标签归档 西安品茶

What historical knowledge do you believe in, but it really happened?

Author: our team Zhang Ying

The more you read history, the more you will feel "unbelievable". A lot of historical knowledge that seems incredible at first glance and even makes people "don’t believe it" is real, but it happened in the past years.

Compared with those political and military events that are often talked about,The following economic and cultural knowledge, which also makes people feel "don’t believe in death", also epitomizes the rise and fall of dynasties.It is worth thinking deeply.

One: the Great Jin Dynasty did not cast money.

Successive dynasties founded the country, and currency issuance was a top priority. And Wang Chao didn’t even do it? The Jin dynasties thought: this is really not a thing.

Since the "Three Kingdoms Reunited", the Jin Dynasty, from the emperor to the officials, has been a competition and a release. Apart from internal strangulation, it has been a feast, a song and dance, an alchemy and a fight for wealth, and it has changed its fancy show "Wei and Jin demeanor". Even if the Yongjia Rebellion broke out and the Dajin became the Eastern Jin, it would still remain unchanged, and it would be impossible to get rid of it by being immersed in metaphysics and talking openly.The issue of currency, a 164-year history of the Jin and Jin Dynasties, has never been done.

What’s the money? In the Western Jin Dynasty, Cao Wei’s five baht money was mainly used, and it was beaten to the south of the Yangtze River to become the "Eastern Jin Dynasty", and all kinds of currencies in the Soochow period were churned out to continue to be used. The currency on the market in the Eastern Jin Dynasty is a mess. Plus a large number of precious metals, all of them have been embezzled by the rich and powerful to make luxury goods, and there is less and less money circulating in the market. As a result, there is not much money, and there is an increasingly serious phenomenon of "money shortage".

Ironically,The first reaction of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to this serious phenomenon was not to stabilize the currency, but to slap the head and think about simply abolishing the currency.When Emperor Andi was in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, someone put forward the "good idea" of "barter". Although it ran aground under the opposition of many ministers, the Eastern Jin Dynasty did nothing, and still allowed the chaos in the money market. The currency is so chaotic, of course, this dynasty is becoming more and more hopeless. The partial Eastern Jin Dynasty was finally usurped by the Liu and Song Dynasties in the absurdity of "not casting money".

Two: Planting cotton in Datang Garden

In the Tang dynasty, rich people cultivated flowers, and all kinds of precious flowers and plants competed for each other. However, during the period of Tang Xuanzong, Suleiman, an Arab traveler who visited the Tang Dynasty, saw a special exotic flower and grass in the garden of the Tang Dynasty: cotton. That’s right. Today, it is used to make cotton-padded clothes, which is necessary to keep out the cold in winter.In the middle Tang dynasty, it was still "on a par" with famous flowers such as peony and rose, and was specially designed for garden enjoyment.

During the Tang Dynasty, there were only Yunnan, Hainan and Xinjiang provinces in China, and some cotton was planted. As an "exotic" cotton, it was a precious flower at that time. More than just for fun. Cotton cloth made of cotton was also a precious luxury at that time. According to the statistics of the Order of Closing the City in the Tang Dynasty, the local price of one end of fine cotton cloth in the western regions is as high as 2,200 articles. Even the coarse denim needs 500 Wen at one end. Cotton-padded clothes made of cotton cloth were called "white-folded cloth" and "kapok fur" at that time, and the price of them sold to the mainland usually turned several times.It is equivalent to "putting precious flowers and plants on your body", which is standard for the rich.

When reading Du Fu’s famous sentence, "The cloth is as cold as iron for many years, and the charming children lie down and crack inside", many historical fans often wonder why Du Fu didn’t cover the quilt when he was so frozen. To tell the truth, I really couldn’t afford it at that time.

It was not until the Song and Yuan Dynasties that cotton planting techniques were gradually popularized in the mainland and gradually adapted to the soil and water in different regions. During the reign of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, cotton planting was promoted by legislation throughout the country. Cotton, a luxury in the Tang and Song Dynasties, was "dependent on everyone’s wealth" in China.Cotton cotton-padded clothes, once a rare "imported product", became a specialty of China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. They were not only the daily consumer goods of ordinary people in winter, but also exported abroad in large quantities along the Maritime Silk Road, earning enough money all over the world.

What is "making foreign things serve China"? Learn from the ancients in China how to plant cotton from the garden into the farmland.

Three: The civil servants in the Song Dynasty were very hard.

"Fu Song" is a happy time for literati, and the most enviable among literati is civil servants. Unofficial history often talked about the "sky-high income" of civil servants in the Song Dynasty. For example, the extravagant life of Kou Zhun Song Qi people lighting giant candles and drinking chicken tongue soup, and the happy scene of Bao Zheng Wang Anshi people’s "sky-high annual salary" and "salary basically does not move" have made many fans envy each other and wish to cross to Dasong to take the imperial examination. However, even if there is a chance to "cross", we must be cautious about it. Most civil servants in the Song Dynasty are far poorer than later generations imagined.

For example, in the Song Dynasty,Being a small official in the civil service, such as "county magistrate" and "main thin", the salary is pitiful.Basically, "poverty is not enough to support itself." It was not until Song Shenzong’s time that the salary was raised, but it was just "the county ordered the money to be 15 thousand, and the rice and wheat were 4 stones." Compared with the courtiers, this money is really not enough.

Civil servants at a slightly higher level have limited treatment.For example, Shi Jie, a famous scholar in Song Renzong, told imperial academy that his life was very simple on weekdays, but when he died, his wife was "overwhelmed with cold", that is, his wife and children couldn’t live, and they only had a way out with the support of Fan Zhongyan and others in Han Qi. Zeng Yi, the foreign minister of Song Shenzong, was also "poor because of his family". In the Southern Song Dynasty, Lu You passed the sentence in Kuizhou, which was considered as a "fat vacancy" among civil servants. After several years, he was also "thin in the gorge" and "bare in luggage". That is to say, you can get a round belly.

Why is this happening?First, there were so many civil servants in the Song Dynasty that they were called "redundant officials".According to Fan Zhongyan in the Northern Song Dynasty, "four or five people share one post". In the late Southern Song Dynasty, the total number of officials in the Song Dynasty was more than 43,000, and the territory was half that of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the number of officials was several times higher than that of the Northern Song Dynasty. There are so many officials to support, and no matter how rich they are, they can’t support them. Therefore, if most civil servants only rely on "wages", their lives will be hard.

Plus DaSong’s "ruling the world together with the literati", even if it is "cultivating scholars", of course, we must first pay close attention to the high-level literati.Not only a high-ranking official, but also retired senior officials, as well as giving "grace" to the children and students of retired senior officials, is a lot of money every year. At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Huainan transshipment ambassador said that the taxes of twenty states in Huainan were not enough to give pensions to retired senior officials in Luoyang. In Song Renzong, there were more than 5,000 salaried idlers in China. Some people even have more than one consul and do nothing.

Officials who have money to support idle people and work honestly have a hard time.How can we not be poor and weak in such a great Song Dynasty?

Four: horsestapErni duancai road

A great event in the diplomatic history of "Kanggan heyday" in Qing Dynasty was "Magalny’s visit to China". During the Qianlong period, a huge mission led by British Lord Macartney visited the Qing Dynasty with the intention of opening the trade door of the Qing Dynasty, but it was rejected by the arrogant Qianlong. A visit, but the result is empty. But Magalny was not depressed, because,On this trip, he found another treasure in China: tea seedlings.

Can a mere tea seedling be comparable to a diplomatic event? In the eyes of the British at that time, this was really close.

Since the mid-18th century, China’s traditional tea drinking style has long been popular in European countries. The British have become the "iron powder" of tea. At that time, all classes of British society had the habit of "drinking afternoon tea", and the atmosphere of drinking tea spread all over Britain and even colonies on all continents. According to the statistics of the 18th century British scholar Stenton,British people, old and young, consume at least one pound of tea every year on average. Where did so much tea come from? You can only buy it from China.

As a result, unconsciously, tea trade became the "heavy head" of foreign exports in the Qing Dynasty. The export price of a load of tea in Guangzhou is only ten pounds. Reselling to the British mainland has soared to at least 106 pounds. Huge profits have also provoked British businessmen to flock to buy buy every year, bringing enough cash to buy them. By the 1780s, China’s annual tea export had exceeded 1.8 million pounds, making it easy for the British to earn money.

But this "easy money" scene, but with the horsetapThe arrival of Ernie and his party turned around.

Although the Qing government, which closed its doors to the outside world, took precautions against Magalny and his party. However, because the Qing officials had no concept of "intellectual property rights", they were defenseless against the "inspection" activities of Magyarni and his party. Therefore, during a trip to China, Macartney made an unannounced visit, which not only clearly recorded the process of tea planting and picking in China. I also got something good that many European countries couldn’t get at that time: tea seedlings.

Thus, from the end of the 18th century, China’s tea planting technology, so ruthless outflow.India under British rule, with this "stolen" technology and modern production, quickly came from behind in the field of tea.By the middle of the 19th century, Indian tea had become the "big head" of the international tea market. At the beginning of the 20th century, Indian tea and Ceylon tea accounted for 92% of the international market at that time, which had already "crushed" modern China tea.

Tea industry, a powerful industry that earned enough money in China, was cut off in less than half a century because of the outflow of several tea seedlings. It was not so much Macartney’s fault as the Qing Dynasty’s indifference to industrial technology, which brought modern China into the pit of backwardness and beatings.

References: Chen Zhonghai’s Debate on Waste of Money in Jin Dynasty, Qing Qiuzi’s Currency History, Wang Zhonghun’s Matou of Xizhou in Tang Dynasty, Zhu Bokang’s General History of China Economy, He Zhongli’s Salary of Officials in Song Dynasty, Political History of Song Dynasty, Zhang Hongjie’s Prosperous Hunger and Wang Xiuping’s 1

How many privileges can the yellow jacket of the Qing Dynasty have?

Is Li Shimin scheming for a long time or being forced to do anything about the change of Xuanwu Gate?

After reading these 14 historical truths, I realized how shallow my historical knowledge is! How many do you know?

1. Women in Song Dynasty will be fined if they don’t marry at fourteen.

During the Song Renzong period, men were married at the age of fifteen and women at the age of thirteen; Ming Taizu stipulates that a man marries at the age of 16 and a woman marries at the age of 14. A woman who does not marry at the legal age will be fined.

For example, when Emperor Xiaohui of the Han Dynasty was filial, anyone who wanted to have a daughter who was over 15 to 30 years old and had not married was fined 600 yuan; In the Tang Dynasty, men over the age of 20 and girls over the age of 15 were also punished.

2. Zhongguancun was originally a eunuch nursing home.

Zhongguancun, a desolate cemetery decades ago, is mostly the tomb of eunuchs.Because eunuchs were called "middle officials" in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was called "middle official grave".

Eunuchs built temples and old-age manors here, and because they were called "middle officials" at that time, they called this place "middle official village". After liberation, they chose to build the China Academy of Sciences here. They thought the word "middle official" was not good, so they changed their names to "Zhongguancun".

3. Confucius is the pioneer of Weibo style.

The Analects of Confucius is the earliest collection of Weibo;

1. Each Analects does not exceed 140 words;

2, concise and profound;

3, more fragmented, mostly for Confucius to bask in the mood and exchange philosophy.

4. Strong interaction, and often reply and interact with Zigong, Yan Hui, Zilu, etc.

5. Confucius has more than 3,000 fans, 72 of whom are V tuba.

4. The origin of "jealousy" originated from the Tang Dynasty.

Fang Xuanling was the prime minister for 22 years and was an important founder of Zhenguan rule.In order to show his merits, Emperor Taizong gave two beautiful women. Then this angered the prime minister’s wife and forbade beautiful women to enter the house.

Li Shimin gave her two choices:One is to get back the beauty; The second is to drink the "poisoned wine" given by the royal family.

After the heroic Mrs. Fang drank the "poisoned wine" on the spot, she knew it was a cup of vinegar. Emperor Taizong couldn’t help but take back the beauty, and the word "jealous" spread.

5, Gao Qiu was Su Dongpo extremely.

Gao Qiu was originally Su Dongpo’s mini-story, that is, extremely clever and good at copying.When Su Shi was transferred to Zhongshan House, he gave him to Wang Jinqing of Wang Shen, the captain of Xiaowangdu. Once, Wang Shen wanted to send Duan Wang was a comb knife for trimming sideburns, which was sent by Gao Qiu.

It happened that Duan Wang was playing cuju, and Gao Qiu took the opportunity to show off his skills, so he won the favor of Zhao Ji and stayed with Duan Wang from now on.After Zhao Ji succeeded to Song Huizong, Gao Qiu rose steadily.

6. Yan was not alone.

I always thought that Yan was one person, but it turned out to be ten.Yamaraja in Ten Temples is the floorboard of ten hades who are in charge of hell, which is said by China Buddhism. This statement began in the late Tang Dynasty.

They are:King Guang of Qin, Chu Jiangwang, Emperor Song, King Wu Guan, Yan Luowang, King Bian Cheng, King Tai Shan, King Ping, King Du Shi and King Huan.

These ten kings live on the ten halls of hell respectively, because they are called the ten halls of hell.

7. "Hou" was originally the title of emperor.

When you see the last word, you will always think of the queen, the queen mother and so on.However, in ancient times, the latter word represented men, was the embodiment of power, the symbol of emperors and the title of the son of heaven.

Later, it was the title of emperor before the Zhou Dynasty, when the wife of the son of heaven was a princess, and later it was used as the title of emperor for more than 360 years. It was not until the Zhou Dynasty that the princess was renamed.

After Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, the emperor was called the emperor, and the emperor’s wife was called the queen.

8. In Wei and Jin Dynasties, a man must look like a beautiful woman to be beautiful.

In Wei and Jin Dynasties, a man had to look like a beautiful woman to be praised, and gentle female beauty was the standard of beautiful men.Therefore, men of all ages in Wei and Jin dynasties desperately went to the "false mother" line. Noble men and women, almost everyone never leaves the mirror. Every day, they wear powder, lipstick and perfume, to the point where they disappear without makeup.

At that time, the famous false mothers were: writers Cao Zhi, Pan An, calligrapher Wang Xizhi …

9. Although the Ming emperor was dissolute, he had no wimps.

Although some emperors of the Ming Dynasty were dissolute and heartless, none of them were wimps!The Great Ming Dynasty lasted for 276 years, and never paid compensation, ceded land or paid tribute. The emperor guarded the country and the king died.

Emperor Chongzhen was martyred, but orthodox prisoners never begged for mercy. Longwu was killed in the battlefield, and Shaowu was captured and committed suicide by hunger strike.At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the soldiers were still divided into two ways to deal with the Manchu and the King, and they did not give up the desire of "the whole Liao can be restored" from beginning to end.

10. It was stipulated in the Song Dynasty that officials were not allowed to enter the wine shop, regardless of public or private funds, they were impeached.

According to Ouyang Xiu’s "Returning to the Field", Lu Su’s simple public service is a virtue, and the public service is easy to take and drink in a wine shop. Zhenzong asked, "Why did you enter the wine shop privately?" Gong said:"I am poor and have no utensils, and I have everything in the wine shop. I have come from afar with my relatives in the village, so I drink with them. However, the minister is easy to serve, and the city people have no knowledge of the minister. "

Zhenzong said, "Your majesty is a courtier, and I’m afraid he will be played by the censor."

11, the origin of the yellow flower girl

In ancient times, unmarried women liked to use yellow color to draw various patterns on their foreheads or faces when dressing up. It can also be cut into various patterns with yellow paper and pasted.

And "yellow flower" refers to chrysanthemum. Because chrysanthemum can resist cold in Ao Shuang, it is often used as a metaphor for people having moral integrity.

Therefore, adding the word "yellow flower" in front of the prostitute means that the woman is not married yet, but can remain chaste.

12. The origin of "Erguotou"

In the middle of Qing Dynasty, in order to improve the quality of shochu, Jingshi shochu Workshop needed to treat the distilled liquor, the "liquor head" cooled by cold water in the tin pot for the first time and the "liquor tail" cooled by cold water in the tin pot for the third time.

Because the first pot and the third pot are cooled by substances, only the wine that flows out after being cooled by the cold water changed into the tin pot for the second time is picked, so it is called "Erguotou".

13. Housing security system in Song Dynasty: the monthly rent of low-rent housing in Kaifeng is 106 yuan.

Building shop service, later renamed as "shop house service", is responsible for the management and maintenance of state-owned real estate, and to the public for rent. Look a little familiar! Equivalent to the current low-rent housing.At that time, there were 1192 public houses in Kaifeng, the capital, with a monthly rent of 170 yuan (RMB 106.25).

Can ordinary people afford to rent the land of capital city at the foot of the son of heaven?This is a housing security system, which is completely affordable.

14. Four nicknames of ancient China: Shenzhou, Kyushu, Huaxia and Zhongyuan.

1. China, the ancient sage took China’s China, which was called "the land of China".

2. Huaxia, originally referred to the Central Plains, later included the whole territory.

3. Kyushu, the ancient China, was divided into: Ji, Yan, Qing, Xu, Yang, Jing, Liang, Yong and Yu.

4. The Central Plains, the birthplace of Chinese civilization, was regarded as the center of the world by the Chinese nation in ancient times.

Source: One poem and one lesson.

Life lies in exercise, but you need to master the "health ladder" of exercise! How to exercise is reasonable?

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise, which is true at all. Moderate exercise can improve cardiopulmonary function, promote systemic blood circulation and relieve nervous mood. However, there must be a degree in everything, and the same is true for sports. You need to choose the right sports according to your own situation, and you can’t blindly pursue quantity and duration. If the amount of exercise is insufficient, the body function will slowly deteriorate; Excessive exercise will cause persistent muscle pain, irritability and loss of appetite, and at the same time, it will also reduce immunity and increase the damage to bones and joints.

1. Exercise intensity

Exercise intensity, as its name implies, is the strength spent in exercise, which is determined by the type and purpose of exercise. There are different ways to measure the intensity of exercise, such as jogging or brisk walking. The intensity is measured by the target bull’s-eye rate and based on the maximum heart rate, which is equal to 220 minus age. The bull’s-eye rate of moderate and high-intensity aerobic exercise ranges from 60% to 80% of the maximum heart rate, and strength training needs to measure the exercise intensity by weight and repetition times.

2. Motion frequency

Exercise frequency refers to the interval time of exercise, and the optimal frequency is determined by the type and purpose of exercise. If the purpose of exercise is to lose weight, at least 300 minutes of moderate and high-intensity aerobic exercise a week can reduce weight and body fat; If the purpose of exercise is to maintain good health, you need to have 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week, and then match it with 2~3 days of strength training.

3. Exercise time

Exercise time refers to the duration of exercise, which is determined by the type of exercise, the purpose of fitness and the level of exercise. At the beginning, you can do aerobic exercise first, and the exercise time is about 15~20 minutes, and the exercise intensity is well controlled; If you want to enhance flexibility through exercise, make sure that each muscle group stretches for about 15 seconds and repeat it three times; If you want to enhance your cardiopulmonary endurance, the duration of high-intensity exercise should not be less than 20 minutes.

4. Type of exercise

There are many types of sports, such as aerobic training, flexibility and resistance training, etc. The specific types of sports are divided into cycling swimming, weightlifting and running, squat and so on. You need to choose the right type of exercise according to your own sports purpose.

1. Moderate intensity exercise

Moderate intensity exercise is equivalent to brisk walking for half an hour to an hour every day. Such activities include walking, shopping, housework and gardening. You can walk more in your daily life for at least half an hour every day.

2, high-intensity aerobic exercise

Common high-intensity aerobic exercises include climbing mountains, swimming and jogging, climbing stairs and aerobics, etc. Exercise at least 3~5 times a week for no less than 20 minutes each time to ensure that the exercise heart rate needs to reach the target heart rate.

3, high-intensity competitive sports and leisure sports

Such sports include basketball, football or tennis, as well as dancing, skating and skiing. Such sports can not only improve heart and lung function, but also cultivate sentiment. Obese or overweight people can choose swimming, which can reduce the joint load.

4, muscle fitness exercise

This kind of sports have their own weight-bearing resistance training, as well as resistance training by equipment, such as dumbbell weight-bearing and elastic belt exercises, which are done at least 2~3 times a week.

5. Flexible exercise

Flexibility exercise includes practicing yoga, dynamic stretching or static stretching, which can be arranged after aerobic exercise or resistance training for 15~30 seconds each time.


Adults should exercise at least 30-60 minutes every day, and at least 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week. Try to arrange the winter exercise time at noon or afternoon, and the morning exercise time should not be too early, at least after the sun comes out.

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1. "Too low has no effect, and too much is easy to damage! Exercise has a "healthy ladder", Life Times, November 24, 2020.

2. Exercise has a "healthy ladder", Solitary Core Entertainment, November 23, 2020.

0 am! The Beijing media made a controversial report: China football became a joke, and fans swore.

At 0: 00 a.m. Beijing time on November 3rd, after the China women’s football team was confirmed to miss the Paris Olympic Games, Beijing Youth Daily reported on it. They said that Song Kai, president of the China Football Association, watched the live broadcast of the women’s football match between China and South, and had a very clear understanding of the current problems and difficulties faced by the women’s football team in China. Such reports also caused great controversy and discussion.

"Song Kai watched the live broadcast of the women’s football match between China and South Korea," wrote Beijing Youth Daily. Prior to this, he also went to the scene to watch the first round of China-DPRK women’s football match in the Olympic preliminaries at this stage.

The new head of China Women’s Football Association has a very clear understanding of the current problems and difficulties. China Football Association will also join hands with representatives from all aspects of women’s football field to conduct in-depth research and communication to discuss the future of women’s football in China. "

From the report of Beijing Youth Daily, we can see that Song Kai had a clear understanding of the team’s problems by watching the women’s football match in China. Although the media did not disclose more information, their report not only made China football a joke, but also attracted a lot of fans’ condemnation.

A goal said, "You can have a clear understanding after watching a game, Niu, don’t you talk nonsense?" Some fans also said: "These reporters have a profound knowledge of writing, and they understand it all the time. He knows it is useless. How can it help?" Onlookers said they were looking forward to it. "

Of course, some fans said: "Football professionals have not understood the whole thing for decades. He knows everything after watching a game. This is not a genius." "The somebody else’s head coach all dare not say understand, see a didn’t even see the complete game to understand? Who believes this? "

Can you really play badminton? Standard badminton basic action diagram

There are many badminton lovers, and people can be seen playing badminton downstairs in the community, in the leisure square, in the school gymnasium, etc. Even if you have never taken badminton lessons, you can learn the basic movements and play a few rounds just by watching.

However, it is not a long-term solution to play like this occasionally. After all, the incorrect playing posture only makes it difficult for you to improve your level, while the incorrect way of exerting force is easy to hurt your body.

Today, Xiaobian will share with you a textbook-like diagram of basic movements of badminton. Hurry up and collect your fingers and learn slowly! ! !

Badminton backhand net front hook diagonal

Badminton backhand net front hook diagonal

Badminton backhand pick

Badminton backhand pick

Badminton backhand high ball

Badminton backhand high ball

Badminton backhand high ball

Badminton backhand lob

Badminton backhand lob

Badminton backhand lob

Badminton backhand backhand passive backhand.

Badminton backhand backhand passive backhand.

What are the differences between baseball and softball?

Many people in China learned about baseball to a great extent through a Japanese cartoon. With the popularity of the cartoon in China, people are more and more happy about baseball. Especially with the entry of baseball into the Olympic Games, China team has achieved good results, and baseball has gained more and more recognition in China. However, we can easily find that there are still many people who don’t understand baseball, and the performance is that baseball and softball can’t be distinguished. Do you know the differences between baseball and softball?

1. Softball uses a bigger ball than baseball.

2. Different bases spacing: softball bases are 18.3 meters (60 feet) apart, while baseball bases are 27.45 meters (90 feet) apart.

3. Different pitching distances: In softball, the pitching distance is 12.2 meters (40 feet), while in baseball, the pitching distance is 18.4 meters (60 feet, 6 inches).

4. The way of pitching is different: the pitcher of softball uses the lower arm movement to pitch, while the pitcher of baseball uses the method of raising his hand over his shoulder to pitch.

There are seven innings in softball and nine innings in baseball.

6. Baseball field is bigger than softball field, and girls are naturally restricted, so almost all play softball.

7. Baseball bats are generally conical in the middle and front, while softball bats are generally cylindrical and thinner.

8. The rules of baseball and softball are similar, but baseball can steal bases, but softball can’t.

What are the differences between baseball and softball? Looking at the differences listed above, I believe everyone has a better understanding of how to distinguish baseball from softball. Although softball and baseball are both round and similar in style, softball is bigger than baseball, and there are also great differences in their rules, so you can better distinguish them through these.

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Game activities popular with players, welfare and interesting forms are indispensable!

With the development of the times and the game industry, players have higher and higher requirements for the gameplay, content and activities. In particular, activities have changed a lot. Whether you can impress the gameplay before depends on the welfare of the activities. The more, the better; Now it is not only welfare, but also some players have certain requirements for the form of activities. The following games show the fun of the activity form to the fullest. Let’s take a look!

Danzai party

For many people, swings, bungee jumping and ferris wheel are all entertainment items in the playground. Now, these entertainment projects have come to Egg Party, which brings joy and laughter to all egg players. The most important thing is that all these recreational facilities on Egg Island are free to play. So how many entertainment facilities have been put online in this activity?

According to the official information, the entertainment facilities of this arrival include white and round bouncing rabbits, candy-matched swings, exciting bungee jumping, gentle and elegant gliding props, unique ferris wheel, accelerated drumming props and so on. In fact, I prefer bungee jumping, gliding props and accelerating drum props, focusing on a stimulus.

However, if you are playing with an object, swings and ferris wheels are good choices, and you can talk about your feelings and enjoy the beautiful scenery. If you like noisy couples, I highly recommend that you try to play the rabbit, which is definitely a very happy experience.

Tianlong Babu Mobile Games

The "Dragon’s Eight Hands Tour" mobile game has also recently launched a very interesting activity-crazy turkey. It is said that in this activity, no baby turkey can escape the player’s poison. This activity requires 3-5 people to participate in a team. After the activity begins, players will stand in the center of the venue to meet the attack of eggs and bombs. Players need to move constantly in the square area to avoid the attacks of eggs and bombs.

Players who can’t escape will be miserable. They will lose blood when they are hit, and they will be dizzy when they are hit by bombs. Once you are dizzy for many times, it is estimated that you will directly GG. In addition, there will be a baby turkey in the center of the venue, that is, near the players. If you touch it, you will get points.

Other games are good luck, eat chicken tonight, and "Dragon Eight Hands Tour" is good luck, catch chicken tonight. However, this kind of activity similar to a small game is very interesting and much more fun than a task type activity.

Moyu mobile game

At the beginning of November, "Magic Hand Tour" also launched a very interesting activity-pumpkin dream. This activity gives me the feeling that the plot, play and activities are integrated into one. In forgetting farewell, players can experience a complete story through dreams-forgetting-fireworks-medicine-candy-hide and seek-farewell.

You can also combine two identical items into a high-level item to complete the tasks on the list of items. The whole game is a bit like playing chess.

Of course, the activity reward is also very rich, and the dream-catching crystal (activity token) obtained from the activity can be exchanged for various items in the store.

Do you also prefer this type of activity? What do you think about the increasingly interesting game activities? You can also leave a message in the comment area!

1-1! The suspense of the Premier League battle continues, and Liverpool’s seven-game winning streak has ended. It takes a miracle to enter the Champions League!

Tonight, the first in the Premier LeaguethreesevenTwo major events were staged at the same time, and the fate of the two competing for the four giants was ice and fire, and Manchester United was away.one-0Beat bournemouth,Expand the leading edge,Liverpool home1-1TiedAston villa,Fall behind Manchester UnitedthreeDivide!As a result, the Premier League is in suspense for four.Keep it still, Newcastle and Manchester UnitedJust take it againonePoints can ensure that beforefour,butLiverpoolNeed to wait for a miracle to happen..

Manchester United led Liverpool before the game.1 point, and one less game, firmly grasp the initiative to fight for four. With two rounds left in the league, Liverpool must guarantee a total victory and expect Manchester United to lose points before they can have a chance to come from behind. This round of Liverpool ushered in Aston Villa, which played well in the second half. Coach klopp was suspended and could only watch the game in the stands, while Manchester United’s opponent was Bournemouth, who had already relegated in advance.

This round of Manchester United and Liverpool started at the same time, and the fate of the two teams appeared in the first half. With casemiro’s goal, Manchester United took the lead early and played the following games with ease. Liverpool, on the other hand, was in a bad state. After dodging the penalty, Ramsey scored the goal for the visiting team, klopp was in a hurry in the stands, and the performance of the Red Army did not improve.

In the second half, there was no change in the scores of the two games.,Manchester United’s game is over first, they are away.1-0Win.Subsequently, firmino, who came off the bench, equalized the score and finally played at home.1-1Draw with Aston Villa. In this way, Newcastle and Manchester United are leftTwoField situation, ahead of Liverpool.onePoints (onlyoneField), just take it again.onePoints can ensure that beforefour.Liverpool must win in the last round and then expect Newcastle or Manchester United to suffer.TwoLosing in a row, with the advantage of goal difference, it is quite difficult.For the management of klopp and Liverpool, this season’s performance is a disaster, and the lineup must be changed this summer!

Mr. Laundry helped Haier 2023 Qingdao Marathon, and the official designated care brand strength stole the show.

On April 22nd, Haier 2023 Qingdao Marathon officially started. As the official designated care brand of Haier 2023 Qingdao Marathon, Mr. Laundry is committed to providing runners with a more comfortable and secure care experience, being a clothing care housekeeper around you, and helping every runner to go to the mountains and seas.

The new model meets old friends, and Mr. Laundry is praised by users.

Focusing on the needs of users, the care services provided by Mr. Laundry are not limited to sweatshirts and sports shoes on runners, but also include daily clothes, special fabrics such as silk and cashmere. Mr. Laundry can solve the cleaning, nursing and treatment of various fabrics in life. Mr. Laundry’s innovative business model of "1+N+ Ecology" changes the single service of traditional laundries, and provides users with clothes life cycle solutions for washing, protecting, storing, riding, purchasing and collecting clothes.

Mr. Laundry also met many old friends at this Qingma scene. "It’s the first time to run a green horse, but I’ve been an old user for more than ten years at the laundry man & Jieshen Store at the entrance of my community!" The marathon runner, Ms. Song, who lives in Taizhou Road, said. Since 2021, Mr. Laundry set up a joint venture with Qingdao local brand Jieshen for 30 years, the upgrade speed and achievements of the new-type eco-care store have been well received by users in the island city: "At first, it was washing clothes, and then the store had eco-products, as well as home cleaning and home appliance cleaning services. Now the store can even buy Haier household appliances directly, which really provided us with great convenience. I ran into the new track with Mr. Laundry & Jieshen."

Professional runners prefer professional care, and Mr. Laundry is reliable.

In 2023, it was the fifth year that Haier and Tsing Ma walked hand in hand, and it was also the second time that Mr. Laundry made his debut at Tsing Ma Circuit. As a great achievement of Haier’s transformation on the eco-brand track, Mr. Laundry, under the guidance of eco-brand strategy, relies on the platform-leading IOT technology and ecological resources, and establishes a caring ecology trusted and recognized by consumers with a full-link caring solution, which helps the caring industry to develop towards the goal of being more standardized, orderly, green and environmentally friendly, and upgrading services. As of March this year, Mr. Laundry has covered 1,528 network contacts in 30 provinces across the country, built 12 operation centers, 3 self-owned 6S standard central laundry factories and 37 cooperative factories, and the rapid development is backed by the recognition of national users and the guarantee of professional care ability.

"I usually run a lot, and my shoes are dirty and worn quickly. Many of our runners have the need for professional care of running shoes. They should be clean, but don’t brush them too violently." Mr. Li, who specially came to Qingdao from other places to participate in the marathon, said that he was very interested in Mr. Laundry’s treatment mode of "washing, drying, ironing, sterilization and disinfection" and the exclusive care service mode of "one customer, one cylinder and one disinfection".

The innovative care mode and sincere caring service also give Mr. Laundry enough confidence to be qualified as the official designated care brand of Haier 2023 Qingdao Marathon. It is with this confidence and sense of responsibility that Mr. Laundry will base himself on the care needs of runners, bring high-quality and professional care services and bring more surprises to runners!

Inzaghi faced two fateful battles at Inter Milan and Kong Di’s three choices in Italy.

Inter Milan lost to Spezia 1-2 away, which put coach Inzaghi in a delicate position at Inter Milan.

Next, the Nerazzurri need to face Porto in the Champions League and Juventus in Serie A..

These two games will play a decisive role in Inzaghi’s future.

Inter Milan’s minimum requirement for Inzaghi is to keep the top four position in Serie A, otherwise the coach may face dismissal after this season.

People’s doubts about Inzaghi are increasing.

On the other hand, Kong Di and Tottenham are both bored, and they will probably leave Tottenham after this season, and may even be fired in advance.

If Kong Di does not choose to coach in other leagues this summer and returns to Italy, then he has three main options.

At present, Kong Di’s net annual salary at Tottenham is about 10 million euros, which is one of the biggest obstacles for Kong Di to coach in Serie A..

Juventus and Inter Milan are two potential destinations for Kong Di in Serie A..

For Juventus, the current coach allegri’s net annual salary is about 7 million euros, and his contract with the team expires in the summer of 2025, which means that Juventus will have to pay a high price for firing allegri and signing Kong Di.

In addition, it is also possible for Kong Di to return to Italy for a year and then return to work.

These are Kong Di’s three main choices in Italy. Of course, there may be teams outside Italy who will hire Kong Di to coach.