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Xiaokang shares: it is difficult to enjoy the cool by relying on Huawei.

Text |Zero state LT Yao Zhang

Editor | Hu Zhanjia

On the evening of July 15th, Xiaokang shares disclosed that 137 million ordinary shares had been issued, and the total amount of funds raised was 7.13 billion yuan. After deducting the issuance expenses, the net amount of funds raised by the company was 7.06 billion yuan. The number of new shares issued this time is equivalent to 1/10 of the original total share capital, and a total of 17 investors were allocated. The most allocated fund is Guangfa Fund, with the allocation amount of 1.47 billion yuan. The last round of fixed increase of Xiaokang shares was in June 2021. At that time, the company raised 2.57 billion yuan, and Guangfa Fund also participated in it, which was also the first issue target.

By cooperating with Huawei to build a car brand, Xiaokang shares are entering the new energy field in a big way. Going back to the middle of June, Xiaokang shares were pushed to the public because the new energy vehicle "Wenjie M5" jointly built with Huawei was suspected of "spontaneous combustion". As soon as the report came out, Xiaokang shares fell for many days.

Backed by the big tree of "Huawei", is Xiaokang shares really cool?

Huawei’s "M5" was caught in a storm of spontaneous combustion, and Xiaokang’s ability to build a car was questioned.

On the evening of June 13th, a Huawei mobile phone franchise store in Inner Mongolia caught fire, and another Huawei mobile phone M5 in the store was burnt down.

There are different opinions about the cause of the fire, and many people attribute it to the concerns of Celestial Automobile, a subsidiary of Xiaokang Co., Ltd., the "foundry" of M5. In response, Cyrus responded that the charging stop time of the vehicle in the store was later than the fire time, and it could be preliminarily judged that the fire source was not from the vehicle itself.

But even so, the trust of the outside world in the foundry has not been "stitched". After all, before Huawei intervened, Xiaokang shares focused on low-end new energy vehicles, and the Sailis brand, which has been polished for several years, has never improved. There has never been such experience in producing and manufacturing cars exceeding 300,000 yuan. Therefore, in the production process, the outside world has been in doubt about whether Xiaokang shares can build the high-end model M5.

Xiaokang Co., Ltd. was originally just a manufacturer of electrical appliances and automobile springs. It got on the express train of Dongfang Group and jointly launched the Oriental Xiaokang. In 2011, the sales volume of Dongfeng Xiaokang mini-car reached 1 million, which became a turning point in its transformation of vehicle manufacturing. Five years later, Xiaokang shares were successfully listed. In 2016, at the time of the new energy vehicles, Xiaokang shares launched the new energy brand Sailis in Silicon Valley, USA.

However, at the beginning of the transformation, Xiaokang invested the money earned in the fuel vehicle market and the capital market into the new energy sector, but Cyrus did not give a corresponding return, and the sales volume was bleak. In 2020, only 732 units were sold.

The first cooperation with Huawei opened the market for Celeste. At the beginning of 2019, Huawei and Xiaokang Co., Ltd. held a comprehensive cooperation signing ceremony. The two sides carried out comprehensive cooperation in the fields of industrial Internet, ICT infrastructure, intelligent new energy vehicles and networking. The share price of Xiaokang shares has also risen. After joining hands for the first time to build the first Celestial SF5 appeared in Huawei’s offline exhibition hall, sales began to pick up.

The M5, which was jointly built for the second time, was put into production and put on the market, and achieved good sales. The data shows that in May 2022, the monthly delivery volume of Huawei’s M5 reached 5,006 vehicles, and the sales volume of the same gear jumped to the top three, with a cumulative delivery of 11,296 vehicles. In the capital market, Xiaokang shares are also riding the east wind of Huawei and soaring. Wind data shows that in the last month (as of June 10th), the share price of Xiaokang shares rose as high as 96.8%, ranking first in the comprehensive passenger car sector.

However, both the market and capital are optimistic about Huawei, the big tree behind Xiaokang shares.

In this fire, the questioning of Xiaokang’s ability to build a car was intuitively reflected in its share price. On June 14th, Xiaokang’s share price fell as high as 5% in intraday trading. At present, the market value of Xiaokang shares has exceeded 100 billion. Inconsistent with the market value of 100 billion, Xiaokang shares are still at a loss. In the first quarter of 2022, the financial report of Xiaokang shares showed that the loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies reached 839 million yuan in the first quarter, compared with 533 million yuan in the same period last year; Operating income reached 5.131 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 56.03%.

The year-on-year narrowing of quarterly losses and revenue growth point come from the increase in sales of new energy vehicles in Xiaokang shares. According to public data, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in Xiaokang in the first quarter reached 17,400 and 14,200 respectively, with an increase of 296.87% and 207.43%.

In March this year, the first model of AITO brand jointly built with Huawei started delivery. According to the statistics of the Association, the sales data of the M5 in March was 3,045 vehicles, and it entered the top ten sales of new energy vehicles at the level of 200,000-300,000 yuan. Although the growth has achieved good results, in addition to traditional mini-cars and economy cars, the competitiveness of Xiaokang shares in the middle and high-end fields represented by Seles SF5 is still obviously weak.

With the blessing of Huawei’s sales channels, the annual total sales volume of Celestial SF5 is only over 8,100, which is equivalent to the monthly sales volume of the three new car-making forces "Wei Xiaoli".

Xiaokang’s own hematopoietic capacity is not comparable to that of the first echelon car companies. The loss of Xiaokang shares first appeared in 2020, with a loss of 1.729 billion yuan, down 2690.76% year-on-year; In 2021, the loss of Xiaokang shares reached 1.824 billion yuan, and the loss further expanded. The loss mainly comes from the soaring marketing expenses, research and development costs and team expansion after the transformation of the new energy automobile market. In 2021, Xiaokang’s R&D investment was 1.948 billion yuan, accounting for 11.66% of revenue, which was narrower than that in 2020.

Under the pressure of loss, Xiaokang shares tried to spend a tight life through "blood transfusion". At the beginning of this year, the company announced that the non-public offering of shares would raise no more than 7.13 billion yuan, and the funds raised would be invested in projects such as the development of electric vehicles, the intelligent upgrading of factories and the construction of user centers.

But whether it can turn losses into profits is still uncertain.

It is difficult to pick Huawei’s "OEM" hat.

Backed by Huawei, this big tree is good for enjoying the cool, but it also brings a lot of troubles to Xiaokang shares.

In the past, BMW Brilliance was changed to BMW and Beijing Benz was completely cut off. After many imported models were made in China, they fell into the fate of being cut off. For many car owners, it seems that the shadow of domestic production has been removed, and the car has instantly become taller.

A while ago, Xiaokang shares just experienced a round of public opinion. This time, it’s not for imported cars, but the first model of the high-end brand AITO series jointly developed by Huawei and Sellers-Wenjie M5. Because the popularity of Celeste is far less than that of a big brand like Huawei, some car owners chose to "change the logo" after purchasing Huawei’s M5, and removed the logo of Celeste and replaced it with the logo of Huawei Smart Choice.

Huawei has publicly stated that it will not build a car. This alliance with Selis is just cooperation. However, it is undeniable that the selling point of this car is that it is equipped with Huawei HarmonyOS cockpit, and the core power comes from Huawei Drive ONE pure electric drive range extension platform. Yu Chengdong, CEO of BU, a smart car solution, personally came off the stage to bring goods for the M5. He not only promoted this car on many occasions, but also drove it home and off the track during the New Year, and spoke for it crazily.

Netizens ridiculed that although "Huawei does not build cars, users will build cars for Huawei."

The bidding also reflects the user’s lack of confidence in the Celeste brand. Obviously, the light of Cyrus is covered by Huawei’s strength. Xiaokang shares are very concerned about being passively robbed of the title by Huawei.

Zhang Zhengping, chairman of Xiaokang Co., responded: "Whether the product is good or not, the market has the final say. If the product doesn’t work, no matter whose label is posted, no one will buy it. " In addition, Xiaokang shares are also very concerned about the outside world calling it Huawei’s "foundry". At the investors’ meeting at the beginning of the year, Xiaokang specifically emphasized that it was not a foundry before and now, let alone a foundry, and what Huawei initiated was a deep cross-border cooperation model of joint business.

In fact, this statement only applies to the cooperation of the previous model Celeste SF5. Xiaokang shares are responsible for supply chain links such as R&D, manufacturing and delivery, while Huawei is responsible for brand and channel sales. However, during the development of the M5, Huawei led the R&D and sales, and Cyrus was only responsible for providing relevant data support. According to Huawei Yu Chengdong, "In addition to providing key automotive hardware components, Huawei’s mobile phone industrial design team, software team and user experience team are also involved in the cooperation".

Subject to Huawei’s leadership, Huawei is the main beneficiary of the sales profit sharing of this M5. According to Caijing Weekly, a Cyrus 4S clerk said that after users placed orders in the experience store, although the order processing was the responsibility of their user center, most of the rebates from the manufacturers were sold to the experience store instead of Cyrus manufacturers. For Xiaokang shares, the initial intention of cooperating with Huawei was to improve the brand tonality and remove the label of only making low-end cars, but the result was to make wedding clothes for others.

Although the sales volume of M5 in the current world is very popular, Xiaokang shares can not get much benefit, and excessive dependence on Huawei’s manufacturing team brings great risks. Recently, it is reported in 36Kr that Huawei Smart Car Selection has been widely spread in the industry. Besides Jin Kang New Energy, it has successively finalized smart car selection business cooperation with Chery Automobile, Jianghuai Automobile and Extreme Fox Automobile.

If the cooperation between Huawei and other car companies deepens in the future, the status of Xiaokang shares will be in jeopardy. Perhaps Xiaokang shares can be completely transformed into a vehicle foundry and occupy the market with excellent manufacturing technology.

Xiaomi car price hot search Xiaomi officially released the electric car SU7 "SU7"

Webmaster’s House (ChinaZ.com) December 28th news:On the afternoon of December 28th, Xiaomi officially released its electric vehicle model-SU7, which was positioned as a C-class high-performance eco-technology car. This news has aroused widespread concern in the industry.


Xiaomi founder Lei Jun said at the press conference that Xiaomi SU7, as a Xiaomi car, is an important step in the layout of Xiaomi in the automotive field. He emphasized that cars have always played an important role in the automobile industry, and many famous cars in history are cars. Therefore, Xiaomi firmly chose to enter the car market, hoping that SU7 can become a masterpiece of this era.

From a technical point of view, Lei Jun thinks that making a car is more challenging than making an SUV. He said that Xiaomi has chosen the most difficult and far-sighted road in all technical decisions to ensure that SU7 has excellent performance and quality.


When talking about the design concept, Xiaomi emphasized the important position of cars in the automobile industry, and said that the design of SU7 will stand the test of time. Xiaomi hopes that by returning to the essence of design, he will create body lines that conform to intuition and natural beauty and bring visual enjoyment to consumers.

Lei Jun said at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference that the Xiaomi automobile model has been mass-produced on a small scale, but it will be released in "a few months" because it needs to continue various extreme tests.


The body size of SU7 is 4997mm long, 3000mm wheelbase, 1963mm wide and 1440mm high, which is praised as the golden ratio, showing its elegant and dynamic lines. What’s more remarkable is that it has the drag coefficient Cd0.195 of cars all over the world, and this excellent aerodynamic performance ensures the stability and fuel economy of vehicles when driving.

According to Lei Jun, the acceleration time of SU7 from zero to 100 kilometers is amazing, reaching 2.78 seconds, which even exceeds the 2.93 seconds of Porsche Taycan Turbo.

The SU7 not only performs well in acceleration performance, but also reaches a speed of 265km/h, exceeding the 260km/h of Porsche Taycan Turbo and the 250km/h of Tesla Model3. In addition, the SU7 also supports ejection starting, providing a customized driving mode with unlimited degrees of freedom. In terms of braking performance, its braking distance is 33.3 meters at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, which is better than the Porsche Taycan Turbo’s 34 meters.

Regarding the pricing of SU7, Lei Jun said: "Don’t expect such a low price of 99,000 yuan, which is impossible. Cars with such performance and configuration usually cost more than 400 thousand yuan. Therefore, 149,000 yuan is not a reasonable price, and we should respect the value of technology. "


The top price is360,000? Suspected Xiaomi SU7 price exposure

January 31 news As the listing date approaches, the price information about Xiaomi SU7 has become a concern of more and more people. Previously, some netizens exposed a price of some models suspected of Xiaomi SU7 in the insurance policy in Weibo, or it was 361,400 yuan. However, Wang Hua, general manager of Xiaomi Group’s public relations department, released Weibo that the price was only used as a test.

Regarding the price of Xiaomi SU7, Lei Jun can be said to have hung everyone’s appetite. "Don’t say 99,000 yuan, don’t think about 149,900 yuan." He constantly stressed, "Xiaomi SU7 is indeed a bit expensive, but please believe that what we are doing is expensive for a reason, and the experience will definitely exceed everyone’s expectations." And repeatedly said, "Within 500,000, Xiaomi SU7 has no opponent."

In fact, when interviewed by Lei Jun, it was repeatedly stressed that the price of SU7 would not be too low, and everyone could see that Xiaomi had really invested heavily in SU7. As the first product of Xiaomi Automobile, SU7 wanted to set the brand tone with a luxury price, and it has been giving everyone a vaccination to avoid poor market response after listing.

What range do you think is reasonable for the price of Xiaomi SU7?

Practical exploration of Xiaomi automobile factory

A few days ago, it was reported that Xiaomi would hold a press conference again in the near future, but it was only a few days before Xiaomi’s sub-brand Redmi Redmi K70 series mobile phone was released.

It is speculated that the protagonist of this conference is most likely Xiaomi Automobile. The reporter visited the Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Beijing Yizhuang Economic Development Zone and the offline store of Xiaomi Home in Beijing.

At present, the first phase of Xiaomi Automobile Factory has been completed. When the reporter visited, the construction expansion was going on inside the park. Nearby merchants said that the village had begun to mobilize, and their Fangxindian village area would be vacated to build the second phase of Xiaomi Factory.

The clerk of Xiaomi House told reporters that at present, they have not received any notice about the new products of the conference. Even if the new products are released, they will not be mobile phones.

Some insiders said that the floor space of most Xiaomi homes is not enough to carry the business of automobile display and sales, so it is a reasonable choice to expand the decoration of existing stores or open new ones.

This is also consistent with the previous speech by Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group. He once said that for the sake of building a car, Xiaomi’s new store covers an area of 600 square meters, and Xiaomi’s car will be sold in Xiaomi’s home in the future.

Factory construction, external enrollment expansion

When the reporter came to the vicinity of Xiaomi Automobile Factory, he found that the interior of the factory was in the expansion stage.

The planned address of Xiaomi Automobile Factory is located on the west side of Fangxindian Village, Majuqiao Town. The original "MI" logo hanging outside the factory has been covered with a layer of cloth, and many entrances and exits have been blocked by bricks and iron sheets.

At the same time, there is a large-scale construction in the park, during which many engineering trucks and sand trucks come in and out, and internal excavators are also under construction. The construction workers told reporters that there is only a northern entrance in the park at present.

Nearby merchants told reporters: "The opposite side is the Xiaomi factory. There was a sign before, but I don’t know when they covered the logo of Xiaomi with cloth. If you ask for job information, you have to go to the north entrance."

Xiaomi Automobile Factory has commissioned a third-party human resources company to recruit a large number of workers since September.The reporter learned from the outsourcing recruitment company that in addition to general workers, positions including testing, quality inspection and equipment maintenance are being expanded.

According to the reporter’s observation, on the west side of Fangxindian Village, Majuqiao Town, where Xiaomi Automobile Factory is located, most of the merchants have moved away, leaving only some auto repair shops and grocery stores.

Fangxindian area to be demolished

The merchant told reporters: "(Xiaomi Factory Phase I)There has been a lot of movement recently, and it may be expanding. Nearby merchants are transferring stores, because the village has started to mobilize recently. Including our area, as well as the farmland in the east, it should be demolished to make room for the expansion of Xiaomi factory, but I don’t know the exact time. "

According to the plan, Xiaomi Automobile Project will build Xiaomi Automobile Headquarters Base, Sales Headquarters and R&D Headquarters, and will build a complete vehicle factory with an annual output of 300,000 vehicles in two phases, the first phase of which covers an area of nearly 720,000 square meters. It started in April 2022 and was completed in June 2023.

The vacated area in the business account will be used to carry the second phase project of Xiaomi Vehicle Factory.It is planned to start construction in 2024 and complete construction in 2025, each with a production capacity of 150,000 vehicles. It is expected that the first car will be off the assembly line and mass production will be realized in 2024.

Earlier, an insider close to the supply chain of Xiaomi Automobile told reporters: "In the long run, the R&D and production of Xiaomi Automobile will be carried by Xiaomi’s own factory, but it will also reuse the parts suppliers under BAIC."

Xiaomi home may become a new car exhibition hall

The reporter visited a number of millet houses in Beijing and found that some millet houses are indeed being renovated and are expansionary.

Previously, Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, has revealed that Xiaomi’s new store covers an area of 600 square meters, which is due to the consideration of making cars. In the future, Xiaomi’s cars will be sold in Xiaomi House.

A clerk of Xiaomi House told reporters: "Recently, Redmi Redmi K70 has just held a press conference, and K70 Ultra will not be listed in a short time, so it should not release new mobile phone products. As for what products are released, we have not received the notice."

Previously, several design drawings of Xiaomi Home Retail Store were published on social platforms. As can be seen from the pictures, the new design of Xiaomi Home has specially set aside two areas to display Xiaomi cars.

According to the information previously released by Lei Jun on social platforms, by the end of October 2021, there were more than 10,000 offline stores of Xiaomi Home nationwide, and the 10,000-th Xiaomi Home Store covered an area of 600 square meters, which was one of the first stores to adopt the image of Xiaomi Home 4.0, and it was also a service and sales integrated store.

Like Huawei’s offline stores, Xiaomi Auto will also become an in-store exhibit, which is also the best way for Xiaomi Auto to quickly spread its sales network, but in terms of channel construction, the two are slightly different.

According to the division of labor between Huawei and Cyrus, Huawei is responsible for sales, while Cyrus is responsible for delivery and after-sales. Specific to the terminal: Huawei is responsible for the sales exhibition hall of the experience center and the user center, and Cyrus is responsible for the after-sales and logistics, warehousing and delivery links of the user center.

Some insiders said that,Xiaomi’s auto retail business will also adopt the channel form of retail center+delivery center+service center, but unlike Huawei, Xiaomi will build its own direct sales and service system. Referring to the sales model of Xiaomi mobile phone, some core cities adopt direct sales model, while other cities adopt managed direct sales or authorization model. Omni-channel planning will bring more unified and efficient services.

The reporter found from the recruitment application that Xiaomi recently opened the recruitment of the store manager position of Xiaomi Automobile Store, covering Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Xi ‘an and other places. The recruiter told reporters: "Need(candidate)Both sales and management experience, and it is best to have the experience of building a team from scratch. We prefer candidates with first-line sales experience in the new energy automobile industry. "

Previously, Xiaomi Automobile has started the screening of delivery centers since July this year. The first batch of cities include Beijing, Shenzhen, Chengdu and Xi ‘an, etc., and the candidate venues are required to have at least 120 parking spaces and the buildings should not be less than 3,000 square meters.

Some insiders of Xiaomi revealed to reporters: "The existing Xiaomi channel will only be one of the sales channels of Xiaomi Automobile."

The two Xiaomi cars "SU7 Max" and "SU7 Pro" previously filed on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology are all pure electric, but Xiaomi has not given up the extended program technical route.The industry believes that this move is a pragmatic strategy made by Xiaomi to increase sales.

On the recruitment platform, Xiaomi is also open to recruitment for R&D positions related to extended range, including extended range system design and development engineers. In addition, hybrid-related positions include fuel system engineers and exhaust system engineers.

According to the statistics of China Automobile Industry Association, the total sales volume of new energy vehicles in the first 10 months of this year was 7.28 million, with a year-on-year growth rate of 37.8%, of which the sales volume of pure electric vehicles from January to October was 5.16 million, with a year-on-year growth rate of 25.2%, which was lower than that of generalized plug-in hybrid vehicles including extended range, with a year-on-year growth rate of 82.6%.

At the recent Q3 performance meeting of Xiaomi in 2023, Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, said in an interview with the reporter of New Consumer Daily: "Mr. Lei himself did not say that the initial sales of Xiaomi cars could reach 100,000, but the goal of Xiaomi’s car building is to spend 15-20 years. Enter the top five in the world."

This article comes from WeChat WeChat official account:New Consumer Daily (ID: CLS-xxfribao-01), Author: Tang Zhixiao, Editor: Liang Youyun

Food insurance, Xiong Haizi insurance, mobile phone broken screen insurance … Are these novel insurances reliable?

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 5 (Reporter Wang Aona, Cao Yiming) Afraid of eating your stomach, Xiong Haizi damaging the goods in the shopping mall, and accidentally breaking the screen of your mobile phone? Maybe the insurance company has already thought of it for you.

  Nowadays, novel Internet insurance products such as "food insurance", "Xiong Haizi insurance" and "mobile phone broken screen insurance" attract more and more consumers’ attention. Are these new types of insurance reliable? How do insurance companies design these products? What should I pay attention to when buying Internet insurance?

  Internet plus Insurance meets the individual needs of users.

  "Remember those years because of greed and sin? Then why not take out a food insurance to make yourself more secure? " The reporter saw in a shop of Taobao Insurance that the purchase of this food insurance premium only needs 9 yuan, and in the following year, if you are hospitalized or out-patient for acute gastroenteritis, you can pay 1000 yuan the highest.

  There are not a few unexpected Internet innovation insurances like "food insurance". These special insurances with low premium, short guarantee period and strong interest have attracted more and more insurance online consumption. Among them, 0.9 yuan can take out the "occasional minor injury insurance", the protection period is one to three months, and the maximum compensation for accidental injuries during this period is 2,000 yuan. "January5" who bought this insurance said: "Spend a little money to buy peace of mind." There is also the "Xiong Haizi Insurance" which costs 8 yuan a whole year. Children under the age of 17 can get compensation for breaking shopping mall vases or school glass.

  It is not difficult to see that Internet insurance has expanded more application scenarios in traditional property insurance and personal insurance, such as "Wang Xingbao" to protect the medical expenses caused by pet injuries, "Mobile phone broken screen insurance" for "hand-sliding party" and "beautiful as a flower insurance" for plastic surgery accidents. Compared with traditional insurance, these Internet insurances developed based on specific scenarios meet the short-term personalized segmentation insurance needs of users.

  Chen Jin, CEO of Zhongan Online Property Insurance Co., Ltd., said that the Internet has changed the traditional business pattern. The core of the Internet economy is customer demand-oriented, and so is the insurance market. It is these massive, small and fragmented insurance policies that greatly lower the threshold of insurance and cultivate the new consumption habits of the younger generation to buy insurance.

  Scenario innovation insurance is both a slogan and a risk.

  Relying on the rapid substitution of Internet insurance for some standardized traditional insurance and the incremental market brought by innovative products, the innovative business of Internet insurance has maintained rapid growth.

  According to statistics, in 2017, the number of Internet insurance signs was 12.491 billion, an increase of 102.60%, of which accident insurance was 1.592 billion, an increase of 539.26%; 1.032 billion liability insurance, an increase of 438.25%. It is precisely because of the prospect of rapid development of Internet insurance that more and more Internet giants such as Ali, Tencent, Baidu and JD.COM are competing to lay out in this field.

  Chen Jin believes that with the advancement of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data and other technologies, the power of science and technology has begun to reshape the product design, pricing, sales and claims of the insurance value chain. Taking product design as an example, Internet insurance companies cut in to acquire customers from e-commerce transactions, online payment, online travel and other scenarios, and collect, process and analyze user data in various ecosystems, making many risks become insurable from non-insurable. For example, relying on the user’s purchase history, return frequency and other data, provide online shopping return insurance; Provide flight delay insurance by analyzing flight dynamics, travel frequency, weather conditions and other data.

  "In the product pricing process, the combination of the Internet of Vehicles, drones, wearable devices and big data technology will help insurance companies better grasp the needs and risks of users and realize ‘ Thousands of people have thousands of faces ’ Dynamic pricing of. For example, in the field of auto insurance, we can rely on Internet big data to achieve accurate &lsquo according to the multi-dimensional factors such as driving mileage, behavior habits and vehicle safety factor of the owner; One car for one price ’ 。” Chen Jin said, "The future of Internet insurance should be personalized, customized and intelligent."

  It is worth noting that while Internet insurance brings convenience to consumers, there are also potential risks.

  The Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission recently issued a risk warning that "eye-catching" products may be misleading. Some insurance institutions have launched so-called "eye-catching" products for one-sided pursuit of attention and sales volume, and there are some problems such as nonstandard publicity content, inconsistent or incomplete display of format terms contained in web pages, and unclear exemption clauses, which are suspected of misleading consumers. In addition, some online platforms hide "tying", selling some insurance products by default checking on their ticketing and hotel reservation pages, failing to clearly list the underwriting subject or agent sales subject, and failing to fully disclose relevant important information such as insurance product terms, which infringes on consumers’ rights and interests such as the right to know and the right to choose independently.

  Is it innovation or flicker? It is also necessary to strengthen supervision

  Wang Yonghua, a visiting researcher at the Insurance Center of the Development Research Institute of Fudan University, said that if it is an insurance product, the first thing is insurance. In the name of mutual aid, some institutions are ostensibly insurance, but what they actually do is to raise funds for people. Some "exotic risks" may be controversial in claims because of their special scenes, and insurance companies may also try their best to expand sales, but ignore claims.

  "From the consumer’s point of view, you should not be impulsive before buying, and you should fully understand the product. It should be understood that buying insurance is a way to protect extreme risks, not to make a fortune. Even wealth management products can only provide very limited value-added. " Wang Yonghua said.

  Xia Xuemin, a visiting researcher in institute for public policy, Zhejiang University, believes that Internet insurance has many advantages, such as flexibility, low issuance and sales costs, and many institutions, even those without insurance business qualifications, have started to "scratch the edge" and launched many strange so-called Internet insurance products, and some even directly violated the national regulatory rules on insurance.

  At the beginning of 2017, the relevant departments issued the Guidelines for the Development of Insurance Products of Property Insurance Companies, which for the first time refined the principles and prohibitive provisions for the development of insurance products of property insurance companies, and directed the supervision at property insurance products with hype concepts and gimmicky tendencies in the market, such as "sticker insurance", "love insurance" and "helping the elderly to be wrongly insured".

  Cao Xingquan, a professor at the School of Civil and Commercial Law of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, said that the insurance law stipulates the approval and filing mechanism for product development, and the so-called "innovation" that does not conform to the insurance principle should be controlled by the government through strict implementation.

  Xia Xuemin suggested that blacklists and integrity files of Internet insurance should be established, reporting channels should be opened, and users should be encouraged to actively reflect suspicious institutions and products, and online exposure should be made for unqualified sales of Internet insurance and illegal cross-border agency of Internet insurance products.

This little red book selection methodology will be finished after reading it!

It is very important to choose products when operating in Xiaohongshu, and we need to adjust dynamically according to the changing market and users. In this article, the author summarizes the relevant methodology of selecting small red books, which may help you better cut into the operation of small red books.

Good choice of goods, no trouble in selling goods!

Seven points depend on the selection, and three points depend on the notes!

Choosing products is a long-term process, not a specific medicine that can be eaten at once!

The average person eats through the selection for 1-2 months, and within 7 days for talented players, even if you are Xiaobai, it doesn’t matter. It’s not out of reach to earn 10w+ a month!

Today, Brother Daren will take you through the following aspects to analyze the picture and text of Little Red Book. If you choose the products with the standard selection methodology, even if you are Xiaobai, you can finish reading it.

According to the data, among the 200 million people living in Xiaohongshu, 72% are post-90 s, and they are concentrated in the first and second lines.

Moreover, according to the user data provided by iResearch, the analysis shows that the main group of Xiaohongshu is women, accounting for more than 80%, which also fully conforms to the community sharing and e-commerce model and the shopping habits and user group characteristics of female users (as follows).

There are several scenarios in the behavior of users of Xiaohongshu: active search, viewing product reviews, understanding trends, seeking inspiration, and actively sharing.

Moreover, 60% of users search in Xiaohongshu at high frequency every day, with an average daily search query volume of nearly 300 million times.

Finding products with good recent data and high sales volume is also the fastest way to produce results.

Whether it’s graphic notes or video notes, first attract users’ attention through the content of the notes, then click on our product link, and finally make a decision to buy and place an order.

Most users rarely look at the content of the product details page and whether there is sales or not, and how the score is. Basically, if you think your notes are well shared, just buy and place an order directly.

The core logic of benchmarking products lies in:

I’ll sell what my peers sell well, and I’ll sell what my peers sell. I’ll sell any product that explodes, and I’ll use any form it uses. If it sends pictures and texts, I’ll send pictures and texts.

Because there is nothing new under the sun, the explosive products will still explode with great probability.

Mistakes in marking and following products:

  1. Don’t look for enterprisesFor example, if someone is an enterprise store and a flagship store, don’t follow.
  2. No sponsorshipThere is a sponsored account in the lower right corner of this note. Don’t follow it.
  3. Not large.The fan base of this account is over 10,000, so don’t follow.
  4. No real peopleDon’t follow the accounts and notes of some real people.

As the name implies, crowd analysis is to find the corresponding products according to the actual crowd attributes.

Although more than 80% of the users of Little Red Books are women, it is not enough for us to understand this, because before girls and girls, their needs were completely different.

For example, girls of every age have different demand for products, and different places, hobbies and needs are also different.

  1. 20-year-olds and 30-year-olds have different needs for skin care products.
  2. North and south, life requirements and entertainment needs are different.
  3. People who like art are different from those who don’t.

People with different identity tags like different things.

Such as:Wear during pregnancy, early education, baby products, baby care, maternity experience, baby fashion, baby care products, baby food and so on.

Moreover, the needs of babies at different ages are different, and the focus of products will change with it, just like focusing on milk powder at the age of 0-1 and early education at the age of 1-3. Of course, you can also classify it in more detail, just one example.

For example, "novice bloggers pay more attention to some basic equipment, such as fill lights, brackets, and learning bloggers’ courses (virtual products), while bloggers with certain experience may have higher requirements for equipment, so our products can choose cameras, micro-orders, radio microphones and so on."

For example, "people in the grass-roots workplace pay more attention to cost-effective skin care products and office supplies, while those in the middle pay more attention to luxury and brand skin care products, while those in the top pay more attention to famous brands."

The same people, different seasons and different months have different needs.

For example, July and August are summer holidays, which is bound to be the peak season for tourism. Products can choose suitcases, storage bags, travel suits and so on.

The following are some recommendations for the products selected in recent months:

If you look at it with the naked eye, you can’t find products with high sales quickly. At this time, we need to use some data analysis tools.

Brother Daren had previously shared an article on the application of small red book tools: girls make small red books to make money! You must know these tools and skills ~

Recommend several mainstream platforms:New red data, thousand melon data, gray dolphin data.

note:You need to open a member!(Generally, newly registered accounts can be experienced for 1-3 days for free.)Of course, you can buy it directly from a treasure, which will be more cost-effective.

Skills of selecting data tools for xiaohongshu;

  • Macro analysis:First sort the big categories, then subdivide the small categories, and choose the best price.
  • Microscopic analysis:First note analysis, then account analysis, and final income analysis-execution.

The methodology of selecting products for Xiaohongshu is shared here today. What needs to be added is that the market is dynamic and people are dynamic. Don’t change it. We should constantly adapt to market changes and adjust our strategies in time.

Just like the Red Sea is already crowded, then we can try to cut into the blue ocean, with great demand, small competition, small investment and low requirements, which will enable you to get results quickly in Xiaohongshu.

"Fast Gunner day trader" was released today with five highlights.

  The action comedy day trader, a fast shooter, was released nationwide on July 15th, directed by Pan Anzi and starring Kenny Lin, Zhang Jingchu, Tengger singer, Liu Xiaoqing and Vivian Dawson. Good summer movies are released in turn, and day trader, the Fast Shooter, is the most important action comedy blockbuster in this summer. The action scenes are wonderful and exciting, and the process of winning the treasure is full of jokes. The 11th version is released in full format, which will take people on an exciting and unforgettable journey of winning the treasure. On the day of the release, the film exposed the production special and selected five highlights of the film for the audience to see at a glance.

  Aspect 1: The first western action comedy action scene was once full of addiction.

  The movie day trader, the Fast Shooter, tells a series of stories about how Kenny Lin, Zhang Jingchu, Tengger singer and Liu Xiaoqing formed an alliance of treasure-snatchers, and fought wits and wits with the big Boss played by Vivian Dawson in order to recapture the national treasure. The film was filmed in Dunhuang, Jiayuguan, Shanghai, Nanjing and other places. It is the first western action comedy blockbuster in China.

  There are plenty of action scenes in the film, which make the audience dazzled. The sea, land and air are at war at any time, chasing cars and climbing over the walls, and the big Boss takes turns to appear. The wonderful fighting makes the audience’s heart beat faster. Kenny Lin challenges Parkour, Zhang Jingchu has two guns in his hand, Tengger singer picks up a train, and the basement is bloody and big Boss, which stimulates a good-looking addiction.

  Aspect 2: A strong lineup collides with fireworks and painstakingly builds them.

  The movie day trader, a fast shooter, brings together powerful star lineups such as Kenny Lin, Zhang Jingchu, Tengger singer, Liu Xiaoqing and Vivian Dawson. Kenny Lin and Zhang Jingchu formed the "dirty and spicy CP" this time. The man was responsible for being funny and cheap, and the woman was responsible for dancing guns and making swords. The two laughed and beat each other all the way, loving each other and killing each other; Tengger singer and Liu Xiaoqing play an old married couple, and Tengger singer turns into a hen-pecked wife, cooking, washing feet, kneeling on the washboard, and serving Liu Xiaoqing well; Vivian Dawson incarnates as a big Boss, showing the dark side of his belly. Several actors collided with each other and staged a ridiculous story together.

  The production special of this exposure also shows the process of carefully creating the film. Kenny Lin put on makeup for nine hours to vividly show the image of the elderly, and Zhang Jingchu was stabbed with several pieces of glass. The main creator had to deal with the sudden sandstorm and other bad weather when shooting, and several leading actors overcame difficulties and worked together to show the best effect to the audience.

  Aspect 3: the theme of winning the treasure is fascinating, and the road to hilarity is endless.

  Day trader, the Quick Gunner, takes the treasure as its main theme. In recent years, adventure movies have been loved by people, and whether it can be made skillfully and brilliantly is also a big challenge for the director. The script of the film has been polished repeatedly, and finally the story of the film is complete, logical and smooth, which makes people laugh to tears.

  In the film, a big bad guy, a group of bastards and a group of smelly foreigners burst into laughter, and the baggage that they shake out at any time makes people laugh until they cramp. Both the plot setting and the language are full of humor, and the intensive laughter makes the audience laugh enough at once.

  Aspect 4: Version 11 released the first full-format Chinese film.

  As the most noteworthy action comedy blockbuster in this summer’s movie, Fast Shooter day trader will be released in full format in 11 versions, namely: 2D Normal Edition, IMAX2D, China Giant Screen 2D, Dolby Atmos, China Multidimensional Sound, ScreenX, 4DX, MX4D, DTS-X, China Giant Screen DTS-X and Dolby Vision. Eleven versions of the film will land in the cinema at the same time, so that day trader, the Fast Gunner, will cover all the 2D versions, becoming the first full-format film in Chinese, setting a precedent in the history of Chinese films.

  It is worth mentioning that day trader, the Fast Shooter, will be shown in Dolby Cinema, and it is also the first Chinese film made with Dolby Panoramic Sound from Dolby Vision. Dolby Cinema combines Dolby Vision and Dolby Panoramic Sound to bring high-quality cinema viewing experience to movie audiences. So many versions fully show the temperament of the film blockbuster.

  Aspect 5: Carry out the hilarious laughter to the end. Eggs can laugh.

  "Fast Shooter day trader" will be hilarious to the end. Not only is the feature film brilliant, but even the eggs have been carefully edited. Eggs can laugh, making people laugh from beginning to end! Don’t blame me for not reminding you. Don’t leave in a hurry after watching the feature film. Eggs are also a big surprise!

  The film day trader, a Fast Shooter, was carefully created by all the masters, with exciting action scenes and hilarious plot. The release of multiple versions makes people enjoy a visual feast, and it is an action comedy blockbuster that cannot be missed this summer.

  The film "Fast Shooter day trader" is produced by Wanda Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., Huace Film (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., Beijing Paradise Culture Development Co., Ltd., Beijing yi yang Holdings Co., Ltd., Beijing Lehua Yuanyu Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Hengdian Film and Television Production Co., Ltd., Beijing Gordon World Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Film Channel. Shanghai Asia Television Art Center, Yili Dasheng Legend Film Co., Ltd., Shanghai Tongjiang Asset Management Co., Ltd., Beijing Maodahui Cultural Investment Management Center, Lidexing Film and Television Culture Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Zhongchuan Film Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and Beijing Panorama Unlimited Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. jointly produced, and released by Wuzhou Film Distribution Co., Ltd. and Wanda Film (Qingdao) Co., Ltd., which was released nationwide on July 15th.

"Invincible Destroyer 2" teaches you how to become a online celebrity with an annual salary of one million.

Special feature of 1905 film network It was officially released today.


The reputation is good, and Douban scored 8.7 points, which is the same as the previous work.


In 2012, it came out and was once considered as the best animation of the year. However, I never imagined that in the award season of that year, wreck-it ralph, which swept everything, was cut off by his own Pixar animation studio at the last minute.


This time in the movie, Disney did not forget to take it out for the last "failure". In the scene where 14 princesses gather together, other princesses directly make fun of Merida in Brave Legend — — “She is from another STUDIO”。

Although in a brand-new animation, everyone was attracted by colorful Disney elements eggs. With a random screenshot, you can count nearly 10 eggs.

However, returning to the series itself, its greatest attraction is far more than just looking for eggs.


It represents the magic of Disney animation for the whole family:Children can see the joys and sorrows in animation and find the charm of friendship; Adults can also find the bowl of "chicken soup" in the moment.

This time, the subtitle of the animation is called "Make a scene on the Internet". Disney once again broke our conventional thinking. He used simple WiFi signals to send Ralph, the king of destruction, and Winnipeg, the little girl, to the internet world. This time, they completely broke the "wall" of the Internet and showed the audience a real Internet world, a brand-new "electronic planet".


Here, you can see the unique apps of various countries, including Tmall, QQ, Weibo and Cat’s Eye in China, all of which have regional characteristics.

Not only that, but the whole setting is also very interesting.


For example, the role of know-it-all, which is the front desk of a search engine, is also the first new friend Ralph and Winnipeg made after they came to the Internet world. Here, you can ask all kinds of things you want to know. If the role setting is that simple, then you underestimate Disney’s intentions.

Know-it-all is best at making a series of Lenovo guesses immediately according to the user’s past search traces when the user utters a word. Is it the same as your usual state of searching with a certain degree?

What’s more interesting is that the Internet suddenly drops off on weekdays and you can’t access it. In Invincible Destroyer 2, it all comes down to Destroyer.


Generally speaking, "Invincible Destroyer 2" is an Internet instruction manual.


Of course, "Invincible Destroyer 2" is the correct way to open online celebrity for other people.


The following is a little about spoilers, so please take it with caution.


1. How to become online celebrity?


In the movie, the handle of the game machine Sweet Shock was damaged directly because of Ralph and Winnipeg’s "self-persistence" in the arcade.


Under the guidance of customers, the owner of the game hall found the only handle for sale on eBay, but it was discouraged because of the high price. Of course, Ralph wouldn’t miss the opportunity to save his friends. In a flash of inspiration, he took Yunilo through the WIFI router and went to the Internet world to find the only handle of the Sweet Shock game console.

Although they found the handle on eBay at a certain time, the two people who are not familiar with the network existence suffered from the price.


Of course, the story will not end so simply.


The two went back to find the "Mr. Pop-up Window" they first met on the Internet in order to get more funds. In the tug-of-war of funds, the two soon met our favorite wonder woman, no, the "flash sister" in this movie.

After understanding the confusion of the two people, Sister Flash skillfully "teased" lavr, took a video and posted it on the popular website BuzzzTube, and enthusiastically recommended the algorithm director of BuzzzTube to them — — Sister Zan (Yesss).


Unexpectedly, Ralph’s little video went viral on BuzzzTube.

Why did Ralph’s "surprise" completely explode? Because it is "novel" enough,


Just like in the animation, the official spit from Zanjie, the current video is nothing more than children, cats, pranks, or private cooking. Doesn’t this phenomenon properly correspond to the performance of the real Internet?

Returning to the real Internet, on the most popular short video platform such as a certain sound and a certain TV, netizens are obsessed with children selling cute mistakes, keen on raising cats in the cloud, or endless pranks. The rules of the game are also very simple. Everyone can leave a message, like it or share it with more friends for secondary dissemination.


Many people’s initial explosions are mostly out of novelty consciousness, and netizens are more or less curious to watch and eat melons, thus bringing more attention.


Come on, Xiao Dianjun will give you a simple example. Recently, on the Internet, Lu Chao was frequently brainwashed by his "true goodness". At first, it was discussed by netizens. Recently, more and more people began to imitate his speech mode, and later, it was imitated by Guo Jingfei, who was once successful in "out of the circle".

It can be seen that the first step to becoming online celebrity is to take it by surprise.


2. How to maintain online celebrity traffic?


We always say that it is more difficult to maintain than to start.


In the internet age, information is updated so quickly. How can Ralph keep a video? In the movie, Ralph soon flopped, and the number of likes did not increase rapidly. Ralph, who has just been appreciated by Zanjie, was immediately rejected by BuzzzTube’s internal staff.

So, what should we do?


Ralph immediately showed a strong network spirit and imitated all kinds of featured videos on the network. Sure enough, Ralph’s performance won everyone’s crazy praise and sharing.


However, if we look at Ralph’s subsequent works, it is nothing more than a little joke that was once popular on the Internet — — Scream like a donkey and eat abnormal peppers … … However, these videos have aroused everyone’s pursuit and love. For a time, Ralph became the hottest online celebrity on the BuzzzTube platform.


In fact, this point is projected in the real network world, and that’s all.

The second step after maintaining online celebrity:A work of quantity.


Nowadays, many online celebrity will enter the "bottleneck period" of creation after their unexpected popularity. Especially after that, strong newcomers are constantly emerging, and those who no longer have new works will soon be replaced.


Some people begin to enter the repetitive black hole. Although different new works are constantly introduced, behind these works, most of them have been remaking those works that have been on the Internet, which is their own innovation and has dropped significantly.


However, for Ralph, he has a third step to success:feelings.


After all, Ralph came from many people’s childhood games, and Quick Hand Hugh also represents the childhood feelings of those people. When he appeared in various spoof videos, he instantly stabbed everyone’s feelings and memories. Just like when wreck-it ralph came out, the classic characters in arcade game in the past reappeared one by one, showing warmth and nostalgia.

With such a background, online celebrity is a cute girl. How can we not give more praise? Just like … … It is hard for us to refuse Pikachu to be cute.

3. One thing online celebrity should pay attention to.


When you become online celebrity, you must remember one thing: refuse blx.


In the movie, because of a small accident, Ralph accidentally broke into the message area of BuzzzTube platform. In addition to seeing everyone’s praise, he could not help but see some "black powder" criticisms.

At this time, Zan Jie appeared and told Ralph that he must not read these comment areas.


In fact, this point in reality, the same reason exists. In the current network world, it is inevitable to meet some "network sprayers" or "keyboard men". They are too used to classifying themselves as "heterogeneous", going against the public, and punishing them everywhere for their short breath.


In the online world, many people are thinking with emotions, which has nothing to do with rational expression. Simply expressing one’s preferences in the network is less smooth in reality, but in many cases, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. Some of the content is simply the vent of the other party’s pure emotions, but everything becomes less interesting when it becomes true.


While being yourself on the internet, stay away from those unpleasant voices. After all, online celebrity still speaks with his works.


Perhaps this is why Xiao Dianjun likes Invincible Destroyer 2 so much. It accurately captures the characteristics of Internet culture. Everyone can see its little beauty from their own perspective.


Perhaps, from Zanjie’s perspective, we will see the working logic as a product operator.


Probably, this is the most magical magic of Disney animation.

Original inventory of Aauto Quicker’s top ten most influential online celebrity, Simba ranked unexpectedly, and Shijiazhuang Gou Lei was on the list.

Original title: Counting the top ten most influential online celebrity in Aauto Quicker, Simba was unexpectedly ranked, and Shijiazhuang Gou Lei was on the list.

Since the establishment of Aauto Quicker, many people have achieved fame and benefits, and gained a lot. Because their fame comes from the Internet, they are called online celebrity.

They have the same aura as the stars. There are countless people who like and worship them. They are willing to brush gifts for them, buy their products and even do everything they can for them.

Because of this, their influence is enormous, and their ability to organize and mobilize is super strong. Although some online celebrity can’t be broadcast live, their fans are still so iron and have been maintaining.

Taking stock today, who do you like best among the top ten most influential online celebrity in Aauto Quicker?

Tenth place: Zimbabwean aspiring (818)

He is a big brother in Aauto Quicker today, with a fan base close to 100 million yuan and a strong selling ability. However, he is lacking in life and a little arrogant, which is why many people don’t like him. He is a businessman with only interests in his eyes and no friends. Therefore, he is also the only person on the Internet who has no friends.

In his eyes, money can solve any problem. He thinks that spending money to increase fans in your live broadcast room is a fair deal, but ignores the fatal point, that is friendship. Because there are many things that can’t be measured by money. Therefore, many people spit out that he is the "king" with the least pattern and friendship.

Ninth place: Gaudi (Di Jiajun, Frozen Jiajun)

He is the original singer of "One Drunk by Drinking", tall and handsome, handsome and natural, taking the idol route, with a lot of iron powder behind his ass. Although he is married, he is still the dream lover in the eyes of many girls.

Recently, because the video of his "real" Simba apprentice’s balls exploded the whole network two years ago, he boarded a hot search.

Eighth place: Bai Xiaobai (321st Brigade)

From the duet actor to online celebrity, and then to the famous domestic singer, Bai Xiaobai’s road to fame is smooth. People of all ages have his fans, and there are many widely sung songs. The most important thing is that he has no scandal.

Recently, it was reported that Bai Xiaobai had already got married and had children, which triggered a hot discussion among netizens. His wife is very beautiful and her name is Dong He. He was also a duet actor. I heard that I am currently pregnant and ready to give birth to a girl.

Seventh place: Sanda Brother (Sanda Family)

Brother Sanda, because he often stays up late to broadcast live, he has poor hearing in one ear, which is also called "one ear". Because Sanda brother is known as the official "disciplinary committee member" in Aauto Quicker, someone named him "note beating".

Although there are more than 50 million fans, only a few thousand people watch it online in the live broadcast room, and the annoying fans name people "three thousand dozen".

Even so, Sanda Brother is still one of the most influential figures in Aauto Quicker, and has a prominent position among the major families in Aauto Quicker and is highly respected.

Sixth place: Erziye (Blue Shorts Brigade)

The second son, once one of the "three brothers of the donkey family", was called the godfather of gossip, the leader of high-end gossip, with first-class eloquence, intelligence and countless iron powders. The family’s fighting capacity is super strong, and once fought against Xianyang, it did not fall in the wind.

Fifth place: Tianjin Lisi (NZBZ)

Tianjin Lisi, formerly known as Yan Huasheng, is a veritable third generation of rich people. Before playing the Internet, he was already rich. He was a soldier and had all kinds of skills.

I remember the second son said that he played the Internet from a customer. With his growing fame, he gradually established the nzbz family. The family is not only powerful, but also cohesive. The spending power of fans is also very powerful.

Fourth place: Er Donkey’s (Donkey Family Class)

Two Donkeys, the king of entertainment talk shows in Aauto Quicker, has more than 40 million fans because of his funny and humorous live broadcast style. He used to be the king of popularity and income in Aauto Quicker from 2018 to 2019. Because of his high income, Aauto Quicker changed the cash withdrawal rules for him alone. (In the past, the maximum daily withdrawal was 100,000 yuan, but now it is 200,000 yuan).

Although it is now changed to e-commerce, people who like him still like it after all. Iron powder has always been there.

Third place: Shijiazhuang Gou Lei (no problem) Lei Jiajun

There is nothing wrong with Shijiazhuang, the originator of Internet Blackness. It can be said that Aauto Quicker is a veteran-level Internet sensation. Both his online qualifications and his fluent language are admirable, especially his idiosyncrasies, which are very real.

Because of the affair with A Niu Jr., something was found out again. It’s been a few months since I entered the palace, but now both of them are inside, and I don’t know if they are studying in a "university".

Second place: Qi Tiandao (Xiaotian) ~ Parents Group

Laughing with you at five o’clock every day, the outdoor male god Qi Tiandao, in Aauto Quicker, the name of the parents’ group is well known, and everyone knows it. Unfortunately, he was previously "walked" to "famous university" for fraud, and after several years of further study, he finally came out to turn over a new leaf.

A few days ago, leading the disciples to climb Mount Tai again indicates that the pace of return is getting closer and closer. If not unexpected, it will be premiered this month.

First place: abbot MC ~ (the door will last forever)

He is the most authentic and kind anchor of the whole network. He is bursting with positive energy and has a big pattern of thieves. It is not too much to describe him with indomitable spirit, openness and aboveboard. He is known as Aauto Quicker’s traffic password, the top stream of entertainment talk shows. The king of popularity, the king of talk shows.

Who do you like best? Welcome to leave a message below!

Editor in charge:

Technology empowers people with disabilities.

    On March 13th, at the akg Exhibition, the "electronic guide dog" met the guide dog.

    On the same day, the first akg Exhibition of "Empowering the Future with Science and Technology" sponsored by Beijing Disabled Persons’ Federation opened in Beijing Disabled Persons’ Service Demonstration Center. More than 20 kinds of domestic high-tech products for helping the disabled, such as electronic guide dogs, indoor barrier-free navigation systems, AI digital sign language people, exoskeleton robots, brain-computer interface rehabilitation technology and intelligent manipulators, were exhibited at the science and technology exhibition.

    Xinhua News Agency reporter Xin Li photopagebreak

    On March 13th, the staff of the exhibitors showed the rehabilitation equipment using brain-computer interface technology at the exhibition.

    On the same day, the first akg Exhibition of "Empowering the Future with Science and Technology" sponsored by Beijing Disabled Persons’ Federation opened in Beijing Disabled Persons’ Service Demonstration Center. More than 20 kinds of domestic high-tech products for helping the disabled, such as electronic guide dogs, indoor barrier-free navigation systems, AI digital sign language people, exoskeleton robots, brain-computer interface rehabilitation technology and intelligent manipulators, were exhibited at the science and technology exhibition.

    Xinhua News Agency reporter Xin Li photopagebreak

    On March 13th, the staff of exhibitors showed the phonetic sign language translation system at the exhibition.

    On the same day, the first akg Exhibition of "Empowering the Future with Science and Technology" sponsored by Beijing Disabled Persons’ Federation opened in Beijing Disabled Persons’ Service Demonstration Center. More than 20 kinds of domestic high-tech products for helping the disabled, such as electronic guide dogs, indoor barrier-free navigation systems, AI digital sign language people, exoskeleton robots, brain-computer interface rehabilitation technology and intelligent manipulators, were exhibited at the science and technology exhibition.

    Xinhua News Agency reporter Xin Li photopagebreak

    On March 13th, the staff of the exhibitors showed an auxiliary-holding shifting robot at the exhibition.

    On the same day, the first akg Exhibition of "Empowering the Future with Science and Technology" sponsored by Beijing Disabled Persons’ Federation opened in Beijing Disabled Persons’ Service Demonstration Center. More than 20 kinds of domestic high-tech products for helping the disabled, such as electronic guide dogs, indoor barrier-free navigation systems, AI digital sign language people, exoskeleton robots, brain-computer interface rehabilitation technology and intelligent manipulators, were exhibited at the science and technology exhibition.

    Xinhua News Agency reporter Xin Li photopagebreak

    On March 13th, the staff of the exhibitors showed a domestic intelligent rehabilitation equipment at the exhibition.

    On the same day, the first akg Exhibition of "Empowering the Future with Science and Technology" sponsored by Beijing Disabled Persons’ Federation opened in Beijing Disabled Persons’ Service Demonstration Center. More than 20 kinds of domestic high-tech products for helping the disabled, such as electronic guide dogs, indoor barrier-free navigation systems, AI digital sign language people, exoskeleton robots, brain-computer interface rehabilitation technology and intelligent manipulators, were exhibited at the science and technology exhibition.

    Xinhua News Agency reporter Xin Li photopagebreak

    On March 13th, an intelligent mechanical equipment company in Beijing showed their robot arm for the disabled.

    On the same day, the first akg Exhibition of "Empowering the Future with Science and Technology" sponsored by Beijing Disabled Persons’ Federation opened in Beijing Disabled Persons’ Service Demonstration Center. More than 20 kinds of domestic high-tech products for helping the disabled, such as electronic guide dogs, indoor barrier-free navigation systems, AI digital sign language people, exoskeleton robots, brain-computer interface rehabilitation technology and intelligent manipulators, were exhibited at the science and technology exhibition.

    Xinhua News Agency reporter Xin Li photo