Flexible short wheelbase, higher playability, test drive of the Great Wall Cannon in the venue.

Flexible short wheelbase, higher playability, test drive of the Great Wall Cannon in the venue.

When it comes to pickup trucks, a few years ago, people always had the impression that they were tall and powerful, imagining American farmers driving and living a happy life in the garden. Just after the launch of the (picture | configuration | inquiry) series, its rich models fully meet the needs of commercial and professional players, and now it has become the representative of domestic high-end pickup trucks. We can drive it through the desert and mud, and its rich models are enough to meet multiple use scenarios. At this exhibition, the gun brought a brand-new model named "",and we soon had the opportunity to give it a try.

big gunLowest selling price: 91,800; highest price reduction: 0.85 million.

Picture parameter configuration inquiry reserve price

Know the car points3.69Know the car and measure itSpace, performance, etcCheyouquan61,000 riders are hot.Used car72,000 vehicles | 127 vehicles

The artillery is built on the platform of "",which adopts a single row short wheelbase design and can only have two drivers and passengers. Its length, width and height are 4963/1975/1950mm, its wheelbase is 2745mm, its approach angle is 34 degrees, and its departure angle is 26 degrees. The design of short wheelbase greatly improves the passability of the whole vehicle. And with nitrogen shock absorption, the minimum ground clearance is 249mm, and the maneuverability and flexibility of the whole vehicle have also been effectively improved.

The artillery uses the Bailuchi KO2 tire, which is an ALL-TERRAIN tire (commonly known as AT tire) that is very popular among off-road modification enthusiasts. At the same time, this car is equipped with off-road suits such as front winch and wading throat, which makes its off-road performance more outstanding.

At the same time, the gun also has great modification potential. It has reserved five modification interfaces, including roof spotlights, engine room maintenance lights, walkie-talkie reservation, cargo box lighting and power supply modification, and these modification positions have reserved electrical switches, which is more safe and convenient. At the same time, it also comes standard with a 2.5-ton trailer device.

The length, width and height of the container are 1760/1520/540mm, which has excellent loading capacity and also supports the modification of capping. Especially in the off-road vehicle team, it is really suitable to be a support car.

The interior design of the gun is very primitive, the instrument adopts traditional mechanical type, and the audio head also adopts traditional radio and MP3, and the storage compartment left under it can also be used for loading platform or upgrading the original large-screen navigation.

The seat is made of fabric, and the main and auxiliary drivers are manually adjusted. But for cross-country enthusiasts, it really doesn’t matter.

In terms of power, the gun uses a 2.0T engine, with a maximum power of 218 HP and a peak torque of 380N·m, which matches the part-time 4wd of Borgwarner and the electronically controlled differential lock of the front and rear axles, with outstanding off-road performance.

The four-wheel drive mode knob of artillery includes three types: two-wheel drive, low-speed four-wheel drive and high-speed four-wheel drive, and it has three locks and an ultra-short wheelbase, which is more suitable for sand, snow, mud and narrow jungle roads. Driving modes include seven all-terrain driving modes: economy/standard/sport/snow/mud/sand /4L.

In the process of our test drive, the short body of the gun, coupled with the blessing of AT tires, is not only very calm in the face of steep slopes, but also does not have to worry about being in the air like a "balance" at the top of the slope.

In the process of jungle shuttle, it often passes through narrow corners, and the artillery becomes much more flexible in this process. In the process of our test drive, it is even more possible to leave the off-road guns with double typesetting far behind.

It is also very simple to pass through the side slope, basically determining the direction, and the rest can be controlled by the throttle. However, this kind of working condition is relatively the advantage of long wheelbase, which can bring better stability, and the body is more stable when going uphill or downhill sideways, and it is not easy to roll over. However, the difficulty in our cross-country venue is far from being achieved.

The test drive site is also a muddy section that has just rained, and this set of Bailuchi K02 tires also shows excellent grip. The four-wheel drive system can intervene quickly when the wheels slip. In the face of this road section, it is almost effortless, and there is almost no idling of the tires. The overall performance is excellent.

big gunLowest selling price: 91,800; highest price reduction: 0.85 million.

Picture parameter configuration inquiry reserve price

Know the car points3.69Know the car and measure itSpace, performance, etcCheyouquan61,000 riders are hot.Used car72,000 vehicles | 127 vehicles

Summary: Gun, as a vehicle series, was also shown at the test drive meeting, which means that a motorcycle can be loaded in the container, and it supports automatic lifting and loading and unloading functions, which greatly improves the convenience. As far as guns are concerned, the off-road guns, brigade guns and electric guns derived from them are unexpected and impossible. Therefore, at present, guns can achieve monthly sales of over 10,000 yuan, and the whole pickup series has achieved the first sales in export, which has become a matter of course. In short, in addition to SUVs, pickup trucks are no longer limited to the "tool" attribute, but really provide a platform with high playability for enthusiasts. How to change it is up to you.


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