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Stay away from the "swimming shoulder" Four postures make swimming more enjoyable

Recently, high temperature warnings have been issued in many places. The heat is unbearable, and many people choose swimming, which can not only cool down and exercise, but also lose weight, burn fat and shape their bodies. However, improper swimming posture can also cause harm to the body. Wang Jing, director of the Department of Bone and Joint and Sports Medicine of Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, reminded netizens to be careful about "swimming shoulders".

What is a "swimming shoulder"?

Swimming is a sport that uses the shoulder joint the most frequently. "Swimming shoulder" is mainly caused by the frequent movements of the shoulder joint over the head when swimming, which leads to the collision between the subacromial coracoacromial ligament and the greater tubercle or rotator cuff tendon, resulting in subacromial bursitis and rotator cuff tendinitis, and the shoulder pain is induced.

In addition, when swimming, the upper arm needs to fully rotate and abduct, and the upper arm repeatedly exerts its strength. At the same time, due to the resistance of water, it exerts great pressure on the shoulder, and excessive exercise will lead to tendon injury of the shoulder joint.

What are the symptoms of "swimming shoulder"?

The clinical symptoms of "swimming shoulder" mainly include shoulder pain, including rest pain, exercise pain, nocturnal pain and movement disorder.

Specifically, acute injury is characterized by severe pain in the shoulder and decreased abduction ability of the shoulder; In chronic injury, the shoulder is dull and painful, while in abduction, the abduction is limited. In the early stage, it is often manifested as shoulder pain at rest or at night, decreased activity, weakened strength, etc., and symptoms such as persistent pain and frozen shoulders will appear in the later stage.

Which strokes are prone to "swimming shoulder"?

Compared with other strokes, people in freestyle, butterfly and backstroke are more likely to suffer from "swimming shoulder". Because the shoulder joint frequently moves above the head, the ligament under the acromion, the greater tubercle of humerus and the rotator cuff tendon repeatedly hit, resulting in local injury of the shoulder joint.

For example, in freestyle, the internal rotators such as pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi are often used in the "pull" stage, while the external rotators such as deltoid and infraspinatus are often used in the "recovery" stage. Generally speaking, the external rotator is weak and easily injured. However, the basic posture of breaststroke determines that its shoulder movement range is small, so it will be relatively better.

It should be noted that no matter what kind of swimming stroke, if the swimming action is not standardized, uncoordinated or too long, lack of sufficient warm-up and excessive exercise intensity, the shoulders will be in an excessive state of exercise.

How to prevent "swimming shoulder"?

First, the preparation activities should be sufficient. Warm up well before swimming, such as bending your head forward, leaning back and rotating your back from side to side for more than 10~15 times to move your neck; Shoulder shrug, arm circle drawing and chest expansion exercise 10~15 times each to move shoulders and chest; Stretch your legs, bend over, touch your toes with your hands, bend your knees, bend your hips and squat, and stand up alternately for 10 to 15 times to move your knees;

The second is to pay attention to maintaining the correct posture. The body is in a flat floating state, relaxed and stretched, the coordination of hand and foot movements is in place, and the swimming speed is balanced. It is not advisable to be too fast or too fierce;

The third is to control the swimming time reasonably. Each swimming time should not be too long, and it is recommended not to exceed 1 hour;

Fourth, relax properly after swimming. By stretching muscle ligaments, regulating breathing and supplementing nutrition, the body can recover better.

Remind that once you have shoulder discomfort, you should stop swimming. After 1-2 weeks of rest, the pain is still not relieved, so you need to seek medical advice in time.

How to treat "swimming shoulder"

It is recommended to stop all pain-inducing activities or training. At present, effective treatments include: using anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs (oral, topical or local injection), ice compress, acupuncture exercise therapy, physical therapy and rehabilitation exercise.

If the above conservative treatment fails or rotator cuff tears occur, surgical repair should be performed as soon as possible.

Editor: Geng Jieyu

Independent games, showing different scenery

Independent games, showing different scenery

—— The Curriculum Reform of Preschool Education in xinghua city, Taizhou, Jiangsu Province

One by one, the children boarded the "platform", simulated divers, jumped from the "springboard" and cheered and enjoyed the challenge. After landing, they bounced off the cushion, wiped the sweat from their foreheads, and scrambled to board the platform with a smile …

This is a video of outdoor games in Zhaoyang Central Kindergarten, xinghua city, Taizhou, Jiangsu. As the experimental area of "Anji Game Promotion Plan" of the Ministry of Education, in recent years, xinghua city has actively implemented the national preschool education reform policy. Under the guidance of "Guide to Learning and Development of Children Aged 3-6" and "Guide to Evaluation of Kindergarten Conservation Education Quality", Anji Game and Jiangsu Curriculum Gamification Project have been integrated and implemented, which has comprehensively promoted the curriculum reform of preschool education and greatly improved the quality of preschool education.

Children in the central kindergarten of Dainan Town, xinghua city are playing a slide game on the hillside. Photo by Ji Ling

Back and Wait: Seeing Different Children

The "platform jumping" in the video consists of two Anji boxes, a ladder and a long board. The protagonist in the game is Shun Shun, a big boy.

An outdoor game in November, 2022, I like to climb the challenge smoothly, and I think it is too easy to climb the Anji box, so I decided to build two boxes. He called his companion Xiaojun, but the box was so tall and heavy that it was really impossible to build it.

Liu Xiaoqin, a teacher in Shunshun’s class, said, "In the past, as an observer and supporter of children’s games, I would’ can’t help’ helping them solve the problems in the game. The "Guidelines for the Quality Assessment of Kindergarten Conservation Education" puts forward the requirement of’ not rushing to intervene or interfere with children’s activities’. Faced with this scene, I chose to stand back and wait, leaving children with more opportunities for trial and error, exploration and reflection. "

In the subsequent "game story" characterization and "one-on-one listening record", Liu Xiaoqin learned about Shunshun’s troubles, and asked Shunshun to introduce his plans and difficulties in the collective sharing session, which aroused the interest of the children in the class, and they made suggestions and offered suggestions one after another.

The next day, Shunshun called his friends and found boards to put on the bottom box, forming a slope. Everyone joined forces to build the second box with the help of the slope. The high platform was put up, and the children had a whim, played new tricks, built a "springboard" and played "diving" …

"From the practice of building a base box to the representation record, and then to the platform change, in the independent game, children have achieved effective development in many fields such as health, language, society, science and art, and cultivated good learning quality and personality quality." Fan Henghua, a researcher at xinghua city Teacher Development Center, said, "Teachers have found different children in the process of retreating and waiting patiently, and realized that children are active and capable learners, which has reshaped their views on children and education."

It is a microcosm of curriculum reform in xinghua city that teachers stand back and wait to let children develop and grow in autonomous games.

The reporter learned that there are 94 kindergartens in xinghua city. Influenced by the unique topography, economy, population and other factors, preschool education in the city is scattered, started late and developed slowly. For a long time, there have been some problems: the renewal of teachers’ ideas and the lag of professional development; Kindergarten curriculum relies too much on teachers’ books and ignores children’s dominant position; Children in kindergarten environment have insufficient vision and are not suitable; The development between urban and rural areas, regions and gardens is unbalanced.

In order to promote children’s all-round development and happy growth, xinghua city Education Bureau thoroughly implemented the two Guides and deepened the reform of preschool education. In 2020, it successfully applied for the project of promoting curriculum gamification in Jiangsu Province, and in 2021, it became the experimental area of "Anji Game Promotion Plan" of the Ministry of Education, which accelerated the pace of promoting kindergarten curriculum reform in the region.

Children in the central kindergarten of Zhuhong Town, xinghua city play punting games with foam floating boards and PVC pipes. Wang weishe

Listening and observing: approaching real children

"Unexpectedly, in just a few months, the children in our class have become talkative and lively." Fan Jianqin, a kindergarten teacher in xinghua city, said.

Fan Jianqin’s class is Class 2. In her impression, in the past, kindergarten was mainly based on collective teaching activities, and children’s imagination and creativity were limited by the teacher’s perspective and the operation of high-structure game materials. Some children are quiet in the class group, but they are considered as symbols of obedience and understanding, and their real voices are not fully heard. With the deepening of curriculum reform, these children are awakened and discovered in the "one-on-one listening record" of teachers, and they become willing to express themselves and get personalized development.

In the process of curriculum reform, seeing children, understanding children, respecting children and believing in children are important prerequisites for effectively carrying out educational activities and supporting children’s meaningful learning, and are also the key and difficult points for improving teachers’ professional level. In practice, Xinghua preschool teachers find that observation, listening and dialogue are important ways for teachers to know children, especially "one-on-one listening record", which is easy to operate and has obvious effects, and is a "fast track" for teachers to know children and build a good relationship between teachers and children.

According to the actual situation of teachers, xinghua city Education Bureau puts forward three requirements for kindergartens in the city: First, from the level of curriculum implementation, we should give free support to children’s independent games, and thoroughly implement the "game story" representation, one-on-one listening and recording, collective sharing and other links to help teachers understand children’s thinking, experience and needs face to face in listening and dialogue, and approach real children. Second, from the teaching and research level, teachers are required to use mobile phones and other equipment to record children’s game activities, and then through various levels of teaching and research activities, the real game scenes of children are presented, and the interest, learning and development level behind children’s game behaviors are interpreted. Third, from the training level, through regional alliances, famous teacher studios and other platforms, we will promote the professional reading and training of principals and teachers, promote teachers to constantly update their concepts, and improve their theoretical level and professional ability to observe and interpret children’s behaviors.

At the same time, the preschool teachers and researchers of the Municipal Education Bureau went deep into kindergarten research and guidance to help kindergartens find, analyze and solve problems, carry out reflective practice, and promote the transformation of kindergartens in practice and reflection.

Xiao Yiyun, a kindergarten teacher in Dainan Town Center, said: "I began to learn to squat down and observe, sit down and listen, observe, listen and record every day, understand children’s real interests and needs, reflect on the development contained in children’s game behavior, interpret children’s game stories, and give further adjustment and support based on this."

Through study, practice, reflection and communication, teachers’ ideas are gradually clear, their understanding of children is deeper, and they respect, trust and follow children more sincerely.

Optimization and burden reduction: finding great children

Recently, a video of children playing outdoors in township kindergartens became popular on the Internet. In kindergartens with flowing bridges and reeds, children wear red life-saving vests, some paddle and paddle in the river, some swim and climb on banks, docks and bridges, and laughter fills the whole playground.

This video was taken by a parent of Zhuhong Town Central Kindergarten in xinghua city. In order to meet the children’s demand for games, the park has carefully built an outdoor activity venue with the characteristics of Xinghua water town, and built artificial canals with local wild interests and arch bridges, suspension bridges and single-plank bridges with different shapes. There are ecological planting areas of reeds, arrowheads, lotus roots, water chestnuts and water chestnuts, as well as sand ponds, mud ponds, gullies, sloping fields with different heights and flat land and passages with different materials …

"These can bring different experiences and feelings to children during the game, and stimulate children’s interest in continuous exploration." Director Shen Lei said.

Environment, materials and time are the basic conditions for children’s play. In order to solve the problem that the environment creation is not suitable enough and needs to be optimized urgently, xinghua city has increased the financial guarantee, set up pre-school education development guidance funds, and guided and supported old kindergartens to carry out suitable transformation of indoor and outdoor environment. After the transformation, the outdoor environment of kindergartens in the city is more natural and wild, the playground is more open, the game materials are less structured and challenging, and the optimization of the external environment gives children more room to release their nature and explore challenges.

Children in Zhaoyanghu Kindergarten in xinghua city are playing graffiti games. Photo by Lu Juan

"The children in the newly rebuilt sand in our kindergarten are so cute that I can’t write more recent stories." A teacher in an feng Central Kindergarten said with emotion.

Behind the repeated adjustment and updating of environment, materials and time are the in-depth thinking and exploration of managers and front-line teachers. Zhou Hua, deputy director of Dainan Town Central Kindergarten, said: "Every adjustment and optimization is the embodiment of the spirit of Anji Game and the process of teachers’ growth. We deeply understand that there is no end to curriculum reform. Only by taking children as the foundation, following and supporting children and creating a suitable and secure environment for them can children live happily and meaningfully. "

In fact, at the beginning of the implementation of "Anji Game", kindergartens encountered a lot of "distress" because of lack of understanding and understanding. For example, some kindergartens pay too much attention to the writing of observation notes, game cases and other copywriting, and value quantity over quality, which is regarded as a main indicator to assess teachers’ work performance; Some kindergartens ignore the actual situation such as teacher-child ratio and teacher’s proficiency in operation, and mechanically implement the daily requirement of "one-on-one listening record" … All these reasons lead to heavy workload and pressure for teachers, so they can’t let children play their own games and record their representations, listen to their children one-on-one attentively, and have no time for retrospective reflection.

In order to solve these "troubles", xinghua city Education Bureau starts from the root causes and takes many measures to reduce the burden on teachers. For example, resolutely cancel the teaching books used by children, minimize the collective activities preset by teachers, and replace the original lesson preparation notes with retrospective reflection records; According to the actual situation of kindergartens, the number of teachers’ "one-on-one listening records" per day should be weakened; Replace the original decorative environment with children’s real records and representations; Optimize and adjust weekly plans and monthly plans, and cancel mechanical duplication, numerous and unnecessary paperwork …

"Without the director’s letting go of the teacher, there would be no teacher’s letting go of the children." Teng Yan, deputy director of the Education Bureau of xinghua city, said with deep feelings, "In the initial stage of curriculum reform, only by effectively reducing the burden on teachers and slowing down the convergence slope can teachers have more time and energy to observe, listen, talk and reflect every day, so as to really and effectively approach children, find children and understand children."

"Xinghua’s preschool education has developed so fast, it is not worse than big cities at all. My child is in kindergarten with you! " In the autumn semester of 2022, a parent who brought his children from Beijing to his hometown and entered the park nearby said that the independent games implemented by the kindergarten made the children free and happy and reluctant to leave.

"Entering a new era and embarking on a new journey, Xinghua preschool education should continue to improve its connotation quality, stick to the position of children, take project construction and curriculum construction as the starting point, renew its concept, discover and develop children in open and diverse and spiritual educational activities, and push forward the’ education for young children’ to’ education for young children’." Gu Xiaobin, director of xinghua city Education Bureau, said. (Correspondent Cai Weihua Gu Risheng Our reporter Ji Xiujun)

short review

Reform does not need short theory, but real practice.

Xinghua city is located in the north of Taizhou, Jiangsu Province. As the experimental area of Anji Game Promotion Plan of the Ministry of Education, it also faces many questions in the early stage of reform: If the kindergarten curriculum reform is implemented, will teachers really not use books and teach collectively? With these questions, along the way, Xinghua preschool teachers continue to gain surprises and self-confidence, which makes people sigh their courage and courage to turn reform ideas into reality.

Reform should firmly grasp the policy direction and "national position." The choice of national education policy in different periods must have its background, and we should consider who to train, who to train and how to train people at this historical stage. Xinghua preschool teachers carry out the practical action of "children are capable self-learners", giving full play to children’s potential and initiative, which embodies the position of universal development of preschool education in China. This pattern and position are determined from the height of national education. At the same time, Xinghua preschool teachers take the initiative to find the common ground between Anji Games and Jiangsu Province’s curriculum gamification projects, and find the combination of curriculum reform ideas on the premise of "freedom, autonomy, pleasure and creation". The leader of xinghua city Education Bureau made a decisive decision: "If you have an argument, you can do it first! Without practice, you can’t see the development of children in the game, and adults have no right to speak. " This guiding measure ensures the implementation of the "children-oriented" game concept.

Reformers should have educational ideals and feelings. In Xinghua’s reform, we can see that the teacher-oriented "teaching material goal" and "high-control game" have gradually withdrawn from the stage and been replaced by "true" games that can give children the right to play. Behind this word "true", it is to "reduce the burden" for teachers and contains the educational pursuit of "getting rid of falsehood and seeking truth". In the face of a "game revolution", many "breaks" and "stands" are also innovations in many pre-school education concepts and elements. The courage of reformers comes from their persistence and persistence in educational ideals and beliefs. A group of reformers with educational feelings have gradually formed an internalization and understanding of the "game spirit" in more than two years’ practice, have a sense of responsibility for children’s development, and firmly believe that "the castle peak will not relax", constantly sum up experiences and lessons from setbacks and disputes, and usher in a brand-new realm of "a village with a bright future".

The reform has brought about changes in the "professional development ecosystem". The administration, teaching research and kindergarten teachers of xinghua city Education Bureau unite and cooperate with each other, complementing each other’s advantages, and jointly stay in the "game reform scene" to discuss "understanding children" and "discovering children"; Front-line teachers constantly change their views on children and education in game observation and one-on-one listening and dialogue, breaking the previous context of professional growth of teachers led by "experts". Facts have proved that the cooperative partnership based on "real" scene and solving "problems" has reshaped the teaching and research community, spawned practical wisdom and cracked the dilemma of separating educational theory from practice.

In the practice of Anji game education, Xinghua preschool teachers have initially found the way to improve the quality of education, but they should also be soberly aware that any reform can not be achieved overnight. Facing the practical problems such as unbalanced development between urban and rural areas, regions and gardens, and scattered distribution, how to embody fair, just and balanced development for all needs to be continuously explored and deepened.

(Author: Zhou Xin, a professor at the School of Preschool Education of Jiangsu Second Normal University)

Source: China Education News.

How is the domestic beauty explosion made?

Customers are trying on makeup at the Perfect Diary Guangzhou Zhengjia Store. Perfect diary for the picture

A joint lip balm jointly launched by shanghai jahwa’s Meijiajing and White Rabbit. Photo courtesy of Tmall

The perfect diary and the 16-color eye shadow jointly launched by China National Geographic magazine. Perfect diary for the picture

On the cosmetics track, China brand is facing the situation of "falling behind at the start". China customers really began to accept the concept of cosmetics consumption after the reform and opening up, but at this time, foreign brands have accumulated huge advantages in capital, technology and publicity.

However, local cosmetics companies have not been "routed" as many people feared, but have gradually gained a foothold. What’s the secret? In recent years, a number of emerging domestic beauty brands have emerged, which makes consumers exclaim "the light of domestic products". What are the reasons behind it?

The reporter visited two China cosmetics companies: shanghai jahwa and Yixian E-commerce. The former is a century-old shop established in 1898, and it owns famous brands such as herborist, Liushen, Yuze and Meijiajing. The latter is a cutting-edge market that was born in 2016, and its "perfect diary" has become one of the hottest domestic makeup brands in recent years. Through their stories, we may be able to find the answer to the rise of domestic cosmetics.

Shanghai jahwa: a century-old shop with a new look.

In 1915, the cosmetics "Shuangmei" brand "Pink Cream" from China won the gold medal in the evaluation of Panama World Expo in San Francisco, USA.

This "Shuangmei" brand, which was widely welcomed by celebrities at that time, was produced by China Guangshenghang, one of the oldest national enterprises in the daily chemical industry, which was established in 1898. After the founding of New China, Guangshenghang changed its name to "Shanghai Household Chemicals Factory" after several reforms, mergers and reorganizations, which is today’s shanghai jahwa. Its brands such as "Meijiajing" Pearl Tremella Cream and "Ya Shuang" Cream, which were launched in the 1960s, have long been the collective memory of generations of Chinese people.

However, even shanghai jahwa, a local industry leader with profound knowledge, has a big gap with international cosmetics giants in terms of technology accumulation and market expansion. However, shanghai jahwa skillfully used the strategy of "Tian Ji Horse Racing" and broke out his own road of differentiated development.

The second trick is to "avoid its sharpness and open up a new track for Chinese medicine." No matter at home or abroad, consumers have a common pursuit for the "natural" attribute of cosmetics. Traditional Chinese medicine has a unique advantage as a cosmetic raw material because of its natural selection of materials and outstanding efficacy. If there is a clear gap between China enterprises and foreign brands in chemical technology in consumers’ impression, the gap is not obvious in the new track of Chinese medicine cosmetics, and even China enterprises are more knowledgeable.

Shanghai jahwa keenly grasped this point, and used the compound concept of "monarch, minister and assistant" in traditional Chinese medicine (that is, blindly taking Chinese medicine as the main ingredient, supplemented by several flavors) to prepare raw materials, thus creating a unique brand of Chinese herbal medicine cosmetics "herborist". "herborist" was a great success once it was launched. In 2008, it entered the Sephora cosmetics store on the Champs Elysé es, becoming the first cosmetics brand in China to go abroad.

"Domestic brands have a better understanding of China consumers and are better at telling brand stories with Chinese expressions." When summing up the competitive advantages of China brands and foreign brands, the relevant person in charge in shanghai jahwa told reporters. At the same time, the new product development of foreign brands often needs to be approved by the headquarters first, and shanghai jahwa believes that "local enterprises have a faster response speed in decision-making, consumer communication and channel adjustment and upgrading."

For the cosmetics market in China, it is easy to make a single "explosion" with differentiation strategy, but it is difficult for enterprises to grow at a high speed for a long time. Since 2003, local brands such as "Little Nurse", "Dabao" and "Ding Jiayi" have been acquired by foreign investors, and then they have been silent. Some insiders believe that relying too much on a single product is one of the reasons why these local enterprises are unsustainable.

In this regard, shanghai jahwa decisively adopted a multi-brand strategy to build its own "moat". On the one hand, the continuous research and development of "herborist" series of new products impacts the mid-to high-end market, on the other hand, it creates brands in different market segments. For example, in view of young people’s oily and sensitive dry skin, shanghai jahwa and Shanghai Ruijin Hospital developed "Yuze" series, which is the first medical skin care brand jointly developed with hospitals in China. At the same time, it has also developed "Goufu" which focuses on men’s skin care, and "Kaichu" which aims at the maternal and infant care market.

Behind the establishment of brand matrix in shanghai jahwa, there is high-intensity research and development as the support. The 2019 financial report shows that shanghai jahwa’s total R&D investment reached 183 million yuan, which is in a leading position in the domestic industry, and its R&D ratio of 2.41% is close to the level of international brands such as L ‘Oré al and Shiseido.

On May 6th this year, shanghai jahwa welcomed Pan Qiusheng, the new chairman and CEO. In a letter to employees, Pan Qiusheng bluntly said: The past few years have witnessed rapid development and evolution of the daily chemical and beauty cosmetics market in China, and the cognition and pursuit of beauty of a new generation of young consumers have changed greatly.

Shanghai jahwa, a century-old shop, is actively adjusting its attitude, trying to find ways that young consumers like and establish emotional links with them. In terms of understanding young people, this emerging domestic beauty brand may provide some useful experience.

Perfect diary: attracting more young people

Compared with the century-old history of shanghai jahwa, Perfect Diary is definitely a "young man" in the cosmetics market in China. But the report card of this "young man" should not be underestimated.

According to Chen Yuwen, co-founder of Perfect Diary’s parent company, Yixian E-commerce, at present, the fans of Perfect Diary have exceeded 25 million, and the monthly exposure has exceeded 1 billion. In this year’s "Queen’s Day 38" promotion, the perfect diary’s cat eye shadow tray and puppy eye shadow tray were sold out within 4 minutes, setting a record of selling 2,000 pieces per second …

In the capital market, the performance of Perfect Diary is also very bright: four rounds of financing have been completed in four years, with a valuation of 2 billion US dollars. Among the investors, there are many well-known institutions such as Zhenge Fund, Gaochun Capital and Gaochun Capital.

Why does a startup company established in 2016 dare to enter the cosmetics market surrounded by "strong enemies"?

In Chen Yuwen’s view, because the cosmetics market in China has entered an era of drastic changes: the market is changing, the channels are changing, and consumers are changing. These changes together constitute the "right time and place" of emerging domestic beauty products.

"Compared with countries with similar GDP levels, China’s beauty penetration rate is low. We judge that there is still a lot of market space for beauty products in China." Chen Yuwen told reporters that in 2017, the penetration rate of Japanese and Korean cosmetics has exceeded 80%, while that of China is only 30%.

"On the other hand, it is the emergence of the Internet." Chen Yuwen said that the rapid development of cmnet, e-commerce and social media, on the one hand, has built an online channel for Perfect Diary to communicate directly with young consumers, on the other hand, it has also provided accurate data, which can provide very timely and powerful guidance for its development of new product categories and needs. "So we chose the beauty track and chose the Internet as the core." Chen Yuwen said.

But the more important change is the change of people. Behind the rise of new brands is often the rise of new consumer groups.

The users of the perfect diary are accurately positioned as young women aged 18-28, of which "after 00" accounts for 50% and "after 95" accounts for 70%. "This is a generation that grew up with the Internet. According to our observation, they have a broader vision, are open and confident, like creativity, and generally have a higher acceptance of domestic brands than before." Chen Yuwen said that the new generation of consumers are just beginning to get in touch with makeup products, but the prices of foreign brands are on the high side for them, which brings good opportunities to new domestic brands.

Therefore, it is the breakthrough point for the perfect diary to enter the beauty market to let the post-1995 generation in China buy products with similar quality to international brands, but with much lower prices and more innovative ideas. This "parity substitution" strategy for international brands has also become an important source of its product strength.

The way to ensure quality is to cooperate with high-quality foundries. Perfect Diary found Cosme Meishi, the world’s largest cosmetics foundry, for its own production. The latter is also a cooperative foundry of international brands such as Dior, L ‘Oreal and Lancome, and the price of similar products is only about half that of international brands.

The way to renew creativity is to let consumers become designers. Perfect Diary not only analyzes product reputation and fan preferences through data, but also directly communicates product solutions with consumers, allowing consumers to deeply participate in all aspects of product design.

"In fact, the quality of domestic cosmetics is not worse than that of foreign brands. Foreign brands can sell premiums in the China market, and most of them are brand additions." Chen Yuwen said, "And we pay attention to originality. When the perfect diary is ahead of many international brands in visual style and product creativity, consumers will naturally choose us."

However, Chen Yuwen also remained calm. He bluntly said that if domestic brands rely too much on foundries, there is no way out, so Perfect Diary is also increasing investment in research and development. This year, Perfect Diary and Cosme Meishi invested 700 million yuan to start building the largest cosmetics production base in Asia, and at the same time, they are cooperating with Sun Yat-sen University to establish a research and development laboratory. "In the next three years, we expect to invest no less than 100 million yuan in research and development."

Comparing the development process of shanghai jahwa and Perfect Diary, the common point is that they have completed the first two steps of "understanding consumer demand, developing differentiated products and establishing brand moat", and are striving for the third step. Whether "Big Brother" shanghai jahwa is transforming into a younger generation, increasing its investment in online communities such as Little Red Book, bilibili and Tik Tok, or opening hundreds of offline experience stores under the "Young People’s Perfect Diary" transformation, although it seems to be in the opposite direction, its essence is the improvement of its own channel shortcomings and the reinforcement of its own brand moat in a rapidly changing environment.

The market potential of China is large enough, and there are more and more new changes in domestic cosmetics. In the future, can "China Cleaning" or "L ‘Oré al China" be born in this hot land? We will wait and see.

20 games with the highest IGN score in 2023: two perfect works!

The future game lineup of each family has gradually stabilized this year, and many masterpieces will be launched one after another in 2023. All three host manufacturers are planning their own blockbuster works in 2023. At present, the first quarter has passed, and IGN has published a summary of 20 high-scoring games so far this year, two of which are full marks. Let’s take a look.

Full list:

8 step:

Heart of the atom

Multi-player part of company of heroes 3

I wish you a good death

Meet the Creator

Resident Evil: Village VR

Son of the forest

Wild heart

Wolong: The Fall of Heaven

《WWE 2K23》

9 step:

Bayonetta: Origin

Dead Space: Remastered Edition

Flame coat of arms Engage

《GT7 VR》

《Hi-Fi Rush》

The legacy of Hogwarts

Major League Baseball 23

Pizza tower

Final fantasy rhythm theater

10 step:

Galactic warrior Prime replica edition

Resident Evil 4: Remastered Edition

The Premier League champion was born! Arsenal lost 0-1 to win the championship, and Manchester City completed the Premier League’s three consecutive championships!

Early this morning, the Premier League was the firstthreesevenA focus battle was staged.Arsenal away0-1Lost to Nottingham Forest, completely missed the championship, Manchester City in the case of this round, ahead of schedule.threeWin the league championship and complete the great cause of three consecutive Premier League titles! Nottingham Forest finished relegation one round ahead of schedule after winning!

Arsenal fell behind Manchester City before the game.4 points, one game less than the opponent, this round of Arsenal is ahead of Manchester City, and it is necessary to win to keep the hope of winning the championship. Once losing, Manchester City will win the championship three games in advance. Nottingham Forest ranks first in the league.sixBit, leading the relegation zone3 points, there is still some relegation pressure, and we will definitely strive to win at home.

First halfonenineMinutes later, Odegard’s passing error was intercepted, and the home team White scored the ball. Avonii seized the opportunity to complete the goal.1-0! Arsenal then tried to fight back, but their whole team was in poor condition. Except for Trossat, who shot wide and caused a certain threat, the rest of the time had possession rate, but it was difficult to create too much threat to the opponent’s goal.

In the second half, Artta made many substitutions, but Arsenal’s performance did not improve at all, and finally they went away.0-1Lose the game and hand over the championship to Manchester City! Manchester city in the current round of war, ahead of schedule.threeThe game locked the league title and completed the league.threeAfter winning the championship, Guardiola’s team took the first step in the process of winning the triple crown!

Shuxiang Zhiyuan The First Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon was launched in Shanghai.

The first "Progress Cup" Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon was launched in Xujiahui Academy. Photo courtesy of the contest organizer

Xu Jing, April 17 (Xinhua) The year 2023 marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of Soong Ching Ling, one of the founders of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and honorary president of the country. The launching ceremony of the first "Progress Cup" Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon (hereinafter referred to as "Yuema") and the launching ceremony of the question bank were held in Shanghai on the 17th.

The contest was hosted by the Shanghai Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Cultural Relics Management Committee and the Shanghai Committee of the Communist Youth League, and co-hosted by the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Former Residence Memorial Hall and Xuhui District Culture and Tourism Bureau.

In this competition, a series of related books, such as Soong Ching Ling, Sun Yat-sen and so on, were read by combining offline and offline, so as to attract a wide audience, including teenagers, to read the grand and magnificent life stories of two great men in the century and approach their three-dimensional and vivid spiritual world.

The contest calls on the whole people to read the works of celebrities intensively and enjoy reading. Photo courtesy of the contest organizer

Soong Ching Ling is the daughter of Shanghai. Her "lovely home" is located in Xuhui, Shanghai, and most of the women’s and children’s cultural and educational undertakings she initiated in her life germinated, took root, flourished and expanded in Xuhui. The launching ceremony of this competition was held in Xujiahui Academy, one of Shanghai’s cultural landmarks. By setting up "Soong Ching Ling’s special bookcase" in this all-media era compound library and entering the hospital to scan the code, the reading was switched online and offline, showing the power of reading to the society and calling on the whole people to read.

On the same day, 150 contestants were divided into student group and adult group. They read the book Soong Ching Ling together in three divisions of Xujiahui Academy, and completed the online question bank and made a comparison within the specified time. After the launching ceremony, various organizations and individuals will continue this "Yue Ma" lasting for 100 days, calling on the whole people to intensively read famous works, enjoy reading, pool their wisdom and enrich their spiritual world.

Ni Yifei, director of the Cultural Management Committee of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai, said that in recent years, the Cultural Management Committee of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai has continued to promote the construction of a "great mission" platform with the theme of carrying forward the great spirit of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling, with the series of activities of "five tours" (tour exhibition, lecture, broadcast, competition and tour) as the starting point to provide quality public cultural services to the public. The first "Progress Cup" Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon is a touring brand planned and launched by the Cultural Management Committee of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai this year.

Wu Bin, deputy secretary of the Shanghai Communist Youth League Committee, said that the Shanghai Communist Youth League Committee will widely mobilize the youth of the city to actively participate. I believe that through this competition, the contestants will learn something and learn something. With the joint efforts of many parties, this competition will definitely become a high-quality platform for "innovating the use of red resources and boosting the growth of young people". (End)

The beauty created by artificial intelligence AI is lifelike. These 30 beautiful pictures are amazing!

The beauty created by artificial intelligence AI is lifelike and amazing!

The beauty created by artificial intelligence AI is really amazing!

The beauty created by artificial intelligence AI is vivid and beautiful!

The beauty created by artificial intelligence AI is so real and amazing!

The beauty drawn by artificial intelligence AI is vivid and amazing!

The beauty drawn by artificial intelligence AI is real and beautiful! It’s amazing!

The beauty drawn by artificial intelligence AI is amazing! Amazing time!

The beauty drawn by artificial intelligence AI is fresh and refined, so amazing!

This may be the appearance of a small jasper, which is the opposite of the image of a good family! ! ! !

Mature, steady, square, atmospheric, it seems that this is the kind of woman!

There are beautiful women in the north, who laugh and pour people into the city, and then laugh and pour people into the country. This is probably the kind of beauty they are talking about!

Clear water produces hibiscus, which is naturally carved.

Clear water produces hibiscus, and it is natural to carve it! Small jasper, good family! Which is better?

Good-looking skins are the same, and there is no interesting soul Wan Li!

Is the skin beautiful or the soul interesting?

Welcome everyone to comment! ! ! ! !

The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Modern Society

Artificial Intelligence (AI for short) refers to a technology that computer system simulates human intelligent thinking and behavior through learning, reasoning, perception, understanding, judgment and decision-making. The core of AI technology is machine learning, that is, processing and analyzing a large number of data through training algorithms, and learning and extracting useful information and rules from them, so as to continuously optimize and improve their intelligence.

AI technology covers many different fields and applications, including natural language processing, image recognition, machine vision, speech recognition, robotics, intelligent recommendation, virtual reality and so on. These applications can play a role in many fields, such as health care, finance, energy, manufacturing, transportation, education, entertainment and so on.

In a word, artificial intelligence is a technology that can simulate human intelligent thinking and behavior. It enables computer systems to complete a series of complex tasks and decisions independently through machine learning and pattern recognition.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can bring us many benefits. The following are some of the main benefits:

  1. Automation: AI technology can automate many repetitive tasks, saving time and labor costs.

  2. Intelligent decision-making: AI system can provide more intelligent decision-making for human beings by analyzing a large amount of data and information.

  3. Customer service: AI can improve the quality and efficiency of customer service, such as providing instant service and support to customers through intelligent robots or chat bots.

  4. Health care: AI technology can help doctors and health care professionals make diagnosis and treatment decisions, while improving the efficiency and accuracy of health care services.

  5. Resource management: AI can help enterprises and government agencies to better manage resources, for example, by forecasting and planning energy demand and supply, and optimizing the supply chain.

  6. Education and training: AI can provide a better education and training experience, such as optimizing the learning process through personalized learning paths and real-time feedback.

  7. Safety and security: AI can help protect public safety and personal safety, for example, through automatic monitoring and detection systems to identify security threats and abnormal behaviors.

In a word, AI technology can improve efficiency, accuracy and intelligence, provide better service and support for human beings, and bring more commercial and social value.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely used in various fields, including but not limited to the following aspects:

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): transforming human language into computer-readable forms, such as machine translation, speech recognition, text classification and sentiment analysis.

  2. Image recognition and Computer Vision (CV): Computer vision technology enables computer systems to recognize and understand images and videos, such as face recognition, object detection, automatic driving and security monitoring.

  3. Machine Learning (ML): By training algorithms, computer systems can automatically learn and adapt to new data, thus improving the accuracy of prediction and decision-making, such as recommendation system, credit evaluation, risk control and medical diagnosis.

  4. Robotics: Using artificial intelligence technology, robots can accomplish tasks that humans can’t, such as autonomous navigation, cooperative operation, intelligent control and service robots.

  5. Automation and intelligent manufacturing: using artificial intelligence technology to realize the automation and intelligence of production process and supply chain, such as intelligent logistics, intelligent warehousing, intelligent quality control and intelligent equipment.

  6. Virtual reality and augmented reality: through artificial intelligence technology, virtual reality and the real world are combined to realize a more immersive user experience, such as virtual training, virtual fitting, virtual tourism and augmented reality applications.

In short, artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in various fields and industries, which has changed our way of life and work, but also brought great opportunities and challenges for future technological development and innovation.

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on employment in modern society is twofold: on the one hand, AI technology can create new employment opportunities, on the other hand, it will also affect the employment of some traditional industries.

  1. New employment opportunities: With the development of AI technology, more and more companies and organizations need professional AI engineers, data scientists, machine learning experts and AI strategists. In addition, AI technology has also created some new professional fields, such as intelligent robot engineers, voice interaction designers and virtual reality developers.

  2. Impact of employment in traditional industries: AI technology will also have a certain impact on employment in traditional industries. For example, AI technology can automate many repetitive tasks and jobs, thus reducing the work that needs to be done by human beings. This may lead to the reduction of jobs in some traditional industries, such as manufacturing, administration and support services.

However, it should be pointed out that AI technology will not completely replace human work. On the contrary, it usually cooperates with human beings to improve efficiency and quality. Therefore, for the job market in modern society, it is important to improve skills and transformation ability to adapt to the rapidly changing technology and job market.

Aux’s New Year’s New Scenery: A New Spectrum of Improving Quality and Increasing Efficiency in Future Factories

A year’s plan lies in spring, and the spirit of the start is seen.

After the Spring Festival in the Year of the Rabbit, Oaks has made great efforts to innovate, improve quality and empower industries, strengthen market expansion, and greatly increase orders to achieve a good start. From the roar of machines, from the busy work of assembly lines, and from the enthusiasm of employees, Oaks has shown great vitality.

On the one hand, Oaks actively supplements talents in all aspects through spring recruitment activities; on the other hand, it injects new kinetic energy into the high-quality development of the whole year with the attitude of improving quality and increasing efficiency in future factories and waiting for no time.

As a leader in the manufacturing industry, the high efficiency, high standard and high precision of Oaks products have always been recognized by the industry. The digital, intelligent and standardized "future factory" is the mystery of Oaks to improve quality and efficiency. With the accelerated integration of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, the new generation of information technologies such as 5G communication, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are constantly changing the production mode of Oaks and accelerating its high-quality development.

In the future factory of Oaks, from the core motor to sheet metal, assembly and logistics, Oaks Air Conditioning Factory adopts intelligent manufacturing almost all the way. It only takes 38 seconds to get from a plastic pellet to an air conditioning panel, and the production efficiency of the factory is improved by 30%, and the proportion of intelligent products is 80%. This set of data is enough to illustrate the hard core speed of Oaks’ "intelligent manufacturing".

The intelligent future factory can not only improve the production efficiency, but also make the production process more refined and reasonable. Through the intelligent management of production, the production process and equipment are fully interconnected to realize real-time monitoring of production process and equipment operation, and can be pushed in real time through mobile APP to realize mobile management and mobile office, which can greatly improve efficiency.

In addition to the intelligence of the production process, the future factory of Oaks has also realized the intelligence of planned production scheduling, rate monitoring and comprehensive efficiency of equipment, and through the collection and utilization of big data, the efficiency of quality inspection is also very obvious, for example, through 5G+AI vision technology, it has changed the dilemma of low efficiency and difficult traceability of surface quality detection by manual naked eyes. Once the product surface has scratches, differences in color brightness and other defects, even if it is thinner than hair, the camera will not let go. The detection system will digitally calculate the defective image, compare it with the standard, and feed back the defects at the first time with the help of 5G communication technology, so as to take immediate improvement measures. This is equivalent to installing intelligent quality inspection eyes in the production process, which is a great contributor to product quality improvement.

The improvement of efficiency also means the reduction of cost. Oaks relies on the intelligent production of future factories. Traditionally, the assembly line needs more than 100 people. Now it is all completed by machines and conveyor belts, and only three workers are needed, which undoubtedly saves the cost greatly.

On the whole, with the help of digitalization and intelligent empowerment, Oaks has achieved remarkable results in optimizing production efficiency, improving product quality and reducing production costs, so that it has enough strength to cope with a more complex competitive environment and write a new chapter in development.

Knowing that there is a long way to go for development, john young is just breaking the waves. Oaks keeps pace with the times, making a good start, laying a good foundation and opening a good game for the whole year with an efficient future factory. In the future, Oaks will further accelerate the pace of upgrading intelligent manufacturing, keep up with the development speed of the times, and strive to run out of acceleration on the intelligent track.

Google launched PaLM-E, a visual language model with 562 billion parameters.

Recently, it was reported that Robotics at Google, Technical University of Berlin and Google Research team jointly launched the largest visual language model PaLM-E, with the final parameters as high as 562 billion. It is understood that this model has the ability to understand images, understand generation languages and handle complex machine instructions.

In this regard, Google said that the model also has an environmentally adaptive response and has the ability to face possible unexpected situations. It is reported that the model is robust to interference because it is integrated in a control loop.

It is reported that this model is a combination of PaLM-540B language model and Vit-22B visual Transformer model, and its core is its powerful language processing ability. The highlight is that the model can use visual data to enhance its own language processing ability after acquiring and processing visual data. For example, the corresponding traffic rules can be solved by pictures of traffic signs, the production process can be understood by pictures of ingredients, or the robot can be guided to complete relatively complicated actions by inputting instructions.

It is understood that PaLM-E has another outstanding advantage, that is, it has strong positive migration ability. In the relevant test results released by Google, the researchers believe that PaLM-E has the ability of self-learning, so it can perform planning and cross-length tasks on different entities. For example, after the model guides the robot to complete the "color block by color", it can further guide the robot to push the green color block to the ornaments that have never been seen before.

Some people think that although the guidance given by PaLM-E to robots does not seem very complicated at present, with the change of data training, it will give robots more thinking ability, and it is expected to be able to plan and execute the commands issued by humans more reasonably in the future, and make great breakthroughs in industrial application and design.

It is understood that in the artificial intelligence track, Microsoft previously published a similar case mentioned in the above research in February this year, that is, through the program written by ChatGPT to guide drones how to find drinks.

[The picture in this article comes from the network]