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Although swimming is good, attention should be paid to health problems!

With the coming of summer, more and more people choose swimming as a way of fitness exercise. However, swimming venues are public places, and there are many complex health influencing factors. If you don’t pay attention to hygiene, you are likely to get sick during swimming. Keep this swimming tips in the pool, and spend a healthy and happy summer via China’s disease control trends.

Source: Zhejiang Publishing

How is the domestic beauty explosion made?

Customers are trying on makeup at the Perfect Diary Guangzhou Zhengjia Store. Perfect diary for the picture

A joint lip balm jointly launched by shanghai jahwa’s Meijiajing and White Rabbit. Photo courtesy of Tmall

The perfect diary and the 16-color eye shadow jointly launched by China National Geographic magazine. Perfect diary for the picture

On the cosmetics track, China brand is facing the situation of "falling behind at the start". China customers really began to accept the concept of cosmetics consumption after the reform and opening up, but at this time, foreign brands have accumulated huge advantages in capital, technology and publicity.

However, local cosmetics companies have not been "routed" as many people feared, but have gradually gained a foothold. What’s the secret? In recent years, a number of emerging domestic beauty brands have emerged, which makes consumers exclaim "the light of domestic products". What are the reasons behind it?

The reporter visited two China cosmetics companies: shanghai jahwa and Yixian E-commerce. The former is a century-old shop established in 1898, and it owns famous brands such as herborist, Liushen, Yuze and Meijiajing. The latter is a cutting-edge market that was born in 2016, and its "perfect diary" has become one of the hottest domestic makeup brands in recent years. Through their stories, we may be able to find the answer to the rise of domestic cosmetics.

Shanghai jahwa: a century-old shop with a new look.

In 1915, the cosmetics "Shuangmei" brand "Pink Cream" from China won the gold medal in the evaluation of Panama World Expo in San Francisco, USA.

This "Shuangmei" brand, which was widely welcomed by celebrities at that time, was produced by China Guangshenghang, one of the oldest national enterprises in the daily chemical industry, which was established in 1898. After the founding of New China, Guangshenghang changed its name to "Shanghai Household Chemicals Factory" after several reforms, mergers and reorganizations, which is today’s shanghai jahwa. Its brands such as "Meijiajing" Pearl Tremella Cream and "Ya Shuang" Cream, which were launched in the 1960s, have long been the collective memory of generations of Chinese people.

However, even shanghai jahwa, a local industry leader with profound knowledge, has a big gap with international cosmetics giants in terms of technology accumulation and market expansion. However, shanghai jahwa skillfully used the strategy of "Tian Ji Horse Racing" and broke out his own road of differentiated development.

The second trick is to "avoid its sharpness and open up a new track for Chinese medicine." No matter at home or abroad, consumers have a common pursuit for the "natural" attribute of cosmetics. Traditional Chinese medicine has a unique advantage as a cosmetic raw material because of its natural selection of materials and outstanding efficacy. If there is a clear gap between China enterprises and foreign brands in chemical technology in consumers’ impression, the gap is not obvious in the new track of Chinese medicine cosmetics, and even China enterprises are more knowledgeable.

Shanghai jahwa keenly grasped this point, and used the compound concept of "monarch, minister and assistant" in traditional Chinese medicine (that is, blindly taking Chinese medicine as the main ingredient, supplemented by several flavors) to prepare raw materials, thus creating a unique brand of Chinese herbal medicine cosmetics "herborist". "herborist" was a great success once it was launched. In 2008, it entered the Sephora cosmetics store on the Champs Elysé es, becoming the first cosmetics brand in China to go abroad.

"Domestic brands have a better understanding of China consumers and are better at telling brand stories with Chinese expressions." When summing up the competitive advantages of China brands and foreign brands, the relevant person in charge in shanghai jahwa told reporters. At the same time, the new product development of foreign brands often needs to be approved by the headquarters first, and shanghai jahwa believes that "local enterprises have a faster response speed in decision-making, consumer communication and channel adjustment and upgrading."

For the cosmetics market in China, it is easy to make a single "explosion" with differentiation strategy, but it is difficult for enterprises to grow at a high speed for a long time. Since 2003, local brands such as "Little Nurse", "Dabao" and "Ding Jiayi" have been acquired by foreign investors, and then they have been silent. Some insiders believe that relying too much on a single product is one of the reasons why these local enterprises are unsustainable.

In this regard, shanghai jahwa decisively adopted a multi-brand strategy to build its own "moat". On the one hand, the continuous research and development of "herborist" series of new products impacts the mid-to high-end market, on the other hand, it creates brands in different market segments. For example, in view of young people’s oily and sensitive dry skin, shanghai jahwa and Shanghai Ruijin Hospital developed "Yuze" series, which is the first medical skin care brand jointly developed with hospitals in China. At the same time, it has also developed "Goufu" which focuses on men’s skin care, and "Kaichu" which aims at the maternal and infant care market.

Behind the establishment of brand matrix in shanghai jahwa, there is high-intensity research and development as the support. The 2019 financial report shows that shanghai jahwa’s total R&D investment reached 183 million yuan, which is in a leading position in the domestic industry, and its R&D ratio of 2.41% is close to the level of international brands such as L ‘Oré al and Shiseido.

On May 6th this year, shanghai jahwa welcomed Pan Qiusheng, the new chairman and CEO. In a letter to employees, Pan Qiusheng bluntly said: The past few years have witnessed rapid development and evolution of the daily chemical and beauty cosmetics market in China, and the cognition and pursuit of beauty of a new generation of young consumers have changed greatly.

Shanghai jahwa, a century-old shop, is actively adjusting its attitude, trying to find ways that young consumers like and establish emotional links with them. In terms of understanding young people, this emerging domestic beauty brand may provide some useful experience.

Perfect diary: attracting more young people

Compared with the century-old history of shanghai jahwa, Perfect Diary is definitely a "young man" in the cosmetics market in China. But the report card of this "young man" should not be underestimated.

According to Chen Yuwen, co-founder of Perfect Diary’s parent company, Yixian E-commerce, at present, the fans of Perfect Diary have exceeded 25 million, and the monthly exposure has exceeded 1 billion. In this year’s "Queen’s Day 38" promotion, the perfect diary’s cat eye shadow tray and puppy eye shadow tray were sold out within 4 minutes, setting a record of selling 2,000 pieces per second …

In the capital market, the performance of Perfect Diary is also very bright: four rounds of financing have been completed in four years, with a valuation of 2 billion US dollars. Among the investors, there are many well-known institutions such as Zhenge Fund, Gaochun Capital and Gaochun Capital.

Why does a startup company established in 2016 dare to enter the cosmetics market surrounded by "strong enemies"?

In Chen Yuwen’s view, because the cosmetics market in China has entered an era of drastic changes: the market is changing, the channels are changing, and consumers are changing. These changes together constitute the "right time and place" of emerging domestic beauty products.

"Compared with countries with similar GDP levels, China’s beauty penetration rate is low. We judge that there is still a lot of market space for beauty products in China." Chen Yuwen told reporters that in 2017, the penetration rate of Japanese and Korean cosmetics has exceeded 80%, while that of China is only 30%.

"On the other hand, it is the emergence of the Internet." Chen Yuwen said that the rapid development of cmnet, e-commerce and social media, on the one hand, has built an online channel for Perfect Diary to communicate directly with young consumers, on the other hand, it has also provided accurate data, which can provide very timely and powerful guidance for its development of new product categories and needs. "So we chose the beauty track and chose the Internet as the core." Chen Yuwen said.

But the more important change is the change of people. Behind the rise of new brands is often the rise of new consumer groups.

The users of the perfect diary are accurately positioned as young women aged 18-28, of which "after 00" accounts for 50% and "after 95" accounts for 70%. "This is a generation that grew up with the Internet. According to our observation, they have a broader vision, are open and confident, like creativity, and generally have a higher acceptance of domestic brands than before." Chen Yuwen said that the new generation of consumers are just beginning to get in touch with makeup products, but the prices of foreign brands are on the high side for them, which brings good opportunities to new domestic brands.

Therefore, it is the breakthrough point for the perfect diary to enter the beauty market to let the post-1995 generation in China buy products with similar quality to international brands, but with much lower prices and more innovative ideas. This "parity substitution" strategy for international brands has also become an important source of its product strength.

The way to ensure quality is to cooperate with high-quality foundries. Perfect Diary found Cosme Meishi, the world’s largest cosmetics foundry, for its own production. The latter is also a cooperative foundry of international brands such as Dior, L ‘Oreal and Lancome, and the price of similar products is only about half that of international brands.

The way to renew creativity is to let consumers become designers. Perfect Diary not only analyzes product reputation and fan preferences through data, but also directly communicates product solutions with consumers, allowing consumers to deeply participate in all aspects of product design.

"In fact, the quality of domestic cosmetics is not worse than that of foreign brands. Foreign brands can sell premiums in the China market, and most of them are brand additions." Chen Yuwen said, "And we pay attention to originality. When the perfect diary is ahead of many international brands in visual style and product creativity, consumers will naturally choose us."

However, Chen Yuwen also remained calm. He bluntly said that if domestic brands rely too much on foundries, there is no way out, so Perfect Diary is also increasing investment in research and development. This year, Perfect Diary and Cosme Meishi invested 700 million yuan to start building the largest cosmetics production base in Asia, and at the same time, they are cooperating with Sun Yat-sen University to establish a research and development laboratory. "In the next three years, we expect to invest no less than 100 million yuan in research and development."

Comparing the development process of shanghai jahwa and Perfect Diary, the common point is that they have completed the first two steps of "understanding consumer demand, developing differentiated products and establishing brand moat", and are striving for the third step. Whether "Big Brother" shanghai jahwa is transforming into a younger generation, increasing its investment in online communities such as Little Red Book, bilibili and Tik Tok, or opening hundreds of offline experience stores under the "Young People’s Perfect Diary" transformation, although it seems to be in the opposite direction, its essence is the improvement of its own channel shortcomings and the reinforcement of its own brand moat in a rapidly changing environment.

The market potential of China is large enough, and there are more and more new changes in domestic cosmetics. In the future, can "China Cleaning" or "L ‘Oré al China" be born in this hot land? We will wait and see.

There are more and more beauty shops. How much difference can it make where to buy them?

Reporter | Huang Wei

Editor | Xu Yue

The local beauty market has experienced rapid changes in recent years. In the first half of 2021 alone, there are many more brands of collective stores where China consumers can buy beauty products. More importantly, even if they can’t travel abroad for the time being, China consumers can easily buy many imported beauty products in the local market.

On November 9th, South Korea’s online beauty collection retailer "Resolving HWAHAE" announced that it had landed in Tmall International to open an overseas flagship store. Following the launch of this overseas flagship store, there are 11 Korean beauty brands such as Torriden and S.NATURE, and their entry form is "shop in shop".

Careful calculation, together with overseas beauty retailers such as Sephora overseas flagship store opened in Tmall International in the last year and overseas flagship store of Australian beauty retailer MECCA, Tmall International is providing more and more options for consumers with cross-border Haitao niche beauty products.

Introducing these overseas beauty flagship stores into the same platform system, the most intuitive result is that China consumers can buy all kinds of beauty products such as Korean makeup, Australian beauty, European and American niche beauty in one stop; These beauty products are different and can meet different consumers with individual needs.

It is worth noting that these overseas beauty retailers often have in-depth and direct cooperation with beauty brands in their respective regional markets, which can guarantee the quality of goods for consumers far away from China.

Overseas beauty retailers have entered the cross-border e-commerce market in China one after another, and the most realistic motivation behind it is the China consumers who disappeared in the overseas tourism retail market. These consumers were trapped in the local market because of the epidemic, but they directly promoted the great growth of the local beauty market.

Among them, I’m afraid that the brand of local beauty collection stores that emerged in recent two years was the first to seize the opportunity of China’s beauty consumption changing to differentiation and personalization.

Take HARMAY Huamei, a warehousing beauty collection store located in the middle and high-end market, as an example. At present, 50% of SKUs in its offline stores are overseas niche beauty brands. Zhong Taipeng, co-founder and chief operating officer of Huamei, previously told Interface Fashion that this is one of its core advantages that distinguish it from its competitors. At present, Huamei has introduced a series of overseas minority brands by means of exclusive agency and capital operation, aiming at enhancing brand differentiation and increasing the repurchase rate of stores.

In addition, consumers in the first-and second-tier consumer markets can also buy high-end overseas niche brands in HAYDON Black Hole and Bonnie & Clyde (hereinafter referred to as "BC Extreme Choice"), a more luxurious beauty collection store brand.

It is worth noting that the polar selection of Huamei and BC is an extension from online to offline after accumulating rich experience in e-commerce operation in the early stage. But the difference is that Huamei bought the gene of the store with beauty from the beginning, and then began to incubate overseas brands with the blessing of capital, in order to differentiate in the fierce competition.

The high-end beauty brands in BC’s extremely selected stores are extremely selected, and the brands they sell are high-end niche beauty and fragrance brands exclusively represented by the parent company USHOPAL Group or invested in shares.

On the other hand, Huamei and Black Hole are very similar in style positioning. Both of them transform the super-large stores into warehouse-type retail stores with strong aesthetic style, and they also tend to choose representative buildings or blocks in the city center instead of urban complexes or shopping centers.

It is worth noting that the above-mentioned two collection stores are also different from the emerging beauty collection stores such as WOW COLOUR and THE COLORIST, which exploded in 2020. The latter opened stores in many cities across the country in a short time, while the former strategically opened its first stores in key cities in different regions of the country, and usually it was "one city, one store", with a slow expansion speed.

In the business model, Huamei and Heikong both use international big-name samples as "traffic passwords" to attract price-sensitive consumers to shop and drive the sales of formal clothes, and then rely on niche long-tail brands to improve the repurchase rate.

This is greatly different from the product mix of traditional beauty retail stores such as Watsons. In addition, they strive to create a "social-friendly" store style, and continue to attract consumers by expanding the format, triggering communication and discussion on social media and attracting a large number of young people to visit the store.

With the blessing of capital, Huamei and Black Hole have been accelerating the pace of opening stores nationwide since 2021. They are more surprised and demanding in the location of stores, and after opening stores, they also drive the flow of people in the surrounding blocks, which is attractive to operators in urban blocks or business districts.

Beijing Xidan, which has been upgraded to the standard, introduced Huamei to open a large-scale store with an area of 880 square meters, and introduced a large-scale flagship store with an area of 700 square meters to the "Anfu Road-Wu Kang Road" block in Shanghai. Raffles, a new landmark project in Shanghai, which focuses on urban markets, and Chongqing, which has been vigorously upgraded in recent years, may actively introduce this type of beauty collection store.

Another foreseeable trend is that more overseas niche beauty brands will enter the China market through various beauty retailers in the future. And these brands will choose their partners according to their more specific China market strategy; If you want to deepen the China market and deepen brand awareness, some brands may choose local emerging beauty collection stores with more omni-channel operation and incubation capabilities.

The Premier League champion was born! Arsenal lost 0-1 to win the championship, and Manchester City completed the Premier League’s three consecutive championships!

Early this morning, the Premier League was the firstthreesevenA focus battle was staged.Arsenal away0-1Lost to Nottingham Forest, completely missed the championship, Manchester City in the case of this round, ahead of schedule.threeWin the league championship and complete the great cause of three consecutive Premier League titles! Nottingham Forest finished relegation one round ahead of schedule after winning!

Arsenal fell behind Manchester City before the game.4 points, one game less than the opponent, this round of Arsenal is ahead of Manchester City, and it is necessary to win to keep the hope of winning the championship. Once losing, Manchester City will win the championship three games in advance. Nottingham Forest ranks first in the league.sixBit, leading the relegation zone3 points, there is still some relegation pressure, and we will definitely strive to win at home.

First halfonenineMinutes later, Odegard’s passing error was intercepted, and the home team White scored the ball. Avonii seized the opportunity to complete the goal.1-0! Arsenal then tried to fight back, but their whole team was in poor condition. Except for Trossat, who shot wide and caused a certain threat, the rest of the time had possession rate, but it was difficult to create too much threat to the opponent’s goal.

In the second half, Artta made many substitutions, but Arsenal’s performance did not improve at all, and finally they went away.0-1Lose the game and hand over the championship to Manchester City! Manchester city in the current round of war, ahead of schedule.threeThe game locked the league title and completed the league.threeAfter winning the championship, Guardiola’s team took the first step in the process of winning the triple crown!

Mr. Laundry helped Haier 2023 Qingdao Marathon, and the official designated care brand strength stole the show.

On April 22nd, Haier 2023 Qingdao Marathon officially started. As the official designated care brand of Haier 2023 Qingdao Marathon, Mr. Laundry is committed to providing runners with a more comfortable and secure care experience, being a clothing care housekeeper around you, and helping every runner to go to the mountains and seas.

The new model meets old friends, and Mr. Laundry is praised by users.

Focusing on the needs of users, the care services provided by Mr. Laundry are not limited to sweatshirts and sports shoes on runners, but also include daily clothes, special fabrics such as silk and cashmere. Mr. Laundry can solve the cleaning, nursing and treatment of various fabrics in life. Mr. Laundry’s innovative business model of "1+N+ Ecology" changes the single service of traditional laundries, and provides users with clothes life cycle solutions for washing, protecting, storing, riding, purchasing and collecting clothes.

Mr. Laundry also met many old friends at this Qingma scene. "It’s the first time to run a green horse, but I’ve been an old user for more than ten years at the laundry man & Jieshen Store at the entrance of my community!" The marathon runner, Ms. Song, who lives in Taizhou Road, said. Since 2021, Mr. Laundry set up a joint venture with Qingdao local brand Jieshen for 30 years, the upgrade speed and achievements of the new-type eco-care store have been well received by users in the island city: "At first, it was washing clothes, and then the store had eco-products, as well as home cleaning and home appliance cleaning services. Now the store can even buy Haier household appliances directly, which really provided us with great convenience. I ran into the new track with Mr. Laundry & Jieshen."

Professional runners prefer professional care, and Mr. Laundry is reliable.

In 2023, it was the fifth year that Haier and Tsing Ma walked hand in hand, and it was also the second time that Mr. Laundry made his debut at Tsing Ma Circuit. As a great achievement of Haier’s transformation on the eco-brand track, Mr. Laundry, under the guidance of eco-brand strategy, relies on the platform-leading IOT technology and ecological resources, and establishes a caring ecology trusted and recognized by consumers with a full-link caring solution, which helps the caring industry to develop towards the goal of being more standardized, orderly, green and environmentally friendly, and upgrading services. As of March this year, Mr. Laundry has covered 1,528 network contacts in 30 provinces across the country, built 12 operation centers, 3 self-owned 6S standard central laundry factories and 37 cooperative factories, and the rapid development is backed by the recognition of national users and the guarantee of professional care ability.

"I usually run a lot, and my shoes are dirty and worn quickly. Many of our runners have the need for professional care of running shoes. They should be clean, but don’t brush them too violently." Mr. Li, who specially came to Qingdao from other places to participate in the marathon, said that he was very interested in Mr. Laundry’s treatment mode of "washing, drying, ironing, sterilization and disinfection" and the exclusive care service mode of "one customer, one cylinder and one disinfection".

The innovative care mode and sincere caring service also give Mr. Laundry enough confidence to be qualified as the official designated care brand of Haier 2023 Qingdao Marathon. It is with this confidence and sense of responsibility that Mr. Laundry will base himself on the care needs of runners, bring high-quality and professional care services and bring more surprises to runners!

The Internet is full of flawed content generated by AI. Will AI trained based on this information be outrageous?

1. Yes.

If you answer the question of "yes and no", the answer is obviously "yes".

2. The logic of AI learning can be simply summarized as the following three steps:

2.1. Input data and feature extraction: The first step of AI learning is input data and feature extraction. At this stage, the AI system will receive some input data, which can be images, text, voice or other types of data. Then, the AI system will extract some useful features from these data, which can help the AI system better understand and process the data.

2.2. Model training: The second step of AI learning is model training. At this stage, the AI system will use the input data and features extracted to train a model. This model can be neural network, decision tree, support vector machine, etc. It will learn how to map the input data to the output results according to the features extracted from the input data and features. The goal of model training is to make the model accurately predict the output results.

2.3. Model evaluation and optimization: The third step of AI learning is model evaluation and optimization. At this stage, the AI system will use some test data to evaluate the performance of the model and optimize the model according to the evaluation results. If the performance of the model is not good enough, the AI system will adjust and optimize the model to improve its accuracy and generalization ability. Generally speaking, the logic of AI learning is to continuously improve the performance and ability of AI system through input data and feature extraction, model training and model evaluation and optimization, so as to realize more accurate and intelligent prediction and decision-making.

3. Garbage input and garbage output

The quality of AI-generated content is affected by the quality of data used to train AI models. If the training packet contains defective content, then the artificial intelligence model will also be defective. This is called "garbage input, garbage output". Because the AI system will try to imitate and repeat the existing data when learning, if the data itself has problems, then the AI system may repeat these problems and even aggravate them.

Constructing high-quality data sets is the key, and attention should be paid to the source, quality, scale and diversity of data sets. Miniaturization of language model is also an important research direction.

4. But there is room for optimization and self-evolution.

4.1. The training of AI system does not only depend on the data on the Internet, and the data on the Internet is less than 5% of human information.

4.2. It also includes various artificially designed data sets and algorithms. If these data sets and algorithms are carefully designed and optimized, then the AI system can be prevented from being affected by flawed data on the Internet.

4.3. AI system can also improve itself through self-learning and adaptation, thus improving its accuracy and reliability.

4.4. Although flawed content on the Internet may have some impact on the training and development of AI system, it does not mean that AI system will become more outrageous. On the contrary, with the advancement of technology and the continuous improvement of data sets, AI systems will become more accurate and reliable.

5. Making an AIGC or ChatGPT requires a lot of technology, not just input.

Large-scale model technology accumulation: it is necessary to master the basic knowledge of large models, such as Transformer architecture, self-supervised learning, pre-training and fine-tuning.

Accumulation of natural language processing technology: you need to know the basic knowledge of natural language processing, such as word segmentation, word vector, semantic understanding, emotion analysis, entity recognition and so on.

Data set construction technology accumulation: it is necessary to build high-quality dialogue data sets to improve the quality and effect of the model. The construction of data set needs to consider many factors, such as data source, data quality, data scale, data diversity and so on.

Algorithms and computing power: You need to master reinforcement learning, generative model, attention mechanism and other algorithms, and have enough computing resources to train and optimize the model.

6. Take the manuscript to make an inappropriate analogy.

Copying refers to copying, pasting, modifying and deleting other people’s original articles without authorization, which makes them look different from the original, but in essence they copy the contents and ideas of the original. Editors usually aim to get the content quickly, save time and energy, so as to achieve the purpose of publishing articles quickly, but this behavior seriously infringes on the intellectual property rights of the original author, and also violates academic ethics and professional ethics. Washing manuscripts not only harms the interests of original authors, but also greatly damages the reputation and image of the whole industry, so it is regarded as an immoral and illegal behavior.

However, the manuscript washing should also be level and creative. The awesome manuscript washing often needs to "see" a lot of materials, which is another process from quantitative change to qualitative change.

7. Going back to the nature of AI, is it a tool or decision logic? What do you do with AI?

The process of human receiving information can be divided into the following stages:

Perception: Perception means that we receive external information through sensory organs, including vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Perception process is based on the interaction between sensory organs and external stimuli, which transforms external information into neural signals and transmits them to the brain.

Attention: Attention refers to the process of selecting and processing the perceived information. Because of the diversity and complexity of external information, we can’t handle all the information at the same time, so we need to filter out important information and deal with it through attention.

Understanding: Understanding refers to the process of interpreting and understanding the information we receive. This process needs to rely on our knowledge, experience and language ability to connect and integrate the perceived information with the existing knowledge, thus forming new cognition and understanding.

Memory: Memory refers to the process of storing and processing the received information. Memory can be divided into short-term memory and long-term memory. The former is the ability to temporarily store information for processing, while the latter is the ability to permanently store information in the brain.

Judgment: Judgment refers to the process of evaluating and judging the information we receive. This process needs to rely on our values, beliefs and cognitive abilities, and compare and evaluate information with our existing cognitive and value systems, thus forming our attitudes and views on information.

Action: Action refers to the process of making decisions and taking actions according to the information we receive. This process needs to rely on our willpower, decision-making ability and action ability, and turn our understanding and judgment of information into actual actions and decisions.

What is the purpose of obtaining information with AI? To what stage can AI replace you?

The brand-new Chongqing team appeared in China football! The warm-up match defeated the newly promoted Super League, which made the fans sit up and take notice.

A few days ago, Chongqing football ushered in a brand-new professional league team, which is Chongqing Tonglianglong, which gathered many old Lifan generals. After the dissolution of the Chongqing team, Chongqing Tonglianglong began to play in the China Champions League and began to carry the banner of reviving Chongqing football. Chongqing Tonglianglong performed well in the Champions League last season and got the qualification of Chong B. After Chongqing Tongliang Dragon rushed to China B, it filled the gap that there was no professional team in Chongqing football.

Chongqing lifan used to be a strong football team in China, and it also performed well in the Super League, and once beat Evergrande. Chongqing team has also trained international players like Zhang Chiming and Feng Jin. Unfortunately, before the Super League started last season, the team once again encountered the crisis of unpaid wages. Finally, after comprehensive consideration, Chongqing team decided to quit professional football. Chongqing team quit professional football, which made Chongqing football lose its professional team.

At the critical moment, Chongqing Tonglianglong stood up, started to play in the China Champions League in a team, and recruited the Chongqing football flag Wu Qing. Chongqing Tongliang Dragon has now rushed to China B, attracting the attention of a group of old Lifan generals. Chongqing Tonglianglong can consider introducing Liu Huan whose contract with Guoan expired. After leaving Guoan, Liu Huan went to Dalian for trial training.

Whether Liu Huan can stay in Dalian is a huge unknown. Because Liu Huan’s Dalian team is in a precarious state. Dalian team doesn’t even have the qualification to introduce new aid. If this problem is not solved in the future, Liu Huan will not be able to complete the registration. Therefore, Liu Huan can consider returning to Chongqing. At the same time, Chongqing Tonglianglong chose to play a warm-up match in order to test the training results during this period.

Chongqing Tonglianglong chose to play with Qingdao Manatee, a new Chinese Super League army. Originally, fans thought that Chongqing team would be played by Manatee. Unexpectedly, the Chongqing team was very tenacious in the game and finally defeated its opponent 1-0. The strong play of Chongqing team in the warm-up match made the fans see the hope of rushing to armour. I look forward to Chongqing Tonglianglong’s steady and steady progress in the Chinese B League and achieving the goal of rushing to the first division in the new season.

Paris Saint-Germain is willing to spend 50 million pounds to introduce Maguire?

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Tottenham Hotspur is facing a struggle to convince Thomas Tuchel to become their new head coach. It is reported that both he and Mauricio Pochettino are the best candidates to succeed Antonio Conte, and Chairman Daniel Levy has reservations about bringing back former head coach Pochettino..

Manchester United has added Mason Mount of Chelsea to the list of attacking midfield targets including ude Bellingham. If Erik ten Hag spends most of his summer budget on bringing in Harry Kane or Victor Osimhen, the summer transfer window will exceed the budget..

The exit of Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League is likely to prompt the departure of head coaches Christophe Galtier and Sports director Luis Campos..

Considering the cost of living crisis, the soaring business income of Chelsea, the performance of the club this season and the possible impact of the rising ticket fees on the atmosphere of the match day at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea fans warned the club president Todd Boehly that if he decided to raise the ticket price after a bad season at Stamford Bridge, it would cause "irreversible harm" to the fans..

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Daniel Levy, chairman of Tottenham Hotspur, will consider a series of candidates to change coaches, including Mauricio Pochettino, who may return to the club, and Luis Enrique, who was fired by Spain after the World Cup. Celtics coach Ange Postecoglou, Brighton coach Roberto De Zerbi and Neapolitan coach Luciano Spalletti..

Laundry technology sharing: can ChatGPT make autonomous driving faster?

Recently, the hottest topic in the science and technology circle is "ChatGPT". However, ChatGPT is only an external manifestation, and what deserves more attention is the development of AI technology behind it and its future application.

Some people even describe the changes brought by ChatGPT optimistically: Before ChatGPT, AI was only a module of existing scene products at most. Then, after ChatGPT, AI will redefine the product framework of existing scenarios.

Whether it is as optimists say remains to be seen, but whether autonomous driving, as one of the important scenes of AI landing, will have further development in this wave has still aroused many people’s discussion.

Some people think that autonomous driving needs more graphics, images and data processing ability, requires higher image algorithm, and has little correlation with natural language processing ability. It is not possible to realize autonomous driving with ChatGPT’s ability at present.

Of course, some people think that the appearance of ChatGPT shows us a possibility, that is, trained AI will make high-level autonomous driving expected to appear in a few years.

Why does the progress of AI technology make people pay attention to whether autonomous driving is affected?

Observing the development history of autonomous driving, it is not difficult to find that every major breakthrough of autonomous driving is synchronized with the development of AI technology.

We know that,AI is actually imitating the brain neural network and learning some very humanized skills by analyzing a large amount of data.In 1980s, the first practical application of neural network happened in the field of automatic driving.

In 1987, researchers at Carnegie Mellon Artificial Intelligence Laboratory tried to make a truck that could drive automatically. They manually write codes for all driving behaviors and write as detailed instructions as possible for various situations encountered by trucks on the road, so as to make the vehicles run automatically. But unfortunately, this way can only make the car achieve a speed of several inches per second.

Manual code writing failed, and another doctoral student named Dean pomerleau chose another way: neural network.

He named his system ALVINN. After adopting this system, trucks use the images taken by the roof camera to track what drivers are doing, so as to observe how to learn to drive on the road. In 1991, ALVINN drove from Pittsburgh to Erie, Pennsylvania at a speed of nearly 60 miles per hour.

However, a more direct and broader impact occurred in 2012.

Jeff Hinton, a professor at the University of Toronto, and two of his students, Alex Krzyzewski and Ilya Satsky, won the first prize in the ImageNet image recognition competition, and published a paper introducing the algorithm AlexNet. This paper is not only the turning point of artificial intelligence, but also the turning point of global technology industry.

As the key technology of autonomous driving, target detection and image recognition are highly benefited from the breakthrough of computer vision algorithm. Therefore, with the recognition accuracy of Li Feifei team, director of Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, surpassing humans for the first time on ImageNet open data set in 2015, autonomous driving, as one of the most important landing scenes of AI, has also entered the fast lane of development.

So, will the appearance of ChatGPT become the Milestone of autonomous driving again?

Generally speaking, AI can be divided into three parts: voice, vision and natural language understanding.The last wave of AI was mainly based on the breakthrough of visual image recognition technology, and this time ChatGPT is a natural language processing technology based on GPT-3 model, which can effectively simulate human language understanding ability, thus helping people better understand and analyze natural language text data.

When we want to discuss what impact ChatGPT will have on autopilot, we think that we should first find out whether autopilot here refers to mass-produced low-level autopilot (assisted driving) or high-level L4 autopilot. Secondly, does ChatGPT refer to a language model or a more generalized generation model?

From the perspective of natural language understanding, ChatGPT has a more direct impact on human-computer interaction in the assisted driving part, but it may not have a great impact on L4-level automatic driving.

Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Federation, also wrote in his WeChat WeChat official account that the innovation of human-computer interaction and intelligent cockpit system is very strong, especially the human-computer interaction ability of domestic car companies is very strong. Only China enterprises can understand Chinese more deeply. With the empowerment of the bottom layer in the future, the domestic automobile industry will have more good human-computer interaction effects at the application level.

For example, by using ChatGPT, the vehicle can interact with the driver by voice or text, and provide the driver with real-time feedback on vehicle status and driving information.

Before this, although a large number of in-vehicle interactive systems have appeared, the pain point of the industry mainly focuses on the "understanding" part, and most of the in-vehicle voice interactive systems are not intelligent in "understanding", resulting in a single function and command word of the whole system. ChatGPT’s explosion made the market see the hope of solution.

However, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Federation, also said that,Electrification is the core of new energy vehicles, and intelligence is just icing on the cake. In the future, the core competitiveness of car companies will still be to build electric vehicles, and at the same time make full use of intelligence such as ChatGPT to empower the development of the automobile industry.

Of course, whether it is the core or not, it is not enough to have a technological breakthrough if you want to get on ChatGPT. An AI industry person told Titanium Media that "there are still cost issues, including the use cost, cloud service cost and targeted training cost."

However, from a broader generative model, the generative model with big data and large parameters will help to achieve a higher level of autonomous driving.

He Xiang, a data intelligence scientist at Mimo Zhixing, said in an interview with Titanium Media App that the vehicle-side capabilities mainly include two categories: perception and cognition. The perception ability really relies mainly on image technology, while the cognitive ability relies more on similar generation technology of ChatGPT.

That is to say,ChatGPT’s revolutionary significance lies in: letting AI model enter the era of knowledge and reasoning. At present, the biggest shortcoming of autonomous driving lies in the lack of sufficient intelligence in decision-making planning.

ChatGPT uses a training method called "Human Feedback Reinforcement Learning (RLHF)", and He Xiang, a data intelligence scientist at Mimo Zhixing, explained to Titanium Media APP.GPT is a large-scale universal pre-training language model. GPT1, GPT 2 and GPT 3 mainly improve the parameter scale, while ChatGPT mainly introduces human feedback data for reinforcement learning.

The introduction of this method can ensure the minimum output of useless, distorted or biased information according to human feedback in training.

It happens that there is also a kind of automatic driving decision algorithm called imitation learning, which is to let the machine learn how human drivers do it in different scenarios.

Generally speaking, every takeover by a human driver is an artificial feedback to the autonomous driving strategy; This takeover data can be simply used as a negative sample, which is a record that the autopilot decision is corrected. At the same time, it can also be used as a positive sample to improve cognitive decision-making

"The big model of big data and big parameters can learn more potential knowledge, including different environments and different scenarios, which is equivalent to learning a lot of common sense of autonomous driving. This common sense is very important for autonomous driving decisions." He Xiang, a data intelligence scientist at the end of the year, told Titanium Media App.

That is to say,In the process of autonomous driving research and development, the idea of human feedback reinforcement learning can be used to train a model to verify and evaluate the output of the machine model, so that it can make continuous progress and finally reach the driving level of human beings.

Therefore, it can be said that the improvement of basic ability has brought about the expansion of imagination and applicable scenarios. However, at this stage, we still can’t accurately judge how much change the big model represented by ChatGPT will bring to autonomous driving. An industry person told Titanium Media App that the excellent generalization ability trained by the big model may make there no corner case in the world.

Corner case refers to a small probability event that may occur during driving, but the frequency is extremely low. Although it is rarely encountered at ordinary times, it is likely to lead to a fatal traffic accident when encountering a corner case that cannot make a decision for an autonomous driving system.

The emergence of ChatGPT has made the industry realize that it is possible to gain a higher level of autonomous driving technology by constantly accumulating kilometers and running like this.

In fact, before this, both foreign Tesla and domestic Tucki, Baidu and Mimo Zhixing were already exploring the route of "big model".

In 2020, Tesla announced that it would introduce a large model based on deep neural network into its autonomous driving, and now it has realized a large-scale public beta of pure visual FSD Beta; Tucki expressed the viewpoint of using large models to get through the whole scene of XNGP on the 1024 Science and Technology Day in 2022. Baidu Apollo believes that the Wenxin model will be the core driving force of the elevator’s automatic driving ability.

As early as 2021, Mimo Zhixing announced that it would improve its data processing ability with the help of a large model. On February 17th this year, Mimo Zhixing officially upgraded the large model of human driving self-monitoring cognition to "DriveGPT", which will continue to introduce large-scale real takeover data, and continuously improve the evaluation effect through intensive learning of human driving data feedback. At the same time, it also uses DriveGPT as a cloud evaluation model to evaluate the driving effect of small models at the vehicle end.

However,The development of high-level self-driving cars is a complex multidisciplinary field, involving a wide range of technical and regulatory challenges. The progress of artificial intelligence technology can bring some impetus, but this is not a short-term problem.

It is reported that GPT3.0 involves 170 billion parameters, with more than 300 GB of memory, and the training process costs more than 12 million US dollars. The above-mentioned industry insiders said that the autopilot algorithm is to run in the car. Can such a large model be deployed to the car? How much computing power does it need to support? In addition, autonomous driving can not be completed by repetitive and simple road data stacking, so how to ensure a large amount of data is also a key issue.

The article is reproduced from the titanium media. The opinions in the article are only for sharing and communication, and do not represent the position of WeChat official account. If copyright issues are involved, please let us know and we will deal with them in time.

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The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Modern Society

Artificial Intelligence (AI for short) refers to a technology that computer system simulates human intelligent thinking and behavior through learning, reasoning, perception, understanding, judgment and decision-making. The core of AI technology is machine learning, that is, processing and analyzing a large number of data through training algorithms, and learning and extracting useful information and rules from them, so as to continuously optimize and improve their intelligence.

AI technology covers many different fields and applications, including natural language processing, image recognition, machine vision, speech recognition, robotics, intelligent recommendation, virtual reality and so on. These applications can play a role in many fields, such as health care, finance, energy, manufacturing, transportation, education, entertainment and so on.

In a word, artificial intelligence is a technology that can simulate human intelligent thinking and behavior. It enables computer systems to complete a series of complex tasks and decisions independently through machine learning and pattern recognition.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can bring us many benefits. The following are some of the main benefits:

  1. Automation: AI technology can automate many repetitive tasks, saving time and labor costs.

  2. Intelligent decision-making: AI system can provide more intelligent decision-making for human beings by analyzing a large amount of data and information.

  3. Customer service: AI can improve the quality and efficiency of customer service, such as providing instant service and support to customers through intelligent robots or chat bots.

  4. Health care: AI technology can help doctors and health care professionals make diagnosis and treatment decisions, while improving the efficiency and accuracy of health care services.

  5. Resource management: AI can help enterprises and government agencies to better manage resources, for example, by forecasting and planning energy demand and supply, and optimizing the supply chain.

  6. Education and training: AI can provide a better education and training experience, such as optimizing the learning process through personalized learning paths and real-time feedback.

  7. Safety and security: AI can help protect public safety and personal safety, for example, through automatic monitoring and detection systems to identify security threats and abnormal behaviors.

In a word, AI technology can improve efficiency, accuracy and intelligence, provide better service and support for human beings, and bring more commercial and social value.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely used in various fields, including but not limited to the following aspects:

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): transforming human language into computer-readable forms, such as machine translation, speech recognition, text classification and sentiment analysis.

  2. Image recognition and Computer Vision (CV): Computer vision technology enables computer systems to recognize and understand images and videos, such as face recognition, object detection, automatic driving and security monitoring.

  3. Machine Learning (ML): By training algorithms, computer systems can automatically learn and adapt to new data, thus improving the accuracy of prediction and decision-making, such as recommendation system, credit evaluation, risk control and medical diagnosis.

  4. Robotics: Using artificial intelligence technology, robots can accomplish tasks that humans can’t, such as autonomous navigation, cooperative operation, intelligent control and service robots.

  5. Automation and intelligent manufacturing: using artificial intelligence technology to realize the automation and intelligence of production process and supply chain, such as intelligent logistics, intelligent warehousing, intelligent quality control and intelligent equipment.

  6. Virtual reality and augmented reality: through artificial intelligence technology, virtual reality and the real world are combined to realize a more immersive user experience, such as virtual training, virtual fitting, virtual tourism and augmented reality applications.

In short, artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in various fields and industries, which has changed our way of life and work, but also brought great opportunities and challenges for future technological development and innovation.

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on employment in modern society is twofold: on the one hand, AI technology can create new employment opportunities, on the other hand, it will also affect the employment of some traditional industries.

  1. New employment opportunities: With the development of AI technology, more and more companies and organizations need professional AI engineers, data scientists, machine learning experts and AI strategists. In addition, AI technology has also created some new professional fields, such as intelligent robot engineers, voice interaction designers and virtual reality developers.

  2. Impact of employment in traditional industries: AI technology will also have a certain impact on employment in traditional industries. For example, AI technology can automate many repetitive tasks and jobs, thus reducing the work that needs to be done by human beings. This may lead to the reduction of jobs in some traditional industries, such as manufacturing, administration and support services.

However, it should be pointed out that AI technology will not completely replace human work. On the contrary, it usually cooperates with human beings to improve efficiency and quality. Therefore, for the job market in modern society, it is important to improve skills and transformation ability to adapt to the rapidly changing technology and job market.