Suddenly burst into fire! The nightlife of young people in Hangzhou is so interesting.

Suddenly burst into fire! The nightlife of young people in Hangzhou is so interesting.

Working during the day and attending classes at night has become a fashionable nightlife for young people in Hangzhou. Recently, from Shanghai to Hangzhou, a large number of young people choose to go to night schools after work. What courses are there in these night schools? How did you sign up? Let’s get to know each other!

Shake the number to generate admission places

Since September this year, Zhejiang Cultural Center has opened a series of autumn public welfare courses of "Beautifying Literature and Art" National Art School, which is located in Zhejiang Cultural Center of West Lake Cultural Square.

In addition to the most popular beauty class, there are 69 courses such as cello, violin, Latin dance, ballet, Hangzhou dialect popularization, sorting and storage, calligraphy, Chinese painting, Beijing opera, photography and buckle skills, all of which are trained by special teachers.

All these courses are free for public welfare, and most of them have 8 classes, once a week. The most popular classes that need to be rushed are mainly concentrated in the prime time from 7: 00 to 8: 30 every night, so they are called "night classes" by many people.

Once the night school was opened, it became a hot cake, and the registration was particularly hot. At present, these public welfare courses are registered through the "Zheli Cultural Circle" applet, and the admission results are generated by random lottery.

According to the registration page of "Zheli Cultural Circle", only 30 places enrolled in the beauty class flooded into 1700 people, with an admission ratio of 56: 1. Most of the people who come to night school are young people born after 90.

However, just recently, the Provincial Cultural Center issued a "missing" strategy-if there are students taking time off, the staff will make statistics in advance and publicly release the vacant places as experience class places. Citizens who have not shaken the number can pay attention to the "Little Front Desk of the Cultural Center" account in time or call the official hotline 0571-87083278 for consultation and registration!

On the evening of November 4th, the students walked into the "night school" in Zhejiang Cultural Center.

These courses are the most popular

Huang Ying, the teacher of the beauty class, is a national senior makeup artist and beautician. She has a full schedule during the day, but she also cherishes the one-and-a-half-hour evening class every week. She also feels relaxed and happy to see so many young people on time for appointments every week.

The violin class is in the classroom next to the beauty class. Violin and other musical instruments are provided to the students for free. Many people will ask for detention after class, just to practice more.

The class is over at 8: 30 in the evening, and many students will be around the teacher, hoping to help. The teacher is also very patient and willing to accompany the students to "drag the class".

Popular courses that are highly sought after, as well as the "sorting and receiving class" on Friday afternoon. Zhang Ying, a teacher, is a professional organizer, which is also a new profession in recent years. In every class, she has to repeatedly emphasize the essence of reception with the students, that is, to balance the relationship among people, things and space. In other words, it is not easy to tidy up the house, which should be clean and tidy as well as scientific and reasonable.

On weekdays, the "night school" is full of popularity, and on weekends, the Zhejiang Cultural Center is more lively.

For example, the "Hangzhou dialect popularization class" every Saturday night is a newly added course this fall. The teacher is Gao Renfei, a post-95 boy. Over the years, as a linguistics major, he has been devoted to exploring and studying Hangzhou dialect in a systematic way.

From theory to practice, Gao Renfei taught everyone the basic intonation of Hangzhou dialect in an easy-to-understand way in class. The students are from all over the world-Beijing, Chengdu, Sichuan, Yantai, Shandong, Quzhou, Zhejiang, Yichun, Jiangxi and other places, and even "foreign students" from the United States, Zambia and Russia.

At the end of this year, Zhejiang Cultural Center will hold a series of performances of "Beautifying Literature and Art", and outstanding students will have the opportunity to perform on stage. And those relatively static courses, such as buckle, embroidery, calligraphy, painting, etc., also have the opportunity to exhibit excellent works.

Someone took the high-speed train to Hangzhou to attend classes.

In fact, a hard-to-find public welfare course has actually been available since 2014. The Zhejiang Cultural Center conducts public welfare course training every spring, summer and autumn to recruit students from the society. Only in the past, most of the people who came to participate in this kind of training were older citizens and teenagers.

This year, things have changed Working during the day and attending classes at night, these courses attract more and more office workers and young people. There are even young people in Jiaxing and Huzhou who are willing to take the high-speed train to class after work every week.

Violin class

Latin dance class

Zumba aerobic dance ban

Students in Beijing Opera class practice their vocalization by biting chopsticks.

Netizen commented that this is a children’s palace for adults, and the sense of relaxation in class can be used to iron out the folds of life.

Here, at first, no one knew anyone, but because of the same interests, these people who came from all over the city got together on a fixed night every week and spent a special "night school" time. In the beauty class, the only male student volunteered to be the monitor of the beauty class, and some students said that their social fears for many years would be cured.

Night school is also the memory of a generation in Hangzhou.

The word "night school" is actually very chronological. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was all the rage in China, including Hangzhou.

This is a memory that belongs to a generation. In the early days of reform and opening-up, it was difficult to get into universities. Some young people who are already employed and eager to continue their studies will join TV University, Night University and Correspondence University after work to continue their studies.

Youth night school in the 1980s

Different from the "night school" courses which mainly focus on literary interests, the night school was mainly about teaching subjects, such as junior high school, junior high school and junior college, and some courses to upgrade professional skills, such as electrician knowledge, electronic technology, mechanical drawing, mold design, etc., all of which had corresponding graduation exams and formal diplomas. Generally, some classrooms in primary and secondary schools are borrowed to attend classes, just like going back to campus again, and everyone’s enthusiasm for going to night school is very high.

Did you go to "night school"?

Are you interested in such "night school" classes?

If given the chance, which course would you like to study most?

Welcome to the comment area to leave a message for interaction.

Information/Orange Persimmon Interactive City Express, Provincial Cultural Center

Photography/Chen Zhongqiu

Original title: "Sudden fire! The nightlife of young people in Hangzhou is too rich.


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