年度归档 2024年2月17日

Freehand brushwork China explores the origin of Chinese characters, and Qihe River from The Book of Songs reproduces poetic beauty.

  Which river is known as "China Poetry River"? What is the fetter with poetry? Recently, the reporter followed "freehand brushwork in China — — Exploring the Origin of Chinese Characters "The interview group came to the bank of Qihe River in Hebi, Henan, and felt the deep ancient and modern poetry.

  Time flies, and the stars move. Wandering in the river, there are endless long years flowing. Qihe River, which has come from the depths of history, has left behind poems that have been sung for thousands of years, nourishing one side of the land endlessly.

  Poetry has profound cultural connotations.

  Qihe River, called Qishui in ancient times, originated in Qizishan, Shanxi Province. After entering Henan, it flows into Weihe River in Qimen, Hebi, with a total length of 176 kilometers and a length of 83 kilometers in Hebi.

  Poetry related to Qihe River. People’s Daily reporter Liu Weishe

  Since ancient times, many literati have come here to play and watch, and their poems are full of joy. "Qi Shui Tang Tang, gradually draped over the car", "Qi Shui Cui, Ba Ba Song Zhou" and "Looking forward to the Olympics, green bamboo and bamboo" … … In the Book of Songs, the first collection of poems in China, many poems describe the beautiful scenery of Qihe River and record the customs closely related to cross-strait life.

  Poets of all ages, such as Li Bai, Gao Shi and Wang Wei, also came to the Qihe River to sing. "Qi water flows like jade, and boats and cars rush every day." Li Bai saw a lot of traffic on both sides of the Qi River, which was very lively; "yiyi Xishan, don’t leave the mulberry forest", Gao Shi came to stay by the Qi River and lived a rural life of self-cultivation and self-sufficiency; "Ping Ju Qi Shui, Dongye Kuang Shan", the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei lived in seclusion in a small village, intoxicated by the quiet pastoral scenery.

  Ancient rivers are pregnant with ancient poetry culture. In September 2014, the Chinese Poetry Society officially named Qihe River as "China Poetry River", which is also the first river named after poetry in China.

  Spontaneous chantingHeritage Classic

  Today, thousands of years later, people living here still love poetry and inherit classics. With the theme of poetry, a 2.5-kilometer-long street park was built in qibin district — — Qishui Poetry Garden, with Qihe River as the carrier and poetry corridor as the main line, is divided into five chapters: pre-Qin, Qin and Han, Tang and Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties and modern times from north to south, with a total of 1,500 poems.

  Strolling along the Qi River, the water surface is sparkling under the sunlight. No matter on the slate of the poetry corridor or the floor tiles of the square, poems related to the past dynasties are engraved everywhere, and parents can be seen everywhere taking their children to have a rest and recite poems, telling stories related to this place, adding a lot of poetry and painting under the beautiful scenery.

  The children are singing poems. People’s Daily reporter Liu Weishe

  It is reported that on weekdays, citizens often come here spontaneously to organize poetry readings. On the day of the reporter’s visit, members of Hebi City Recitation Association and students of Futian Primary School in the city performed wonderful recitation programs in Taibai Square. "Vote for me with papaya, with Joan Cheng. It’ s always good to report it. " While bowing, the children sang The Book of Songs Wei Feng Papaya with childish voices.

  This city, which is closely connected with poetry, inherits the classics by combining modernity with tradition, and shows the profound cultural elegance of Qihe River Basin.

  Protecting ecological damei wetland

  Qihe River is Hebi’s mother river and life river. It rushes out from Taihang Mountain, giving birth to the misty Qianhe Lake, the Qiligou with clear water, the mysterious and romantic Jinshan Temple, the ancient Lutai Pavilion and the Qihe National Wetland Park with flocks of birds. In 2015, Qihe Ecological Zone was rated as "National Eco-tourism Demonstration Zone" by the National Tourism Administration and the Ministry of Environmental Protection. In 2021, the Hebi section of Qihe River, as the only river selected in Henan Province, was selected as the nomination case of "Beautiful Rivers and Lakes" by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

  Qihe national wetland park. People’s Daily reporter Liu Weishe

  Following the interview group, the reporter came to Qihe National Wetland Park and saw the reeds rippling by the clear river. "Duck Prophet of Spring River Water Heating", strolling in the garden, many ducks and geese are playing in the water, and peacocks are pacing on the shore. Red-crowned crane, gray crane, white-headed crane and gray-crowned crane … … In Heyuan, there are many rare cranes walking leisurely. According to the on-site commentator, there are 8 kinds of cranes in Heyuan, and there are more than 200 other birds. "Come to Hebi to see cranes" has become a new business card being built locally.

  It is understood that Qihe National Wetland Park has a total area of 4,987 mu, of which the wetland area is 4,065 mu, and the wetland rate is 81.43%. The wetland park has diverse geological terrain, rich hot spring resources and good water quality, which provides an ideal growth environment for animals and plants.

  "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", it is reported that the local investment is nearly 400 million yuan to build water conservation forests, build ecological buffer zones and isolation zones, build ecological wetlands to restore rivers, and build an ecological protection circle of Qihe River, which combines arbor, shrub, grass, vine and humidity, and reproduces the Dameiqi River from the Book of Songs.

New Year’s Eve of four generations of train drivers: This is how they eat their New Year’s Eve dinner.

New Year's Eve of four generations of train drivers: This is how they eat their New Year's Eve dinner.

  BEIJING, Shenyang, Feb. 16 (Shen Diancheng Gaobing) The train witnessed the wealth and civilization of the industrial age and the social development process of China. Train drivers in different times have different stories about Spring Festival travel rush.

  Zhang Shunpu, a steam locomotive driver: Holding a steamed bun for New Year’s Eve dinner.

  In Shenyang Railway Exhibition Hall, there is a Jiefang 6 steam locomotive: a dark car body, wheels more than one person high and a round chimney on the roof … … This is the steam locomotive that Zhang Shunpu, the train driver of Shenyang Locomotive Depot, has been driving for 14 years, and the locomotive with long smoke in the eyes of the people.

  In 1984, Zhang Shunpu first boarded a liberated steam locomotive. At that time, the train was driven by three people, with a driver, a co-driver and a stoker. The driver and the co-driver operated the locomotive and the stoker was responsible for feeding coal. When the fireman is baking at a high temperature of more than 1000 degrees, he should throw the coal into the furnace shovel by shovel, and shake the burnt coal ash down the ash pit again and again with a shaker.

  Zhang Shunpu said that because there is a long boiler in front of the locomotive room, we must stick our heads out of the window at any time during the driving so as to have a look. Throughout the crew process, the faces and bodies of the three of us are always getting gray. Some people teased the driver at that time that "he looks like a refugee from a distance, but he looks like a beggar from a near distance. If you look closely, it belongs to the locomotive depot".

  What the locomotive depot said was the train driver. At that time, we chose steamed bread instead of rice. Steamed bread was convenient to eat. With a pinch of thumb and forefinger, we ate pickles. Finally, we threw away the remaining steamed bread with a black handprint. The New Year’s Eve dinner in those years was also eaten like this.

  Diesel locomotive driver Yang Dongxu: Beautiful fireworks over New Year’s Eve.

  In 1977, the first diesel locomotive was put into service in Shenyang Railway Bureau, and its power was much greater than that of steam locomotive, with a speed of 140 kilometers per hour. At present, although electric locomotives are popular, a certain number of diesel locomotives are still reserved because there is no power grid in some areas, especially in the extremely cold areas of Northeast China. Once it encounters rain, snow and freezing weather, diesel locomotives will "show their talents".

  Yang Dongxu is the crew member of the Beijing-Dandong section of the Beijing-Pyongyang international passenger train, in which the DF11G diesel locomotive is used for traction between Shenyang and Dandong. Compared with steam locomotives, the working environment of diesel locomotives is much cleaner and more spacious, and the line situation in front of the operation can be directly observed in the cab. Due to the special nature of work, some train drivers can’t go home for reunion on New Year’s Eve, so they can only drive trains on the land of the motherland and shuttle between cities. Seeing distant lights and fireworks at night will also bring some comfort to their hearts.

  For Yang Dongxu, this has also become a luxury, because he is responsible for more line tunnels between Shenyang and Dandong, with a total of 38 tunnels, the longest of which is 5,005 meters. When the diesel locomotive passes through the tunnel, it is dark all around, and the smoke from the locomotive is trapped in the tunnel and can’t be dispersed, and it seeps into the locomotive, which is very choking. In spite of this, Yang Dongxu also concentrated on driving, looked ahead, and did not dare to slack off, because the safety of nearly 1,000 passengers was behind him. When the train leaves the tunnel and gallops smoothly on the line, his mood will gradually calm down, and occasionally he will feel extremely happy and proud when he sees fireworks in the night sky.

  Su Ying, the Third Generation Electric Locomotive Driver: One’s New Year’s Eve

  In 2001, Shenyang Locomotive Depot began to assign the first electric locomotive — Shaoshan 9, which is a milestone for train drivers to enter the electric power era.

  The output power of electric locomotives is two to three times that of diesel locomotives, and about five times that of steam locomotives. The capacity is greater, as the saying goes, "strength" is greater, and it is also high-tech — If the microcomputer fails, it can be handled through the touch-type microcomputer screen at hand, and it is basically unnecessary to go to the mechanical room for "baking inspection". Another example is the 6A fault monitoring system, in which seven cameras monitor important corners in the locomotive in real time, and can monitor the running status of the locomotive at any time.

  In 2010, Su Ying started driving an electric locomotive, and she was so happy to see a clean environment and brand-new equipment. However, a slight deficiency is that it is too lonely. In 2008, the railway was reformed, which changed from a package ride system to a round ride system, and a single driver was implemented. From the previous "brothers traveling around the world together" to "riding alone for thousands of miles", the road became "lonely".

  At other times, it’s easy to say, especially on the night of New Year’s Eve, people gather together in a warm home and greet the new year with joy. A train driver like Su Ying is far away from his family and is alone in the cab, full of emotions, joys and sorrows.

  Qu Tao, the driver of high-speed train: 4 times a day to transport 5000 passengers.

  The wheel of history has entered the era of high-speed rail. Qu Tao is a high-speed train driver in Shenyang Locomotive Depot. Before that, he drove diesel and electric locomotives, and then he was selected at different levels to become a high-speed train driver.

  In his words, driving a EMU is "enjoyable". Electric locomotives walk 30 meters per second, and we walk 80 meters per second, just like flying a plane to the ground.

  After becoming a high-speed train driver, not only the locomotive performance has changed, but also the business level has been required to be high, and other aspects have also changed greatly. For example, the maintenance period has been extended, and a multi-functional decompression chamber has been equipped to decompress the high-speed train driver through music, incense and other means, and a full-functional driving simulation room has been established. These "high-level" measures are aimed at ensuring the high-speed train driver to drive better.

  For example, other locomotives require a lookout interval of no more than 3 seconds, while high-speed rail drivers require a lookout all the time, which puts higher demands on drivers’ energy and physical fitness.

  Nowadays, traveling by bullet train and high-speed rail has gradually become people’s first choice, especially during their stay in Spring Festival travel rush, people want to return to their hometown more quickly. In order to meet this demand, the railway departments often add temporary passengers during their stay in Spring Festival travel rush, and the workload of high-speed rail drivers is much more than usual.

  When he was in Spring Festival travel rush, Qu Tao took a ride four times a day at most, transporting about 5,000 passengers, which was nearly 30% more than usual. He either rested in the baoxiu room or drove online. When the train arrived safely and punctually, and the passenger came home for the New Year with a happy and joyful smile, he thought to himself: It is worthwhile to be tired and tired again! (End)

China’s beauty market is full of vitality (interpretation by experts)

Customers buy cosmetics in Haikou Riyue Square Duty Free Shop. Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Chengshe
"China’s beauty market sales will exceed 1 trillion yuan in 2025." According to an article in Women’s World Daily, China has become the key to the growth of global beauty companies, driven by the increase of family income, the continuous influx of newcomers and the growing local brands.
At the "June 18th China International Beauty Summit Forum" held by Women’s World Daily, Gian positano, head of the Italian Cosmetics Federation, said that the beauty market in China is expected to reach 92.1 billion US dollars in 2022. The growth momentum will mainly come from the rapid growth of the male beauty products market and the rise of domestic beauty brands.
According to the report, China is not only a key consumer market and manufacturing center, but also a driving force for innovation. From setting up research and development centers to investment funds, many international beauty giants continue to expand their investment in China; At the same time, many local brands of beauty cosmetics in China began to internationalize in order to explore the international market. China beauty brands are still entering foreign markets through cross-border e-commerce.
In recent years, the beauty market in China is full of vitality, showing new development characteristics. First, the growth rate is fast and the coverage is wide. At present, the market scale of China’s beauty industry is gradually moving towards trillion level; Second, facial basic skin care is the core track, accounting for the largest market share, and the growth rate of sub-tracks such as makeup and makeup is also faster; Third, the male beauty market is developing rapidly, and major brands are competing to enter the market. In addition to "her economy", "other economy" has also quietly emerged; Fourth, domestic beauty brands have risen rapidly. Domestic brands have made remarkable progress in raw materials, formula and technology, and a large number of cutting-edge domestic brands such as Perfect Diary and Huaxizi have emerged.
China’s beauty market is booming, which is of great significance to promoting domestic and even global economic recovery. In terms of supply chain and industrial chain, the development of beauty industry is closely related to agriculture, biochemistry, glass industry, plastic industry, transportation industry and advertising industry, and many related industrial chains have been developed and integrated. This has a positive role in promoting the global industrial chain.
The unprecedented development of China’s beauty industry is the result of multiple factors.
First, with the continuous development of China’s economy, the main contradiction in today’s society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and the unbalanced development. Beauty products just meet the social needs and respect needs of consumers.
Secondly, more and more foreign excellent beauty brands have entered China, bringing advanced production technology, novel marketing methods and unique product concepts to the beauty market in China, promoting the industrial chain to be mature and perfect, and cultivating consumers in the beauty market in China to some extent.
Third, the consumer groups of beauty products in China are gradually expanding. With the rapid economic development, China people’s household income level and consumption power are constantly improving, and the demand for beauty products will also expand. In addition, some beauty brands have gone to other cities to explore the market after deep cultivation in first-and second-tier cities, and gained more sustained positive growth momentum.
Fourthly, the change of consumption concept provides a broad market for the development of beauty products in China. Generation Z consumers are the core consumer groups in the future beauty market.
Fifth, new social and marketing platforms such as live broadcast have expanded rapidly. The rise of social media, such as Little Red Book Assessment, online celebrity Live Delivery and KOL, has strongly promoted the development of China’s beauty market.
With the development of economy, the progress of science and technology and the change of consumer groups, there will be some new trends in China’s beauty market. First of all, driven by "Yan value economy", the influence of "Z generation" on the beauty market should not be underestimated. Secondly, digital transformation is the general trend. Digital transformation of layout is conducive to grasping the core channels of beauty products, such as credit payment method, digital marketing concept, digital network sales channels and so on. Finally, Guochao brand has great development potential. "Generation Z" consumers have a high degree of cultural self-confidence, preferring China elements and national brands, and new publicity strategies and marketing methods such as "co-branding" are loved by consumers.
If China’s beauty market wants to achieve steady and healthy development, it needs to firmly grasp the development direction. From the core competitiveness of beauty products, we should pay attention to the independent research and innovation of product formulas, establish a "moat" of domestic brands, and gain a place in the global beauty industry chain; From the special properties of beauty products, we should enhance the experience and efficacy of beauty products and enhance customer stickiness. As an "experience product", consumers will pay special attention to the core ingredients and actual use effect; From the perspective of development trend, we should focus on digital transformation, put product design and research and development, industrial chain operation and customer loyalty system on a digital platform, and then make a comprehensive layout of digitalization; From the perspective of sustainability, green materials should be used to promote sustainable development. Beauty products are "fast-moving consumer goods", and packaging materials will produce a lot of carbon emissions when they are processed. The country strongly advocates "carbon integration". If beauty brands can pay attention to sustainable development and combine with the major policies advocated by the country, it will not only benefit the brand itself, but also help the environmental development.
(Interview with Zhou Ying)

What happened when a public institution won the first place in the total score but missed the physical examination?

  Although the written test and interview are the first, Qu Jianghuan, a candidate from Wuning, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, failed to make the list of medical examiners because of the inconsistent interpretation of his professional qualifications by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and was replaced by the second candidate, Ke Wendi.

  In a rage, Qu Jianghuan took Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, Jiujiang City People’s Social Security Bureau and Wuning County Wenguang New Tourism Bureau to court. In this public examination storm of public institutions, Qu Jianghuan learned afterwards that it was Ke Wendi, the second candidate in the total score, who reported that his major did not meet the job requirements, which led to his unqualified qualification review, and Ke Wendi’s father was a deputy director of the local judicial bureau, which made Qu Jianghuan suspect that he had encountered "radish recruitment". After this incident was reported by the media, it caused heated public opinion.

  Why does the local people’s social security bureau make inconsistent professional qualification identification? Is there any injustice in this open recruitment? The reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network launched an investigation into this.


  "I didn’t report it maliciously. I just reported it through formal channels ‘ Professional mismatch ’ The problem of safeguarding your rights and interests. " Ke Wendi stressed to reporters.

  In the public recruitment of Jiujiang institutions in the second half of 2017, Qu Jianghuan, an undergraduate majoring in "Art Design (Decoration Art Design)" of Minjiang University, applied for the post of "Cultural Counselor 1" in Wuning County Township Publicity and Culture Station (later renamed as "Wuning County Culture Radio and Television Press and Publication Tourism Bureau" due to institutional reform).

  Through the written test and interview, among the 13 candidates, Qu Jianghuan was shortlisted with the first total score.

  On February 9, 2018, official website of Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security issued the Announcement on Matters Related to Physical Examination of Staff of Public Recruitment Institutions in Wuning County in the Second Half of 2017. Qu Jianghuan accidentally found that his name disappeared from the list of shortlisted candidates for physical examination.

  Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau replied that there was no name of Zhai Jianghuan in the medical examination announcement in 2018, because there was controversy, so there was no announcement.

  Eight months later, Qu Jianghuan learned from the announcement of Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security that the second place, Ke Wendi, was shortlisted for medical examination because of her unqualified qualification review. On October 26th, 2018, Wuning County Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security announced in official website of Jiujiang City Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security that Ke Wendi had passed the qualification review, and informed the time and place of medical examination.

  Ke Wendi, who also applied for the position of "Cultural Counselor 1" in this open recruitment, recalled that on the afternoon of December 12, 2017, he went to the office of the special technology unit of Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau to submit his resume, ID card, academic certificate and other materials needed for the preliminary qualification examination. When signing the registration form for confirmation, he saw that the professional name of the candidate Qu Jianghuan on the form was art design (decoration art design), so he casually asked Huang Songmin, the head of the special technology unit responsible for qualification examination.

  Huang Songmin replied, "There is no problem with majors", and also took out an internal review to explain to him that "art design is a big category, including decorative art design".

  According to the Announcement of Public Recruitment of Staff in Jiujiang Institutions for the Second Half of 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the "Recruitment Announcement") issued by Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security on November 2, 2017, the job requirements of "Cultural Counselor 1" are: full-time national unified recruitment of bachelor degree or above, 30 years old and below, limited to Wuning household registration. Undergraduate professional requirements: art design (media art design), performance (130301) and art design (130501).

  With questions, Ke Wendi looked up the catalogue of undergraduate majors in colleges and universities promulgated by the Ministry of Education (2012) on the Internet, and found that none of the three majors required for the recruitment position matched "art design (decoration art design)".

  The next morning, Ke Wendi went to the County People’s Social Security Bureau to reflect it step by step. After many unsuccessful reflections, he mailed the reflection materials to Zhang Xiaoqiu, then director of Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, by notarization service on December 18, 2017. Subsequently, the issue was reflected in writing to Wuning County Bureau for Letters and Calls, Wuning County Commission for Discipline Inspection, Jiujiang Bureau for Letters and Calls, Jiujiang Minsheng Channel and Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security.

  "I went to the County People’s Social Security Bureau to report that the other party asked me to consult the city for specific questions. I went to the city to report. The Municipal People’s Social Security Bureau said that the County People’s Social Security Bureau was responsible for the specific qualification examination. I ran more than twenty or thirty times before and after, and the People’s Social Security Bureau did not give me a positive answer." In desperation, Ke Wendi reported Huang Songmin, the chief of the special technology unit of Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, to the County Commission for Discipline Inspection.

  It is precisely because of Ke Wendi’s repeated reflections and reports that Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security began to urge Wuning County Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security to re-examine the qualifications.


  In response to Ke Wendi’s reflection, Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau and Wuning County Wenguang New Tourism Bureau jointly issued the "Information Note on the Qualification Examination" (hereinafter referred to as the "Description") on January 15, 2018.

  The "Description" mentioned that according to the recruitment announcement and the answer to the catalogue of majors and new majors in the "Qualification Examination in the Second Half of 2017" issued by the Municipal Bureau, and referring to the professional requirements of the three positions recruited by Wuning County Township Cultural Station in the second half of 2016, there is also a similar situation in the art design major. "We think ‘ Cultural Counselor 1’ The qualification examination results of the three candidates who were shortlisted for the interview were all qualified. After communicating with the Wenguang New Tourism Bureau of Wuning County, the employer agreed to the qualification examination results of our bureau. " The "Description" is stamped with the official seals of two units.

  Huang Songmin, Chief of the Special Technology Unit of Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, has been engaged in job title evaluation and recruitment of public institutions since May 2013.

  Huang Songmin mentioned in the "Description of the Situation" made to the Fifth Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of Wuning County Commission for Discipline Inspection on January 24, 2018 that during the registration period, candidates asked: "Can this post ("Cultural Counselor 1 ") art design or art design (XX direction) major apply?" After consulting the Municipal Bureau of Public Affairs, Comrade Liu Jian of Corey made it clear that he could apply for the exam.

  It is the qualification examination stage after the written examination. On December 11, 2017, Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security issued the "Qualification Examination in the Second Half of 2017" to all qualification examination units in Jiujiang City in the internal QQ working group.

  Huang Songmin said that the position of "Cultural Counselor 1" was shortlisted for the interview. Qu Jianghuan majored in art design (decoration art design), Chen Moumou majored in art design, and Wendy Ke majored in art design (media art design). According to the second point of Article 5 of the Qualification Examination in the Second Half of 2017 issued by the Municipal Bureau, the answer is: "For the major of art design, the elderly,

  Before the interview, the candidates who are shortlisted for the interview need to send the originals and copies of their ID cards, diplomas and academic certificates to the Special Technology Unit of Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau for review. Referring to this qualification examination standard issued by the Municipal Bureau, on the day of formal qualification examination, in order to confirm whether Qu Jianghuan can apply for the post of "Cultural Counselor 1" again, Huang Songmin asked the Municipal Bureau of Public Affairs again, and Comrade Liu Jian clearly replied: "No problem, you can apply."

  The "Description" mentioned that Huang Songmin also reported the situation to Zheng Chuanxian, deputy director of the Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, and Zhang Xiaoqiu, director of the Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau. After careful consideration by the leaders, he decided: "This is the recruitment examination for public institutions organized by Jiujiang City. The Municipal Bureau has explained this major, and the county-level qualification examination unit should implement it according to this standard. Therefore, the qualification examination results of the three candidates who have been shortlisted for this position are all qualified. Our bureau reported the results of the qualification examination to the Municipal Bureau, and the Municipal Bureau did not raise any objection. "

  It is also mentioned in the "Description of the Situation" that "Wendy Ke came to our bureau to report that Qu Jianghuan’s major did not meet the job requirements. I and Deputy Director Zheng Chuanxian reported to the Bureau’s business department, and the reply was: there is no problem with this review. If there are candidates who have doubts about this result, please ask the employer to give their opinions. Deputy Director Zheng Chuanxian and I communicated face-to-face with the employing unit, and Director Jiang Debiao of Wenguang New Bureau clearly agreed with the results of this qualification examination. Art design (decorationCandidates majoring in art design can also be qualified for this job. "


  However, in the physical examination after the interview, Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau made an opposite determination to Qu Jianghuan’s qualification review results.

  On October 16, 2018, Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security announced that the post of "Cultural Counselor 1" in the township propaganda and cultural station of Wenguang New Bureau in Wuning County was vacant due to unqualified candidates’ qualification review, and Ke Wendi, who took the second place in the total score, planned to be shortlisted for medical examination. Officially confirmed the cancellation of Qu Jianghuan’s medical examination qualification.

  "Before entering the examination and after the written examination, I consulted Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau twice to confirm whether my major can enter the examination for this position, and all I got were positive answers. ‘ If the major meets the requirements, you can apply for ’ 。” What puzzles Qu Jianghuan is why he was ‘ The major you studied does not meet the post requirements ’ Brush it down for reasons.

  Without a medical examination, Qu Jianghuan began the road of safeguarding rights. On November 1, 2018, Qu Jianghuan filed an administrative lawsuit in Yongxiu County People’s Court, demanding that the human and social departments resume their medical examination qualifications.

  On December 28, 2018, Yongxiu County People’s Court rejected Qu Jianghuan’s claim. After losing the case in the first instance, Jiujiang Intermediate People’s Court ruled in the second instance that the third person was omitted in the first instance, which violated legal procedures, and the original judgment was revoked and sent back for retrial. On December 12, 2019, the Yongxiu County People’s Court reopened the case after adding a third person, Wendy Ke, ex officio. Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, Wuning County Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security and Wuning County Wenguang New Tourism Bureau all sat in the dock.

  During the trial, the Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau gave an explanation that contradicted the previous reply. "Qu Jianghuan’s undergraduate major is art design (decoration art design), not ‘ Cultural Counselor 1’ As a major with no professional code, Qu Jianghuan should consult the recruiting unit in advance and report to the Municipal People’s Social Security Bureau for filing under the approval of the recruiting unit before passing the examination. However, Qu Jianghuan did not consult the recruiting unit before applying for the exam and was recognized. "

  Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau also believes that Qu Jianghuan’s passing the interview review does not indicate that he has met the recruitment requirements. "According to the provisions of the recruitment announcement, the qualification examination for examination and employment runs through the whole process of open recruitment, and a review will be made at every link. Although Qu Jianghuan was not considered unqualified in the written test and interview, it does not mean that his qualification must meet the professional requirements of the recruitment position. Qu Jianghuan’s undergraduate major is not ‘ Cultural Counselor 1’ The post is within the scope of undergraduate professional requirements, and his registration qualification does not meet the requirements of the recruitment position after review. "

  Regarding the "Qualification Examination in the Second Half of 2017" issued by the Business Department of Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security said that this is not a legal document, but a guiding explanation made by the staff. Personal views are for reference only and cannot be used as the basis for qualification examination. In the end, the professional catalogue and announcement shall prevail. "And our bureau has not made it clear that Qu Jianghuan meets the requirements for professional setting." The Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau conducted a cross-examination. "This document is a provision for internal reference and cannot be binding and enforceable."

  Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, Wuning County Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security and Wuning County Bureau of Wenguang New Tourism all said: "It is only a preliminary opinion of internal review."

  As for Huang Songmin’s "Description", Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau said that it is Huang Songmin’s personal description, and the examination qualification examination should be based on the recruitment announcement.

  On December 20, 2019, Yongxiu County People’s Court ruled in the first instance that the administrative actions made by Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau and Jiujiang Municipal People’s Social Security Bureau to cancel Qu Jianghuan’s medical examination qualification were illegal, and ordered the two levels of people’s social security bureaus to jointly compensate Qu Jianghuan for a loss of 12,000 yuan, rejecting Qu Jianghuan’s request to cancel other litigation requests including the specific administrative actions of the People’s Social Security Bureau.

  After the verdict was pronounced, Qu Jianghuan, Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau and Jiujiang Municipal People’s Social Security Bureau all refused to accept the verdict and appealed. On the afternoon of July 17, 2020, Qu Jianghuan sued Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, Jiujiang City People’s Social Security Bureau and Wuning County Wenguang New Tourism Bureau for refusing to admit himself to the second trial in Jiujiang Intermediate People’s Court. During the trial that day, whether Qu Jianghuan met the recruitment conditions became the focus of court debate, and the case was not pronounced in court.

  on the basis of

  In the court hearing on July 17th this year, Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau recognized Qu Jianghuan as a "professional nonconformity" eight months after the preliminary examination of the qualification was qualified, and explained that the qualification review was unqualified: "During this period, we learned a lot about the correlation between the two majors, so after such a long time, we finally decided that his major did not conform and disqualified."

  The "Recruitment Announcement" states that this exam will be conducted in good faith online, and no qualification examination will be conducted during online registration. Applicants should be responsible for whether they meet the job requirements. If you are in doubt about whether you meet the post qualifications, you should consult the relevant departments first, and then fill in the form after confirming that you meet the requirements. Qualification examination will be conducted before the interview (physical examination), and those who do not meet the requirements will be disqualified from the examination or employment.

  The fact that Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau finally made the unqualified decision is that Qu Jianghuan’s undergraduate major "Art Design (Decorative Art Design)" is not within the scope of undergraduate professional requirements for the post of "Cultural Counselor 1".

  The "Recruitment Announcement" determines that the professional reference catalogue of this recruitment position is the "Undergraduate Professional Catalogue of Ordinary Colleges and Universities". The professional requirements of "Cultural Counselor 1" for undergraduate education are art design (media art design), performance (130301) and art design (130501). Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau argued that from the comparison of the old and new professional catalogues, it can be seen that art design and art design are two different majors of "design science", and they are in a parallel relationship rather than a species relationship, and Qu Jianghuan’s major art design (decoration art design) and art design belong to different majors.

  The reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Net consulted the Catalogue of Undergraduate Majors in Colleges and Universities (2012 and 2020 editions) promulgated by the Ministry of Education, and found that neither the major of "Art Design (Decoration Art Design)" nor the major of "Art Design (Media Art Design)" was in the professional catalogue of these two editions.

  On the afternoon of August 5th, the staff of the Academic Affairs Office of Fujian Minjiang University said in an interview with the reporter of Zhongqing Daily and Zhongqing.com that the school started to offer the major of art design in 2004. According to the Catalogue of Academic Degrees Granting and Personnel Training (December 2005) revised by the the State Council Academic Degrees Committee and the Ministry of Education at that time, the major of art design belongs to the "art category", and the major of art design enrolled in 2009 has seven professional directions, including art. In 2012, the Ministry of Education issued a new catalogue of undergraduate majors. In 2013, the major of art design was renamed as "Environmental Design and Visual Communication Design", which belongs to the major of "Design Science".

  Ke Wendi also told reporters that in order to standardize the names of some disciplines, the undergraduate major "Art Design (Media Art Design)" of the Ministry of Education has now been renamed "Digital Media Art", which belongs to two disciplines under the category of "Design Science".

  In this way, in the 2012 and 2020 editions of undergraduate professional catalogues, "Visual Communication Design" and "Digital Media Art" belong to two disciplines, a first-class discipline, and belong to different majors.

  "The catalogue of undergraduate majors promulgated by the Ministry of Education was revised four times in 1987, 1993, 1998 and 2012 (revised for the fifth time in 2020). Art design, art design (decoration art design) and my professional art design (media art design) have always been the first-class disciplines ‘ Design science ’ Under the two disciplines, the three majors are parallel two disciplines majors, which was not explained by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. Art design is a big category, including all art design majors. " Ke Wendi believes that the internal document of the Municipal Bureau, "About Qualification Examination in the Second Half of 2017", gives an explanation that art design is obviously inconsistent with the professional catalogue promulgated by the Ministry of Education, and expands the professional scope of the post at will, which is inconsistent with the requirements of the recruitment announcement. In the end, it became the only basis for the qualification examination of the county bureau, and made a review result that was inconsistent with the recruitment announcement.

  "In this process, the municipal bureau made unprofessional and unscientific explanations, which provided a basis for those who did not meet the profession to pass the qualification examination." Ke Wendi said.

  In the past few years, Ke Wendi has participated in many examinations of public institutions. According to him, in the interview training after the written examination every year, there are always students in the interview class who fail to pass the qualification examination because of their majors, and leave halfway through the interview class. A classmate in the interview class told him: "A friend applied for a position in Jingdezhen, and one word of his major did not meet the requirements and could not pass the examination."

  In the meantime, Ke Wendi consulted the Jiangxi Provincial People’s Social Welfare Department by telephone number 12333, and the answer was: "Art design and art design (decoration art design) are both in two disciplines under the category of" design science ",and there is no relationship between inclusion and inclusion. Two disciplines cannot be interpreted as a first-class discipline. The Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has no right to expand or narrow the scope of the profession. The right to interpret the professional catalogue lies with the Ministry of Education. "

  Qu Jianghuan said that in the past, the Ministry of Education did not standardize the professional name, and the setting of university art majors was not strictly in accordance with the professional catalogue of the Ministry of Education, but what was popular. Now, with the continuous standardization of undergraduate professional catalogues, universities also set majors in strict accordance with the professional catalogue, canceling the previous majors and making the professional courses clearer. "But this also caused the graduates of previous art majors to have no professional basis when applying for positions (the corresponding professional name cannot be found in the professional catalogue), and in many cases, they can only call for inquiries.


  "The post I took is restricted to local household registration, and the major of art design (media art design) can’t be found in our local small county. Not only does Tsinghua Peking University have this major, but Nanchang University and Jiangxi Normal University don’t have it, and even Jiujiang College doesn’t have it. ‘ Cultural Counselor 1’ Why did the post set up an art design (media art design) major without a professional code and not in the undergraduate professional catalogue? " Qu Jianghuan questioned whether this major without professional code is designed for people.

  Since the major of "Art Design (Media Art Design)" has no professional code, and it is not in the catalogue of undergraduate majors issued together with the Recruitment Announcement, how did the Wenguang New Tourism Bureau of Wuning County know and set up this major, and how did the County People’s Social Security Bureau examine and approve it?

  On August 2, the reporter called Nie Daofa, director of Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau, and Zheng Chuanxian, deputy director, respectively. Both of them said, "No interview" and then hung up.

  "This major, like my major, is a major divided several years ago, and it can’t be found in the professional catalogue comparison table of the Ministry of Education. The latest recruitment plan actually specifies to recruit an old major that is not in the professional catalogue. " Qu Jianghuan can’t figure it out.

  Moreover, the explanation of Wuning County Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security on relevant professional issues can’t convince Qu Jianghuan. Since it is not a major listed in the Recruitment Announcement, you can’t apply for the exam. Then why can the majors of the hired personnel in the "Cultural Counselor 2" position recruited in the same year be exactly the same as those required in the Recruitment Announcement?

  After three court sessions, the reply from the two-level human resources and social security bureau made Qu Jianghuan very helpless. "It means that we thought you could, but now we think you can’t. It used to be our internal decision. Such a serious matter as open recruitment will change when it changes. "

  In the past three years, Qu Jianghuan repeatedly asked the court and the People’s Social Security Bureau to obtain the application materials of 13 candidates who actually referred to the post of "Cultural Counselor 1", but they were unsuccessful. The top three candidates for the post of "Cultural Counselor 1" are Qu Jianghuan, Chen Moumou and Ke Wendi. If only Ke Wendi’s major meets the requirements, then Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau and Jiujiang Municipal People’s Social Security Bureau knew that only Ke Wendi met the professional requirements of the post after the written test. In order to help Ke Wendi achieve the goal of directing the post, it is obviously illegal to pass the qualification examination of Chen Moumou and me and enter the interview. "

  Qu Jianghuan believes that according to the professional situation of the 13 candidates in this position, several of them meet the requirements of the Recruitment Announcement. In order to prove that this position is not a directional condition, Wuning Human Resources and Social Security Bureau or the court should order them to submit the relevant professional information of these 13 applicants.

  A transcript of the trial obtained by the reporter shows that during the second trial, Qu Jianghuan asked the Wuning County People’s Social Security Bureau. How many applicants for the position of "Cultural Counselor 1" met the recruitment major? The other party replied: "We don’t know."

  During the trial, the Wenguang New Tourism Bureau of Wuning County issued a cross-examination opinion, saying that when applying for the post, there were no discriminatory conditions unrelated to the post, and the post of "Cultural Counselor 1" was set up because of work needs, and at the same time, several similar majors were set up to meet the post requirements. "We declare to the human resources and social departments in accordance with the law. According to the requirements of the Recruitment Announcement, majors that are not included in the professional code can also be set as the scope of recruitment. There is no problem with setting direction in this recruitment. "

  "At that time, there was really no ‘ Art Design (Media Art Design) ’ Major, I don’t know how the employer found this major. I only applied for it when I saw a position in the recruitment announcement that met my major. In that year, my major was clearly stated in the recruitment announcement, and I don’t need to look at the professional catalogue again, but Qu Jianghuan’s major was not only in the recruitment announcement, but also in the professional catalogue of that year. " Ke Wendi stressed, "If this position is specially designed for me, why is there such a problem in the qualification examination? I don’t have to spend so much time to reflect and report, and I should be able to pass all the way directly. "


  Because Ke Wendi’s father is the deputy director of the Justice Bureau of Wuning County, Qu Jianghuan even suspects that he has encountered a "radish recruitment".

  Ke Wendi responded by saying: "My father is the deputy director of the county judicial bureau, but he doesn’t work in the People’s Social Security Bureau or the Wenguang New Tourism Bureau. He is not related to the leaders or team members of these functional units, nor is he a classmate or friend. How can I set up a post for me? I just want to pass the exam and get a job opportunity. "

  After graduating from college in 2015, Ke Wendi joined the Yuning Judicial Office of Wuning County Judicial Bureau as a community correction worker (community correction assistant) and was a temporary worker in the unit. At the beginning, the monthly salary was only 1300 yuan, and it didn’t rise to 2000 yuan until the beginning of 2019.

  Ke Wendi said that the community correction work of the Judicial Bureau has a heavy task and is very short of people. There is only one director and one temporary staff member at each grassroots level. In the year of university graduation, the former community correction assistant of Yuning Judicial Institute left the company after taking the examination of the teacher establishment, and was in urgent need of manpower. The institute reported to the bureau and asked the bureau to arrange suitable personnel, but because the salary was too low, no one could be recruited.

  At this time, Ke Wendi was preparing for the examination of public institutions at home. When he saw that his father had not recruited anyone in the office, he suggested that he sign up and try. "You can prepare for the exam while working, and make a transition."

  "The post of community correction assistant requires young, educated and computer-savvy. After I signed up, the Judicial Bureau held a meeting to study and agree to take over the job after the National Day in 2015. " Because the salary is only 1,300 yuan, plus getting married and having children, life is unsustainable. In the past five years, Ke Wendi wanted to quit her job several times to do business. "There is really no one in the office, so let me insist. To be honest, the salary of 1,300 yuan is a problem for me to eat by myself. Now, for two children at home, it costs more than 1,000 yuan to buy milk powder alone. The expenses at home depend on my wife’s salary, and I have to rely on my parents to help me from time to time.

  Ke Wendi said frankly that with the mentality of taking an examination of institutions, she initially hoped to have more time to study and review, so she found this temporary job without preparation, which was only a transition and the salary was lower.

  Ke Wendi told reporters that the staff before the post were introduced by acquaintances. Because the salary was too low, no one wanted to come. When there were suitable people, they were introduced. People who came to work also tried their best to take the exam. "All the people before my post took the exam. If this didn’t happen, I might have taken the exam."

  At present, Ke Wendi has completed the medical examination procedure. Up to now, the employer Wenguang New Tourism Bureau of Wuning County has not assessed him, and the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has not announced the final employment, and everything has been suspended.

  Qu Jianghuan’s life was also suspended because of this incident. In the past three years, Qu Jianghuan has gone through three court trials and five court trips to defend his rights, and the municipal and county human resources and social security bureaus have visited countless times. As he has never had a fixed job, he works for three or four months at most in a year, mostly doing casual work such as road repair. "Wuning, where there are road repairs, I will go there. I have no income for half a year this year, and I often rely on my parents for subsidies in my life. At present, I am preparing for the civil service exam in Jiangxi Province at home.

  For this recruitment storm caused by professional qualifications, both young people told reporters, "I believe the court will give a fair judgment."

  Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang reporter Chen Zhuoqiong

Blacklist, duty on the road, exam! There is always a takeaway brother who is "suitable" for traffic violations.

CCTV News:Shanghai Pudong police recently notified several major traffic accidents involving take-away riders and punished the enterprises involved.

As can be seen from the monitoring screen, in October last year, two take-away riders drove electric cars in tandem on the non-motor vehicle lane in order to save time. As a result, the rear rider mishandled and ran into the front car, causing the rear rider to fall to the ground and be injured. He died after being rescued by the hospital. On January 2 this year, when a man was driving a two-wheeled scooter, he collided with a takeaway rider who was driving in the opposite direction. The man fell and was injured and died after being treated by the hospital.

Takeaway riders are ordered to rectify traffic violations.

According to the statistics of the traffic police department on the types of traffic violations committed by take-away riders in January 2019, the number of times of "driving electric bicycles in reverse" was 1777, ranking first in traffic violations. For the case that the main responsibility of traffic safety management of take-away enterprises is not implemented in place, the traffic police department also imposed fines on several take-away enterprises and full-time traffic safety management personnel of enterprises and ordered them to make rectification.

A takeaway rider was blacklisted for repeatedly breaking the law.

In the list of take-away riders with frequent traffic violations by take-away enterprises in Pudong New Area in January 2019, a take-away rider broke the law 13 times in one month, with a score as high as 40 points, and was finally blacklisted by take-away enterprises, becoming the first case in Pudong New Area to be blacklisted by take-away enterprises due to traffic violations.

Li Chun, head of Shanghai regional security of a takeaway enterprise:Deduct 36 points in a quarter, which shows that you are a rider who often violates the law. Our company considers others for its own sake, so we pull the black with the industry.

Score management for riders’ traffic violations.

Since the end of 2017, the traffic police department in Pudong, Shanghai has worked out the "Traffic Civilization Scoring Method" in consultation with the express delivery and take-away enterprises within its jurisdiction, and managed the rider’s traffic violations through the "Take-away Traffic Civilization" APP with personal information.

Lu Wei, Captain of Che Xuan Brigade of Traffic Police Detachment of Pudong Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau:For other riders with scores over 24 to 36, we ask them to be on duty for an hour on the road to carry out voluntary activities of traffic civilization. There are also some riders who break the law more, and we ask them to pass online tests to improve their awareness of law-abiding.

8 hours to solve the case | a lottery ticket to find the suspect! Haiyuan police quickly cracked a theft case.

"Let’s police too much! Help me get my money back so quickly! " Recently, Mr. Yan, a resident of the jurisdiction, sent a banner with the words "People’s Police ultimate revenge Solve Cases Quickly to Solve People’s Worries" to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Haiyuan County Public Security Bureau, thanking the police who handled the case for successfully solving the theft case and helping them recover their property in just 8 hours.

On January 25, the Criminal Investigation Brigade received an alarm, claiming that two mobile phones were lost, worth about 25,000 yuan, and requested investigation. After receiving the police, the police immediately launched an investigation. By investigating the crime scene and collecting the surveillance video of the incident, it was found that a masked man who appeared at the scene of the crime was suspected of committing a major crime. The police repeatedly combed the context of the case, spliced and restored a shredded China welfare lottery ticket in the trash can of the suspect’s temporary residence, and found that the purchase time of the lottery ticket coincided with the suspect’s itinerary. So they went to the lottery site to obtain the physical characteristics of the suspect, and finally locked the identity and activity track of the theft suspect Chen, and successfully captured him.

After the trial, Chen told the truth about the fact that he went to foot bath shops and other places to steal mobile phones many times. At present, Chen has been taken compulsory measures according to law.

Keep sliding to see the next one.

8 hours to solve the case | a lottery ticket to find the suspect! Haiyuan police quickly cracked a theft case. The news propaganda group Ping An Haiyuan touched the original text.

Ping’ an Haiyuan Zan shared in reading and writing a message, swiping up to see the next one.

Original title: "8 hours to solve the case | a lottery ticket to find the suspect! Haiyuan police quickly cracked a theft case.

Read the original text

China Fucai sold hundreds of billions in nine months. Where is all the money spent?

Data Map: A lottery site in Beijing (Source: Zhongxin. com)
Recently, the website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection released confession videos of four former leaders of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center, which triggered heated public opinion. Combined with the data previously released by the Ministry of Finance, the total sales of lottery tickets nationwide reached 383.498 billion yuan in the first three quarters, of which 165.311 billion yuan was sold by welfare lottery institutions. With such huge sales, the topic of welfare lottery fund management can easily be derived from public opinion.
Welfare lottery was developed under the background of social system reform and social welfare system reconstruction in China. Since its establishment, the welfare lottery has held high the welfare banner of "helping the elderly, helping the disabled, saving the orphans and helping the needy", accumulated a large amount of public welfare funds, and actively promoted public welfare projects, which has made outstanding contributions to the development of charity in China and awakened the public’s charity consciousness to a certain extent. However, there are some problems exposed in the development of welfare lottery, such as unclear functional orientation, opaque use of funds, lack of integrity in operating procedures, etc., which have aroused widespread concern in the whole society. Therefore, when developing welfare lottery, we should pay attention to the following relations:
The first is the relationship between public welfare and profit. Public welfare is the fundamental purpose of developing welfare lottery. On the premise of public welfare, it is a profit-making problem. Therefore, welfare lottery should focus on the rational distribution mechanism of fund raising, highlight the role of welfare lottery in public welfare undertakings, make profit-making serve public welfare, and prevent it from becoming a tool for individuals, companies and even government departments to make profits under the banner of public welfare.
The second is the relationship between state and market. Whether welfare lottery is managed by the government or operated by the market is very important for the development of welfare lottery. From the development history of the world welfare lottery, although lottery sales have a strong market-oriented color, lottery management has a strong national regulatory characteristics. For example, in Britain, there is a special national lottery committee in charge of the issuance and management of lottery tickets, and private operation of lottery tickets is not allowed. In the States that allow lottery tickets to be issued in the United States, there are also very clear purposes for the use of lottery profits, which are mainly used for public education, sports facilities construction, mass transportation systems, and housing construction for disabled veterans.
The third is the relationship between short-term and long-term. As a new thing in China, welfare lottery has broken through many taboos in concepts and systems in the field of social construction. In the short term, we should focus on the legislation and supervision of welfare lottery. In the long run, the development of welfare lottery still faces many uncertainties. For example, with the introduction of new regulations on the lottery industry, how will the public welfare and welfare of welfare lottery be reflected? Therefore, the theoretical research on welfare lottery should be strengthened to provide theoretical support and decision-making basis for relevant policy formulation.
The fourth is the relationship between locality and internationality. To develop welfare lottery, we should not only consider the traditional culture of China, but also respect the general law of its industry development. Welfare lottery should be based on China’s national conditions, emphasize its charitable nature, weaken gamblers’ psychology, and make welfare lottery serve social harmony and social security. At the same time, we need to clarify the responsibility of the central government and standardize the rules for the use of welfare lottery public welfare funds.
To sum up, we should pay attention to the following points in developing welfare lottery.
First, we must improve the management system. Establish and improve the management system of "national issuance-financial management-civil use-audit supervision" as soon as possible, and consider setting up a management organization similar to the National Welfare Lottery Committee or the National Lottery Committee to be responsible for the issuance management of welfare lottery tickets. Welfare lottery proceeds shall be incorporated into the special accounts of the central and local governments in a timely manner, and the civil affairs department shall put forward a plan for the use of welfare lottery proceeds, and be responsible for the organization and implementation of various welfare plans and projects. The audit department should supervise the above-mentioned links and form a closed loop of the system.
Second, we must enhance credibility. The operating procedures of welfare lottery should be standardized and transparent, and the operating cost, profit distribution and winning probability should be reasonably stipulated, so as to ensure the fairness and justice of the lottery management and enhance its social credibility.
Third, we must guide public opinion propaganda. Focus on public welfare, such as how many "Hope Primary Schools" have been donated by the Welfare Lottery Fund and how many poor people have been subsidized. It is necessary to weaken the gimmicky public opinion guidance on gameplay and winning information, and form a good charity culture atmosphere.
Fourth, the public welfare fund should be used transparently. The welfare lottery public welfare fund should give priority to the areas of people’s livelihood such as education, pension, protection of the disabled and children, regularly publish the income, expenditure and balance, and conduct a third-party evaluation on the use effect of funds to ensure the healthy operation of welfare lottery on the track of law and system.
(Han Keqing, Professor, School of Labor and Personnel, Renmin University of China, special author of overseas network)

Data resumption: 500 million net inflow into real estate development list to grab shares in Zhongcheng.

  On Friday (January 26th), 2,145 stocks rose and 3,031 stocks fell, with a turnover of 828.147 billion, a decrease of 62.705 billion compared with the previous trading day. The three major indexes were mixed, and as of the close,Shanghai stock indexIt rose by 0.14% and the Shenzhen Component Index fell by 1.06%.Growth enterprise market indexIt fell by 2.23%.
  In terms of plates,Real estate developmentReal estate serviceRailway highwayAnd other sectors were among the top gainers.semiconductormedical serviceconsumer electronicsAnd other sectors were among the top losers.
main forceResumption: 500 million rushed to raise real estate, over 300 million fled.WuXi AppTec
  Friday real estate,gameThe net outflow of the main force of the plate is the least, including real estateNet inflow498 million yuan.
Oriental wealth ChoiceThe data shows that among the top 20 stocks bought by the main force on January 26,Longtou stockRanked first, the main net purchase was 394 million yuan;Kweichow MoutaiRanked second, the main net purchase was 190 million yuan.PetroChina Company LimitedRanked seventh, the main net purchase was 138 million yuan, and the stock rose more than 6% today.
Eastern wealth Choice dataIt shows that among the top 20 stocks sold by the main force on January 26,Hongbo stockRanked first, the main net sales of 519 million yuan;Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., LimitedRanked second, the main net sales of 445 million yuan.WuXi AppTecRanked eighth, the main net sales of 319 million yuan, the stock fell today.

  Northbound funds bought 1.51 billion yuan on the same day.

  On January 26, the two cities fluctuated and differentiated, and the Shanghai Composite Index rose slightly, and the Shanghai Composite Index fell more than 2%. Northbound capital bought 1.51 billion yuan today, of which,Shanghai Stock ConnectThe net purchase was 1.915 billion yuan,ShengutongNet sales of 405 million yuan. The turnover of northbound funds on that day was 128.487 billion yuan, accounting for 15.50% of the total turnover of A shares.
  This week, the three major A-share indexes were mixed, with the Shanghai Composite Index up 2.75%, the Shenzhen Component Index down 0.28% and the Shanghai Composite Index down 1.92%. This week, northbound funds accumulated a turnover of 657.664 billion yuan, with a total net purchase of 12.101 billion yuan, of which,Shanghai Stock ConnectThe total net purchase was 11.291 billion yuan.ShengutongThe total net purchase was 810 million yuan.
  Published by the exchangeShanghai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock ConnectThe top ten trading stocks show thatMidea groupZhong Ji Xu ChuangChinese architectureToday, they were bought by a net of 757 million yuan, 540 million yuan and 343 million yuan respectively.BYDThe net sales amount ranked first, with an amount of 484 million yuan.
Billboard: 81 million rushed to raise fundsZhongcheng stockInstitutional net purchase of 7 shares

  Among the listed stocks in the day, the largest net inflow of funds isZhongcheng stock, 81.4102 million yuan. The data shows that the stock closed at the daily limit and has recorded three consecutive boards, with a cumulative increase of 33.09%. The net inflow of funds in the top three days was 29.2609 million yuan from Ciyong Road, Cixi, Guosheng.

  Judging from the active business department,Guotai JunanShanghai Branch bought a net of 492 million yuan in the day and participated in it.COFCO CapitalandMingzhi electrics. Huaxin Shanghai Branch traded 357 million yuan in a day and participated in it.Shenhuafa aFengshan groupHua kong sai geSpecial messagePingtan developmentWait. CITIC Shanghai Branch had a turnover of 319 million yuan in a day, and participated in it.Longtou stockNational new cultureSound flying storageWuXi AppTecMingzhi electricsWaiting for stocks.
  Institutional participation in the Dragon and Tiger List involves a total of 25 shares, of which 7 shares are bought by institutions.Tongfu micro-electricityIt was bought the most, which was 33.7491 million yuan. Another 18 shares were sold by the institution.Shi Ying sharesIt was sold the most, with a net sale of 384 million yuan in three days.

  Lu Stock Connect participated in the Dragon and Tiger List with a total of 21 shares, of which 7 shares were bought by Lu Stock Connect.Mingzhi electricsIt was bought the most, with a net purchase of 95.2351 million yuan in three days. The other 14 shares were sold by Land Stock Connect.Tongfu micro-electricityIt was sold the most, at 170 million yuan.

  The number of daily limit households decreased, and Shenhuafa issued 7 boards in 10 days.

  In terms of the number of daily limit, there were 67 daily limit shares on Friday and 110 daily limit shares on the last trading day. Among them, Shenhuafa A10 Tianqi 7 board,State-owned assets cloud conceptSpecial message5 boards,Online travelZhongshi communication6 days and 5 boards.

  Statistics of daily limit of even-board stocks on January 26th

  In terms of non-linked stocks,Pingtan developmentTengda technologyHuawen groupThe net inflow of main funds is in the top.

  Statistics of daily limit of non-linked stocks on January 26

  (Note: the price limit of the main board is 10%, and the ST is 5%; GEM and science and technology innovation board are 20%; North Exchange is 30%)

(Article source:eastmoney terminalResearch center)

Dead trees in winter

Flourishing green leaves wither in winter, leaving only bare trunks, highlighting the impermanence of life and the power of nature.
Yidianhao Gehuashan
News clue reporting channel: download the "Qilu Yidian" APP in the application market, or search for the WeChat applet "Qilu Yidian", and 800 reporters in the province will wait for you to report online!

The summer version of the "sauna" is free to experience for a limited time. Next week, the Sichuan Basin will be "steamed" and then "cooled"

Cover journalist Wu Bingqing
Without sunshine, we can only explore carefully in summer, which gives Sichuanese a few more pleasant early summer days. However, the coolness in summer is always short-lived, and soon, the days of dazzling sunshine and sultry feeling will be online.
According to the forecast of Sichuan Meteorological Observatory, in the next three days, there will be many showers or thunderstorms in the basin, and when there is no rain, it will be mainly cloudy. Generally speaking, there is sunshine and rain, and the summer version of the "sauna" is free to experience.
This is all "manipulated" by the subtropical high. The subtropical high extends from southern Fujian-northern Guangdong to central Zhejiang-central Jiangxi-southern Hunan, stretching all the way to the north, and will control Sichuan and Chongqing on 29-30. In fact, on the afternoon of the 28th, it had already arrived in Chongqing, southern Sichuan and Panxi, bringing sunshine and a hint of summer flavor. At 16: 00 on the 28th, the temperature in Ningnan of Liangshan reached 39.6℃. In addition, the temperature in Yanbian and Miyi of Panzhihua was above 37.5℃.
From the 29th, the temperature will continue to rise. Take Chengdu as an example. On 28th, the highest temperature in Chengdu was 32.8℃. On 29th and 30th, the highest temperature will rise day by day, reaching 33℃ and 35℃ respectively. At the same time of warming up, showers began to appear and the sultry feeling struck.
However, it is still early summer, and the summer version of "sauna" is only a limited time experience. On May 31, the subtropical high retreated, and on June 1, the cold air from the north arrived, and the large-scale rainfall will bring coolness to the basin.
Most of the basin is "steamed" first, and then "cooled", while in the northeast of Sichuan, this period of time is mostly "drenched". Recently, there has been heavy rain or rainstorm in northeast Sichuan, and even heavy rain has fallen in Bazhong and Dazhou. It should be noted that this is continuous rainfall. Today and tomorrow, there will still be heavy rainfall in northeast Sichuan, mainly from heavy rain to heavy rain. On the 30th, the rain will take a short break, and on the 31st, it will "make a comeback".