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18 ways girls can be.

There are many rules in this world, some of which can support us, but others will hinder our growth, such as "girls should look like girls", "women should get married and have children early" and "girls should not engage in sports that belong to boys" …

Many women have heard similar words when growing up. These voices seem to be everywhere, and the subtle influence and great pressure brought by gender stereotypes limit girls’ lives in all aspects.

But there are some girls who choose to stand up and say "no" bravely-they care more about pursuing their love and exploring the life they want, the life that live high longs for.

"I want to be myself."

Today, we selected 18 female stories that bravely challenged stereotypes and explored the possibility of life.

Let’s feel their power together.


Girls can be strong.-I once climbed a mountain with an altitude of 2338 meters without assistance and only one protective rope.


Girls can have a sense of direction.I have a strong sense of direction and spatial imagination. I like all kinds of maps. I can read paper maps in primary school. I don’t get lost in a strange city, and I don’t turn by car, so I won’t lose my sense of security wherever I go.


Girls can be heroes who save lives.-I lived in a closed village near the Yangtze River. At the age of thirteen, I rescued my drowning classmates in the shallow waters of the Yangtze River. I took off all my clothes before going into the water and finally went home in clean clothes. At that time, I thought it would be good to take off my clothes and put them on, and go home as usual, but I may have misjudged the malice of my peers. I took off my clothes and suffered many attacks.

Today, a long time later, I can finally tell such a thing. I think if I can go back to thirteen years old, I must say to myself: You are so brave, you are so great ~


Girls don’t have to be pleased with themselves.


Girls can talk about sex openly.-Engaged in sex education. I hope to correct some public misconceptions about sex; I hope that China will popularize scientific sex education, so that everyone has the right to enjoy sex freely.


Girls can be the "pillars" of the family.—— In April 2014, less than one year after graduation, the deposit was less than 10,000. The old house (rural house, wooden structure) at home for more than 20 years caught fire because of aging circuits, and everything turned to ashes. There are parents, grandma and I (the only child) at home. It is difficult for parents to save money all year round by farming in the countryside. Grandma is old and sick, and she stays in bed all the year round. I borrowed 100 thousand to build a house for my family. I paid off all my debts this year.


Girls can protect themselves and others without waiting for others to protect them.-When I was in graduate school, the dormitory next door caught fire, and the fire extinguisher was ineffective. After the alarm, I quickly judged the fire and evacuated all the people on this floor and the upper and lower floors. At the same time of evacuation, the students were told to cover their nose and mouth with wet towels, take the stairs downstairs, and finally close (unlock) the fire door to leave, waiting for the fire brigade to go out, and silently watched the time when the fire brigade went out.


Girls can fight against power.-My 25-year-old daughter, I, beat my 51-year-old father who abused his mother.


Girls can give themselves to the world.-Female doctors participated in Doctors Without Borders, and participated in more than a dozen rescue projects in battlefields: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sierra Leone and Somaliland.


Girls can compete with big men for CPR.

-The female doctors in our emergency department have no pressure _(:3/ ah … So the girls in clinical medical colleges are stronger than those in other hospitals as a whole.


Girls can engage in nuclear weapons.-studying nuclear engineering, yes, nuclear reactor engineering. In four years, PK lost nearly 100 men and won the first place in the whole department; I chose the nuclear reactor experiment for my graduation project. In winter, I wore two down jackets, screwed valves, did electric welding and played with high temperature and high pressure in a laboratory without heating, and finally got the only excellent one at the school level. Now I’m studying PhD in the United States, or I’m still engaged in nuclear studies. The only girl in the group, the tutor doesn’t like my sister to do experiments, so I’ll toss and change my tutor. I hope the toss will not end badly, and I pray for blessings.


Girls can be very courageous.-After leaving the scene of the explosion, fix the position of each corpse at the scene.


Girls can be fearless of challenges for love.—— English major at Grade 13 University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, female. My senior year wants to follow an old Chinese doctor in massage. The other party refused, saying, What are you doing for being so thin and short? Go and get acupuncture. In front of the patients and other brothers, I only took off my vest in the winter. On the ground, with two thumbs, I made ten hungry tigers pouncing on food in a row (like push-ups, but not straight up and down, which is more difficult), and then I became the teacher’s first female apprentice. In the end, the object of study was not this master, and the later master was also a female and a child massage expert. Well, actually, she taught me how to eat like a hungry tiger. She is the only one who can get full marks in the tuina testing instrument in our school, including men and women. Massage major, tall and male, is indeed an advantage. I am 160, and my master is 155. And the performance created by our department is 10% of that of a top three hospital.


Girls can be good at science.-Graduated from the Physics Department, one of the departments with the most unbalanced male-female ratio in Tsinghua University. When we first entered school, we girls often fell into doubt whether we could study as well and do research as boys. Later, when I graduated, a girl went to Princeton to continue her Ph.D. in astrophysics, just because she loved watching the stars in the sky when she was a child. A girl went to Yale to study for a doctorate in geometry, because doughnuts and coffee cups are a topological point. My favorite girls, who dare to love and fight, care whether it is considered the domain of boys dominate.


Girls can not give up their development for marriage and children.-My mother, who got a college diploma when she got married, got her doctorate at the age of 49.


Girls can "go around the world with swords and see the prosperity of the world".—— In the third year of work, the whole person was very consumed and didn’t like this job. Since childhood, he has always followed the so-called correct life track. On my 27th birthday, I resigned and decided to travel: list the places I want to go, make long-term and short-term plans, make strategies, buy equipment, and hit the road! In the past three years, I have visited all the provinces and more than 70 countries in China, seen a lot of scenery and all kinds of life, and the whole person has taken on a new look, with confidence and courage to face life calmly.


Girls can be the best role models for girls.-I want to talk about my mother. In the 1970s, when material conditions were scarce, my mother formed a thinking of equality between men and women from an early age. She believes that the first essence of women is independence, spiritual independence and material independence, and they should have their own independent ideological system. My mother has been living a very lively life, making many friends, mostly male friends. In the face of unhappy marriage, I made a decisive decision, and there was no room to leave home clean. The only requirement was that I must follow her. In that 1990s, how difficult was it for a girl to leave her marriage and leave home with her children? After the divorce, she stayed at her grandmother’s house. On the one hand, she worked in a public institution, on the other hand, she ran her own small business.

When I graduated from primary school, my mother had bought a suite and a car independently. When I graduated from middle school, she sent me to a private middle school by herself. When I graduated from high school, my mother bought two suites and changed three cars. By the time I graduated from college, she had prepared all the money for my study abroad.

However, these material things are not the most important. The most important thing is that she is my best friend. I claim to be an independent and rebellious new woman, but my mother and I are very close. Our communication goes deep into any field, and we are not afraid to hide, criticize or understand narrowly, but empathize with each other, just like bosom friends.

Now that I am in a foreign country, I have to call her for 20 minutes every day, and I have to hug her every time I meet her. This relationship between mother and daughter is envied by everyone around me.

My mother taught me to love and be independent. She doesn’t like housework, but she is very proficient. She cooks good Sichuan food and washes all my clothes. She loves life and everything, so she is unwilling to give up, willing and willing in the process of balancing the relationship between family and career.


Girls can be everything they want to be.

The author said:

I can often feel all kinds of negative comments about girls in society in my life. If you are beautiful, you may suffer from gossip, and if you are not beautiful, you may be bullied; "Strong women" will be said to be "unmarried", and other girls will be said to be "money worshippers"; Not losing weight is called "not self-discipline", and losing weight is criticized as "body anxiety" …

Today’s article is to convey some strength to girls. This is what girls really look like: we have the courage and ability to do what we want to do and become what we want to be, without being evaluated by others and society.

Regardless of gender and circumstances, we can fight according to our own will and strive for live high’s greatest potential. I always think that people are the proudest and dignified when they are struggling.

I hope that everyone who has expectations for what kind of person you "become" can believe that you are destined to shine your own light, and nothing can stop you-sometimes just because you have gained such courage, you are one step closer to what you want to be.

32 historical photos, reviewing history

In 1979, 518 meters above the street in new york, a worker was responsible for installing the antenna of the World Trade Center, which attracted attention to his security measures. The train carriages in the 1890 s showed the comfortable travel environment at that time. In 1987, a building in alba iulia was relocated. In the 1890s, the picture of an Inuit warm wife showed deep love. In 1901, Anne Edersen Taylor survived by going down Niagara Falls in a wooden bucket. Children’s skulls without deciduous teeth and human hearts without blood reveal the strangeness of life.

In 1993, Queen Elizabeth II tested a combat rifle. In 2006, Qatar auctioned the world’s most expensive telephone number 666-6666 for 1.5 million pounds for charity. The duel between WWE legend Andre and boxing legend Mehmetali was impressive. The oldest copper fishhook found in the archaeological site of Ashkelon reveals ancient fishing techniques.

The colonial life during the British Empire and the abnormal brain of Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky glimpse the cruelty and strangeness of history. Franz Reichelt died trying to test his parachute, and the photos were chilling. The similarity between chimpanzees and human fingers is thought-provoking. Nelson mandela became the South African President after 27 years in prison, showing people tenacity and victory. Warren Buffett’s life in his youth glimpses the trajectory of future billionaires.

Newton’s original handwriting and a group of people celebrating the arrival of bananas in Norway outline the subtle interweaving of individuals and history. Marilyn Monroe’s wedding photos reveal the reality under the dreamy appearance. Kung Fu superstar Bruce Lee, dressed in the uniform of the Reserve Officers Training Corps, presents a multifaceted life. Tokyo’s urban buildings are as dense as chips, emitting modern prosperity.

The scenes of ancient Greek and Roman athletes cleaning their bodies with oil and grinding fine sand make people understand the way of life of ancient culture. The vertical staircase scenery in Hawaii is amazing. Beauty in modern dress style shows the evolution of fashion. During the Iranian revolution in 1979, the scene of burning the American flag showed political turmoil.

The night view of Italy reflects the light of the city, just like a shining river flowing to the sea. The wooden houses on the Polish Tartrat Mountain exist like fairy tales. Blue gem ring, which has a history of nearly 2,000 years, once belonged to the Roman emperor Ka Rygula, and it is stained with the blood of history.

Cindy Chin’s pencil-carved works of train art show the combination of creativity and skill. The London boy in historical photos shows complex emotions in the face of family death. These 32 historical pictures guide us to review history, feel the long river of time and enjoy the colorful life. Which of these photos do you think impressed you the most?

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Life lies in exercise, but you need to master the "health ladder" of exercise! How to exercise is reasonable?

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise, which is true at all. Moderate exercise can improve cardiopulmonary function, promote systemic blood circulation and relieve nervous mood. However, there must be a degree in everything, and the same is true for sports. You need to choose the right sports according to your own situation, and you can’t blindly pursue quantity and duration. If the amount of exercise is insufficient, the body function will slowly deteriorate; Excessive exercise will cause persistent muscle pain, irritability and loss of appetite, and at the same time, it will also reduce immunity and increase the damage to bones and joints.

1. Exercise intensity

Exercise intensity, as its name implies, is the strength spent in exercise, which is determined by the type and purpose of exercise. There are different ways to measure the intensity of exercise, such as jogging or brisk walking. The intensity is measured by the target bull’s-eye rate and based on the maximum heart rate, which is equal to 220 minus age. The bull’s-eye rate of moderate and high-intensity aerobic exercise ranges from 60% to 80% of the maximum heart rate, and strength training needs to measure the exercise intensity by weight and repetition times.

2. Motion frequency

Exercise frequency refers to the interval time of exercise, and the optimal frequency is determined by the type and purpose of exercise. If the purpose of exercise is to lose weight, at least 300 minutes of moderate and high-intensity aerobic exercise a week can reduce weight and body fat; If the purpose of exercise is to maintain good health, you need to have 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week, and then match it with 2~3 days of strength training.

3. Exercise time

Exercise time refers to the duration of exercise, which is determined by the type of exercise, the purpose of fitness and the level of exercise. At the beginning, you can do aerobic exercise first, and the exercise time is about 15~20 minutes, and the exercise intensity is well controlled; If you want to enhance flexibility through exercise, make sure that each muscle group stretches for about 15 seconds and repeat it three times; If you want to enhance your cardiopulmonary endurance, the duration of high-intensity exercise should not be less than 20 minutes.

4. Type of exercise

There are many types of sports, such as aerobic training, flexibility and resistance training, etc. The specific types of sports are divided into cycling swimming, weightlifting and running, squat and so on. You need to choose the right type of exercise according to your own sports purpose.

1. Moderate intensity exercise

Moderate intensity exercise is equivalent to brisk walking for half an hour to an hour every day. Such activities include walking, shopping, housework and gardening. You can walk more in your daily life for at least half an hour every day.

2, high-intensity aerobic exercise

Common high-intensity aerobic exercises include climbing mountains, swimming and jogging, climbing stairs and aerobics, etc. Exercise at least 3~5 times a week for no less than 20 minutes each time to ensure that the exercise heart rate needs to reach the target heart rate.

3, high-intensity competitive sports and leisure sports

Such sports include basketball, football or tennis, as well as dancing, skating and skiing. Such sports can not only improve heart and lung function, but also cultivate sentiment. Obese or overweight people can choose swimming, which can reduce the joint load.

4, muscle fitness exercise

This kind of sports have their own weight-bearing resistance training, as well as resistance training by equipment, such as dumbbell weight-bearing and elastic belt exercises, which are done at least 2~3 times a week.

5. Flexible exercise

Flexibility exercise includes practicing yoga, dynamic stretching or static stretching, which can be arranged after aerobic exercise or resistance training for 15~30 seconds each time.


Adults should exercise at least 30-60 minutes every day, and at least 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week. Try to arrange the winter exercise time at noon or afternoon, and the morning exercise time should not be too early, at least after the sun comes out.

# Family Doctor Super Team # # Health Science Qualifying Competition #

The online manuscript of family doctor shall not be reproduced without authorization.


1. "Too low has no effect, and too much is easy to damage! Exercise has a "healthy ladder", Life Times, November 24, 2020.

2. Exercise has a "healthy ladder", Solitary Core Entertainment, November 23, 2020.

0 am! The Beijing media made a controversial report: China football became a joke, and fans swore.

At 0: 00 a.m. Beijing time on November 3rd, after the China women’s football team was confirmed to miss the Paris Olympic Games, Beijing Youth Daily reported on it. They said that Song Kai, president of the China Football Association, watched the live broadcast of the women’s football match between China and South, and had a very clear understanding of the current problems and difficulties faced by the women’s football team in China. Such reports also caused great controversy and discussion.

"Song Kai watched the live broadcast of the women’s football match between China and South Korea," wrote Beijing Youth Daily. Prior to this, he also went to the scene to watch the first round of China-DPRK women’s football match in the Olympic preliminaries at this stage.

The new head of China Women’s Football Association has a very clear understanding of the current problems and difficulties. China Football Association will also join hands with representatives from all aspects of women’s football field to conduct in-depth research and communication to discuss the future of women’s football in China. "

From the report of Beijing Youth Daily, we can see that Song Kai had a clear understanding of the team’s problems by watching the women’s football match in China. Although the media did not disclose more information, their report not only made China football a joke, but also attracted a lot of fans’ condemnation.

A goal said, "You can have a clear understanding after watching a game, Niu, don’t you talk nonsense?" Some fans also said: "These reporters have a profound knowledge of writing, and they understand it all the time. He knows it is useless. How can it help?" Onlookers said they were looking forward to it. "

Of course, some fans said: "Football professionals have not understood the whole thing for decades. He knows everything after watching a game. This is not a genius." "The somebody else’s head coach all dare not say understand, see a didn’t even see the complete game to understand? Who believes this? "

Although swimming is good, attention should be paid to health problems!

With the coming of summer, more and more people choose swimming as a way of fitness exercise. However, swimming venues are public places, and there are many complex health influencing factors. If you don’t pay attention to hygiene, you are likely to get sick during swimming. Keep this swimming tips in the pool, and spend a healthy and happy summer via China’s disease control trends.

Source: Zhejiang Publishing

Weifang: Optimizing Medical Service Resources and Improving Primary Medical Service Ability

Weifang Radio and Television New Media News Primary health care is related to the health protection of the whole people, and primary medical institutions are the net to provide basic medical and health services to the masses. Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that to promote the construction of healthy China, we should give priority to the protection of people’s health, focus on rural areas and communities, and vigorously improve the basic medical level and health management and protection capabilities.

Zhao Tongxiang, deputy chairman of Weifang Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society: "In the investigation, Weifang Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society learned that the medical staff in primary medical institutions are highly mobile and the brain drain is serious; There are also individual primary health service institutions, lacking large-scale commonly used necessary inspection equipment, etc., and people tend to choose large hospitals for medical treatment. Focusing on solving these problems, we sorted out and submitted proposals. "

The proposal proposes to strengthen the construction of talent team in primary medical institutions, increase financial input in primary health care, strengthen the support of medical insurance policy to primary medical institutions, vigorously promote the grading diagnosis and treatment system, etc., improve the medical service capacity of primary medical institutions as soon as possible, and better make primary medical institutions become the health guards of the general public.

Wang Qinghai, the second researcher of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, said: "After receiving the proposal from the CPPCC, we seriously adopted and implemented the proposal. Innovative implementation of single-disease group management, always taking the health needs of the people as the focus and starting point, taking multiple measures to strengthen the construction of primary health service system, continuously improving the capacity of primary medical services, and improving the grading diagnosis and treatment system, further enhancing the satisfaction and sense of gain of the people. "

With the attention and support of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Municipal Health and Health Commission actively responded to the concerns of CPPCC members and people from all walks of life, continuously optimized medical service resources, greatly improved the capacity building of primary medical services, resolutely safeguarded people’s health and life safety, and further enhanced people’s sense of acquisition, happiness and security.

There are more and more beauty shops. How much difference can it make where to buy them?

Reporter | Huang Wei

Editor | Xu Yue

The local beauty market has experienced rapid changes in recent years. In the first half of 2021 alone, there are many more brands of collective stores where China consumers can buy beauty products. More importantly, even if they can’t travel abroad for the time being, China consumers can easily buy many imported beauty products in the local market.

On November 9th, South Korea’s online beauty collection retailer "Resolving HWAHAE" announced that it had landed in Tmall International to open an overseas flagship store. Following the launch of this overseas flagship store, there are 11 Korean beauty brands such as Torriden and S.NATURE, and their entry form is "shop in shop".

Careful calculation, together with overseas beauty retailers such as Sephora overseas flagship store opened in Tmall International in the last year and overseas flagship store of Australian beauty retailer MECCA, Tmall International is providing more and more options for consumers with cross-border Haitao niche beauty products.

Introducing these overseas beauty flagship stores into the same platform system, the most intuitive result is that China consumers can buy all kinds of beauty products such as Korean makeup, Australian beauty, European and American niche beauty in one stop; These beauty products are different and can meet different consumers with individual needs.

It is worth noting that these overseas beauty retailers often have in-depth and direct cooperation with beauty brands in their respective regional markets, which can guarantee the quality of goods for consumers far away from China.

Overseas beauty retailers have entered the cross-border e-commerce market in China one after another, and the most realistic motivation behind it is the China consumers who disappeared in the overseas tourism retail market. These consumers were trapped in the local market because of the epidemic, but they directly promoted the great growth of the local beauty market.

Among them, I’m afraid that the brand of local beauty collection stores that emerged in recent two years was the first to seize the opportunity of China’s beauty consumption changing to differentiation and personalization.

Take HARMAY Huamei, a warehousing beauty collection store located in the middle and high-end market, as an example. At present, 50% of SKUs in its offline stores are overseas niche beauty brands. Zhong Taipeng, co-founder and chief operating officer of Huamei, previously told Interface Fashion that this is one of its core advantages that distinguish it from its competitors. At present, Huamei has introduced a series of overseas minority brands by means of exclusive agency and capital operation, aiming at enhancing brand differentiation and increasing the repurchase rate of stores.

In addition, consumers in the first-and second-tier consumer markets can also buy high-end overseas niche brands in HAYDON Black Hole and Bonnie & Clyde (hereinafter referred to as "BC Extreme Choice"), a more luxurious beauty collection store brand.

It is worth noting that the polar selection of Huamei and BC is an extension from online to offline after accumulating rich experience in e-commerce operation in the early stage. But the difference is that Huamei bought the gene of the store with beauty from the beginning, and then began to incubate overseas brands with the blessing of capital, in order to differentiate in the fierce competition.

The high-end beauty brands in BC’s extremely selected stores are extremely selected, and the brands they sell are high-end niche beauty and fragrance brands exclusively represented by the parent company USHOPAL Group or invested in shares.

On the other hand, Huamei and Black Hole are very similar in style positioning. Both of them transform the super-large stores into warehouse-type retail stores with strong aesthetic style, and they also tend to choose representative buildings or blocks in the city center instead of urban complexes or shopping centers.

It is worth noting that the above-mentioned two collection stores are also different from the emerging beauty collection stores such as WOW COLOUR and THE COLORIST, which exploded in 2020. The latter opened stores in many cities across the country in a short time, while the former strategically opened its first stores in key cities in different regions of the country, and usually it was "one city, one store", with a slow expansion speed.

In the business model, Huamei and Heikong both use international big-name samples as "traffic passwords" to attract price-sensitive consumers to shop and drive the sales of formal clothes, and then rely on niche long-tail brands to improve the repurchase rate.

This is greatly different from the product mix of traditional beauty retail stores such as Watsons. In addition, they strive to create a "social-friendly" store style, and continue to attract consumers by expanding the format, triggering communication and discussion on social media and attracting a large number of young people to visit the store.

With the blessing of capital, Huamei and Black Hole have been accelerating the pace of opening stores nationwide since 2021. They are more surprised and demanding in the location of stores, and after opening stores, they also drive the flow of people in the surrounding blocks, which is attractive to operators in urban blocks or business districts.

Beijing Xidan, which has been upgraded to the standard, introduced Huamei to open a large-scale store with an area of 880 square meters, and introduced a large-scale flagship store with an area of 700 square meters to the "Anfu Road-Wu Kang Road" block in Shanghai. Raffles, a new landmark project in Shanghai, which focuses on urban markets, and Chongqing, which has been vigorously upgraded in recent years, may actively introduce this type of beauty collection store.

Another foreseeable trend is that more overseas niche beauty brands will enter the China market through various beauty retailers in the future. And these brands will choose their partners according to their more specific China market strategy; If you want to deepen the China market and deepen brand awareness, some brands may choose local emerging beauty collection stores with more omni-channel operation and incubation capabilities.

The Premier League champion was born! Arsenal lost 0-1 to win the championship, and Manchester City completed the Premier League’s three consecutive championships!

Early this morning, the Premier League was the firstthreesevenA focus battle was staged.Arsenal away0-1Lost to Nottingham Forest, completely missed the championship, Manchester City in the case of this round, ahead of schedule.threeWin the league championship and complete the great cause of three consecutive Premier League titles! Nottingham Forest finished relegation one round ahead of schedule after winning!

Arsenal fell behind Manchester City before the game.4 points, one game less than the opponent, this round of Arsenal is ahead of Manchester City, and it is necessary to win to keep the hope of winning the championship. Once losing, Manchester City will win the championship three games in advance. Nottingham Forest ranks first in the league.sixBit, leading the relegation zone3 points, there is still some relegation pressure, and we will definitely strive to win at home.

First halfonenineMinutes later, Odegard’s passing error was intercepted, and the home team White scored the ball. Avonii seized the opportunity to complete the goal.1-0! Arsenal then tried to fight back, but their whole team was in poor condition. Except for Trossat, who shot wide and caused a certain threat, the rest of the time had possession rate, but it was difficult to create too much threat to the opponent’s goal.

In the second half, Artta made many substitutions, but Arsenal’s performance did not improve at all, and finally they went away.0-1Lose the game and hand over the championship to Manchester City! Manchester city in the current round of war, ahead of schedule.threeThe game locked the league title and completed the league.threeAfter winning the championship, Guardiola’s team took the first step in the process of winning the triple crown!

In the civil war of women’s singles table tennis, Manyu Wang defeated Wang Yidi 4-2, advanced to the final and was recognized.

For Manyu Wang, how brilliant will his achievements be? The WTT Macau Championship in 2023 will last until the sixth match day, and the men’s and women’s singles semi-finals have now ended. In the high-profile women’s table tennis competition, four China table tennis players presented two amazing semi-finals. This is the second year in a row that she has won the world championship at this level. In a just-concluded semi-final, Manyu Wang defeated Wang Yidi with a score of 4:2, thus successfully advancing to the final. In this competition, Manyu Wang showed amazing strength. His goal is to win the final championship. Even if he loses the competition, he can consolidate his position in the third place in the world.

At present, there are obvious differences between the two core players of China table tennis team. During the whole Paris Olympic cycle, Wang Yidi’s performance showed a trend of low opening and high walking, from the marginal main force of table tennis to one of the five main forces of table tennis. With Chen Meng’s ranking falling to the fourth place in the world due to the elimination of Olympic points, Wang Yidi’s ranking in the world has climbed to the third place, while Manyu Wang has shown a trend of high opening and low walking throughout the cycle.

Especially in this year, Manyu Wang showed an amazing performance, coupled with injuries and the change of the head coach, his performance is quite bad. His grades don’t seem to have changed much either. Chen Meng failed to win the championship in many competitions. Unfortunately, her efforts failed to win in the end. But he still sticks to his dream. In the Macau Championship, Manyu Wang and Wang Yidi staged a thrilling reversal in the semi-final, which provided him with an opportunity to win the championship again.

In the first game, Wang Yidi seized the opportunity of the game with keen insight and keen sense of smell. Take the lead in the score, then remain stable in several rounds, and finally lead the opponent by 11:7, successfully opening the door to victory. He used his expertise and technology to attack. With the arrival of the second game, Manyu Wang launched a counterattack and successfully occupied the advantage on the field. And control it. Whether in attack or defense, we can seize the opportunity skillfully in the stalemate and win. After pulling back the second game with 11:9, the score was 1:1, and in the third game, the competition between the two sides became more intense.

However, there is still a chance to catch Manyu Wang, who took a 2-1 lead with a score of 11-9, performed well in the multi-beat stalemate in the fourth game without mercy, and finally took the lead. Although he was robbed by his opponent in the last board, he finally defeated his opponent to win. Under the score of 11:6, we have achieved a 3:1 lead, which is a very excellent victory. This also shows that he is very confident about this game. In the fifth game, Wang Yidi showed indomitable spirit, even in the face of last stand.

From falling behind to equalising and then leading, we finally won the bureau with a score of 11:5, making the score 2:3. Manyu Wang, whose victory in the sixth game was in sight, did not give up the victory, but won with the score of 11:4, and finally eliminated Wang Yidi with the score of 4:2, thus winning the national table tennis civil war. This is another great achievement after he won the titles of "best server" and "excellent receiver and receiver". Despite the hard-won victory, Manyu Wang is expected to challenge the first singles title this year and become a new champion.

Due to long-term injury and coach change, Manyu Wang’s performance this year is not satisfactory, and he has not been able to break through the championship shortage so far, but in the end, he successfully entered the finals and will have an excellent chance to win the championship. Although his current state is not very good, he still hopes that he can return to the competition as soon as possible and strive for a better record. This is also the root cause of Manyu Wang’s recovery. Although his performance in the game is not good at present, if he can maintain his current competitive state, he can lay a solid foundation for winning greater victories next year. In order to consolidate the existing position, it is indispensable to achieve corresponding results after the global ranking has risen to the second position. Therefore, his performance in this competition is still good, especially his excellent service, which won him a good chance and finally won the runner-up. For Manyu Wang, how excellent will his performance be in this competition? We will analyze his pre-match preparation and performance in the competition and give some suggestions. Welcome everyone to leave a message and exchange.

ChatGPT invested $180 million in anti-aging company, trying to increase the average life expectancy of human beings by 10 years.

In mid-2022, a startup company named Retro Biosciences came into public view, and it announced that it had obtained $180 million for a bold task: increasing the average life expectancy of human beings by 10 years. Just a short year ago, the company was headquartered in a warehouse near San Francisco. There were many containers on the concrete floor, where scientists worked and did experiments.

Retro said that as part of the "radical task", it would "stimulate the speed" and "tighten the feedback loop" in order to stop aging or even reverse it. But it is vague about the source of its funds. According to reports, it was still a "mysterious" startup, and its investors were anonymous.

Now MIT Science and Technology Review can reveal that all the investment was provided by Sam Altman, a 37-year-old senior entrepreneur and CEO of OpenAI.

Altman spent almost all his time on OpenAI, an artificial intelligence company, whose chat bots and electronic art programs have always been unique in the field of science and technology because of their comparable human capabilities.

But altman’s money is another matter. He said that he had emptied his bank account to fund two other very different but equally ambitious goals: pursuing unlimited energy and prolonging life.

He said in 2021 that one of the projects is Helion Energy, a nuclear fusion power generation startup, and he has invested more than 375 million US dollars in the company. The other is Retro, who invested a total of $180 million in the same year.

"This is a lot of money. I basically invested all my current assets in these two companies, "altman said.

Altman’s investment in Retro has never been disclosed before. This is one of the largest personal investments ever made by a startup company seeking to increase human life span.

Altman has always been a well-known figure in Silicon Valley. He used to run Y Combinator, a business incubator in San Francisco, but with the release of ChatGPT by OpenAI and its popularity all over the world, his name has been known all over the world.

It is reported that the breakthrough based on artificial intelligence technology has turned this seven-year-old company into a "member of the technology giant club". Microsoft promised to invest $10 billion in it, and altman, who has 1.5 million Twitter followers, is consolidating his status as a technology tycoon, and his invention will definitely change the society profoundly.

Altman is not on Forbes’ list of billionaires, but he is still very rich. His extensive investments include early shares in companies such as Stripe and Airbnb.

He said: "In the biggest bull market in history, I have always been an investor in technology stocks at an early stage."

Hard core technology

Now, in his words, he has invested his capital in a level that is "orders of magnitude far beyond the Y Combinator era". He has been betting these funds on several technical fields that he thinks will have the greatest positive impact on mankind: artificial intelligence, energy and anti-aging biotechnology.

Helion, headquartered in Everett, Washington, is eager to conquer atoms to create an "infinite clean energy". Joe Betts-LaCroix, CEO and co-founder of Retro, said that the company’s goal is to "prolong human life by discovering how to rejuvenate our bodies".

All these companies, including OpenAI, are what altman called "hard-core" start-ups-companies that need a lot of investment to make scientific progress and master difficult technologies. This is a shift for altman, from supporting fast-growing applications and companies in the era of Web 2.0 prosperity to supporting scientists engaged in long-term research.

Hard science companies need higher capital costs, but altman believes that their bigger goals are more likely to attract talented engineers. He recently quoted Daniel Burnham, a Victorian architect, on Twitter: "Don’t make small plans, they don’t have the magic to stimulate the blood flow."

Although nuclear fusion and life extension may be the most incredible projects (some researchers even think it’s daydreaming), few people believed that artificial intelligence would pass the medical school exam in 2023, just like ChatGPT, a chat robot of OpenAI, did this year.

Altman said that in fact, hard-core startups may have a better chance of success than simple companies. This is because there may be a thousand start-ups developing photo sharing applications, but only a few companies can build experimental nuclear fusion reactors.

enlarge the scale

Altman said that the areas he has been betting on are those where he can see some potential trends, so that technologies that seem impossible today are expected to spread quickly. This is what happened to OpenAI, which was established in 2015.

The company focuses on a machine learning technology called transformer and has steadily expanded its scale. In the process of creating its products, it only spent more than $1 billion on purchasing computing power.

The resulting model (program) can create pictures and complex text paragraphs in a few seconds, even close to human works. "We have an algorithm that we can learn, and as it performs more operations, it seems that it can be further extended," altman said.

As for the realization of controlled nuclear fusion, the trend that altman sees is bigger and stronger magnets. In order to fix the 100 million-degree thermal plasma vortex in the reactor core, we need very powerful magnets. Altman said that he initially invested about $10 million in Helion, but later increased the stakes because he was "very confident".

Although the problem of nuclear fusion has not been solved (reactors still use more energy than they produce), he has been urging Helion to list how to build several reactors every day-if nuclear fusion wants to replace coal and natural gas as the main power source, increasing production capacity is a necessary part.

"That’s what I’ve learned from my career. Scale it up and see what happens, "altman said.

Young blood

About eight years ago, altman became interested in the so-called "young blood" research. In these studies, scientists stitched young mice and old mice together so that they shared a blood system. Surprisingly, these old mice seem to have partially recovered their vitality.

This is a terrible experiment, but to some extent, it is very simple. Altman, then the head of Y Combinator incubator, asked his staff to investigate what progress anti-aging scientists were making.

He said: "It feels like this is a result I didn’t expect, and that is another result I didn’t expect. This means that something is happening quietly … Maybe there is a secret hidden here, and it is easier to find than we thought. "

In 2018, Y Combinator opened a special course for biotech companies, inviting companies with "radical anti-aging plans" to apply, but soon after, altman left Y Combinator to concentrate on his increasingly busy work in OpenAI.

By 2020, some researchers in California showed that they could achieve the effect similar to obtaining "young blood" by replacing the plasma of old mice with saline and albumin. This shows that the real problem lies in the "aging blood". Just by diluting it (and the toxins in it), we may be one step closer to drugs that resist or even cure aging.

Bates Lacroiva recalled, "Sam called me and said,’ My God, have you seen this plasma intervention paper?’ That’s not what I said, but the general idea is similar. Bates Lacroiva was a part-time biotechnology partner of Y Combinator and now leads a gathering of longevity lovers.

Bates Lacroix agrees that it’s cool and some companies should pursue it. "How about I fund you to do it?" Altman said.

But Bates Lacroix was already studying a different idea. He just finished an early joint venture project, a company called Vium. The company tried to "digitize" the rat population and added cameras and artificial intelligence to monitor the experiment. Vium has raised more than 50 million dollars, but it has not been successful. That year, it was merged into another biotechnology company, which bought its assets for $2.6 million.

Bates Lacroiva’s new plan is to set up a company to pursue cell reprogramming-another hot area involving the technology of making cells younger through genetic engineering. He has collaborated with Chinese scholar Ding Sheng Ding who has developed a new method of reprogramming cells. Bates-Lacroiva also believes that the process that cells use to process toxins (called autophagy) may be a direction worth exploring.

Altman’s answer is: "Why don’t you do all these things?"

"I will. I will set up a multi-project company around the biology of aging, which is a big project, "Bates Lacroiva recalled." Then he said,’ Great, let’s do it.’ "

The new company needs a lot of money-enough to keep it going for at least seven or eight years while conducting research, encountering setbacks and overcoming them. And it needs to finish the work quickly. The expenses of many biotech startups are decided by the board of directors, but in Retro, Bates-Lacroiva has all the decision-making power. "There is no bureaucracy here," he said. "I am a bureaucracy."

For example, Bates Lacroix did not wait for scarce laboratory space, but filled a warehouse with 40 prefabricated containers and used them as laboratories. This means that he can quickly carry out the first experiment, including repeating some plasma work on mice. Bates Lacroiva presented some preliminary results at a conference in 2022, saying that mice undergoing plasma exchange seemed to become stronger.

Mysterious start-up company

Retro employees submit experimental memos every week to record which work is progressing smoothly and which work is frustrated. Bates Lacroix said that he usually calls altman on weekends to tell him the highlights, and altman sometimes makes suggestions.

However, up to now, things related to this company in altman have been kept secret. This is a decision made by Bates Lacroiva, who wants Retro to open its own path. Altman agreed, because he tried to be "very careful not to hide the brilliance of the CEOs I worked with."

When Bates Lacroiva officially disclosed the company information in mid-2022, in a series of tweets, he still didn’t disclose altman’s name, but said that he was "lucky to get the initial capital of 180 million dollars", which was enough to "safely" support the company to run until 2030, when it planned to realize "the first proof of concept to extend life".

People familiar with the company’s thinking say it’s also because altman’s name may be a distraction. Of course, he is famous, but this reason may be wrong. Although altman’s position in the entrepreneurial world is unparalleled, his reputation is almost nonexistent in the biological laboratory and pharmaceutical industry, and a person’s scientific record is the most important in this circle.

"I’ve never heard of the name Sam altman," said Irina Conboy, a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, although her work on plasma has amazed Sam. But she is really more familiar with Bates Lacroiva and his research on longevity.

"100 million is just a number, not a breakthrough," Comboy said.

Public discontent

Every technology also has risks. As far as artificial intelligence is concerned, it is chat bots that may spread lies and false information. As for reversing the age, if it is really effective, one of the risks often mentioned is public dissatisfaction, especially if it will be offered to the rich like altman first.

The basis of this idea is that if altman’s financial support is magnified conspicuously, Retro may become a victim and be classified as a vanity project misled by billionaires in pursuit of immortality.

We have reason to be so worried. In 2016, Peter Thiel, one of altman’s mentors, was ridiculed by the media as a "vampire looking for young victims" after he expressed interest in receiving anti-aging blood transfusion treatment. A year later, HBO’s spoof program "Silicon Valley" released an episode called "Blood Donation Boy". In the film, the CEO of a fictional technology company is in a meeting, and his vein is connected with that of a handsome young man called "blood transfusion assistant".

"We really don’t want to see those old billionaires pay for plasma donors," Bates Lacroiva said in the summer of 2022. Instead, he said, the company hopes to find more "credible" interventions, such as drugs that mimic the effect of blood replacement, for millions of people to use.

"We don’t want to treat billionaires with prejudice. I’m just saying that we don’t want to see treatments that are super expensive, awkward and difficult to implement. "

Altman said that his personal anti-aging methods include "trying to eat healthily, exercise and get enough sleep" and taking metformin. Metformin is a diabetes drug, but it is very popular in Silicon Valley because it may make people without diabetes healthier. "I hope I can use Retro therapy one day!" Altman said.

OpenAI in the field of anti-aging

Anti-aging research seems to be a promising investment field. One reason is that it has not received much funds in the past, at least relative to the scale of the research project. According to the data of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services in the United States-about $4.3 trillion, accounting for nearly one-fifth of the GDP of the United States-it is used for medical care, most of which is used to treat the elderly. Longevity researchers generally believe that if a drug can delay aging, it may help delay a series of serious diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

Bates Lacroiva said that in order to have the widest impact, he is looking for interventions that can scale up and affect "millions or billions" of people.

However, when Retro lifted the veil, the research on the problem of old age was becoming very popular. The Saudi government said that it will provide 1 billion dollars for related research every year, and an organization called Altos Laboratory has been established, claiming that it has 3 billion dollars. Famous investors are also involved, such as Yuri Milner, and even Jeff Bezos is rumored.

Compared with these investments, altman’s bet looks relatively small, even making Retro look insignificant. One of its projects is to test the rejuvenation technology on T cells, which are part of the immune system and play an important role in fighting infection and avoiding cancer.

These cells are particularly useful because they can be removed, rejuvenated in the laboratory and sent back to the patient. But other startups have similar goals, including Altos and NewLimit, a biotechnology company founded by cryptocurrency billionaire Brian Armstrong in 2022.

The competition for researchers is particularly fierce. Altos persuaded 24 university professors to leave their jobs and offered millions of dollars in salary and other benefits, which absorbed almost half of the top scientists in the field of reprogramming.

But Bates Lacroix also managed to attract some top talents. In 2022, he flew to Switzerland to visit Alejandro Ocampo, a researcher at Lausanne University. In 2016, Ocampo was the first scholar to study the rejuvenation of mice, and his research helped trigger the current craze for longevity investment.

"I’m glad to see Joe coming to see me in person," Ocampo said. He was so grateful for the attention he received that he later agreed to become a paid consultant for the company.

He also said that Bates Lacroiva is willing to accept his view that the age reversal of human beings will not happen in the short term. Some of Ocampo’s recent experiments explored why the reprogramming method he studied would kill some mice instead of making them live longer.

Ocampo said: "Some optimists think that we will achieve eternal life in 10 years, while some pessimists say that we will never prolong human life. As a realist, my personal opinion is that many people are choosing simple and fast experiments, but if we do the same, I don’t think we will go very far. Because this will not be an easy road. "

Ocampo said that Bates Lacroix convinced him that Retro was willing to explore these basic problems with its own funds. "They want to promote the development of science, not just pursue short-term goals," he said. "Other companies want to find an application scenario immediately, but they are willing to spend time exploring basic science."

Bates Lacroiva did not discuss Retro’s funding sources with Ocampo. Ocampo said that he didn’t know that altman was funding the startup until he was interviewed by MIT Science and Technology Review.

In an interview, altman didn’t worry about the competition from other companies. He believes that most biotechnology companies are accustomed to slow action and are usually "not good at management". He believes that the research on longevity needs an "OpenAI-style effort".

Altman said: "Retro’s main task is to become a truly excellent biological start-up company, because this is a rare thing. It combines great science with the resources of big companies in the spirit of a startup company. This is our current project. "

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