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Chinese tourists were stolen from a taxi in Paris, and French Chinese lawmakers urged the police to pay attention to the case

  China Overseas Chinese Network, May 23rd, according to the French "European Times" reported that recently, Chinese tourists in Paris by taxi was asked to swipe the card after the credit card was stolen brush 140,000 RMB news by the media report, caused the French National Assembly members, France-China Friendship Group Chairperson Chen Wenxiong’s attention and attention, he immediately instructed the team members and the party @Mr. Jiliang, get in touch, detailed understanding of the stolen brush situation.

  On May 21, after learning the full story of the incident, Congressman Chen Wenxiong immediately wrote to the Paris police chief, Didier Lallement, to draw the director’s attention to this case and such cases against tourists, especially Asian tourists, and to improve the security situation. Afterwards, Congressman Chen Wenxiong also wrote to the State Secretary for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, as well as the Paris Tourism Bureau, Shapira, and the Deputy Mayor in charge of tourism in Paris, demanding that tourism safety be taken seriously and the tourism environment in Paris and France be protected.

Chen Wenxiong, a member of the French National Assembly and chairperson of the France-China Friendship Group. (Photo source: European Times reporter Huang Guanjie, photo)
Chen Wenxiong, a member of the French National Assembly and chairperson of the France-China Friendship Group. (Photo source: European Times reporter Huang Guanjie, photo)

  In the letter, Congressman Chen Wenxiong detailed the experience of Chinese tourists to the police chief, and handed over the photos of the suspected driver and the suspected license plate number to the La Le Mans commissioner. He hoped that the police would solve the case as soon as possible to ensure the safety of tourism in Paris. For many years, due to prejudice against Asians and other reasons, Asians in France have often been the target of criminals, and violent crimes have also occurred from time to time, he wrote in the letter. Recently, illegal activities against Asians are still very rampant, and the cases of Chinese tourists have triggered discussions on social media, once again confirming the universality and seriousness of this situation. Public security issues involve the daily lives of every citizen, including Asians, and the experience of tourists in France has also greatly affected the international image of France. Chen Wenxiong drew the police chief’s attention to the law and order situation, especially illegal crimes against Asians, and said he would continue to pay attention.

  Chinese tourists stolen 140,000 yuan

  On May 19, Mr. Jiliang, a Chinese tourist, sent a message on his Weibo to remind his friends in France that he took a taxi from Galeries Lafayette general merchandise mall to the airport. After being asked by the driver to swipe his card, the card was stolen. He said: "I just got off the plane and received the credit card consumption information, and the total amount of continuous consumption is about 140,000 (RMB). I was on the plane at the time of consumption, and the card was also at hand, so there is no doubt that it was stolen. If you think about it carefully, it should have been in Paris yesterday. The driver kept saying that he had no cash on him and insisted on swiping the card, so he stole my credit card information. And he deliberately chatted with me on the car and found out about my approximate flight time, so he stole it when the bank called but I couldn’t answer. At that time, the driver asked me to change the card to pay on the grounds that I failed to swipe the card for the first time. And this’China Merchants Bank Card ‘locked the card for me at the first time because the transaction was unsuccessful, so I avoided greater losses. "He said that he also felt that this person was a little strange, so he took a photo of this person. According to his experience, he only used these two cards in taxis. He thought it was the taxi driver at that time.

  After the Weibo of @Mr. Kira, many netizens with the same experience complained that they were also stolen and swiped, and everyone recognized from the photos that they were stolen and swiped by the same driver. The experience is similar: taking a taxi near Lafayette, the driver said he had no money to change, asked to swipe the card, and then was asked when he would return to China, when he would take the plane, etc. During the flight, he stole the credit card. It’s just that some were stolen and swiped, and some were not successfully stolen due to bank security measures.

  After Mr. Kira’s Weibo was sent to WeChat Moments such as French tour guides, it also caused friends living in France to complain, saying that they had similar experiences.

Screenshot of Mr. Kira's Weibo.
Screenshot of Mr. Kira’s Weibo.

  Theft is crazy, the Chinese Embassy in France has issued a reminder

  Credit card theft is nothing new in France. According to the National Observatory of Crime and Criminal Punishment (ONDRP), the crime of bank card theft in France has been on the rise in recent years. From 2010 to 2013, the number of bank card theft crimes in France rose by 67% in the four years. By 2014, the number of victims reached 451,000, with more than 905,000 bank cards stolen at least once, with an average amount of 112 euros. In 2016, the data reached 1.20 million, and in 2018, the rate of bank card theft in France was the highest in Europe. 69 out of 1,000 cards were stolen. The losses are huge. Figures show that in 2014, the total cost of stolen credit card user information in France amounted to more than 500 million euros.

  As early as August 23, 2017, the Chinese Embassy in France issued a reminder on its website to prevent the theft of French credit cards. This reminder has been hanging on the website of the Chinese Embassy in France to this day. It is reminded that recently, when a number of Chinese tourists were paying for a taxi in Paris, the driver falsely claimed that his company only accepted bank cards for payment, and used the bank card replicator to copy the passenger’s bank card information during the card swiping process, and then used the consumption or withdrawal method to steal the credit card, causing the victim to suffer economic losses ranging from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

  Reminder that France expressly stipulates that taxi drivers must accept passengers to pay the fare in cash or bank cards, and provide machine-printed invoices. As a precaution, the embassy advises Chinese tourists to use small denominations of cash to pay the fare as much as possible. If you really need to use a card to pay, you should avoid letting the taxi driver operate the card swipe, and remember to ask the driver for a ticket. Once you find that the bank card has been stolen, immediately contact the card issuer to report the loss and go to the local police station to report the case.

  In fact, taking a taxi and swiping the card is only a small part of the stolen credit card. And most of them are because of the stolen credit card information, spending on the Internet or Uber. A reader told reporters that he suddenly found in his bank statement that there were many more consumption that he did not know, one is shopping on the Joom.com.GB website, the other is using Uber, each time the cost is not high, but it is used frequently, more than a dozen times, stealing more than 400 euros.

  The Chinese Embassy in France said in its repeated security warnings that Chinese tourists visiting France must carefully read the security reminders issued by the website of the Chinese Embassy in France and the Chinese Consular Service Network before their trip, understand the situation in France, pay close attention to the social security situation in France, and be vigilant. Pay attention to personal and property safety, properly keep personal belongings and identity documents, and enhance self-security awareness. The reporter believes that travelers should do their homework before coming. In fact, such theft crimes have been reminded by the embassy and there are many reports in the media. These are all valid for a long time. With a little attention, tragedies may be avoided.

  France is the top destination for Chinese tourists, spending 4 billion euros a year

  A recent French government announcement said that France received 89.40 million foreign tourists in 2018, an increase of 3% over 2017, setting a new record. Asian tourists were the most prominent in terms of growth, with an increase of 7.4%. Tourism, one of the key sectors supporting the development of the French economy, generated 56.20 billion euros in foreign tourists in 2018, an increase of nearly 5% over the previous year. The French government has set a goal of attracting 100 million foreign tourists by 2020.

  Chinese tourists are the largest group of Asian tourists and contribute a lot to French tourism. In 2018, a total of 2.20 million Chinese tourists arrived in France for tourism, a record high, with an average stay of 6 days. Last year, Chinese tourists spent a total of more than 4 billion euros in France. Among them, 3.75% of Chinese tourists came to France for shopping. The French government has set a goal of attracting 5 million Chinese tourists by 2020. However, France’s tourism safety has been fiercely criticized by Chinese tourists: using cash, being robbed; swiping cards, being stolen and swiped, where do you let tourists go?

  Recently, French Secretary of State Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne announced the establishment of a working group on sustainable tourism, composed of the French Environment and Energy Management Agency, the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy, and the French Tourism Development Agency. It will be responsible for providing strategic and specific recommendations for the sustainable development of French tourism to meet environmental, economic and social challenges. He asked France to strengthen the quantitative and qualitative analysis of international tourists, and to study their travel patterns, economic benefits and jobs, so that the government can formulate guiding policies to enhance the diversity of French tourism destinations. The reporter believes that the Ministry of the Interior should also be included. After all, for tourists, safety is a top priority. Without personal safety, other improvements are nothing but water and trees.

  Chen Wenxiong, taking the case of Chinese tourists being victimized as an example, wrote to Lemoyne to pay special attention to tourism safety issues. Only by continuously paying attention to and improving French safety issues can we maintain the sustainable development of French tourism and achieve France’s ambitious goals.

  Mr. Chan Man-hung has long been concerned about law and order issues in France, especially racial crimes such as robberies against Asians. He also suggested the establishment of a working group on law and order and anti-racial discrimination to assist the government and the police in finding effective solutions to racial crimes against Asians.

Can’t buy it at all! Nearly 200 million shares on the ST Daji daily limit are queuing up to buy, and the concept of supply and marketing cooperatives is on fire

K Figure BK1109_0

K Figure 000564_0

  In early trading today, class A shares continued to fluctuate and adjust, and the transactions of the two cities showed a trend of further shrinking, indicating a strong wait-and-see atmosphere in the market.

  On the disk, supply and marketing cooperatives, Huawei Hongmeng, ST, controllable nuclear fusion and other plates are leading the way, PEEK materials,Electrical equipment, winemaking, and other sectors led the decline.

  Contrary to the trend

  Stocks bucked the trend and opened higher in the morning, with the sector index rising by more than 3% at one point, and the half-day transaction exceeded yesterday’s full-day transaction.,Wait for multiple straight lines to pull the daily limit;Boundless one-word daily limit, and there are up to nearly 200 million shares on the daily limit waiting in line.

  A few days ago, the Ministry of Transport, MIIT, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Integrated Development of Rural Passenger and Freight Mail" to further promote the integrated development of rural passenger transportation, freight logistics, and postal express delivery, so as to better meet the needs of rural people for travel, freight logistics, and delivery services.

  The most typical role of supply and marketing cooperatives is to provide a distribution channel for the crops produced by farmers. In this process, supply and marketing cooperatives participate in the whole process of crops from production to processing, cold chain storage, and circulation to urban wholesale and retail markets. The goods sold by supply and marketing cooperatives include crops, agricultural materials, and at the same time, they also provide a series of services such as waste recycling, financial leasing, catering and accommodation. Therefore, supply and marketing cooperatives involve many industries. These industries are mainly industries that revolve around rural economic development and are strongly related to agriculture.

  The All-China Supply and Marketing Cooperative has said that by 2025, the whole system will build an agricultural socialization service system from top to bottom, the land trust area will reach 150 million mu, the scale of agricultural socialization services in each link will reach 300 million mu, and the service will drive small farmers to 50 million households or more.

  According to the China Research Institute of Industry’s "2023-2028 China’s supply and marketing cooperatives industry development status analysis and investment strategic planning consultation report" data, the modern distribution service network of supply and marketing cooperatives has been continuously improved. At present, the supply of chemical fertilizers accounts for 70% of the social fertilizer consumption, undertakes 70% of the national light storage task, and the recycling of renewable resources accounts for nearly 50% of the whole society. It has initially formed a connection between the origin and the consumption end pointThe market network plays an active role in ensuring the supply of "vegetable baskets", smoothing the domestic circulation, and promoting domestic demand.

  Said that supply and marketing cooperatives, as one of the important distribution channels in rural areas of our country, can provide relatively flat sales channels for agricultural products, thereby reducing the cost of farmers to purchase agricultural materials. In addition, the participation of supply and marketing cooperatives in the agricultural materials sales link is also conducive to the integration of agricultural materials enterprises in our country, thereby driving the industry concentration. Enterprises that belong to the supply and marketing cooperative system or can cut into the agricultural materials sales system of supply and marketing cooperatives are expected to benefit.

  "Pure Blood Hongmeng" is coming soon

  HuaweiThe volume rose, and the plate index rose by more than 2% during the session. The half-day transaction was close to yesterday’s full-day transaction.After opening slightly lower, it rose sharply, rising by the 20% daily limit in only about 15 minutes, and the stock price hit a new high in more than 3 months;Then it rose by the limit of 5 on the 6th, setting a new record high.,,Also strong sealing plate.


  According to the news, Huawei will hold an important event on January 18. Previously, Yu Chengdong revealed that the new HarmonyOS NEXT developer preview will be open to all developers in Quarter 1 this year. Therefore, the market generally anticipates that HarmonyOS NEXT will be officially announced at this event.

  In his 2024 New Year’s letter, Yu Chengdong proposed to open a new decade of Huawei’s end point future development. He specifically mentioned that to build a strong Hongmeng ecosystem in the future, 2024 is a key year for the original Hongmeng, and will accelerate the development of various Hongmeng native applications.

  In his New Year’s speech, Hu Houqian, chairperson of Huawei, also revealed that Huawei is expected to achieve sales revenue of more than 700 billion yuan in 2023, end point business is higher than expected, and the competitiveness of smart car solutions has been significantly improved.

  HarmonyOS NEXT is known as the "pure blood version" Hongmeng system, which will remove the Linux kernel and AOSP code, and completely use the Hongmeng kernel and Hongmeng code. This means that HarmonyOS NEXT will no longer provide Android system compatibility, and APK installation files cannot be opened in the new version of the system.

  Research firm TechInsights recently released its latest forecast for Android and Android in 2024iOS will continue to maintain its global dominance, but its share in the Chinese market will be cannibalized by Huawei Harmony OS. From 2024, Harmony OS will become the second largest smartphone operating system in the Chinese market.

  IDC data also shows that as of November 2023, Huawei’s mobile phone market share in the domestic mobile phone market reached 14%. IDC forecasts that in 2026 ChinaThe number of devices connected reached 10.25 billion, and it is conservatively estimated that Huawei’s OpenHarmony + HarmonyOS market share will reach 16% in 2026.

  It is believed that Hongmeng C-end is expected to be fully rolled out, and "pure blood Hongmeng" PCs and mobile phones are expected to be released. Mobile end, Huawei has fully cooperated with partners and developers in 18 fields to fully promote the development of Hongmeng native applications. PC end, if Hongmeng PC has a new product release, it will initially be oriented towards government affairs,And other related industries are expected to increase their volume.

Baise xingyue l zhiqing has a big price cut! The reserve price is 152,700, and the car is sufficient.

[car home Baise Preferential Promotion Channel] I sincerely recommend that at present, in Baise area, the high-profile models are undergoing a round of considerable preferential activities. Consumers can seize this excellent opportunity to enjoy a car purchase discount of up to 0.7 million yuan, and the minimum starting price has been adjusted to 152,700 yuan. Consumers who want to know the specific car conditions and strive for higher discounts must click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form below to seize this rare opportunity to buy a car.



Xingyue L Zhiqing shows elegant demeanor with its exquisite body proportion. The dimensions of length 4795mm, width 1895mm and height 1689mm not only ensure the spacious interior space, but also give the body a resolute visual effect. The wheelbase of 2845mm provides excellent driving stability and ride comfort. The side lines of the car are smooth and dynamic, and the front and rear wheel tracks are 1610mm. The carefully designed tyre size 235/50 R19, with exquisite wheels, not only strengthens the appearance design of the car, but also ensures excellent handling performance.


In the interior, Xingyue L Zhiqing shows the perfect combination of luxury and technology. The spacious interior space is made of high-grade leather, creating a comfortable and exquisite touch. The driver will hold it on the delicate leather steering wheel, which supports manual up and down+front and rear adjustment, providing a good grip. The 12.3-inch high-definition central control screen stands in the center, integrating multimedia, navigation, telephone and other functions, with convenient operation and clear display. In terms of seats, the front seats are equipped with electric adjustment functions, including front and rear, backrest, height (4-way) and lumbar support (4-way), so that drivers can enjoy personalized comfort experience, and the passenger seat also provides front and rear adjustment and backrest adjustment. The seat is made of imitation leather, which provides passengers with good support and touch. In addition, Xingyue L Zhiqing is also equipped with the heating and ventilation function of the front seat (driver’s seat only) and the electric seat memory driver’s seat. The details reflect the concern for the driver and passengers. The second row of seats supports backrest adjustment, while the seat reclining function brings flexible space utilization for passengers.


Xingyue L Zhiqing is equipped with a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 120kW and a maximum torque of 255nm, which is matched with a 3-speed DHT transmission to provide sufficient power support and high performance for the vehicle.

Generally speaking, Xingyue L has won the appreciation of car home car owners for its outstanding design and high cost performance. The Maibakh-like temperament and high-tech head-up design he mentioned undoubtedly enhanced the luxury of the vehicle. As he said, no matter the appearance or configuration, Xingyue L has met his demand for high-quality life and made his friends envy him. This kind of reputation has undoubtedly added more charm to Xingyue L Zhiqing, making it a high-profile model.

Nongfu Spring enters the high-end water market, glass bottle water costs 35 yuan

  According to the Voice of China’s "News Evening Peak" report, recently, Nongfu Spring’s 2015 new product launch conference was held in Changbai Mountain. Chairperson Zhong Shansui made an appearance with 3 new products and announced that he officially entered the high-end water market. The 3 new products are: glass bottles of high-end mineral water, natural drinking water (suitable for infants and young children), and natural mineral water for students. It is expected to meet consumers before the Spring Festival.

  Zhong said that the Moya spring in Changbai Mountain is a low-sodium light mineral spring, which is more suitable for Chinese people to drink for a long time than ordinary mineral water. In addition to repeatedly emphasizing the rarity of low-sodium light mineral springs, Zhong also gave examples: water that meets such conditions is usually used to produce the highest-end water, such as natural rock water in Norway, glacier mineral water in Canada, and volcanic mineral water in Italy.

  According to reports, the price of glass bottles of high-end mineral water is about 35 yuan to 45 yuan/bottle, 1 liter of infant drinking water is about 10 yuan/bottle, and student mineral water is about 4 yuan per bottle. I think that the small partners who buy glass bottles of high-end mineral water are not drinking water, but willful…

  Also, a farmer who is unwilling to be "mediocre" sells a bottle of water for 45 yuan, Hengda Bingquan, can you bear it?

Because of 18.87 million, Wanda Real Estate has become a "dishonest person"!

  After a lapse of three months, Wanda Real Estate Group has become a "dishonest person" again.

  Recently, according to the China Enforcement Information Disclosure Network, Wanda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., and Heyuan Fuxin Construction Co., Ltd., refused to perform the obligation to determine the effective legal documents due to their ability to perform, and were listed as dishonest persons subject to enforcement by the Shanghai Second Intermediate People’s Court (hereinafter referred to as "dishonest persons"), involving a domestic non-foreign-related arbitration award. Not long ago, due to the arbitration case, the above companies have been forcibly executed for more than 18.87 million yuan.

  It is worth mentioning that in April this year, Wanda Real Estate Group and other non-foreign-related arbitration awards have been listed as dishonest persons subject to enforcement once.

  Dalian Wanda Group is in constant trouble. In addition to Wanda Real Estate, Wanda’s commercial management-related equity has also been frozen recently.

  Due to 18.87 million, Wanda Real Estate has once again become a "dishonest person"

  Tianyancha shows that recently, Wanda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Wanda Real Estate") and its Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Heyuan Fuxin Construction Co., Ltd. added a new information on the person subject to execution, and the execution target 18.87 million Yu Yuan, which was listed as a dishonest person subject to execution by the Shanghai Second Intermediate People’s Court.

  Tianyancha App shows that Wanda Real Estate was established in February 2018 with a registered capital of about 4.05 billion yuan, and the legal representative is Qu Xiaodong, jointly held by Shenzhen Dixun Industrial Co., Ltd. and Futai (Hong Kong) Investment Co., Ltd. with a shareholding ratio of 98.7% and 1.3% respectively. Shenzhen Dixun Industrial Co., Ltd. is 100% owned by Wanda general merchandise. The predecessor of Wanda general merchandise group was registered in Hong Kong by Wang Jianlin in the early years. Dixun investment.

  It is worth mentioning that Wanda Real Estate in April due to non-fulfillment of 245 million has been listed as a dishonest person to be executed once, and was restricted from high consumption.

  According to the data, on April 4 this year, due to the application of the applicant China Fuxing Co., Ltd., the court officially filed the case, mainly because Wanda Real Estate failed to perform the payment obligations determined by the effective legal documents within the period specified in the notice of execution in the domestic arbitration award case. Subsequently, Wanda Real Estate Group, Heyuan Fuxin Construction Co., Ltd., and Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. became the executors.

  It is understood that the reason why Wanda Real Estate became a "dishonest person" was due to the real estate project planted in Heyuan, Guangdong, which was sued by its former partners. In April this year, the court listed as the person subject to execution, in addition to Wanda Real Estate, also includes Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Heyuan Fuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. are 100% owned by Wanda Real Estate. Among them, Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. is Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and China Fuxing Co., Ltd. hold 90% and 10% respectively. This time Wanda Real Estate is sued by China Fuxing Co., Ltd.

  On July 24, the Shanghai Second Intermediate People’s Court issued a consumption restriction order showing that the court filed a case on July 12, and the enforcement applicant was still China Fortune Star Co., Ltd., applying for the enforcement of Wanda Real Estate’s domestic non-foreign-related arbitration award. In the case of arbitration, the court issued a consumption restriction order because Wanda Real Estate failed to fulfill the payment obligations determined by the effective legal documents within the period specified in the execution notice.

  As of now, Tianyancha shows that Wanda Real Estate has multiple information on the person being executed, and the cumulative execution is about 265 million yuan.

  Wanda’s commercial management stake has also been frozen

  Tianyancha App shows that recently, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company (referred to as "Wanda Commercial Management") added two equity freezing information, the executor is Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company, the amount of frozen equity is 5.072 billion and 100 million, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management is the main body of Wanda Hong Kong IPO, and Dalian Wanda Commercial Management is the largest shareholder of Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management.

  According to public information, the above freezing period is from July 4, 2023 to July 3, 2026, and from July 5, 2023 to July 4, 2026, respectively. The enforcement courts are the Zhanjiang City Intermediate People’s Court of Guangdong Province and the Dezhou City Intermediate People’s Court of Shandong Province.

  It is worth mentioning that Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has submitted its IPO application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the fourth time. Previously, in October 2021, April 2022 and October 2022, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management submitted listing application materials to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange three times, but ultimately failed to list.

  On July 20, Wanda Commercial Management announced that in terms of ratings, on July 18, China Chengxin International decided to maintain the credit rating of Wanda Commercial Management’s main body and related debt as AAA, and adjusted its main body and related debt outlook from stable to included in the credit rating watch list. The previous rating outlook was stable.

  In terms of overseas ratings, as of July 20, Fitch downgraded its long-term foreign currency issuer default rating to B, maintaining a negative outlook. Moody’s downgraded its long-term foreign currency issuer default rating to Caa1, maintaining a negative outlook; Standard & Poor’s downgraded its long-term issuer credit rating to CCC, maintaining a negative outlook.

  The reasons for the adjustment of the above rating agencies are mainly due to the fact that the refinancing channels of Wanda Commercial Management’s open market have not been restored, the continuous net repayment of maturing debts, the listing progress of its subsidiary Zhuhai Commercial Management is less than expected, and some of the equity held has been frozen, etc. Liquidity pressure has increased.

The screen of Xiaomi TV is broken during the quality assurance period, and the after-sales dispute with the customer is whether it is artificially damaged.

Mr. Shi said that within 2 months of use, the TV screen was damaged in a large area and had no picture. The pictures in this article are all pictures provided by the respondents

The newly purchased Xiaomi TV suddenly broke during playback, and consumers said it was not damaged by external forces. The after-sales staff of Xiaomi’s authorized service outlets determined that it was "man-made damage", and the maintenance required consumers to pay 1,500 yuan to change the screen.

A few days ago, Mr. Shi of Qujing, Yunnan reported to the surging quality complaints platform (https://www.thepaper.cn/consumersComplaint.jsp) that on April 3 this year, he spent 1899 yuan to buy a Xiaomi TV 4C and 50-inch TV through Xiaomi Mall.

Mr. Shi said that at the beginning, the damaged area of the screen was only a little bit, and then it expanded to half of the screen. He then applied for after-sales service through the customer service of Xiaomi Mall, and the after-sales service said that the screen could be replaced for free; but after the service provider of Xiaomi’s authorized service outlets came to the door, it was considered that the damage was "caused by external force" and did not provide free maintenance. To change the screen, you need to pay 1,500 yuan.

On July 5, a staff member of Yongxing Communication Maintenance Department, Qilin District, Qujing City, an authorized service outlet of Xiaomi Company, told the surging news (www.thepaper.cn) that the Xiaomi TV display screen purchased by Mr. Shi had cracked, which was "caused by external forces and man-made damage" and was not covered by the warranty.

On the afternoon of the 5th, Surging News sent an email to the "Media Contact" mailbox announced by Xiaomi Mall to verify the relevant situation. As of the time of writing, it has not received an email reply from Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xiaomi).

Xiaomi customer service said that if there is no "human touch", the screen can be replaced for free.

Consumer: or seek third-party testing

On July 5, Mr. Shi told The Paper that when he received the TV delivered by courier on April 6, he carefully checked and inspected the goods before signing for it. During the use of the TV broadcast, there has been no problem. He said that by May 28, the screen had no screen area without man-made damage.

"It was only a small piece at first, and then I turned it off and put it in the box and saved it. When the after-sales service came, the damaged area expanded to nearly half of the screen." Mr. Shi said that he applied for after-sales service on June 1 and asked for a replacement. The customer service told him that the 30-day replacement period had passed, and the screen could be replaced for free "without human touch".

Mr. Shi said, "After the local Xiaomi authorized service network service provider in Qujing came to check, it said that the inner screen of the screen was broken and leaking liquid. The company does not repair it for free, and asked me to pay 1,500 yuan for the repair."

On the afternoon of the 5th, Surging News called the Yongxing Communication Maintenance Department of Qilin District, Qujing City, Yunnan Province, a staff member said that the Xiaomi TV display screen purchased by Mr. Shi had cracked, which was "caused by external forces and man-made damage" and was not covered by the warranty; 1,500 yuan for screen replacement charges, which is the price stipulated by Xiaomi’s official website after-sales services.

Mr. Shi insisted that the TV was not "damaged by external forces". He said that it was unacceptable for Xiaomi to determine that its TV screens were "caused by external forces and man-made damage" without a third-party appraisal. If necessary, he will find a third-party agency to test himself to determine whether the purchased TV is "man-made damage" or the quality of the TV’s own products.

Xiaomi TV’s non-warranty policy

There are reports of similar cracked screens or transportation problems

Surging News noticed that there have been media reports of "Xiaomi TV cracked screen" before.

On June 5, 2018, Henan Business Daily reported that Zhengzhou Ms. Zhao purchased a 43-inch Xiaomi TV 4A from an offline brick and mortar store, and the inner screen also cracked. Xiaomi after-sales also said that it was "caused by external force and is not covered by warranty".

In addition, on August 23, 2017, Hunan Media Red Net also received consumer feedback Xiaomi TV cracked screen, encountered difficulties in returning, after the media report, consumers have to replace the new machine; March 15, 2016, "China Quality ** line" also reported a number of Xiaomi TV cracked screen **, and pointed out that Xiaomi TV cracked screen maintenance costs are expensive, almost close to the price of TV.

"China Quality" quoted industry analysts in the report that now Xiaomi TVs are getting thinner and thinner, and long-distance transportation is easy to crack the screen. The cracked screen cannot be all the quality problems of Xiaomi TVs, and there should be transportation problems.

"The screen of the Xiaomi TV is as big and ultra-thin, and it is bumpy when placed on the logistics truck, and there are many collisions between goods. It should be a normal probability that 10,000 units will be broken. The courier sorting is so violent, and it is not easy to handle it lightly. Occasionally receiving a cracked screen is also within the normal range," the report said.

"Limited Memory" Farewell Concert NINEPERCENT Tears on the Stage Disband

On October 12, NINEPERCENT held a "Limited Memory" farewell concert in Guangzhou. The stage exploded, fans cheered, and reluctantly disbanded. About 22 related hot searches such as "npc farewell concert" appeared on the list. And NINEPERCENT’s true farewell is not a graduation, not a concert, and the story is not over yet. The combined variety show "Limited Memory" will accompany NINE’s last journey.

"Limited Memory" farewell concert, NINEPERCENT shed tears on the stage and disbanded

The nine members of NINEPERCENT are the best selected by "Idol Trainee". The group has been formed for 18 months, and October 6 is the last day. The "Limited Memory" farewell concert held on October 12 is the last concert for the nine people to present to the fans.

NINEPERCENT’s "Limited Memories" farewell concert was held in the big "hot" Guangzhou, with a circular stage on all sides, allowing NINEPERCENT members to get up close and personal with fans, and the atmosphere of the scene exploded. That night, the nine members of NINEPERCENT each brought two solo tracks, a personal classic song represented the farewell to the past 18 months, and a song from the album "Limited Memories" represented the future. The reluctance to disband spread throughout the concert. So far, 22 related hot searches such as "npc farewell concert" have been listed, which shows the popularity and influence of NINEPERCENT. Fans have expressed: Although the group has disbanded, they are still looking forward to seeing NINEPERCENT at its peak in the future!

After the wonderful performance, the nine members of NINEPERCENT reported their farewell feelings and shed tears on the stage. The NINE’s waved their support sticks and were reluctant to disband! A song "Can’t Leave" sung by the NINEPERCENT members pushed the concert atmosphere to a climax! The nine members said: "Although NINEPERCENT is nominally over, our hearts are still together", "I hope everyone will not take the dissolution as the end, this is a new beginning for each of us".

"Dissolution is not the end of NINEPERCENT", accompanied by "Limited Memory"

The farewell concert of NINEPERCENT has ended perfectly, but the story of NINEPERCENT is still going on. In the broadcast of "Limited Memories" tailor-made for NINEPERCENT, the "record + interview" format will show more aspects of NINEPERCENT’s life. The protagonist of the first episode, You Changjing, recounts his experience of "participating in 500 games in 5 years" before his debut, and how he has digested the voice of doubt after his debut. Next, the other eight members of NINEPERCENT will also show the public the unknown mental journey behind the stage.

After the farewell concert of "Limited Memory", the members of NINEPERCENT will set off on their own journey, and "Limited Memory" freezes frame the best NINEPERCENT. As a gift from NINEPERCENT to fans after farewell, in addition to full of memories in the program, the nine members of NINEPERCENT will also confess their future development direction.

One episode of "Limited Memory" has been broadcast, and there are nine more exciting content. It is reported that the next issue will exclusively reveal the behind-the-scenes shooting process of Zhu Zhengting’s first personal MV. "Limited Memory" is broadcast exclusively on iQIYI VIP every Thursday at 12 noon, so stay tuned!

"Industrial Internet Platform + Park" empowered in-depth tour will enter Foshan in September

  CCTV News In order to implement the national industrial Internet development strategy and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s "Industrial Internet special project working group 2022 work plan" requirements, to fully stimulate the real economy, and to open up the "last mile" of the platform landing, under the guidance of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Foshan Municipal People’s Government, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s Fifth Research Institute of Electronics will jointly organize the "Industrial Internet Platform + Park" empowered in-depth trip on September 8 with the China Information and Communication Research Institute, the Industrial Internet Platform Innovation Cooperation Center and the organizer Guangdong Meiyun Zhishu Technology Co., Ltd.

  With the theme of "Digitally empowering industrial clusters to lead the high-quality development of the park", the event invited relevant ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, heads of relevant departments of Guangdong Province and Foshan City, national think tanks such as the Fifth Institute of Electronics of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and experts in the field of digital economy. Representatives of key enterprises in the national key Internet platform enterprises and provinces and cities participated together to discuss hot topics such as the development trend of industrial Internet platforms, the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the digital development of industrial clusters. The event will include "Platform + Home Appliance Manufacturing" Smart Park Sharing, "Platform + Industrial Design" Industrial Park Sharing, Furniture Industry Digital transformation Exploration Practice, Pan-Home Furnishing Industry Cluster Development Experience Sharing, etc., to explore the "Platform + Park" demand scenario, explore the "Platform + Park" practical experience, promote the application and promotion of the platform in the park, and promote the digital transformation and upgrading of regional industries. At the same time, the event will also hold a launch ceremony for enterprise cooperation.

  In recent years, the industrial Internet platform, as the hub of connecting the whole industrial factor, the whole industrial chain and the whole value chain, has entered a period of rapid development of scene landing and vertical deep cultivation. The industrial Internet platform is not only a key carrier to promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, but also an important measure to build a new ecosystem of industrial integration. Up to now, with the joint efforts of government departments at all levels, research institutes, industry enterprises and other entities, the "comprehensive + characteristic + professional" industrial Internet platform system in our country has been basically formed. There are more than 150 platforms with certain industry and regional influence, and the total number of access equipment has exceeded 70 million units (sets). The platform empowering effect is further revealed. " The in-depth promotion of "Industrial Internet Platform + Park" is of great significance for improving the digital transformation and refined management service level of industrial parks, accelerating the transformation of the development mode of industrial parks, and promoting the integrated development of industrialization and informatization in a wider range, deeper and higher level.

After three years of listing, the cumulative sales volume exceeded 200,000 units, and the Lynk & Co 06 family’s Chinese New Year car purchase benefits were in place

  Positioning "the first good car in the eyes of young people", Lynk & Co 06 has always maintained excellent sales performance in the market segment with its leading technical strength, excellent product strength and good consumer reputation in the past three years. Since its launch in 2020, the Lynk & Co 06 family has sold more than 200,000 units, making it the best choice for Generation Z young consumers.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image001

Lynk & Co 06 Family: 06 Remix and 06 EMP

  In November last year, the 06 family hybrid iteration model Lynk & Co 06EM-P was officially launched. As the only plug-in hybrid SUV in the market segment, it was recognized by consumers and the market in a short period of time. At the same time, the fuel model 06Remix continued to be sold and always maintained a hot-selling trend. With the support of the dual-model strategy, the 06 family adhered to the Lynk & Co brand’s strategic transformation to electricity and new, and continued to lock in the leading position in the compact SUV market segment.

  The proportion of new energy has risen, and the overall sales of 06 families have increased strongly

  In 2023, the Lynk & Co 06 family achieved outstanding annual sales of 70,226 units, a strong increase of 47% compared to 2022, demonstrating the layout of oil and electricity products composed of 06EM-P and 06Remix. The listing of 06EM-P also promoted the 06 family’s new energy sales share to further increase. The overall sales share of more than 80% of the top version also proves that the high value of Lynk & Co 06 products is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

  Since its launch, Lynk & Co 06 has always been positioned as a young consumer group, providing more choices for Generation Z consumers’ pleasant travel. At present, among the consumers of the 06 family, the young group under the age of 30 is still the main consumer group, fully demonstrating the strong appeal of Lynk & Co 06 in the hearts of young consumers.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image002

Lynk & Co 06EM-P top version sales have accounted for more than 80%

  Multi-domain resonance 06 family explains the true strength of hardcore products

  The 06 family has been selling well for many years and has become a hit. It relies on clear product positioning, precise marketing strategies and outstanding product strength. Among them, far superior product experience has always been the secret of the 06 family to maintain its C position. The new member of the 06 family, the iterative version of the hybrid model 06EM-P, interprets the hard-core product power in terms of appearance, interior, performance, intelligence, safety and other aspects, giving Generation Z’s young consumer groups more uncompromising reasons when buying a car.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image003

Lynk & Co 06EM-P launched in November 2023

  Positioned as "New Urban Functional Ultra-Electric SUV", the Lynk & Co 06EM-P adopts the new second-generation design language of Lynk & Co in appearance, and provides five trendy color schemes and three interior styles. The original soufflé seat provides a dense riding experience, the soft sunglasses sun visor is ingenious, the 38 storage designs of the whole car are designed to achieve extreme storage, 50W wireless air-cooled fast charging, and the 20.35 ° tilt design can be used with charging, creating a sense of travel happiness.

  Lynk & Co 06EM-P is equipped with a super range extension electric solution, which combines high performance and high economy. The 100-kilometer acceleration is 5.9s, and it is the only member of the "5s club" of the current single-motor front-drive hybrid SUV. It has CLTC 126km pure electric battery life and CLTC 1280km comprehensive battery life. The 100-kilometer comprehensive fuel consumption is 1.11L, the feed fuel consumption is 4.98L. The equipped 19.09kW · h battery pack supports 32kW DC fast charging, and the commute is long and worry-free.

  In addition, the 06EM-P smart cockpit has a 14.6-inch high definition floating central control screen, equipped with China’s first self-developed car-grade 7-nanometer mass-produced super chip "Eagle One", equipped with the leading 16G super storage and 128G memory, the operation is smoother, and the car machine is smoother. In addition to rich configuration, it can also meet Karaoke mode, e-sports space, nap scene, pet travel and outdoor camping, creating a full-scene and immersive "third space" for users.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image004

Create a leading smart cockpit of the same level, and Lynk & Co 06EM-P has an outstanding experience

  Multi-circle cross-border linkage 06 family is more than just cars

  While impressing users with its continuously evolving product power, the 06 family adheres to the brand concept of "more than just cars", and comprehensively deploys marketing actions in the fields of beauty and e-sports that Generation Z consumers love, creating a more trendy car-owning life for Generation Z.

  Focusing on "her marketing", it aims to bring more surprises to more than half of the female car owners of the 06 family. Lynk & Co 06 cooperated with multiple top luxury beauty brands throughout the year, continued to iterate a number of "powder has power" gift boxes as exclusive car pickup gifts, and successively linked high-luxury beauty and fragrance brands to launch six generations of "small powder boxes". In addition, 06 also joined hands with Meitu Xiuxiu to carry out cross-border cooperation with the theme of "Spring Adventure, Strength Circle Powder", and cooperated with dealers across the country to hold a "Pink Adventure Season" user test drive activity. While experiencing the comfortable driving experience of 06, it led users to feel the beauty of spring.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image005

"Small compact" adds more color to the car life of Lynk & Co 06 owners

  At the same time, Lynk & Co 06 continues to deepen its efforts in the field of e-sports. As a sponsor partner of LNG Li Ning e-sports club for three consecutive years, Lynk & Co 06 continued to make efforts in the e-sports arena of Hangzhou Asian Games, and cooperated with Weibo to help "China e-sports 06 to fly", further linking the e-sports core and 06 attitude, and using this to reach more young client bases across the circle.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image006

Lynk & Co 06 helps "China E-sports 06 to fly" during the Hangzhou Asian Games

  At the end of 2023, Lynk & Co 06EM-P, as a "super electric induction travel companion", achieved a surprise cross-border with the New Year’s Day box office champion movie "Twinkle, Twinkle, Shine", and joined the young actor "Zhang Jianing" to become a representative of 06Shero as a brand friend, strengthening the youthful trend of the 06 brand, and also deepening the "Shero" attitude.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image007

Zhang Jianing became a close friend of the 06 family brand

  Product marketing is given equal attention, and user benefits are pulled over 06 families to distribute surprise rights and interests for Chinese New Year car purchases

  Relying on the dual product lines of 06EM-P and 06Remix, the Lynk & Co 06 family provides high-quality products for consumers with different needs, comprehensively enhancing the user’s car experience in terms of intelligence, performance, comfort, etc. At the same time, it focuses on the preferences of core consumer groups, and interacts in multiple fields. This allows the 06 family to gradually take root in the hearts of Generation Z young people, providing a new solution for the pleasant travel of Generation Z young people.

  The Spring Festival is approaching, in order to let young consumers feel more holiday benefits when they are reunited with their families, the 06 family has prepared multiple car purchase benefits for consumers: currently, you can enjoy a limited-time exclusive gift of 4,000 yuan when you place an order for all 06EM-P models. As of February 9, you can also participate in the collection of a limited-time red envelope of up to 2,888 yuan for the Lynk & Co EM-P family. The next order of 06Remix models can enjoy a limited-time car purchase gift worth 8,000 yuan for fuel vehicle purchase coupons. In addition, more rights and interests, including random matching gifts, new financial gifts, and worry-free car gifts, will also be given according to different models.

  Outstanding product strength, eye-catching marketing activities, and car purchase benefits. In 2024, the 06 family will continue to make efforts to create more outstanding products and surprises based on young consumer groups, and constantly innovate lifestyles. I believe it will continue to be Generation Z. The best choice for young people to travel, trend life, express their individuality, and pursue their dreams. (Source: Lynk & Co Auto)

11.86-17 1,800 new Lynk & Co 06 officially launched

  [Autohome new car launch] On September 8, the new model (|) was officially launched. The new car was named Lynk & Co 06 Remix, and it still offered a fuel version and a plug-in hybrid version.The price is 11.86-17 1,800 yuanThe new car has been upgraded in terms of appearance design and car system, and the fuel version has been replaced with a four-cylinder engine. In addition, the new intelligent voice housekeeper "Hicks" was also released at the press conference, which supports 62 multi-scene intelligent language controls and 6 kinds of sounds. At the same time, the second-generation smart car control watch was also officially released.



The new Lynk & Co 06/Lynk & Co 06 PHEV price guide Model Selling price (10,000 yuan) 1.5T Plus 11.86 1.5T Strength Pro 12.86 1.5T Power Halo 13.86 1.5T Halo 13.86 1.5T Heroes 13.98 1.5T Shero 13.98 PHEV Pro 16.68 PHEV Hero 17.18 PHEV Shero 17.18






  In addition, the purchase of a car can also enjoy triple rights, including 3,000 yuan to receive a gold, 4,000 yuan replacement subsidy, 3,000 yuan additional purchase subsidy, lifetime free quality assurance, free road assistance and free data traffic, etc. Users who buy Hero/Shero models can also enjoy exclusive gift boxes, and users who buy PHEV models can enjoy free basic installation of charging piles, 160 yuan smart watch voucher and 260 yuan home discharge gun voucher.

New car features:

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  The styling details of the new Lynk & Co 06 have changed. The biggest adjustment to the front face is the internal structure of the upper and lower grilles. The upper grille of the new car is decorated with 12 sets of three-piece blade trims, while the lower grille is decorated with 19 straight waterfall fins. In the C-pillar part, the car also added a pulse ray style decorative line. It is worth mentioning that the Hero model will also use exclusive green paint, which is more unique. The Shero version continues to use the pink and purple contrasting design. The details are added to the wildberry purple highlight trim and use the wildberry purple contrasting rim. For other versions, blue-orange, gray-orange, gray, white, light blue and other color schemes will also be available.

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  In the car, the overall design of the new car has not changed, but the central control screen has been upgraded to 12.3 inches. Some models, such as Hero and Jin Halo, will use integrated sports seats with racing yellow piping and stitching, which is more sporty. The Shero version will use a color-matching interior with purple stitching and piping, which is more attractive to female consumers.

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  The new 12.3-inch central control screen integrates the Co lynk intelligent interconnection system, the storage + memory is upgraded to 6G + 64G, and the boot speed is increased by 40%. At the same time, it has ecological entertainment systems such as Tencent Accompanying and Volcano Car Entertainment, including popular applications such as car WeChat, Bilibili, Autonavi navigation, and Douyin.

  In terms of driver assistance systems, the official said that the car will provide 21 driver assistance systems (but not all standard), including intelligent pilot assistance systems, remote parking, automatic parking assistance, panoramic imaging (including chassis perspective), etc., as well as the new TBA tracking reversing assistance system.

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  The upgrade of the power part will be the most concerned, and the fuel version will be replaced with a four-cylinder engine. It is equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder engine with a maximum power of 181 horsepower and a peak torque of 290 Nm. It is matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission.

  The plug-in hybrid version is still equipped with the plug-in hybrid system composed of the previous 1.5T three-cylinder engine. Its maximum engine power is 177 horsepower, peak torque is 255 Nm, and the maximum power of the power system is 190kW (258 horsepower). Its NEDC pure electric range is 84km.

Competitive models:

Dongfeng Honda, Honda XR-V 2023 1.5L CVT Boom Edition

"Honda XR-V"

  In the small SUV market at the price point of the Lynk & Co 06, it faces competitors mainly from overseas brands, including Honda XR-V/Bizhi, Volkswagen Tucai/Troupe, Nissan Kingke, Chevrolet Tron and other models. In contrast, the Lynk & Co 06 has a more youthful and personalized design, higher configuration and stronger powertrain. Of course, at this price point, there are also a variety of compact SUVs and even mid-sized SUVs from Chinese brands to choose from. At this time, you need to choose between bigger and more refined.

● Summary:


  In an environment of "talking about three-color change", many manufacturers began to return to the four-cylinder power layout. On the occasion of the change of the Lynk & Co 06, in addition to the improvement of design and configuration, the main fuel version was replaced with a four-cylinder engine, which is of course good news for consumers who do not like three cylinders. And from the book data, the power output of 181 horsepower and 290 Nm is also higher. So, is the new Lynk & Co 06 your cup of tea? (Text/Autohome Chen Hao)