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7000 units a day! Huawei car, completely exploded! Yu Chengdong sent a message: It’s not easy to come back to life.

According to national business daily news, it’s almost a month since the release of the new M7 in the world of inquiry. Following the decision of 30,000 units in September, the new M7 in the world of inquiry has been reported frequently recently, and Yu Chengdong has also published a post in the circle of friends recently to evaluate the sales situation of the new M7 in the world of inquiry.

Yu Chengdong comments on new M7 sales: It’s not easy to come back to life. 

On the evening of October 6th, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG and chairman of smart car solutions, talked about the sales of the new M7 in the circle of friends. He said that on October 6th, the number of new M7s in the world reached 7,000, compared with 3,500 yesterday and more than 10,000 in two days. Since the release of the new M7 on September 12th, the first sale has exceeded 50,000 sets. "It’s not easy to come back to life!" Yu Chengdong said.

According to the sales ranking of Know Car Emperor, the sales of Huawei’s M7 dropped sharply. From the monthly sales of more than 1200 units at the beginning of the year to more than 400 units in June. The monthly sales volume of M7 has not exceeded 1,000 units for four consecutive months, and the sales volume of the brand in the world has been shrinking to less than 10,000 units.

The new M7 is scheduled to be 30,000 units in September!

On September 12th, AITO introduced the new M7 to the market. Five new models were launched, and the price range was 249,800 ~ 329,800 yuan, which was over 38,000 yuan lower than the previous model price (288,000 yuan).

One day after its listing, the new M7 in the world of inquiry received an order of over 15,000 vehicles, and on the weekend of the same week, the official announced that the new M7 in the world of inquiry would exceed 2,000 vehicles and 2,700 vehicles in a single day.

According to AITO WeChat official account, since it was officially listed on September 12th,The daily average of the new M7 in Wenjie is set at 1500+, as of September 30th,Accumulated 30,000 sets..

It is understood that AITO asks the new M7 to push the big five-seat model on the basis of the original six-seat model. Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, terminal BU CEO, and then CEO of BU, a smart car solution, said: "As a brand-new model upgraded, AITO has invested more than 500 million yuan in the overall upgrade. The new car is equipped with Huawei HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 and Huawei Advanced Intelligent Driving 2.0."

The launch of new cars is very important for the world to boost sales. Since the beginning of this year, the sales volume of the world has been under pressure.According to the production and sales data of Celestial, in July and August this year, the sales of Celestial cars decreased by 45.69% and 67.52% year-on-year, which made its sales in the first eight months of this year also decrease year-on-year. It is understood that in the production and sales express of Cesare Group, the sales source of Sailis automobile is mainly the series of models.

At the same time, WeChat official account, AITO’s WeChat, no longer discloses the delivery volume every month this year, but only discloses the data sporadically. In April this year, AITO delivered 4,585 new cars, 5,629 in May and 5,018 in August. There is no good news that the monthly delivery volume has exceeded 10,000. In August last year, the delivery volume of the series of vehicles in the world exceeded 10,000, and the sales volume in October reached the peak of 12,000.

In response to the fluctuation of sales volume in the world, Yu Chengdong previously responded that sales volume is only the result of a certain development stage, and what is reflected behind it is actually the relationship with users. Due to inexperience and inexperience, I have taken some detours. At this time, I need to give full play to my own advantages, have determination and insist on making the ultimate products.

Original title: 7000 units a day! Huawei car, completely exploded! Yu Chengdong sent a message: It’s not easy to come back to life.

Editor: Rao Zhimei Editor: Zhang Songtao Audit: Feng Fei

Xiaokang shares: it is difficult to enjoy the cool by relying on Huawei.

Text |Zero state LT Yao Zhang

Editor | Hu Zhanjia

On the evening of July 15th, Xiaokang shares disclosed that 137 million ordinary shares had been issued, and the total amount of funds raised was 7.13 billion yuan. After deducting the issuance expenses, the net amount of funds raised by the company was 7.06 billion yuan. The number of new shares issued this time is equivalent to 1/10 of the original total share capital, and a total of 17 investors were allocated. The most allocated fund is Guangfa Fund, with the allocation amount of 1.47 billion yuan. The last round of fixed increase of Xiaokang shares was in June 2021. At that time, the company raised 2.57 billion yuan, and Guangfa Fund also participated in it, which was also the first issue target.

By cooperating with Huawei to build a car brand, Xiaokang shares are entering the new energy field in a big way. Going back to the middle of June, Xiaokang shares were pushed to the public because the new energy vehicle "Wenjie M5" jointly built with Huawei was suspected of "spontaneous combustion". As soon as the report came out, Xiaokang shares fell for many days.

Backed by the big tree of "Huawei", is Xiaokang shares really cool?

Huawei’s "M5" was caught in a storm of spontaneous combustion, and Xiaokang’s ability to build a car was questioned.

On the evening of June 13th, a Huawei mobile phone franchise store in Inner Mongolia caught fire, and another Huawei mobile phone M5 in the store was burnt down.

There are different opinions about the cause of the fire, and many people attribute it to the concerns of Celestial Automobile, a subsidiary of Xiaokang Co., Ltd., the "foundry" of M5. In response, Cyrus responded that the charging stop time of the vehicle in the store was later than the fire time, and it could be preliminarily judged that the fire source was not from the vehicle itself.

But even so, the trust of the outside world in the foundry has not been "stitched". After all, before Huawei intervened, Xiaokang shares focused on low-end new energy vehicles, and the Sailis brand, which has been polished for several years, has never improved. There has never been such experience in producing and manufacturing cars exceeding 300,000 yuan. Therefore, in the production process, the outside world has been in doubt about whether Xiaokang shares can build the high-end model M5.

Xiaokang Co., Ltd. was originally just a manufacturer of electrical appliances and automobile springs. It got on the express train of Dongfang Group and jointly launched the Oriental Xiaokang. In 2011, the sales volume of Dongfeng Xiaokang mini-car reached 1 million, which became a turning point in its transformation of vehicle manufacturing. Five years later, Xiaokang shares were successfully listed. In 2016, at the time of the new energy vehicles, Xiaokang shares launched the new energy brand Sailis in Silicon Valley, USA.

However, at the beginning of the transformation, Xiaokang invested the money earned in the fuel vehicle market and the capital market into the new energy sector, but Cyrus did not give a corresponding return, and the sales volume was bleak. In 2020, only 732 units were sold.

The first cooperation with Huawei opened the market for Celeste. At the beginning of 2019, Huawei and Xiaokang Co., Ltd. held a comprehensive cooperation signing ceremony. The two sides carried out comprehensive cooperation in the fields of industrial Internet, ICT infrastructure, intelligent new energy vehicles and networking. The share price of Xiaokang shares has also risen. After joining hands for the first time to build the first Celestial SF5 appeared in Huawei’s offline exhibition hall, sales began to pick up.

The M5, which was jointly built for the second time, was put into production and put on the market, and achieved good sales. The data shows that in May 2022, the monthly delivery volume of Huawei’s M5 reached 5,006 vehicles, and the sales volume of the same gear jumped to the top three, with a cumulative delivery of 11,296 vehicles. In the capital market, Xiaokang shares are also riding the east wind of Huawei and soaring. Wind data shows that in the last month (as of June 10th), the share price of Xiaokang shares rose as high as 96.8%, ranking first in the comprehensive passenger car sector.

However, both the market and capital are optimistic about Huawei, the big tree behind Xiaokang shares.

In this fire, the questioning of Xiaokang’s ability to build a car was intuitively reflected in its share price. On June 14th, Xiaokang’s share price fell as high as 5% in intraday trading. At present, the market value of Xiaokang shares has exceeded 100 billion. Inconsistent with the market value of 100 billion, Xiaokang shares are still at a loss. In the first quarter of 2022, the financial report of Xiaokang shares showed that the loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies reached 839 million yuan in the first quarter, compared with 533 million yuan in the same period last year; Operating income reached 5.131 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 56.03%.

The year-on-year narrowing of quarterly losses and revenue growth point come from the increase in sales of new energy vehicles in Xiaokang shares. According to public data, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in Xiaokang in the first quarter reached 17,400 and 14,200 respectively, with an increase of 296.87% and 207.43%.

In March this year, the first model of AITO brand jointly built with Huawei started delivery. According to the statistics of the Association, the sales data of the M5 in March was 3,045 vehicles, and it entered the top ten sales of new energy vehicles at the level of 200,000-300,000 yuan. Although the growth has achieved good results, in addition to traditional mini-cars and economy cars, the competitiveness of Xiaokang shares in the middle and high-end fields represented by Seles SF5 is still obviously weak.

With the blessing of Huawei’s sales channels, the annual total sales volume of Celestial SF5 is only over 8,100, which is equivalent to the monthly sales volume of the three new car-making forces "Wei Xiaoli".

Xiaokang’s own hematopoietic capacity is not comparable to that of the first echelon car companies. The loss of Xiaokang shares first appeared in 2020, with a loss of 1.729 billion yuan, down 2690.76% year-on-year; In 2021, the loss of Xiaokang shares reached 1.824 billion yuan, and the loss further expanded. The loss mainly comes from the soaring marketing expenses, research and development costs and team expansion after the transformation of the new energy automobile market. In 2021, Xiaokang’s R&D investment was 1.948 billion yuan, accounting for 11.66% of revenue, which was narrower than that in 2020.

Under the pressure of loss, Xiaokang shares tried to spend a tight life through "blood transfusion". At the beginning of this year, the company announced that the non-public offering of shares would raise no more than 7.13 billion yuan, and the funds raised would be invested in projects such as the development of electric vehicles, the intelligent upgrading of factories and the construction of user centers.

But whether it can turn losses into profits is still uncertain.

It is difficult to pick Huawei’s "OEM" hat.

Backed by Huawei, this big tree is good for enjoying the cool, but it also brings a lot of troubles to Xiaokang shares.

In the past, BMW Brilliance was changed to BMW and Beijing Benz was completely cut off. After many imported models were made in China, they fell into the fate of being cut off. For many car owners, it seems that the shadow of domestic production has been removed, and the car has instantly become taller.

A while ago, Xiaokang shares just experienced a round of public opinion. This time, it’s not for imported cars, but the first model of the high-end brand AITO series jointly developed by Huawei and Sellers-Wenjie M5. Because the popularity of Celeste is far less than that of a big brand like Huawei, some car owners chose to "change the logo" after purchasing Huawei’s M5, and removed the logo of Celeste and replaced it with the logo of Huawei Smart Choice.

Huawei has publicly stated that it will not build a car. This alliance with Selis is just cooperation. However, it is undeniable that the selling point of this car is that it is equipped with Huawei HarmonyOS cockpit, and the core power comes from Huawei Drive ONE pure electric drive range extension platform. Yu Chengdong, CEO of BU, a smart car solution, personally came off the stage to bring goods for the M5. He not only promoted this car on many occasions, but also drove it home and off the track during the New Year, and spoke for it crazily.

Netizens ridiculed that although "Huawei does not build cars, users will build cars for Huawei."

The bidding also reflects the user’s lack of confidence in the Celeste brand. Obviously, the light of Cyrus is covered by Huawei’s strength. Xiaokang shares are very concerned about being passively robbed of the title by Huawei.

Zhang Zhengping, chairman of Xiaokang Co., responded: "Whether the product is good or not, the market has the final say. If the product doesn’t work, no matter whose label is posted, no one will buy it. " In addition, Xiaokang shares are also very concerned about the outside world calling it Huawei’s "foundry". At the investors’ meeting at the beginning of the year, Xiaokang specifically emphasized that it was not a foundry before and now, let alone a foundry, and what Huawei initiated was a deep cross-border cooperation model of joint business.

In fact, this statement only applies to the cooperation of the previous model Celeste SF5. Xiaokang shares are responsible for supply chain links such as R&D, manufacturing and delivery, while Huawei is responsible for brand and channel sales. However, during the development of the M5, Huawei led the R&D and sales, and Cyrus was only responsible for providing relevant data support. According to Huawei Yu Chengdong, "In addition to providing key automotive hardware components, Huawei’s mobile phone industrial design team, software team and user experience team are also involved in the cooperation".

Subject to Huawei’s leadership, Huawei is the main beneficiary of the sales profit sharing of this M5. According to Caijing Weekly, a Cyrus 4S clerk said that after users placed orders in the experience store, although the order processing was the responsibility of their user center, most of the rebates from the manufacturers were sold to the experience store instead of Cyrus manufacturers. For Xiaokang shares, the initial intention of cooperating with Huawei was to improve the brand tonality and remove the label of only making low-end cars, but the result was to make wedding clothes for others.

Although the sales volume of M5 in the current world is very popular, Xiaokang shares can not get much benefit, and excessive dependence on Huawei’s manufacturing team brings great risks. Recently, it is reported in 36Kr that Huawei Smart Car Selection has been widely spread in the industry. Besides Jin Kang New Energy, it has successively finalized smart car selection business cooperation with Chery Automobile, Jianghuai Automobile and Extreme Fox Automobile.

If the cooperation between Huawei and other car companies deepens in the future, the status of Xiaokang shares will be in jeopardy. Perhaps Xiaokang shares can be completely transformed into a vehicle foundry and occupy the market with excellent manufacturing technology.

Xingyue L in Tongling area is on sale with a discount of 15,000 yuan! Act quickly.

In the preferential promotion channel in Tongling, car home, preferential promotion activities are being carried out, with the highest preferential amount reaching 15,000 yuan. Now the minimum starting price for purchasing Xingyue L is 122,200 yuan. If you want to get a higher discount, please click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form to learn more about the discount.


The Xingyue L car system adopts a streamlined design language, and the front face shape is very modern. Its air intake grille is decorated with a large area of chrome plating, which echoes the body lines, showing a sense of luxury and dynamism. The overall style of the car body is fashionable and the lines are smooth, which highlights its sense of movement and fashion. The side of the car body adopts double waistline design, which makes the car body lines smoother and the visual effect more dynamic. The rear of the car adopts the exhaust layout of four sides, creating a strong sporty atmosphere. The overall design style is simple and atmospheric, which meets the aesthetic needs of young people and highlights their fashion and sports positioning.


As a medium-sized SUV, the length, width and height of Xingyue L are 4770*1895*1689mm, the wheelbase is 2845mm, and the front and rear wheel tracks are 1610mm respectively. The lines on the side of the car are smooth and concise without losing the sense of strength, which highlights the stability and atmosphere of the whole car. Tyre size is 235/50 R19, which is the same as tyre size before and after, which makes the whole vehicle feel more harmonious. The rim adopts a multi-spoke design, which complements the style of the whole vehicle and shows the luxurious temperament of Xingyue L.


The interior style of Xingyue L is simple and exquisite, and the steering wheel is wrapped in leather, which makes it feel comfortable and supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth. The center console is equipped with a 12.3-inch large screen, which supports voice recognition control such as multimedia system, navigation, telephone, air conditioner and skylight. The seat is made of imitation leather. The front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment and lumbar support are supported by the main and co-pilot seats. The driver’s seat also has heating and ventilation functions. The front seats are also equipped with electric memory function. The rear seats can be scaled down to provide passengers with a more comfortable ride experience. In addition, the front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for users to connect devices such as mobile phones.


Xingyue L is equipped with a 2.0T 218 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 160 kW and a maximum torque of 325 N m.. This engine uses a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, which can provide a smooth shifting experience. Its power performance is excellent, it is very comfortable to drive, and it also has high fuel economy. Both urban driving and high-speed driving can meet the user’s demand for power performance.

On the exterior design of Xingyue L, the owner of car home said that he liked it very much. Its atmosphere, smooth lines and urban fashion design style make people recognize Geely’s family-style car head design at a glance, which is particularly recognizable. In addition, the dynamic lines of the car body are also very exciting. It can be said that the exterior design of Xingyue L is very successful in the eyes of car home owner @ar4njp8t9.

5G signal, 5G package, 5G mobile phone, you need to consider carefully when changing your mobile phone.

With the launch of the operator’s 5G package on November 1, it is estimated that many friends have plans to change their 5G mobile phones. After all, the 5G era has indeed arrived. For 5G, I think many friends know that its network speed is 5-10 times that of 4G, online drama is not worrying, and multiplayer competition is smooth, which is probably such a carefree experience. So you will think: instead of changing the new machine next year, it is better to change the 5G mobile phone directly now, and you can experience the 5G high-speed network at once, making your life and work more efficient and more "fragrant".

Having said that, before you formally choose a 5G mobile phone, you need to consider three issues:

The first question: 5G signal coverage in the place.

To be honest, in the field of 5G, China’s 5G technology and 5G mobile phones are dominant in the global market, so we should be proud of this. In this regard, we can first try 5 G. However, in the actual process, you and I have to consider whether our home is covered with 5G signals. Although major cities will basically cover 5G signals next year, if there is a 5G signal in the place where your home is located, it must be superior.

Relatively speaking, in first-tier cities such as Beishangguangshen and Shenzhen, almost all the central cities in these areas are covered with 5G signals, so "people in the city can really play" still have the first experience advantage. After all, the urban population is large. You can go to the operator official website or the mobile APP to check the 5G signal diagram, which is usually found in the "5G Zone".

The second question: Which 5G package should I choose?

At present, the three major operators have launched 5G packages. Different operators and different 5G packages have different charges and standards. You should look carefully when choosing to upgrade to avoid wasting fees or traffic. China Mobile, the 5G package starts at 128 yuan, and the back cover is 598 yuan; China Telecom and China Unicom started at 129 yuan, and the back cover of 599 yuan … ···5G network speed is between 200 Mbps and 1 Gbps.

By the way, a digression: Do you think 30GB package traffic is enough? As far as I’m concerned, I usually use about 10GB of traffic every month, which is only when I’m crazy about brushing Tik Tok and playing the king’s "eat chicken" mobile game! Therefore, when you choose the 5G package category, don’t be blind, depending on the actual use needs of individuals.

The third question: Which of a bunch of 5G mobile phones do you like best?

As we all know, many places are accelerating the construction of 5G base stations, and the coverage rate of 5G signals around us will be higher and higher. At that time, it is not a problem to seamlessly connect to 5G networks. Therefore, after knowing the 5G signal coverage area and 5G package, you can boldly choose 5G mobile phones. At this stage, high-priced 5G mobile phones can be "suspended". After all, the cost is too high and unnecessary. The most important thing is to try Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G and iQOO Pro 5G versions, with three thousand files, which is a good choice. Which one to choose, and see the comparison results.

Left: iQOO Pro 5G version; Right: Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G

5G network speed reception. At this point, we directly look at the test results of Speedtest software: the download rate of iQOO Pro 5G version reaches 895Mbps;; Although Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G is equipped with the same 5G baseband, the download rate is 757Mbps··· … Obviously, there is a gap in the speed of 5G network.

Left: iQOO Pro 5G version; Right: Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G

The level of game experience. As two Snapdragon 855 Plus models, iQOO Pro 5G and Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G have smooth performance, but one thing is the unique product advantage of iQOO Pro 5G, that is, the two pressure-sensitive buttons on the middle frame. This design is comparable to the e-sports mobile phone, which can bring fast operation of four-finger linkage, making the skill control of game characters more comfortable and faster. In other words, the king "eats chicken" with iQOO Pro 5G version, and the king wins the championship in minutes.

Left: iQOO Pro 5G version; Right: Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G

Fast charging performance of mobile phone. IQOO Pro 5G version is equipped with 4500mAh battery +44W ultra-fast charging, Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G is equipped with 4000mAh battery +40W fast charging … The power is from 0% to 100%, iQOO Pro 5G version takes 53 minutes, and Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G takes 70 minutes. It seems that iQOO Pro 5G version not only has a larger battery, but also has a faster battery return, which really helps our mobile phone life.

Final decision: try 5G in advance, and be flattered.

The 5G package has been commercialized, and the 5G era has arrived, so a 5G mobile phone naturally comes. I believe that when you look at the comparison between iQOO Pro 5G and Xiaomi 9 Pro 5G, you will find that although they are both Snapdragon 855 Plus models and three thousand models with the same price, iQOO Pro 5G is more powerful in 5G network speed, game experience and charging speed, so its cost performance is relatively high. It seems that the complete coverage of subsequent 5G signals and the accelerated popularization of 5G mobile phones are really just around the corner.

The Information Office of the Autonomous Region Government held a press conference on optimizing the business environment of enterprises in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

On December 15th, the Information Office of the Autonomous Region Government held a press conference on optimizing the business environment of enterprises in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Feng Ye, the second inspector of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Market Supervision Administration, and Guan Junshan, director of the Registration Bureau of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Market Supervision Administration, made keynote speeches. Huang Zhanming, deputy head of the special detachment of the Public Security Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Li Wei, deputy director of the Data Management Department of the Social Insurance Service Center of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Wan Dong, deputy director of the Collection and Technology Development Department of the Inner Mongolia Taxation Bureau of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, Chen Jian, a first-class researcher of the Housing Security and Provident Fund Supervision Department of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and Yang Guangxing, deputy director of the Payment and Settlement Department of the Central Branch of the People’s Bank of China, attended the press conference and answered questions.


Speech at the press conference on optimizing the business environment of enterprises in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Second Inspector of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Market Supervision Administration Feng ye

Since the beginning of this year, the market supervision bureau of the autonomous region, the public security department, the human resources and social welfare department, the housing and construction department, the State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China Inner Mongolia Taxation Bureau, and the Hohhot Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China have conscientiously implemented the spirit of the conference on optimizing the business environment in the whole region, focused on key points, cooperated with each other, insisted on being quick but not slow, few but not many, simple and not complicated, and benchmarked the start-up level of enterprises in advanced areas in China, integrated departmental strength, overcome obstacles, and solved structural contradictions.The overall goal of "one day settlement" is to introduce specific reform measures such as "one form to fill in", "one window to handle", "one network to handle", "one authentication" and "one photo to pass", effectively promoting enterprises to apply for business licenses, seal engraving, apply for invoices, social security registration, deposit registration of provident fund enterprises, bank appointment to open accounts, etc., to re-compress the start-up time, re-optimize services and improve the business environment.

The first is to implement"one form to fill in"When submitting materials for the establishment of an enterprise, integrate the statutory submission requirements of market supervision, public security, human society, housing construction, taxation, banking and other departments, and handle all matters to submit materials.18 items, only 6 items of business license submission materials, one form can know and fill in the start-up items.

The second is promotion."one window for handling", oriented by the needs of enterprises, set up cross-departmental comprehensive acceptance windows in government affairs halls at all levels, equip enterprises with self-service terminals, set up special personnel to conduct on-site guidance, and provide electronic business licenses and express delivery of licenses."Never meet" service, vigorously promote the handheld "e-registration" into banks, communities, campuses and entrepreneurial bases, and extend the government service window for enterprises to enterprises.

The third is to upgrade."One Netcom Office", improve the service platform for enterprise start-up, increase the functions of public security, human society, housing construction, taxation, banking and other matters, and enhance enterprise start-up"e-registration" function, the mobile phone "handheld" system is built, and the whole process of "zero meeting, zero intervention and zero waiting" is intelligently approved without manual intervention; Strengthen the cooperation between government and banks, take advantage of many banking outlets and good service, access a network platform, handle business licenses on behalf of others, and implement the activities of opening accounts and sending seals free of charge.

The fourth is to implement"One-time authentication", add identity authentication, face comparison and intelligent identification functions in the enterprise start-up system to solve the problem of repeated identity authentication of applicants in handling business licenses, tax registration, social security registration, deposit registration of provident fund enterprises, bank account opening appointment, etc., and realize one-time authentication, mutual recognition of results and compression of authentication links when handling business licenses.

The fifth is to realize"One photo passes"The electronic business license is used as a legal and effective identification and electronic signature means for online business registration, official seal engraving, tax-related services, social security registration, housing provident fund enterprise deposit registration, bank account opening and other businesses. Interconnect the electronic seal and the entity seal system, share the data of enterprise registration and seal making, recreate the process of enterprise seal engraving, and promote"Paperless" approval. The market supervision department will receive, display and apply 16 kinds of licenses such as food business license, industrial product production license, special equipment installation license and electronic business license, and all of them will be under the name of the market subject. Our region has become the sixth province in China to apply enterprise electronic seal in the field of government affairs and the third province in China to integrate electronic license and electronic business license.

In order to promote and optimize the business environment of enterprises, we have successively implemented the standardization of enterprise name, business scope, residence and business premises, simple cancellation, application of electronic business license,Reforms such as "separation of licenses" should be guided by the needs of enterprises, and the whole process of online operation, mobile phone operation and bank operation should be promoted. Online and offline services should be accepted without distinction and handled with the same standards, so as to minimize the threshold for starting enterprises, simplify the conditions for starting enterprises and optimize the level of government services.

Through the innovative implementation of inclusive and functional reform policies, the optimization of business environment for enterprises has been promoted from point to point, from single matter to system integration, from single department to collaborative linkage, thus ensuring the establishment of enterprises.The "one-day completion" measures have been effective, and the start-up period of enterprises in our district has been reduced to one, and the start-up time has been reduced to one day. The electronic seals of the start-up costs have been distributed free of charge, and some municipal governments have contributed to give away the physical seals for free, which has greatly stimulated the development vitality of market players, created a good business start-up environment, and formed a replicable and scalable practice. In the first 11 months of this year, the market entities in our region continued to maintain a steady growth momentum. There were 350,800 newly registered market entities in the region, including 83,400 enterprises and 263,700 individual industrial and commercial households. The total number of various market entities grew to 2,378,300, a year-on-year increase of 5.32%. The registered capital (gold) reached 6,275.013 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.23%. The largest increase was in private enterprises, which increased from 440,700 at the end of November 2020 to 482,400, with a net increase of 41,700, a year-on-year increase of 947%.





内蒙古自治区市场监督管理局登记注册局局长 Guanjunshan

Initiative 1: Start a business"One-day settlement".On September 29th, 2021, Mr. Yang from Wulanmulun Town, Ejinhoro Banner, Erdos City went to the government service hall to consult about the start-up of the enterprise. After listening to the window staff’s introduction of the required materials and handling procedures, he immediately decided to register on the spot. After a simple online report, I received the business license of Ordos Xuchang Yeyang Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. in 1.5 hours, and the seal engraving and tax registration were completed at the same time. By the end of November this year, the start-up time of newly-established enterprises in the whole region had been reduced from an average of three working days last year to "one-day completion", and 85.6% of them were completed in 0.5 days. The convenience of enterprise start-up has further inspired the confidence of entrepreneurs and created a relaxed and equal market access environment.

Initiative 2: Multiple issues"One Netcom Office".On September 28th, 2021, Alashan League Mineral Energy Geological Survey Co., Ltd. was registered and established in Alashan Market Supervision Administration. At the same time of obtaining the business license, the seal engraving and filing, tax registration and social security registration applied by the company were also completed. I thought it would take 4 departments and 3 days for an enterprise to start business, and it took only 1.5 hours to start a "One Netcom" platform through an enterprise in Inner Mongolia. At present, the "One Netcom" platform launched by enterprises in Inner Mongolia has completed 668,000 person-times and 435,000 joint operations, benefiting 327,000 enterprises, and it has become a powerful position to integrate enterprise start-up matters, open up a comprehensive business handling platform for multiple departments and realize "one thing at a time".

Initiative 3: Departmental data"quick sharing".On December 9, 2021, Mr. Wang from Saihan District, Hohhot applied for registration of Hohhot Chaoju Optical Glasses Co., Ltd. at 15: 22 through the company’s "One Netcom" platform, and at the same time checked the joint business of public security seal, tax registration and social security registration. After 12 minutes, the departments of public security, taxation, and social security quickly completed their respective businesses through one-time reporting and real-time sharing of data between departments, and the results were fed back to Mr. Wang through the enterprise’s "One Netcom" platform. Since the launch of the "One Netcom" platform for enterprises in our region, more than 1.72 million pieces of information have been exchanged and shared between the departments of market supervision, public security, taxation, human society, housing construction, banking and other enterprises. Through cross-departmental data transmission, 12 kinds of application materials for enterprise start-up have been reduced, 32 pieces of information have been collected repeatedly, and the data transmission time has been reduced to 15 minutes.

Initiative 4: Newly established enterprises"Free stamp".On April 14th, 2021, the applicant, Mr. Xu, selected an enterprise to offer the "six-in-one" package service through the comprehensive acceptance window in the government service hall of Xilin Gol League, and submitted and handled the business license, official seal engraving and filing, tax registration, social security registration, housing provident fund deposit registration, bank appointment account opening, and received the local government bill, and carved three corporate, financial and legal person seals for the enterprise free of charge. As of the end of November this year, the 12 cities in the region were all

Take local finance orThe way of "cooperation between government and banks" realized free seal engraving for newly established enterprises in the Union City or some counties, and sent out 45,000 entity seals in total, which reduced the start-up cost of enterprises and promoted "zero cost" for enterprises.

Initiative 5: Identification"Mutual recognition".On November 4th, 2021, Ms. Hu from Naiman Banner of Tongliao City registered with Inner Mongolia enterprises to start the "e-registration" APP. After identification and business confirmation, she successfully handled the business of Tongliao Xiangwei Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., and simultaneously chose to apply for the invoice business from the tax authorities online. On November 29, 2021, Ms. Hu came to the tax window to receive the invoice. The tax department immediately remotely obtained the results of the identity authentication of the legal representative, financial controller and manager when the enterprise was established and registered by the market supervision department, and directly received the required invoice for Ms. Hu. Up to now, through the establishment of a mutual recognition mechanism between the departments that started the enterprises, the enterprises in the autonomous region have provided 1.571 million person-times with identity authentication services, and the relevant departments of the enterprises have called the identity information for 461,000 times, and 172,000 people have realized the "authentication-free" service.

Initiative 6: Intelligent approval"Do it at your fingertips".On December 8, 2021, Ms. Chen from Pingzhuang Town, yuanbaoshan district City, Chifeng City learned in the enterprise opening area of yuanbaoshan district Municipal Affairs Service Center that Inner Mongolia enterprises could handle the intelligent approval without human intervention when they opened the "e-registration" mobile phone, so they used the mobile phone for 30 minutes to simply fill in the form and submitted the application for starting the enterprise to the system. Almost at the same time, they received the SMS notification from "e-registration" that the approval had passed and they could obtain the business license, and successfully obtained the whole process of "intelligent approval" without human intervention. On June 10th this year, enterprises in Inner Mongolia started "e-registration" to increase the intelligent examination and approval function of enterprises, and handled business for 935 limited liability companies and 3,998 individual industrial and commercial households, which promoted enterprises to start "from window to palm" and realized the leap of examination and approval time from day to minute.

Initiative 7: Electronic Certificate"integrated application".On November 19th, 2021, Hulunbeier Jiner Agricultural Products Co., Ltd., Xing ‘an League Kewei Food Co., Ltd., Bayannaoer Hongyuan Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. and Erenhot Guolian Inspection Technology Service Co., Ltd. added several electronic licenses such as food production, industrial product production, qualification identification of inspection and testing institutions, etc. These licenses originally belonged to different licensing items, and unified collection and application with the national electronic business license system as the issuing subject was realized for the first time. Our region has become the third province in China to realize the unified collection and application of electronic licenses and electronic business licenses. At present, it has issued a total of 2.391 million electronic business licenses to market players in the region, and generated and collected 339,000 licenses related to 17 types of enterprises, such as food circulation licenses and special equipment manufacturing licenses, which provided a strong guarantee for enterprises to reduce links, materials and time limits for follow-up government services.

Initiative 8: Electronic Seal"synchronous distribution".On June 16, 2021, Inner Mongolia Fengling Trading Co., Ltd. was successfully established in Jiuyuan District, Baotou City. Ms. Ma, the legal representative, received the free physical seal, and at the same time, the electronic receipt stamped with the enterprise electronic seal was printed out synchronously with the business license. This is the first enterprise in the whole region to receive and use the enterprise electronic seal, which also makes our region the sixth province in China to realize the simultaneous issuance and integrated application of the enterprise electronic seal and electronic business license, and is listed as the national enterprise electronic seal by the General Administration of Market Supervision. Up to now, the enterprise electronic seal management system in our district has collected 159,000 electronic stamps for legal filing through the public security department, and all of them have generated electronic seals for free distribution and application to enterprises, which has provided support for the application of enterprise electronic seals in the government affairs field of the whole district.

Initiative 9: Cooperation between government and banks"improve service".On November 16, 2021, Ms. Li of Wulanchabu successfully applied for the establishment of Wulanchabu Tongda Distribution Service Co., Ltd. with the help of the agent of Wulanchabu New District Branch of China Construction Bank. While obtaining the business license through the self-service photo-taking equipment equipped by the bank, she simultaneously handled the bank account opening business, received the free seal presented by the bank, and started the business in one stop. There are 15 "government-bank cooperation" banks set up by enterprises in our region, and 1,272 "government-bank cooperation" agency outlets have been set up, covering 87 counties and districts in 14 league cities, providing business start-up services for 11,212 enterprises, reducing various expenses for enterprises by more than 26 million yuan, and promoting the complementary advantages of government affairs and finance and service integration.

Initiative 10: Business license"open office in different places".On June 27th, 2021, Mr. Wang of Guoneng (Beijing) New Energy Co., Ltd. went to the opening window of enterprises in Hainan District, Wuhai City to consult how to handle branch matters. The window staff demonstrated in detail the operation process and submission materials of self-service application. After Mr. Wang returned to Beijing, he set up Wuhai Branch of Guoneng (Beijing) New Energy Co., Ltd. through the "One Netcom" platform set up by Inner Mongolia enterprises. According to statistics, since the launch of the "One Netcom" platform by enterprises in Inner Mongolia, a total of 96,000 people have handled 169,000 enterprise-related businesses outside the region through the Internet, effectively solving the difficulties and pain points such as running many places and going back and forth, high cost and long time-consuming, and further improving the convenience level of enterprise-run services.


Press conference on optimizing business environment for enterprises in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region


Inner Mongolia Daily reporterWe have noticed that since the beginning of this year, the State Administration of Market Supervision has put forward requirements for the start-up of enterprises, and the start-up time of enterprises has been continuously reduced to4 working days. Excuse me, how does the market supervision bureau of the autonomous region, as the lead department, guarantee this work goal and what measures have been taken?

GuanjunshanFirst of all, I would like to thank this reporter for his question, and I will give a brief answer to the above questions.

Since the beginning of the year, especially after the meeting of optimizing the business environment held by the Party Committee of the autonomous region, as the leading department of optimizing the start-up of enterprises in the autonomous region, we feel a great responsibility.According to the general requirements of "benchmarking domestic advanced", combined with the actual situation of enterprises in our region, we put forward the working goal of "completing the business in one day" on the basis of the national requirement of completing the business within 4 working days. In order to ensure the smooth realization of this goal, we have mainly done the following specific work: First, in view of the problem of different standards of registration at the grass-roots level, we issued the Notice on unifying enterprise registration standards and further optimizing the business environment for enterprises; Second, in order to solve the problem of imperfect software and hardware for enterprises to provide government services, we jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Improving the Level of Market Supervision Government Services and Optimizing the Business Environment" with the Government Service Bureau; Third, in order to solve the problem that the "One Netcom Office" platform does not support the mobile terminal to handle enterprise start-up, an intelligent approval business system without human intervention is built, and the enterprise registration and electronic business license can be completed through the mobile phone in an average of 40 minutes; Fourth, in order to solve the problems of inaccurate, unsmooth and multiple authentications of applicants for business start-up, the face comparison and real-name authentication system were upgraded and the function of living body detection was added, which realized one-time authentication and multi-department application when handling business licenses; Fifth, in order to solve the problem of high start-up cost of enterprises, the electronic seal of enterprises was built and applied online for free, becoming the sixth province in China to realize the application of electronic seal in the field of government affairs, and promoting seven municipal governments to pay for the free engraving of seals for new start-up enterprises; Sixth, in view of the inconvenient location for handling licenses, we jointly promoted "cooperation between government and banks" with the People’s Bank of China, and opened 1,272 bank-assisted agency outlets in the whole region.And gradually realize that enterprises use electronic business licenses to open bank accounts, and some banks also carry out the activity of "sending seals to banks for free".

These measures have effectively facilitated the start-up of enterprises, further stimulated the development vitality of market players, and won valuable time for enterprises to quickly enter the market and seize the opportunities.

Inner Mongolia Radio and TV reporterWhat has the public security department done to further optimize the business environment in our district?

Huang zhanming: First, build a seal security management information system. The system can be connected with the big data platform of the official seal of the Ministry of Public Security, the police comprehensive platform of the Public Security Department and the comprehensive management platform within the public security organs, so as to realize the nationwide query, comparison and identification of seal data. At the same time, we canceled the examination and approval of seal engraving, implemented filing management, and included seal engraving for filing."Multi-certification in one", the market supervision department collects the enterprise registration information and shares it with the public security organ, and the enterprise will not repeatedly submit relevant materials to the public security organ. The second is to implement the notification and commitment system for the administrative license of seal engraving industry, without setting quantitative restrictions. Before the implementation of the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform, the seal engraving unit set up seal engraving enterprises according to the number of local economies, which limited the effective competition of engraving enterprises. After the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform, enterprises that apply for seal engraving according to law can send it to the backstage of the "internet plus" public security government service system through the "Inner Mongolia Public Security" APP, and the county-level public security organs will approve the establishment if they meet the requirements. Third, the security management information system of the seal industry in the whole region will be officially connected to the "One Netcom" platform and the government service integration platform set up by enterprises in the autonomous region. When enterprises register for business licenses, the market supervision department will collect relevant information on seal engraving together, which will be pushed to the seal management system by the "One Netcom" platform. After the seal is made, the seal engraving unit will submit all real-time information such as stamp information and stamp-using unit information to the public security organ for filing through the seal system platform. At present, seal-using units can freely choose legal seal engraving enterprises to handle seal engraving business across leagues (cities) and flags (counties, districts) in the whole region, thus realizing "one network for seal engraving" in the whole region. There are 737 seal engraving enterprises in the whole region that have installed and used the seal information management system. Since the seal industry public security management information system was put into operation in November 2020, more than 420,000 seals have been engraved on the online platform.It has been well received by the majority of seal engraving enterprises and seal-using units. Fourth, the implementation of the time limit commitment system, seal engraving industry special industry license to complete the administrative examination and approval within 7 working days, in conjunction with the autonomous region market supervision, taxation and other relevant departments to reduce the start-up time of enterprises to 3 working days, seal engraving in 1 working day to complete. Fifth, cooperate with market supervision departments to promote the generation and application of electronic seals. The market supervision department of the autonomous region relies on enterprises to set up a Netcom platform to issue electronic business licenses and electronic seals. The generation of electronic seals is in accordance with the seal management measures of public security organs, and the public security organs provide the impression of entity seals to generate electronic seals synchronously, which will be issued synchronously with the electronic business licenses, so as to achieve the same effect as the entity seals and provide better services for enterprises. At present, our office has completed the construction of the data transmission channel between the "One Netcom" platform set up by the market supervision bureau and the seal information system of our office, provided the physical seal impression, and completed the data sharing of the seal impression and the "One Netcom" platform set up by the enterprise.

Hohhot Evening News reporterExcuse me, what achievements have been made by the human and social departments in reducing the start-up time of enterprises?

Wei LiThanks for this reporter’s question, so I’d like to introduce the measures taken by the human and social departments to reduce the start-up time of enterprises and the results achieved.

All along, the People’s Social Welfare Department of the Autonomous Region and the people’s social welfare departments at all levels in the region have attached great importance to optimizing the business environment and fully implemented it.The requirements of the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform, starting from the aspects of reducing work links, canceling work materials, simplifying work processes, etc., have made every effort to reduce the time limit for handling all kinds of services related to enterprises, people and society. In particular, businesses such as insurance registration and labor relations, which are closely related to the establishment of enterprises, have been handled online, and the insurance registration business has achieved zero errands and instant settlement.

First, in terms of social insurance registration. Incorporate social security registration into the enterprise registration link, cancel the issuance of social insurance registration certificates, and all the information required for social security registration is passed by the market supervision department."One Netcom" platform acquisition; The obtained enterprise registration information will be sent to the social security agency where the enterprise is registered in real time, and the enterprise social insurance registration will be completed in real time.

The second is in optimizing the service process. Service matters of our office in human societyOn the basis of "one network office", we will fully promote the comprehensive teller system "one window office" service model of "comprehensive acceptance at the front desk, classified approval at the back desk and unified delivery at the window".

The third is in information facilitation. Developed a comprehensive teller system for people and society in the whole region.The "one window" information platform integrates multiple subsystems such as comprehensive acceptance, task scheduling, business monitoring and electronic archives. It has realized the enterprise’s "one online communication, one offline window communication".

China Economic Weekly reporterSince the beginning of this year, what specific measures has the tax bureau taken to improve the service level of enterprises?

Wan Dong:Since the beginning of this year, the tax bureau has thoroughly implemented the CPC Central Committee and the State Council’s policy on deepening"streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform, decision-making and deployment to optimize the business environment, further implement the spirit of the conference on optimizing the business environment in the whole region, strictly implement the relevant requirements of local party committees, governments and the State Administration of Taxation, cooperate with the autonomous region market supervision administration and other enterprises to start multi-sectors, fully implement the measures to optimize enterprise start-up, and continuously improve the service level of enterprise start-up. The tax bureau mainly adopts the following measures to promote enterprises to start, improve quality and increase efficiency:

The first is to reduce time. this yearIn August, the market supervision bureau and the tax bureau of the autonomous region reduced the data transmission time of the two departments from 70 minutes to 4 to 10 minutes by optimizing the information transmission mechanism, cutting down the data transmission links and promoting direct data communication, so as to achieve quasi-real time, reduce the start-up time of enterprises, effectively improve the start-up experience of enterprises, realize the "non-inductive joint operation" of the start-up matters of municipal supervision and tax enterprises, and ensure that the market participants can complete the start-up matters of enterprises within one working day.

The second is to shrink the link. this yearIn September, the market supervision bureau and the tax bureau of the autonomous region further strengthened the sharing of real-name information. After the real-name identity information of the municipal supervision department was collected, the tax department no longer collected it repeatedly, and directly verified the application when handling tax real-name matters, reducing the start-up links of enterprises and reducing taxpayers’ repeated real-name information collection.

The third is the pressure process. By relying on a network platform—— In the tax area, taxpayers fill in the Comprehensive Application Form for Tax-related Matters of Newly-established Enterprises to realize "one-form integration", and provide six set-meal services for the majority of market players, including registration information confirmation, invoice type verification, VAT general taxpayer registration and invoice collection.

Yang Guangwang reporterOpening a bank account is an important part of the enterprise’s start-up. What measures does the financial department take to optimize the bank account service?

Yang guangxingSince the beginning of this year, the Hohhot Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China has conscientiously implemented the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.The "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform and the deployment of "six guarantees" take the optimization of bank account service as an important measure of "I do practical things for the masses", focus on the account service needs that the masses are concerned about, and continue to optimize the bank account service level under the overall principle of "two reductions and two enhancements" in account management, and strive to improve the satisfaction of enterprises and the public in account opening services.

The first is to strengthen political and banking cooperation. Cooperate closely with the market supervision bureau of the autonomous region, promote the business license of bank outlets, and realize the joint operation of enterprises applying for registration and opening bank accounts. byBy the end of October, the region had signed more than 1,200 bank agency outlets, covering 12 allied cities in the region, and handled more than 20,000 business licenses and opened more than 6,700 bank accounts for enterprises through agency outlets. On this basis, it has guided commercial banks to actively realize multi-sector data sharing, and promoted commercial banks to make an appointment to open accounts and set up a "One Network Office" platform for enterprises in the autonomous region. At present, five institutions, including China Bank and the Association of the Autonomous Region, have completed access, covering more than 3,400 bank outlets in the whole region. Increase the application and promotion of electronic business licenses, encourage banks to actively equip electronic business license identification devices, and handle account opening business for enterprises holding electronic business licenses. Up to now, nearly 50% of the bank outlets in the region have the conditions to accept electronic business licenses.

The second is to reduce fees and make profits. Guide and urge banks and payment institutions in the jurisdiction to strictly implement the policy requirements for reducing the payment fees of small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, and complete transitional preparations such as self-inspection of fees, price publicity, identification of small and micro enterprises, and system transformation on schedule. Strengthen policy transmission, guide and dispatch the implementation difficulties and work progress of fee reduction and profit reduction, and ensure that the fee reduction policy is implemented as scheduled. At present, the whole region is involved in related businesses.190 banks and 29 payment institutions have all officially implemented the policy of reducing payment fees on September 30. In the first month of the implementation of the fee reduction policy, the accumulated payment fees including account opening fees were reduced by about 15 million yuan, benefiting 710,000 small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households.

The third is to do a good job in research and supervision. The Party Committee of Hohhot Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China attaches great importance to the work of opening accounts for small and micro enterprises and individuals. The main responsible comrades and leaders in charge of the branch personally led a team to sink into the front line and went deep into many bank outlets in Hohhot and Qixian to conduct unannounced visits. People’s banks at all levels in the region have accumulatedMore than 4,900 bank outlets supervised the account service, and the coverage rate of outlets reached 93%. The survey shows that 99.63% of enterprises are satisfied with the account opening service, which shows that the overall convenience of opening an account in the autonomous region is good and can meet the needs of enterprises.

In the next step, Hohhot Central Sub-branch will continue to strengthen communication and cooperation with market supervision, human society and housing construction departments, guide banks in the jurisdiction to continue to improve account services, and actively contribute to optimizing the business environment for enterprises in the autonomous region.

Hohhot radio and TV reporter: How to realize the deposit registration of housing provident fund enterprises through the establishment of a network platform by enterprises?

Chen JianRelying on an online platform to implement the deposit registration of housing provident fund enterprises can be online.The application for "filling in a form" is also a concrete measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, deepen the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform, optimize the business environment, build a service-oriented government, and further optimize the services provided by enterprises. In the start-up process, enterprises can apply for online registration of housing provident fund enterprises through the "Mengchangkai" APP, the "One Netcom" platform opened by enterprises in autonomous regions, and the network halls of urban housing provident fund centers in various cities.

In order to ensure the realization of housing provident fund enterprise deposit registration"One Network Office", the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of the Autonomous Region organized and built a registration platform for housing provident fund deposit, which further shortened the start-up time of enterprises and improved the online processing efficiency of enterprises. There is a provident fund zone on the comprehensive service platform of market supervision in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, which goes directly to the deposit registration page of enterprises in the urban housing provident fund center of each alliance city, further facilitating enterprises to handle the registration of housing provident fund deposit. Enterprises can also realize the change of registration, account opening and deposit information of online housing provident fund units through the online channel of "Inter-provincial General Office" of the housing provident fund centers in various cities, without geographical restrictions.

At the same time, in order to further simplify the start-up process of enterprises, enterprises that have registered the deposit of housing provident fund enterprises online through a network platform do not need to repeatedly authenticate and collect information when handling related businesses in the provident fund center.

Original inventory of Aauto Quicker’s top ten most influential online celebrity, Simba ranked unexpectedly, and Shijiazhuang Gou Lei was on the list.

Original title: Counting the top ten most influential online celebrity in Aauto Quicker, Simba was unexpectedly ranked, and Shijiazhuang Gou Lei was on the list.

Since the establishment of Aauto Quicker, many people have achieved fame and benefits, and gained a lot. Because their fame comes from the Internet, they are called online celebrity.

They have the same aura as the stars. There are countless people who like and worship them. They are willing to brush gifts for them, buy their products and even do everything they can for them.

Because of this, their influence is enormous, and their ability to organize and mobilize is super strong. Although some online celebrity can’t be broadcast live, their fans are still so iron and have been maintaining.

Taking stock today, who do you like best among the top ten most influential online celebrity in Aauto Quicker?

Tenth place: Zimbabwean aspiring (818)

He is a big brother in Aauto Quicker today, with a fan base close to 100 million yuan and a strong selling ability. However, he is lacking in life and a little arrogant, which is why many people don’t like him. He is a businessman with only interests in his eyes and no friends. Therefore, he is also the only person on the Internet who has no friends.

In his eyes, money can solve any problem. He thinks that spending money to increase fans in your live broadcast room is a fair deal, but ignores the fatal point, that is friendship. Because there are many things that can’t be measured by money. Therefore, many people spit out that he is the "king" with the least pattern and friendship.

Ninth place: Gaudi (Di Jiajun, Frozen Jiajun)

He is the original singer of "One Drunk by Drinking", tall and handsome, handsome and natural, taking the idol route, with a lot of iron powder behind his ass. Although he is married, he is still the dream lover in the eyes of many girls.

Recently, because the video of his "real" Simba apprentice’s balls exploded the whole network two years ago, he boarded a hot search.

Eighth place: Bai Xiaobai (321st Brigade)

From the duet actor to online celebrity, and then to the famous domestic singer, Bai Xiaobai’s road to fame is smooth. People of all ages have his fans, and there are many widely sung songs. The most important thing is that he has no scandal.

Recently, it was reported that Bai Xiaobai had already got married and had children, which triggered a hot discussion among netizens. His wife is very beautiful and her name is Dong He. He was also a duet actor. I heard that I am currently pregnant and ready to give birth to a girl.

Seventh place: Sanda Brother (Sanda Family)

Brother Sanda, because he often stays up late to broadcast live, he has poor hearing in one ear, which is also called "one ear". Because Sanda brother is known as the official "disciplinary committee member" in Aauto Quicker, someone named him "note beating".

Although there are more than 50 million fans, only a few thousand people watch it online in the live broadcast room, and the annoying fans name people "three thousand dozen".

Even so, Sanda Brother is still one of the most influential figures in Aauto Quicker, and has a prominent position among the major families in Aauto Quicker and is highly respected.

Sixth place: Erziye (Blue Shorts Brigade)

The second son, once one of the "three brothers of the donkey family", was called the godfather of gossip, the leader of high-end gossip, with first-class eloquence, intelligence and countless iron powders. The family’s fighting capacity is super strong, and once fought against Xianyang, it did not fall in the wind.

Fifth place: Tianjin Lisi (NZBZ)

Tianjin Lisi, formerly known as Yan Huasheng, is a veritable third generation of rich people. Before playing the Internet, he was already rich. He was a soldier and had all kinds of skills.

I remember the second son said that he played the Internet from a customer. With his growing fame, he gradually established the nzbz family. The family is not only powerful, but also cohesive. The spending power of fans is also very powerful.

Fourth place: Er Donkey’s (Donkey Family Class)

Two Donkeys, the king of entertainment talk shows in Aauto Quicker, has more than 40 million fans because of his funny and humorous live broadcast style. He used to be the king of popularity and income in Aauto Quicker from 2018 to 2019. Because of his high income, Aauto Quicker changed the cash withdrawal rules for him alone. (In the past, the maximum daily withdrawal was 100,000 yuan, but now it is 200,000 yuan).

Although it is now changed to e-commerce, people who like him still like it after all. Iron powder has always been there.

Third place: Shijiazhuang Gou Lei (no problem) Lei Jiajun

There is nothing wrong with Shijiazhuang, the originator of Internet Blackness. It can be said that Aauto Quicker is a veteran-level Internet sensation. Both his online qualifications and his fluent language are admirable, especially his idiosyncrasies, which are very real.

Because of the affair with A Niu Jr., something was found out again. It’s been a few months since I entered the palace, but now both of them are inside, and I don’t know if they are studying in a "university".

Second place: Qi Tiandao (Xiaotian) ~ Parents Group

Laughing with you at five o’clock every day, the outdoor male god Qi Tiandao, in Aauto Quicker, the name of the parents’ group is well known, and everyone knows it. Unfortunately, he was previously "walked" to "famous university" for fraud, and after several years of further study, he finally came out to turn over a new leaf.

A few days ago, leading the disciples to climb Mount Tai again indicates that the pace of return is getting closer and closer. If not unexpected, it will be premiered this month.

First place: abbot MC ~ (the door will last forever)

He is the most authentic and kind anchor of the whole network. He is bursting with positive energy and has a big pattern of thieves. It is not too much to describe him with indomitable spirit, openness and aboveboard. He is known as Aauto Quicker’s traffic password, the top stream of entertainment talk shows. The king of popularity, the king of talk shows.

Who do you like best? Welcome to leave a message below!

Editor in charge:

A new wave of price cuts is coming! A number of car companies announced: price reduction! Some save 30 thousand yuan

  Just after the Spring Festival in 2024, domestic car companies ushered in a enter the dragon. This "year-opening drama" led by () accurately locked the "artery" of the commercial war between car companies-price. No matter whether it is active or passive "bloodletting", almost all car companies have participated in this price war, and there is no obvious sign of ending so far.

  Recently, the reporter visited a number of offline stores of car companies in Jinan and found that this price war has penetrated into the sales front line and had a significant impact. Appropriate price wars between car companies have also benefited consumers.

  Great strength, many patterns and wide range.

  The price war of new energy vehicles will be upgraded again.

  Just after the Spring Festival holiday in 2024, BYD brought the glory versions of two popular models, Qin PLUS and destroyer 05, at an unprecedented price, shouting the slogan "Electricity is lower than oil" and "detonated" the calm automobile market.

  Posters of some car companies with reduced prices

  At this time, the domestic automobile market has just experienced a fierce price war spanning the whole year of 2023 and is still in a short and calm "rest period". BYD Qin PLUS’s announcement of price reduction in the range of 70,000 yuan, such as thunder on the ground, directly rushed to the hot search. Li Yunfei, general manager of BYD’s brand and public relations department, even bluntly said on the social platform: "This’ dual-core bomb’ thrown into the fuel vehicle market will completely open a decisive battle with fuel vehicles."

  Within one day, Wuling, Beijing Hyundai, (), Nezha Automobile and other car companies quickly followed suit and issued price reduction announcements. After that, various car companies have entered the game one after another, and they have been "mixed" to this day.

  According to rough statistics, at present, nearly 30 automobile brands, such as Volkswagen, Zero Run, Chery New Energy, Great Wall Euler, Nezha, Geely, Wuling, etc., have participated in the price reduction tide with over 100 models, and have reduced prices and made profits in various ways.

  This round of price reduction has triggered a series of chain reactions and intensified the price competition among automobile brands. In addition to the most direct concessions and price cuts, some car companies have introduced differentiated preferential policies. For example, Lantu Automobile has introduced a total replacement subsidy of 1 billion yuan, covering all its models of Lantu FREE, New Lantu Dreamer and Lantu Chasing Light, and can enjoy a subsidy of up to 50,000 yuan when buying a car.

  Some new cars released during this period have also lowered their prices, so it is hard to say that they have not been affected by the price war at all.

  On February 27th, Extreme Krypton released the completely redesigned Extreme Krypton 001, which not only provided a higher configuration, but also controlled the price range from 269,000 to 329,000 yuan, and reduced the price by about 30,000 yuan, making it a hot model in the near future. "The price of the new Krypton 001 is so affordable that it is even 20,000 yuan or 30,000 yuan lower than the price I personally guessed at the beginning." A staff member of Jinan Shimao Plaza Polar Krypton Center told the reporter.

  Manager Li, who is in charge of sales of iCAR Jinan Jijia Store, said that when the first model of iCAR 03 was released on February 28th, the price was adjusted, from the pre-sale price of 129,800 to 185,800, and the price was reduced by nearly 20,000 to 109,800 to 169,800. "Now that the market is so big, we are pricing it in order to cope with the market environment." Manager Li said.

  Tesla, as the "first brother" of foreign new energy vehicles, brought news of rising prices. Fang Rui, manager of Jinan Tesla Center Store, told reporters that due to the fluctuation of overseas Tesla prices, domestic Tesla may usher in price increases after April 1. At present, the time-limited insurance subsidy of 8,000 yuan, the car paint subsidy of up to 10,000 yuan and the financial discount benefit as low as 1.99% that can be enjoyed by car buyers will also expire on March 31.

  In addition, only brands such as deep blue have heard sporadic news of price increases. On the whole, the whole price war seems to be continuing.

  Offline stores are hot.

  Consumers have a large choice.

  "Hello, are you a staff member here?" At the beginning of March, Mr. Liu, a customer, wandered around the brand-new Krypton 001 for a long time at the polar car booth of the 2024 Jinan Spring Auto Show. No polar staff received him, and he mistook another customer for a staff member. Because the number of consumers who came to ask was too large, the staff was too busy. Within about half an hour of the communication between the reporter and Mr. Liu, people kept coming to the Krypton booth, and most of them went straight to the brand-new Krypton 001 after the price reduction.

  Consumers at the scene of the 2024 Jinan Spring Festival Auto Show

  This situation is not a special case. Recently, the reporter visited the offline stores of BYD, Geely, Lectra, Chery New Energy, Dongfeng Honda and many other car companies, and many stores were busy. Although it is a working day, customers who come to the store for consultation and test drive are still in an endless stream. Most popular models have reservations and need to queue up. The queuing time ranges from half an hour to two hours.

  "Since the announcement of the price reduction, we have turned around at once, and by the weekend, there are more customers than we can receive." At BYD Dynasty Net Jinan Gancheng 4S store, account manager Chen Yu told reporters that at the weekend, their store arranged three test drive specialists. When customers came to test drive, they still had to wait in line for 20 minutes to half an hour.

  In BYD Ocean Network Ganyu 4S store, the destroyer 05 Glory Edition, which has attracted the most attention, has sold all the exhibition cars. Dong Wang, a salesperson, said that because the sales are too hot, he is placing an order for this model now, and it is expected that the car will be picked up in a month.

  Wang Dawei, general manager of Chery New Energy Jinan Hengxin Store, said that Chery New Energy has introduced sincere preferential policies. Taking urban scooters as an example, whether buying QQ ice cream or brand-new ants with higher configuration, they all have higher preferential strength and benefits such as quality assurance, zero down payment and household charging piles, and now customers pay high attention to these models.

  However, according to the hot offline situation of stores and the actual sales analysis of various car companies, it is not difficult to find that there are still a large number of consumers in the wait-and-see stage of "just watching and not buying". "Many customers who have recently arrived at the store are curious to inquire after hearing the news of price reduction. Their willingness and demand for car purchase are not very strong." Dong Wang said.

  Part of the reason is that some car companies only symbolically cut prices due to their own positioning and other factors, or the overall landing price after the price reduction is basically the same as before, so it is difficult to touch the price pain points of consumers in this round of price war.

  The salesperson of a 4S shop in Jinan Lingke calculated an account: "Take Lingke 05 Yao Halo as an example, the previous official guide price was 198,800 yuan, and after the official drop, it was 188,800 yuan. Although the official has dropped by 10,000 yuan, the store can give a discount of about 30,000 yuan before, and now it may only give 20,000 yuan, and the overall landing price has remained basically unchanged. "

  Another reason is that many consumers are worried that car prices will drop further after the shock. Although the current price reduction efforts have been great, many people still hold the mentality of "buying up and not buying down" and continue to wait and see.

  "No one knows how the configuration and price of the new car will change in the next step. It is better to wait for this round of price war to stabilize and then pick it slowly. If you start now, I am afraid that you will soon be’ backstab’." In the krypton center of Shimao Square in Jinan, a citizen who came to hang out told reporters.

  Appropriate market competition

  Can make consumers benefit.

  The year 2024 is not only a year to upgrade the price competition of car companies, but also a year to decide the life and death of many car companies, which has become the consensus of many people in the industry.

  Wang Chuanfu, chairman of BYD, said that the development of new energy vehicles will not give us a chance to stop, slow down and catch our breath.

  He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xpeng Motors, described this year’s competition between car companies as "a sea of blood" in his commencement letter in 2024.

  Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Association, said bluntly on his personal new media platform: "2024 is a crucial year for new energy vehicle companies to gain a foothold, and the competition is bound to be fierce."

  With the recent entry of brands such as Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an, Link, Cadillac, etc., this price war, which has been staged for a month, still shows no signs of stopping, and a sense of concern begins to spread: Will this price war turn into a vicious competition with ineffective involution?

  Yang Xueliang, senior vice president of Geely Holding Group, said that high value is the way out for China automobile to become bigger and stronger, and the road of price war will become narrower and narrower. "Everyone should hold a group to keep warm, not kill each other." Yang Xueliang left such words on the Weibo.

  There are also views that proper market competition can bring positive effects to both consumers and manufacturers. Just as a netizen nicknamed "Rice Boy" left a message under the topic of "This year is the worst year for the price war of new energy vehicles": "Competition is divided into two aspects. First of all, it must be that car companies reduce costs and increase efficiency, and consumers get benefits; The second is to force car companies to improve their technical standards and accelerate the upgrading of new energy vehicles. "

  However, for consumers, these topics seem to be too heavy and too far away. "I can’t worry about the grand narrative of industrial chain optimization and car enterprise competition. For me, I was very satisfied with the car that I had to "stand on tiptoe" and "bite my teeth" to buy. " A consumer who participated in the auto show told reporters.

  Consumers are talking with the car consultant of Dongfeng Honda about buying a car.

  "Our common people’s demand is very simple, that is, to buy a better car with less money. If it weren’t for the price war, you wouldn’t be able to mention the new Civic in your early 100 thousand s. For us, the price war is also a good thing to some extent. " In the 4S shop of Dongfeng Honda Xindayou Industrial North Road, a consumer and his family just signed a car purchase contract for the 11th generation Civic and told reporters happily.

Empresses in the Palace has a hot search every day! Netizens have carried out various interpretations, and even fans have published books directly.

Some people have found that it has been going on for a long time.The biography of Zhen Huan has achieved a hot search every day.. Moreover, every time the topic of hot search is not repeated. Netizens have long jumped out of the most basic entry-level job of looking for goofs and details, which has derived a variety of tricky perspectives and made a new interpretation of this drama.

For example, "What are the bad habits in Empresses in the Palace?" Everyone put the picture of Yongzheng reading in bed below to show that he can’t read in bed, or "What life lessons did Empresses in the Palace tell us". Another blogger directly drew a cartoon version for Empresses in the Palace, putting Zhen Xuan, Shen Meizhuang and An Lingrong into the modern urban workplace. The top fans realized their love directly and published Reading Comprehension of Zhen Huan Biography.

For this series of recent events, someone asked: "Why are there so many hot searches about Zhen Huan?"But it’s strange, although everyone doubts that it is hot, it doesn’t feel disgusted at all.I even found the contents extremely interesting.This may be due to the following reasons.

The first one is of course because of Sun Li..

Empresses in the Palace’s plays are all named after the characters played by Sun Li, so people are the absolute protagonists of this play. In the play, Zhen Xuan’s setting is also a combination of all the good qualities, as if she were hanging up. She has a good face, can play the flute, can recite poems, always speaks to the emperor’s heart, and becomes the ultimate super winner.

Everyone says that this drama can make everyone pull the tab back and forth repeatedly, because the heroine Sun Li willZhen Xuan returned it to Zhen Xuan.Without excessive consumption and use of this role, I will shoot other film and television dramas in a down-to-earth manner, challenge different themes, and do my job as an actor.Let this character always wear the filter in the play.

The second important reason is that several concubines in this drama have taken off their careers.

The person who has enjoyed the most bonus since the first hit of this drama,In addition to the absolute heroine Sun Li, the next step is the queen Ada Choi and Hua Fei Rulu, who are more important in the scenes, and aunt Shen Meizhuang, An Lingrong and Park Sunseeker, who are slightly touched.. Who would have thought that with the passage of time, there was no special part in this play?Rachel Momo, Seven, Lyric, Tang Yixin, Rayza and Yinger are all to be reckoned with now.Who pulled it out is not the heroine of which drama now.

"Mountains and Rivers and Moonlight", which is being broadcasted by Beijing Satellite TV, is not Yinger as the heroine; Rachel Momo, Tang Yixin and Rayza were all captured by the midday sun, whether it was Rachel Momo, who had a rough love life and a rough birth; Or Tang Yixin with a happy marriage and a happy family; Rayza, who is full of personality and gave birth to a child directly, who is not full of face value and strength.

Seven is also fierce enough. Not only did the TV series "In the Name of Family" starring in one year become the annual crown of Hunan Satellite TV, but now it is more likely to become the next Golden Eagle Goddess. Xia Dongchun, who was rewarded with a post of red, never lived to be an adult. They were losers in the palace fight in the play, and they were successful outside the play. This is really a road that no one has ever imagined. Their popularity not only shows that the actors themselves are excellent, but also shows that the directors have a bright eye and can see that these people have unlimited potential.

Finally, there is an extremely important reason, that is, the similar competing products newly shot in recent years are completely unacceptable.

Since Empresses in the Palace, it’s like lighting a fuse, and it’s out of control. All film and television production companies think that the heroine’s drama is a hot topic, and they all want to get a piece of it. However, no drama can reproduce a fragment of Empresses in the Palace.Even take out another play "Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace" by the author of the original novel., also used Zhou Xun descent, clothing by going up one flight of stairs, beauty and strength of the actors are also a dime a dozen, is a masterpiece worth seeing,But there is still a certain gap with Empresses in the Palace.

Empresses in the Palace’s success in that year, with the right time, the right place and the right people, is true of every classic film and television drama. It’s only eleven years later, and it’s like a hit drama, with so many interpretations, and Empresses in the Palace is the only one. Perhaps, the effect of Empresses in the Palace is the best embodiment of combining the entertainment and culture that the public likes.

Knight and day: cameron diaz Bikini vs Tom Cruise.

Latest stills

Cameron diaz is wearing a bikini and fighting Tom cruise.

        Knight and day’s exclusive Chinese TV promo.

        It is reported that the Hollywood summer romantic action blockbuster will be released in China on July 6.

        The film stars Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz, which is their first collaboration since then. The film was released in North America last week, with a box office of $3.8 million on its opening day and $20.139 million on its first weekend. Thanks to Tom • Cruise has a very good box office appeal abroad, so the overseas box office prospect of this film is optimistic. In South Korea, the film was very popular. Although it was during the World Cup, there were still 465,145 spectators coming to join in, and the cumulative box office was 586,131, which made it the top box office.

        Is the famous director James • Mangold’s latest masterpiece tells the story of an ordinary woman, June (Cameron • Diaz), met Roy (Tom • Cruise), and it was love at first sight. Unexpectedly, during the flight, Roy actually killed all the other passengers on the plane and caused the plane to crash. Only then did June know that Roy was an agent and he had to escape with June. The mandarin ducks fled all the way from the United States to the tropical island of Jamaica, then to Austria, and then to Spain, passing through waves of crazy chasing cars and the terrible bullfighting group … …

        With the popularity of the film, the hero and heroine Tom • Cruise and Cameron • The story between Diaz in and out of the play has also become a hot topic for everyone. The two met again this time because of their happy cooperation many years ago, and both contributed their most "unprecedented" stunts to this film, and jointly created this action adventure entertainment comedy with full topics and constant surprises in 2010! !

        By Tom • Cruise’s inspiration, in knight and day, many amazing special effects shots, the heroine Cameron • Diaz also went into battle by herself, and she is not a fake. Because of her performance in the series of Charlie’s Angels in recent years, Cameron has also developed a good skill. She admits that she loves fighting scenes in action movies because "it’s really interesting to fight!" "She said. In the process of shooting, even though she was bruised, bruised, her knee bled, cut and twisted, she had no regrets. She also wore a dress to attend the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony with injuries all over her body, which showed that she had a good time. Another special thing was that in the film, Cameron also gave everything to speed up, whether it was a car or a motorcycle, it was very handy to drive in person. Director James • Manger also called out that if they were not the main characters in the movie, they should be the best professional stuntmen! !

        Tom Tom also praised Cameron’s performance. Because Tom Tom himself personally performed these stunts, he and Cameron appreciate each other had a special tacit understanding in the performance of Yuanyang in the movie. They fled all the way across Europe and the United States, and the beautiful scenery and beautiful women set off, which made Tom Tom Tom’s witty and dangerous agent Roy particularly charming, while Cameron’s silly elder sister didn’t understand Roy’s complex background and just followed him. Unexpectedly, According to industry insiders, this is an action movie full of many unique elements, which is absolutely unforgettable. It is a blockbuster movie in Hollywood this summer!

Movie network point of view:In the movie, golden couple reappears on the big screen, a mission impossible and a Charlie Hebdo. The two are evenly matched, and there is bound to be a spark of renewal.

Aviation opening activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Air Force: The participating equipment is the highest ever.

CCTV News:A press conference to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Air Force was held in Beijing yesterday. Shen Jinke, spokesman of the Air Force, said that the Air Force will hold an aviation opening event in Changchun, Jilin from October 17 to 21. 歼 -20 and Yun -20 will spread their wings for the first time in the air force’s aviation opening activities, demonstrating the power of air and space and spreading the culture of air and space.

This aviation opening activity includes three sections: aerial display, ground display and supporting activities. There is a theme day and four public days.

Colonel Zhang Shouhai of the Air Force Staff:In terms of air display, we mainly arrange flight, skydiving performance, performance display of combat aircraft, teaching display of trainer, demonstration of special operations unit of airborne troops, etc. There are 35 aircraft of 10 types participating in the performance display, including advanced aircraft such as J -20, J -16 and Yun -20, and will perform single-machine or double-machine performances, such as "August 1st", "Red Eagle", "Wings of Heaven" and "Blue Eagle".

In the ground display, the Air Force will dispatch 71 types of weapons and equipment of 46 types, which constitute the static display plate of four series of equipment, namely, training equipment, air combat, air delivery and air support, including digital aircraft, red -22 and red -9B ground-guided weapon systems and other national day reading equipment. In addition, activities such as air force recruitment publicity, military camp opening and international student week will be arranged to highlight public participation and interaction and let the public know more about the air force.

According to reports, the air force aviation opening activities have been successfully held in Changchun, Jilin for 7 sessions since 2011. This year’s aviation opening activities not only have the highest number of exhibiting equipment, but also the activity time has been increased from the previous three days to five days. At the press conference, Air Force spokesman Shen Jinke also introduced the achievements of actual combat military training of the Air Force in recent years.

Air Force spokesman Shen Jinke:In the new era of training and preparing for war, the Air Force has taken new steps in strengthening the electronic warfare capability. As a new brand of air force actual combat training, "Qingdian" exercise is pulling the air force’s electronic warfare ability to improve in an all-round way. The Air Force has persistently carried out actual combat military training, and formed five brands, namely, Red Sword, Blue Shield, Golden Helmet, Golden Dart and Electric Power, to comprehensively enhance the comprehensive combat capability of the Air Force.