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What are the "magic weapons" to deal with the super typhoon "Lichima" and "Noisy Sea"?

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 12 th: What are the "magic weapons" to deal with the super typhoon "Lichima" and "Nautical Sea"?

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Ye Haoming, Gao Jing, Wang Junlu and Qin Huajiang

  It has caused 5 deaths and 7 missing in Shandong, 39 deaths and 9 missing in Zhejiang, and 73 rivers have exceeded the police … … The super typhoon "Lichima" has caused great losses to many coastal provinces and cities. What is the origin of "Lichima"? Have local emergency plans played their due role? What other aspects should we pay attention to in the next step to deal with the "Lichima" invasion? Xinhua News Agency reporters visited the front line of fighting against typhoons and launched an investigation.

  "Lichima", "Naughty Sea" and "Soft Meng" fruits are named super typhoon.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, "Lichima" is a tropical fruit with a "soft and cute" image and a close taste. I don’t want to become the name of the third strong typhoon that landed in East China in 70 years. According to experts, "Lichima" has become the fiercest typhoon this year because of its violent storms.

  — — Gale. The previous typhoons "Muen" and "Weipa" were tropical storms when they landed, and the winds were 8 and 9 respectively, which was far lower than the maximum wind intensity of 16 when "Lichima" landed. On the morning of the 11th, there were 8-10 gusts in northeastern Jiangsu, northeastern Anhui, northern Shandong and southern Bohai, and the local gusts in Qingdao and Tai ‘an in Shandong could still reach 12.

  — — Rainstorm. The huge rainfall brought by "Lichima" also threatens the safety of relevant places. As of the 10th, the rainfall in Taizhou, Zhejiang, northern Wenzhou, southern Ningbo and southwestern Huzhou reached 350-580mm, 829mm in Kuocangshan, Taizhou and 706mm in Sanmen. At the same time, heavy rain or heavy rain occurred in Shanghai, Jiangsu, central and eastern Shandong, eastern Anhui and other places, and heavy rain occurred in Weifang and Linyi, Shandong, with rainfall of 250 to 407 mm. As of the 11th, 73 rivers in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Anhui, Shandong and other places have experienced over-alert floods since August 9th.

  Why did "Lichima" bring such huge rainfall? "A typhoon is like a huge ‘ Water vapor absorber ’ Absorb water vapor from the ocean and bring heavy precipitation to the land. " Senior engineer of Typhoon and Marine Meteorological Forecast Center of China Meteorological Bureau explained to Chun Yi that the monsoon input of "Lichima" is very strong, that is to say, there is a cross-equatorial airflow to transport warm and humid air rich in water vapor in the equatorial region into the typhoon, which greatly increases its "water" power.

  Since the 8th, "Lichima" has caused many disasters, including landslides, mudslides and urban waterlogging. According to authoritative statistics, as of 7: 00 on the 12th, Typhoon Lichima had affected 6.679 million people, affected 234,000 hectares of crops and damaged 41,000 houses.

  Start emergency plans in many places according to law to reduce the degree of disaster.

  On the evening of the 8th, Weibo, the official of Qingdao Professional Meteorological Observatory, reported that a report reprinted by Qingdao Municipal People’s Government Press Office issued a typhoon warning in violation of regulations. "Qingdao Meteorology" emphasizes that "if a typhoon warning is issued, the city will start emergency plans, including flood control and resettlement, which is a very serious matter". This little tidbit once again highlights the importance of starting and implementing the "emergency plan" according to law when dealing with serious natural disasters.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, the China Meteorological Bureau has launched a Class II emergency response to major meteorological disasters (typhoons), issued a typhoon red warning, and carried out targeted monitoring, forecasting and early warning services;

  As the first province to contact typhoon, Zhejiang reserves all kinds of emergency relief materials, and the meteorological department launched the Class I emergency response against typhoon at the first time.

  According to the requirements of the emergency plan, Hangzhou has investigated 6,902 farmhouses, evacuated more than 2,000 people and closed 38 A-level scenic spots; According to the movement path, development and influence of the typhoon, Ningbo will continue to do a good job in the transfer and resettlement of people in dangerous areas and the safety management of transferred people and ships in Hong Kong according to the emergency plan.

  In Jiangsu and Shuyang County, from 20: 00 on August 11th, the flood control level I emergency response was launched, and 32 towns and villages with 255,000 people’s efforts arrived at the designated position of Xinyi River embankment to patrol the embankment to ensure related safety.

  In Shandong, Qingdao fangzhi upgraded the typhoon prevention level II emergency response to level I emergency response at 13: 00 on the 11th. The Water Affairs Bureau keeps a close eye on the largest river course in the city — — Flood control safety of Dagu River. The Culture and Tourism Bureau requires all scenic spots in the city to be closed and stop visiting activities. The Bureau of Commerce requires relevant units to strengthen the organization of the supply of "vegetable basket" commodities such as meat and vegetables to ensure that the market supply is not out of stock and does not stop.

  Xie Yuwen, dean of Zhongguancun Zhilian Disaster Perception Science Research Institute, said that timely launching and fully implementing the emergency plan can effectively help all localities control the disaster in the face of major disasters. Shouguang, Shandong Province, was affected by the typhoon, although the rainfall hit a historical record, but the disaster level was significantly lower than last year.

  "Wind blowing to the north" plus general disaster risk Northeast China or long-term large-scale precipitation

  The reporter learned from the Emergency Management Department of Shandong Province on the 12th that according to preliminary statistics, there were 1,655,300 people affected by the disaster in Shandong Province, 5 people died and 7 people were missing. The affected area of crops is 175,400 hectares, and 609 houses have collapsed. Relevant disaster data are being further counted.

  Why "the wind blows north"? Xiang Chunyi told reporters that the subtropical high was relatively strong this year. Under its guidance, "Lichima" did not land in low-latitude Guangdong and other places, but moved to the northwest.

  Experts warned that the biggest problem of the current typhoon northward is to directly expose the northern region with less experience in fighting typhoons to the typhoon. Because the northern part of China has a weak ability to withstand heavy rain and generally lacks experience in typhoon prevention, it will greatly increase the risk of disaster, so it must not be taken lightly.

  The reporter learned that at present, the expert group of flood control and drought relief technology of Shandong Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters is all in place, and professional consultation and judgment have been carried out on the situation of reservoir exceeding flood limit, river flood discharge and mountain torrents prone to occur. Shandong Provincial Defense Index has sent eight working groups to 16 cities in the province to guide the typhoon defense work on the spot, and urged all localities to carry out detailed safety hazard investigation and grasp the key links of defense.

  Xiang Chunyi also reminded that the weakening of typhoon landing does not mean that rainfall is reduced. The influence of "Lichima" on the northeast of North China will be long-term and wide-ranging, and the influence of continuous precipitation accumulation will be great.

  Experts said that from the afternoon of the 11th to the next 72 hours, there will be large-scale precipitation in the northeast of North China. After 72 hours, there may be some precipitation influence in the east of Northeast China.

Put away your competitive heart when running.

Unless you are interested in becoming a professional runner, for most amateur runners, running is not a competition in the arena. You have to figure out what you are running for.

I think some runners blindly follow the trend when they see other people’s achievements, so they can’t resist a competitive heart. All I can think about is the amount of running and pace. In the end, even if I ran out of good grades, I also ran out of injuries. What’s the point?

For amateur runners, the word "stability" is the most important, and jogging is the truth. Be a little timid, it doesn’t matter! Run slowly, run less, and leave if you can’t run. It’s really nothing. It is even more important to achieve the "three noes": no running when you are sick, no running after drinking, and no running after staying up late.What do you think? Let’s talk in the comments section.

Can swimming really cure children’s asthma?

  Can swimming really cure children’s asthma?

  Expert interpretation: This disease is difficult to cure and can only effectively avoid inducing factors.

  Recently, some media reported that Sun Yue, a singer who left the stage for eight years, revealed in a recent program that she was actually treating asthma with her children after disappearing from public view for so long, and all the methods were exhausted, but the results were not satisfactory. Finally, the doctor suggested giving it a try by swimming, from swimming with her children three times a week to swimming with her every day, and finally cured her asthma. In this regard, the reporter interviewed Yao, the father of a Chinese medicine doctor, deputy director of the Department of Pulmonary Diseases of the Second Hospital of Jiangsu Province, and learned that asthma is a stubborn disease, and the possibility of complete cure is slim. Swimming, as a kind of exercise to help exercise cardiopulmonary function, can effectively control the onset of the disease, but once the vigilance is relaxed and the long-term care of prognosis is neglected, asthma may still "make a comeback".

  "Asthma, as a chronic disease, mostly occurs in young children, and there is the possibility of continuing the whole life cycle of patients. If early detection and early intervention treatment can be carried out in childhood, the disease can be well controlled and the possibility of children’s asthma evolving into adult asthma can be reduced." Yao, the main father, said that children’s immunity and other aspects are still not well developed during their growth, but with the increase of age, their resistance is enhanced, their lung function is constantly developing, and the chances of respiratory virus infection are greatly reduced, so many children with asthma will obviously reduce their symptoms after puberty, or even stop having attacks, provided that some inducing factors, such as allergens, respiratory infections, tobacco smoke, strenuous exercise or mood swings, are effectively avoided.

  Many people think that it is best for asthma patients not to exercise or reduce exercise to avoid aggravating the possibility of asthma attacks. In fact, this idea is very one-sided. According to Sun Yue’s words on the program, swimming is one of the effective ways to treat her son’s asthma. Patients can recover the development of lung function and strengthen their physique through exercise. Studies have found that the benefits of regular exercise for asthma patients far outweigh the risks.

  In addition to swimming, moderate jogging, ball games and other aerobic exercises in which all large muscle groups participate are good choices. "Patients can carry out moderate-intensity exercise under the premise that professional doctors provide scientific and regular exercise guidance, and gradually increase the duration of exercise. Patients who are in the acute attack period are not advised to exercise. They need to follow the treatment specifications and take a full rest. At least two weeks after the asthma symptoms are controlled, they should exercise according to the actual situation. " Father Yao said.

  "For asthma patients who have well controlled their illness, it does not mean that they have entered the’ safe box’. With the change of age and the decline of immune function, exposure to some allergens or respiratory infections will induce the recurrence of asthma." My father Yao reminded that asthma patients need to maintain good living habits for a long time, such as avoiding the inhalation of harmful gases such as lampblack, cigarettes and second-hand smoke, so as to avoid long-term and chronic irritation to the airway. Patients with allergic asthma with definite allergens should pay attention to isolating animal hair and pollen. In addition, obesity is also a risk factor for the recurrence of asthma, because excessive weight will limit the expansion of the chest and lead to dyspnea. Obesity is also related to the inflammatory reaction of the body, which will affect the control effect of asthma to some extent.

  Yangzi Evening News/Zi Niu News reporter Xu Qianqian

Ding Junhui will avenge Stephen Chow’s supporting role as the snooker UEFA Cup starts soon.

Still from Descendants of the Dragon, but Jimmy White ranks sixth in the world.

  Sohu Sports News The new season snooker Super League (the domestic media used to call it the "Snooker League Cup") will start on September 6, local time in the UK. Ding Junhui, a billiards player from China, will face Jimmy White, the runner-up of the 6th World Championships, in the first stage group match in the early morning of September 7th, Beijing time. The British Sky Sports Channel will broadcast live, and Sohu Sports will report the game at the first time.

  Snooker Super League is a non-professional ranking match. Its organizer is not the official organization of the Snooker League, but two senior players, Jimmy? White and Steve? Davis’s agency-—Matchroom Spor, but its high bonus and high level are obvious to all. Seven players with strong strength and influence can be invited to participate in this competition.

  This year’s seven contestants are Stephen Haendly, Steve Davis, Jimmy White, Ronnie O ‘Sullivan, John Higgins, last season’s MVP Neil Robertson and China’s Ding Junhui.

  The Super Snooker League adopts a single-round group match system in which seven players play first, that is, each player has to fight with other players once again, playing 6 games, winning a game and scoring 2 points, drawing 1 point and losing 0 point. At the end of the round robin, the top four players will play in the semi-finals, and the winner will play in the final. The Premier League has been held for 21 times so far, with Stephen Haendly and Rocket O ‘Sullivan winning the championship the most times, both six times.

  Last season, Xiaoding reached the semi-finals of the UEFA Cup, but because of the conflict with the Asian Games, he resolutely gave up the 12,500-pound semi-final prize and the 50,000-pound championship prize that he was likely to win. Rockets O ‘Sullivan swept Jimmy White 7-0 in the final, who happened to be Xiaohui’s first-round opponent this season.

  Jimmy White is the favorite of British and Taiwanese fans, because he has always pursued perfect playing style and has the nickname of "People’s Champion". In the mid-1980s, Jimmy White was the most threatening opponent of Steve Davis, who won the runner-up in the World Championships six times and was awarded the title of "uncrowned king". An important reason why Jimmy White is known to China fans is that he played a supporting role in the comedy "Descendants of the Dragon" of China, Hongkong and Stephen Chow.

  In recent years, with the growth of age, Jimmy White’s state has obviously declined. In the first round of the 2006 World Championships, Jimmy White lost to his training partner David 5-10. Gray, the world professional ranking fell out of the top 32 for the first time in 25 years. In the 2007 World Championships, Jimmy White stopped qualifying and didn’t even make it to the Shanghai Masters, the first stop of the season. He is a veritable "out of date" star.

  Ding Junhui and Jimmy White had played four times before, and Xiaohui had 3 wins and 1 loss, which was the absolute advantage. The specific engagement records are as follows:

  Ding Junhui, 2004 British Open, 5:1 Jimmy White;

  Ding Junhui 4:2 Jimmy White in Super Snooker League in 2005;

  2005 All England Championship Ding Junhui 9:2 Jimmy White;

  Ding Junhui 1:5 Jimmy White in the Super Snooker League in 2006;

  Although Xiaohui has an absolute advantage in the battle record match, you must not be careless in the first battle. Last season, Ding Junhui won the North Aier Cup in the first stop, and played against White in a good state and record, while White had a poor state and record before. As a result, Xiaohui unexpectedly lost 1-5. This game is also a revenge game for Xiaohui.

  In addition, the snooker Super League is of great significance to White, and it is his signature event. It will definitely put all its efforts and attach great importance to it. Only six games belong to the short-term competition system, and the chance of surprise is very great. Xiaohui’s state in the Shanghai Masters just attended is not good, and it needs to be adjusted. However, considering all the circumstances, Xiaohui has a good chance of winning. Specifically, Xiaohui’s chance of winning is 60%, while White’s is 40%. In the odds offered by bwin, a famous European gambling company, Xiaohui is obviously optimistic, and the odds gap with White is as much as 20 times.

Editor: Lu Fangfei

Swimming an hour to eliminate 1000 calories? Why are you getting fatter and fatter?

  Many people say that swimming is one of the best exercises to lose weight. Swimming for one hour can eliminate 1000 calories, which is almost the sum of the calories a person needs in a day.

  Does this mean that as long as you swim for an hour, the calories you eat in a day will disappear? Can it really consume that much? Then why do some people get fatter after swimming?

  How many calories can swimming consume?

  In fact, swimming consumes 1000 calories per hour, which is not accurate and comprehensive. The amount of heat consumed per hour varies greatly with different intensities of swimming.

  According to the data of "Nutrition and Dietary Guidelines for China Residents (2016)", a 66 kg male, with an average freestyle/backstroke of 30 minutes, consumes 264 kilocalories; Breaststroke for 30 minutes consumes 330 kilocalories; Butterfly swimming consumes the most calories, which is 363 kilocalories.

  In contrast, a 56 kg woman spends an average of 30 minutes in freestyle/backstroke, consuming 224.1 kilocalories; Breaststroke for 30 minutes consumes 279.9 kilocalories; The maximum calorie consumption of butterfly stroke is 308.1 kilocalories.

  Although you don’t exercise for an hour and consume 1000 calories, it is undeniable that swimming does burn fat. In contrast, a 66 kg man jogs for 30 minutes on average and consumes 231 kilocalories. A 56 kg woman jogs for 30 minutes on average, and consumes 195.9 kilocalories. In addition, another advantage of swimming is that there is no damage to the knees.

  Why did you get fat after swimming?

  But why do some people get fatter and fatter after swimming? First of all, it has much to do with how much you eat. Dr. Wu Xi, an associate professor in the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, pointed out that losing weight actually creates a calorie gap and consumes a lot of calories, but it is impossible to lose weight by taking more. People usually feel hungry after swimming and want to eat food with high fat content. Some people feel that they consume so many calories, and when they get home, they can eat some high-calorie foods with peace of mind, not only will they not lose weight, but they will also get fatter and fatter. Sometimes, after swimming for an hour, a bottle of coke will offset it.

  You should still eat some foods with high fiber and low calorie before and after swimming, including bananas and tomatoes. It is not good to eat when you are hungry, which is easy to cause overeating.

  Dr. Wu Xi pointed out that exercise to lose weight should be a long-term and persistent lifestyle, and weight loss should also be a gentle process. As long as you persist in sports with enough intensity for more than half an hour every day and keep your heart rate at 120-150 times per minute, you will eventually see results.

  Of course, there is another possibility. If you find that you gain weight after an exercise, it may be caused by drinking more water after exercise. If you gain weight after a period of exercise, it may be that the proportion of muscle has increased and the proportion of fat has decreased. Because of the high density of muscles, muscles with the same volume are much heavier than fat, so despite the weight recovery, the weight loss effect has actually been achieved, and the body will look more compact.

  "Of course, in addition to aerobic training, resistance exercise is also very important for improving basic metabolism and body shaping; Muscle training first, then aerobic exercise such as swimming and running can also prevent joint injury. Every week, 1-2 times, 30-45 minutes of resistance exercise, or HIIT exercise program (high-intensity interval training), which can effectively maintain and increase muscles. " Dr. Wu Wei said.

  We should pay attention to these problems when swimming safely.

  Summer is the season of rapid growth of various pathogenic microorganisms and high incidence of various ocular surface diseases, and the average infection rate is twice as high as that in winter, especially in public swimming pools. If the disinfection measures are not strict, it will easily lead to the spread of pinkeye (infectious conjunctivitis). So how to prevent it? Can I swim during my period? The reporter interviewed relevant experts.

  Dr. Hong Jiaxu, an attending ophthalmologist at the Eye, Otolaryngology Hospital affiliated to Fudan University and a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School, suggested that you should choose a regular swimming place to ensure the water quality and wear goggles before entering the water. Regular swimming pools will sterilize the water source, but once one or two patients with pink eye enter the swimming pool, they may still infect other people.

  Pink eye disease is mainly transmitted through contact, such as towels, face plates, eye drops, coins, keyboards, door handles, faucets and so on. After touching things with germs, rubbing your eyes with dirty hands is more likely to infect bacteria. Therefore, the management of swimming pools should also strengthen supervision, prevent patients with pink eye from swimming, and strengthen the sterilization of water sources. In addition, patients with pink eye should also be conscious, swimming may aggravate their condition, so they should not go swimming in public swimming pools again. In addition, everyone should also pay attention to personal hygiene, wash their hands frequently, and don’t cross-use daily necessities such as towels.

  Huang Weihong, deputy director of obstetrics and gynecology department of Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital, pointed out that some women think that they can get into the water safely by using tampons or moon cups during menstruation, but this method is not desirable. Women’s vagina is connected with the outside world, which provides the possibility for bacterial infection. Moreover, the cervix of the uterus is relatively dilated during menstruation, and the blood flowing out of the uterus during menstruation itself is a good culture medium for the reproduction of germs. After the tampon is soaked in water, germs can easily enter the body, causing reproductive system infection.

  "Of course, if you enjoy the environment very much when traveling, and women are at the end of their menstrual period, if you really want to go into the water, it is not bad to use tampons or menstrual cups, but swimming during menstruation for a long time will increase the chance of infection, which is definitely not recommended."

  Dr. Huang Weihong said, "Female swimming during menstruation is prone to reproductive system infection or menstrual disorder, and it will not be cured for a long time."

  Dr. Huang Weihong warned that if you swim in unsanitary water, dirty water can enter the vagina, and germs can take the opportunity to cause various diseases. Although the water in the swimming pool is disinfected circularly, it is impossible to be sterile, and there is no guarantee if it is not disinfected thoroughly in some places. There are many swimmers with tinea corporis, tinea pedis, trachoma, fungal vaginitis or trichomonal vaginitis, and even patients with gonorrhea and condyloma acuminatum. They bring pathogens into the pool water and easily infect healthy swimmers.

Blacklist, duty on the road, exam! There is always a takeaway brother who is "suitable" for traffic violations.

CCTV News:Shanghai Pudong police recently notified several major traffic accidents involving take-away riders and punished the enterprises involved.

As can be seen from the monitoring screen, in October last year, two take-away riders drove electric cars in tandem on the non-motor vehicle lane in order to save time. As a result, the rear rider mishandled and ran into the front car, causing the rear rider to fall to the ground and be injured. He died after being rescued by the hospital. On January 2 this year, when a man was driving a two-wheeled scooter, he collided with a takeaway rider who was driving in the opposite direction. The man fell and was injured and died after being treated by the hospital.

Takeaway riders are ordered to rectify traffic violations.

According to the statistics of the traffic police department on the types of traffic violations committed by take-away riders in January 2019, the number of times of "driving electric bicycles in reverse" was 1777, ranking first in traffic violations. For the case that the main responsibility of traffic safety management of take-away enterprises is not implemented in place, the traffic police department also imposed fines on several take-away enterprises and full-time traffic safety management personnel of enterprises and ordered them to make rectification.

A takeaway rider was blacklisted for repeatedly breaking the law.

In the list of take-away riders with frequent traffic violations by take-away enterprises in Pudong New Area in January 2019, a take-away rider broke the law 13 times in one month, with a score as high as 40 points, and was finally blacklisted by take-away enterprises, becoming the first case in Pudong New Area to be blacklisted by take-away enterprises due to traffic violations.

Li Chun, head of Shanghai regional security of a takeaway enterprise:Deduct 36 points in a quarter, which shows that you are a rider who often violates the law. Our company considers others for its own sake, so we pull the black with the industry.

Score management for riders’ traffic violations.

Since the end of 2017, the traffic police department in Pudong, Shanghai has worked out the "Traffic Civilization Scoring Method" in consultation with the express delivery and take-away enterprises within its jurisdiction, and managed the rider’s traffic violations through the "Take-away Traffic Civilization" APP with personal information.

Lu Wei, Captain of Che Xuan Brigade of Traffic Police Detachment of Pudong Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau:For other riders with scores over 24 to 36, we ask them to be on duty for an hour on the road to carry out voluntary activities of traffic civilization. There are also some riders who break the law more, and we ask them to pass online tests to improve their awareness of law-abiding.

Dead trees in winter

Flourishing green leaves wither in winter, leaving only bare trunks, highlighting the impermanence of life and the power of nature.
Yidianhao Gehuashan
News clue reporting channel: download the "Qilu Yidian" APP in the application market, or search for the WeChat applet "Qilu Yidian", and 800 reporters in the province will wait for you to report online!

Once the benchmark of the hatchback, Volkswagen Golf 8 is no longer brave.

As the saying goes, "A golf course is half a popular history. It shows the significance of golf to Volkswagen Group. Since the launch of the model for 47 years, the cumulative sales volume is close to 40 million, ranking third in the world, which can be regarded as a satisfactory report card. Because of its pivotal position, the domestic market pays great attention to the listing of the eighth generation golf. After all, as a hatchback niche model, its performance in recent years is also relatively low. As the benchmark of this market segment, can golf inject new vitality into hatchback cars through the iteration of models?

However, since the launch of Golf 8 in November last year, its sales performance has fallen far short of expectations. Feeling disappointed at the same time means that consumers are not too cold about this newly replaced golf. As a global model that has been selling well for many years, is Golf 8 unacceptable?

It is precisely because domestic consumers love SUV models, and often independent brands lock the first launched models as SUVs, including the now famous new car-making forces Weilai, Tucki, Ideality and Weimar, etc., all of which send an SUV model first. Introducing an SUV with stronger passability than a car makes it easier for car companies to open the market smoothly.

For the car category that emphasizes driving maneuverability and comfort, consumers will prefer the traditional sedan shape, which is more practical without it. Especially in our country, even luxury brands are introduced into China, and they may not have the courage to go public without lengthening and broadening. It can be clearly seen from the sales list of last year’s models that the top ten are all sedan cars or SUVs.

The hatchback structure of golf is really embarrassing. It is an indisputable fact that hatchbacks have fallen out of favor in the mass market, leaving only so-called feelings, but it is difficult to resonate with consumers. For example, Mazda Angkor Sela and Buick Weilang have cancelled the supply of hatchback versions due to poor sales; Many hatchback models, such as Honda Fit, Toyota Zhixuan, Ford Focus, etc., have also begun to increase the cross-border style version in order to stabilize the pattern, but it is still difficult to have the explosion of hatchbacks like Nissan Tiida and Volkswagen Polo.

You know, in the most brilliant golf 7 period, its domestic monthly sales once reached 26,000, and the average monthly sales exceeded 10,000, so there was no pressure, and there were even cases where it was necessary to raise the price. However, times have changed. In the past few months, the highest performance of Golf 8 was only about 7,500 vehicles in the first full month after listing, and then it fell to more than 5,000 vehicles in January of the new year, which was more negative than the previous generation products at the end, and quite different from the heyday.

Before the peak was revealed, fatigue began to appear. We can attribute the poor sales to the fact that the new car has just been listed, the terminal discount has not yet started to be released, and consumers are generally on the sidelines. However, it also reflects the problem of insufficient cost performance of Golf 8 from another side. Although the starting price of the new car of 129,800 is slightly lower than that of the previous generation, it can be seen that the main model is 1.4T power, but its starting price has risen to 148,800.

Like the popular hatchback models Fit or Tiida, their price ranges are mostly in the early 100,000 s.. If it rises to around 130,000, I am afraid that I will be asked: Isn’t Xuanyi Corolla fragrant? Golf is a little higher than Fit and Reach. Of course, golf is really above them, but according to consumers’ usage habits, they have no difference in level, and the rear seat space is not even as good as Fit, which is good at "stealing space".

The price of 148,800 yuan can be considered as a sedan Civic or Angkor Sela that also meets the needs of young people in personality, and the starting price of the high-end 1.5T and 2.0L automatic versions is only 139,900 yuan, and the proportion of the car body is even more explosive. What’s more, the current automobile market is not as single as it was five years ago, and niche golf can also be favored. The rise of independent brands will undoubtedly have a greater impact on the car-making of joint-venture brand cars, such as the high-quality showstopper character of Linke 03 and the subversive rhetoric of Geely Xingrui’s 2.0T system. What they want to chew is the cake in the 150,000 range of joint-venture brand cars.

In an era when even luxury brands have to rely on terminals to make profits, perhaps the date of golf 8 discount impulse is getting closer and closer.

According to the configuration of the overseas version, it was thought that the Golf 8 listed in China was a sincere replacement. The interior of the digital cockpit was optimized and upgraded, and with the brand-new 1.5T power, consumers naturally had a lot of expectations for the new car. Unfortunately, after the domestic launch of Golf 8, we were surprised to find that the new car still used the 1.2T and 1.4T engines of the previous generation. The unsynchronization with the overseas version inevitably made domestic consumers feel unbalanced.

Although the difference between 1.5T and 1.4T is only 0.1L, and there is no obvious difference in power parameters, the gap between the two engines is a whole generation of research and development time-consuming. As early as 2016, Volkswagen Group released a new generation of EA211 1.5T Evo engine, which was widely used in overseas models. After four years of precipitation, it still doesn’t appear on the new generation of domestic golf 8. Don’t the public know the importance of the China market?

The existing EA211 1.4T engine has been in service in the market for many years, which has made great contributions to golf. However, compared with the slightly backward stability, consumers prefer to choose the most advanced products. The new Volkswagen EA211 1.5T Evo engine is equipped with a variable cross-section vortex supercharger, which can also drive the turbine to rotate at low engine speed, thus improving the lag of the previous 1.4T turbine machine. At high engine speed, with the increasing waste pressure, the angle of the guide vane of the supercharger also expands, achieving an ideal supercharging effect.

In addition, thanks to the introduction and optimization of many new technologies, such as ACT active variable cylinder, VTG variable turbine geometry, high compression ratio Miller cycle, GPE gasoline particulate trap, brand-new intermediate cooling and intake system and more accurate temperature management, EA211 1.5T Evo engine can bring better fuel economy to new cars. It is reported that although the displacement has increased, the official fuel consumption per 100 kilometers has become lower.

It is estimated that the time of EA211 1.5T Evo engine on domestic golf version will be in 2023, and it will take a long time. From the perspective of domestic consumers, it is obviously difficult to understand that there is a better engine technology, but an old power that has no market competitiveness is adopted. It is no wonder that the new generation of golf is in a state of being willing but unable to do so.

It has already entered a niche market, and the price competition is unprecedented. In addition, due to the recall of the overseas version of the new golf due to software problems, the confidence of domestic consumers in the reliability of the new golf has been weakened, and the concept of "digital golf" has become a laughing stock. As a legendary model with a long history, it really shouldn’t. It can only be said that it is really not the best time to start golf 8.

Figure | from the network

ATFX continues to help the charity cause of the Aijue Cup and pass on the brand power.

Source: Financial Information

  ATFX dynamics: On September 27th, 2022, local time, the Duke of Edinburgh Golf Cup (British Finals), led by the British royal family, officially started. Its main goal is to raise funds through national amateur golf tournament plans around the world to benefit young people and children in need around the world. This tournament is open to golf lovers all over the world, and it is divided into two stages: the preliminaries and the finals. This ATFX will appear in the 2022 British Finals, as well as the 2023 British and Mexican preliminaries, and practice a company’s social responsibility with practical actions. As a caring broker of contracts for differences, ATFX has once again become a sponsor of the event and has met the event for five consecutive years.

  ▲ATFX for the picture

  Different from the usual events, this year’s events not only attracted the attention of many professional golfers, but also attracted many amateurs. As a sponsor of this tournament, ATFX also sent excellent players to participate in the competition, competing on the same stage with golf lovers and accomplished professional players all over the world. It is worth mentioning that in every game, different "dark horses" staged wonderful skill competitions, which also increased the interest of the event and the participation of players.

  Not only that, ATFX also prepared a variety of stadium supplies for the contestants. Taking the basic supplies of the competition as an example, it customized and prepared exclusive golf balls, golf club bags, handbags, hats and towels for the contestants. ATFX brand can be seen from the entrance of the stadium to the whole stadium, which not only reflects the organizers’ attention to ATFX, but also is another friendly witness after we met with the Aijue Cup for five years.

  ▲ATFX for the picture

  As a heavy sponsor of the event, Weems Chan, global marketing and brand director of ATFX, Matt Porter, operation director of professional customer service department of ATFX UK institutions, Marc Taylor, senior account manager of professional customer service department of ATFX UK institutions, and other members all appeared on the field to cheer for the next event. Among them, Marc Taylor and Matt Porter also participated in the Aijue Cup as players in this competition, and discussed their skills with golf enthusiasts on the field.

  ATFX has been holding hands with Aijue Cup for five years.

  Since 2018, ATFX has joined hands with Duke of Edinburgh Cup for five consecutive years to support this particularly "loving" activity with practical actions, which embodies the brand’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) concept of "value growth and giving back to society". As a highly active financial technology broker in the UK, ATFX has not only made great efforts in financial technology, but also actively participated in sports and charity. From 2018 to 2022, ATFX has helped young people all over the world with care and support. It is reported that it has sponsored more than 4,500,000 pounds in cash and helped 10,000 young people live a better life.

  ▲ATFX for the picture

  In the second quarter of 2022, according to the report published by Finance Magnates, the authoritative media in the industry, ATFX ranked sixth in the world with the leading MT4 transaction volume, and the brand development momentum continued in the new quarter, and its own drift team was established in September. All these actions indicate that the brand will enter a period of rapid development. In sports events, the brand still maintains a high degree of enthusiasm. As can be seen from the continuous cooperation with the Aijue Cup, ATFX is highly recognized by its concept of advocating positive and caring for vulnerable groups, and the cooperation between top events and top brands will also form a strong alliance, which will not only promote the process of the final of the British Aijue Cup, but also provide a good platform for ATFX to display.

  As an active promoter and practitioner of public welfare undertakings, ATFX has been involved in public welfare undertakings, from caring for the physical and mental health of children, teenagers to the elderly, to caring for students, helping environmental protection and ecological poverty alleviation to public health and safety. The brand’s charitable footprint has spread all over China, Britain, South Korea, Mexico and Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. In the face of social charity, ATFX often conveys the warmth of the enterprise with simple love, and supports charities everywhere with practical actions. An important reason why the Aijue Cup can continue to join hands with us is that we love and love to participate in charity. Similarly, ATFX also loves to cooperate with world-class charities and contribute to charity around the world.

  Everyone gathers firewood, and ATFX has been well aware of this point since the brand was founded, so that it has always paid attention to public welfare and practiced it in the process of enterprise development. In the future, ATFX will continue to pay attention to charity, cooperate with charitable foundations in many ways, continuously increase investment in charity, take more social enterprise responsibilities with practical actions, and light up the love lights in more people’s hearts with actions, so that the power of love will become stronger and stronger.


Shiyan issued a "reunion dinner" consumption reminder! Pay attention to these details.

The Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon is approaching, and the New Year of the League is just around the corner. In order to ensure the food safety of the general public and have a healthy, peaceful and safe festival, on January 19th, Shiyan Market Supervision Bureau reminded the catering service units and consumers to keep in mind the food safety.

Reminder to catering service units

Standardize the processing operation.Operate with a valid Food Business License. Buy ingredients from formal channels to ensure that the ingredients are fresh and traceable. Separate raw and cooked processed foods, and cook them thoroughly to prevent cross-contamination. Do a good job in disinfection and cleaning of tableware and disposal of kitchen waste. It is strictly forbidden to process, sell and sell foods that do not meet the food safety requirements, such as corruption, deterioration and expiration, and shall not be overloaded.

Strict management personnel.Employees should obtain health certificates before taking up their posts, strictly follow the daily morning check-up system, carry out pre-job health check-up and body temperature monitoring, and employees with fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, pharyngeal inflammation and skin wounds or infections should leave their posts immediately. Employees should pay attention to personal hygiene, wear clean work clothes and masks, enter the food operation area after strict cleaning and disinfection of their hands, and their hair should not be exposed during operation, and they should not leave long nails, paint nail polish or wear accessories.

Strict procurement inspection.Clear the person responsible for purchasing and acceptance, and truthfully record the product name, specification, quantity, production batch number, shelf life, supplier name and contact information, purchase date and other information. When purchasing fresh meat and meat products, you should carefully check whether the supplier’s license is complete, whether there is a meat inspection and quarantine certificate, and whether the outer packaging and labeling of prepackaged meat products meet the requirements.

Manage in good faith according to law.It is strictly forbidden to operate ingredients with unknown sources; It is forbidden to purchase, store and use nitrite; It is strictly forbidden to purchase and use the meat of livestock and animals and their products that have died of illness, poisoning or unknown cause of death; It is forbidden to purchase, store and use wild animals and their products; It is strictly forbidden to process and sell illegal fishing catches and aquatic products of unknown origin; It is strictly forbidden to raise and slaughter livestock and animals on the spot in catering service places; It is forbidden to purchase, process and supply toxic, harmful and spoiled food; Illegal addition of non-edible substances and abuse of food additives are strictly prohibited.

Strict distribution management.Collective dining distribution units, central kitchens and online ordering, etc., advocate "non-contact" distribution and promote the use of "food safety seal". Clean and disinfect the distribution sites, delivery boxes, delivery vehicles, food containers and their packaging, and tightly package and seal the catering food to ensure that the food distribution process is not polluted.

Strictly mark the price clearly.Clearly mark the service items, service contents, prices or valuation methods in a conspicuous way. Do not sell goods or provide services at a higher price than the marked price, and do not charge any unspecified fees; When carrying out promotional activities, the information of the activities shall be fully, truly, accurately, clearly and conspicuously marked, and false or misleading pricing methods shall not be used to mislead relevant operators and consumers and infringe on consumers’ rights and interests.

Reminder to consumers

Prefer qualified merchants to eat.When dining out or ordering food, you should choose a catering unit with legal and valid Food Business License, quantitative evaluation grades of A and B, and good sanitary conditions. Do not order take-away food of unknown origin. When ordering a large number of meals as a group meal, you should order from a unit with the qualification of group meal distribution.

Homemade dishes to prevent safety risks.Homemade dishes for family dinners and gatherings should ensure that perishable food raw materials and cooked food products can be stored under refrigerated conditions; The prepared meals should be eaten within 2 hours after completion, and should not be stored at room temperature for a long time; Don’t abuse food additives when making food.

Pay attention to safety and nutrition when choosing ingredients.Do not eat foods of unknown origin and foods that have deteriorated, have incomplete packaging labels or have exceeded the shelf life; Do not eat illegal food, eat little or no raw aquatic products, and be careful to eat high-risk foods such as cold meat and cold dishes, green beans and wild mushrooms; Try not to choose foods that are not often eaten or allergic, especially for people who are pregnant and weak; Eat more light and healthy foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits rich in cellulose and vitamins, do not overeat, mix meat and vegetables, and have a balanced diet.

Advocate frugal and civilized consumption fashion.During the Spring Festival dinner, we should establish a correct concept of consumption, order food according to needs, consume in a civilized and rational way, advocate the use of public chopsticks and spoons or separate meals, and eat in a civilized way, so as not to waste, compare with others and show off, and resolutely put an end to "waste on the tip of the tongue".

Rationally safeguard one’s own rights and interests according to law.Dining consumption should take the initiative to ask for bills and vouchers and keep them properly. If you feel unwell after eating food, you should immediately stop eating suspicious food, seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and keep suspicious food samples, consumption vouchers, medical records and other relevant evidence. In the event of a consumer dispute, you can negotiate with the merchant in time; If negotiation fails, consumers can log on to the national 12315 platform (website:http://www.12315.cn/), 12315 mobile APP, 12315 WeChat applet, 315 reconciliation platform applet or call 12315 and 12345 to make a complaint or report.
