deal with them in time.

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Laundry Technology Co., Ltd. is the world’s leading spatio-temporal intelligent big data service company and the leading location data and industry application solution provider in China. Relying on self-developed patented technology, based on high-precision maps and multi-source spatio-temporal intelligent big data, we will establish city-level and industry-level holographic spatio-temporal digital twin systems, and actively serve smart transportation (autonomous driving, smart highway, vehicle-road coordination), natural resource asset management (carbon neutral and environmental protection remote sensing data service), LBS smart industry applications (mobile Internet local business location service, smart travel, smart logistics, new infrastructure, smart city, emergency rescue) and other fields. For more information, please search for "laundry list technology" and visit the company website.

Aux’s New Year’s New Scenery: A New Spectrum of Improving Quality and Increasing Efficiency in Future Factories

A year’s plan lies in spring, and the spirit of the start is seen.

After the Spring Festival in the Year of the Rabbit, Oaks has made great efforts to innovate, improve quality and empower industries, strengthen market expansion, and greatly increase orders to achieve a good start. From the roar of machines, from the busy work of assembly lines, and from the enthusiasm of employees, Oaks has shown great vitality.

On the one hand, Oaks actively supplements talents in all aspects through spring recruitment activities; on the other hand, it injects new kinetic energy into the high-quality development of the whole year with the attitude of improving quality and increasing efficiency in future factories and waiting for no time.

As a leader in the manufacturing industry, the high efficiency, high standard and high precision of Oaks products have always been recognized by the industry. The digital, intelligent and standardized "future factory" is the mystery of Oaks to improve quality and efficiency. With the accelerated integration of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, the new generation of information technologies such as 5G communication, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are constantly changing the production mode of Oaks and accelerating its high-quality development.

In the future factory of Oaks, from the core motor to sheet metal, assembly and logistics, Oaks Air Conditioning Factory adopts intelligent manufacturing almost all the way. It only takes 38 seconds to get from a plastic pellet to an air conditioning panel, and the production efficiency of the factory is improved by 30%, and the proportion of intelligent products is 80%. This set of data is enough to illustrate the hard core speed of Oaks’ "intelligent manufacturing".

The intelligent future factory can not only improve the production efficiency, but also make the production process more refined and reasonable. Through the intelligent management of production, the production process and equipment are fully interconnected to realize real-time monitoring of production process and equipment operation, and can be pushed in real time through mobile APP to realize mobile management and mobile office, which can greatly improve efficiency.

In addition to the intelligence of the production process, the future factory of Oaks has also realized the intelligence of planned production scheduling, rate monitoring and comprehensive efficiency of equipment, and through the collection and utilization of big data, the efficiency of quality inspection is also very obvious, for example, through 5G+AI vision technology, it has changed the dilemma of low efficiency and difficult traceability of surface quality detection by manual naked eyes. Once the product surface has scratches, differences in color brightness and other defects, even if it is thinner than hair, the camera will not let go. The detection system will digitally calculate the defective image, compare it with the standard, and feed back the defects at the first time with the help of 5G communication technology, so as to take immediate improvement measures. This is equivalent to installing intelligent quality inspection eyes in the production process, which is a great contributor to product quality improvement.

The improvement of efficiency also means the reduction of cost. Oaks relies on the intelligent production of future factories. Traditionally, the assembly line needs more than 100 people. Now it is all completed by machines and conveyor belts, and only three workers are needed, which undoubtedly saves the cost greatly.

On the whole, with the help of digitalization and intelligent empowerment, Oaks has achieved remarkable results in optimizing production efficiency, improving product quality and reducing production costs, so that it has enough strength to cope with a more complex competitive environment and write a new chapter in development.

Knowing that there is a long way to go for development, john young is just breaking the waves. Oaks keeps pace with the times, making a good start, laying a good foundation and opening a good game for the whole year with an efficient future factory. In the future, Oaks will further accelerate the pace of upgrading intelligent manufacturing, keep up with the development speed of the times, and strive to run out of acceleration on the intelligent track.

Haitong Securities: Private cloud will become the mainstream layout of AI big model computing power. It is recommended to pay attention to Pingao shares (688227.SH) and so on.

Zhitong Finance APP was informed that Haitong Securities released a research report saying that AI big model training has less demand for temporary rapid expansion of computing power, and private clouds can also shoulder computing power requirements. At the same time, for continuous and large-scale AI training, private cloud has higher efficiency and lower cost. From a completely visible point of view, with the help of private cloud, enterprises can completely control and visualize their network security status, and can customize it to meet their specific needs. The bank believes that the high security of private cloud makes it a more suitable solution. Suggested attention: Pingao (688227.SH) and Qingyun Technology (688316.SH).

The main points of Haitong Securities are as follows:

AI big model training has less demand for temporary rapid expansion of computing power, and private cloud can also shoulder the computing power requirements.

In the past, China’s public cloud market has always occupied the mainstream position of cloud computing. According to China ICT Institute, in 2021, the scale of China’s public cloud market reached 218.1 billion yuan, while the private cloud market was only 104.8 billion yuan in the same period. In the past, the development of the public cloud market was mainly due to the rapid growth of the demand of Internet enterprises in China in recent years, and the process of traditional enterprises going to the cloud was accelerated, while the public cloud had the advantage of flexibility and easy expansion. The bank believes that in this context, enterprises’ demand for cloud is increasing, while public cloud is easier to expand and more suitable for high-speed growth enterprises. The bank believes that in the context of the current rapid development of AI, the demand for rapid expansion of cloud servers is not so strong; Moreover, from another point of view, before the large-scale model training, there is often a preliminary understanding of the training computing power required by the model, and the required computing power will be prepared and laid out in advance, so it is unlikely that a large amount of computing power will be temporarily expanded during the model training, which makes the advantage that there is a cloud that can rapidly expand no longer exist in the field of AI large models, and the private cloud can also support the computing power demand of model training.

For continuous and large-scale AI training, private cloud has higher efficiency and lower cost.

When building a private cloud, the limited budget can be used efficiently by carefully planning hardware, capacity, storage and network configuration. On the other hand, although the public cloud has some advantages in ease of use, these services have great "binding" characteristics. For example, if users use Microsoft’s pre-trained DNN for image processing, they can’t easily run the generated applications on their own servers, and users can’t use Google’s TPU and AuoML tools in non-Google public clouds. However, in the current training of large models, it is necessary to constantly use new data and functions to keep its "freshness". Because the private cloud is only used by a single organization, the enterprise can completely control its software and hardware selection. This high degree of control means that the owner of the private cloud can reconfigure or customize the cloud resources for the task, further improving efficiency. As the big model becomes more and more complex, private clouds can provide greater generality and finer specifications (such as plugging in specific applications and ensuring continuous availability and data speed independence). The bank believes that on the one hand, the cost of public cloud layout and private cloud layout is basically the same for the demand of fixed pre-trained AI big model. Because there is no demand for rapid expansion, the scale cost advantage of public cloud will be weakened; On the other hand, the training efficiency of public cloud will be lower than that of private cloud specially built for its own AI training. For continuous and large-scale deep learning, using local private cloud can save a lot of costs and improve training efficiency.

Al training needs massive and highly sensitive data, and the high security of private cloud makes it a more suitable solution.

For the public cloud, when companies store their data and information in the cloud, it is difficult to ensure that these data and information will be adequately protected. The huge scale of the public cloud and the diversity of companies covering users also make it a favorite target for hackers to attack. In addition, there is the problem of hardware sharing in public cloud. Through public cloud, the work between different companies will be carried out on the same server, and this sharing mode is likely to lead to the disclosure of confidential data and information. Unlike public cloud, private cloud is a cloud infrastructure specially built to provide "isolated access" in a "single tenant environment", that is, it can only be accessed by a single entity, which is usually an enterprise that uses and maintains the cloud. The only purpose of establishing a private cloud is to provide services for enterprises that own the cloud. From the control point of view, because the owner completely controls the physical computing, storage and network equipment, the data security is promoted to the highest level, and the internal administrator has greater flexibility in implementing and accessing security tools; From a completely visible point of view, with the help of private cloud, enterprises can completely control and visualize their network security status, and can customize it to meet their specific needs. Because AI training needs a lot of data, for example, the data volume of GPT-3 pre-training reaches 45TB; Moreover, the application of artificial intelligence faces great security risks. On the one hand, data is associated with user privacy information, on the other hand, the destruction of the model will lead to decision-making errors, data poisoning will affect the effectiveness of intelligent services, deep forgery will be used for extortion, and data leakage will lead to user privacy exposure. Events occur frequently.Therefore, there will be higher requirements for security. Therefore, the bank believes that a private cloud with high security features is a more suitable solution.

Sun Jihai missed, the new head of the Football Association may be locked, 1 out of 3, the dark horse in the deputy hall or counterattack.

March is destined to be an extraordinary month for football in China. According to Li Xuan’s report, in March, Du Zhaocai, deputy director of the General Administration, who is currently taking over the Football Association, will retire at the age of 64, and he will also step down. This also means that the new head of the Football Association must be implemented in March, otherwise Gao Zhidan’s words will become empty talk.

The time is short and the task is urgent. Where can we find the new head of the Football Association? In fact, this problem is not difficult. At present, the Football Association has three most suitable candidates. In addition to talking about three suitable candidates, we must talk about Sun Jihai, which has been popular recently, because it has delivered seven Xinjiang players for U20 men’s soccer team, and because of the outstanding performance of U20 men’s soccer team captain Effeldin, Sun Jihai is considered by many fans to be the most suitable to be the head of the Football Association, but in fact, Sun Jihai and Fan Zhiyi are the same. Although they are all members of the subordinate provinces of the Football Association, it is almost impossible to enter the consideration of the head of the Football Association.

Why? As the head of the Football Association, the first condition is to be able to accept the Football Association quickly. Chen Wharf dared to let a layman take office because he was surrounded by Gao Hongbo and Sun Wen. However, after this failure, according to the report of Football Daily, the General Administration is more inclined to let people within the system who understand sports take this position.

Who is the most suitable candidate at the moment? In fact, the first two suitable candidates are the two current vice presidents of the Football Association. The first one is Gao Hongbo. The advantage of Gao Hongbo is that he has been a vice president for a long time, and he is very familiar with the work of the Football Association, especially the administrative work, and can almost seamlessly connect with the current work.

The second candidate is Sun Wen. Sun Wen’s advantage here is that she is a woman. Sun Wen has led the women’s football team to achieve excellent results and accumulated enough fame over the years. Of course, the most important thing is that Sun Wen has not had much contact with the Chinese Super League team, which can also avoid the recurrence of Chen Wharf and Shanghai Harbour.

Who is the third candidate? The third candidate may be the most unexpected person for the fans. He turned down Li Xiaopeng, who works for the men’s soccer team. In fact, Li Xiaopeng is now the most likely to become a dark horse. Why? According to the report of Football Daily, there are several criteria for the General Administration to select the next head. The first one is between 40 and 50 years old, because this age can lead the Football Association to have a sustainable development time. Li Xiaopeng is now 47 years old, but Sun Wen and Gao Hongbo are both over the standard.

The second is that the General Administration is biased towards people within the system, so that it can be bound. Compared with Gao Hongbo and Sun Wen, only the identity of the Football Association, Li Xiaopeng is the deputy director of the Football Management Center of Shandong Sports Bureau, and the level has come to the deputy hall. Li Xiaopeng is more in line with the identity of the former two. The third is to know sports. Li Xiaopeng has been a coach of the club and the national team. Coupled with his experience as a player, Li Xiaopeng definitely has a chance to turn into a dark horse.

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