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Describing the structure of the Milky Way in several steps

  The picture shows the Milky Way observed in the infrared band. The picture is from the 2MASS Sky Survey project. The pictures are all stitched together from multiple observations. Due to the interstellar extinction in the optical band, it can be seen that the image of the Milky Way in the optical band is light and dark.

  The Milky Way is like humanity’s "most familiar stranger". After more than 200 years of hard work, we still haven’t fully seen its face. A new study has brought us one step closer to the true appearance of the Milky Way.

  On a clear night, looking up at the stars, you will see a milky white bright band running through the night sky, which is the home of hundreds of billions of stars, including the sun – the Milky Way.

  Since more than 200 years ago, people have been trying to understand the structure of the Milky Way.

  This is not simple, not only because we are in it, but also because various interstellar media interfere with people’s vision and obscure the true appearance of the Milky Way.

  Recently, researchers at the National Astronomical Observatory have measured the latest hydrogen column density and optical extinction ratio in the Milky Way. This work will help to understand the interstellar medium and is a crucial step in the journey to understanding the structure of the Milky Way.

  The sun is not the center of the galaxy

  In the 17th century, Galileo pointed his telescope at the milky band of light in the sky and found that it was a dense region of stars. In the mid-18th century, the Englishman Wright proposed the Milky Way Conjecture, which believed that the Milky Way is like a flat lens, and the sun is only one of the stars in it.

  The first person to paint a portrait of the Milky Way was the Englishman William Herschel. The 18th-century astronomer built the largest telescope of his time and discovered Uranus. He also focused on the stellar world. After many years of observation, he drew a map of the structure of the Milky Way in 1785, based on the number of stars in all directions in the sky. Unable to determine the distances of distant stars, Herschel assumed that all stars in the sky had the same luminous ability and estimated their distances to Earth based on the actual observed brightness of the stars. His "portrait" of the Milky Way was flat, with an irregular profile, and the sun was located in the center of the Milky Way. Herschel used statistical methods to confirm the hypothesis that the Milky Way is a flat disk for the first time, thus establishing the concept of the Milky Way for the first time.

  In 1906, the Dutch astronomer Kaptan proposed a "selection plan" to re-examine the structure of the Milky Way. His model of the Milky Way was similar to that of Herschel: the sun was centered, the stars in the center were dense, and the edges were sparse.

  Almost at the same time as Captan, the American astronomer Shapley also began to study the structure of the Milky Way. The discovery of Cepheid variables made it possible for scientists to accurately determine the distances of celestial bodies. Shapley determined the distances of Cepheid variables in globular clusters to Earth based on their light change periods, and then studied the structure and size of the Milky Way from the distribution of globular clusters. In 1918, Shapley proposed that the Milky Way is a lenticular star system with its center located in the direction of Sagittarius, rather than the solar system. Later observations gradually proved that Shapley’s model was closer to the real Milky Way, so it is still used today.

  Interstellar Dust is a "central figure"

  Obtaining the true structure of the Milky Way is not easy. According to Shapley’s estimate, the size of the Milky Way is 300,000 light-years. According to the state of the art at the time, this was a very accurate estimate. However, this figure is three times the size of the Milky Way in modern measurements. The reason is that Shapley ignored the extinction effect of the interstellar medium on starlight.

  Space is filled with the interstellar medium. The light emitted by celestial bodies is absorbed or scattered by the interstellar medium before reaching the earth, causing the brightness of the celestial bodies we observe to be dimmer than expected. This process is often called interstellar extinction. The hazy image of the Milky Way in the optical band is the key evidence for the existence of extinction. Therefore, studying interstellar extinction is an important step in obtaining the structure of the Milky Way. Since different components have different extinction values for starlight, extinction research can also help us gain a deeper understanding of the components of the interstellar medium.

  To understand the structure of the Milky Way is to study the distribution of various substances in the Milky Way. The interstellar medium plays a crucial role in the study of the structure of the Milky Way. In the optical band, extinction is mainly produced by dust in the interstellar medium, and the size of the extinction is affected by the total mass, composition and size of the dust. In the X-ray band, heavy elements that are not fully ionized absorb some of the radiation.

  Therefore, extinction in the optical band (characterized by extinction in the V-band) can be used to reveal the dust composition in the interstellar medium. The distribution of heavy elements in the interstellar medium can be known from X-ray absorption (expressed by hydrogen column density), and then the total amount of hydrogen in the three states of atoms, molecules and ionization can be obtained according to the specific proportional relationship between heavy elements and hydrogen in the interstellar medium. Through observations in these two bands, scientists can not only know the corresponding structure of the Milky Way, but also study the relationship between dust composition and gas composition. This is why the parameter of hydrogen column density and optical extinction ratio in the Milky Way has attracted much attention.

  A new understanding of the "most familiar stranger"

  As early as the 1980s, it was recognized that the hydrogen column density and optical extinction ratio were important for understanding the Milky Way. The current widely used value is still obtained by American scientist Bohlin in 1978. For many years, people have been working to obtain more accurate and reliable results.

  There are generally three ways to measure this parameter. Usually the measurement of optical extinction is easier, and different methods mainly use different methods to measure the hydrogen column density.

  The so-called hydrogen column density is assumed to have a column with a fixed cross-sectional area in the line of sight direction, and the amount of hydrogen contained in this column is the hydrogen column density. Bohlin’s method is to estimate the hydrogen column density based on the absorption of neutral hydrogen and molecular hydrogen in the interstellar medium on the spectral lines of stars in the ultraviolet band. The other two methods are to measure the hydrogen column density according to the neutral hydrogen atom and carbon monoxide radiation, and to measure the hydrogen column density according to the absorption of the interstellar medium on the stellar spectrum in the X-ray band. However, due to the complex composition of the interstellar medium and the small and unreliable sample size, the previous measurement results are not satisfactory.

  The author’s latest work adopts the above third method, that is, the abundance of heavy elements is measured according to the absorption of the X-ray band, and then the hydrogen column density is obtained according to the proportion relationship between heavy elements and gas components. As early as the 1970s, scientists have used this method to study the structure of the Milky Way. However, due to the difficulty of data acquisition, when scientists conducted this study in the past, the sample size was only about 20 at most. In order to expand the sample size, the author’s study for the first time includes the X-ray radiation of supernova remnants, planetary nebulae, and X-ray binaries at the same time. The sample size is expanded to about 100, and the hydrogen column density and optical extinction ratio of the Milky Way are recalculated.

  The final results show that this ratio does not vary with the spatial location of the interstellar medium, and the mass ratio of gas to dust in the Milky Way obtained by this ratio is about 140. This means that there is more gas in the Milky Way than expected.

  The Milky Way is a disk with a certain thickness. The latest work also calculated the distribution of hydrogen between two kiloseconds (about 3.26 light-years) and 10 kiloseconds from the center of the galaxy. The research suggests that the disk is denser and decays faster than previously realized. This means that the disk is thinner than previously thought, but denser.

  The Milky Way is like the "most familiar stranger" to humans – although it is close by, it has been unable to see its face clearly. After more than 200 years of efforts by scientists, the outline of the Milky Way’s structure is becoming clearer and clearer. However, there are still many unsolved mysteries in the Milky Way, and we are still on our way.

  (The author is a doctoral student at the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Can’t buy it at all! Nearly 200 million shares on the ST Daji daily limit are queuing up to buy, and the concept of supply and marketing cooperatives is on fire

K Figure BK1109_0

K Figure 000564_0

  In early trading today, class A shares continued to fluctuate and adjust, and the transactions of the two cities showed a trend of further shrinking, indicating a strong wait-and-see atmosphere in the market.

  On the disk, supply and marketing cooperatives, Huawei Hongmeng, ST, controllable nuclear fusion and other plates are leading the way, PEEK materials,Electrical equipment, winemaking, and other sectors led the decline.

  Contrary to the trend

  Stocks bucked the trend and opened higher in the morning, with the sector index rising by more than 3% at one point, and the half-day transaction exceeded yesterday’s full-day transaction.,Wait for multiple straight lines to pull the daily limit;Boundless one-word daily limit, and there are up to nearly 200 million shares on the daily limit waiting in line.

  A few days ago, the Ministry of Transport, MIIT, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Integrated Development of Rural Passenger and Freight Mail" to further promote the integrated development of rural passenger transportation, freight logistics, and postal express delivery, so as to better meet the needs of rural people for travel, freight logistics, and delivery services.

  The most typical role of supply and marketing cooperatives is to provide a distribution channel for the crops produced by farmers. In this process, supply and marketing cooperatives participate in the whole process of crops from production to processing, cold chain storage, and circulation to urban wholesale and retail markets. The goods sold by supply and marketing cooperatives include crops, agricultural materials, and at the same time, they also provide a series of services such as waste recycling, financial leasing, catering and accommodation. Therefore, supply and marketing cooperatives involve many industries. These industries are mainly industries that revolve around rural economic development and are strongly related to agriculture.

  The All-China Supply and Marketing Cooperative has said that by 2025, the whole system will build an agricultural socialization service system from top to bottom, the land trust area will reach 150 million mu, the scale of agricultural socialization services in each link will reach 300 million mu, and the service will drive small farmers to 50 million households or more.

  According to the China Research Institute of Industry’s "2023-2028 China’s supply and marketing cooperatives industry development status analysis and investment strategic planning consultation report" data, the modern distribution service network of supply and marketing cooperatives has been continuously improved. At present, the supply of chemical fertilizers accounts for 70% of the social fertilizer consumption, undertakes 70% of the national light storage task, and the recycling of renewable resources accounts for nearly 50% of the whole society. It has initially formed a connection between the origin and the consumption end pointThe market network plays an active role in ensuring the supply of "vegetable baskets", smoothing the domestic circulation, and promoting domestic demand.

  Said that supply and marketing cooperatives, as one of the important distribution channels in rural areas of our country, can provide relatively flat sales channels for agricultural products, thereby reducing the cost of farmers to purchase agricultural materials. In addition, the participation of supply and marketing cooperatives in the agricultural materials sales link is also conducive to the integration of agricultural materials enterprises in our country, thereby driving the industry concentration. Enterprises that belong to the supply and marketing cooperative system or can cut into the agricultural materials sales system of supply and marketing cooperatives are expected to benefit.

  "Pure Blood Hongmeng" is coming soon

  HuaweiThe volume rose, and the plate index rose by more than 2% during the session. The half-day transaction was close to yesterday’s full-day transaction.After opening slightly lower, it rose sharply, rising by the 20% daily limit in only about 15 minutes, and the stock price hit a new high in more than 3 months;Then it rose by the limit of 5 on the 6th, setting a new record high.,,Also strong sealing plate.


  According to the news, Huawei will hold an important event on January 18. Previously, Yu Chengdong revealed that the new HarmonyOS NEXT developer preview will be open to all developers in Quarter 1 this year. Therefore, the market generally anticipates that HarmonyOS NEXT will be officially announced at this event.

  In his 2024 New Year’s letter, Yu Chengdong proposed to open a new decade of Huawei’s end point future development. He specifically mentioned that to build a strong Hongmeng ecosystem in the future, 2024 is a key year for the original Hongmeng, and will accelerate the development of various Hongmeng native applications.

  In his New Year’s speech, Hu Houqian, chairperson of Huawei, also revealed that Huawei is expected to achieve sales revenue of more than 700 billion yuan in 2023, end point business is higher than expected, and the competitiveness of smart car solutions has been significantly improved.

  HarmonyOS NEXT is known as the "pure blood version" Hongmeng system, which will remove the Linux kernel and AOSP code, and completely use the Hongmeng kernel and Hongmeng code. This means that HarmonyOS NEXT will no longer provide Android system compatibility, and APK installation files cannot be opened in the new version of the system.

  Research firm TechInsights recently released its latest forecast for Android and Android in 2024iOS will continue to maintain its global dominance, but its share in the Chinese market will be cannibalized by Huawei Harmony OS. From 2024, Harmony OS will become the second largest smartphone operating system in the Chinese market.

  IDC data also shows that as of November 2023, Huawei’s mobile phone market share in the domestic mobile phone market reached 14%. IDC forecasts that in 2026 ChinaThe number of devices connected reached 10.25 billion, and it is conservatively estimated that Huawei’s OpenHarmony + HarmonyOS market share will reach 16% in 2026.

  It is believed that Hongmeng C-end is expected to be fully rolled out, and "pure blood Hongmeng" PCs and mobile phones are expected to be released. Mobile end, Huawei has fully cooperated with partners and developers in 18 fields to fully promote the development of Hongmeng native applications. PC end, if Hongmeng PC has a new product release, it will initially be oriented towards government affairs,And other related industries are expected to increase their volume.

Baise xingyue l zhiqing has a big price cut! The reserve price is 152,700, and the car is sufficient.

[car home Baise Preferential Promotion Channel] I sincerely recommend that at present, in Baise area, the high-profile models are undergoing a round of considerable preferential activities. Consumers can seize this excellent opportunity to enjoy a car purchase discount of up to 0.7 million yuan, and the minimum starting price has been adjusted to 152,700 yuan. Consumers who want to know the specific car conditions and strive for higher discounts must click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form below to seize this rare opportunity to buy a car.



Xingyue L Zhiqing shows elegant demeanor with its exquisite body proportion. The dimensions of length 4795mm, width 1895mm and height 1689mm not only ensure the spacious interior space, but also give the body a resolute visual effect. The wheelbase of 2845mm provides excellent driving stability and ride comfort. The side lines of the car are smooth and dynamic, and the front and rear wheel tracks are 1610mm. The carefully designed tyre size 235/50 R19, with exquisite wheels, not only strengthens the appearance design of the car, but also ensures excellent handling performance.


In the interior, Xingyue L Zhiqing shows the perfect combination of luxury and technology. The spacious interior space is made of high-grade leather, creating a comfortable and exquisite touch. The driver will hold it on the delicate leather steering wheel, which supports manual up and down+front and rear adjustment, providing a good grip. The 12.3-inch high-definition central control screen stands in the center, integrating multimedia, navigation, telephone and other functions, with convenient operation and clear display. In terms of seats, the front seats are equipped with electric adjustment functions, including front and rear, backrest, height (4-way) and lumbar support (4-way), so that drivers can enjoy personalized comfort experience, and the passenger seat also provides front and rear adjustment and backrest adjustment. The seat is made of imitation leather, which provides passengers with good support and touch. In addition, Xingyue L Zhiqing is also equipped with the heating and ventilation function of the front seat (driver’s seat only) and the electric seat memory driver’s seat. The details reflect the concern for the driver and passengers. The second row of seats supports backrest adjustment, while the seat reclining function brings flexible space utilization for passengers.


Xingyue L Zhiqing is equipped with a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 120kW and a maximum torque of 255nm, which is matched with a 3-speed DHT transmission to provide sufficient power support and high performance for the vehicle.

Generally speaking, Xingyue L has won the appreciation of car home car owners for its outstanding design and high cost performance. The Maibakh-like temperament and high-tech head-up design he mentioned undoubtedly enhanced the luxury of the vehicle. As he said, no matter the appearance or configuration, Xingyue L has met his demand for high-quality life and made his friends envy him. This kind of reputation has undoubtedly added more charm to Xingyue L Zhiqing, making it a high-profile model.

Tencent launched a special project to "help develop new quality productivity, digitalization empowers a better life"

  On April 23, the launch ceremony of Tencent’s special project "Help develop new productivity and digitalization empower a better life" was held in Tencent Binhai Building. Cheng Buyi, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization Department, and Zhang Ling, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, attended the event.

  Last year, under the guidance of the Internet Enterprise Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Tencent launched the "Ten Actions" to promote high-quality development, landing 61 projects in ten aspects such as basic scientific research, rural revitalization, and financial technology, and making positive contributions to promoting high-quality economic and social development. This year, in order to further deepen the results of the "Ten Actions", Tencent focuses on the major decisions of the central government and the national strategy, coordinates the company’s resources and strength, and gives full play to the advantages of funds, technology and talents to carry out Tencent’s special project "Helping the Development of New Quality Productivity, Digitalization Empowers a Better Life" to promote the formation of new quality productive forces, promote high-quality economic and social development, and better meet the people’s yearning and needs for

  The special project "Help develop new quality productivity" covers basic scientific research, cutting-edge technologies, emerging industries and future industries, digital technology and other fields, focusing on scientific exploration awards and new cornerstone researchers, HunyuanAide big model empowers thousands of industries, Tencent enlightenment helps artificial intelligence talent cultivation and scientific and technological innovation construction, Tencent self-researched game engine technology in aviation and other industries cross-border application, implementation of the exploration plan – cultural science and technology innovation incubation and other projects.

  The special project "Digitalization empowers a better life" covers financial technology, ecological environmental protection, digital public welfare, Guangdong "Million Project", cultural industry and other fields, focusing on financial technology services to help accelerate the development of the industry, carbon removal demonstration ecological environmental protection, digitalization to help the development of public welfare undertakings, Guangdong "Million Project" Youth Xingxiang Cultivation Program, "Fanxing Plan" – digital technology empowers the development of small and medium-sized museums and other projects.

  At the launch ceremony, the video connected the rural revitalization project owners in Shantou and Kashgar to share the stories of helping rural revitalization by digital means, empowering modern industry development with new productivity, and improving people’s production and living standards. In addition, the scene also introduced the relevant experience and practices of Tencent’s "Hunyuan" model empowering thousands of industries, WeChat Pay facilitating overseas people to enjoy domestic mobile payment services, Tencent Video creating high-quality content, and telling China’s story well with high-quality IP.

"Tang Bohu Dian Qiuxiang 2" Ren Xianqi took off for the first time, crazy like a Transformer

        Directed by the gold-medal director Li Li, the costume action comedy starring stars such as Huang Xiaoming, Zhang Jingchu, Ren Xianqi, Chen Baixiang and Zhou Libo will be officially released nationwide on July 9. Among them, Xu Zhenqing, played by Ren Xianqi, is transformed into an ancient Einstein. All kinds of whimsical inventions make people laugh. In order to test the effect of his own inventions, Ren Xianqi is even more willing to go naked and test drugs.

Ren Xianqi incarnates as Optimus Prime

        Xu Zhenqing, played by Ren Xianqi, as a generation of Jiangnan talents, was transformed into an ancient Chinese version of Einstein in the movie. Invisible Pills, Transformers, etc. were all successfully tested by him. These inventions not only became sharp weapons against the enemy, but also became a "must-have magic weapon" to play tricks on friends around him. Zhu Zhishan, played by Chen Baixiang, mistakenly thought that he had taken the invisible pill he invented and made a fool of himself, and his body and psychology were destroyed. In the final Armageddon, Ren Xianqi, who was armed with a sharp weapon, went into battle naked, and the big Transformers Autobots logo on his chest also made him the embodiment of justice. I believe that how this ancient version of Optimus Prime breaks the enemy will definitely become a major attraction of this film.

Dedicated to the screen for the first time

        Unlike Chen Baixiang’s naked exit, Ren Xianqi’s body is stronger than the old talent Chen Baixiang’s round and jade figure, and Ren Xianqi’s perfect muscle lines are believed to make many female audiences feast their eyes and fantasize. According to Ren Xianqi himself, he made full preparations for this nude scene: "I have been practicing in the gym for a long time before coming to the cast, because this is the first time I have taken off so much, so I must give the audience a surprise, and I must not lose to Brother Baixiang." Compared with Ren Xianqi’s naked appearance this time, his inventions that travel through the future and his instant noodle hairstyle that is full of presence are no longer so important, and "Tang Bohu Dianqiuxiang 2", which brings together two male stars’ naked scenes, has also become a summer must-see film for female audiences.

Next page More exciting stills

"Industrial Internet Platform + Park" empowered in-depth tour will enter Foshan in September

  CCTV News In order to implement the national industrial Internet development strategy and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s "Industrial Internet special project working group 2022 work plan" requirements, to fully stimulate the real economy, and to open up the "last mile" of the platform landing, under the guidance of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Foshan Municipal People’s Government, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s Fifth Research Institute of Electronics will jointly organize the "Industrial Internet Platform + Park" empowered in-depth trip on September 8 with the China Information and Communication Research Institute, the Industrial Internet Platform Innovation Cooperation Center and the organizer Guangdong Meiyun Zhishu Technology Co., Ltd.

  With the theme of "Digitally empowering industrial clusters to lead the high-quality development of the park", the event invited relevant ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, heads of relevant departments of Guangdong Province and Foshan City, national think tanks such as the Fifth Institute of Electronics of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and experts in the field of digital economy. Representatives of key enterprises in the national key Internet platform enterprises and provinces and cities participated together to discuss hot topics such as the development trend of industrial Internet platforms, the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the digital development of industrial clusters. The event will include "Platform + Home Appliance Manufacturing" Smart Park Sharing, "Platform + Industrial Design" Industrial Park Sharing, Furniture Industry Digital transformation Exploration Practice, Pan-Home Furnishing Industry Cluster Development Experience Sharing, etc., to explore the "Platform + Park" demand scenario, explore the "Platform + Park" practical experience, promote the application and promotion of the platform in the park, and promote the digital transformation and upgrading of regional industries. At the same time, the event will also hold a launch ceremony for enterprise cooperation.

  In recent years, the industrial Internet platform, as the hub of connecting the whole industrial factor, the whole industrial chain and the whole value chain, has entered a period of rapid development of scene landing and vertical deep cultivation. The industrial Internet platform is not only a key carrier to promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, but also an important measure to build a new ecosystem of industrial integration. Up to now, with the joint efforts of government departments at all levels, research institutes, industry enterprises and other entities, the "comprehensive + characteristic + professional" industrial Internet platform system in our country has been basically formed. There are more than 150 platforms with certain industry and regional influence, and the total number of access equipment has exceeded 70 million units (sets). The platform empowering effect is further revealed. " The in-depth promotion of "Industrial Internet Platform + Park" is of great significance for improving the digital transformation and refined management service level of industrial parks, accelerating the transformation of the development mode of industrial parks, and promoting the integrated development of industrialization and informatization in a wider range, deeper and higher level.

11.86-17 1,800 new Lynk & Co 06 officially launched

  [Autohome new car launch] On September 8, the new model (|) was officially launched. The new car was named Lynk & Co 06 Remix, and it still offered a fuel version and a plug-in hybrid version.The price is 11.86-17 1,800 yuanThe new car has been upgraded in terms of appearance design and car system, and the fuel version has been replaced with a four-cylinder engine. In addition, the new intelligent voice housekeeper "Hicks" was also released at the press conference, which supports 62 multi-scene intelligent language controls and 6 kinds of sounds. At the same time, the second-generation smart car control watch was also officially released.



The new Lynk & Co 06/Lynk & Co 06 PHEV price guide Model Selling price (10,000 yuan) 1.5T Plus 11.86 1.5T Strength Pro 12.86 1.5T Power Halo 13.86 1.5T Halo 13.86 1.5T Heroes 13.98 1.5T Shero 13.98 PHEV Pro 16.68 PHEV Hero 17.18 PHEV Shero 17.18






  In addition, the purchase of a car can also enjoy triple rights, including 3,000 yuan to receive a gold, 4,000 yuan replacement subsidy, 3,000 yuan additional purchase subsidy, lifetime free quality assurance, free road assistance and free data traffic, etc. Users who buy Hero/Shero models can also enjoy exclusive gift boxes, and users who buy PHEV models can enjoy free basic installation of charging piles, 160 yuan smart watch voucher and 260 yuan home discharge gun voucher.

New car features:

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  The styling details of the new Lynk & Co 06 have changed. The biggest adjustment to the front face is the internal structure of the upper and lower grilles. The upper grille of the new car is decorated with 12 sets of three-piece blade trims, while the lower grille is decorated with 19 straight waterfall fins. In the C-pillar part, the car also added a pulse ray style decorative line. It is worth mentioning that the Hero model will also use exclusive green paint, which is more unique. The Shero version continues to use the pink and purple contrasting design. The details are added to the wildberry purple highlight trim and use the wildberry purple contrasting rim. For other versions, blue-orange, gray-orange, gray, white, light blue and other color schemes will also be available.

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  In the car, the overall design of the new car has not changed, but the central control screen has been upgraded to 12.3 inches. Some models, such as Hero and Jin Halo, will use integrated sports seats with racing yellow piping and stitching, which is more sporty. The Shero version will use a color-matching interior with purple stitching and piping, which is more attractive to female consumers.

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  The new 12.3-inch central control screen integrates the Co lynk intelligent interconnection system, the storage + memory is upgraded to 6G + 64G, and the boot speed is increased by 40%. At the same time, it has ecological entertainment systems such as Tencent Accompanying and Volcano Car Entertainment, including popular applications such as car WeChat, Bilibili, Autonavi navigation, and Douyin.

  In terms of driver assistance systems, the official said that the car will provide 21 driver assistance systems (but not all standard), including intelligent pilot assistance systems, remote parking, automatic parking assistance, panoramic imaging (including chassis perspective), etc., as well as the new TBA tracking reversing assistance system.

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  The upgrade of the power part will be the most concerned, and the fuel version will be replaced with a four-cylinder engine. It is equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder engine with a maximum power of 181 horsepower and a peak torque of 290 Nm. It is matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission.

  The plug-in hybrid version is still equipped with the plug-in hybrid system composed of the previous 1.5T three-cylinder engine. Its maximum engine power is 177 horsepower, peak torque is 255 Nm, and the maximum power of the power system is 190kW (258 horsepower). Its NEDC pure electric range is 84km.

Competitive models:

Dongfeng Honda, Honda XR-V 2023 1.5L CVT Boom Edition

"Honda XR-V"

  In the small SUV market at the price point of the Lynk & Co 06, it faces competitors mainly from overseas brands, including Honda XR-V/Bizhi, Volkswagen Tucai/Troupe, Nissan Kingke, Chevrolet Tron and other models. In contrast, the Lynk & Co 06 has a more youthful and personalized design, higher configuration and stronger powertrain. Of course, at this price point, there are also a variety of compact SUVs and even mid-sized SUVs from Chinese brands to choose from. At this time, you need to choose between bigger and more refined.

● Summary:


  In an environment of "talking about three-color change", many manufacturers began to return to the four-cylinder power layout. On the occasion of the change of the Lynk & Co 06, in addition to the improvement of design and configuration, the main fuel version was replaced with a four-cylinder engine, which is of course good news for consumers who do not like three cylinders. And from the book data, the power output of 181 horsepower and 290 Nm is also higher. So, is the new Lynk & Co 06 your cup of tea? (Text/Autohome Chen Hao)

Has Volvo been abandoned because the new product has been delayed?

In 2017, Volvo brought S90 and XC60 products, which have been the main sales force of Volvo for five years. Although it is often necessary to attract users with huge discounts, in terms of sales volume, relying on these two main models, Volvo’s performance in the past five years can be described as brilliant. However, as the product strength became more and more old, Volvo’s sales began to decline, and it was time for Volvo to innovate.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, Volvo finally released a flagship pure electric SUV—— some time ago. However, in its report, it was impressively written: "It is planned to be produced and sold in the United States in 2023 and localized in China in 2024." In other words, Volvo, whose current main force has already appeared tired, has released new electric products, but it will take two years to meet consumers. Some insiders believe that the pace of Volvo is still so slow in the new energy era, and it is afraid of being abandoned by the market.

At present, if we only look at the sales data of Volvo, there is something gratifying, because in this market where the epidemic situation is repeated and traditional luxury cars and fuel vehicles are eroded by new energy sources as a whole, compared with those friends who are prone to decline by more than ten or twenty points, the cumulative sales of Volvo in the first 11 months of this year has declined by 7.4%.

But Volvo’s real pain lies not in its sales volume, but in its price and brand image: as early as two or three years ago, Mercedes-Benz and Lexus were still increasing their prices, but XC60 was already in a state of "fracture price", with an average discount of 60,000 to 70,000 yuan, and S90 in some areas could even be discounted by 100,000 yuan. On the surface, Volvo’s guide price can still keep up with the first-line luxury, but in fact its price system has almost slipped to the point of competing with joint ventures for the market.

Judging from the financial report, as early as 2019, Volvo’s operating profit in the first half of the year fell by 30%; In the second half of the year, the growth rate of 0.8% was barely maintained through layoffs and other means. In the first half of this year, Volvo’s revenue alone fell by 14.1%; The net income has been completely negative, with a negative growth of SEK 1.171 billion, which dropped by 134.5%. During this period, although Volvo has set foot in PHEV, the actual performance of T8 power is not inferior to that of BBA, but Volvo’s popularity in the hybrid world is not as high as its "Raytheon Hammer" headlights. At this point, Volvo is in urgent need of an innovation.

Fortunately, in the era of electrification, BBA and Lexus, the top four traditional luxury markets, have not come up with strong gestures and products, and consumers no longer give face to their brands and popularity. This can be said to be an excellent opportunity for other so-called "second-line luxury" to break through.

Volvo’s attitude of transforming into electrification is also quite firm: first, it transferred the main shares of Aurobay to Geely, and at the same time announced that it would stop production of pure fuel vehicles in 2025, which announced that it officially withdrew from the research and development of internal combustion engines and focused on electrification. However, the flagship electric technology exhibited by EX90, as well as the latest design, technology and concept, cannot help worrying about Volvo’s future.

First of all, this car was built on the SPA2 platform. Although this is an upgraded platform of SPA, SPA is an oil-electricity sharing platform that has never exploded and has never had a well-known black technology. Even the initiator of Volvo’s big price reduction came from this platform. The upgraded SPA2 is also not surprising: the maximum battery life of the EX90 is only 600 kilometers, and the minimum is only 467 kilometers (competing products can generally be 50-100 kilometers higher); The 8155 chip (which is the mainstream now, and will certainly be compared in two years) used for car engines, and the driving assistance computing power is 250TOPS (now many domestic flagships have a computing power of over 1,000, and most high-end models are in the range of 407Ps, 770N·m, 503Ps and 910N·m), but this is also compared with other traditional luxury brands.

In addition to the book parameters, the face value of EX90 also gives people a feeling of "XC90 pure electric version" (of course, this is indeed shared by oil and electricity platforms). Not only is the appearance lacking freshness, but the simple interior is also difficult to remind people of the word luxury. In addition to these most important information, EX90 is left with some "flowers": for example, its seat is made of environmentally friendly materials made of PET plastic bottles and resin; For example, the car will be equipped with sensors to detect whether children or pets are left behind; It can even charge in reverse, and use its cruising range of up to 600 kilometers to "feed back" the power grid or other vehicles.

As for the product strength of EX90, to be honest, even if it goes on the market at the end of 2022 and sets a price similar to that of XC90 (starting at 500,000), compared with its competitors, it is in a state where there are basically no advantages but many shortcomings. Compared with the new cars produced in recent years, the disadvantage of EX90 is even greater.

To give a few simple examples, the 11.4 million version of Aouita can have a battery life of 680 kilometers, and the entry version has a horsepower of 578Ps; Tucki G9 not only reached 700+, but also gave 508TOPS computing power; And those extended-range players who have broken thousands of battery life are even more annoying. In addition, technologies such as in-car life detection and reverse charging have already been seen in the domestic camp. The strength of EX90, which is average in book and not new in technology, is dangerous even in the 400,000-level market. But EX90 not only has a high probability that the price will be higher than XC90, but also will not be made in China until two years later … Such a performance certainly makes people uninterested.

More importantly, as a flagship, EX90 not only has low expectations, but also makes people’s thoughts on Volvo’s new products drop to freezing point. Is the future Volvo electric car the appearance of this current model after changing from oil to electricity, with a simple vertical screen interior? Compared with the extreme krypton that has blossomed in the high-end market, is Volvo’s future performance and battery life just like this? For the increasingly important intelligent travel, is Volvo such a mentality of running behind others? If so, in the new energy era, let alone Volvo’s luxury status, it will lack characteristics and competitiveness even if it is downgraded to an ordinary brand.

It must be said that Volvo, which is slow in electrification and weak in strength, not only faces being abandoned by the market, but also seems to be at arm’s length with Geely Group. Two years ago, the two companies announced that they would really merge into a group company, but the result after that was not only that the merger failed, but also that their cooperation in the power field came to an end. During this period, not only did Krypton successfully rush into the mid-to-high-end electric vehicle market of 300,000-400,000 grades, but also the geometric new energy, which is the main entry-level market, became the enemy of Ai ‘an. Geely even used the vast structure of SEA to help smart jump from the 100,000-grade fuel market to the 200,000-grade pure electric vehicle market, and the monthly sales volume of 1,000+was also higher than before.

On the other hand, Volvo is determined to realize electrification as soon as possible, but its real strength is still in the stage of plug-in+oil-for-electricity exchange. No matter whether SPA2 compares with the vast architecture of SEA or EX90 competes with Krypton 001, Geely can’t pretend to be a "teacher" when it comes to electrification, but it needs to ask this "senior" some difficult problems about the China market. The reason why the merger of the two companies broke down is probably because Volvo, whose car business was only $1.8 billion at the beginning, has an IPO valuation of nearly $30 billion after ten years of growth, which makes it have the idea of going solo, and perhaps makes it offer a price that even Geely, a "diamond VIP" in the acquisition industry, can’t bear in the merger negotiation.

In fact, Volvo needs Geely more now than it did 12 years ago. Not only because of the huge capital investment required by electrification technology, but also because of Geely’s achievements and strength in this field. For example, in the embarrassing period when Volvo’s sales and profits are both declining, Geely’s vast SEA architecture can help it tide over the difficulties.

However, these two brands in the same group began to "play their own games" in the field of electrification, which needs to concentrate on doing big things: they are extremely separated and independent; Volvo has never been able to use the vast structure of SEA. After 12 years, the couple finally began to sleep in separate rooms. Judging from the situation, Volvo’s soaring valuation is only temporary, and Geely, which has already taken off geometrically, has grasped the future. If we really want to part ways, Volvo may be the one abandoned by superior resources.

Summary:Among many luxury brands, Volvo never shows its edge, and rarely shows its ambition to surpass anyone. From the cost performance of products to the main concepts of safety and environmental protection, it even has many unique places. But after these years, Volvo’s main ideas have not been further recognized by domestic consumers. The slow pace of updating has led to a brand that cannot catch up with the high-end market at the price level and must be discounted in the main market. Faced with this situation, Volvo’s determination to cross the rubicon and "fully and quickly" electrify is worthy of recognition, but its achievements are obviously difficult to reverse the current decline. What’s more, the localization time of EX90 has been set in 2024, and it and Geely have begun to "drift away" in technology … So, Volvo may once again usher in a cold winter.

Volvo, which has two enemies at home and in Europe, is expected to land on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in the second half of the year.

Wen | You Niu Finance

After Geely Automobile decided to terminate its trip to science and technology innovation board, Volvo once again revealed its trend in the capital market.

According to media reports, in an interview with the media on June 30th, samuelson, CEO of Volvo Cars, revealed that Volvo’s listing process has made good progress, and it may land on the Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange at the end of this year.

In fact, Volvo Car has discussed the possible listing many times. After giving up the plan to merge with Geely Automobile, Volvo once again embarked on the road of landing in the capital market.

Volvo Car, which is famous for its safety, was founded in Gothenburg, Sweden in 1927. After decades of development, it has gradually become a famous luxury car brand in Sweden. Volvo’s two founders originally worked for SKF, a well-known ball bearing manufacturer at that time. One was an engineer and the other was the manager of international marketing department. They persuaded SKF’s board of directors at that time to start research and development of new cars in 1926, and officially launched the first product a year later.

With excellent sales performance, Volvo grew in size. In 1935, it officially left its parent company SKF and continued to operate independently for Volvo. In 1999, Volvo Group sold its Volvo car business to Ford Motor Company of the United States, and eleven years later, it was acquired by Geely Automobile in China for $1.8 billion.

After Volvo embraced Geely Automobile, it embarked on the highway of development. According to the data released by Volvo Cars, its global car sales in 2019 were 705,400 vehicles, up 9.8% year-on-year, achieving a six-year continuous increase in sales. Among them, China is still Volvo’s largest single market, with a cumulative sales volume of 154,000 vehicles.

At the same time of rapid development, Volvo began to plan the route of landing in the capital market.

In March 2017, some media reported that Volvo planned to raise 500 million US dollars to prepare for listing. In 2018, Volvo officially launched the listing plan. At that time, top investment banks such as Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley were hired for listing counseling. However, Volvo finally stopped the IPO plan because the valuation given by the investment banks did not meet expectations.

On February 10 last year, when Geely announced that it would merge with Volvo, some analysts thought it was Geely’s action to help Volvo go public as a whole. Wang Guanqiao, chief analyst of Industrial Securities Transportation Equipment Industry Research, said: "Volvo’s listing is inevitable, but it is only a matter of what form and how much valuation."

However, this merger only lasted for about a year. In February this year, Geely Automobile said that the previous merger plan was shelved, and the two parties would maintain independent operations, but they would cooperate in the fields of autonomous driving, electrification and powertrain.

In mid-May this year, Volvo announced in a statement that it was seeking an initial public offering from the Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange, and also extended the contract of CEO samuelson until the end of 2022, while samuelson had been hoping to promote Volvo’s listing.

Looking at the whole automobile market, new energy vehicles have become the focus of a new round of competition in the global automobile industry after 2020.

According to Canalys’ forecast, it is estimated that in 2021, the global sales of electric vehicles will exceed 5 million, accounting for more than 7% of global sales, up 66% year-on-year. It is estimated that by 2030, the sales of electric vehicles will reach 48% of the global passenger car sales.

On the one hand, with the progress of artificial intelligence, big data, autonomous driving, 5G and other technologies, and the establishment of carbon-neutral targets around the world, a new round of technological revolution will bring earth-shaking changes to the automobile manufacturing field.

On the other hand, the domestic sales of new energy vehicles account for a small part of the global market, and the national policy support originally planned to withdraw from the market this year is still being distributed because of the continuation of the epidemic, which also provides more support and encouragement for the development of the new energy market, which keeps the domestic new energy fever high for a long time.

Shi Jianhua, deputy secretary-general of China Automobile Industry Association, said in an interview with the media recently: "At present, it is not a problem for the domestic annual sales of new energy vehicles to exceed 2 million this year, especially under the advocacy of the two principles and policies of" carbon neutrality "and" peak carbon dioxide emissions ",the internal and external environment of the new energy vehicle market is still constantly optimized and accelerated."

In May, for example, the domestic sales volume of new energy vehicles was 217,000, a year-on-year increase of 159.7%. From January to May this year, the cumulative sales volume of new energy vehicles reached 950,000, a year-on-year increase of 224.2%. However, due to the epidemic last year, this data may not directly reflect the real situation of new energy vehicles in China. Compared with the sales of 1.206 million vehicles in 2019, the sales of new energy vehicles in the first five months of this year have reached 78% of the sales in 2019, with a huge overall increase.

On the other hand, according to the report of Forward-looking Industry Research Institute, as Volvo’s home market in Europe, the proportion of new energy vehicle sales in global sales in 2020 even exceeds that in China, reaching 43.8%, which may be a good situation for Volvo, which focuses on Europe and China, because of its previous sales base.

In the face of the growing global new energy vehicle market, it is inevitable that Volvo chooses to go public to promote the company’s development. For Volvo, if it can be listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, it will be able to face global investors and reduce the influence of China investors. Moreover, Volvo’s independent listing, for Geely and Volvo, can be valued separately, which also has certain advantages in the capital market.

In the rapidly growing new energy vehicle market, listing can reserve some funds for Volvo, which can reduce the financial pressure, whether it is used for follow-up research and development or to open up sales channels. However, it needs to be clear that after Volvo’s independent listing, Geely Automobile will remain its major shareholder.

However, in such a big market of new energy vehicles, there are naturally many players who want to take a slice of this big cake.

After the year 2021, many domestic enterprises such as Baidu, Xiaomi, 360, SAIC, Beiqi and Dongfeng have joined in the manufacturing of new energy vehicles, and some enterprises have launched smart car brands to grab market share, such as the HI version of Extreme Fox Alpha S Huawei, which adopts many Huawei technologies, and the first new energy vehicle equipped with HarmonyOS OS smart cockpit.

Not only in China, but also in Europe, which accounts for the largest sales volume of new energy vehicles in 2020, with the introduction of various favorable policies (subsidies and suppression of traditional vehicles) for new energy vehicles by the European Union, many traditional automobile giants such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi have actively or passively engaged in this field.

"At present, the automobile industry is undergoing changes at an unprecedented speed. Electrification, autonomous driving, intelligent networking and new business models are coming like a wave, and the competition in the industry is becoming increasingly fierce. We must be fully prepared. " Geely wrote in an internal letter published on February 10th.

In fact, the pressure on Volvo is not only from other players entering the market, but also from Geely.

On the one hand, Geely and Baidu cooperated to set up a new energy vehicle enterprise named "Jidu" at the beginning of this year, which gathered Baidu’s autonomous driving technology and Geely’s experience in vehicle manufacturing.

On the other hand, as early as 2016, Volvo and Geely jointly established a high-end brand named Lectra, and a year later, Polar Star was established, which also had a certain impact on Volvo’s new energy vehicle strategy. For example, Polar Star released a pure electric vehicle Polestar 2 in early 2019, while Volvo did not release a model named XC40 Recharge until October, and the parameters of the two models were almost the same.

Fortunately, Volvo is also trying to make changes.

Volvo plans to standard lidar on the next generation of new cars, and in order to achieve software autonomy, Volvo began to switch from relying on suppliers to developing its own software. According to Volvo, it is currently cooperating with NVIDIA, Google and other technology companies, gradually transforming into a full-stack self-research and central computing platform, and plans to equip future models with self-developed in-vehicle systems.

Samuelson plans to achieve full electrification in 2025, reaching the global sales target of 1.2 million vehicles, of which 50% are pure electric vehicles and the rest are hybrid vehicles; In 2030, it became a pure electric luxury car enterprise; Strive to become a climate zero-load benchmark enterprise in 2040; All pure electric vehicles will be sold online.

If this transformation strategy can be carried out smoothly, it will help Volvo to occupy a place in the global competition of new energy vehicles, but the road to change is full of risks and unknowns. Facing the eyeing competitors, listing is a rare opportunity for Volvo to become the leader of luxury pure tram enterprises.

Chery tiggo 8PLUS kunpeng edition will be on the market soon, which is more expensive but stronger.

The Tiggo 8 series is undoubtedly the most important model in Chery’s product matrix, which can basically contribute more than 10,000 vehicles to the brand every month. Under Chery’s big single product strategy, the current Tiggo 8 series has formed a high and low camp of Tiggo 8PLUS+ Tiggo 8, covering the price range of 80,000-160,000. Chery has been continuously tapping its market potential for this hot-selling product. Not long ago, it launched the Tiggo 8 Kunpeng version and added 2.0T power. The Tiggo 8PLUS Kunpeng version will also be launched tonight.

The modeling design of the Tiggo 8PLUS Kunpeng Edition is consistent with the original 1.5T and 1.6T series, but it is different from the Tiggo 8. The interior of the polygonal grille on the front of the car is chrome-plated in star lattice, and two groups of L-shaped light sources are used in the narrow headlights on both sides, which is more recognizable after lighting, and the whole front face is relatively more refined than the original design.

The side is not big, the shape is stable and atmospheric, and the two-color wheel hub highlights the movement. The rear part doesn’t use penetrating taillights like the Tiggo 8, but the black and white decoration inside is also quite individual, and a large number of horizontal lines also outline a strong level of big mouth. It is worth mentioning that the car uses a bilateral four-way exhaust hole design, which indicates good performance.

The interior uses the popular digital cockpit style. The central control panel and the instrument panel form a double screen design. There is also a touch control panel in front of the bar. The three screens create a strong scientific and technological atmosphere, and a small number of physical buttons are set in the car, which is convenient for quick operation.

In the configuration part, the Tiggo 8PLUS Kunpeng version will come standard with front and rear airbags, panoramic sunroof, induction electric trunk, dual 12.3-inch screen, 360-degree panoramic image, voice recognition system, navigation, car networking, OTA upgrade and other functions. In addition to the heroic version, lane departure warning, lane keeping assistance, road traffic sign recognition, full-speed adaptive cruise, active braking and built-in driving recorder will also be equipped.

The dimensions, length, width and height of the new car are 4722/1860/1745mm and the wheelbase is 2710mm, which is quite spacious for a five-seat car. The trunk volume can reach 889L in normal state, and it is 1930L in the back row.

The Kunpeng version uses a 2.0TGDI turbocharged engine with a maximum horsepower of 254Ps and a peak torque of 390N·m, which has appeared on many Chery models. It is reported that the car can achieve a zero-speed acceleration of 7.3S, and the vehicle will also be equipped with a new generation of electronically controlled intelligent four-wheel drive system, with various driving modes such as economy, sports, snow, mud and off-road, which can adapt to more different road conditions.

The Kunpeng version will be more expensive than the cash price, and the current pre-sale price is 1419-169900 yuan, but the richer configuration and stronger power performance are undoubtedly very worthwhile. At present, the Tiggo 8 series has become the sales force of the explosive family in the market, and the arrival of the Kunpeng version has further improved the product layout, which is believed to contribute to the sales growth.