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Getting out of the misunderstanding of labor education practice: "gamification" can’t gain labor interest

  Bright pictures/vision china


  editorial comment/note

  Labor refers to the activity that people create material wealth and spiritual wealth necessary for their own survival and development through their own hard physical or mental efforts. In the new era, labor education has been picked up again, and schools have gradually begun to jointly carry out labor education practice with society and families. But in reality, labor education is often reduced to a simple task in daily teaching, a simple physical education, skill learning, and even alienated into entertainment, punishment and domestication. This paper holds that the lack of understanding of the connotation of labor and labor education still leads to some misunderstandings in the practice of labor education, such as the "servitude" of cognitive mental work that makes learning and labor oppose each other, the "play" that replaces the real pleasure of labor, and the lack of continuity in labor education, which needs serious reflection based on the connotation of labor education, and has certain practical pertinence, hoping to bring inspiration to readers.

  1, learning "servitude" put learning and labor in opposition.

  In recent years, labor education has been promoted to the same position as moral education, intellectual education, physical education and aesthetic education, so some schools have vigorously carried out labor education practice. Some open up schools to build farms and guide students to carry out productive labor practice; Some combine social resources and rely on labor education practice bases to organize students to experience labor. Social practice activities of learning agriculture and learning industry are carried out regularly every year in many places. However, while increasing the opportunities of labor experience, we will find a conventional concept that students’ daily study is not labor. This is really worth reflecting on. Isn’t learning itself labor?

  In fact, learning itself is also a kind of labor, and learning is cognitive mental labor. Soviet educator Suhomlinski believes that "labor education begins when students sit behind desks and study. Desk is the most complicated machine tool, which makes children, teenagers and teenagers feel that it is shameful to be careless, and laziness and idleness are sad. It is the most difficult thing for students to establish this understanding in education". Learning is a kind of labor that promotes the combination of wisdom and hands’ efforts. In this labor, learning is labor, while knowledge is the result of labor efforts. Under the background of digital labor era, the function of labor gradually turns to the existential function of realizing personal self-worth and obtaining the sense of value and meaning of existence. From this perspective, completing labor outside of learning may not be able to obtain more sense of value and existence than learning process.

  If learning is labor, why talk about labor education now? Why didn’t the mental work, which occupies the main position in students’ life at present, achieve the purpose of labor education? Why do schools often oppose mental labor and productive labor, and think that too much emphasis on intellectual development leads to insufficient labor experience? This is because the mental work of learning is alienated, and learning has been externalized as "labor".

  To recognize that learning is externalized as "labor", we need to trace back the essence of learning, a mental labor, and re-examine the current learning process of students. From Marx’s definition of labor, we can see that labor is firstly a process between man and nature. In the process of material exchange with nature, people increasingly realize the common attributes of things and phenomena, and find the regularity and connection between them, while mental labor is expressed in the form of representation, concept and reasoning. Learning this mental work ultimately points to scientific understanding of things, which is also an essential attribute for learning to become mental work. At present, students’ learning has gradually become "externalized labor" pointed out by Marx. Marx said in the Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844: Labor is an external thing for workers. In labor, he does not affirm himself, but denies himself. Instead of feeling happy, he feels unfortunate. Instead of freely exerting his physical strength and intelligence, he makes himself physically tortured and mentally destroyed. Once the external force stops, he will escape from labor like a plague. This exposition of externalization of labor seems to be just right to describe the study of today’s students. Students’ study is not to scientifically understand reality, but to pursue external material needs. The "tearing books after the college entrance examination" repeatedly exposed by the media reflects the students’ escape from this externally imposed task. Therefore, learning is no longer real labor, and it no longer has the function of liberating physical strength and intelligence.Instead, it becomes "hard labor", so it has little effect on improving students’ labor literacy.

  2. "Gamification" makes students lose their interest in labor.

  Corresponding to the fact that learning has become "hard labor", other forms of labor education that are gradually emerging show a trend of "gamification". Some schools carry out interesting and wonderful labor activities to attract students, and some schools integrate labor education into spring outing. On the one hand, this can improve students’ enthusiasm for participating in labor, but on the other hand, we need to pay attention to avoid blurring the difference between labor and games. Labor is the process of externalizing oneself, while game is the process of internalizing reality. The fuzziness of the difference between labor and games is more obvious in the digital age. Digital labor blurs the time-space boundary between entertainment and work, and dispels the traditional antagonistic relationship between play and labor.

  Labor is a serious process of giving, and the joy of labor lies in creation. This kind of giving also explains the self-externalization of labor. Students devote their physical strength and intelligence to the labor process and gain certain results. The pleasure that students feel in their work is the pleasure of creating things because of self-sacrifice, not fun. There is a difference between labor and games. Games can naturally bring satisfaction to children, but labor itself has no interest in children, so the interest in labor needs to be cultivated and developed consciously. The "gamification" of labor makes many activities look interesting, but there is no labor in essence, and students can’t gain interest in labor. Suhomlinski believes that the interest in labor should be manifested as "they realize that they can act on nature, make plants give fruits, and use tools to process wood or metal into needed shapes". Therefore, in the practice of labor education, we need to judge whether the interest in the labor process comes from giving and creating, or is interfered by other factors such as gamification.

  The contribution in the process of labor can cultivate positive labor values and make students love the working people and respect the fruits of labor. At the end of the 19th century, a "new" school appeared in France to train people engaged in "advanced knowledge occupations". In this school, students treat manual labor just like games and sports, because they don’t have to live by manual labor in the future. Although this school is located in the countryside, the students are far away from farmers’ lives. Although they are also working, they can’t really understand and study various social relations. Rousseau believes that only by taking part in labor in person and understanding all its complexity and arduousness according to experience can students judge the social significance of a production department in the future. Therefore, if we don’t regard labor as a serious process, we can’t cultivate our feelings for the working people, and we can’t cultivate our appreciation for the obtained survival materials.

  3. Labor education stays in experience and ignores daily self-service labor.

  At present, the labor practice of studying industry and agriculture in some areas is vigorously carried out, and an institutionalized labor experience system is gradually formed based on the construction of learning industry and agriculture bases. However, the persistence of these activities is worthy of attention. Most schools spend one week each semester leading students to experience labor, but they only stay in the experience once each semester, and there is a lack of cohesion between the activities, which is easy to make the labor experience become a casual entertainment. What’s more, some schools organize students to pull weeds in wasteland, and students regard pulling weeds as a kind of hard labor. This kind of labor experience of "working without teaching" deepens students’ rejection of manual labor. Therefore, the experience of labor must be complete, so that students can see the results of labor and feel satisfied with the achievements they have made through their own labor. If we just stop at pulling weeds without letting students experience the significance of pulling weeds for the growth of saplings, it will be difficult for this labor experience to play its due role. To lead students to plant wheat seedlings, we should let them see the process of wheat seedlings growing, heading and harvesting, and even let them see the process of wheat grains turning into food. At this time, the sense of pleasure comes not only from obtaining external products, but also from experiencing the sense of value and existence of labor.

  In fact, daily self-service labor is just the way to implement the principle of continuity of labor education. However, these are often ignored in schools and families. Schools spend time and energy to organize off-campus labor practice, but at noon, catering staff bring students lunch to the classroom, "depriving" students of the opportunity to experience self-service. The relationship between man and self is at the core of the three attributes of man, which also means that students’ self-service labor plays a vital role in students’ all-round development. Self-service labor can be regarded as the beginning of labor education. No matter what kind of productive labor he is engaged in in in the future, self-service will become his obligation and habit, and it is also the habit of cultivating people to observe discipline, meet their personal needs by doing it themselves, and form the habit of respecting others. When students get food effortlessly, it is difficult to ask them to respect food and labor.

  4. Strategies and suggestions for getting out of the misunderstanding of labor education practice.

  "If there is labor, there may not be education". Labor needs to satisfy three relational attributes, namely, man and self, man and nature, and man and society. The basic contents of labor are: self-service labor, productive labor and social welfare labor. Labor education is a practical activity based on physical labor and material production labor, exploratory innovation labor and artistic aesthetic labor, which is manifested in independent life in family life, practice and hands-on operation in study, public welfare activities in society and various professional labor. Therefore, the strategy to get out of the misunderstanding of labor education practice is to balance people’s different forms of labor demand through diversification.

  First of all, set up a cohesive and comprehensive labor education course. Dewey once said in The Waste of Education that all aspects and stages of education lack the necessary connection and cohesion with each other, which leads to conflicts and even negative effects. Similarly, in order to avoid the waste of education caused by labor education staying at the experience level, the labor education curriculum needs to pay attention to the cohesion of labor content and skills, which is reflected in the cohesion of curriculum content and the cohesion of education system. In terms of course content, it is necessary to set up labor courses that echo and connect properly according to the needs and characteristics of students of different classes and grades. In the education system, it is necessary to consolidate the skills and concepts of labor education through the cooperation between family and society. Schools can encourage students to find service jobs at home, take the initiative to participate in housework, and learn some labor skills. In addition, the content of labor curriculum also needs to take into account three basic labor education contents, namely, self-service labor, productive labor and social welfare labor.

  Secondly, change the concept of labor education of parents and educators, so that parents and educators can establish labor education awareness. The promotion of the cooperative mechanism between labor educators and schools puts forward higher requirements for teachers and parents’ awareness of labor education. For example, some schools will arrange "homework". If teachers and parents can’t pay attention to it, the effect will be greatly reduced. In order to avoid staying in the curriculum, labor education needs to enhance the awareness of teachers and parents. On the one hand, it is necessary to interpret the connotation, function and significance of labor education in combination with the development of the new era. On the other hand, it is necessary to change the concept of labor education through necessary education and training, so that they can voluntarily carry out and cooperate with the development of labor education activities.

  Finally, actively develop creative forms of labor and promote the combination of physical strength and brain power. Creative labor enables students to use the power of wisdom in physical labor, realize the unity of "internal thinking" and "external doing", and thus experience the happiness of labor. Wang Shaoliang, a scholar, believes that the labor values of contemporary teenagers have changed from "labor glory" to "labor happiness", that is, from "a kind of praise obtained from the outside through labor achievements" to "confirmation and affirmation of an essential force from their own labor achievements". Therefore, the development of school labor activities can not stay in simple physical labor, but needs to develop challenging creative labor that can show students’ physical and mental potential. Suhomlinski’s "creative labor theory" also points out that the content of labor education should be enriched with enough knowledge, abundant wisdom and refined talents.

   (Author: Ning Bentao Feng Linlin, respectively, professor of the Department of Education, Department of Education, East China Normal University, researcher of the Institute of Basic Education Reform and Development; Master student, Department of Education, East China Normal University)

Football News: Taishan will win the second place in the U21 League. In the final round, four teams will compete for the remaining place for the second place.

Live broadcast: On November 3rd, in the 21st round of U21 League, Shandong Taishan U21 team defeated Shanghai Harbour U21 team 2-1, locked in the championship one round ahead of schedule, and got the qualification to participate in the 2024 season B. According to "Football News", in the final round, there were four teams competing for the remaining one B spot.

According to the rules, the top two players in U21 League this year won the number of places in China B, but the rules on registration, promotion and demotion have not been finalized. After this round, Taishan scored 45 points, Haigang scored 40 points, Dalian scored 39 points, Rongcheng scored 39 points and Shenhua scored 38 points. Taishan U21 team has won the championship ahead of schedule and successfully rushed to B, while the four U21 teams of Haigang, Dalian, Rongcheng and Shenhua all have hope of rushing to B in the final round.

At present, the situation in the seaport is the best. If you win, you will get the qualification of B. If you draw, you need another game and it will be a draw. If you lose, you will miss B.: If Dalian people win and the harbor doesn’t win, they can get the qualification of B, and they will be tied or negative; If Rongcheng wins, and the harbor doesn’t win, it will get the qualification of B, and it will be flat or negative; If Shenhua wins and Dalian people draw with Rongcheng, they can get the qualification of B.


CINITY, the exclusive screening of Avatar: The Way of Water by China Film, won the CineEurope Special Technology Achievement Award.

  On June 23rd, at the CineEurope held in Barcelona, Spain, a high-tech film system with independent intellectual property rights in China — — CINITY of China Film made a shocking appearance, and the organizers of the European Film Expo specially awarded CINITY Special Technology Achievement Award of China Film.

CINITY, the exclusive screening of Avatar: The Way of Water by China Film, won the CineEurope Special Technology Achievement Award.

  During the Expo, CINITY of China Film showed a brand-new clip of Avatar: The Way of Water, the second sci-fi film in the Avatar series directed by James Cameron, at the Barcelona International Convention Center (CCIB). The clip was exclusively screened by CINITY of China Film, and it has high-tech specifications such as 4K/3D/ high frame rate. At the same time, CINITY’s high-tech projection technologies, such as high brightness, high dynamic range, wide color gamut and immersive sound, are integrated to present a perfect audio-visual experience, allowing the on-site guests to immerse themselves in the mysterious dreamland of Avatar: The Way of Water.

CINITY, the exclusive screening of Avatar: The Way of Water by China Film, won the CineEurope Special Technology Achievement Award.

  Jon Landau, producer of Avatar: The Way of Water.

  "The guests present today all said that they had gained an unprecedented viewing experience." Jon Landau, the producer of Avatar: The Way of Water, said after the clip presentation, "Director James Cameron and I both hope that our guests can see the best presentation of the film. Avatar: The Way of Water was shot in 3D, 4K and high frame rate, and director Cameron used new technology and said it was ‘ Designed for the biggest screen and the most immersive 3D effects ’ . Therefore, in the choice of CineEurope projection system, we also hope to truly restore the director’s creation and present the team’s efforts to the audience to the greatest extent. CINITY’s screening technical specifications and film presentation effects are world-leading, and I am very grateful to CINITY for its support. "

CINITY, the exclusive screening of Avatar: The Way of Water by China Film, won the CineEurope Special Technology Achievement Award.

  In this regard, Fu Ruoqing, founder of CINITY and vice chairman of China Film, said: "We are honored to cooperate with Walt Disney Company. Avatar: The Way of Water is a film that is highly anticipated by audiences all over the world. I am very proud to show the perfect side of this film to Barcelona audiences with CINITY technology in 4K/3D/ high frame rate specifications at the European Film Expo, and I look forward to more audiences enjoying its most beautiful picture in the future."

  At this European Film Expo, CINITY of China Film not only won favorable comments from the audience, but also won the Technical Award of Achievement issued by the Expo. The organizer of the European Film Expo said that awarding this award is a recognition of the breakthrough made by CINITY of China Film as the core screening technology and its contribution to leading the film industry into an unprecedented new era of viewing with high-tech film technology.

CINITY, the exclusive screening of Avatar: The Way of Water by China Film, won the CineEurope Special Technology Achievement Award.

  It is reported that CINITY Hi-tech film system was launched in 2019. It is China’s own brand and has core independent intellectual property rights. It creatively integrates the high technologies in the seven film projection fields of 4K, 3D, high brightness, high frame rate, high dynamic range, wide color gamut and immersive sound, which makes the film clearer, more colorful, smoother, richer in details, more coherent in action, more realistic in sound and greatly improved. Through the breakthrough of key technologies, it is the highest technical specification and the best film display form in the field of film projection to promote the formation of the whole high-tech film industry chain from shooting, post-production to distribution and projection.

  By June 2022, CINITY had produced and released 127 films, including 12 high frame rate films. China has installed 70 cinemas, and has reached cooperation to install more than 80 cinemas, covering domestic mainstream cinemas and deployed in more than 30 cities.

  In the future, CINITY of China Film will be promoted and applied on a global scale, deepening international exchanges and accelerating the process of internationalization. While building a wider distribution scope and a more advanced projection system, CINITY will also invest in the production of high-tech films. China’s films will speed up the layout on the road of developing high-tech format films, make continuous efforts, build an industrial chain of high-tech format films, serve the creation and audience, and contribute to the goal of becoming a powerful film country. (Reporter Kong Xiaoping)

The latest report in the United States shows that the quality of Boeing 737Max aircraft is serious, and 33 of 89 audits failed.

(Observer Network News) According to the disclosure on March 11th, local time in The New York Times, USA, the FAA found that Boeing "has many problems in quality control" after six weeks of audit. Among all 89 audits, Boeing passed 56, 33 failed, accounting for more than 37%, and 97 possible irregularities were found.

The quality problem is serious, and the qualified rate of fuselage audit is less than 50%

According to the inspection report of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) cited by The New York Times, there are dozens of problems in the manufacturing process of Boeing 737Max aircraft manufacturers and their main suppliers.

After the Mense crash of Alaska Airlines Boeing 737MAX in January, the FAA began to investigate this type of aircraft. The survey results show that 56 of 89 audit subjects passed the audit, 33 failed the audit, and the failure rate exceeded 37%. During the audit, there were 97 suspected violations.

In the investigation of 737Max fuselage contractor Spirit AeroSystems, the report showed that seven audits were unqualified, which was unreasonable by more than 50%. It is mentioned in the report that the personnel of the air safety agency have witnessed the mechanic of Spirit company using the hotel room card to check the plane’s Mense. In addition, the FAA personnel also saw the mechanic of Spirit company smearing soap liquid on the door plug as a "lubricant" during fitting, and then cleaning Mense with a wet cheese cloth.

Boeing’s factory in Leighton, Washington (pictured from Reuters)

In an audit of Mense components by Spirit Company, the investigators found five problems, one of which was that "no evidence was provided to prove that the minor design changes of the aircraft had been approved by the FAA". Another audit that Spirit failed involved the installation of Boeing 737Max in Mense. In this audit, investigators expressed their concern about the Spirit technicians who performed this work because the company "failed to clearly understand the knowledge needed to implement this process".

Other audits that Spirit failed include those involving cargo doors and the installation of cockpit windows. In this regard, Spirit spokesman Joe Buccino said that the company is "reviewing all identified non-compliance behaviors to correct them".

In the audit of Boeing, the auditors found that many problems of Boeing were not following the "approved manufacturing processes, procedures or instructions", and other problems involved the quality control of Boeing aircraft.

The FAA also rated Boeing employees’ understanding of the quality control process. In the survey, they interviewed six company engineers and graded their answers, with an overall average score of only 58%.

According to the report, the FAA has deployed as many as 20 investigators in Boeing and about 6 investigators in Spirit.

It is worth noting that Spirit AeroSystems was spun off from Boeing Commercial Aircraft Company in 2005. Boeing said this month that it is in talks to acquire Spirit.

In March, there were four vicious accidents, and Boeing whistleblowers committed suicide.

Recently, Boeing’s security issues have once again attracted attention from all walks of life.

Following the fall of Boeing 737Max 9 Mense in January, several people on board were injured, the engine of Boeing 747-8 cargo plane caught fire over Miami, and the tire of Boeing 757 fell off. Since March, Boeing has had four consecutive vicious accidents. At the beginning of the month, there were three accidents including engine fire, tire falling off and skidding off the runway.

On the 11th local time, a Boeing 787-9 caused a "strong vibration" due to "technical problems" during the flight. At least 50 people were injured in the vibration, and then the plane landed at Auckland airport.

The New Zealand Traffic Accident Investigation Committee said on Tuesday that it was detaining the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder (black box) of the Boeing 787-9 plane that injured 50 people on the 11th. The black box will provide more information about the flight trajectory and communication between pilots.

On March 9, local time, the government of South Carolina confirmed that John Barnett, a 62-year-old former employee of Boeing, who publicly questioned the problems in Boeing’s production line, was found dead in the car.

In 2010, he began to work as a quality manager at the Boeing factory in North Charleston, and retired in 2017. In 2019, barnett reported that the overworked employees of his Boeing factory in South Carolina deliberately installed substandard parts on the aircraft on the production line. A few days before his death, the old employee who had worked for Boeing for 32 years was still busy with his lawsuit against Boeing. He was found dead because he failed to provide testimony on the 9th.

Lawyer barnett used "alleged" to describe his client’s statement of "shooting himself".

This article is an exclusive manuscript of Observer. It cannot be reproduced without authorization.

The nebula award announced the shortlist. What science fiction novels were nominated this year?

On February 20th, local time, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) announced the finalists of the 54th nebula awards. The award ceremony will be held on May 18th, local time, and the Warner Marriott Center in California will produce the winners of this year’s nebula awards.
In addition to awards for novels, novelettes, novelettes and short stories, this year’s Xingyun Awards also set up three fiction awards, including the best game writing award, the "bradbury Award" for the best drama presentation, and the "Andre Norton Award" for the best youth science fiction and fantasy works. Among them, the Best Game Writing Award is the first award added this year.
The annual nebula award was first presented in 1965, in recognition of science fiction and fantasy novels published or published in the United States the previous year. The nebula award is one of the most important awards in science fiction and fantasy novels. It is often compared with Hugo Award. Together, they are called "Double Awards", which is called the Nobel Prize in science fiction. Works that win both the nebula award and Hugo award are often regarded as stepping into the palace of classic works.
The nebula award is a spiral nebula made of transparent synthetic resin, hence the name of this award.
China writer Liu Cixin was nominated for the nebula award in 2015. The nominated work is the first part of the English version of Three-body trilogy, which was translated by Chinese-American Liu Yukun, and the name of the English version was translated into The Three Body Problem. In August 2015, at the 73rd World Science Fiction Conference, Liu Cixin’s "Three-body" won the Hugo Award for novels, which was the first time that China people won the highest honor in science fiction literature. In addition, Liu Cixin has won the "Global Chinese Science Fiction Galactic Award" sponsored by the World Chinese Science Fiction Association for many times.
2018 nebula award finalist list:
The Calculating Stars, by Mary Robinette Kowal, published by Tor.
In the setting of overhead history, the global disaster forced mankind to carry out a greatly accelerated space program, which at the same time forced female astronauts not to escape from the earth.
The Poppy War, by R.F. Kuang, published by Harper Voyager US; Harper Voyager UK)
The "Poppy War" by Chinese-American women writers is an epic of historical military fantasy. The story of betrayal and magical conception are intertwined in the background of China’s 12th century war.
Blackfish City, author: Sam J. Miller Publishing: Ecco; Orbit UK
"Black Fish City" is a compact science fiction work, involving a series of problems faced by the real society, such as political corruption, organized crime, gender identity and climate change.
Spinning Silver, by Naomi Novik, published by Del Rey; Macmillan
The author Naomi Novik studied the magic of fairy tales deeply and wrote a love story that is eternal but suitable for the present. This bestseller was rated as "one of the best fantasy novels of the year" by The New York Times.
Witchmark, by C.L. Polk, published by Tor.com Publishing.
The author sets the story in England. In the primitive world under the shadow of the world war, the cabal of aristocratic families uses their unique magical gifts to control the destiny of the country, while young people just want to live their own lives.
Trail of Lightning, by Rebecca Roanhorse, published by Saga.
The climate disaster caused the sea level to rise suddenly, and most parts of the world have been submerged below the water level, leaving only the last reserve. Gods and heroes have traveled all over this land, including those legendary monsters.
Medium length
Fire Ant, by Jonathan P. Brazee, published by Semper Fi.
The protagonist is an exploration pilot employed by a big company. During a routine task of analyzing the galaxy system, she came across something that might threaten the survival of mankind. Not oppressed by power, she tried to convey this message to others: there are very real dangers waiting for mankind in the deep air.
The Black God’s Drums, by P. Djèlí Clark, published by Tor.com Publishing.
In the parallel universe, New Orleans fell into the American Civil War. A girl longed to escape from the battlefield, so she boarded the airship of the midnight robber and won the trust of the captain after completing the task many times.
The Tea Master and the Detective, by Aliette de Bodard, published by Subterranean.
Exiled anthropologists and powerful families form a circular habitat. In this mobile society, physical and virtual reality overlap, and the environment will change its appearance according to the current mood of the interlocutors.
Alice Payne Arrives, by Kate Heartfield, published by Tor.com Publishing.
A lost hero, a highway robber, and a raging war. This time travel science fiction story makes a thief reluctantly become a hero.
Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach, by Kelly Robson, published by Tor.com Publishing.
This novel is an adventure story about the changes of human history. People choose to go back to the less polluted past or to repair the damaged planet.
Artificial Condition, by Martha Wells, published by Tor.com Publishing.
Known as the "murder robot", it has a dark history, and many people have died at its hands. However, it has only a vague memory of the massacre behind the title, so it cooperates with a transport ship to explore its past.
Short novella
The only harmony great thing, by Brooke Bolander, published by Tor.com Publishing.
In the early 20th century, a group of female factory workers in New Jersey slowly died of radiation poisoning. At about the same time, an Indian elephant was deliberately electrocuted to death on Coney Island. The author established a clever connection between the two events in the way of overhead history.
"The Last Banquet of Temporary Conflicts", by Tina Connolly, published in Tor.com.
In this story about the traitor king, a food taster needs to make his own choice: pastry, magic or betrayal.
"An Agent of Utopia", by Andy Duncan, published in An Agent of Utopia.
An assassin, an aging UFO contact, a Mohawk steel worker, a time-traveling fighter, a zombie who eats yam, and a child who likes to eat chicken, they ride in a steamer together, creating a fairy tale in the 21st century.
"The Substance of My Lives, The Incidents of Our Births", by José Pablo Iriarte, published at Lightspeed.
Jimmy is a "non-duality" teenager in a small town, but Ta still remembers many dead people in the town, one of whom is closely related to a murder case 40 years ago.
"The Rule of Three", by Lawrence M. Schoen, published in Future Science Fiction Digest.
Computers around the world are paralyzed in a virus storm, and the world is in chaos. Adam’s car without a computer is one of the few machines that can still work. He used cars to bring people together in the community and seek ways to survive.
"Messenger" by Yudhanjaya Wijeratne and R.R. Virdi, published in Expanding Universe, Volume 4.
This sci-fi novel about aliens incorporates a lot of animation themes. The author and his partner are the first Sri Lankan writers nominated for the nebula award.
short story
"Interview for the End of the World", by Rhett C. Bruno, published in Bridge Across the Stars.
Rhett Bruno is an American science fiction writer, whose works such as Legend of the Circuit and Son of Titan are on the best-seller list of USA-Today. This short story discusses the end of the world.
"the secret lives of the nine Negroes of George Washington", by Phenderson Djèlí Clark, published in Fireside.
This short story is a fictional story about President George Washington, the founding father of the United States, buying teeth from nine black people.
"Going Dark", by Richard Fox, published in Backblast Area Clear.
The human war has spread to the stars. This short story depicts the fierce scene of heroic soldiers fighting with the enemy.
"And Yet", by A.T. Greenblatt, published in Uncanny.
Only a fool would believe in the haunted house of childhood. However, you have returned to the overgrown front porch, which has not changed for more than 20 years. Memories of the past slowly flow out from here …
"A Watch’s Guide to Escape: A Practical Competition of Portal Fantasies", by Alix E. Harrow, published in Apex 2/6/18.
An escape guide for the witch was abandoned on the carpet with a map of foreign countries drawn in brown ink. A red backpack sits next to it …
"The Court Magician", by Sarah Pinsker, published at Lightspeed.
The boy who will become a court magician is different. His background distinguishes him from other children. Although he comes from the market, he is not a cruel child. He never steals money from others or beats children for candy …
Best Game Writing (game writing)
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, by Charlie Brooker, published in House of Tomorrow & Netflix.
The indie TV movie Black Mirror: Pandas Nike describes that young programmers in the 1980s tried to adapt their childhood favorite adventure novel Pandas Nike into a best-selling computer game. The interactive version sets five formal endings for the story.
The Road to Canterbury, by Kate Heartfield, published in Choice of Games.
"The Road to Canterbury" is a mobile APP game based on the author’s 170,000-word interactive medieval novel. The game does not contain animation and pictures, and the whole process is presented in the form of text. The choice of players will determine the direction of the story.
God of War, by Matt Sophos, Richard Zangrande Gaubert, Cory Barlog, Orion Walker and Adam Dolin, published in Santa Monica Studio/Sony/Interactive Entertainment.
"God of War" is a game developed by Sony Electronic Entertainment Company. The game is based on Greek mythology and tells the adventures of Kratos, who became a god of war from mortal to god of war, and started the killing of gods.
Rent-A-Vice, by Natalia Theodoridou, published in Choice of Games.
This is an interactive game based on a 150,000-word mystery novel. The player plays a private detective and handles a lot of troubles. The game is presented in the form of pure text, and the player’s choice determines the direction of the story.
The Martian Job, by M. Darusha Wehm, published in Choice of Games.
Welcome to Mars! This interactive game is based on the author’s novel text. Players start their own adventures on Mars through their own imagination, and even get rich outside the starry sky.
"bradbury" Best Screenplay Award
The Goodplace: "Jeremy Bearimy", written by Megan Amram.
Good Land is an American fantasy comedy TV series, and the nomination script is the fifth episode of the third season of the drama.
Black Panther, written by Ryan Coogler and Joe Robert Cole
Black Panther is an American action science fiction movie, which tells the story of a superhero with African descent in a highly developed era of science and technology.
A Quiet Place, written by John Krasinski and Bryan Woods & Scott Beck
In the movie Quiet Place, a large-scale invasion broke out, and here, keeping quiet is the only rule for survival.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, written by Phil Lord and Rodney Rothman.
In the movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, a collider opens a passage to other universes, and Spider-Man from other universes and different versions come to help the hero complete his mission.
Dirty Computer, written by Janelle Monáe and Chuck Lightning
In the movie Dirty Computer, a robot tries to get rid of the control of a totalitarian society, which is also very disgusted with homosexuality.
Sorry to Bother You, written by Boots Riley
Sorry to disturb is a comedy fantasy movie. A black telemarketer accidentally discovers the dark secret hidden behind the company, and he has to choose between keeping silent and telling the truth.
"Andre Norton" Award for Best Youth Science Fiction or Fantasy Works
Children of Blood and Bone, by Tomi Adeyemi, published by Henry Holt; Macmillan
Ancient magic hangs over the land of West Africa. The king’s ruthless orders deprived the hero of his mother. With the help of a princess, he searched for the lost magic and took revenge on the cruel and heartless royal family.
Aru Shah and the End of Time, by Roshani Chokshi, published by Rick Riordan Presents.
Twelve-year-old Aru Shah has just begun to adapt to school life. On one occasion, Aru Shah and his classmates inadvertently released a demon who had been sleeping for thousands of years. The only way to stop the demon was to find five reincarnated soul children. Aru Shah embarked on an adventurous journey.
A Light in the Dark, by A.K. DuBoff, published by BDL.
The invasion of the alien fleet has arrived. Before the world is completely destroyed, Ellie and her friends must find the mysterious fragments and start the restart of the cosmic device to stop the alien attack.
Tess of the Road, by Rachel Hartman, published by Random House.
In medieval Europe, women were required to be ladies and protected by men, but Tess did not accept such social discipline. Her family had to send her to a monastery. Tess cut off her hair, put on her boots and chose to run away. She had to decide her own path.
Dreamnation, by Justina Ireland, published by Balzer+Bray.
The dead came back to life on the battlefield in Gettysburg. They walked on the battlefield and changed the outcome of the American Civil War. In the new United States, children are forced to learn combat skills, fight the wandering undead and protect the safety of most people in the country. The little girl Jane refused to accept this unfair abuse and began an adventure story of resistance.
Peasprout Chen: Future Legend of Skate and Sword, Henry Lien (Henry Holt)
Welcome to the Institute of Skating and Fencing, where children are eager to become masters of skating and fencing. When the competition between students is becoming more and more fierce, a huge conspiracy hanging over the college is slowly emerging …
Author Li Yongbo
Editor Zhang Jin proofreads Wu Xingfa.

Mango TV Transformation, "Under the Sun" catch me if you can, both the editor and the director are excellent!

According to the past habits, most of the dramas broadcast by Mango TV can’t escape the youth idols and sweet pets, but the opening year of 2021 is really a big surprise. The New Year’s drama chosen by Mango TV is actually Under the Sunshine produced by Bona, a big play in catch me if you can, knowing that the villain is there, but for various reasons, he can’t be brought to justice immediately. You must also make a pretence with him and deal with dozens of criminal investigation dramas!

From the first two episodes, "Under the Sun" shows a sense of suspense and tension that is not lost to this year’s hot and foggy theater. After being hijacked by gangsters halfway, the female university teacher escaped calmly and tactfully, and found that the murderer at that time changed her identity and reappeared in her life seven months later. The old policeman, who has been suspicious of the case and carefully pursued it, was victimized by the gangster’s design step by step, but he secretly left a chess piece and ambushed the murderer. The killers with high IQ and high face value play with their prey in their hands like cats, as if they don’t mind that their minions also have deadly abilities!

Not only is the story tightly woven and full of unexpected suspense, but it is also excellent in actor performance. First of all, I have to talk about Mr. Wang Jinsong. Although he has been off the production line in the third episode, he has set a benchmark for all the actors in these two episodes. Moreover, Chen Jinyan, the old policeman he played this time, is completely different from the role he interpreted before. Besides the justice of the police, he also has a special human touch, especially for Xiaowu, played by Liu Kai, who used his own dead church as a street punk to mix responsibility and justice, which also made the story have a longer-term development.

Another surprise is Peng Guanying. I have always paid close attention to this actor, not only because of his outstanding appearance and good acting skills, but also because he can often give people a reasonable role and some unexpected feelings. For example, in The Longest Day In Chang’an, the hypocritical son, a few scenes can be impressive. This time, he played the roles of Feng Xiaosheng and Shen Shijie respectively. When he first appeared, several side shots were full of ferocity. After that, the chic and arrogance of staying at the group headquarters was still a true performance. When I arrived, I played with Ke Yingshi’s abnormal eyes, which can be regarded as the most creepy scenes at the end of 2020. However, in the face of martial arts, people have to believe that people are complex and fickle animals. Such polarized emotions and performances make Peng Guanying play incisively and vividly in a short series. I believe that after the broadcast of Under the Sun, he will soon become one of the most frightening characters on the screen after An Jiahe!

On the other hand, "Under the Sun" has not forgotten the theme of guiding people to be good in film and television works while making great suspense and puzzles of human nature. From the beginning to the end, there were old policeman Chen Jinyan, victim Ke Ying and bystander Xiaowu who spared no effort to work for justice and vowed to wipe out criminal gangs and murderers. Even in the face of life and death threats and various threats from family members and relatives, they never gave up their persistence, but became more determined and more skillful in fighting criminals and crimes.

2021 is coming soon. At this time, watch "Under the Sun" on Mango TV, feel catch me if you can, who is frightening and inspiring, and understand what "justice may be late, but it will never be late!"

Tourists take photos with RMB scenery. Designer: It’s a combined landscape.

  Figure ①: The fifth set of RMB 100 yuan with the back pattern "Great Hall of the People".

 Fig. ②: The fifth set of RMB 20 yuan back pattern "Guilin Landscape".

 Fig. ③: The fifth set of RMB 10 yuan back pattern "Three Gorges Kuimen".

  The Great Hall of the People, Potala Palace, Guilin Landscape, Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, Mount Tai, and San Tan Yin Yue are all the buildings and scenery behind the fifth set of RMB banknotes. Why did you choose them as the main scene on the back? Can the photos taken by framing be directly used on paper money? Recently, the reporter came to China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation and visited the people who had participated in the design and production of the fifth set of RMB in that year to reveal the secrets of the scenery on RMB for you.

  Theme design

  Beijing West Railway Station and Jiuquan Launch Site were once candidates.

  Everyone knows that the fifth set of RMB was officially listed and issued in 1999. In fact, the design and development of this set of RMB started as early as 1988, and its design process is also very complicated and tortuous.

  The design of the theme alone has undergone many changes. In the fourth set, the front main view of RMB is the head of representative national figures in China, and the back main view is based on the famous mountains and rivers such as the main peak of Jinggangshan and Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River, which embodies the theme of high spirits and unity of people of all ethnic groups in China. What is the good theme in the fifth set?

  The first theme given by the designer is ancient historical figures, in the order of dynasties. Kong Qiu and Qu Yuan in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Sima Qian and Cai Lun in the Han Dynasty were all selected. The second theme is contemporary leaders such as Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai. The third theme is the head of Mao Zedong on the front and the famous scenery and buildings in China on the back, highlighting the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

  In the process, some leaders suggested that nanpu bridge, Beijing West Railway Station, "Three North" Shelterbelt, Jiuquan Launch Site and so on could be added to the ticket.

  In fact, China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation has designed color drafts of these schemes and submitted them to the People’s Bank of China, and the People’s Bank of China has submitted them to the State Council for discussion. What is finally confirmed is what we see now. On the front, Mao Zedong’s head is adopted, and on the back, famous buildings and landscapes such as the Great Hall of the People and Potala Palace are selected from China’s historical sites and buildings and landscapes.

  There are so many scenic spots in China, why are these selected? The most basic principle is not to use the scenery that has been used before. "Let people know at a glance where it is, have a special status and popularity, and be expressive", which is the standard in one of the designers’ mind. Although it may not be possible to cover the factors considered by every designer, after hundreds of repeated discussions and verifications by designers, the victories of Potala Palace and Mount Tai are truly deserved.

  "It was once suggested that Huangshan Mountain be used on the back of 50 yuan, but after discussion, everyone thought that Huangshan Mountain had been used before, and the Potala Palace not only reflected the elements of national unity, but also added a lot to its religious significance." Liu Yongjiang, director of the product development office and head of the fifth RMB design, said.

  Field shooting

  The mysterious collector of the West Lake has to take a close-up shot in the rain.

  In the minds of employees of banknote printing and minting companies, RMB is an "outstanding representative product" they produce, hoping to be recognized and loved by the people. However, after all, RMB has its own particularity, so that it is kept secret throughout the design and production process, and even it is difficult for ordinary people to see it until the moment it comes out. Kong Wei Yun, a sculptor of RMB, told the reporter an interesting story that happened during the filming.

  In those days, Kong Wei Yun went to the West Lake in Hangzhou to collect the wind and print the moon on the three pools behind the 1 yuan paper money. According to the confidentiality regulations, only the director of the currency issuance department of the local people’s bank knew the purpose of his visit and arranged his accommodation and itinerary. Unfortunately, the day of collecting the wind just happened to catch up with the rain.

  There are regulations in the West Lake that you can’t go out when it rains, and you can’t shoot Santan at close range without taking a boat. What should I do? Kong Weiyun told the boatman that he was an advertising company, and his task was urgent. He would return to Beijing tomorrow, and he had to shoot today. The boatman said that he would sail, but there must be two guests on board, so Kong Weiyun had to pay for a tour guide.

  Finally, the ship sailed successfully, but the route was not satisfactory. The boats in the scenic spot all have a fixed driving route and time, but Kong Wei Cloud has its own specific shooting point, so we can only spend more money to let the boatmen temporarily change the route and add time. "The boatman still wondered and asked me why I didn’t see so many beautiful scenery in the West Lake."

  Do we have to photograph the real thing? Kong Weiyun said that unlike designers who can find inspiration by looking at albums, as sculptors, they must see the details. If you don’t look at the details, you don’t know how to do the edges and corners when carving, and you don’t know what the patterns and patterns on Santan stone carving are. Because he couldn’t tell the boatman his true intention, Kong Weiyun joked that he was a "mysterious collector of the West Lake".

  In the fifth set of RMB design stage, Kong Wei Yunhe and other designers and sculptors were also pulled into a small building at the foot of the Great Wall to "lock up" for two weeks’ closed creation. There are no "outsiders" here, and they eat and live in the building. Because the mobile phone was not popular and the transportation was inconvenient at that time, it can be said that it was really isolated from the world and the confidentiality work was done quite well.

  "combined" landscape

  Want to take pictures of the scene? Actually, it can’t be completely matched

  After the introduction of the fifth set of RMB, the back scenery became a hot topic, and tourists took RMB to take photos of the back scenery, but designer Li Zhinong told you, "Forget it, you can’t find exactly the same place."

  Li Zhinong told reporters that unlike the previous sets, the fifth set of RMB clearly stated that "combined" scenery can be used. In other words, what you see on the back of the paper money, such as the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, the Three Ponds and the Moon, is difficult to find exactly the same angle to shoot again in reality. They are combined "brand-new" landscapes.

  Take Mount Tai as the most representative, the unique stone carving of Wuyue, the Southern Gate of Heaven and the Jade Emperor’s Peak are all symbolic symbols of Mount Tai, but it is difficult for tourists to find a place to photograph these three elements. Why do you want to put them together? Li Zhinong said that the characteristics of Mount Tai are not very prominent. It is difficult to tell if it is Mount Tai only by depicting the mountain features. Therefore, in order to better show the grandeur of Mount Tai and facilitate identification, all three elements are simply integrated into one picture.

  Similarly, after a large number of multi-angle shooting in the early stage, in order to make the composition more beautiful, the designers also "moved" the positions of several distant mountains in Guilin Mountain, "moved away" some mounds near Potala Palace, and "depressed" the grandeur of the distant mountains, making the pillars as the decoration of the Great Hall of the People, the five-pointed stars and lights of the dome become its background … …

  "There is actually no close correspondence between color and face value. One hundred yuan is red, but once one yuan was used in red." Liu Yongjiang said that colors serve the theme, and they should ensure that different denominations cannot be confused and easy to distinguish.

  Of course, how to design is not up to one person, and it can even be said that every link of RMB design has the hard work of countless people. Not only do designers choose scenery and design angles to draw sketches, but also some people draw sketches to improve them, and sculptors use dotted lines to shape scenery … … Every draft of design, painting and sculpture will be different. After each link, the scenery may change slightly. "Because of the technological restrictions and anti-counterfeiting requirements, the scenery on the banknotes must stand scrutiny and picky." Liu Yongjiang said.

New Year’s Eve of four generations of train drivers: This is how they eat their New Year’s Eve dinner.

New Year's Eve of four generations of train drivers: This is how they eat their New Year's Eve dinner.

  BEIJING, Shenyang, Feb. 16 (Shen Diancheng Gaobing) The train witnessed the wealth and civilization of the industrial age and the social development process of China. Train drivers in different times have different stories about Spring Festival travel rush.

  Zhang Shunpu, a steam locomotive driver: Holding a steamed bun for New Year’s Eve dinner.

  In Shenyang Railway Exhibition Hall, there is a Jiefang 6 steam locomotive: a dark car body, wheels more than one person high and a round chimney on the roof … … This is the steam locomotive that Zhang Shunpu, the train driver of Shenyang Locomotive Depot, has been driving for 14 years, and the locomotive with long smoke in the eyes of the people.

  In 1984, Zhang Shunpu first boarded a liberated steam locomotive. At that time, the train was driven by three people, with a driver, a co-driver and a stoker. The driver and the co-driver operated the locomotive and the stoker was responsible for feeding coal. When the fireman is baking at a high temperature of more than 1000 degrees, he should throw the coal into the furnace shovel by shovel, and shake the burnt coal ash down the ash pit again and again with a shaker.

  Zhang Shunpu said that because there is a long boiler in front of the locomotive room, we must stick our heads out of the window at any time during the driving so as to have a look. Throughout the crew process, the faces and bodies of the three of us are always getting gray. Some people teased the driver at that time that "he looks like a refugee from a distance, but he looks like a beggar from a near distance. If you look closely, it belongs to the locomotive depot".

  What the locomotive depot said was the train driver. At that time, we chose steamed bread instead of rice. Steamed bread was convenient to eat. With a pinch of thumb and forefinger, we ate pickles. Finally, we threw away the remaining steamed bread with a black handprint. The New Year’s Eve dinner in those years was also eaten like this.

  Diesel locomotive driver Yang Dongxu: Beautiful fireworks over New Year’s Eve.

  In 1977, the first diesel locomotive was put into service in Shenyang Railway Bureau, and its power was much greater than that of steam locomotive, with a speed of 140 kilometers per hour. At present, although electric locomotives are popular, a certain number of diesel locomotives are still reserved because there is no power grid in some areas, especially in the extremely cold areas of Northeast China. Once it encounters rain, snow and freezing weather, diesel locomotives will "show their talents".

  Yang Dongxu is the crew member of the Beijing-Dandong section of the Beijing-Pyongyang international passenger train, in which the DF11G diesel locomotive is used for traction between Shenyang and Dandong. Compared with steam locomotives, the working environment of diesel locomotives is much cleaner and more spacious, and the line situation in front of the operation can be directly observed in the cab. Due to the special nature of work, some train drivers can’t go home for reunion on New Year’s Eve, so they can only drive trains on the land of the motherland and shuttle between cities. Seeing distant lights and fireworks at night will also bring some comfort to their hearts.

  For Yang Dongxu, this has also become a luxury, because he is responsible for more line tunnels between Shenyang and Dandong, with a total of 38 tunnels, the longest of which is 5,005 meters. When the diesel locomotive passes through the tunnel, it is dark all around, and the smoke from the locomotive is trapped in the tunnel and can’t be dispersed, and it seeps into the locomotive, which is very choking. In spite of this, Yang Dongxu also concentrated on driving, looked ahead, and did not dare to slack off, because the safety of nearly 1,000 passengers was behind him. When the train leaves the tunnel and gallops smoothly on the line, his mood will gradually calm down, and occasionally he will feel extremely happy and proud when he sees fireworks in the night sky.

  Su Ying, the Third Generation Electric Locomotive Driver: One’s New Year’s Eve

  In 2001, Shenyang Locomotive Depot began to assign the first electric locomotive — Shaoshan 9, which is a milestone for train drivers to enter the electric power era.

  The output power of electric locomotives is two to three times that of diesel locomotives, and about five times that of steam locomotives. The capacity is greater, as the saying goes, "strength" is greater, and it is also high-tech — If the microcomputer fails, it can be handled through the touch-type microcomputer screen at hand, and it is basically unnecessary to go to the mechanical room for "baking inspection". Another example is the 6A fault monitoring system, in which seven cameras monitor important corners in the locomotive in real time, and can monitor the running status of the locomotive at any time.

  In 2010, Su Ying started driving an electric locomotive, and she was so happy to see a clean environment and brand-new equipment. However, a slight deficiency is that it is too lonely. In 2008, the railway was reformed, which changed from a package ride system to a round ride system, and a single driver was implemented. From the previous "brothers traveling around the world together" to "riding alone for thousands of miles", the road became "lonely".

  At other times, it’s easy to say, especially on the night of New Year’s Eve, people gather together in a warm home and greet the new year with joy. A train driver like Su Ying is far away from his family and is alone in the cab, full of emotions, joys and sorrows.

  Qu Tao, the driver of high-speed train: 4 times a day to transport 5000 passengers.

  The wheel of history has entered the era of high-speed rail. Qu Tao is a high-speed train driver in Shenyang Locomotive Depot. Before that, he drove diesel and electric locomotives, and then he was selected at different levels to become a high-speed train driver.

  In his words, driving a EMU is "enjoyable". Electric locomotives walk 30 meters per second, and we walk 80 meters per second, just like flying a plane to the ground.

  After becoming a high-speed train driver, not only the locomotive performance has changed, but also the business level has been required to be high, and other aspects have also changed greatly. For example, the maintenance period has been extended, and a multi-functional decompression chamber has been equipped to decompress the high-speed train driver through music, incense and other means, and a full-functional driving simulation room has been established. These "high-level" measures are aimed at ensuring the high-speed train driver to drive better.

  For example, other locomotives require a lookout interval of no more than 3 seconds, while high-speed rail drivers require a lookout all the time, which puts higher demands on drivers’ energy and physical fitness.

  Nowadays, traveling by bullet train and high-speed rail has gradually become people’s first choice, especially during their stay in Spring Festival travel rush, people want to return to their hometown more quickly. In order to meet this demand, the railway departments often add temporary passengers during their stay in Spring Festival travel rush, and the workload of high-speed rail drivers is much more than usual.

  When he was in Spring Festival travel rush, Qu Tao took a ride four times a day at most, transporting about 5,000 passengers, which was nearly 30% more than usual. He either rested in the baoxiu room or drove online. When the train arrived safely and punctually, and the passenger came home for the New Year with a happy and joyful smile, he thought to himself: It is worthwhile to be tired and tired again! (End)

China’s beauty market is full of vitality (interpretation by experts)

Customers buy cosmetics in Haikou Riyue Square Duty Free Shop. Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Chengshe
"China’s beauty market sales will exceed 1 trillion yuan in 2025." According to an article in Women’s World Daily, China has become the key to the growth of global beauty companies, driven by the increase of family income, the continuous influx of newcomers and the growing local brands.
At the "June 18th China International Beauty Summit Forum" held by Women’s World Daily, Gian positano, head of the Italian Cosmetics Federation, said that the beauty market in China is expected to reach 92.1 billion US dollars in 2022. The growth momentum will mainly come from the rapid growth of the male beauty products market and the rise of domestic beauty brands.
According to the report, China is not only a key consumer market and manufacturing center, but also a driving force for innovation. From setting up research and development centers to investment funds, many international beauty giants continue to expand their investment in China; At the same time, many local brands of beauty cosmetics in China began to internationalize in order to explore the international market. China beauty brands are still entering foreign markets through cross-border e-commerce.
In recent years, the beauty market in China is full of vitality, showing new development characteristics. First, the growth rate is fast and the coverage is wide. At present, the market scale of China’s beauty industry is gradually moving towards trillion level; Second, facial basic skin care is the core track, accounting for the largest market share, and the growth rate of sub-tracks such as makeup and makeup is also faster; Third, the male beauty market is developing rapidly, and major brands are competing to enter the market. In addition to "her economy", "other economy" has also quietly emerged; Fourth, domestic beauty brands have risen rapidly. Domestic brands have made remarkable progress in raw materials, formula and technology, and a large number of cutting-edge domestic brands such as Perfect Diary and Huaxizi have emerged.
China’s beauty market is booming, which is of great significance to promoting domestic and even global economic recovery. In terms of supply chain and industrial chain, the development of beauty industry is closely related to agriculture, biochemistry, glass industry, plastic industry, transportation industry and advertising industry, and many related industrial chains have been developed and integrated. This has a positive role in promoting the global industrial chain.
The unprecedented development of China’s beauty industry is the result of multiple factors.
First, with the continuous development of China’s economy, the main contradiction in today’s society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and the unbalanced development. Beauty products just meet the social needs and respect needs of consumers.
Secondly, more and more foreign excellent beauty brands have entered China, bringing advanced production technology, novel marketing methods and unique product concepts to the beauty market in China, promoting the industrial chain to be mature and perfect, and cultivating consumers in the beauty market in China to some extent.
Third, the consumer groups of beauty products in China are gradually expanding. With the rapid economic development, China people’s household income level and consumption power are constantly improving, and the demand for beauty products will also expand. In addition, some beauty brands have gone to other cities to explore the market after deep cultivation in first-and second-tier cities, and gained more sustained positive growth momentum.
Fourthly, the change of consumption concept provides a broad market for the development of beauty products in China. Generation Z consumers are the core consumer groups in the future beauty market.
Fifth, new social and marketing platforms such as live broadcast have expanded rapidly. The rise of social media, such as Little Red Book Assessment, online celebrity Live Delivery and KOL, has strongly promoted the development of China’s beauty market.
With the development of economy, the progress of science and technology and the change of consumer groups, there will be some new trends in China’s beauty market. First of all, driven by "Yan value economy", the influence of "Z generation" on the beauty market should not be underestimated. Secondly, digital transformation is the general trend. Digital transformation of layout is conducive to grasping the core channels of beauty products, such as credit payment method, digital marketing concept, digital network sales channels and so on. Finally, Guochao brand has great development potential. "Generation Z" consumers have a high degree of cultural self-confidence, preferring China elements and national brands, and new publicity strategies and marketing methods such as "co-branding" are loved by consumers.
If China’s beauty market wants to achieve steady and healthy development, it needs to firmly grasp the development direction. From the core competitiveness of beauty products, we should pay attention to the independent research and innovation of product formulas, establish a "moat" of domestic brands, and gain a place in the global beauty industry chain; From the special properties of beauty products, we should enhance the experience and efficacy of beauty products and enhance customer stickiness. As an "experience product", consumers will pay special attention to the core ingredients and actual use effect; From the perspective of development trend, we should focus on digital transformation, put product design and research and development, industrial chain operation and customer loyalty system on a digital platform, and then make a comprehensive layout of digitalization; From the perspective of sustainability, green materials should be used to promote sustainable development. Beauty products are "fast-moving consumer goods", and packaging materials will produce a lot of carbon emissions when they are processed. The country strongly advocates "carbon integration". If beauty brands can pay attention to sustainable development and combine with the major policies advocated by the country, it will not only benefit the brand itself, but also help the environmental development.
(Interview with Zhou Ying)

8 hours to solve the case | a lottery ticket to find the suspect! Haiyuan police quickly cracked a theft case.

"Let’s police too much! Help me get my money back so quickly! " Recently, Mr. Yan, a resident of the jurisdiction, sent a banner with the words "People’s Police ultimate revenge Solve Cases Quickly to Solve People’s Worries" to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Haiyuan County Public Security Bureau, thanking the police who handled the case for successfully solving the theft case and helping them recover their property in just 8 hours.

On January 25, the Criminal Investigation Brigade received an alarm, claiming that two mobile phones were lost, worth about 25,000 yuan, and requested investigation. After receiving the police, the police immediately launched an investigation. By investigating the crime scene and collecting the surveillance video of the incident, it was found that a masked man who appeared at the scene of the crime was suspected of committing a major crime. The police repeatedly combed the context of the case, spliced and restored a shredded China welfare lottery ticket in the trash can of the suspect’s temporary residence, and found that the purchase time of the lottery ticket coincided with the suspect’s itinerary. So they went to the lottery site to obtain the physical characteristics of the suspect, and finally locked the identity and activity track of the theft suspect Chen, and successfully captured him.

After the trial, Chen told the truth about the fact that he went to foot bath shops and other places to steal mobile phones many times. At present, Chen has been taken compulsory measures according to law.

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8 hours to solve the case | a lottery ticket to find the suspect! Haiyuan police quickly cracked a theft case. The news propaganda group Ping An Haiyuan touched the original text.

Ping’ an Haiyuan Zan shared in reading and writing a message, swiping up to see the next one.

Original title: "8 hours to solve the case | a lottery ticket to find the suspect! Haiyuan police quickly cracked a theft case.

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