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Cultural figures search for old movies and want to reproduce Dongyang’s original intention 32 years ago.

The sparkling Dongyang River, the quaint and deep Cave Academy, the Dongyang Middle School where students gather, and the magnificent buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties … Under the light, the scenery and characters on the copy are vivid and clear as yesterday, but from the perspective of architectural appearance and characters’ clothing, it is clearly the scene of the 1990s.

The script of "Dongyang Sanxiang" documentary film.

This is a copy of the documentary film "Three Villages in Dongyang" which was filmed in 1991, and it was revived with the filming script.

A message triggered the idea of searching.

This copy and script are collected by Xu Songtao, president of the Municipal Historical and Cultural Research Association.

"Last year, I saw a message posted by WeChat WeChat official account in Lishui Archives that a copy of the documentary film" Xiushan in Lishui "filmed in 1990 reappeared, which triggered the youthful memories of many local people. I couldn’t help but think of a similar documentary film in Dongyang." Xu Songtao said that in 1992, the unit organized everyone to go to the theater in Nanjie to watch the documentary film "Dongyang Sanxiang". Those beautiful and vivid pictures and incisive and beautiful explanations made him deeply intoxicated. "After more than 30 years, I have seen many promotional videos about Dongyang Sanxiang, but none of them are as comprehensive and in-depth as Dongyang Sanxiang, and they have incorporated profound thoughts and profound culture into the documentary lens." Therefore, after seeing this news, Xu Songtao interviewed many parties and finally found this copy and script in Hangzhou a few days ago.

According to the information on the cover of the script, Dongyang Sanxiang was filmed and produced by the Central News Recording Film Studio, and the script was completed in February 1992. "As far as I know, the Central News Recording Film Studio sent a film crew to Dongyang to shoot as early as 1991, and the script was mainly written for post-processing with commentary."

According to the investigation of Dongyang City Records, on October 12, 1991, the Central News Recording Film Studio came to Dongyang to shoot Dongyang Sanxiang.

The movie script hides the historical details.

Dongyang’s "three townships" are the hometown of education, architecture and arts and crafts. Documentary films are shot around this feature, and there are many details that are little known now.

For example, when explaining the hometown of arts and crafts, there is a horizontal plaque of "the hometown of all kinds of workers" in the film, because Dongyang was called "the hometown of all kinds of workers" in ancient times. The film thinks that the Ming and Qing architecture in Dongyang is "large-scale, regular in shape, exquisitely decorated with wood carvings and profound in noumenon", and takes Lu Zhai’s Ming architecture as proof. In order to reflect the development achievement of "Today, Dongyang Baigong not only inherits the traditional craft of ancient buildings, but also integrates it into modern buildings", the film crew specially visited and photographed Linping Hotel in Hangzhou, which was undertaken by Dongyang people from construction to decoration. The film introduced that the hotel completed the main building construction project in only 239 days, with high speed and good quality, and at the same time gave the hotel restaurant a number of close-ups of wood carving decoration. The film crew also went to Shanghai to film part of the project that won the "Magnolia Cup" and the Dongyang Mall. Dongyang Mall was originally planned to be completed in one and a half years, but "Dongyang people are tenacious" and it took only half a year to meet the first Arts and Crafts Festival in Dongyang. At the same time, the film pays attention to the vocational education of students in architectural schools, and focuses on the Dongyang women behind the architectural iron army in detail, thinking that Dongyang’s reputation as "the hometown of architecture" has the contribution of many mothers and wives.

Copy of Dongyang Sanxiang.

The film crew paid special attention to the characteristics of Dongyang’s "hometown of education". In addition to reflecting the report of People’s Daily "A hundred doctors meet in one city, and a thousand professors share the same hometown", they also dug up a lot of materials. For example, in the exhibition room of Dongyang Middle School at that time, there was an inscription by Li Chuanxin, a former deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, "Talented people come forth in large numbers and have a long way to go". It turned out that in the college entrance examination in 1990, seven students from Dongyang Middle School were admitted to Tsinghua University with high scores, which attracted the attention of Li Chuanxin and made a special trip to Dongyang for inspection and inscription. The film also reflects two characteristics of Dongyang education in that period: first, it focused on the society, focused on educating people, and carried out educational diversion, so that some students could learn a skill in middle school. Taking the educational diversion practice of Nanshanghu Middle School as an example, this rural middle school opened professional courses such as breeding, woodcarving and machinery at that time; Second, in the education reform, the education department pooled the limited funds and set up experimental centers in sections, so that children in mountainous areas also have the opportunity to take experimental classes.

The film also explores the formation mechanism of Dongyang’s fashion of attaching importance to education and donating money to run schools. The example cited is still shocking today: Wu Huiguo’s father in Ganzhong Village (now Ganjing Community in Baiyun Street) is an ordinary farmer, and the old man left his son two words before he died: the law-abiding father-in-law is doing business and inheriting the tradition to build a first-class new school building. In accordance with his father’s wishes, Wu Huiguo donated 90,000 yuan of hard-earned money from a stall in Xining, Qinghai, to the village to build a brand-new primary school. "From this detail, it can be seen that donating money for education has always been a tradition in Dongyang, and the support of Dongyang people for education is indeed the best." Xu Songtao said that "Three Villages in Dongyang" still plays a very good role in preserving history and advising Dongyang. If the film can be shown again, it will be a very good education for Dongyang people.

Looking forward to the deep utilization of image data

Undoubtedly, Three Villages in Dongyang is a precious video material reflecting the development of Dongyang. Xu Songtao is currently looking for insiders and characters who know about the filming of this film, and at the same time, he is docking with relevant departments to try to digitally scan and re-show the copy.

The copy of Dongyang Sanxiang reappears in the light of day, and many Tibetan friends suggest developing the photos. It is reported that copying and washing requires special technical equipment and requires a lot of money. To this end, Xu Songtao is still striving for funds, preparing to develop some shots in the copy and exhibit them in the museum. Through in-depth exploration and development of this precious image file, he strives to tell the story of Dongyang and show the development and changes of Dongyang.

8.3 points, hot search first! Why does "Little Joy" become another explosion

Special feature of 1905 film network At the beginning of the year, a film "Everything’s Fine" wrote all about China’s family’s pension problem and family of origin’s injury, and accurately hit the "pain point" of the audience.Now, a film "Little Joy" takes the "College Entrance Examination" as an incision to show another cross-section of China’s family to the audience.

Since its launch at the end of July, the popularity of the TV series "Little Joy" has increased all the way. Not only has it been frequently searched, but the Douban score has been countered from 8.0 to 8.3.


Just like the popularity of Everything’s Fine at the beginning, Little Joy has also set off a wave of national discussions on educational topics with the help of the "authenticity" of realistic themes.

"Little Joy" revolves around the preparation process for the "College Entrance Examination" of three ordinary families: Fang, Qiao and Ji.In the process of sprinting towards the most important exam in China’s life with the family as the unit, parents and children are also experiencing countless "quizzes" from life.


If the first few episodes are still filled with a relaxed and happy atmosphere, the recent plot has turned sharply, and every family has encountered intractable troubles and crises.


Huang Lei and Christina’s Fang couple are both facing unemployment crisis, and their parents have been cheated into debts of 800,000 yuan.


Qiao Yingzi, the "schoolmaster", is gradually out of breath under the bondage of "maternal love" full of control desire. Even in the latest episode, she had a fierce argument with her parents and was impulsive to jump into the sea.


Ji Jia’s parent-child relationship had just eased, and Yongmei’s mother liujing was diagnosed with breast cancer.


It’s true that every family has a hard book to read.


"Why Little Joy" was once ranked first in Weibo’s hot search, with a reading volume of over 400 million.


Some netizens explained in the comments: "It is precisely because there are too many helpless trifles that it seems how important it is to be’ small joy’. Just like looking for diamonds in glass slag, it is worth discovering again. "


Similar to the irony of "everything is fine", behind "little joy" is also "little anxiety" that can’t be avoided in ordinary family life.

Three typical China families

Who poked your "pain point"

One of the reasons why Little Joy is highly praised is the "realism" of the plot and details. Whether it is the intimate details of husband and wife getting along or the parents’ every move when they "teach" their son, people often exclaim: "Director, why do you want to spy on my life?"

Christina’s mad drama made many netizens exclaim and saw the "mother mother"

Three families with different painting styles in the play also constitute a ukiyo-e painting of Chinese college entrance examination families. Through their mode of getting along with each other and their educational ideas, we can always see the shadow of ourselves or our families, and let the audience reflect on what family education should look like. 

"Lover Style": You are everything to your mother.


The "lover-like" parent-child relationship between Song Qian and his daughter Qiao Yingzi played by Tao Hong is the most controversial.


As a single mother, the frustration of marriage made her pour all her "love" into her daughter, and her daughter’s success became her goal in life and the way to prove herself.


As Song Qian often said, "Eiko, you are everything to your mother."


From childhood to adulthood, her daughter’s food, clothing, housing and transportation were all arranged by her, and the study plan must be strictly completed according to the timetable set by her.


The daughter’s room is equipped with an observation window, so that her mother can keep an eye on her every move at any time. The mother and daughter are like "conjoined twins" and have no private space.


No wonder Eiko once quietly told his father that he was at home every day as if he were in a prison.


This kind of maternal love may be meticulous in material, but it is extremely lacking in spirit. A mother imposes her will on her daughter, but never listens to her real needs.


All the voices of opposition are labeled as "love" and politely but ruthlessly rejected.


Song Qian once said to Eiko, "Mom has already arranged the road behind you." This road is entirely wishful thinking of my mother, and I have never asked my daughter for advice.


To put it bluntly, she treats her daughter as her private property, not as an independent individual.


In the play, this heavy maternal love has made Eiko gradually breathless. She began to rebel against her mother by playing truant and lying in disguise, and her personality became depressed and depressed.


In the name of mother’s love, we should "control". Behind this suffocating maternal love, both mother and daughter lost themselves.


"Airborne": Late Love


If Song Qian’s maternal love for Eiko is too much, Ji Jia’s parents’ love for Ji Yangyang is seriously lacking and late.


Because of work reasons, parents have been absent from their son’s growth all the year round, and suddenly "airborne" in the third year of high school. Naturally, it is difficult to get children’s acceptance and recognition.

Faced with this sense of estrangement and alienation, Ji Jia’s parents’ handling methods are worth learning.


They can try to understand and experience children’s hobbies from their sons’ point of view, such as playing video games and practicing karting. Taking interest as a breakthrough, Ji Yangyang’s heart is opened step by step.


When their son’s exam results are not ideal, they can also be reasonable and positive, telling him that exam results are a stepping stone to realize his dreams.

From this point of view, Ji Jia’s educational philosophy is superior to Qiao Jia’s, but there is a saying that "the best love is companionship", and it is often difficult to make up for the harm caused by the absence of parents in the process of growing up.


From the source, less "left-behind children" in cities like Ji Yangyang may be the best fatherly love and maternal love.

"Open": both father and son and friends.


Among the three families, Fang’s family atmosphere and parent-child relationship are undoubtedly the most enviable.


Fiona Fang and Tong Wenjie, played by Huang Lei and Christina, respectively played the roles of "tiger mother" and "cat father" at home.Mother is very strict with the "skin monkey" son, and sometimes she will use "force", but fortunately, her father with high emotional intelligence has always intervened, so that the whole family can operate in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.


As a screenwriter, Huang Lei has obviously incorporated many of his own educational ideas into Fiona Fang’s personal design. The so-called "cat dad" is not blindly compromising and spoiling, but is sensible and emotional to his son from the perspective of equality.


For example, when a conflict broke out between Tong Wenjie and Fang Yifan because of their poor grades, Fiona Fang used a set of "theory" to explain the truth and resolve the contradiction.

On the one hand, Fiona Fang advised his son to look sideways, not only to see his own shortcomings in learning compared with other students, but also to see his mother better than other parents.

On the other hand, he also advised his wife not only to compare her son "horizontally" with other people’s children, but also to learn to "look vertically" to help children find their own life goals and directions.


In the play, another line of Fiona Fang is actually said to all parents in and out of the play: "Children’s lives are their own, and they have to take a detour. They have to hit the south wall one by one, and we have stumbled all the way. No one can replace it."

We can’t choose our family, and the three "family of origin" in the play also have their own shortcomings and imperfections, but the loveliness of Little Joy is that neither parents nor children refuse to change, and they are constantly reflecting and improving themselves in the process of running in.


Just like the classic line in the middle school says, "Dad is also a father for the first time." After the quarrel and disagreement, the sincere apology and communication between the two sides has become the most touching paragraph in Little Joy.


Refuse to "suspend"

Grasp the realistic theme from the truth of details

Some viewers said: "Little Joy" is like a mirror, in which both parents and children can see themselves. This is the charm of realistic works.


Director Wang Jun once concluded at the press conference that the key to the creation of realistic works is "truth". "For example, changing slippers when entering the door is realism. If you grasp the truth of the details, you will grasp the true meaning of realism."

Director Wang Jun


In his view, in the film and television works with realistic themes, the creator and the audience should maintain an equal relationship. "The creator should not always be condescending and want to lead or teach something. What we want to express is in reality. First of all, we should be faithful to our own feelings and experiences of reality and don’t fake the real play."


In the early discussion of the script, screenwriter Huang Lei also said that the characters must "sink down and stick to the ground" and "don’t talk too much". He also exposed himself in Weibo. Most of the characters in the play are based on the real experiences of friends around him. "The screenwriter doesn’t have to edit it, because it’s all around you."


From "Little Separation", "My First Half Life" and "Big Rivers" to "Everything is Fine" and "Little Joy" this year, with the birth of one explosion after another, realistic film and television works have really ushered in a blowout period.

It is the significance and charm of realistic works to integrate the real insight and perception of life into the creation, so that the audience can empathize and trigger a wide range of social discussions.


As director Wang Jun said, "Little Joy" is not made to accuse or solve any problems. After all, education is a matter of thousands of people. What the creative team wants to do is to present the reality to the audience. "We don’t want to give the audience a ready-made answer, just want to give everyone a grasp, so that everyone can deeply discuss the Chinese parent-child relationship and intergenerational relationship."

How to get to the property market in third-and fourth-tier cities?

  On April 16th, the Ministry of Finance issued the "Notice on Issuing the Special Fund Budget for Urban Affordable Housing Project of the Central Government in 2019", and the number of planned renovation sets of urban shanty towns in 2019 was also released.

  Compared with 2018, the number of shed renovation sets in 37 provinces and cities in 2019 totaled 2,852,900 sets, which was nearly 51% lower than the planned renovation set of 5.88 million sets in 2018.

  Before the Ministry of Finance announced the start-up of the shed reform plan in 2019 in April, in January 2019, local governments disclosed the relevant data of the shed reform plan in 2019 in their work reports, and the targets of nearly half of the cities were lower than those in early 2019.

  Analysts pointed out that the sharp reduction of the start-up target of shed reform in 2019 indicates that the proportion of commercial housing sales brought by shed reform in the total sales of commercial housing in the country will gradually decrease, and the direct impact is reflected in the benefits of shed reform in third-and fourth-tier cities and below. It will gradually weaken.

  According to the report of Kerui Real Estate Research Center, except for a few provinces such as Fujian, Tianjin, Guangxi, Guangdong and Tibet, the planned construction volume of the remaining 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities has declined to varying degrees compared with 2018, with a decline of more than 50% reaching 15.

  In terms of absolute value, the planned construction starts of Jiangxi, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces in 2019 still exceeded 200,000 sets, ranking among the top three in many provinces and cities, while the construction starts of seven provinces and cities such as Ningbo, Ningxia and Hainan were all less than 10,000 sets due to the small scale of shed reform. Judging from the year-on-year changes, there are ups and downs among provinces and cities, and the overall situation is "falling more and rising less". Five provinces, including Fujian, Tianjin, Guangxi, Guangdong and Tibet, grew year-on-year, with Fujian’s increase being the most significant, reaching 117%. The planned starts of the remaining 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have declined to varying degrees compared with 2018, with 15 of them falling by more than 50%. It is noteworthy that Shandong, Henan, Guizhou, Hunan and other major shed-reformed provinces all experienced a year-on-year decline of over 70%. We believe that the staged callback in the provinces with a large amount of shed reform in the early stage conforms to objective laws and market expectations. For example, in Henan Province, the actual amount of shed reform in 2018 has reached 1.8 times that in 2016, and the planned target for 2019 is only 150,000 sets, down 77% year-on-year, with a significant decline, and the decline is also expected.

  In fact, before the Ministry of Finance announced the start-up amount of shed reform plans in 2019 in various provinces in April, in January 2019, local governments disclosed the relevant data of shed reform plans in 2019 in their work reports. Through the comparison of these two sets of data, we can also see the changes in the current market expectations for shed reform.

  Among the 19 provinces that can be counted, 7 provinces including Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Henan and Tibet have not changed much in 2019, and the increase or decrease is within 5%. Nearly half of the cities’ targets have fallen to different degrees compared with the beginning of 2019, and the declines in Liaoning, Jilin, Hubei, Shaanxi and other provinces have significantly exceeded 50%. On the one hand, the data disclosed by some provinces at the beginning of the year are more general, which is basically the target construction volume of two years; On the other hand, Hubei, Shaanxi and other provinces have basically overdrawn the future shed reform space due to the large amount of work started in the previous shed reform. It can be expected that the promotion of shed reform to local real estate sales is also weakening. In addition, the amount of construction started in a few provinces such as Fujian and Sichuan is higher than the data released at the beginning of the year, which is also in line with the regulation idea of "governing by the city", and the goal of shed reform also reflects the characteristics of looseness and tightness.

  Chen Sheng, executive director of China Real Estate Data Research Institute, said that according to the previously announced three-year plan, the proportion of shantytown renovation is gradually decreasing.

  According to the previously published three-year plan, another 15 million sets of shanty towns will be renovated in the three years from 2018 to 2020, which is the second three-year plan for shantytown renovation. Prior to this, in 2015, the State Council proposed to renovate 18 million housing units in shanty towns, including dangerous buildings and villages in cities, in 2015-2017.

  Kerui Real Estate Research Center pointed out that from 2015 to 2017, it basically maintained a year-on-year growth trend. In the past three years, the number of starts was above 6 million sets. Although the target for 2018 was slightly reduced to 5.8 million sets, from the actual completion situation, the number of new shanty towns was 6.27 million sets, and the target completion rate reached a new high of 107.4%.

  The overfulfilment in previous years also laid the groundwork for the subsequent shed reform and shrinkage.

  Last October, the executive meeting of the State Council clearly put forward that the scope and standards of shed reform should be strictly improved, and the monetary resettlement policy of shed reform should be adjusted and improved according to local conditions. Among them, it is clearly proposed to adjust and improve the monetary resettlement policy for shed reform, and cities and counties with insufficient commercial housing inventory and high pressure of rising house prices should cancel the preferential monetary resettlement policy as soon as possible.

  The report of Kerui Real Estate Research Center points out that the less shantytown renovation is, the more it conforms to the objective law, and it is impossible to change more and more. On the other hand, some negative effects of vigorously promoting the monetary resettlement of shed reform have already appeared, such as increasing the pressure of local financial liabilities and pushing up the housing prices in the third and fourth lines. The inventory problem based on the third and fourth lines has been initially solved, and it is also reasonable to lower the target of shed reform.

  The insiders believe that the main purpose of shed reform is to meet the housing needs of residents who just need it. With the reduction of the overall number of shanty towns and the end of the task of destocking in various places, some cities and counties with low inventory will gradually withdraw from the monetization of shed reform.

  Kerui Real Estate Research Center believes that the tightening of shed reform policy in 2019 is basically expected, especially in the context of relatively tight local finance, monetized resettlement and other methods will gradually withdraw, and the stimulating effect on real estate sales will also be weakened.

  In addition, the report pointed out that the current scale of shed reform is "halved", first of all, it is an impact on the market expectation level, and it is also releasing a signal that the phased destocking task has been completed, and the promotion of shed reform to real estate sales is disappearing. Previously, the shed reform once directly boosted the sales of about 20% of commercial housing, and this force will never return in 2019 and beyond.

  In addition, the monetization resettlement has also been continuously tightened. As early as October 2018, it was stated at the symposium of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development that the monetization resettlement of shed reform in 2019 will be mainly based on special bonds, and the government’s purchase of shed reform service mode will be cancelled; At the same time, local governments have also proposed that the shed reform will focus on physical resettlement, and the proportion of monetized resettlement will also be reduced, which will have a more direct impact on the sales of commercial housing. Without the drive of funds, the purchasing power of residents will be greatly reduced.

  Zhang Bo, chief analyst of 58 Anjuke Real Estate Research Institute, pointed out that the sharp reduction of the starting target of shed reform in 2019 indicates that the proportion of commercial housing sales brought by shed reform in the total sales of commercial housing in the country will gradually decrease, and the direct impact is reflected in the shed reform in the third-and fourth-tier cities and below will also gradually weaken.

  In Zhang Bo’s view, the direct benefits of shed reform will be accelerated and weakened in the third-and fourth-tier cities in the future, and the third-and fourth-tier cities will usher in obvious differentiation. In the future, the cities in key urban agglomerations will have more population concentration, and the shrinking third-and fourth-tier cities will face further shrinkage of the commercial housing market.

Zhang Yimou’s new work "Cross-border" fashion circle fashion "Butterfly" will be on stage.

1905 movie network news The second season of dialogue fable 2047, a brand-new concept performance produced by Buick and directed by Zhang Yimou, is about to premiere, and the team is rehearsing nervously recently.

In this performance, the masters of traditional folk art will join hands with the world’s top scientific and technological experts, and Zhang Yimou, who advocates cultural inheritance through innovation, even "crossed the border" fashion circle and invited the international avant-garde fashion design team of Turkish Ezra Tuba to join the performance. 

The internationally renowned Ezra Tuba team used nanotechnology and wearable technology to create the world’s first flying Butterfly Dress together with Intel. This dress can sense external stimuli, including touch, body temperature and movements. When an object approaches or movesWhen the mobile device communicates wirelessly, the butterfly on the clothes will "wake up" slowly, and gradually speed up the rhythm frequency of the wings and dance in the air as the object approaches. This time, this technology will also be applied to the unit program "Song Shu Butterfly" in the second season of Dialogue Fable 2047. When the enthusiastic Zhuang people sing Poya Song Shu, ancient songs can call "Butterfly" and bring the audience a sense of returning to nature. 

In an exclusive interview, Zhang Yimou admitted that the "cross-border" fashion circle aims to "add technology and intangible cultural heritage together with the traditional culture of China, and we hope to present a particularly good visual effect on the stage at 1+1." As early as the press conference of Dialogue Fable 2047 in the second season, Bao Ye, director of Buick Marketing Department of SAIC-GM, the producer, already said, "I am looking forward to seeing our team really make a bigger and newer breakthrough in the second season and show it to the audience." 

Palm reading technology response access AI dialogue assistant Kimi: I will choose the AI big model with the strongest support according to the needs of the scene.

There are market rumors that Palm Reading Technology has been connected to Kimi, an AI dialogue assistant product of the domestic AI startup Moon Dark Side. In this regard, Palm Reading Technology responded today that the company actively embraces AI technology and is deeply integrating AI big model and reading App, and is committed to building the first real AI reading App in China, so that more users can find reading pleasure through AI big model and improve reading efficiency. "As for which big model to choose, we will choose the AI big model with the strongest supporting ability according to the needs of the scene, such as long text processing, interactive dialogue, cultural and life pictures and other different scenes, and we will choose different most suitable big models to support it." (Cailian)

"The most beautiful reading sound" sounded in front of the Red Building of Peking University.

  (Reporter Zhang Enjie) "With the youth of me, we will create a youth family, a youth country and a youth nation & HELIP; …” "Youth is like the early spring, like the morning sun, like the budding of a hundred flowers, like the new development of a sharp sword in Xi … …” On August 29th, recitation artists Kang Zhuang and Guo Kaimin stood together in front of the Red Mansion of Peking University, and after a hundred years’ time and space, they read the classic quotations of Li Dazhao’s Youth and Chen Duxiu’s Youth with deep affection, bringing the readers back to that passionate awakening era, and officially launched the "Meeting the Party’s Twenty Themes Reading Activities".

  Sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the reading activity is based on the theme of "Striving for a New Journey and Building a New Era", and is divided into three sections: the reading demonstration activity with the theme of "the most beautiful reading sound", the book exhibition and promotion activity with key themes, and the special promotion activity of the digital reading column of "Reading Beijing, Reading China and Looking to the Future".

  On the same day, General Jin Yinan told "Why China" at the Red Chamber of Peking University. He pointed out that in today’s thrilling world, only history can make us face reality without feeling scared. "By learning to read and be familiar with history, we can broaden our horizons, enhance our confidence and improve the strength of our personality. Therefore, reading is not just a pastime after a meal, it is as simple as adding some talk. "

  It is worth mentioning that the reading leading plan of "the cradle of the Party" was also released at the event site, and the initiative of reading books such as "Striving for a New Journey and Building a New Era" was put forward. In addition to this launching activity, the theme reading demonstration activity of "The Most Beautiful Reading Sound" will focus on celebrating the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and four theme reading activities will be held successively, inviting industry celebrities to read books related to the construction of "Four Centers" in Beijing.

  It is understood that major bookstores, key entity bookstores and e-commerce platforms in Beijing will set up special counters to display and sell key books in a centralized way, and all relevant units and districts will also organize and carry out a variety of reading activities on the theme of "Celebrating the 20 th National Congress" in an orderly manner, and hold lectures and knowledge contests to create a good atmosphere for the party’s 20 th National Congress victory.

  In addition, digital reading enterprises will set up special columns to promote the Party’s innovative theoretical reading materials, the book list with the theme of "Striving for a New Journey and Building a New Era", China’s good books, good books reflecting the achievements in the construction of the national cultural center and the development of the capital, excellent online literature and digital reading. Through a variety of forms throughout the year, we will lead the citizens to enjoy a reading feast in the atmosphere of cultural Beijing and scholarly China.

  Photography/reporter Yuan Yi

  Coordinator/Liu Jianghua

The reading and sharing activity of Six Branches of Damei Liangdu Gallery was held in Zhongshan District.

Recently, the 15th reading meeting of "Enjoy Reading for Life" —— "Meet Liangdu Sakura You Come" series of activities "Six Branches of Damei Liangdu Gallery" sponsored by the Propaganda Department of CPC Liupanshui Municipal Committee, Liupanshui Culture, Radio, Film and Television Tourism Bureau and Zhongshan District Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television Tourism Bureau, and undertaken by Liupanshui Library and Zhongshan District Library was held in Zhongshan District.

At the reading sharing meeting, some authors from "Damei Liangdu-Selected Works of Liupanshui Regional Cultural Prose" and book lovers who have enjoyed reading all their lives gathered together to share their insights and gains in the reading process and go to a reading appointment.

Reading sharing meeting site.

Reading sharing meeting site.

"The publication of the anthology" Damei Liangdu "is undoubtedly the joy of the spring breeze." Shi Yu, vice chairman of Liupanshui Writers Association and Zhongshan District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said in reading and sharing: "The authors in the book have their feet on the cool land, facing the grassroots, their words are grounded, dewy and warm, and they write and explore the history, humanities and eco-tourism of the cool capital. From a certain perspective," Damei Liangdu "can be regarded as a local textbook and local text."

"In the cool capital of spring, it is very gratifying and comfortable to read the selected book of Liupanshui regional cultural prose, Damei Liangdu." Dai Qingxiang, vice chairman of Liupanshui Dramatists Association, vice chairman of Zhongshan Writers Association and the host of this activity, said: There are 17 essays in the chapter of "Six Branches of Gallery" in the book, which eulogize the regional history and culture, natural scenery, food culture, etc. of six special zones, such as Songyu River, Yanjiao, Sazhi, Luobie, Langdai, Guanzhai and Yuelianghe.

Reading sharing meeting site.

Reading sharing meeting site.

"Liupanshui has a large number of prose creators who have been paying attention to the local regional culture. They have written a wonderful chapter for this hot land with their hot feelings." Wang Hua, vice-chairman and secretary-general of Liupanshui Literature and Art Critics Association, vice-chairman of Zhongshan Writers Association and editor-in-chief of Selected Works of Damei Liangdu-Liupanshui Regional Cultural Prose, said: "This is an anthology published by the authors of Liupanshui regional cultural prose on the same stage, and its publication has certain literary value and historical significance."

At the event site, all book lovers also shared their reading feelings and recited the wonderful chapters of the "Six Branches of Gallery" series in Damei Liangdu. Everyone used books as a medium to talk about feelings and gains. The atmosphere was warm and applause continued.

In addition, the person in charge of Huiwen Bookstore, a book publishing support unit, donated 20 volumes of Damei Liangdu to Liupanshui Library, and Zhou Youwu, director of the Municipal Library, issued a book collection certificate to Huiwen Bookstore.

Reading sharing meeting site.

Reading sharing meeting site.

It is reported that Dameiliang, Xu Wenli, Zhuo Mei, Wu Qiuming, Shi Yu, Fu Berlin, Tang Zongshun, Li Tinghua, Ma Peng and Huang Shusheng have compiled more than 60 regional cultural essays of more than 30 Liupanshui local prose creators, totaling more than 180,000 words. This book shows people the unique natural history and humanistic endowment of Liupanshui, the capital of China, and provides a window for readers to deeply understand the regional history and culture of Liupanshui. This year, the book was officially published by China Overseas Chinese Publishing House, with a first print of 2,000 copies, and was put on the shelves of Liupanshui Huiwen Bookstore. (Photo/Wen Guo Lingling)

Getting out of the misunderstanding of labor education practice: "gamification" can’t gain labor interest

  Bright pictures/vision china


  editorial comment/note

  Labor refers to the activity that people create material wealth and spiritual wealth necessary for their own survival and development through their own hard physical or mental efforts. In the new era, labor education has been picked up again, and schools have gradually begun to jointly carry out labor education practice with society and families. But in reality, labor education is often reduced to a simple task in daily teaching, a simple physical education, skill learning, and even alienated into entertainment, punishment and domestication. This paper holds that the lack of understanding of the connotation of labor and labor education still leads to some misunderstandings in the practice of labor education, such as the "servitude" of cognitive mental work that makes learning and labor oppose each other, the "play" that replaces the real pleasure of labor, and the lack of continuity in labor education, which needs serious reflection based on the connotation of labor education, and has certain practical pertinence, hoping to bring inspiration to readers.

  1, learning "servitude" put learning and labor in opposition.

  In recent years, labor education has been promoted to the same position as moral education, intellectual education, physical education and aesthetic education, so some schools have vigorously carried out labor education practice. Some open up schools to build farms and guide students to carry out productive labor practice; Some combine social resources and rely on labor education practice bases to organize students to experience labor. Social practice activities of learning agriculture and learning industry are carried out regularly every year in many places. However, while increasing the opportunities of labor experience, we will find a conventional concept that students’ daily study is not labor. This is really worth reflecting on. Isn’t learning itself labor?

  In fact, learning itself is also a kind of labor, and learning is cognitive mental labor. Soviet educator Suhomlinski believes that "labor education begins when students sit behind desks and study. Desk is the most complicated machine tool, which makes children, teenagers and teenagers feel that it is shameful to be careless, and laziness and idleness are sad. It is the most difficult thing for students to establish this understanding in education". Learning is a kind of labor that promotes the combination of wisdom and hands’ efforts. In this labor, learning is labor, while knowledge is the result of labor efforts. Under the background of digital labor era, the function of labor gradually turns to the existential function of realizing personal self-worth and obtaining the sense of value and meaning of existence. From this perspective, completing labor outside of learning may not be able to obtain more sense of value and existence than learning process.

  If learning is labor, why talk about labor education now? Why didn’t the mental work, which occupies the main position in students’ life at present, achieve the purpose of labor education? Why do schools often oppose mental labor and productive labor, and think that too much emphasis on intellectual development leads to insufficient labor experience? This is because the mental work of learning is alienated, and learning has been externalized as "labor".

  To recognize that learning is externalized as "labor", we need to trace back the essence of learning, a mental labor, and re-examine the current learning process of students. From Marx’s definition of labor, we can see that labor is firstly a process between man and nature. In the process of material exchange with nature, people increasingly realize the common attributes of things and phenomena, and find the regularity and connection between them, while mental labor is expressed in the form of representation, concept and reasoning. Learning this mental work ultimately points to scientific understanding of things, which is also an essential attribute for learning to become mental work. At present, students’ learning has gradually become "externalized labor" pointed out by Marx. Marx said in the Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844: Labor is an external thing for workers. In labor, he does not affirm himself, but denies himself. Instead of feeling happy, he feels unfortunate. Instead of freely exerting his physical strength and intelligence, he makes himself physically tortured and mentally destroyed. Once the external force stops, he will escape from labor like a plague. This exposition of externalization of labor seems to be just right to describe the study of today’s students. Students’ study is not to scientifically understand reality, but to pursue external material needs. The "tearing books after the college entrance examination" repeatedly exposed by the media reflects the students’ escape from this externally imposed task. Therefore, learning is no longer real labor, and it no longer has the function of liberating physical strength and intelligence.Instead, it becomes "hard labor", so it has little effect on improving students’ labor literacy.

  2. "Gamification" makes students lose their interest in labor.

  Corresponding to the fact that learning has become "hard labor", other forms of labor education that are gradually emerging show a trend of "gamification". Some schools carry out interesting and wonderful labor activities to attract students, and some schools integrate labor education into spring outing. On the one hand, this can improve students’ enthusiasm for participating in labor, but on the other hand, we need to pay attention to avoid blurring the difference between labor and games. Labor is the process of externalizing oneself, while game is the process of internalizing reality. The fuzziness of the difference between labor and games is more obvious in the digital age. Digital labor blurs the time-space boundary between entertainment and work, and dispels the traditional antagonistic relationship between play and labor.

  Labor is a serious process of giving, and the joy of labor lies in creation. This kind of giving also explains the self-externalization of labor. Students devote their physical strength and intelligence to the labor process and gain certain results. The pleasure that students feel in their work is the pleasure of creating things because of self-sacrifice, not fun. There is a difference between labor and games. Games can naturally bring satisfaction to children, but labor itself has no interest in children, so the interest in labor needs to be cultivated and developed consciously. The "gamification" of labor makes many activities look interesting, but there is no labor in essence, and students can’t gain interest in labor. Suhomlinski believes that the interest in labor should be manifested as "they realize that they can act on nature, make plants give fruits, and use tools to process wood or metal into needed shapes". Therefore, in the practice of labor education, we need to judge whether the interest in the labor process comes from giving and creating, or is interfered by other factors such as gamification.

  The contribution in the process of labor can cultivate positive labor values and make students love the working people and respect the fruits of labor. At the end of the 19th century, a "new" school appeared in France to train people engaged in "advanced knowledge occupations". In this school, students treat manual labor just like games and sports, because they don’t have to live by manual labor in the future. Although this school is located in the countryside, the students are far away from farmers’ lives. Although they are also working, they can’t really understand and study various social relations. Rousseau believes that only by taking part in labor in person and understanding all its complexity and arduousness according to experience can students judge the social significance of a production department in the future. Therefore, if we don’t regard labor as a serious process, we can’t cultivate our feelings for the working people, and we can’t cultivate our appreciation for the obtained survival materials.

  3. Labor education stays in experience and ignores daily self-service labor.

  At present, the labor practice of studying industry and agriculture in some areas is vigorously carried out, and an institutionalized labor experience system is gradually formed based on the construction of learning industry and agriculture bases. However, the persistence of these activities is worthy of attention. Most schools spend one week each semester leading students to experience labor, but they only stay in the experience once each semester, and there is a lack of cohesion between the activities, which is easy to make the labor experience become a casual entertainment. What’s more, some schools organize students to pull weeds in wasteland, and students regard pulling weeds as a kind of hard labor. This kind of labor experience of "working without teaching" deepens students’ rejection of manual labor. Therefore, the experience of labor must be complete, so that students can see the results of labor and feel satisfied with the achievements they have made through their own labor. If we just stop at pulling weeds without letting students experience the significance of pulling weeds for the growth of saplings, it will be difficult for this labor experience to play its due role. To lead students to plant wheat seedlings, we should let them see the process of wheat seedlings growing, heading and harvesting, and even let them see the process of wheat grains turning into food. At this time, the sense of pleasure comes not only from obtaining external products, but also from experiencing the sense of value and existence of labor.

  In fact, daily self-service labor is just the way to implement the principle of continuity of labor education. However, these are often ignored in schools and families. Schools spend time and energy to organize off-campus labor practice, but at noon, catering staff bring students lunch to the classroom, "depriving" students of the opportunity to experience self-service. The relationship between man and self is at the core of the three attributes of man, which also means that students’ self-service labor plays a vital role in students’ all-round development. Self-service labor can be regarded as the beginning of labor education. No matter what kind of productive labor he is engaged in in in the future, self-service will become his obligation and habit, and it is also the habit of cultivating people to observe discipline, meet their personal needs by doing it themselves, and form the habit of respecting others. When students get food effortlessly, it is difficult to ask them to respect food and labor.

  4. Strategies and suggestions for getting out of the misunderstanding of labor education practice.

  "If there is labor, there may not be education". Labor needs to satisfy three relational attributes, namely, man and self, man and nature, and man and society. The basic contents of labor are: self-service labor, productive labor and social welfare labor. Labor education is a practical activity based on physical labor and material production labor, exploratory innovation labor and artistic aesthetic labor, which is manifested in independent life in family life, practice and hands-on operation in study, public welfare activities in society and various professional labor. Therefore, the strategy to get out of the misunderstanding of labor education practice is to balance people’s different forms of labor demand through diversification.

  First of all, set up a cohesive and comprehensive labor education course. Dewey once said in The Waste of Education that all aspects and stages of education lack the necessary connection and cohesion with each other, which leads to conflicts and even negative effects. Similarly, in order to avoid the waste of education caused by labor education staying at the experience level, the labor education curriculum needs to pay attention to the cohesion of labor content and skills, which is reflected in the cohesion of curriculum content and the cohesion of education system. In terms of course content, it is necessary to set up labor courses that echo and connect properly according to the needs and characteristics of students of different classes and grades. In the education system, it is necessary to consolidate the skills and concepts of labor education through the cooperation between family and society. Schools can encourage students to find service jobs at home, take the initiative to participate in housework, and learn some labor skills. In addition, the content of labor curriculum also needs to take into account three basic labor education contents, namely, self-service labor, productive labor and social welfare labor.

  Secondly, change the concept of labor education of parents and educators, so that parents and educators can establish labor education awareness. The promotion of the cooperative mechanism between labor educators and schools puts forward higher requirements for teachers and parents’ awareness of labor education. For example, some schools will arrange "homework". If teachers and parents can’t pay attention to it, the effect will be greatly reduced. In order to avoid staying in the curriculum, labor education needs to enhance the awareness of teachers and parents. On the one hand, it is necessary to interpret the connotation, function and significance of labor education in combination with the development of the new era. On the other hand, it is necessary to change the concept of labor education through necessary education and training, so that they can voluntarily carry out and cooperate with the development of labor education activities.

  Finally, actively develop creative forms of labor and promote the combination of physical strength and brain power. Creative labor enables students to use the power of wisdom in physical labor, realize the unity of "internal thinking" and "external doing", and thus experience the happiness of labor. Wang Shaoliang, a scholar, believes that the labor values of contemporary teenagers have changed from "labor glory" to "labor happiness", that is, from "a kind of praise obtained from the outside through labor achievements" to "confirmation and affirmation of an essential force from their own labor achievements". Therefore, the development of school labor activities can not stay in simple physical labor, but needs to develop challenging creative labor that can show students’ physical and mental potential. Suhomlinski’s "creative labor theory" also points out that the content of labor education should be enriched with enough knowledge, abundant wisdom and refined talents.

   (Author: Ning Bentao Feng Linlin, respectively, professor of the Department of Education, Department of Education, East China Normal University, researcher of the Institute of Basic Education Reform and Development; Master student, Department of Education, East China Normal University)

The latest report in the United States shows that the quality of Boeing 737Max aircraft is serious, and 33 of 89 audits failed.

(Observer Network News) According to the disclosure on March 11th, local time in The New York Times, USA, the FAA found that Boeing "has many problems in quality control" after six weeks of audit. Among all 89 audits, Boeing passed 56, 33 failed, accounting for more than 37%, and 97 possible irregularities were found.

The quality problem is serious, and the qualified rate of fuselage audit is less than 50%

According to the inspection report of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) cited by The New York Times, there are dozens of problems in the manufacturing process of Boeing 737Max aircraft manufacturers and their main suppliers.

After the Mense crash of Alaska Airlines Boeing 737MAX in January, the FAA began to investigate this type of aircraft. The survey results show that 56 of 89 audit subjects passed the audit, 33 failed the audit, and the failure rate exceeded 37%. During the audit, there were 97 suspected violations.

In the investigation of 737Max fuselage contractor Spirit AeroSystems, the report showed that seven audits were unqualified, which was unreasonable by more than 50%. It is mentioned in the report that the personnel of the air safety agency have witnessed the mechanic of Spirit company using the hotel room card to check the plane’s Mense. In addition, the FAA personnel also saw the mechanic of Spirit company smearing soap liquid on the door plug as a "lubricant" during fitting, and then cleaning Mense with a wet cheese cloth.

Boeing’s factory in Leighton, Washington (pictured from Reuters)

In an audit of Mense components by Spirit Company, the investigators found five problems, one of which was that "no evidence was provided to prove that the minor design changes of the aircraft had been approved by the FAA". Another audit that Spirit failed involved the installation of Boeing 737Max in Mense. In this audit, investigators expressed their concern about the Spirit technicians who performed this work because the company "failed to clearly understand the knowledge needed to implement this process".

Other audits that Spirit failed include those involving cargo doors and the installation of cockpit windows. In this regard, Spirit spokesman Joe Buccino said that the company is "reviewing all identified non-compliance behaviors to correct them".

In the audit of Boeing, the auditors found that many problems of Boeing were not following the "approved manufacturing processes, procedures or instructions", and other problems involved the quality control of Boeing aircraft.

The FAA also rated Boeing employees’ understanding of the quality control process. In the survey, they interviewed six company engineers and graded their answers, with an overall average score of only 58%.

According to the report, the FAA has deployed as many as 20 investigators in Boeing and about 6 investigators in Spirit.

It is worth noting that Spirit AeroSystems was spun off from Boeing Commercial Aircraft Company in 2005. Boeing said this month that it is in talks to acquire Spirit.

In March, there were four vicious accidents, and Boeing whistleblowers committed suicide.

Recently, Boeing’s security issues have once again attracted attention from all walks of life.

Following the fall of Boeing 737Max 9 Mense in January, several people on board were injured, the engine of Boeing 747-8 cargo plane caught fire over Miami, and the tire of Boeing 757 fell off. Since March, Boeing has had four consecutive vicious accidents. At the beginning of the month, there were three accidents including engine fire, tire falling off and skidding off the runway.

On the 11th local time, a Boeing 787-9 caused a "strong vibration" due to "technical problems" during the flight. At least 50 people were injured in the vibration, and then the plane landed at Auckland airport.

The New Zealand Traffic Accident Investigation Committee said on Tuesday that it was detaining the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder (black box) of the Boeing 787-9 plane that injured 50 people on the 11th. The black box will provide more information about the flight trajectory and communication between pilots.

On March 9, local time, the government of South Carolina confirmed that John Barnett, a 62-year-old former employee of Boeing, who publicly questioned the problems in Boeing’s production line, was found dead in the car.

In 2010, he began to work as a quality manager at the Boeing factory in North Charleston, and retired in 2017. In 2019, barnett reported that the overworked employees of his Boeing factory in South Carolina deliberately installed substandard parts on the aircraft on the production line. A few days before his death, the old employee who had worked for Boeing for 32 years was still busy with his lawsuit against Boeing. He was found dead because he failed to provide testimony on the 9th.

Lawyer barnett used "alleged" to describe his client’s statement of "shooting himself".

This article is an exclusive manuscript of Observer. It cannot be reproduced without authorization.

Adding elevators to existing residential buildings in Hangzhou has benefited more than 14,000 households. AR real-life software for adding elevators is gradually being applied.

To improve the livable level and living conditions, the installation of elevators in existing houses in Hangzhou has entered the fourth year as a livelihood project that conforms to the people’s yearning for a better life. Up to now, 347 new elevators have been installed in existing houses throughout the year, with a total of 1156 completed.
The amount of completion doubled compared with the same period last year.
This year, 347 elevators have been installed.
"Started, not far from the day of sitting on the elevator! I finally have hope! " Residents in the colorful community of Xixing Street in Binjiang District are all excited to see one machine entering the site for construction. Although they were temporarily shut down due to the epidemic, the two-level housing, insurance and housing management departments in the urban area did not stop serving the residents, and began to make full preparations for the resumption of work early, striving to minimize the delay caused by the epidemic to the installation of elevators.
(Colorful Community Construction Site)
Since the comprehensive resumption of work, the installation of elevators in the city has sounded the horn of "acceleration". Thirteen districts, counties (cities) and Qiantang New District have gone hand in hand, strengthened guidance and coordination for local towns and communities, and made every effort to promote the process of adding stairs, such as holding a street ladder promotion meeting in Shangcheng District and Binjiang District; Gongshu district actively coordinates the pipeline department and pre-arranges the relocation and renovation of pipelines; Lin ‘an District took the lead in launching the joint trial of adding stairs … As always, it actively promoted the implementation of this livelihood project and achieved practical results. Among them, 10 districts, counties (cities) have included the work of adding stairs in the key promotion of people’s livelihood at the district level this year, so that more households can enjoy the convenience brought by installing elevators.
Up to now, the city has added 327 joint audit projects and completed 347; Over the years, 1,424 projects were started and 1,156 projects were completed, benefiting more than 14,000 households and nearly 35,000 residents.
At the same time, the Bureau is making every effort to promote the formulation of the first domestic government regulation on installing elevators-"Administrative Measures for Installing Elevators in Existing Houses in Hangzhou", striving for breakthroughs in key issues such as public opinion unification, joint review and follow-up management, which has been submitted to the Municipal Bureau of Justice for review.
"Project" and "policy" are pushing forward, and Hangzhou is making efforts to speed up the installation of elevators from "bonsai" to "scenery"
Adding ladder loan and endowment insurance
Hangzhou ladder service is innovative.
Recently, the owners who live in Xinghai Yunting, Chongxian Street, Yuhang District are very happy, because the "ladder loan" they applied for has been successfully handled, which is another step away from the realization of the "ladder dream".
This is another innovative service to promote the addition of elevators in Hangzhou. "Financing difficulty" has always been a difficult problem in the process of installing elevators in existing houses. In view of the economic ability of the disadvantaged groups in old residential areas, Yuhang District and China Bank took the lead in launching a low-interest "ladder-adding loan"-the owner can apply for a maximum credit of 150,000 yuan with ID card, household registration book, real estate license, elevator installation contract or agreement, income situation and personal credit situation, which not only meets the residents’ demand for ladder-adding, but also relieves the residents’ pressure of one-time payment. At present, many owners in Xinghai Yunting, Chongxian Street, Yuhang District and Shuixie Huadu Community, Tangqi Town have successfully applied for the "elevator loan", which also provides a blueprint for the subsequent installation of elevators in the city.
Not only that, the owners of Xinghai Yunting can also customize the most satisfactory elevator style for themselves through the first AR real-life application software in China. This "visible and tangible" ladder-adding AR real-life APPlication software was successfully piloted in Yuhang District a few days ago. The app has a variety of ladder-adding schemes and decoration configurations built in. The owner can generate the real-life effect of ladder-adding superimposed on the real residence in real time through positioning, and select the details such as the number of elevator stops, materials and colors according to the needs. Finally, it is adjusted in real time by AR real-life software in one step, which is more intuitive, simple and efficient than the previous plane drawing scheme mode.
(map of ladder service in Nanyuan Street, Yuhang District)
What’s more, Nanyuan Street in Yuhang District has also released the first map of elevator service. Through on-the-spot survey of each house in each community within its jurisdiction, the houses that meet, basically meet and do not have the conditions for adding stairs are marked with "green, blue and red". Residents can know whether their buildings meet the conditions for adding stairs by looking at the map, and they also emphasize the policies and procedures for adding stairs, which provides a detailed strategy for residents and promotes the work of adding stairs into the "fast lane".
The installation of elevators is being rolled out in an all-round way, and more and more residents enjoy the convenience of going up and down the stairs. After it is put into use, elevator maintenance and other issues have always been concerned. Focusing on the problem of "long-term follow-up management", we insist on exploring and cultivating diversified daily maintenance methods, and encourage all districts to try first according to the principle of "the owner is the main body and the market operates", and explore various ways such as owner self-management, property custody, third-party custody and elevator insurance.
This year, Daguan Street in Gongshu District tried first and made bold innovations. With micro-governance of the community as the platform and "democracy promoting people’s livelihood" as the goal, through the forms of "building a platform+participating in insurance", "convention management+participating in insurance" and "owner autonomy+participating in insurance", the streets, communities and residents made concerted efforts to promote the installation of elevator projects to actively participate in insurance. It also took the lead in realizing the first comprehensive insurance model of "15+2" elevator "for the aged" in the 1-unit elevator project of Building 8 in Xisiyuan, which provided a new model and a new path for the follow-up maintenance of elevator projects in the whole city, the whole province and even the whole country.
(At the signing ceremony of comprehensive insurance for the "15+2" elevator in Gongshu District) In this year’s 2019 reform and innovation best practice case selection activity in Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou’s unique ladder-adding model of "owner-oriented, community-led, government-guided, and support from all parties" won the "excellent practice case". This also encourages the urban two-level housing, insurance and housing management departments to step up the ladder, and will continue to vigorously promote and improve the top-level design, create quality projects, improve the long-term mechanism, and constantly realize the people’s yearning for a better life.