标签归档 西安耍耍论坛

The media and game sectors continued to rise, and many stocks such as Gravity Media went up and down.

Southern Finance March 18th, afternoon media,gameThe plate continues to rise,Gravitation communicationZheshu cultureWentou holdingDianguang communicationWaiting for the daily limit,WANDA CINEMASApproaching the daily limit,Huayi BrothersHuace movie and televisionLongban communicationZhongguang natural selectionWait for it to rise. In the news, this timeNVIDIAThere are 11 speeches related to GTC2024, and 34 speeches related to media and entertainment, which mainly focus on the following aspects: 1. Generative AI aided development and film and television production; 2. Wensheng map, Wensheng video model, and other AI applications; 3. 3D content generation; 4. Create games in the cloud.

Break dancing has become an official Olympic event, and the formation of the national team has begun to select talents.

       CCTV News:Together with skateboarding, rock climbing and surfing, break dancing has become an official event of the Olympic Games. A few days ago, when IOC President thomas bach announced this decision, it really caused quite a stir. When it comes to break dancing, friends over 40 must have special feelings. In the 1970s and 1980s, break dancing became popular in China. No matter the streets and alleys, as long as the dynamic music rang, there were young people with explosive heads, bell bottoms and open-fingered leather gloves, while stepping on the spacewalk, cleaning the glass with their bare hands and dancing with each other, showing their youthful vitality. In many variety shows at present, break dancing is even more cool, and the limelight is the same.

       [After all] What kind of dance is "Olympic" break dance?

       Break dancing, English name Breaking, is sometimes translated as "floor dancing" because of its classic movements on the ground. From leading the trend of street culture to becoming an official Olympic event, what kind of dance is break dancing?


       Hold the ground with one hand, exert your strength instantly, and your body will fly and spin rapidly. The young man who danced like a tornado and looked wild and free was 20-year-old Shang Xiaoyu. As the only break dancer in China, he played in the 2018 Youth Olympic Games, competing with the world’s top players, and finally broke into the top eight.


       Break dancing originated from American hip-hop culture in the 1960s and 1970s, and it is a kind of generalized hip-hop. Its symbolic action is that dancers support their bodies with their hands and heads to do rapid rotation and tumbling on the ground, which has the elements of sports competition since its birth, and street cheers are the basis for judging the success or failure of fighting dancing. In 1987, the American film "Break Dance" was released in China, and it was all the rage to take a "spacewalk" with a tape recorder on your shoulder or "clean the glass" in the air. However, these movements are not break dancing.

       Su Jie, Secretary-General of China Sports Dance Federation: "The break dance in the movie is the predecessor of breaking now."

       According to experts, the most obvious feature of break dancing is that athletes are no longer satisfied with expressing music with their bodies, but pursue to explore the limits of the human body in rhythm, and Thomas and handstand rotation have become symbolic movements.

       [Question in the end] There are various forms of street dance. Why can break dance "enter the Olympics"?

       As a competition, break dancing made its debut at the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires in 2018, which also played an important role in promoting its official entry into the Olympics. There are many forms of street dance, so why can break dance "enter the Olympics"?

       Su Jie, Secretary-General of China Sports Dance Federation, said: "One of the strong characteristics of break dancing is that it is very competitive. The form of competition generally appears in the form of fighting dance, that is, one-on-one PK, and the criteria for judging are relatively clear, so it can be the official event of the Olympic Games first."

       In China, break dancing has also become the only dance in the street dance competition of the 2nd Youth Games held in 2019, and China break dancing has officially entered the preparation stage for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

       Experts believe that dance presentation, music understanding, dance culture interpretation and innovation may be the scoring points of break dancing after entering the Olympics.

       How to form a national break dance team?

       The reporter learned from the China Sports Dance Federation that the formation of the national break dance team for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games has started, and talent selection has begun. At the same time, the preparation and selection plan has also entered the revision stage and is expected to be announced to the public in the first half of 2021. How to form the national team of break dancing? In particular, everyone is very concerned about whether those stars who are good at break dancing will also have the opportunity to enter the national team.

       Su Jie, secretary-general of China Sports Dance Federation, said: "We will decide who can be selected into our large talent pool by comprehensive standards, not whether he is an performing star or a person engaged in a certain profession. We are based on sports performance."

       According to reports, it takes two steps to form a national team of break dancing. First, a talent pool is established by extensively selecting talents in the whole society, and then the national team candidates are finally determined through a competitive selection mechanism.

       Su Jie, Secretary General of China Sports Dance Federation: "Now the selection method has entered the revision stage, and then it will be reported to the relevant departments for review, and finally we will announce it to the whole society. The announcement time is probably before the first half of next year. "

       [After all] Is everyone suitable for break dancing?

       The door of the national break dance team is open to the whole society. Are you also moved? It is estimated that many parents will be busy letting their children practice again. Is it suitable for everyone to break dance? What should we pay attention to when engaging in this sport?

       In the face of zero-based reporters, Shang Xiaoyu only selected a few simple warm-up professors, but the reporters still found it difficult to control.

       Wang Hong, a professor at Beijing Sport University and a member of the "Source News" expert database of the China Association for Science and Technology, said: "Many movements really violate some concepts of traditional sports training, and the risk of injury is great. Some movements of flexibility and explosive force may be harmful to a child who does not grow well, to the development of his bones or to his ligaments, for example, to the lumbar spine. If children and young people want to do this kind of action, you must first practice basic physical fitness and special physical fitness before you can rise to the level of technical training. "

       Shang Xiaoyu, the only player of the China team in the break dance event of the 2018 Youth Olympic Games, said: "Don’t always focus on these rotations and difficult movements. In fact, breaking is more interesting in its dance."

       [After all] Although break dancing is cool, can everyone try it?

       Finally, I would like to remind you that although break dancing is cool, its difficult movements such as tumbling, handstand, head turning and Thomas require very high strength, flexibility and coordination. Don’t try rashly if you don’t have a certain physical quality. Especially parents and friends, all want to build a handsome baby, but break dancing is fierce and difficult, and it is not suitable for children who are too young to learn, so as not to get hurt.

CINITY, the exclusive screening of Avatar: The Way of Water by China Film, won the CineEurope Special Technology Achievement Award.

  On June 23rd, at the CineEurope held in Barcelona, Spain, a high-tech film system with independent intellectual property rights in China — — CINITY of China Film made a shocking appearance, and the organizers of the European Film Expo specially awarded CINITY Special Technology Achievement Award of China Film.

CINITY, the exclusive screening of Avatar: The Way of Water by China Film, won the CineEurope Special Technology Achievement Award.

  During the Expo, CINITY of China Film showed a brand-new clip of Avatar: The Way of Water, the second sci-fi film in the Avatar series directed by James Cameron, at the Barcelona International Convention Center (CCIB). The clip was exclusively screened by CINITY of China Film, and it has high-tech specifications such as 4K/3D/ high frame rate. At the same time, CINITY’s high-tech projection technologies, such as high brightness, high dynamic range, wide color gamut and immersive sound, are integrated to present a perfect audio-visual experience, allowing the on-site guests to immerse themselves in the mysterious dreamland of Avatar: The Way of Water.

CINITY, the exclusive screening of Avatar: The Way of Water by China Film, won the CineEurope Special Technology Achievement Award.

  Jon Landau, producer of Avatar: The Way of Water.

  "The guests present today all said that they had gained an unprecedented viewing experience." Jon Landau, the producer of Avatar: The Way of Water, said after the clip presentation, "Director James Cameron and I both hope that our guests can see the best presentation of the film. Avatar: The Way of Water was shot in 3D, 4K and high frame rate, and director Cameron used new technology and said it was ‘ Designed for the biggest screen and the most immersive 3D effects ’ . Therefore, in the choice of CineEurope projection system, we also hope to truly restore the director’s creation and present the team’s efforts to the audience to the greatest extent. CINITY’s screening technical specifications and film presentation effects are world-leading, and I am very grateful to CINITY for its support. "

CINITY, the exclusive screening of Avatar: The Way of Water by China Film, won the CineEurope Special Technology Achievement Award.

  In this regard, Fu Ruoqing, founder of CINITY and vice chairman of China Film, said: "We are honored to cooperate with Walt Disney Company. Avatar: The Way of Water is a film that is highly anticipated by audiences all over the world. I am very proud to show the perfect side of this film to Barcelona audiences with CINITY technology in 4K/3D/ high frame rate specifications at the European Film Expo, and I look forward to more audiences enjoying its most beautiful picture in the future."

  At this European Film Expo, CINITY of China Film not only won favorable comments from the audience, but also won the Technical Award of Achievement issued by the Expo. The organizer of the European Film Expo said that awarding this award is a recognition of the breakthrough made by CINITY of China Film as the core screening technology and its contribution to leading the film industry into an unprecedented new era of viewing with high-tech film technology.

CINITY, the exclusive screening of Avatar: The Way of Water by China Film, won the CineEurope Special Technology Achievement Award.

  It is reported that CINITY Hi-tech film system was launched in 2019. It is China’s own brand and has core independent intellectual property rights. It creatively integrates the high technologies in the seven film projection fields of 4K, 3D, high brightness, high frame rate, high dynamic range, wide color gamut and immersive sound, which makes the film clearer, more colorful, smoother, richer in details, more coherent in action, more realistic in sound and greatly improved. Through the breakthrough of key technologies, it is the highest technical specification and the best film display form in the field of film projection to promote the formation of the whole high-tech film industry chain from shooting, post-production to distribution and projection.

  By June 2022, CINITY had produced and released 127 films, including 12 high frame rate films. China has installed 70 cinemas, and has reached cooperation to install more than 80 cinemas, covering domestic mainstream cinemas and deployed in more than 30 cities.

  In the future, CINITY of China Film will be promoted and applied on a global scale, deepening international exchanges and accelerating the process of internationalization. While building a wider distribution scope and a more advanced projection system, CINITY will also invest in the production of high-tech films. China’s films will speed up the layout on the road of developing high-tech format films, make continuous efforts, build an industrial chain of high-tech format films, serve the creation and audience, and contribute to the goal of becoming a powerful film country. (Reporter Kong Xiaoping)

The latest report in the United States shows that the quality of Boeing 737Max aircraft is serious, and 33 of 89 audits failed.

(Observer Network News) According to the disclosure on March 11th, local time in The New York Times, USA, the FAA found that Boeing "has many problems in quality control" after six weeks of audit. Among all 89 audits, Boeing passed 56, 33 failed, accounting for more than 37%, and 97 possible irregularities were found.

The quality problem is serious, and the qualified rate of fuselage audit is less than 50%

According to the inspection report of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) cited by The New York Times, there are dozens of problems in the manufacturing process of Boeing 737Max aircraft manufacturers and their main suppliers.

After the Mense crash of Alaska Airlines Boeing 737MAX in January, the FAA began to investigate this type of aircraft. The survey results show that 56 of 89 audit subjects passed the audit, 33 failed the audit, and the failure rate exceeded 37%. During the audit, there were 97 suspected violations.

In the investigation of 737Max fuselage contractor Spirit AeroSystems, the report showed that seven audits were unqualified, which was unreasonable by more than 50%. It is mentioned in the report that the personnel of the air safety agency have witnessed the mechanic of Spirit company using the hotel room card to check the plane’s Mense. In addition, the FAA personnel also saw the mechanic of Spirit company smearing soap liquid on the door plug as a "lubricant" during fitting, and then cleaning Mense with a wet cheese cloth.

Boeing’s factory in Leighton, Washington (pictured from Reuters)

In an audit of Mense components by Spirit Company, the investigators found five problems, one of which was that "no evidence was provided to prove that the minor design changes of the aircraft had been approved by the FAA". Another audit that Spirit failed involved the installation of Boeing 737Max in Mense. In this audit, investigators expressed their concern about the Spirit technicians who performed this work because the company "failed to clearly understand the knowledge needed to implement this process".

Other audits that Spirit failed include those involving cargo doors and the installation of cockpit windows. In this regard, Spirit spokesman Joe Buccino said that the company is "reviewing all identified non-compliance behaviors to correct them".

In the audit of Boeing, the auditors found that many problems of Boeing were not following the "approved manufacturing processes, procedures or instructions", and other problems involved the quality control of Boeing aircraft.

The FAA also rated Boeing employees’ understanding of the quality control process. In the survey, they interviewed six company engineers and graded their answers, with an overall average score of only 58%.

According to the report, the FAA has deployed as many as 20 investigators in Boeing and about 6 investigators in Spirit.

It is worth noting that Spirit AeroSystems was spun off from Boeing Commercial Aircraft Company in 2005. Boeing said this month that it is in talks to acquire Spirit.

In March, there were four vicious accidents, and Boeing whistleblowers committed suicide.

Recently, Boeing’s security issues have once again attracted attention from all walks of life.

Following the fall of Boeing 737Max 9 Mense in January, several people on board were injured, the engine of Boeing 747-8 cargo plane caught fire over Miami, and the tire of Boeing 757 fell off. Since March, Boeing has had four consecutive vicious accidents. At the beginning of the month, there were three accidents including engine fire, tire falling off and skidding off the runway.

On the 11th local time, a Boeing 787-9 caused a "strong vibration" due to "technical problems" during the flight. At least 50 people were injured in the vibration, and then the plane landed at Auckland airport.

The New Zealand Traffic Accident Investigation Committee said on Tuesday that it was detaining the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder (black box) of the Boeing 787-9 plane that injured 50 people on the 11th. The black box will provide more information about the flight trajectory and communication between pilots.

On March 9, local time, the government of South Carolina confirmed that John Barnett, a 62-year-old former employee of Boeing, who publicly questioned the problems in Boeing’s production line, was found dead in the car.

In 2010, he began to work as a quality manager at the Boeing factory in North Charleston, and retired in 2017. In 2019, barnett reported that the overworked employees of his Boeing factory in South Carolina deliberately installed substandard parts on the aircraft on the production line. A few days before his death, the old employee who had worked for Boeing for 32 years was still busy with his lawsuit against Boeing. He was found dead because he failed to provide testimony on the 9th.

Lawyer barnett used "alleged" to describe his client’s statement of "shooting himself".

This article is an exclusive manuscript of Observer. It cannot be reproduced without authorization.

[See you at 8 o’clock] Official announcement! Corruption-related personnel are not allowed to be released on parole for this behavior.

  At 8 o’clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours.

  [Follow] Official announcement! Corruption-related personnel are not allowed to be released on parole for this behavior.

  According to the website of the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Court recently issued the Supplementary Provisions on the Specific Application of Laws in Handling Cases of Commutation and Parole. The Supplementary Provisions make it clear that criminals who were originally state functionaries who were sentenced for corruption and bribery, refused to plead guilty and repent, or did not perform or did not fully perform the property judgment in the effective judgment, were not granted parole, and generally did not receive commutation.


  The deflagration accident of Fangda Special Steel has caused 2 deaths and 8 injuries. Investigation on the listed supervision accident in Jiangxi Province

  According to the Jiangxi Provincial Emergency Management Department, as of 13: 00 on May 31, the deflagration accident of Fangda Special Steel Company in Nanchang has caused two deaths and eight injuries (six of them are in critical condition). According to the relevant laws and regulations, the Nanchang Municipal Government has set up an accident investigation team to carry out accident investigation, and the Jiangxi Provincial Safety Committee Office has listed and supervised the accident investigation, and will interview the person in charge of Fangda Group Industrial Co., Ltd. in the near future.

  The new version of foreigner visa, group visa and residence permit is so long!

  The State Administration of Immigration issued an announcement on May 31, deciding to enable the new version of foreigners’ visas, group visas and residence permits. The exit-entry administration departments of public security organs nationwide began to issue the new version of foreigners’ visas, group visas and residence permits from June 1, and stopped issuing the current version of foreigners’ visas, special economic zone tourist visas, group visas and residence permits. Special economic zone tourist visa business uses the new version of the visa to make and issue.

  Nearly 100 ancient tombs have been found in Tsinghua University, but no funerary objects have been found yet.

  On May 31st, it was reported that an ancient tomb was discovered during the construction of the northern side of Six Religions in Tsinghua University. According to Tsinghua University’s news about WeChat WeChat official account, 87 tombs of Ming and Qing Dynasties and 5 tombs of Han Dynasty have been discovered this time. The excavation work is not over yet, and the exact figures need to be further discovered and verified. As the funerary objects have not been found yet, the specific archaeological value has yet to be confirmed. According to the on-site staff, in addition to the bones, there are items such as copper coins at the excavation site.

  Beijing: The number of smokers has decreased by 200,000 after the implementation of the tobacco control regulations for four years.

  May 31st is the fourth anniversary of the implementation of the Regulations on Smoking Control in Beijing. Since the implementation of the Regulations, Beijing 12320 hotline has received 50126 complaints and reports on tobacco control, and the top three places for complaints and reports are office buildings, restaurants and entertainment places, accounting for 40.3%, 24.5% and 9.8% of the total complaints respectively. The rate of illegal smoking in public places decreased from 34.4% to 4.9%, a decrease of 85.8%; The adult smoking rate in Beijing decreased from 23.4% in 2014 to 22.3%, and the number of smokers decreased by 200,000. The exposure rate of secondhand smoke decreased from 35.7% to 20%, a decrease of 15.7 percentage points, and the number of people exposed to secondhand smoke decreased by 2.8 million.

  Beijing’s first bicycle lane opens

  On May 31st, the first bicycle lane in Beijing was put into trial operation. Bicycle lanes are totally enclosed, with a total length of 6.5 kilometers. They start from Huilongguan in Changping District in the east and end at Houchangcun Road in Haidian District in the west. There are 8 entrances and exits, and the speed of cycling does not exceed 15 kilometers per hour. Pedestrians, electric bicycles and other vehicles are prohibited from entering. After opening, it will directly serve about 11,600 commuters along the line, effectively alleviating the traffic pressure between Huilongguan and Shangdi on Metro Line 13 and improving the regional green travel environment.

  Li Guowen, former member of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress, accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation.

  According to the website of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Guowen, former member of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress, is under disciplinary review and supervision investigation.

  In 2018, the top ten online terms in China were announced, and koi fish, Buddhism and skr were selected.

  On the morning of May 31, the Report on Language Life in China (2019) released by the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission showed that ten words, such as koi fish, Buddhism and skr, became the annual online terms in 2018.

  These top 10 online terms include: koi fish, Bar Jing, skr, Buddhism, Confirmed Eyes, Official Announcements, C-position, earthy love words, peeling, burning my calories. When explaining "skr", the report pointed out that the word originally refers to the rubbing sound of automobile tires, and then it quickly became popular with the frequent use of a pop singer in variety shows, and was imitated and spread by netizens. When you encounter something recognized, you will use skr to express your admiration and praise.


  Eleven people have been killed and six injured in a shooting in Virginia, USA.

  On Friday afternoon local time, a shooting incident occurred in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA, killing 11 people and injuring 6 others. It is reported that the gunman has been killed by the police.

  Caressing Nara deer or causing it to be "abandoned" conservation groups: don’t touch it!

  According to Japanese media reports on May 31st, Nara Park, a famous tourist attraction in Japan, is now at the peak of deer birth. Local conservation groups have called for the doe to stop taking care of the deer if it is infected with the smell of people, so if tourists see the deer, "don’t touch it."

  American man sued Delta Air Lines for being bitten by a dog on the plane and leaving a scar on his face.

  According to US media reports, Marlin Jackson, a man from Alabama, filed a lawsuit against Delta Air Lines on May 31, claiming that in 2017, an emotional support dog of a passenger of Delta Air Lines attacked him on a flight.

  According to reports, litigation documents show that on the flight from Atlanta to San Diego, Jackson was sitting in a window seat, and a passenger’s "big dog" suddenly attacked him, bit his face and forced him to cling to the window of the plane. He is suing the airline for an unknown amount, claiming that the company failed to ensure his safety and allowed the dog to board the plane without proper restraint.

  Nearly half of Chileans rely on self-study to watch American TV plays in English.

  According to foreign media reports, the "Global English Learning Report" conducted by Yuguan Survey Network shows that 49% of Chilean respondents teach themselves English by watching American TV shows. The report said: "In developing countries, such as Indonesia and Chile, people are more inclined to master some English skills through self-study." In Germany, 93% of the respondents learn English through school teaching.


  The driver refused to take the drunk passenger and was responded by dripping.

  Recently, a drip driver refused to carry a drunk passenger and was beaten, which triggered a heated discussion. On May 31, Didi explained that on the evening of the 27th, Master Qin, the driver of Didi in Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province, was beaten by five drunken passengers during the service and was injured and hospitalized. According to the audio and video evidence, the driver refused to take the taxi, and Didi would permanently stop providing taxi service to the taxi driver. At present, Master Qin is in stable condition and is recovering.

  In 2019, the mountaineering season on the China side of Mount Everest ended, with 241 people reaching the summit, 2 rescued and 2 killed.

  The press conference on Mount Everest in Xizang Autonomous Region in 2019 was held in Lhasa on May 31st. The People’s Government of Xizang Autonomous Region released the relevant data of the climbing season on the China side of Mount Everest in 2019. A total of 241 people climbed the world’s highest mountain from the north slope of Mount Everest in Xizang Autonomous Region, China, and two foreign climbers were rescued in distress and died due to physical discomfort.

  The Guangdong police’s Hurricane 2019 operation destroyed more than 300 criminal gangs in five months.

  On May 31st, the press conference held by the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department reported that the Guangdong police’s "Hurricane 2019" special campaign launched 34 "Hurricane" cluster campaigns from January to May, destroying more than 300 criminal gangs and arresting more than 5,400 criminal suspects, successfully cracking a number of criminal cases, effectively driving the province’s criminal alert and criminal filing down by 16.4% and 9.6% respectively.

  A fire broke out in a KTV building in Changchun.

  On the morning of May 31, a fire broke out in a KTV building near the intersection of Changchun Street and Dajing Road in Changchun City. At 10 o’clock in the morning, firefighters were carrying out fire fighting work. The building where the fire broke out was unrecognizable, and the fire was under control, but there was still an open flame in the building. It is not clear whether there are any casualties.


  80 yuan also sent a cheering T-shirt to announce the highest fare for the national football warm-up match.

  Weibo, the official of China Football Team, announced the ticket price of the national football warm-up match in June. The highest price is only 80 yuan, and you can also get a cheering T-shirt.

  According to the information released by China Football Team Weibo, the tickets for this warm-up match are divided into three stages: 30 yuan, 50 yuan and 80 yuan, and all spectators who buy tickets for the match can receive a T-shirt for China team for free on the match day.


  [Xia Gengen] The only boy wears a wedding dress to shoot graduation photo.

  Graduation photo, a special student of Northwest Normal University, became popular on the Internet, with a boy wearing a wedding dress and 28 girls wearing suits surrounding him. A group of special graduation photo popular networks in Northwest Normal University in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, have been dubbed by netizens as "the funniest graduation photo of the year". Xia Gengen, the hero in the photo, said, "We don’t want to be unconventional or eye-catching. We just want to leave a good memory for graduation photo in the class. As long as the students are happy, I am not afraid of other people’s opinions and ridicule. "

  [Wang Yongfeng] We must be in awe of nature.

  At the end of the climbing season on the China side of Mount Everest in 2019, Wang Yongfeng, Vice Chairman of chinese mountaineering association, told the climbers in an interview on May 31 that they must be awed by nature, and introduced chinese mountaineering association’s efforts to ensure the safety of climbers on Mount Everest. Besides, enjoying the process is more important than reaching the top.

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

  Editor: Zhu Xinyu

What are the "magic weapons" to deal with the super typhoon "Lichima" and "Noisy Sea"?

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 12 th: What are the "magic weapons" to deal with the super typhoon "Lichima" and "Nautical Sea"?

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Ye Haoming, Gao Jing, Wang Junlu and Qin Huajiang

  It has caused 5 deaths and 7 missing in Shandong, 39 deaths and 9 missing in Zhejiang, and 73 rivers have exceeded the police … … The super typhoon "Lichima" has caused great losses to many coastal provinces and cities. What is the origin of "Lichima"? Have local emergency plans played their due role? What other aspects should we pay attention to in the next step to deal with the "Lichima" invasion? Xinhua News Agency reporters visited the front line of fighting against typhoons and launched an investigation.

  "Lichima", "Naughty Sea" and "Soft Meng" fruits are named super typhoon.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, "Lichima" is a tropical fruit with a "soft and cute" image and a close taste. I don’t want to become the name of the third strong typhoon that landed in East China in 70 years. According to experts, "Lichima" has become the fiercest typhoon this year because of its violent storms.

  — — Gale. The previous typhoons "Muen" and "Weipa" were tropical storms when they landed, and the winds were 8 and 9 respectively, which was far lower than the maximum wind intensity of 16 when "Lichima" landed. On the morning of the 11th, there were 8-10 gusts in northeastern Jiangsu, northeastern Anhui, northern Shandong and southern Bohai, and the local gusts in Qingdao and Tai ‘an in Shandong could still reach 12.

  — — Rainstorm. The huge rainfall brought by "Lichima" also threatens the safety of relevant places. As of the 10th, the rainfall in Taizhou, Zhejiang, northern Wenzhou, southern Ningbo and southwestern Huzhou reached 350-580mm, 829mm in Kuocangshan, Taizhou and 706mm in Sanmen. At the same time, heavy rain or heavy rain occurred in Shanghai, Jiangsu, central and eastern Shandong, eastern Anhui and other places, and heavy rain occurred in Weifang and Linyi, Shandong, with rainfall of 250 to 407 mm. As of the 11th, 73 rivers in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Anhui, Shandong and other places have experienced over-alert floods since August 9th.

  Why did "Lichima" bring such huge rainfall? "A typhoon is like a huge ‘ Water vapor absorber ’ Absorb water vapor from the ocean and bring heavy precipitation to the land. " Senior engineer of Typhoon and Marine Meteorological Forecast Center of China Meteorological Bureau explained to Chun Yi that the monsoon input of "Lichima" is very strong, that is to say, there is a cross-equatorial airflow to transport warm and humid air rich in water vapor in the equatorial region into the typhoon, which greatly increases its "water" power.

  Since the 8th, "Lichima" has caused many disasters, including landslides, mudslides and urban waterlogging. According to authoritative statistics, as of 7: 00 on the 12th, Typhoon Lichima had affected 6.679 million people, affected 234,000 hectares of crops and damaged 41,000 houses.

  Start emergency plans in many places according to law to reduce the degree of disaster.

  On the evening of the 8th, Weibo, the official of Qingdao Professional Meteorological Observatory, reported that a report reprinted by Qingdao Municipal People’s Government Press Office issued a typhoon warning in violation of regulations. "Qingdao Meteorology" emphasizes that "if a typhoon warning is issued, the city will start emergency plans, including flood control and resettlement, which is a very serious matter". This little tidbit once again highlights the importance of starting and implementing the "emergency plan" according to law when dealing with serious natural disasters.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, the China Meteorological Bureau has launched a Class II emergency response to major meteorological disasters (typhoons), issued a typhoon red warning, and carried out targeted monitoring, forecasting and early warning services;

  As the first province to contact typhoon, Zhejiang reserves all kinds of emergency relief materials, and the meteorological department launched the Class I emergency response against typhoon at the first time.

  According to the requirements of the emergency plan, Hangzhou has investigated 6,902 farmhouses, evacuated more than 2,000 people and closed 38 A-level scenic spots; According to the movement path, development and influence of the typhoon, Ningbo will continue to do a good job in the transfer and resettlement of people in dangerous areas and the safety management of transferred people and ships in Hong Kong according to the emergency plan.

  In Jiangsu and Shuyang County, from 20: 00 on August 11th, the flood control level I emergency response was launched, and 32 towns and villages with 255,000 people’s efforts arrived at the designated position of Xinyi River embankment to patrol the embankment to ensure related safety.

  In Shandong, Qingdao fangzhi upgraded the typhoon prevention level II emergency response to level I emergency response at 13: 00 on the 11th. The Water Affairs Bureau keeps a close eye on the largest river course in the city — — Flood control safety of Dagu River. The Culture and Tourism Bureau requires all scenic spots in the city to be closed and stop visiting activities. The Bureau of Commerce requires relevant units to strengthen the organization of the supply of "vegetable basket" commodities such as meat and vegetables to ensure that the market supply is not out of stock and does not stop.

  Xie Yuwen, dean of Zhongguancun Zhilian Disaster Perception Science Research Institute, said that timely launching and fully implementing the emergency plan can effectively help all localities control the disaster in the face of major disasters. Shouguang, Shandong Province, was affected by the typhoon, although the rainfall hit a historical record, but the disaster level was significantly lower than last year.

  "Wind blowing to the north" plus general disaster risk Northeast China or long-term large-scale precipitation

  The reporter learned from the Emergency Management Department of Shandong Province on the 12th that according to preliminary statistics, there were 1,655,300 people affected by the disaster in Shandong Province, 5 people died and 7 people were missing. The affected area of crops is 175,400 hectares, and 609 houses have collapsed. Relevant disaster data are being further counted.

  Why "the wind blows north"? Xiang Chunyi told reporters that the subtropical high was relatively strong this year. Under its guidance, "Lichima" did not land in low-latitude Guangdong and other places, but moved to the northwest.

  Experts warned that the biggest problem of the current typhoon northward is to directly expose the northern region with less experience in fighting typhoons to the typhoon. Because the northern part of China has a weak ability to withstand heavy rain and generally lacks experience in typhoon prevention, it will greatly increase the risk of disaster, so it must not be taken lightly.

  The reporter learned that at present, the expert group of flood control and drought relief technology of Shandong Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters is all in place, and professional consultation and judgment have been carried out on the situation of reservoir exceeding flood limit, river flood discharge and mountain torrents prone to occur. Shandong Provincial Defense Index has sent eight working groups to 16 cities in the province to guide the typhoon defense work on the spot, and urged all localities to carry out detailed safety hazard investigation and grasp the key links of defense.

  Xiang Chunyi also reminded that the weakening of typhoon landing does not mean that rainfall is reduced. The influence of "Lichima" on the northeast of North China will be long-term and wide-ranging, and the influence of continuous precipitation accumulation will be great.

  Experts said that from the afternoon of the 11th to the next 72 hours, there will be large-scale precipitation in the northeast of North China. After 72 hours, there may be some precipitation influence in the east of Northeast China.

The nebula award announced the shortlist. What science fiction novels were nominated this year?

On February 20th, local time, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) announced the finalists of the 54th nebula awards. The award ceremony will be held on May 18th, local time, and the Warner Marriott Center in California will produce the winners of this year’s nebula awards.
In addition to awards for novels, novelettes, novelettes and short stories, this year’s Xingyun Awards also set up three fiction awards, including the best game writing award, the "bradbury Award" for the best drama presentation, and the "Andre Norton Award" for the best youth science fiction and fantasy works. Among them, the Best Game Writing Award is the first award added this year.
The annual nebula award was first presented in 1965, in recognition of science fiction and fantasy novels published or published in the United States the previous year. The nebula award is one of the most important awards in science fiction and fantasy novels. It is often compared with Hugo Award. Together, they are called "Double Awards", which is called the Nobel Prize in science fiction. Works that win both the nebula award and Hugo award are often regarded as stepping into the palace of classic works.
The nebula award is a spiral nebula made of transparent synthetic resin, hence the name of this award.
China writer Liu Cixin was nominated for the nebula award in 2015. The nominated work is the first part of the English version of Three-body trilogy, which was translated by Chinese-American Liu Yukun, and the name of the English version was translated into The Three Body Problem. In August 2015, at the 73rd World Science Fiction Conference, Liu Cixin’s "Three-body" won the Hugo Award for novels, which was the first time that China people won the highest honor in science fiction literature. In addition, Liu Cixin has won the "Global Chinese Science Fiction Galactic Award" sponsored by the World Chinese Science Fiction Association for many times.
2018 nebula award finalist list:
The Calculating Stars, by Mary Robinette Kowal, published by Tor.
In the setting of overhead history, the global disaster forced mankind to carry out a greatly accelerated space program, which at the same time forced female astronauts not to escape from the earth.
The Poppy War, by R.F. Kuang, published by Harper Voyager US; Harper Voyager UK)
The "Poppy War" by Chinese-American women writers is an epic of historical military fantasy. The story of betrayal and magical conception are intertwined in the background of China’s 12th century war.
Blackfish City, author: Sam J. Miller Publishing: Ecco; Orbit UK
"Black Fish City" is a compact science fiction work, involving a series of problems faced by the real society, such as political corruption, organized crime, gender identity and climate change.
Spinning Silver, by Naomi Novik, published by Del Rey; Macmillan
The author Naomi Novik studied the magic of fairy tales deeply and wrote a love story that is eternal but suitable for the present. This bestseller was rated as "one of the best fantasy novels of the year" by The New York Times.
Witchmark, by C.L. Polk, published by Tor.com Publishing.
The author sets the story in England. In the primitive world under the shadow of the world war, the cabal of aristocratic families uses their unique magical gifts to control the destiny of the country, while young people just want to live their own lives.
Trail of Lightning, by Rebecca Roanhorse, published by Saga.
The climate disaster caused the sea level to rise suddenly, and most parts of the world have been submerged below the water level, leaving only the last reserve. Gods and heroes have traveled all over this land, including those legendary monsters.
Medium length
Fire Ant, by Jonathan P. Brazee, published by Semper Fi.
The protagonist is an exploration pilot employed by a big company. During a routine task of analyzing the galaxy system, she came across something that might threaten the survival of mankind. Not oppressed by power, she tried to convey this message to others: there are very real dangers waiting for mankind in the deep air.
The Black God’s Drums, by P. Djèlí Clark, published by Tor.com Publishing.
In the parallel universe, New Orleans fell into the American Civil War. A girl longed to escape from the battlefield, so she boarded the airship of the midnight robber and won the trust of the captain after completing the task many times.
The Tea Master and the Detective, by Aliette de Bodard, published by Subterranean.
Exiled anthropologists and powerful families form a circular habitat. In this mobile society, physical and virtual reality overlap, and the environment will change its appearance according to the current mood of the interlocutors.
Alice Payne Arrives, by Kate Heartfield, published by Tor.com Publishing.
A lost hero, a highway robber, and a raging war. This time travel science fiction story makes a thief reluctantly become a hero.
Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach, by Kelly Robson, published by Tor.com Publishing.
This novel is an adventure story about the changes of human history. People choose to go back to the less polluted past or to repair the damaged planet.
Artificial Condition, by Martha Wells, published by Tor.com Publishing.
Known as the "murder robot", it has a dark history, and many people have died at its hands. However, it has only a vague memory of the massacre behind the title, so it cooperates with a transport ship to explore its past.
Short novella
The only harmony great thing, by Brooke Bolander, published by Tor.com Publishing.
In the early 20th century, a group of female factory workers in New Jersey slowly died of radiation poisoning. At about the same time, an Indian elephant was deliberately electrocuted to death on Coney Island. The author established a clever connection between the two events in the way of overhead history.
"The Last Banquet of Temporary Conflicts", by Tina Connolly, published in Tor.com.
In this story about the traitor king, a food taster needs to make his own choice: pastry, magic or betrayal.
"An Agent of Utopia", by Andy Duncan, published in An Agent of Utopia.
An assassin, an aging UFO contact, a Mohawk steel worker, a time-traveling fighter, a zombie who eats yam, and a child who likes to eat chicken, they ride in a steamer together, creating a fairy tale in the 21st century.
"The Substance of My Lives, The Incidents of Our Births", by José Pablo Iriarte, published at Lightspeed.
Jimmy is a "non-duality" teenager in a small town, but Ta still remembers many dead people in the town, one of whom is closely related to a murder case 40 years ago.
"The Rule of Three", by Lawrence M. Schoen, published in Future Science Fiction Digest.
Computers around the world are paralyzed in a virus storm, and the world is in chaos. Adam’s car without a computer is one of the few machines that can still work. He used cars to bring people together in the community and seek ways to survive.
"Messenger" by Yudhanjaya Wijeratne and R.R. Virdi, published in Expanding Universe, Volume 4.
This sci-fi novel about aliens incorporates a lot of animation themes. The author and his partner are the first Sri Lankan writers nominated for the nebula award.
short story
"Interview for the End of the World", by Rhett C. Bruno, published in Bridge Across the Stars.
Rhett Bruno is an American science fiction writer, whose works such as Legend of the Circuit and Son of Titan are on the best-seller list of USA-Today. This short story discusses the end of the world.
"the secret lives of the nine Negroes of George Washington", by Phenderson Djèlí Clark, published in Fireside.
This short story is a fictional story about President George Washington, the founding father of the United States, buying teeth from nine black people.
"Going Dark", by Richard Fox, published in Backblast Area Clear.
The human war has spread to the stars. This short story depicts the fierce scene of heroic soldiers fighting with the enemy.
"And Yet", by A.T. Greenblatt, published in Uncanny.
Only a fool would believe in the haunted house of childhood. However, you have returned to the overgrown front porch, which has not changed for more than 20 years. Memories of the past slowly flow out from here …
"A Watch’s Guide to Escape: A Practical Competition of Portal Fantasies", by Alix E. Harrow, published in Apex 2/6/18.
An escape guide for the witch was abandoned on the carpet with a map of foreign countries drawn in brown ink. A red backpack sits next to it …
"The Court Magician", by Sarah Pinsker, published at Lightspeed.
The boy who will become a court magician is different. His background distinguishes him from other children. Although he comes from the market, he is not a cruel child. He never steals money from others or beats children for candy …
Best Game Writing (game writing)
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, by Charlie Brooker, published in House of Tomorrow & Netflix.
The indie TV movie Black Mirror: Pandas Nike describes that young programmers in the 1980s tried to adapt their childhood favorite adventure novel Pandas Nike into a best-selling computer game. The interactive version sets five formal endings for the story.
The Road to Canterbury, by Kate Heartfield, published in Choice of Games.
"The Road to Canterbury" is a mobile APP game based on the author’s 170,000-word interactive medieval novel. The game does not contain animation and pictures, and the whole process is presented in the form of text. The choice of players will determine the direction of the story.
God of War, by Matt Sophos, Richard Zangrande Gaubert, Cory Barlog, Orion Walker and Adam Dolin, published in Santa Monica Studio/Sony/Interactive Entertainment.
"God of War" is a game developed by Sony Electronic Entertainment Company. The game is based on Greek mythology and tells the adventures of Kratos, who became a god of war from mortal to god of war, and started the killing of gods.
Rent-A-Vice, by Natalia Theodoridou, published in Choice of Games.
This is an interactive game based on a 150,000-word mystery novel. The player plays a private detective and handles a lot of troubles. The game is presented in the form of pure text, and the player’s choice determines the direction of the story.
The Martian Job, by M. Darusha Wehm, published in Choice of Games.
Welcome to Mars! This interactive game is based on the author’s novel text. Players start their own adventures on Mars through their own imagination, and even get rich outside the starry sky.
"bradbury" Best Screenplay Award
The Goodplace: "Jeremy Bearimy", written by Megan Amram.
Good Land is an American fantasy comedy TV series, and the nomination script is the fifth episode of the third season of the drama.
Black Panther, written by Ryan Coogler and Joe Robert Cole
Black Panther is an American action science fiction movie, which tells the story of a superhero with African descent in a highly developed era of science and technology.
A Quiet Place, written by John Krasinski and Bryan Woods & Scott Beck
In the movie Quiet Place, a large-scale invasion broke out, and here, keeping quiet is the only rule for survival.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, written by Phil Lord and Rodney Rothman.
In the movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, a collider opens a passage to other universes, and Spider-Man from other universes and different versions come to help the hero complete his mission.
Dirty Computer, written by Janelle Monáe and Chuck Lightning
In the movie Dirty Computer, a robot tries to get rid of the control of a totalitarian society, which is also very disgusted with homosexuality.
Sorry to Bother You, written by Boots Riley
Sorry to disturb is a comedy fantasy movie. A black telemarketer accidentally discovers the dark secret hidden behind the company, and he has to choose between keeping silent and telling the truth.
"Andre Norton" Award for Best Youth Science Fiction or Fantasy Works
Children of Blood and Bone, by Tomi Adeyemi, published by Henry Holt; Macmillan
Ancient magic hangs over the land of West Africa. The king’s ruthless orders deprived the hero of his mother. With the help of a princess, he searched for the lost magic and took revenge on the cruel and heartless royal family.
Aru Shah and the End of Time, by Roshani Chokshi, published by Rick Riordan Presents.
Twelve-year-old Aru Shah has just begun to adapt to school life. On one occasion, Aru Shah and his classmates inadvertently released a demon who had been sleeping for thousands of years. The only way to stop the demon was to find five reincarnated soul children. Aru Shah embarked on an adventurous journey.
A Light in the Dark, by A.K. DuBoff, published by BDL.
The invasion of the alien fleet has arrived. Before the world is completely destroyed, Ellie and her friends must find the mysterious fragments and start the restart of the cosmic device to stop the alien attack.
Tess of the Road, by Rachel Hartman, published by Random House.
In medieval Europe, women were required to be ladies and protected by men, but Tess did not accept such social discipline. Her family had to send her to a monastery. Tess cut off her hair, put on her boots and chose to run away. She had to decide her own path.
Dreamnation, by Justina Ireland, published by Balzer+Bray.
The dead came back to life on the battlefield in Gettysburg. They walked on the battlefield and changed the outcome of the American Civil War. In the new United States, children are forced to learn combat skills, fight the wandering undead and protect the safety of most people in the country. The little girl Jane refused to accept this unfair abuse and began an adventure story of resistance.
Peasprout Chen: Future Legend of Skate and Sword, Henry Lien (Henry Holt)
Welcome to the Institute of Skating and Fencing, where children are eager to become masters of skating and fencing. When the competition between students is becoming more and more fierce, a huge conspiracy hanging over the college is slowly emerging …
Author Li Yongbo
Editor Zhang Jin proofreads Wu Xingfa.

The installed capacity of industrial robots in China has declined for the first time in ten years. Is it a signal of cold winter or a prelude to spring?

  The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) released its latest report "Global Robots 2019" in Shanghai on September 18th. This comprehensive report on the performance of the global robot market in 2018 shows that despite the two main application areas of the robot industry last year — — The automobile and electronics industries are facing headwinds, but the annual global sales of robots have reached a new high of $16.5 billion, and the global installed capacity has increased by 6% from the previous year to 422,000 units. IFR predicts that the installed capacity in 2019 will be lower than that in 2018, but the average annual growth rate from 2020 to 2022 can be maintained at 12%.

  "In 2018, we saw the ups and downs of the market performance of the robot industry, but we still created a new sales record, even though this year was the main customer of robots — — A difficult year for the automotive and electronics industries. " The International Federation of Robotics President Junji Tsuda said, "Sino-US trade friction brings uncertainty to the global economy — — Customers tend to delay investment. But what is exciting is that the annual installed capacity still exceeds 400,000 for the first time. The long-term outlook of IFR shows that the continuous automation trend and continuous technological improvement will bring double-digit growth, and it is estimated that the installed capacity will reach about 584,000 units in 2022. "

  According to the report, the top five industrial robot markets in 2018 are China, Japan, South Korea, the United States and Germany, accounting for 74% of the global installed capacity.

  After eight years of rapid growth, the installed capacity of industrial robots in China showed an inflection point last year, with a slight decline. However, China is still the largest industrial robot market in the world, accounting for 36% of the installed capacity in the global market.

  In 2018, the installed capacity of industrial robots in China was about 154,000 units, which was 1% lower than that in 2017, but still more than that in Europe and America combined. Last year, the total installed capacity of robots in China market reached 5.4 billion US dollars, an increase of 21% compared with 2017.

  The annual installed capacity of industrial robots in China market from 2008 to 2018. The pictures in this article are all from the report of Global Robots 2019.

  In 2018, the density of robots in manufacturing factories in China (the number of robots per 10,000 workers) was 9.3 times that of 2010, reaching 140. In the picture, the blue column shows the density of robots in China, and the red curve shows the global average level.

  Nevertheless, there is still much room for improvement in the scale application of robots in China’s manufacturing industry. Globally, the density of robots in Singapore, South Korea and Germany ranks the top three, reaching 831, 774 and 338 respectively.

  In 2018, the differentiation between independent and foreign brand robots was obvious. The total installed capacity of China local robots in the domestic market has increased by 5% (27% in 2018 and 22% in 2017), which shows that China’s policy orientation of encouraging its own brand robots has brought results. On the other hand, the installed capacity of foreign brands (including products produced by non-China suppliers in China) decreased by 7% to about 113,000 units (2017: about 122,000 units).

  From 2016 to 2018, the annual installed capacity of industrial robots in various industries in China market. Electrical/electrical industry, automobile industry, metal and machinery industry have always been the top three application industries, but in 2018, the installed capacity of industrial robots in these three industries all declined. On the contrary, other industries have increased.

  Annual supply of foreign robot brand suppliers and China local suppliers in various industries in 2017 and 2018. Under the background of declining automobile sales, the demand for industrial robots in automobile manufacturing industry is also decreasing. In the automobile industry, the market share of foreign brands is over 80%, which also explains why the sales of foreign brands of robots suffered a greater market impact last year.

  As for the industrial robot market, which tends to be weak since last year, the robot companies interviewed by The Paper (www.thepaper.cn) during the 21st China Industry Expo recently said that the so-called "cold winter" in the industry is only a temporary phenomenon.

  Li Gang, head of ABB’s robotics and discrete automation division in China and ABB’s robotics business in China, said that from the second half of last year to the first half of this year, sales and output in the China market, especially in the automobile market, did decline. But these declines are short-lived. In the long run, ABB is still optimistic about the development of China market. The reason is that China is changing from "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing" and from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power, and the basic elements of the market have not changed.

  The epitome of the company’s optimism about the China market is that its new robot factory and R&D base in Shanghai have recently officially broken ground. The new factory is expected to be put into operation in 2021, with a total investment of 150 million US dollars (about 1 billion yuan). After completion, it will become ABB’s largest robot production base, and together with Swedish factories and American factories, it will form ABB’s global robot supply system.

  Wang Hui, CEO of KUKA China, another "four families of global industrial robots", told The Paper that from the general trend, industrial robots still have a good development prospect in the next 10 to 20 years, although difficulties and constraints may be interspersed in the process. How does the hot artificial intelligence combine with industrial robots? How to move from concept to application? It is a trend worthy of attention in the future development of industrial robots.

  Cao Yunan, general manager of Suzhou Ailite Robot Co., Ltd., a domestic industrial robot enterprise, also believes that the decline in sales of industrial robots in China is a temporary phenomenon. "Due to industrial upgrading, it is true that the 3C industry and the automobile industry are going downhill. But apart from these two traditional tracks, there are still many growing tracks for robot companies, such as logistics and consumer-oriented applications. "

  At the press conference of Global Robotics 2019, Qu Daokui, chairman of China Robotics Industry Alliance and president of Xinsong Group, pointed out that in 2018, the sales volume of industrial robots in China declined for the first time, but the annual sales volume ranked first in the world for the sixth consecutive year, and the sales of self-owned brand robots maintained steady growth. Based on the current market situation and industry operation situation, China Robot Industry Alliance preliminarily predicts that the sales volume of industrial robots in China will increase by about 5% in 2019, among which the sales volume of self-owned brand industrial robots will increase by about 15%.

Ding Junhui will avenge Stephen Chow’s supporting role as the snooker UEFA Cup starts soon.

Still from Descendants of the Dragon, but Jimmy White ranks sixth in the world.

  Sohu Sports News The new season snooker Super League (the domestic media used to call it the "Snooker League Cup") will start on September 6, local time in the UK. Ding Junhui, a billiards player from China, will face Jimmy White, the runner-up of the 6th World Championships, in the first stage group match in the early morning of September 7th, Beijing time. The British Sky Sports Channel will broadcast live, and Sohu Sports will report the game at the first time.

  Snooker Super League is a non-professional ranking match. Its organizer is not the official organization of the Snooker League, but two senior players, Jimmy? White and Steve? Davis’s agency-—Matchroom Spor, but its high bonus and high level are obvious to all. Seven players with strong strength and influence can be invited to participate in this competition.

  This year’s seven contestants are Stephen Haendly, Steve Davis, Jimmy White, Ronnie O ‘Sullivan, John Higgins, last season’s MVP Neil Robertson and China’s Ding Junhui.

  The Super Snooker League adopts a single-round group match system in which seven players play first, that is, each player has to fight with other players once again, playing 6 games, winning a game and scoring 2 points, drawing 1 point and losing 0 point. At the end of the round robin, the top four players will play in the semi-finals, and the winner will play in the final. The Premier League has been held for 21 times so far, with Stephen Haendly and Rocket O ‘Sullivan winning the championship the most times, both six times.

  Last season, Xiaoding reached the semi-finals of the UEFA Cup, but because of the conflict with the Asian Games, he resolutely gave up the 12,500-pound semi-final prize and the 50,000-pound championship prize that he was likely to win. Rockets O ‘Sullivan swept Jimmy White 7-0 in the final, who happened to be Xiaohui’s first-round opponent this season.

  Jimmy White is the favorite of British and Taiwanese fans, because he has always pursued perfect playing style and has the nickname of "People’s Champion". In the mid-1980s, Jimmy White was the most threatening opponent of Steve Davis, who won the runner-up in the World Championships six times and was awarded the title of "uncrowned king". An important reason why Jimmy White is known to China fans is that he played a supporting role in the comedy "Descendants of the Dragon" of China, Hongkong and Stephen Chow.

  In recent years, with the growth of age, Jimmy White’s state has obviously declined. In the first round of the 2006 World Championships, Jimmy White lost to his training partner David 5-10. Gray, the world professional ranking fell out of the top 32 for the first time in 25 years. In the 2007 World Championships, Jimmy White stopped qualifying and didn’t even make it to the Shanghai Masters, the first stop of the season. He is a veritable "out of date" star.

  Ding Junhui and Jimmy White had played four times before, and Xiaohui had 3 wins and 1 loss, which was the absolute advantage. The specific engagement records are as follows:

  Ding Junhui, 2004 British Open, 5:1 Jimmy White;

  Ding Junhui 4:2 Jimmy White in Super Snooker League in 2005;

  2005 All England Championship Ding Junhui 9:2 Jimmy White;

  Ding Junhui 1:5 Jimmy White in the Super Snooker League in 2006;

  Although Xiaohui has an absolute advantage in the battle record match, you must not be careless in the first battle. Last season, Ding Junhui won the North Aier Cup in the first stop, and played against White in a good state and record, while White had a poor state and record before. As a result, Xiaohui unexpectedly lost 1-5. This game is also a revenge game for Xiaohui.

  In addition, the snooker Super League is of great significance to White, and it is his signature event. It will definitely put all its efforts and attach great importance to it. Only six games belong to the short-term competition system, and the chance of surprise is very great. Xiaohui’s state in the Shanghai Masters just attended is not good, and it needs to be adjusted. However, considering all the circumstances, Xiaohui has a good chance of winning. Specifically, Xiaohui’s chance of winning is 60%, while White’s is 40%. In the odds offered by bwin, a famous European gambling company, Xiaohui is obviously optimistic, and the odds gap with White is as much as 20 times.

Editor: Lu Fangfei

Warm stomach and warm heart! Returned workers in Neijiang Economic Development Zone have a hot group annual banquet.

Neijiang News of Sichuan Economic Net (Reporter Mao Chunyan’s text/map) The end of the year is the peak period for migrant workers to return home. On January 30th, organized by the Neijiang Economic Development Zone Federation of Trade Unions, 100 representatives of returning migrant workers from this area came to Chang ‘an Village, Jingmin, where they gathered together to share the feast of the Year of the Communist Youth League, reminisce about their hometown and welcome the Spring Festival.


site of activity

Near noon, the smell of food began to waft in the courtyard dam of Chang ‘an Village Party-Mass Service Center. The reporter came to the scene to see that more than 10 tables of annual banquets were laid out in turn, and representatives of returning workers from all walks of life in the whole region were seated, sharing bowls, handing chopsticks and pouring drinks. Everyone was polite to each other, and the sound of reminiscence and laughter continued.

Soon, a series of steaming and delicious dishes were served on the table: sweet and boiled, sweet but not greasy, steamed crispy meat crisp and tender, braised beef soft and rotten, and Sam Sun soup delicious … "These meals are delicious! Delicious! I want two more bowls today! " Eating authentic hometown food, He Bo, a representative of returning workers, said happily.


site of activity

"Over the past year, the vast number of workers have actively participated in the fiery practice of" fighting for the economy and building ".Everyone has worked hard, silently contributed and strived for self-improvement, creating a good living environment for their families and setting a good image for their hometown." Zhu Jun, vice chairman of the Neijiang Economic Development Zone Federation of Trade Unions, expressed his gratitude to the workers for their hard work. He hoped that in the new year, everyone would continue to work hard, make positive progress and write a happier and better life with practical actions.

"I used to work outside and rarely went home. I finally came back this time and saw that my hometown has changed a lot and developed very well. I am sincerely happy! " Wang Jun, a representative of returning migrant workers, said that he did not intend to go out to work this year, but wanted to find a company at the "doorstep" to make his own contribution to the development of his hometown.


Recruitment activities

On the day of the group annual banquet, the Neijiang Economic Development Zone Federation of Trade Unions also presented Spring Festival couplets to representatives of returning workers and distributed home-going gift packages; The Employment and Social Security Bureau of the Joint District conducted on-site recruitment activities, providing more than 900 job information of 14 enterprises; Cooperate with Neijiang Rural Commercial Bank to carry out financial knowledge publicity activities and protect the "money bag" of returning workers with heart and affection.