"GT Racing: Extreme Speed" standard poster, immerse yourself in the speed of the track

"GT Racing: Extreme Speed" standard poster, immerse yourself in the speed of the track

1905 movie network news A few days ago, the movie released four standard posters of CINITY, IMAX, Dolby Cinema, and CGS China Giant Screen, and the big screen witnessed the legendary story of ordinary game teenagers chasing their dreams! The movie is adapted from the true legend of PlayStation gamers becoming professional drivers, directed by the director, and will be released nationwide on August 11.

Multi-standard to create an immersive audio-visual experience 100% to restore a more burning and realistic racing duel

The movie "GT Racing: Extreme Speed" tells the inspirational story of a civilian gaming teenager who pursues his dreams with blood. Without being optimistic about the outside world, he constantly challenges the limit in the moment of life and death, and finally counterattacks to become a professional racer and rewrites the history of motorsports. The star said that "even if you are not a racing fan, you will definitely be attracted by this movie".

The film will create an immersive audio-visual experience in various formats such as CINITY, IMAX, Dolby, and CGS China Giant Screen, 100% restore the real race scene, and fully present a lot of realistic details, allowing the audience to enjoy a more burning and realistic racing duel scene frame by frame on the big screen. The film is shot on the spot at nine professional tracks around the world, shocking the moment of life and death in the racing duel. It truly restores the thrilling scene of luxury cars colliding with each other, instantly catching fire, and rolling in the air, bringing the audience a heart-pounding and adrenaline-soaring experience.

0.1% difference will be smashed to pieces, a must-see hot-blooded racing masterpiece in summer

As the only hot-blooded racing action masterpiece in the summer, "GT Racing: Extreme Speed" is a strong genre, strong excitement, and strong feeling, which has aroused strong expectations from fans. Recently, the first round of word-of-mouth in the world of the film was released, and the inspirational story based on real people was praised by the audience as "fully respecting fans and players". "Gamers will have a strong resonance with this story, and those who are passionate about chasing dreams but surrounded by doubts will also feel the same."

In the film, the director used excellent handheld shooting and close-up lenses to make the audio-visual style extremely documentary, bringing the audience the ultimate realistic viewing experience "Every time the car accelerates and changes gears, I can feel the adrenaline rush". The film "GT Racing: Rush" is directed by Neil Blomkamp and co-starred by David Haber. The film will be released on the national big screen on August 11!


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