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How about Xiaomi TV and what are the characteristics of Xiaomi TV?

  Introduction: Friends are very familiar with Xiaomi and mobile phones. In everyone’s impression, Xiaomi mainly produces mobile phone products. In 2013, Xiaomi launched the self-developed Xiaomi TV. How about Xiaomi TV? Most friends are very curious about this issue. How is the performance of Xiaomi TV? What are the characteristics? You can take a look at the introduction below. Although Xiaomi has been engaged in TV production for a long time, the quality of the product is completely fine.

  Although there are not many TV products launched by Xiaomi, the reputation of Xiaomi TV has been good since its launch, especially among young users. It can also be said that this is a TV product specially developed for the younger generation. It is very advanced in terms of production technology and manufacturing process. It is also equipped with independent Bluetooth and audio, which makes many friends feel very cool. What else are the specific features? Friends may wish to learn about it together.

  Features of Xiaomi TV:

  First, the Xiaomi TV uses an ultra-clear screen design. It can be said that the clarity of this TV is more than 4-5 times that of other TVs, and the picture is enhanced with high definition technology. The LCD screen design is used in the panel of the TV, which can appear more distinct and outstanding in terms of brightness.

  Second, the TV can be more high-quality in terms of sound effects, enabling a sound experience similar to that of a movie theater. An independent sound system is installed inside the TV, achieving high-quality sound in terms of sound.

  Third, the operating system is provided by an independent TV, with a lot of free TV programs built in. It can be said that Xiaomi TV is a model of smart TV. Users and friends can watch those high definition programs they like at any time when using the TV, and it is free!

  Fourth, the Xiaomi TV is designed with a high-speed CPU, with a 4-core processor inside, making even large-scale games run smoothly. Friends don’t have to worry about getting stuck.

  How about Xiaomi TV? The above is the explanation of this problem. Friends can find that Xiaomi TV is still very good. It is also slightly better than other products in terms of workmanship, and it adopts a narrow frame design, which can look more fashionable than other TV products. The external Bluetooth controller can make the functions of games play to the extreme, and it can be said that there are absolute advantages in video playback and games.

Han Xue joined the emperor and Zhang Meng to "compete for favor" Hu Ge blew himself up and wanted to play a eunuch

??Movie Network News(Photo/Film Festival News Team) On June 13, during the 12th Shanghai International Film Festival, the new drama promotion and star signing ceremony of Shanghai Film Emperor Cultural Development Co., Ltd. was held in Shanghai. Yang Shoucheng, chairman of Emperor Group, Ren Zhonglun, president of Shanghai Film Company, and actors Hu Ge, Zhang Meng and Zhang Shi were on hand to witness Han Xue becoming the first contracted artist of Shanghai Film Emperor. Han Xue and Zhang Meng, two actresses, one in pink and the other sexy and sultry, each made a high-profile appearance and staged a "favorite show". The handsome Hu Ge said at the scene that the role he most wanted to play was a eunuch, which was "surprising".

Han Xue

Zhang Meng

Han Xue’s pink skirt is cute, Zhang Meng’s cleavage is sexy and sultry

??On the day of the press conference, Han Xue, who has always been depicted as a jade girl, was dressed in a short skirt with slanted shoulders, a large ruffle and a bow to set off her chest and waist, and pink shoes. With long hair with bangs, she looked pink and cute in front of her. Han Xue said that this hairstyle was just cut by her for this signing ceremony, indicating that everything has to start again. At the same time, she also said that she has been waiting for this opportunity for many years to develop in film.

??The other actress present, Zhang Meng, took the opposite route. A super low-cut gold dress exposed her cleavage, and with long curly hair, she looked sexy and enchanting. After the press conference, neither of them left immediately, each occupying a corner, constantly cooperating with the media to take various poses to take pictures, and "stealing the camera" was very happy.

Hu Ge

Zhang Shi

General Hu Ge blew himself up and wanted to play eunuch Zhang Shi, saying that if he became popular, the price would increase

??In the three years since its establishment, the Shanghai Film Emperor has filmed many high-quality film and television dramas, including the 2008 billion-dollar box office movie "Slam Dunk" starring Jay Chou. In 2009, the Shanghai Film Emperor invested over 100 million yuan to produce and distribute the first domestic TV drama "Myth" with Jackie Chan as the director and Tang Jili as the artistic director. Starring is Hu Ge, Bai Bing, Zhang Meng, Zhang Shi and many other stars.

??Hu Ge played the general Jackie Chan once played in the movie version of "Myth" in the TV series version, and there will naturally be many big plays. "I have a lot of fun playing this character, because when I don’t lose, I win every time." Although he said it proudly, Hu Ge admitted that he actually wanted to play the eunuch played by Zhang Shi the most. "I especially want to play his role. This character is a chef in modern society, a good person who is honest and honest. But in the Qin Dynasty, because he is" unfamiliar with the place ", he was bullied and his personality gradually twisted. Eventually, he became the notorious eunuch Zhao Gao in history. With such a big contrast, it is very challenging."

??Hearing this, Zhang Shi, who was on the side, showed a surprised expression, and then said, "I also really want to play the role of Hu Ge. In fact, I want to have his appearance, how handsome he is." Although the play was not finished, Zhang Shi was full of confidence in the future prospects, and he joked and asked for a "salary increase" on the spot. "I believe that with such a good script and team, we will definitely be popular if we play" Myth ". Sorry, my salary will go up in the future."

[Movie Network] www.1905.com exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting!

More live pictures on the next page!

Foshan Geely Automobile Xingyue significantly reduced its price in the middle of the year, with the lowest offer of 122,200! If you miss it, you won’t

In the [Easy Car Foshan Local Car Market Promotion Channel], we sorted out the ongoing
Preferential activities. As a car that has attracted much attention, the current discount rate of the Star Yue L is still very amazing. The highest discount rate can even reach 15,000, and the lowest starting price is only 122,200. You can win a larger discount rate by clicking the "Inquiry" button in the quotation form. If you are looking for a practical and affordable model, you may wish to learn about the preferential situation of Xingyue L.

Let’s take a look at the appearance of Xingyue L. The front face of Xingyue L is more domineering and looks very sporty. Then the sports headlight design is adopted, and the visual effect looks quite simple. The car is equipped with LED daytime running lights, headlight height adjustment, automatic opening and closing, adaptive far and near light, delayed closing and so on. Come to the car side, the car body size is 4795MM*1895MM*1689MM, the car adopts soft lines, and the car body gives people a very personal feeling. With large-sized thick-walled tires, smooth lines run through the whole car side. In the rear part, the rear of the car echoes the front of the car, and the taillights look very elegant and neat.

Coming into the car, the interior design of Xingyue L is very sharp and rich in functions. The steering wheel design of the car is very unique, made of leather, and its practicality and face value are not bad. Take a look at the central control. The car is equipped with a fierce touch-control LCD central control screen, which makes the interior design quite layered and gives people a sense of simplicity. The dashboard and seats are equally eye-catching. The car is equipped with a tough dashboard and full of technology. The car adopts leather seats, which are wide and thick, and improve the riding experience of drivers and passengers.

Xingyue L is a model with excellent overall performance. Its spacious space can meet the needs of family travel, and its strong power also brings the ultimate driving experience. In addition, the performance of vehicles in energy consumption is also very satisfactory, which not only saves energy and environmental protection, but also saves fuel expenses. If you are looking for a practical and high-performance SUV, then Xingyue L is definitely worthy of your attention.

Describing the structure of the Milky Way in several steps

  The picture shows the Milky Way observed in the infrared band. The picture is from the 2MASS Sky Survey project. The pictures are all stitched together from multiple observations. Due to the interstellar extinction in the optical band, it can be seen that the image of the Milky Way in the optical band is light and dark.

  The Milky Way is like humanity’s "most familiar stranger". After more than 200 years of hard work, we still haven’t fully seen its face. A new study has brought us one step closer to the true appearance of the Milky Way.

  On a clear night, looking up at the stars, you will see a milky white bright band running through the night sky, which is the home of hundreds of billions of stars, including the sun – the Milky Way.

  Since more than 200 years ago, people have been trying to understand the structure of the Milky Way.

  This is not simple, not only because we are in it, but also because various interstellar media interfere with people’s vision and obscure the true appearance of the Milky Way.

  Recently, researchers at the National Astronomical Observatory have measured the latest hydrogen column density and optical extinction ratio in the Milky Way. This work will help to understand the interstellar medium and is a crucial step in the journey to understanding the structure of the Milky Way.

  The sun is not the center of the galaxy

  In the 17th century, Galileo pointed his telescope at the milky band of light in the sky and found that it was a dense region of stars. In the mid-18th century, the Englishman Wright proposed the Milky Way Conjecture, which believed that the Milky Way is like a flat lens, and the sun is only one of the stars in it.

  The first person to paint a portrait of the Milky Way was the Englishman William Herschel. The 18th-century astronomer built the largest telescope of his time and discovered Uranus. He also focused on the stellar world. After many years of observation, he drew a map of the structure of the Milky Way in 1785, based on the number of stars in all directions in the sky. Unable to determine the distances of distant stars, Herschel assumed that all stars in the sky had the same luminous ability and estimated their distances to Earth based on the actual observed brightness of the stars. His "portrait" of the Milky Way was flat, with an irregular profile, and the sun was located in the center of the Milky Way. Herschel used statistical methods to confirm the hypothesis that the Milky Way is a flat disk for the first time, thus establishing the concept of the Milky Way for the first time.

  In 1906, the Dutch astronomer Kaptan proposed a "selection plan" to re-examine the structure of the Milky Way. His model of the Milky Way was similar to that of Herschel: the sun was centered, the stars in the center were dense, and the edges were sparse.

  Almost at the same time as Captan, the American astronomer Shapley also began to study the structure of the Milky Way. The discovery of Cepheid variables made it possible for scientists to accurately determine the distances of celestial bodies. Shapley determined the distances of Cepheid variables in globular clusters to Earth based on their light change periods, and then studied the structure and size of the Milky Way from the distribution of globular clusters. In 1918, Shapley proposed that the Milky Way is a lenticular star system with its center located in the direction of Sagittarius, rather than the solar system. Later observations gradually proved that Shapley’s model was closer to the real Milky Way, so it is still used today.

  Interstellar Dust is a "central figure"

  Obtaining the true structure of the Milky Way is not easy. According to Shapley’s estimate, the size of the Milky Way is 300,000 light-years. According to the state of the art at the time, this was a very accurate estimate. However, this figure is three times the size of the Milky Way in modern measurements. The reason is that Shapley ignored the extinction effect of the interstellar medium on starlight.

  Space is filled with the interstellar medium. The light emitted by celestial bodies is absorbed or scattered by the interstellar medium before reaching the earth, causing the brightness of the celestial bodies we observe to be dimmer than expected. This process is often called interstellar extinction. The hazy image of the Milky Way in the optical band is the key evidence for the existence of extinction. Therefore, studying interstellar extinction is an important step in obtaining the structure of the Milky Way. Since different components have different extinction values for starlight, extinction research can also help us gain a deeper understanding of the components of the interstellar medium.

  To understand the structure of the Milky Way is to study the distribution of various substances in the Milky Way. The interstellar medium plays a crucial role in the study of the structure of the Milky Way. In the optical band, extinction is mainly produced by dust in the interstellar medium, and the size of the extinction is affected by the total mass, composition and size of the dust. In the X-ray band, heavy elements that are not fully ionized absorb some of the radiation.

  Therefore, extinction in the optical band (characterized by extinction in the V-band) can be used to reveal the dust composition in the interstellar medium. The distribution of heavy elements in the interstellar medium can be known from X-ray absorption (expressed by hydrogen column density), and then the total amount of hydrogen in the three states of atoms, molecules and ionization can be obtained according to the specific proportional relationship between heavy elements and hydrogen in the interstellar medium. Through observations in these two bands, scientists can not only know the corresponding structure of the Milky Way, but also study the relationship between dust composition and gas composition. This is why the parameter of hydrogen column density and optical extinction ratio in the Milky Way has attracted much attention.

  A new understanding of the "most familiar stranger"

  As early as the 1980s, it was recognized that the hydrogen column density and optical extinction ratio were important for understanding the Milky Way. The current widely used value is still obtained by American scientist Bohlin in 1978. For many years, people have been working to obtain more accurate and reliable results.

  There are generally three ways to measure this parameter. Usually the measurement of optical extinction is easier, and different methods mainly use different methods to measure the hydrogen column density.

  The so-called hydrogen column density is assumed to have a column with a fixed cross-sectional area in the line of sight direction, and the amount of hydrogen contained in this column is the hydrogen column density. Bohlin’s method is to estimate the hydrogen column density based on the absorption of neutral hydrogen and molecular hydrogen in the interstellar medium on the spectral lines of stars in the ultraviolet band. The other two methods are to measure the hydrogen column density according to the neutral hydrogen atom and carbon monoxide radiation, and to measure the hydrogen column density according to the absorption of the interstellar medium on the stellar spectrum in the X-ray band. However, due to the complex composition of the interstellar medium and the small and unreliable sample size, the previous measurement results are not satisfactory.

  The author’s latest work adopts the above third method, that is, the abundance of heavy elements is measured according to the absorption of the X-ray band, and then the hydrogen column density is obtained according to the proportion relationship between heavy elements and gas components. As early as the 1970s, scientists have used this method to study the structure of the Milky Way. However, due to the difficulty of data acquisition, when scientists conducted this study in the past, the sample size was only about 20 at most. In order to expand the sample size, the author’s study for the first time includes the X-ray radiation of supernova remnants, planetary nebulae, and X-ray binaries at the same time. The sample size is expanded to about 100, and the hydrogen column density and optical extinction ratio of the Milky Way are recalculated.

  The final results show that this ratio does not vary with the spatial location of the interstellar medium, and the mass ratio of gas to dust in the Milky Way obtained by this ratio is about 140. This means that there is more gas in the Milky Way than expected.

  The Milky Way is a disk with a certain thickness. The latest work also calculated the distribution of hydrogen between two kiloseconds (about 3.26 light-years) and 10 kiloseconds from the center of the galaxy. The research suggests that the disk is denser and decays faster than previously realized. This means that the disk is thinner than previously thought, but denser.

  The Milky Way is like the "most familiar stranger" to humans – although it is close by, it has been unable to see its face clearly. After more than 200 years of efforts by scientists, the outline of the Milky Way’s structure is becoming clearer and clearer. However, there are still many unsolved mysteries in the Milky Way, and we are still on our way.

  (The author is a doctoral student at the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)

"Tang Bohu Dian Qiuxiang 2" Ren Xianqi took off for the first time, crazy like a Transformer

        Directed by the gold-medal director Li Li, the costume action comedy starring stars such as Huang Xiaoming, Zhang Jingchu, Ren Xianqi, Chen Baixiang and Zhou Libo will be officially released nationwide on July 9. Among them, Xu Zhenqing, played by Ren Xianqi, is transformed into an ancient Einstein. All kinds of whimsical inventions make people laugh. In order to test the effect of his own inventions, Ren Xianqi is even more willing to go naked and test drugs.

Ren Xianqi incarnates as Optimus Prime

        Xu Zhenqing, played by Ren Xianqi, as a generation of Jiangnan talents, was transformed into an ancient Chinese version of Einstein in the movie. Invisible Pills, Transformers, etc. were all successfully tested by him. These inventions not only became sharp weapons against the enemy, but also became a "must-have magic weapon" to play tricks on friends around him. Zhu Zhishan, played by Chen Baixiang, mistakenly thought that he had taken the invisible pill he invented and made a fool of himself, and his body and psychology were destroyed. In the final Armageddon, Ren Xianqi, who was armed with a sharp weapon, went into battle naked, and the big Transformers Autobots logo on his chest also made him the embodiment of justice. I believe that how this ancient version of Optimus Prime breaks the enemy will definitely become a major attraction of this film.

Dedicated to the screen for the first time

        Unlike Chen Baixiang’s naked exit, Ren Xianqi’s body is stronger than the old talent Chen Baixiang’s round and jade figure, and Ren Xianqi’s perfect muscle lines are believed to make many female audiences feast their eyes and fantasize. According to Ren Xianqi himself, he made full preparations for this nude scene: "I have been practicing in the gym for a long time before coming to the cast, because this is the first time I have taken off so much, so I must give the audience a surprise, and I must not lose to Brother Baixiang." Compared with Ren Xianqi’s naked appearance this time, his inventions that travel through the future and his instant noodle hairstyle that is full of presence are no longer so important, and "Tang Bohu Dianqiuxiang 2", which brings together two male stars’ naked scenes, has also become a summer must-see film for female audiences.

Next page More exciting stills

"Limited Memory" Farewell Concert NINEPERCENT Tears on the Stage Disband

On October 12, NINEPERCENT held a "Limited Memory" farewell concert in Guangzhou. The stage exploded, fans cheered, and reluctantly disbanded. About 22 related hot searches such as "npc farewell concert" appeared on the list. And NINEPERCENT’s true farewell is not a graduation, not a concert, and the story is not over yet. The combined variety show "Limited Memory" will accompany NINE’s last journey.

"Limited Memory" farewell concert, NINEPERCENT shed tears on the stage and disbanded

The nine members of NINEPERCENT are the best selected by "Idol Trainee". The group has been formed for 18 months, and October 6 is the last day. The "Limited Memory" farewell concert held on October 12 is the last concert for the nine people to present to the fans.

NINEPERCENT’s "Limited Memories" farewell concert was held in the big "hot" Guangzhou, with a circular stage on all sides, allowing NINEPERCENT members to get up close and personal with fans, and the atmosphere of the scene exploded. That night, the nine members of NINEPERCENT each brought two solo tracks, a personal classic song represented the farewell to the past 18 months, and a song from the album "Limited Memories" represented the future. The reluctance to disband spread throughout the concert. So far, 22 related hot searches such as "npc farewell concert" have been listed, which shows the popularity and influence of NINEPERCENT. Fans have expressed: Although the group has disbanded, they are still looking forward to seeing NINEPERCENT at its peak in the future!

After the wonderful performance, the nine members of NINEPERCENT reported their farewell feelings and shed tears on the stage. The NINE’s waved their support sticks and were reluctant to disband! A song "Can’t Leave" sung by the NINEPERCENT members pushed the concert atmosphere to a climax! The nine members said: "Although NINEPERCENT is nominally over, our hearts are still together", "I hope everyone will not take the dissolution as the end, this is a new beginning for each of us".

"Dissolution is not the end of NINEPERCENT", accompanied by "Limited Memory"

The farewell concert of NINEPERCENT has ended perfectly, but the story of NINEPERCENT is still going on. In the broadcast of "Limited Memories" tailor-made for NINEPERCENT, the "record + interview" format will show more aspects of NINEPERCENT’s life. The protagonist of the first episode, You Changjing, recounts his experience of "participating in 500 games in 5 years" before his debut, and how he has digested the voice of doubt after his debut. Next, the other eight members of NINEPERCENT will also show the public the unknown mental journey behind the stage.

After the farewell concert of "Limited Memory", the members of NINEPERCENT will set off on their own journey, and "Limited Memory" freezes frame the best NINEPERCENT. As a gift from NINEPERCENT to fans after farewell, in addition to full of memories in the program, the nine members of NINEPERCENT will also confess their future development direction.

One episode of "Limited Memory" has been broadcast, and there are nine more exciting content. It is reported that the next issue will exclusively reveal the behind-the-scenes shooting process of Zhu Zhengting’s first personal MV. "Limited Memory" is broadcast exclusively on iQIYI VIP every Thursday at 12 noon, so stay tuned!

Hundreds of people commented on the new car-Qin PLUS with high cost performance

   [car home Information] Hello, netizens, the 74th issue of the series of articles "100-person word-of-mouth comments on new cars" has met with you. In this issue, we will bring you a compact car-BYD (|). As early as the Guangzhou Auto Show in 2020, the car officially met with us. The new car will be built on BYD’s new DM-i platform, and its appearance follows BYD’s classic "Dragon Face" design language. At present, the car has launched a 1.5-liter hybrid version and a pure electric version, with a price range of 105,800-174,800 yuan. Since the car went on the market, it has gained a good reputation. Then, in the eyes of many car owners, what is the performance of the car? Please find out through this issue of "Hundred People’s Word of Mouth on New Cars".

Home of the car

  What is word of mouth? Netizens who have read our previous articles may know that I will explain to you here that word-of-mouth evaluation can actually be simply understood as car home certified car owners’ feelings about the use of their vehicles in eight aspects, such as appearance, interior, comfort, handling and space, and give corresponding scores (ranging from 1 to 5 points).

Home of the car

  "Hundred People’s Word-of-mouth Review of New Cars" is a series of contents launched by the team. We selected the protagonist as a popular new car, and during this period, the number of word-of-mouth participants in car home exceeded 100. Up to now, 3060 car home certified car owners have filled in the word-of-mouth content of BYD Qin PLUS. Let’s first look at the car owners’ impressions of this car.

● Impression label of BYD Qin PLUS

Home of the car

  Click the "Word of Mouth" button on the car home BYD Qin PLUS model page to view the impression keywords of BYD Qin PLUS. Car owners are satisfied with BYD Qin PLUS, such as spacious front head space, good hand feel of steering wheel, attractive waistline design and good steering hand feel, while owners complain that the rear head space is small, the chassis is too low, the car paint is thin and the weight of brake pedal is unreasonable.

● Byd Qin PLUSComprehensive score of

Home of the car

  From the analysis results, the comprehensive score of BYD Qin PLUS is 4.79, which is at a high level compared with the compact cars in the previous series of articles "A Hundred People Comment on New Cars", which means that car owners are satisfied with the products in their daily use after buying a car. Specifically, the appearance, fuel consumption and cost performance are the highest items with a score of 4.93, followed by the evaluation of power with a score of 4.89. As a family compact car, this achievement is worthy of recognition. In addition, the car’s performance in space and interior is also good. In contrast, the interior needs to be further improved. For car owners, the appearance and cost performance of a car have become the primary consideration in choosing the car. Overall, the performance of the car is still very satisfactory.

● Byd Qin PLUSAppearance score: 4.93 points

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Byd Qin PLUS 2021 DM-i 120KM flagship model

Byd Qin PLUS 2021 DM-i 120KM flagship model

  Qin PLUS is the third product of BYD Qin family. The appearance design of the new car is obviously different from that of Qin and Qin Pro which were listed before. The hexagonal mouth is further extended to both sides, and the interior is decorated with array grille, but it is very similar to BYD Han DM. The front face of the car is equipped with LED headlights with "arrow feather" as the design element. In addition, we can see the camera, parking radar probe and millimeter wave radar at the front of the car.

Byd Qin PLUS 2021 DM-i 120KM flagship model

  The side design of Qin PLUS is very similar to that of Qin Pro, but it is different only in details such as rims. Except for the minimum 16-inch rim, the other three models all use 17-inch rims.

Byd Qin PLUS 2021 DM-i 120KM flagship model

  The tail of Qin PLUS adopts a penetrating taillight, and the shell of the lamp group is blackened, and the LED light source is used inside. Above the taillights, there is also a "Build Your Dreams" trailer with the latest design font.

  From the score point of view, BYD Qin PLUS’s appearance score reached 4.93 points, ranking first in all the project scores, which shows that most car owners are very appreciative of BYD Qin PLUS’s appearance. We can see from the word-of-mouth evaluation of car owners that many car owners said that Qin PLUS has beautiful exterior design, beautiful front design, beautiful headlights and fashionable body. Among them, the owner of the car heard Mei uh mention in word of mouth: "The biggest feeling of BYD Qin PLUS is that it is very exquisite, and the whole body is also quite atmospheric, mainly reflected in the front face. Its grille and headlight design are different and particularly conspicuous." In addition, the owner of the wine shop, Mr. Qing 4o, also said: "If you savor it carefully, you can see that its headlights, rims and the lines of the whole body are very well matched, and the details are particularly excellent, which makes me see that it has spent a lot of thought on its appearance, which is what makes me feel satisfied with this car."

● Byd Qin PLUSInterior score: 4.59 points

Home of the car

  The overall layout of the new car continues the design of Qin family, but after re-polishing, it presents a different style. First of all, the shape of the panel is no longer the simple style of horizontal and vertical on Qin Pro, but the curve design is added. The rotatable large-size LCD screen in the center is retained, and the original LCD instrument is further simplified.

Byd Qin PLUS 2021 DM-i 120KM flagship model

  Judging from the word-of-mouth evaluation, most car owners have two different views on BYD Qin PLUS interior evaluation. Some car owners think that the interior of the car is satisfactory, the design of the central control panel is good, and the interior material is strong, but some car owners think that the car has problems such as strong interior odor and poor instrument panel design.

  Owner Foshan rider i9ncsv said: "I am quite satisfied with the design of the interior. The interior is well done in many details, especially the materials used in the central control, and some small details around it are well handled, which is more exquisite at the same level." Regarding the central control design of the interior, the owner’s past scar said: "The design inside the car is relatively modern, which is in line with my aesthetics. The most eye-catching thing is that the central control adopts a 10.1-inch central control screen, which can be rotated, and the voice recognition accuracy inside is also relatively high, even if it is a little dialect."

  However, some car owners have put forward different views. Among them, the owner of Qujing Cheyou o8qzbr mentioned: "The smell inside the new car is obvious, so it is usually necessary to open the window for ventilation." Not only that, the owner bird’s light mood also mentioned: "The few days after the car was just bought, I always asked some strange smells, and I had to ventilate. Later, it gradually got better."

  As a family car, the interior design of BYD Qin PLUS is satisfactory, but some car owners are uncomfortable because of the odor inside. This problem really needs to be solved urgently.

● Space score of BYD Qin PLUS: 4.69.

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Home of the car

Byd Qin PLUS 2021 DM-i 120KM flagship model

Home of the car

  In terms of space, my colleagues have previously conducted a space test on the top model of Qin PLUS DM-i, and in summary, it is at a fairly satisfactory level. For car owners, in the word-of-mouth evaluation, car owners generally think that the car has enough space, large trunk space, sufficient trunk space and reasonable storage space design. Among them, the owner’s dustless uncle said: "The space of this car is still enough, and it is still very comfortable to sit in the back row. The space in the front and rear rows is still quite spacious, and the space in the trunk is ok. Usually, there is enough room for things." In addition, the owner listened to Mei uh in the snow and said: "What makes me most satisfied is the space. Its space utilization rate is very good, the internal space design is in place, and there is enough space in the front and rear rows for riding. The performance of the trunk is also good. It is easy for a family of three to travel normally, and there will be some room left. "

● Comfort score of BYD Qin PLUS: 4.56.

Home of the car

  In terms of comfort, the owner gave different views. Most car owners think that the car has good comfort, comfortable seats and good sound insulation effect in the car. However, some car owners said that the car has problems such as high tire noise and high wind noise. Among them, owner Yue E hand 8z said: "For me, the comfort of this car is still relatively high, and I appreciate this kind of car with relatively high comfort. Especially the design of the seat, its support is very good and it attracts me very much. " In addition, the owner of the car, Shaoxing rider 7y8pm, also expressed satisfaction with the comfort of the seat. He bluntly said: "In terms of comfort, I prefer its seat, because it is leather, and it is more comfortable to sit on."

  However, some car owners have also raised the problem of loud tire noise. Among them, the car owner Yueyang Cheyou 3332564 said, "The tire noise is still a bit loud, especially when driving on asphalt roads. I endured it for more than a month, because I used more cars and added soundproof cotton myself. "

● Power score of BYD Qin PLUS: 4.89.

Home of the car

  In terms of power, Qin PLUS currently has plug-in hybrid vehicles and pure electric vehicles. Among them, Qin PLUS DM-i is equipped with Xiaoyun-plug-in special 1.5L engine, which has two versions of pure electric battery life of 55km or 120km. The pure electric version will provide AC permanent magnet synchronous motors with maximum power of 100kW and 135kW, with cruising range of 400, 500 and 600 km.

  It can be seen from the score that most car owners are satisfied with the dynamic performance of Qin PLUS. Most car owners think that the car has strong power, strong acceleration, smooth shift and strong start. Only some car owners have suggested that the engine is shaking and the engine starts loudly, but it can be regarded as an individual phenomenon because of the small sample size. The owner’s love sighs V: "The acceleration of the car is very smooth, and there is no sense of frustration during the acceleration." In addition, the owner Heze netizen 1887525 also said: "The power of this car is still very powerful, and I feel full of power every time I drive. Even in a fully loaded state, it will not affect the power output. "

● Control score of BYD Qin PLUS: 4.80.

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  In terms of handling performance, car owners have more positive comments on BYD Qin PLUS, such as "powerful handling", "reasonable steering wheel weight", "accurate steering" and "satisfactory driving stability".

  L9ncsv, the owner of Foshan Cheyou, said: "BYD Qin PLUS is easy to operate and particularly easy to use, but it was really a bit difficult at first. After all, I have never driven a hybrid car before, and I feel that this car is a bit stressful for me to drive, but it also takes time to verify and feel." In addition, the owner’s memory burned to ashes also said: "BYD Qin PLUS is very convenient to control, the steering wheel is relatively light, and it is easy to step on the accelerator and brake. Compared with my previous car, it is not difficult to drive."

● Fuel consumption score of BYD Qin PLUS: 4.93 points.

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  BYD Qin PLUS has a high score in fuel consumption, and the word-of-mouth page shows that the average fuel consumption of this car is 4.27L/100km, which is obviously better than the average level of compact cars. It is worth mentioning that BYD Qin PLUS currently provides plug-in hybrid and pure electric power, which is its advantage. In terms of fuel consumption, we mainly show the average fuel consumption of plug-in hybrid vehicles. Among them, Tao Dongning, the owner of the car, said: "This car has strong fuel-saving ability, and I bought this car mostly for this reason. The car is really beyond my imagination in terms of fuel saving. This fuel consumption is even better than I expected, which is simply too economical. "

  In addition, in terms of the power consumption of pure electric models, the car owners voluntarily coexist. C said: "At present, the power consumption is still very standard. My car has a battery life of 600 kilometers. I usually drive to and from work, and I only need to charge it once when I come back from shopping on weekends to prepare for next week. Moreover, when I bought a car, I also sent a charging pile for free, so charging is still very convenient. "

● BYD Qin PLUS’s cost performance score: 4.93 points.

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  In terms of cost performance, the most popular configuration is the 2021 DM-i 55KM flagship model, and the official guide price is 119,800 yuan. Among them, the owner of Chifeng rider rhurlv said: "More than 100,000 cars can unlock NFC, cruise control, remote control, electric sunroof, multi-function steering wheel, 10.1-inch central control screen, voice control, reversing image, plus satisfactory fuel consumption, and the appearance of the vehicle is full of modernity. This car is very cost-effective."

  In addition, the original owner said, "It’s a natural thing for me to choose this car. At first, because of its beautiful appearance, I gradually felt that all aspects of this car met my requirements. The most important thing is that it is cost-effective and the price is right. And I like it very much, so I started."

● BYD Qin PLUS’s main car purchase purpose:

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  Through data analysis, we can see that the main car-buying purposes of the car owners who buy BYD Qin PLUS are commuting, go on road trip and shopping, which is consistent with the use of most family cars. It can be seen that home use is still the core usage scenario of BYD Qin PLUS. Therefore, many car owners are more concerned about fuel consumption, space and cost performance.

Full text summary:

  Among the 100,000-150,000 yuan new energy vehicles, BYD Qin PLUS has a certain competitive advantage. Among them, Qin PLUS DM focuses on low fuel consumption and the price is close to the people. Qin PLUS focuses on high battery life, attracting the attention of many home consumers. Of course, the significance of its launch does not stop there. From a certain point of view, the significance of Qin PLUS for BYD is to further seize the market of traditional fuel vehicles. It is not an exaggeration to say this. After all, it will directly cut the pain point of "fuel consumption" of traditional fuel vehicles. Isn’t this kind of car fragrant? Well, after reading the true reputation of so many car owners, would you choose BYD Qin PLUS? Tell me in the comments section. (Text/car home Li Na)

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is on sale for 152,800 yuan. Who do you choose, it or Song PLUS DM-i?

Yin Tongyue, the head of Chery Group, always emphasizes that Starway should be made into Chery’s "Audi", but from the actual sales results, Starway has not caused much trouble before. However, recently, the listing of a heavy new car of Xingtu brand may refresh the value of its own B-class SUV and lead Xingtu brand to stand firm in the 200,000-class SUV market.

On February 21st, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris was officially listed, and the guide price range of the new car was 1528-202800 yuan. As the first product created by Starway M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, the new car has a good performance in terms of design, dynamic performance and vehicle intelligence. Let’s take a look.

First of all, in terms of design, Eta Ursae Majoris’s front face is made of a large-sized diamond-cut borderless grille with a penetrating light set, which has a strong sense of science and technology and a strong "future mech wind", but for some people who have "secret fear", it may take a while to adapt. On the side of the car body, a sharp waistline runs through the car body, and with the design of hidden door handles, sports multi-frame wheels and suspended roof, it is still in place to create a sports atmosphere.

The tail is also full of attention, and the split brake light is integrated with the tail spoiler; The slim through taillight adopts stepped design on both sides, which widens the horizontal visual effect well; The layout of the blackened exhaust gas from the two sides below is also enough to scare people. On the whole, it does smell like a performance SUV.

In terms of interior, the design of 24.6-inch integrated curved double screen, double-width steering wheel, through air conditioning outlet and piano paint panel has rendered the technology and luxury inside the car well. In addition, the car also uses a large area of soft packages and stitching, which shows that Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is very cheap this time.

Secondly, in terms of intelligence, this 24.6-inch curved dual screen is equipped with the Lion Smart Cloud LION5.0 car networking system, built-in Qualcomm 8155 smart chip, and has a rich intelligent ecology, integrating common APP software such as WeChat, Meituan, Gaode Navigation and iQiyi.

On the level of intelligent assisted driving, Eta Ursae Majoris provides L2.9 intelligent assisted driving system, and is equipped with Horizon J3 assisted driving chip, which includes 21 basic functions of ADAS and 11 high-order intelligent assisted driving functions, and can realize the functions of autonomous parking service, automatic overtaking lane change, full-speed adaptive cruise, automatic ramp up and down, etc. In addition, Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a 50-inch AR-HUD, which can provide 50-inch clear imaging at a line-of-sight of 7.5 meters, and subsequently support OTA upgrade.

Furthermore, in terms of ride experience, Eta Ursae Majoris has a length, width and height of 4,781/1920/1,671 mm and a wheelbase of 2,815 mm. Although the size of the car is only quite satisfactory in terms of parameters, Eta Ursae Majoris has given enough configurations in terms of ride comfort: NAPPA leather seats are used for the main driver, as well as headrest audio, electrically adjustable leg rest and seat ventilation/heating/massage; Extra electric foot rest and queen’s co-driver with five massage modes; Equipped with electric adjustment of rear backrest angle and rear independent fresh air system. To put it simply, looking at SUV models at the price of 150,000-200,000, they rarely give users as many seats/comfort configurations as Eta Ursae Majoris, so it is no wonder that Eta Ursae Majoris dares to say that he is on par with luxury models at the level of 400,000.

In terms of driving control, in terms of power, Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a 2.0TGDI+7DCT gold power combination, with a maximum power of 192kW and a peak torque of 400 N m. The fuel consumption under WLTC is 7.5 L/100 km. In terms of handling, Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a brand-new flying fish extrasensory chassis, which integrates many advanced technologies and configurations, such as CDC electromagnetic suspension system, Soft stop system, chassis hydraulic vibration isolation system, all-terrain technology system, all-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system, intelligent brake-by-wire system and so on.

To put it simply, Eta Ursae Majoris’s product strength is definitely worthy of its price, so how is its competitiveness compared with competing products of the same level/price?

Let’s talk about independent competing products first. According to Eta Ursae Majoris’s guide price range, we can basically determine that its biggest competitor is BYD Song PLUS DM-i (the price is 15.48-218,800), and the latter is a PHEV model, which has the advantage of being able to get a green license.

However, after a detailed comparison between the two vehicles, we can actually find that, thanks to the vehicle positioning and cost advantages, Eta Ursae Majoris, as a B-class fuel SUV, has a larger seating space and more comfortable configuration, a lower cost than Song PLUS DM-i in terms of intelligent configuration and interior materials, and finally its four-wheel drive version has a lower entry threshold than Song PLUS DM-i (the former is 174,800, and the latter is 20.77).

The weakness of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is that the daily car cost will be higher. Although the fuel economy of its 2.0T engine is good, the fuel consumption of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is 7.6L/100km, but the fuel consumption as low as 4.4L/100km compared with Song PLUS DM-i is still not enough.

Let’s compare the joint venture competing products. Here we list two Japanese veterans at the same price, Toyota RAV4 Rongfang and Honda CR-V. We choose Eta Ursae Majoris four-wheel drive exclusive edition (202,800) /CR-V 2023 two-wheel drive Fengshang edition (201,900) /RAV4 Rongfang 2022 two-wheel drive fashion Plus edition (200,800) with three overlapping price versions.

Through comparison, it can be concluded that the advantages of Eta Ursae Majoris are space (the other two are compact SUVs) and dynamic performance (the maximum power of CR-V 1.5T version is 142kW, and the peak torque is 243N·m;; RAV4 Rongfang 2.0L version has a maximum power of 126kW and a peak torque of 209N·m), configuration and intelligent level. At the same time, Eta Ursae Majoris’s four-wheel drive purchase threshold is lower than them. However, the weakness lies in two aspects: brand power and value-keeping rate. At the same time, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris only provides five seats, while CR-V provides a five-seventh seat layout, which will be less attractive to families with multiple births.

Write it at the end

To sum up, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris’s product strength in driving control, configuration, space, intelligence, materials and other aspects, combined with its price, really has a good competitiveness. However, as we all know, the 200,000-class SUV market in which Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is located needs to strive for service and brand value in addition to technology and product strength. In these aspects, it depends on how Starway brand can improve its marketing and service level.

Then the question is, within the car purchase budget of 150,000-200,000 yuan, will you choose Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris, Song PLUS DM-i, or a Japanese joint venture SUV with the same price? Welcome to leave a message and discuss in the comment area.

Chery tiggo 8PLUS kunpeng edition will be on the market soon, which is more expensive but stronger.

The Tiggo 8 series is undoubtedly the most important model in Chery’s product matrix, which can basically contribute more than 10,000 vehicles to the brand every month. Under Chery’s big single product strategy, the current Tiggo 8 series has formed a high and low camp of Tiggo 8PLUS+ Tiggo 8, covering the price range of 80,000-160,000. Chery has been continuously tapping its market potential for this hot-selling product. Not long ago, it launched the Tiggo 8 Kunpeng version and added 2.0T power. The Tiggo 8PLUS Kunpeng version will also be launched tonight.

The modeling design of the Tiggo 8PLUS Kunpeng Edition is consistent with the original 1.5T and 1.6T series, but it is different from the Tiggo 8. The interior of the polygonal grille on the front of the car is chrome-plated in star lattice, and two groups of L-shaped light sources are used in the narrow headlights on both sides, which is more recognizable after lighting, and the whole front face is relatively more refined than the original design.

The side is not big, the shape is stable and atmospheric, and the two-color wheel hub highlights the movement. The rear part doesn’t use penetrating taillights like the Tiggo 8, but the black and white decoration inside is also quite individual, and a large number of horizontal lines also outline a strong level of big mouth. It is worth mentioning that the car uses a bilateral four-way exhaust hole design, which indicates good performance.

The interior uses the popular digital cockpit style. The central control panel and the instrument panel form a double screen design. There is also a touch control panel in front of the bar. The three screens create a strong scientific and technological atmosphere, and a small number of physical buttons are set in the car, which is convenient for quick operation.

In the configuration part, the Tiggo 8PLUS Kunpeng version will come standard with front and rear airbags, panoramic sunroof, induction electric trunk, dual 12.3-inch screen, 360-degree panoramic image, voice recognition system, navigation, car networking, OTA upgrade and other functions. In addition to the heroic version, lane departure warning, lane keeping assistance, road traffic sign recognition, full-speed adaptive cruise, active braking and built-in driving recorder will also be equipped.

The dimensions, length, width and height of the new car are 4722/1860/1745mm and the wheelbase is 2710mm, which is quite spacious for a five-seat car. The trunk volume can reach 889L in normal state, and it is 1930L in the back row.

The Kunpeng version uses a 2.0TGDI turbocharged engine with a maximum horsepower of 254Ps and a peak torque of 390N·m, which has appeared on many Chery models. It is reported that the car can achieve a zero-speed acceleration of 7.3S, and the vehicle will also be equipped with a new generation of electronically controlled intelligent four-wheel drive system, with various driving modes such as economy, sports, snow, mud and off-road, which can adapt to more different road conditions.

The Kunpeng version will be more expensive than the cash price, and the current pre-sale price is 1419-169900 yuan, but the richer configuration and stronger power performance are undoubtedly very worthwhile. At present, the Tiggo 8 series has become the sales force of the explosive family in the market, and the arrival of the Kunpeng version has further improved the product layout, which is believed to contribute to the sales growth.

The Shandong International Auto Show will be opened on December 8, and exquisite gifts such as LCD TV and washing machine can also be drawn on the spot.

Original title: Visit the auto show, free to smoke luxury cars for half a year. Shandong International Auto Show will open on December 8, and you can also smoke LCD TVs, washing machines and other exquisite gifts.

Source: Popular Newspaper Peninsula News

Original title: Visit the auto show, free to smoke luxury cars for half a year. Shandong International Auto Show will open on December 8, and you can also smoke LCD TVs, washing machines and other exquisite gifts.

Source: Popular Newspaper Peninsula News

Peninsula all-media reporter He Xinyi

Always believe that good things are about to happen! For example, driving a luxury car for half a year for free! In order to give back to the support of fans, the organizer of Shandong International Auto Show has set up a heavy lottery for this exhibition. The ultimate prize is the half-year use right of Janice GV80, as well as exquisite prizes such as LCD TV and washing machine. The series of prizes will be drawn on the spot under the witness of the notary office. The key is that there is no threshold for this lottery. As long as fans go to the scene to scan the QR code of the lottery and fill in the information, they will enter the lottery pool, and all kinds of prizes will have the opportunity to come to them, which makes them feel beautiful. I saw the car, photographed the car model, bought the car I wanted, and there are rich prizes waiting to be won. Isn’t this the best thing in December?

Reduce the price to "unbelievable"

How fierce is the competition in the auto market? Consumers who have seen cars know that dealers who sell cars know that all kinds of new cars equipped with the latest technology are constantly entering the market and impacting market share. The key is that the prices are particularly attractive. A friend told reporters a few days ago: "What do you think of Ai Ruiya from Dongfeng Nissan? Before entering the market, it was more than 260,000, and then the official price was reduced. But now the old terminal has a battery life of more than 180,000 kilometers. I have been paying attention to it before, but I just think it is too expensive. Now it falls into an acceptable range and is ready to win it at the auto show. " In this regard, he feels very excited, and the big price reduction of Italian cars is probably the best thing to buy a car at the end of the year. The discount is far more than that. For example, the Buick new energy SUV E5, which was listed some time ago, showed the determination of traditional car companies to defend the new energy track at a price of over 200,000 yuan. However, this car recently launched a pioneer version with a price of only 169,900 yuan. Although the configuration has been adjusted, the configuration related to driving comfort and safety is all there. A new energy joint venture SUV with a length of nearly 4.9 meters is less than 170,000 yuan. Can you think of this? There are too many surprises at the auto show. Traditional fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles are "rolled up", while new energy vehicles are not allowed to each other in configuration. The models equipped with laser radar are less than 200,000, and medium and large SUVs like Feifan R7 are equipped with Bach cockpit, which is only 189,900 yuan, which is great value!

It is reported that the participating models of Shandong International Auto Show are very complete, and various hot-selling brand coefficients are present. According to the latest statistics, the participating brands include Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, AMG, Lexus, Cadillac, Volvo, Jaguar, Land Rover, Janice, SMART, Lincoln, BMW MINI, imported Volkswagen, Alfa Romeo, Jeep, imported Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle, Ford Zongheng, Volvo New Energy, Maserati, Hongqi, Equation Leopard, Ideal, Tengshi, Haobo, Lan. AITO Automobile, Tank, Zhijie Automobile, Feifan Automobile, Aouita, Polar Fox, Polar Star, Zhiji Automobile, Nezha Automobile, Zero Run Automobile, Changan Deep Blue, Geometric Automobile, FAW-Volkswagen, Jetta, dongfeng fengshen, Dongfeng Scenery, Dongfeng Popular, Guangqi Honda, Beijing Hyundai, Guangqi Honda New Energy, WEY (Wei Brand), Euler, Ruilan, Changan Mazda. Guangzhou Automobile Chuanqi, Dongfeng Honda, Dongfeng Nissan, Guangzhou Automobile Toyota, SAIC Volkswagen, Skoda, SAIC Datong Passenger Car, Dongfeng Peugeot, Dongfeng Citroen, Lectra, Buick, Changan Ford, BYD, Beijing Automobile, Great Wall Haval, Geely Automobile, BAIC Manufacturing, Virtue RV, Datong RV, etc.

Go, go, go Watch the car lottery

Regarding the lucky draw, I believe that many fans have always faced it with a "dubious" attitude, as many friends have said, "If you give something, what good things can there be"! Before that, in order to make this Shandong International Auto Show the "most dazzling star" of the exhibition at the end of the year, the organizer can be said to have taken pains to carefully set up the lucky draw activities, and all kinds of prizes were piled up. For example, the ultimate prize was the half-year right to use the GV80 2.5T As for this model, you can go to the GV80 booth at the Shandong International Auto Show site and have a look. It is full of luxury and various configurations, with a price of 672,800 yuan. Moreover, a few months ago, the reporter commented on GV80, which is equipped with a 2.5T four-wheel drive power system. It has no sense of driving control, and there are five, six and seven seats to choose from to meet the needs of the whole family. What’s important is that the luxury atmosphere inside the car is really strong. After all, it is the brand of Mercedes-Benz BMW. No matter the stitching, color matching and even the smell inside of the car, people will feel that this car is not cheap.

There is only one grand prize, and everyone will definitely not be satisfied. For this reason, the organizers have also specially invested in LCD TVs, washing machines and other prizes, all of which are affordable products for everyone. In order to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the lottery, fans need to go to the designated location of Shandong International Auto Show, scan the special QR code and fill in their personal real information, and enter the lottery pool. The prizes will be drawn under the witness of the staff of Qingdao Notary Office, and the lottery procedures and links will be guaranteed to be true and effective.

A variety of heavy new cars will be unveiled.

It is reported that this year’s Shandong International Auto Show will open the No.1, No.2 and No.4 pavilions, and the heavyweight new cars of major brands will shine on the booth. For example, Tesla Huan’s new Model3, Aouita 12, Haobo HT, BYD Song L, Kia EV5, Zhijie S7, BRONCO Fierce Horse, Ranger …

"The Ranger has just been exhibited at the Guangzhou Auto Show. At this Shandong International Auto Show, it will also be unveiled together with BRONCO Fierce Horse and F150 Raptor. At present, this pickup truck is in the pre-sale stage, and it has been delivered one after another at the end of December, with a price of 158,800 yuan. This new car was made at Shandong Auto Show, just in time to catch up with a wave of benefits, such as the first owner’s lifetime engine, gearbox original factory warranty, 5 years of free traffic, 3,000 yuan of vertical and horizontal coupons, 3 years of free road rescue, up to 3 years of financial interest-free or 1 year of interest-free half-payment and half-loan. If you book before December 12th, you can add an extra 2,000 yuan of vertical and horizontal coupons, and the value of 3,000 yuan of Danxia orange is limited to free car color. "Guo Shenggan, marketing director of Ford’s vertical and horizontal Qingdao Fuyue longitudinal enjoyment space, said that for this Shandong International Auto Show, they have made full preparations to offer a cross-country feast for island city consumers.

It is worth mentioning that from December 8 to 11, 2023, the 15th Shandong International Auto Show will be held in Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Center, located at No.9 Miao Ling Road, Laoshan District. Its high popularity can not be separated from the support of this venue’s complete facilities and excellent geographical location. Apart from convenient parking and strong hardware of the exhibition hall, there are shopping centers such as Lida and Golden Lion around the auto show, so consumers can take a leisure parent-child tour while choosing cars. And if you plan to go to the exhibition by public transportation, you can take the subway to the convention and exhibition center, get on at any station of Metro Line 11, and get off at the convention and exhibition center station. If you take Metro Line 2, you can get on at any stop and get off at Miao Ling Road Station.