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Life lies in exercise, but you need to master the "health ladder" of exercise! How to exercise is reasonable?

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise, which is true at all. Moderate exercise can improve cardiopulmonary function, promote systemic blood circulation and relieve nervous mood. However, there must be a degree in everything, and the same is true for sports. You need to choose the right sports according to your own situation, and you can’t blindly pursue quantity and duration. If the amount of exercise is insufficient, the body function will slowly deteriorate; Excessive exercise will cause persistent muscle pain, irritability and loss of appetite, and at the same time, it will also reduce immunity and increase the damage to bones and joints.

1. Exercise intensity

Exercise intensity, as its name implies, is the strength spent in exercise, which is determined by the type and purpose of exercise. There are different ways to measure the intensity of exercise, such as jogging or brisk walking. The intensity is measured by the target bull’s-eye rate and based on the maximum heart rate, which is equal to 220 minus age. The bull’s-eye rate of moderate and high-intensity aerobic exercise ranges from 60% to 80% of the maximum heart rate, and strength training needs to measure the exercise intensity by weight and repetition times.

2. Motion frequency

Exercise frequency refers to the interval time of exercise, and the optimal frequency is determined by the type and purpose of exercise. If the purpose of exercise is to lose weight, at least 300 minutes of moderate and high-intensity aerobic exercise a week can reduce weight and body fat; If the purpose of exercise is to maintain good health, you need to have 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week, and then match it with 2~3 days of strength training.

3. Exercise time

Exercise time refers to the duration of exercise, which is determined by the type of exercise, the purpose of fitness and the level of exercise. At the beginning, you can do aerobic exercise first, and the exercise time is about 15~20 minutes, and the exercise intensity is well controlled; If you want to enhance flexibility through exercise, make sure that each muscle group stretches for about 15 seconds and repeat it three times; If you want to enhance your cardiopulmonary endurance, the duration of high-intensity exercise should not be less than 20 minutes.

4. Type of exercise

There are many types of sports, such as aerobic training, flexibility and resistance training, etc. The specific types of sports are divided into cycling swimming, weightlifting and running, squat and so on. You need to choose the right type of exercise according to your own sports purpose.

1. Moderate intensity exercise

Moderate intensity exercise is equivalent to brisk walking for half an hour to an hour every day. Such activities include walking, shopping, housework and gardening. You can walk more in your daily life for at least half an hour every day.

2, high-intensity aerobic exercise

Common high-intensity aerobic exercises include climbing mountains, swimming and jogging, climbing stairs and aerobics, etc. Exercise at least 3~5 times a week for no less than 20 minutes each time to ensure that the exercise heart rate needs to reach the target heart rate.

3, high-intensity competitive sports and leisure sports

Such sports include basketball, football or tennis, as well as dancing, skating and skiing. Such sports can not only improve heart and lung function, but also cultivate sentiment. Obese or overweight people can choose swimming, which can reduce the joint load.

4, muscle fitness exercise

This kind of sports have their own weight-bearing resistance training, as well as resistance training by equipment, such as dumbbell weight-bearing and elastic belt exercises, which are done at least 2~3 times a week.

5. Flexible exercise

Flexibility exercise includes practicing yoga, dynamic stretching or static stretching, which can be arranged after aerobic exercise or resistance training for 15~30 seconds each time.


Adults should exercise at least 30-60 minutes every day, and at least 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week. Try to arrange the winter exercise time at noon or afternoon, and the morning exercise time should not be too early, at least after the sun comes out.

# Family Doctor Super Team # # Health Science Qualifying Competition #

The online manuscript of family doctor shall not be reproduced without authorization.


1. "Too low has no effect, and too much is easy to damage! Exercise has a "healthy ladder", Life Times, November 24, 2020.

2. Exercise has a "healthy ladder", Solitary Core Entertainment, November 23, 2020.

Football physical fitness: how do I maintain my physical fitness during the season?

Hello, everyone, today we share how I keep fit during the season. I hope you like it!

front cover

In 2020, Joshua kimmich scored the winner in the match with Dortmund. In that match, he ran 13.73 kilometers. This is the sport of football and kicking. In this sport, most of the running is not jogging, sprinting, walking, jogging and then sprinting. Because of this, the best way to improve physical fitness is to carry out high-intensity training.

We can achieve this goal by sprinting or intermittent training, but the least boring way to improve physical fitness is to use the ball for high-intensity training, which is also the focus of today. Today we will share the training methods to keep in shape during the season. Let’s officially start:

warm up

Before we start training, make sure that we have fully warmed up, do some dynamic stretching and sprinting, so that all our fast muscles will be activated, thus reducing the risk of muscle strain. Take 10 minutes to relax, and then start formal training.

Figure 1- Warm up

This is the only part that does not include the ball, and it is one of the very good agility and quick training.

We can find a friend, or install an application on our mobile phone, which can flash colors and numbers for us for 10 times as a group. I

Figure 2- Fast Move on Command

When our cell phones flash or our friends shout out a color, we sprint to the sign plate and then go back to the middle. About 30 seconds, depending on the length of the interval. In short, do five groups and rest for 30 seconds between each group.

Figure 3- Gap Time

The rest of the training is divided into three small cycles. The first cycle is what we see now. Before Ronaldinho’s dribbling training and shooting, he makes a 30-yard sprint dribble.

Figure 4- Fast Dribble

This training is great, because it can train our dribbling speed, dribble in a narrow space, and persist in dribbling when we are tired.

Figure 5- Exercise dribbling speed

It’s a hard training, but it’s important for us to keep high shooting quality. Imagine that we will be very tired in the 80th minute of the game, so even if we are tired, we should be able to shoot correctly.

Figure 6- Correct Shooting

In this cycle exercise, we can jog or walk back to the starting point as a break between repeated exercises.

If we only have one or two balls, run after them, make sure we are jogging, then jog back to the starting point, and then give yourself an extra 30 seconds to rest.

Figure 7- Jogging or Walking

In addition, because it takes a long time to start each action, you should do it for 15 minutes before continuing this circular action, and it should be very fast.

Before entering the second cycle, give yourself three to five minutes to rest. We should make sure that each cycle has intensity, and even if we are tired, we should work 100%.

Figure 8- Guaranteed Strength

In the second cycle, we make 10 passes to the wall, then zigzag dribble to practice turning and dribbling, then rush out and beat the last sign plate with one of our actions.

Figure 9- Passing the ball to the wall

Put the sign plate 8 to 10 yards away, make sure we don’t go straight through it, rush out of the sign plate for at least a few steps, then cut back the sign plate and walk back to the starting point.

Figure 10- Switch back the sign plate

Once again, this is our break time, and a sign plate is set for passing the ball on the wall to ensure that we keep good habits when passing the ball and that we will not be lazy.

This cycle improves our ability to pass, touch the ball with the first foot, dribble and cut inside with the ball, and the ability of all 1V1 to beat the defender.

All this will make our leg muscles stronger, and at the same time enhance our heart and lung function. Do it for 10 minutes, and then rest for three to five minutes before continuing.

Figure 11- Cardiopulmonary Enhancement

Figure 11- Cardiopulmonary Enhancement

The hardest part was left to the end. Many people hated doing this exercise, but it was the simplest exercise, and it was timed in 10 minutes.

Start by running back and forth, run to the small restricted area and then run to the penalty spot at the back, then run to the top of the restricted area and come back.

Figure 12- Simple exercise

After the round-trip run, start bouncing the ball as soon as possible, don’t rest for a few seconds before starting, and then bounce the ball 30 times before starting the next round-trip run.

Figure 13- Start the ball.

The key point here is that if we screw up and drop the ball, then we need to start the next round trip immediately, which puts pressure on the ball-passing part to ensure that we concentrate on the ball-passing and strive to maintain the quality.

If we don’t have this kind of pressure, then we will drop a few times, then pick up the ball on foot, and then continue to bounce the ball and give ourselves a long rest. After 10 minutes, we have finished the hardest part, but we are not completely finished.

Figure 14- No End

Although this is not the main part of training, it is very important to do 5 to 10 minutes of cold-body exercise, which will make our muscles less tense and help us recover from the next training.

Figure 15- Let the muscles loose.

Don’t skip this link, do some static stretching or the same dynamic movement as before, but with less intensity.

Figure 16- Don’t try to hide from the tiger

Figure 16- Don’t try to hide from the tiger

That’s all for today. Please continue to pay attention to the road of football for more exciting football teaching!

The games I played as a child and the words I wrote at the end

The games I played as a child and the words I wrote at the end

Hello, hello, friends. I have written several issues on the topic of childhood games. The rest of the little game wants to be made into an issue. After these issues, this topic will come to an end.

When I was a child, I lived in the countryside. Besides helping adults, I went out to have fun with my friends every day. Although there are not so many electronic products and game machines, we have a world of our own, sometimes in the yard, sometimes in the alley, sometimes in the streets and lanes, and sometimes in the wilderness or in the ravine canal. These places are always full of laughter. Let’s see what other childhood games are there. Let’s review them together.

The first is hide and seek.

Hide-and-seek is usually a game played by children, which is very interesting. Find a hidden place to hide and others will look for it. If he finds it, it will be his turn to find someone else. This game is suitable for some old houses or places with complex terrain, and it is full of adventure spirit. Sometimes, you will find some surprises that even adults can’t find at ordinary times.

Second marble

For a while, everyone will bring their beloved marbles, that is, glass balls, which are all green at first, and then some people will bring colorful ones, which is really arrogant! When you play, you will find a flat ground on the roadside or in the community, dig a few small holes and row the line. Whoever can bounce the ball in will win the opponent, and there are other ways to play, but in any case, we will try our best to win.

The third is bungee jumping.

Girls play bungee jumping games a lot. Need two or more people to play together. You need to tie the rubber band to your ankle, then jump over the rubber band flexibly and make various movements in the air. I have to sing, I believe everyone has heard of it.

The fourth is skipping rope.

Jumping rope is not the same as bungee jumping. At that time, skipping rope was generally hemp rope, which was very simple. Find a flat ground first, and then start skipping rope. There are competitions to see who jumps more times, and there are also many people jumping together. That kind of jumping is called jumping a strong rope, which needs to jump together and fall together. It is very lively.

The fifth is throwing sandbags.

Boys and girls can play the game of throwing sandbags. Draw a grid on the ground. The first player should quickly run into the grid and follow the drawn route. The outsiders throw sandbags at him, and the people inside either catch sandbags or avoid them, so as not to hit the body with sandbags as much as possible. Looking at their crooked and embarrassed appearance in order to hide from sandbags, everyone was so happy that they couldn’t keep back.

The sixth is kicking shuttlecock.

Shuttlecock kicking is never out of date, and there are still people playing it in the community now. At that time, most people played alone to see who played the most, and some people played in a big circle like now. I didn’t buy the shuttlecock, I made it all by myself. Sometimes, the shuttlecock kicked into the tree and couldn’t get it off, so I climbed up the tree and shook it down.

Besides, there are some games and toys. These lost childhood toys and games, though seemingly simple, are the most precious memories. In the process of playing these simple games,

However, it contains a lot of quaint ideas, full of rich imagination and small dreams, which makes the childhood life of material poverty rich and colorful. At the end of 2023, people always like to summarize and recall. Let’s throw away the past unhappiness and enter the new year of 2024. I wish everyone a childlike innocence forever, always young, and still a teenager when they return! (December 6, 2023)

Can you really play badminton? Standard badminton basic action diagram

There are many badminton lovers, and people can be seen playing badminton downstairs in the community, in the leisure square, in the school gymnasium, etc. Even if you have never taken badminton lessons, you can learn the basic movements and play a few rounds just by watching.

However, it is not a long-term solution to play like this occasionally. After all, the incorrect playing posture only makes it difficult for you to improve your level, while the incorrect way of exerting force is easy to hurt your body.

Today, Xiaobian will share with you a textbook-like diagram of basic movements of badminton. Hurry up and collect your fingers and learn slowly! ! !

Badminton backhand net front hook diagonal

Badminton backhand net front hook diagonal

Badminton backhand pick

Badminton backhand pick

Badminton backhand high ball

Badminton backhand high ball

Badminton backhand high ball

Badminton backhand lob

Badminton backhand lob

Badminton backhand lob

Badminton backhand backhand passive backhand.

Badminton backhand backhand passive backhand.

Weifang: Optimizing Medical Service Resources and Improving Primary Medical Service Ability

Weifang Radio and Television New Media News Primary health care is related to the health protection of the whole people, and primary medical institutions are the net to provide basic medical and health services to the masses. Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that to promote the construction of healthy China, we should give priority to the protection of people’s health, focus on rural areas and communities, and vigorously improve the basic medical level and health management and protection capabilities.

Zhao Tongxiang, deputy chairman of Weifang Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society: "In the investigation, Weifang Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society learned that the medical staff in primary medical institutions are highly mobile and the brain drain is serious; There are also individual primary health service institutions, lacking large-scale commonly used necessary inspection equipment, etc., and people tend to choose large hospitals for medical treatment. Focusing on solving these problems, we sorted out and submitted proposals. "

The proposal proposes to strengthen the construction of talent team in primary medical institutions, increase financial input in primary health care, strengthen the support of medical insurance policy to primary medical institutions, vigorously promote the grading diagnosis and treatment system, etc., improve the medical service capacity of primary medical institutions as soon as possible, and better make primary medical institutions become the health guards of the general public.

Wang Qinghai, the second researcher of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, said: "After receiving the proposal from the CPPCC, we seriously adopted and implemented the proposal. Innovative implementation of single-disease group management, always taking the health needs of the people as the focus and starting point, taking multiple measures to strengthen the construction of primary health service system, continuously improving the capacity of primary medical services, and improving the grading diagnosis and treatment system, further enhancing the satisfaction and sense of gain of the people. "

With the attention and support of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Municipal Health and Health Commission actively responded to the concerns of CPPCC members and people from all walks of life, continuously optimized medical service resources, greatly improved the capacity building of primary medical services, resolutely safeguarded people’s health and life safety, and further enhanced people’s sense of acquisition, happiness and security.

There are more and more beauty shops. How much difference can it make where to buy them?

Reporter | Huang Wei

Editor | Xu Yue

The local beauty market has experienced rapid changes in recent years. In the first half of 2021 alone, there are many more brands of collective stores where China consumers can buy beauty products. More importantly, even if they can’t travel abroad for the time being, China consumers can easily buy many imported beauty products in the local market.

On November 9th, South Korea’s online beauty collection retailer "Resolving HWAHAE" announced that it had landed in Tmall International to open an overseas flagship store. Following the launch of this overseas flagship store, there are 11 Korean beauty brands such as Torriden and S.NATURE, and their entry form is "shop in shop".

Careful calculation, together with overseas beauty retailers such as Sephora overseas flagship store opened in Tmall International in the last year and overseas flagship store of Australian beauty retailer MECCA, Tmall International is providing more and more options for consumers with cross-border Haitao niche beauty products.

Introducing these overseas beauty flagship stores into the same platform system, the most intuitive result is that China consumers can buy all kinds of beauty products such as Korean makeup, Australian beauty, European and American niche beauty in one stop; These beauty products are different and can meet different consumers with individual needs.

It is worth noting that these overseas beauty retailers often have in-depth and direct cooperation with beauty brands in their respective regional markets, which can guarantee the quality of goods for consumers far away from China.

Overseas beauty retailers have entered the cross-border e-commerce market in China one after another, and the most realistic motivation behind it is the China consumers who disappeared in the overseas tourism retail market. These consumers were trapped in the local market because of the epidemic, but they directly promoted the great growth of the local beauty market.

Among them, I’m afraid that the brand of local beauty collection stores that emerged in recent two years was the first to seize the opportunity of China’s beauty consumption changing to differentiation and personalization.

Take HARMAY Huamei, a warehousing beauty collection store located in the middle and high-end market, as an example. At present, 50% of SKUs in its offline stores are overseas niche beauty brands. Zhong Taipeng, co-founder and chief operating officer of Huamei, previously told Interface Fashion that this is one of its core advantages that distinguish it from its competitors. At present, Huamei has introduced a series of overseas minority brands by means of exclusive agency and capital operation, aiming at enhancing brand differentiation and increasing the repurchase rate of stores.

In addition, consumers in the first-and second-tier consumer markets can also buy high-end overseas niche brands in HAYDON Black Hole and Bonnie & Clyde (hereinafter referred to as "BC Extreme Choice"), a more luxurious beauty collection store brand.

It is worth noting that the polar selection of Huamei and BC is an extension from online to offline after accumulating rich experience in e-commerce operation in the early stage. But the difference is that Huamei bought the gene of the store with beauty from the beginning, and then began to incubate overseas brands with the blessing of capital, in order to differentiate in the fierce competition.

The high-end beauty brands in BC’s extremely selected stores are extremely selected, and the brands they sell are high-end niche beauty and fragrance brands exclusively represented by the parent company USHOPAL Group or invested in shares.

On the other hand, Huamei and Black Hole are very similar in style positioning. Both of them transform the super-large stores into warehouse-type retail stores with strong aesthetic style, and they also tend to choose representative buildings or blocks in the city center instead of urban complexes or shopping centers.

It is worth noting that the above-mentioned two collection stores are also different from the emerging beauty collection stores such as WOW COLOUR and THE COLORIST, which exploded in 2020. The latter opened stores in many cities across the country in a short time, while the former strategically opened its first stores in key cities in different regions of the country, and usually it was "one city, one store", with a slow expansion speed.

In the business model, Huamei and Heikong both use international big-name samples as "traffic passwords" to attract price-sensitive consumers to shop and drive the sales of formal clothes, and then rely on niche long-tail brands to improve the repurchase rate.

This is greatly different from the product mix of traditional beauty retail stores such as Watsons. In addition, they strive to create a "social-friendly" store style, and continue to attract consumers by expanding the format, triggering communication and discussion on social media and attracting a large number of young people to visit the store.

With the blessing of capital, Huamei and Black Hole have been accelerating the pace of opening stores nationwide since 2021. They are more surprised and demanding in the location of stores, and after opening stores, they also drive the flow of people in the surrounding blocks, which is attractive to operators in urban blocks or business districts.

Beijing Xidan, which has been upgraded to the standard, introduced Huamei to open a large-scale store with an area of 880 square meters, and introduced a large-scale flagship store with an area of 700 square meters to the "Anfu Road-Wu Kang Road" block in Shanghai. Raffles, a new landmark project in Shanghai, which focuses on urban markets, and Chongqing, which has been vigorously upgraded in recent years, may actively introduce this type of beauty collection store.

Another foreseeable trend is that more overseas niche beauty brands will enter the China market through various beauty retailers in the future. And these brands will choose their partners according to their more specific China market strategy; If you want to deepen the China market and deepen brand awareness, some brands may choose local emerging beauty collection stores with more omni-channel operation and incubation capabilities.

Zhang Linyan’s overseas famous scene! Hold up a trophy in both hands, Cao Meng Club: Awesome.

Recently, the China Women’s Football Team sent good news that talented teenager Zhang Linyan was selected as the Golden Glove Award in the Swiss Women’s Football Super League. Next is Zhang Linyan’s famous scene abroad. In a photo released recently, Zhang Linyan can be seen holding trophies in his left and right hands, and Grasshopper Football Club praised this in the essay.

When it comes to studying women’s football, fans may think of China’s top soccer player Shoupeng Wang, who played in French Ligue 1 for one season. After all, Shoupeng Wang contributed to the team’s growth in the 2018-2019 season, which is a bright spot. Yu Wai Shoupeng Wang also won the honor of Miss Asian Football by scoring 8 goals and 10 assists for the Parisian women’s football team. This is really great.

However, times have changed. Since Wang Shuai broke off her contract with Paris after the French Women’s World Cup and returned to China, it was not until the Indian Women’s Asian Cup was held that there was no obstacle for China women’s football team to study abroad. Paddy fields At the beginning of last year, the overseas development of China women’s football team, which returned to the top of Asia after 16 years, set off another wave of upsurge.

From Zhang Linyan, Li Mengwen, Yang Leina, Li Jiayue, and even Shoupeng Wang, who started her overseas trip again, the number of China women’s football team studying abroad surged to more than 10 in one year. I can’t figure it out!

Among these more than 10 foreign players, some have gained a firm foothold abroad. For example, Shen Mengyu and Shen Menglu, China teenagers who currently play for the Su Chao Celtic women’s football team, have made great contributions. In particular, Shen Menglou, who joined the Celtic women’s football team this season, has a great ability to break through from the sideline to the last line of the frontcourt, and often beats her opponents without hesitation.

Another talent that can’t be ignored is Zhang Linyan, a talented teenager from China who is now shining brilliantly on the Swiss stage. He scored 10 goals, sent 9 assists and scored 2 goals. In addition, Zhang Linyan’s two high-quality long-range goals so far have also been rated as the best goals in the second round of the league. Rookie Zhang Linyan is a special presence on the Swiss stage!

Recently, with the good news that Zhang Linyan was selected as the Golden Glove Award in the Swiss Women’s Super League, FIFA also affirmed and praised Zhang Linyan, saying that "the future is limitless!"

Zhang Linyi’s overseas famous scene was exposed, and Grasshopper Football Club recently took a photo of Zhang Linyi’s celebration. It is suspected that Zhang Linyi looks more relaxed than Zhang Linyi. In this regard, grasshopper football club also wrote: the best left-handed player in the league and the best right-handed 11 in the league! Zhang Linyi is amazing!

In addition, in the second round of the quarter-finals of the Swiss Women’s Super Play-offs, Zhang Linyi scored two goals in a row, forcibly avoiding the goalkeeper’s push and no goal, and finally helping her team win. Cao Meng girls advanced to the semi-finals with a score of 4-0.

It can be seen that at present, Zhang Linyan is hot, and in the next group match of the 2023 Women’s World Cup, Zhang Linyan may once again become the secret weapon of China women’s football coach Shui Qingxia! What do your fans say about this?

Shuxiang Zhiyuan The First Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon was launched in Shanghai.

The first "Progress Cup" Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon was launched in Xujiahui Academy. Photo courtesy of the contest organizer

Xu Jing, April 17 (Xinhua) The year 2023 marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of Soong Ching Ling, one of the founders of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and honorary president of the country. The launching ceremony of the first "Progress Cup" Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon (hereinafter referred to as "Yuema") and the launching ceremony of the question bank were held in Shanghai on the 17th.

The contest was hosted by the Shanghai Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Cultural Relics Management Committee and the Shanghai Committee of the Communist Youth League, and co-hosted by the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Former Residence Memorial Hall and Xuhui District Culture and Tourism Bureau.

In this competition, a series of related books, such as Soong Ching Ling, Sun Yat-sen and so on, were read by combining offline and offline, so as to attract a wide audience, including teenagers, to read the grand and magnificent life stories of two great men in the century and approach their three-dimensional and vivid spiritual world.

The contest calls on the whole people to read the works of celebrities intensively and enjoy reading. Photo courtesy of the contest organizer

Soong Ching Ling is the daughter of Shanghai. Her "lovely home" is located in Xuhui, Shanghai, and most of the women’s and children’s cultural and educational undertakings she initiated in her life germinated, took root, flourished and expanded in Xuhui. The launching ceremony of this competition was held in Xujiahui Academy, one of Shanghai’s cultural landmarks. By setting up "Soong Ching Ling’s special bookcase" in this all-media era compound library and entering the hospital to scan the code, the reading was switched online and offline, showing the power of reading to the society and calling on the whole people to read.

On the same day, 150 contestants were divided into student group and adult group. They read the book Soong Ching Ling together in three divisions of Xujiahui Academy, and completed the online question bank and made a comparison within the specified time. After the launching ceremony, various organizations and individuals will continue this "Yue Ma" lasting for 100 days, calling on the whole people to intensively read famous works, enjoy reading, pool their wisdom and enrich their spiritual world.

Ni Yifei, director of the Cultural Management Committee of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai, said that in recent years, the Cultural Management Committee of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai has continued to promote the construction of a "great mission" platform with the theme of carrying forward the great spirit of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling, with the series of activities of "five tours" (tour exhibition, lecture, broadcast, competition and tour) as the starting point to provide quality public cultural services to the public. The first "Progress Cup" Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon is a touring brand planned and launched by the Cultural Management Committee of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai this year.

Wu Bin, deputy secretary of the Shanghai Communist Youth League Committee, said that the Shanghai Communist Youth League Committee will widely mobilize the youth of the city to actively participate. I believe that through this competition, the contestants will learn something and learn something. With the joint efforts of many parties, this competition will definitely become a high-quality platform for "innovating the use of red resources and boosting the growth of young people". (End)

The Internet is full of flawed content generated by AI. Will AI trained based on this information be outrageous?

1. Yes.

If you answer the question of "yes and no", the answer is obviously "yes".

2. The logic of AI learning can be simply summarized as the following three steps:

2.1. Input data and feature extraction: The first step of AI learning is input data and feature extraction. At this stage, the AI system will receive some input data, which can be images, text, voice or other types of data. Then, the AI system will extract some useful features from these data, which can help the AI system better understand and process the data.

2.2. Model training: The second step of AI learning is model training. At this stage, the AI system will use the input data and features extracted to train a model. This model can be neural network, decision tree, support vector machine, etc. It will learn how to map the input data to the output results according to the features extracted from the input data and features. The goal of model training is to make the model accurately predict the output results.

2.3. Model evaluation and optimization: The third step of AI learning is model evaluation and optimization. At this stage, the AI system will use some test data to evaluate the performance of the model and optimize the model according to the evaluation results. If the performance of the model is not good enough, the AI system will adjust and optimize the model to improve its accuracy and generalization ability. Generally speaking, the logic of AI learning is to continuously improve the performance and ability of AI system through input data and feature extraction, model training and model evaluation and optimization, so as to realize more accurate and intelligent prediction and decision-making.

3. Garbage input and garbage output

The quality of AI-generated content is affected by the quality of data used to train AI models. If the training packet contains defective content, then the artificial intelligence model will also be defective. This is called "garbage input, garbage output". Because the AI system will try to imitate and repeat the existing data when learning, if the data itself has problems, then the AI system may repeat these problems and even aggravate them.

Constructing high-quality data sets is the key, and attention should be paid to the source, quality, scale and diversity of data sets. Miniaturization of language model is also an important research direction.

4. But there is room for optimization and self-evolution.

4.1. The training of AI system does not only depend on the data on the Internet, and the data on the Internet is less than 5% of human information.

4.2. It also includes various artificially designed data sets and algorithms. If these data sets and algorithms are carefully designed and optimized, then the AI system can be prevented from being affected by flawed data on the Internet.

4.3. AI system can also improve itself through self-learning and adaptation, thus improving its accuracy and reliability.

4.4. Although flawed content on the Internet may have some impact on the training and development of AI system, it does not mean that AI system will become more outrageous. On the contrary, with the advancement of technology and the continuous improvement of data sets, AI systems will become more accurate and reliable.

5. Making an AIGC or ChatGPT requires a lot of technology, not just input.

Large-scale model technology accumulation: it is necessary to master the basic knowledge of large models, such as Transformer architecture, self-supervised learning, pre-training and fine-tuning.

Accumulation of natural language processing technology: you need to know the basic knowledge of natural language processing, such as word segmentation, word vector, semantic understanding, emotion analysis, entity recognition and so on.

Data set construction technology accumulation: it is necessary to build high-quality dialogue data sets to improve the quality and effect of the model. The construction of data set needs to consider many factors, such as data source, data quality, data scale, data diversity and so on.

Algorithms and computing power: You need to master reinforcement learning, generative model, attention mechanism and other algorithms, and have enough computing resources to train and optimize the model.

6. Take the manuscript to make an inappropriate analogy.

Copying refers to copying, pasting, modifying and deleting other people’s original articles without authorization, which makes them look different from the original, but in essence they copy the contents and ideas of the original. Editors usually aim to get the content quickly, save time and energy, so as to achieve the purpose of publishing articles quickly, but this behavior seriously infringes on the intellectual property rights of the original author, and also violates academic ethics and professional ethics. Washing manuscripts not only harms the interests of original authors, but also greatly damages the reputation and image of the whole industry, so it is regarded as an immoral and illegal behavior.

However, the manuscript washing should also be level and creative. The awesome manuscript washing often needs to "see" a lot of materials, which is another process from quantitative change to qualitative change.

7. Going back to the nature of AI, is it a tool or decision logic? What do you do with AI?

The process of human receiving information can be divided into the following stages:

Perception: Perception means that we receive external information through sensory organs, including vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Perception process is based on the interaction between sensory organs and external stimuli, which transforms external information into neural signals and transmits them to the brain.

Attention: Attention refers to the process of selecting and processing the perceived information. Because of the diversity and complexity of external information, we can’t handle all the information at the same time, so we need to filter out important information and deal with it through attention.

Understanding: Understanding refers to the process of interpreting and understanding the information we receive. This process needs to rely on our knowledge, experience and language ability to connect and integrate the perceived information with the existing knowledge, thus forming new cognition and understanding.

Memory: Memory refers to the process of storing and processing the received information. Memory can be divided into short-term memory and long-term memory. The former is the ability to temporarily store information for processing, while the latter is the ability to permanently store information in the brain.

Judgment: Judgment refers to the process of evaluating and judging the information we receive. This process needs to rely on our values, beliefs and cognitive abilities, and compare and evaluate information with our existing cognitive and value systems, thus forming our attitudes and views on information.

Action: Action refers to the process of making decisions and taking actions according to the information we receive. This process needs to rely on our willpower, decision-making ability and action ability, and turn our understanding and judgment of information into actual actions and decisions.

What is the purpose of obtaining information with AI? To what stage can AI replace you?

The brand-new Chongqing team appeared in China football! The warm-up match defeated the newly promoted Super League, which made the fans sit up and take notice.

A few days ago, Chongqing football ushered in a brand-new professional league team, which is Chongqing Tonglianglong, which gathered many old Lifan generals. After the dissolution of the Chongqing team, Chongqing Tonglianglong began to play in the China Champions League and began to carry the banner of reviving Chongqing football. Chongqing Tonglianglong performed well in the Champions League last season and got the qualification of Chong B. After Chongqing Tongliang Dragon rushed to China B, it filled the gap that there was no professional team in Chongqing football.

Chongqing lifan used to be a strong football team in China, and it also performed well in the Super League, and once beat Evergrande. Chongqing team has also trained international players like Zhang Chiming and Feng Jin. Unfortunately, before the Super League started last season, the team once again encountered the crisis of unpaid wages. Finally, after comprehensive consideration, Chongqing team decided to quit professional football. Chongqing team quit professional football, which made Chongqing football lose its professional team.

At the critical moment, Chongqing Tonglianglong stood up, started to play in the China Champions League in a team, and recruited the Chongqing football flag Wu Qing. Chongqing Tongliang Dragon has now rushed to China B, attracting the attention of a group of old Lifan generals. Chongqing Tonglianglong can consider introducing Liu Huan whose contract with Guoan expired. After leaving Guoan, Liu Huan went to Dalian for trial training.

Whether Liu Huan can stay in Dalian is a huge unknown. Because Liu Huan’s Dalian team is in a precarious state. Dalian team doesn’t even have the qualification to introduce new aid. If this problem is not solved in the future, Liu Huan will not be able to complete the registration. Therefore, Liu Huan can consider returning to Chongqing. At the same time, Chongqing Tonglianglong chose to play a warm-up match in order to test the training results during this period.

Chongqing Tonglianglong chose to play with Qingdao Manatee, a new Chinese Super League army. Originally, fans thought that Chongqing team would be played by Manatee. Unexpectedly, the Chongqing team was very tenacious in the game and finally defeated its opponent 1-0. The strong play of Chongqing team in the warm-up match made the fans see the hope of rushing to armour. I look forward to Chongqing Tonglianglong’s steady and steady progress in the Chinese B League and achieving the goal of rushing to the first division in the new season.