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The big directors have returned to the film circle, and the dispute between cinema and streaming media is hard to stop.

Image source @ vision china

Wen | Eye Entertainment, Author | Mu Ying

What kind of movies can Zhao Liying and Yang Mi, two popular "85 Flowers", make a hot search for a role?

# Yang Mi, the girl in the sauce garden ## Yang Mi Zhao Liying Jiangyuan Lane ## Yang Mi docking rumor sauce garden lane #…… Recently, the topic about the attribution of the role of Su Qing, the second female in the movie "Sauce Garden Lane", has been frequently searched, which makes onlookers wonder, what is the fragrant "cake" that can make the popular female star grab it like this?

"Sauce Garden Lane" is indeed one of the most concerned projects in the recent film market.Well-known director Chen Kexin grinds a sword for seven years, and Zhang Ziyi, the winner, takes the lead. This is simply going to win the prize. No wonder the stars want to squeeze in and brush their faces.

To tell the truth, the Chinese film market seems to have been so busy for a long time. Even Chen Kexin lamented that it was his busiest time in the past decade, and he was not the only one who was busy in the film industry recently.

Xiaogang Feng crowded into the 2023 Lunar New Year file with Feng’s New Year film "If You Are the One 3", and held a press conference with Ge You, Shu Qi, Fan Wei and other actors.

Xu Ke, the "old monster", returned to Jin Yong’s martial arts after 30 years, and took the top entertainment in Sean Xiao to shoot "The Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Great Man", and stayed in Inner Mongolia for several months;

Yuan Heping also chose to return to the martial arts, and the new film "The Dart Man: The Wind and the Desert" has been successfully established, and actresses are being recruited all over the world.


I still remember that before 2023, the rapid development of streaming media, coupled with the epidemic situation, led to a fierce impact on cinema films, and the box office was not optimistic. A large number of well-known directors such as Wong Kar-wai, Xu Anhua and Jia Zhangke played cross-border games, either to shoot advertisements or to shoot online dramas, and the film market was once silent.

When streaming media and cinema started a "protracted war", the industry began to worry about the future of the film industry, butJudging from the current state of the film market, streaming media is probably a cinema that can’t be killed..

With the rise of streaming media, it is an inevitable trend that cinema films will be impacted, and the real war between them began in Lost in Russia.

In the Spring Festival of 2020, under the circumstance that almost all cinema films were forced to be withdrawn, Xú Zhēng’s comedy film Lost in Russia directly crossed the cinema and was broadcast on streaming media.The change of media form led to the earthquake in the film industry..

Lost in Russia was the first to go online with streaming media, which undoubtedly caused great damage to the interests of cinemas. At that time, tens of thousands of employees claimed that the national cinemas suffered as a result, and even declared that they would boycott the films of Xú Zhēng and the producer Huanxi Media in the future. It can be seen that the relevant personnel in the film industry hated streaming media.

From the film side’s point of view, Joy Media sold Lost in Russia for 630 million yuan, which was undoubtedly a steady profit. At that time, the industry situation was not good. Even if it was successfully released in the cinema, it might not be able to get a higher box office, not to mention the film release under the influence of the epidemic was far away.

For the streaming media, Byte spent 630 million yuan to buy Lost in Russia, but the watermelon video really needs a movie to refresh itself. What’s more, watching Lost in Russia for free has made Byte well received by the general audience, and gained word of mouth and reputation. This business is not a loss.

The only loss among the three parties is the cinema, which invested a lot of publicity and film arranging expenses in the early stage, but in the end it was nothing.

more importantly,Lost in Russia has opened a new outlet for movies. Once movies enter the era of streaming media, cinemas are bound to suffer heavy blows.At a time when this trend was looming in the film industry.

In fact, the dispute between streaming media and cinema is not limited to China.This problem also exists in Europe and America, where the film industry is more developed..

In July, 2021, Scarlett Johansson, a widowed sister, went to court with Disney, because Disney had promised that her new Marvel Comics film "Black Widow" would be exclusively shown in the cinema, but the other party turned around and synchronized the film on the D+ streaming media platform, which would inevitably affect the cinema box office, and a large part of the remuneration of "widowed sister" came from the share of the cinema box office.

The rise of streaming media is an irreversible trend. If Disney wants to develop an online streaming media platform, it will definitely harm the interests of cinemas and even actors, which has caused a series of debates.

The dispute between streaming media and cinemas is a problem in the whole industry. With the rapid development of the Internet, audiences are gradually gathering online, and streaming media tends to overwhelm cinemas. Just like Warner Bros. put all the films produced in 2021 on the streaming media platform, the share prices of many cinemas in the United States plummeted.

The same is true in China. In 2019, the total box office of China movies was as high as 64.2 billion yuan, but in 2020, only 20 billion yuan was left, and in 2022, the number of rooms was as high as 30 billion.

The decline of cinemas has led to a sharp drop in box office and revenue, which has hindered the development of the film industry to some extent.Directors have made more profitable TV dramas. Xiaogang Feng made the online drama "North Road South", Chen Kaige produced the Legend of the Wonder Man in the Early Republic of China, and Wong Kar-wai made the Flowers. ……

It is difficult for streaming media and cinemas to have a truce. Well-known directors have joined the drama market one after another, and the film industry has actually suffered the most.

Although the industry once shouted the slogan that China movies entered the streaming media era, in fact,The film industry is still dominated by cinemas, and it is difficult for small screens to replace big screens..

The rapid development of streaming media benefited from the changes in the general environment to a certain extent, but with the decline of the epidemic in 2023, the recovery of offline cinemas led to the recovery of the box office.Cinema has become the main battlefield of the film industry again, and the market share of streaming media in the film industry is gradually decreasing..

On the one hand, it is difficult to replace the social attributes and experience attributes of offline traditional cinemas. More and more ordinary audiences enter cinemas and enjoy the immersive viewing experience, and cinemas are also one of the main places for socializing, which meets the social needs of ordinary people. This is what Guangming Daily once said.The cultural field created by cinema viewing is irreplaceable by Internet viewing.”。

At the same time, the film industry can’t leave the offline distribution channel. Due to the long production cycle and large investment, it is difficult to make a profit by only streaming media distribution. The cinema is always the core of the film economy, which will also drive the consumption of urban entities to a certain extent. It is a kind of urban cultural need, and the big screen is still the first choice for the film market.

On the other hand, streaming media is still in the development stage, and its main task is "innovation".However, the effect of staying in movies is not as good as that of dramas and variety shows, and the investment of relative streaming media in movies will be reduced..

Generally speaking, the purchase cost of movies is high, and the viewing time is mostly 2-3 hours, so it is difficult to keep users for a long time. However, the update cycle of dramas and variety shows is relatively long and the volume is relatively large, which can keep users to the greatest extent. Therefore, the investment of streaming media platforms in the field of long video is much greater than that of movies.

At the same time, users of domestic streaming media platforms have relatively low willingness to pay, and viewers are unwilling to spend money on content, which also leads to rampant online video piracy.Once the movie turns to streaming media, it is difficult to make a profit.Therefore, in the movie market, it is difficult for streaming media to replace the status of cinemas.

However, although it can’t completely replace the cinema, streaming media has its own advantages and its influence in the film market can’t be ignored.

With the vigorous development of the Internet, the influence of streaming media is gradually expanding, which provides a better platform for the promotion, marketing and dissemination of movies, and movies can reach a wider audience through streaming media.

Not only that, streaming media viewing is not limited by the environment, which actually makes up for the shortage of cinemas and provides a more convenient way for some viewers in need.To some extent, streaming media and cinema are actually complementary..

For China movies, streaming media did once occupy the living space of cinemas. However, with the recovery of the industry and the revival of cinemas, streaming media can’t replace cinemas, and the same cinemas can’t eliminate streaming media. They will continue to coexist in the movie market, providing more diversified content platforms for audiences and markets.


Night reading | He said that life is a tearful smile.

  CCTV News:His life was full of ups and downs, and he began his literary creation when he was nearly puzzled, but he became one of the "three great short story masters in the world". He has left nearly 300 novels in his creative career for more than ten years, including Sacrifice of Love, Gift of Maggie, and The Last Leaf … … Articles are literary classics; He wrote "a tearful smile" with his own experience, enlightening the world that "as long as you believe, there will always be miracles".

  He is O. Henry.

  1862-O Henry, a famous American short story writer, was born. Tonight, review his classic works and feel the love and hope in life.

Maggie’s gift

(with deletion)

  Life is made up of sobs, sobs and smiles, and sobs occupy most of them.

  One yuan and eighty-seven cents. It’s all here, including 60 cents in coppers. This is saved by bargaining from grocery store owners, vegetable vendors and butcher’s shops, and I feel ashamed every time. I deeply feel that this kind of deal is really embarrassing. Della counted it three times, and it was still 1.87 yuan, and the next day was Christmas. 

  Obviously, there is no other way but to throw yourself on that shabby nap chair and cry. 

  Della did this, but her spiritual feelings came to life. Life is made up of sobs, sobs and smiles, and sobs occupy most of them.

  After Della finished crying, she smeared powder on her cheeks. She stood at the window and stared at a gray cat walking on a gray fence in the gray backyard. Only one yuan and eighty-seven cents to buy Jim a present, her Jim! How many days did she spend planning to give him a lovely gift, an exquisite, rare and expensive gift — — At least something worthy of Jim.

  The couple each have something they are particularly proud of. One is Jim’s gold watch; The other is Della’s hair. 

  There is a wall mirror between the two windows in the room. Suddenly, she whirled around from the window and stood in front of the wall mirror. Her eyes were crystal clear, but her face lost its luster within twenty seconds. She tore her hair apart quickly and let it splash completely. 

  The couple each have something they are particularly proud of. One is Jim’s gold watch, which was handed down from his grandfather to his father and from his father to his family heirloom. The other is Della’s hair. 

  At this moment, Della’s hair splashed around her, and the microwave fluctuated and shone like a brown waterfall. Her hair is knee-length, like a robe for her. Then, she quickly combed her hair nervously, hesitated for a minute, and stood there motionless, splashing a tear or two on the worn red carpet. 

  She bought it for twenty-one dollars. With the gold watch and this chain, Jim can look at the time without shame on any occasion.

  She put on the old brown coat and hat, and there were glittering and translucent tears in her eyes. As soon as her skirt swung, she floated out of the door and went downstairs to the street. 

  She stopped at a sign that said, "Mrs. Sofroni — — Specializing in all kinds of hair. " Della ran up the stairs, panting and composed. That lady is fat, too pale and as cold as ice, which simply doesn’t match the nickname of "Sofroni". 

  "Do you want to buy my hair?" Della asked. 

  "I buy hair," said the lady. "Take off your hat and let me see the hair sample." 

  The brown waterfall splashed down. 

  "Twenty dollars," said the lady, grasping her hair expertly. 

  "Give me the money quickly," said Della. 

  Oh, the next two hours seemed to fly by happily with wings. She searched everywhere for a present for Jim. 

  She finally found it. It must be specially made for Jim. It’s a simple platinum watch chain, engraved with patterns, which is just right for Jim’s gold watch. She bought it for twenty-one dollars and hurried home, leaving only eighty-seven cents. The gold watch matches this chain, so Jim can look at the time without shame on any occasion. 

  After Della came home, her ecstasy became a little cautious and rational. She found out the curling iron, lit the gas, and began to repair the damage caused by the generosity of love. Within forty minutes, her head was covered with small curls that clung to her scalp, and she looked like a little boy playing truant.

  "If Jim looks at me and doesn’t kill me," she said to herself, "he will say that I look like a singing girl in Coney Island, but what can I do — — Alas, there is only one yuan and eighty-seven cents. What can I do? " 

  She held her hair comb to her chest, and after a long time, she raised her tearful eyes and smiled and said, "My hair grows very fast, Jim!" " 

  At seven o’clock, she made coffee, put the frying pan on the hot stove, and could make steak at any time. 

  Jim always comes home on time. The door opened, Jim stepped in and closed the door behind him. His eyes were fixed on Della, and her expression made her unable to understand and made her hair stand on end. It was neither anger nor surprise, nor dissatisfaction, nor disgust, and it was not any expression she had expected at all. He stared at della with this expression. 

  Della twisted her waist, jumped off the table and walked over to him. 

  "Jim, honey," she cried, "don’t stare at me like that. I cut off my hair and sold it, because I can’t spend Christmas without giving you a present. Hair will grow back — — You won’t mind, will you? I have to do this. My hair is growing very fast. Say ‘ Merry Christmas ’ Ok! Jim, let’s be happy. You’ll never guess what a nice, beautiful and exquisite gift I bought you! " 

  "Have you cut off your hair?" Jim asked laboriously, as if he had racked his brains and failed to understand the obvious fact. 

  "Cut it off and sell it," said Della. "Anyway, don’t you also like me? Without long hair, I am still me, right? " 

  Jim looked around the room strangely. 

  "Did you say your hair was gone?" He asked almost like an idiot. 

  "Stop looking," said Della. "To tell you, I have sold it — — It’s sold. It’s gone. Treat me well, it’s for you. Maybe I can count my hair, "she suddenly said softly," but no one can count my love for you. Shall I cook steak, Jim? " 

  Jim seemed to wake up from a trance and held Della tightly in his arms. Jim took a small bag from his coat pocket and threw it on the table. 

  "Don’t get me wrong, Del," he said. "When you open that bag, you will know why I looked like that just now." 

  White fingers deftly untied the rope and opened the paper bag. Followed by ecstatic screams, suddenly turned into women’s neurotic tears and crying, in urgent need of the male host to do everything possible to comfort. 

  Because it’s a comb on the table — — Full set of combs. It was something that Della had seen and envied to death in a Broadway window a long time ago. These wonderful hair combs are made of pure tortoiseshell, and the edges are inlaid with jewels — — Its color just matches her lost hairdressing. She knows that this set of combs is really too expensive. For this, she was only envious and eager before, and never thought about getting them. Now, all this actually belongs to her, but unfortunately the beautiful long hair that is qualified to wear this coveted ornament has disappeared without a trace. 

  However, she still held her hair comb to her chest, and it took a long time before she raised her tearful eyes and smiled and said, "My hair grows very fast, Jim!" " 

  I sold my gold watch and bought a hair comb for you.

  Then Della jumped up like a scalded kitten and cried, "Oh! Oh! " Jim hasn’t seen his beautiful gift yet.

  Della spread out her palm and reached out to him. "Isn’t it beautiful, Jim? I searched all over the city before I found it. Now, you can watch the time a hundred times a day. Give me the watch, I want to see how it matches it. " 

  Instead of following her instructions, Jim collapsed on the couch with his hands under his head and smiled slightly. 

  "Del," he said, "let’s put Christmas presents aside. They are too good to be used at present. I sold my gold watch and bought a hair comb for you. Now, you make the steak. " 


△ Figure from British illustrator David Renshaw

▽ Sketch | O Henry

  O Henry, born on September 11th, 1862, was originally named william sydney porter. He created the precedent of modern American short stories, and was called "the three great short story masters in the world" together with French Mo Bosang and Russian Chekhov.

  After a lifetime of ups and downs, I began to create in prison when I was near confusion.

  In 1898, O Henry, who worked as a cashier in a bank, was jailed for "embezzlement" because of problems in the bank accounts he handled. In order to make a living, he began to write short stories in prison, nearly 30 years old. Because of the prisoner’s identity, he dared not use his real name, so he took the abbreviation "O Henry" of a French pharmacopoeia editor as his pen name.

  In 1901, after serving more than three years in prison, O Henry was released early, and then he devoted himself to writing. But just when his creativity was at its peak, his health began to deteriorate and he died in 1910. 

  "Smile with tears" and "O ‘Henry-style ending" are well-known in the literary world.

  "Smile with tears" — — The organic combination of comedy form and tragedy connotation is the creative style of O ‘Henry’s novels. In his works, the kind and kind poor people have no food to eat and no shelter. He profoundly revealed the soul and fate of the little people in American society at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century, which constituted the unique humanistic care in his novels.

  O Henry is also famous for being good at endings. At the end of his works, the fate of the hero is often suddenly reversed, or the psychological situation of the characters is unexpectedly changed. This is an unexpected and reasonable ending, which is specially called "O Henry’s ending" by American literary circles.

  More than ten years of writing time has left nearly 300 short stories.

  Although he has only spent more than ten years in his life writing novels, O Henry is a prolific writer. He left behind a novel "Cabbage and the Emperor" and nearly 300 short stories, including the famous novels "Sacrifice of Love", "Police and Hymns", "The Gift of Maggie", "A Room with Furniture for Rent", "The Last Leaf" and "Twenty Years Later".

  In 1918, the United States set up the "O Henry Memorial Award" to reward the best short stories every year.

Draw a leaf for life,

As long as you believe, there will always be miracles.

Although the hope is slim, it will last forever.

— — O Henry’s The Last Leaf

Top ten funny jokes about "series 1 of abdominal muscle pain"

1. A frustrated man, his parents are ill, and his family is too poor to marry a daughter-in-law. When I was desperate, I met the magic lamp. The magic lamp said, Write down your three wishes, and I will satisfy you. The frustrated man wrote: I wish my parents are healthy, my family is rich and my wife is beautiful. When the frustrated man came home, he saw that the house had become magnificent and opened the door, and his parents were in high spirits. The frustrated man rushed into his room and saw an air conditioner lying on the bed.

2. I went to my friend’s house to play. My friend went to the bathroom. His three-year-old child came up to me and asked, "Uncle, have you seen the new version of 100 yuan?"

I smiled and said, "Of course I have. Is there another one on my uncle?"

Child: "Can you show me!" "

I handed the money to the child, just as my friend came out of the bathroom. The child smiled and said, "Dad, my uncle gave me 100 yuan."

Friend: "Thank you uncle."

Child: "Thank you, uncle."


On the bus, I found a beautiful woman, so I looked at her intently and almost had a nosebleed. At this time, the beauty made a request that caught me off guard. She asked me: What do you want? I was shocked, and it took me a long time to spit out the word: think! But it’s inconvenient here on the bus …

4. Anti-virus software.

My husband just arrived at home when he suddenly heard a man snoring. The man hesitated outside the door for 5 minutes, left silently and sent a text message to his wife: "Divorce! ! !” Then throw away the mobile phone card and go far away … Three years later, they met by chance in another city, and his wife cried: "Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" The man outlined the situation at that time. The wife turned away and said simply, "That’s Rising antivirus software …!"

5. Women are really hard to serve.

I don’t know much about romance. I wanted to surprise my wife on her birthday yesterday, so I spent some private money and bought her a necklace.

At the moment I took out my necklace, she hugged me tightly, and the scene was quite romantic.

About ten seconds later, she made a devastating remark: Where did you get the money for the necklace …

6. A gentleman went ashore after taking a bath in the river when two ladies came. He hurriedly picked up a bucket and buckled it under it to hide his shame. When the two ladies approached, a lady said to him, "Sir, I have to tell you that we will accuse you of sexual harassment if you behave like this!" " The man asked inexplicably, "Why?" The lady replied, "The bucket in front of you has no bottom at all!" "

7. "Grandpa, sit down!" "No, girl, you young people work too hard every day. It’s good for your health if I stand a little longer." "Grandpa, you are so kind." "Girl, do me a favor. Just now, people in the car squeezed me out by 1 yuan. My waist is not good. Please help me pick it up." "Here you go, grandpa, you just lost a dollar. You are so anxious that you have a nosebleed. You can’t get too excited on a hot day. Wipe it quickly."

8. Sun Shangxiang tugged at Liu Bei’s ear and asked, "Did you say that brothers are like brothers and wives are like clothes? What do you take me for? "

Liu Bei: "Madam, don’t be angry. Because I was poor at that time, I didn’t expect to have new clothes in the future. "

9. I am a female. I have gained 30 pounds in love for a year. I can’t wear all the clothes I bought before. Recently, I am struggling to lose weight. Yesterday, I was in a hurry to go out and find clothes to wear. I saw an old pair of jeans in the closet. After I put them on, I found that my pants were still surplus. I was so excited at that time that my husband came into the room and asked if he had seen the pants he wore yesterday. . .

10. A puppy saw a wolf, rushed up to hug and desperately shouted for his father. The wolf was confused: "Son, I think you are mistaken. I am not your father. "Dog:" You are! They all call me German shepherd! "Wolf:" Did … I ever really … love dogs? "

Sports life, start with me.

With the rapid development of the national economy, people’s living standards are constantly improving, and the pursuit of health and quality of life is also increasing. In recent years, sports fitness has become a daily topic for more and more people, and sports life has gradually integrated into people’s daily life. However, the current situation of sports in China is not optimistic, and there are still many problems. Here, I will combine my own sports experience to analyze the current situation of sports in China and talk about my personal views.

First of all, on the whole, the people’s awareness of sports has gradually awakened, but the proportion of the sports population is still not high. In many cities, gymnasiums, parks, playgrounds and other sports venues are crowded, showing people’s love for sports. But at the same time, there are still a large number of people who lack sports awareness, especially middle-aged and elderly people after middle age, and their sports needs have not been fully met. This not only affects personal health, but also puts pressure on national public health. Therefore, it is urgent to raise the awareness of the whole people and popularize the knowledge of sports and fitness.

Secondly, the distribution of sports facilities is uneven, and the gap between urban and rural areas is large. In cities, sports facilities are relatively abundant, but parks, gyms and other places are often concentrated in the city center, which makes it inconvenient for residents in surrounding areas to exercise. In rural areas, sports facilities are scarce, and many rural areas don’t even have a decent playground. This undoubtedly increases the difficulty for rural residents to participate in sports and restricts the improvement of their health level. Therefore, the government should increase investment, optimize the layout of sports facilities, and focus on solving the gap between urban and rural sports resources.

Furthermore, there are many kinds of sports, but there is a shortage of professional coaches. With the rise of fitness craze, various sports came into being to meet people’s diverse needs. However, at the same time, the supply of professional coaches in China is insufficient, which leads to many sports enthusiasts unable to get professional guidance and the sports effect is greatly reduced. To this end, relevant departments should increase investment in physical education, support the training of more professional coaches, and help improve the sports quality of the whole people.

Finally, talk about my personal views on sports. Sports are not only related to personal health, but also the embodiment of a country’s national quality. We should give full play to the role of sports in improving national quality and promoting social harmony, so that more people can enjoy the happiness brought by sports. On this basis, I also propose to improve sports-related policies, encourage enterprises and social groups to participate in sports undertakings, and jointly promote the development of sports undertakings in China.

In short, sports life starts with me. Everyone should realize the importance of exercise, actively participate in it and develop good exercise habits. At the same time, the state and society should also provide people with more convenient sports conditions, so that sports can become a part of the healthy life of the whole people. Only in this way can we work together for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Life lies in exercise, but you need to master the "health ladder" of exercise! How to exercise is reasonable?

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise, which is true at all. Moderate exercise can improve cardiopulmonary function, promote systemic blood circulation and relieve nervous mood. However, there must be a degree in everything, and the same is true for sports. You need to choose the right sports according to your own situation, and you can’t blindly pursue quantity and duration. If the amount of exercise is insufficient, the body function will slowly deteriorate; Excessive exercise will cause persistent muscle pain, irritability and loss of appetite, and at the same time, it will also reduce immunity and increase the damage to bones and joints.

1. Exercise intensity

Exercise intensity, as its name implies, is the strength spent in exercise, which is determined by the type and purpose of exercise. There are different ways to measure the intensity of exercise, such as jogging or brisk walking. The intensity is measured by the target bull’s-eye rate and based on the maximum heart rate, which is equal to 220 minus age. The bull’s-eye rate of moderate and high-intensity aerobic exercise ranges from 60% to 80% of the maximum heart rate, and strength training needs to measure the exercise intensity by weight and repetition times.

2. Motion frequency

Exercise frequency refers to the interval time of exercise, and the optimal frequency is determined by the type and purpose of exercise. If the purpose of exercise is to lose weight, at least 300 minutes of moderate and high-intensity aerobic exercise a week can reduce weight and body fat; If the purpose of exercise is to maintain good health, you need to have 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week, and then match it with 2~3 days of strength training.

3. Exercise time

Exercise time refers to the duration of exercise, which is determined by the type of exercise, the purpose of fitness and the level of exercise. At the beginning, you can do aerobic exercise first, and the exercise time is about 15~20 minutes, and the exercise intensity is well controlled; If you want to enhance flexibility through exercise, make sure that each muscle group stretches for about 15 seconds and repeat it three times; If you want to enhance your cardiopulmonary endurance, the duration of high-intensity exercise should not be less than 20 minutes.

4. Type of exercise

There are many types of sports, such as aerobic training, flexibility and resistance training, etc. The specific types of sports are divided into cycling swimming, weightlifting and running, squat and so on. You need to choose the right type of exercise according to your own sports purpose.

1. Moderate intensity exercise

Moderate intensity exercise is equivalent to brisk walking for half an hour to an hour every day. Such activities include walking, shopping, housework and gardening. You can walk more in your daily life for at least half an hour every day.

2, high-intensity aerobic exercise

Common high-intensity aerobic exercises include climbing mountains, swimming and jogging, climbing stairs and aerobics, etc. Exercise at least 3~5 times a week for no less than 20 minutes each time to ensure that the exercise heart rate needs to reach the target heart rate.

3, high-intensity competitive sports and leisure sports

Such sports include basketball, football or tennis, as well as dancing, skating and skiing. Such sports can not only improve heart and lung function, but also cultivate sentiment. Obese or overweight people can choose swimming, which can reduce the joint load.

4, muscle fitness exercise

This kind of sports have their own weight-bearing resistance training, as well as resistance training by equipment, such as dumbbell weight-bearing and elastic belt exercises, which are done at least 2~3 times a week.

5. Flexible exercise

Flexibility exercise includes practicing yoga, dynamic stretching or static stretching, which can be arranged after aerobic exercise or resistance training for 15~30 seconds each time.


Adults should exercise at least 30-60 minutes every day, and at least 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week. Try to arrange the winter exercise time at noon or afternoon, and the morning exercise time should not be too early, at least after the sun comes out.

# Family Doctor Super Team # # Health Science Qualifying Competition #

The online manuscript of family doctor shall not be reproduced without authorization.


1. "Too low has no effect, and too much is easy to damage! Exercise has a "healthy ladder", Life Times, November 24, 2020.

2. Exercise has a "healthy ladder", Solitary Core Entertainment, November 23, 2020.

Football physical fitness: how do I maintain my physical fitness during the season?

Hello, everyone, today we share how I keep fit during the season. I hope you like it!

front cover

In 2020, Joshua kimmich scored the winner in the match with Dortmund. In that match, he ran 13.73 kilometers. This is the sport of football and kicking. In this sport, most of the running is not jogging, sprinting, walking, jogging and then sprinting. Because of this, the best way to improve physical fitness is to carry out high-intensity training.

We can achieve this goal by sprinting or intermittent training, but the least boring way to improve physical fitness is to use the ball for high-intensity training, which is also the focus of today. Today we will share the training methods to keep in shape during the season. Let’s officially start:

warm up

Before we start training, make sure that we have fully warmed up, do some dynamic stretching and sprinting, so that all our fast muscles will be activated, thus reducing the risk of muscle strain. Take 10 minutes to relax, and then start formal training.

Figure 1- Warm up

This is the only part that does not include the ball, and it is one of the very good agility and quick training.

We can find a friend, or install an application on our mobile phone, which can flash colors and numbers for us for 10 times as a group. I

Figure 2- Fast Move on Command

When our cell phones flash or our friends shout out a color, we sprint to the sign plate and then go back to the middle. About 30 seconds, depending on the length of the interval. In short, do five groups and rest for 30 seconds between each group.

Figure 3- Gap Time

The rest of the training is divided into three small cycles. The first cycle is what we see now. Before Ronaldinho’s dribbling training and shooting, he makes a 30-yard sprint dribble.

Figure 4- Fast Dribble

This training is great, because it can train our dribbling speed, dribble in a narrow space, and persist in dribbling when we are tired.

Figure 5- Exercise dribbling speed

It’s a hard training, but it’s important for us to keep high shooting quality. Imagine that we will be very tired in the 80th minute of the game, so even if we are tired, we should be able to shoot correctly.

Figure 6- Correct Shooting

In this cycle exercise, we can jog or walk back to the starting point as a break between repeated exercises.

If we only have one or two balls, run after them, make sure we are jogging, then jog back to the starting point, and then give yourself an extra 30 seconds to rest.

Figure 7- Jogging or Walking

In addition, because it takes a long time to start each action, you should do it for 15 minutes before continuing this circular action, and it should be very fast.

Before entering the second cycle, give yourself three to five minutes to rest. We should make sure that each cycle has intensity, and even if we are tired, we should work 100%.

Figure 8- Guaranteed Strength

In the second cycle, we make 10 passes to the wall, then zigzag dribble to practice turning and dribbling, then rush out and beat the last sign plate with one of our actions.

Figure 9- Passing the ball to the wall

Put the sign plate 8 to 10 yards away, make sure we don’t go straight through it, rush out of the sign plate for at least a few steps, then cut back the sign plate and walk back to the starting point.

Figure 10- Switch back the sign plate

Once again, this is our break time, and a sign plate is set for passing the ball on the wall to ensure that we keep good habits when passing the ball and that we will not be lazy.

This cycle improves our ability to pass, touch the ball with the first foot, dribble and cut inside with the ball, and the ability of all 1V1 to beat the defender.

All this will make our leg muscles stronger, and at the same time enhance our heart and lung function. Do it for 10 minutes, and then rest for three to five minutes before continuing.

Figure 11- Cardiopulmonary Enhancement

Figure 11- Cardiopulmonary Enhancement

The hardest part was left to the end. Many people hated doing this exercise, but it was the simplest exercise, and it was timed in 10 minutes.

Start by running back and forth, run to the small restricted area and then run to the penalty spot at the back, then run to the top of the restricted area and come back.

Figure 12- Simple exercise

After the round-trip run, start bouncing the ball as soon as possible, don’t rest for a few seconds before starting, and then bounce the ball 30 times before starting the next round-trip run.

Figure 13- Start the ball.

The key point here is that if we screw up and drop the ball, then we need to start the next round trip immediately, which puts pressure on the ball-passing part to ensure that we concentrate on the ball-passing and strive to maintain the quality.

If we don’t have this kind of pressure, then we will drop a few times, then pick up the ball on foot, and then continue to bounce the ball and give ourselves a long rest. After 10 minutes, we have finished the hardest part, but we are not completely finished.

Figure 14- No End

Although this is not the main part of training, it is very important to do 5 to 10 minutes of cold-body exercise, which will make our muscles less tense and help us recover from the next training.

Figure 15- Let the muscles loose.

Don’t skip this link, do some static stretching or the same dynamic movement as before, but with less intensity.

Figure 16- Don’t try to hide from the tiger

Figure 16- Don’t try to hide from the tiger

That’s all for today. Please continue to pay attention to the road of football for more exciting football teaching!

Stay away from the "swimming shoulder" Four postures make swimming more enjoyable

Recently, high temperature warnings have been issued in many places. The heat is unbearable, and many people choose swimming, which can not only cool down and exercise, but also lose weight, burn fat and shape their bodies. However, improper swimming posture can also cause harm to the body. Wang Jing, director of the Department of Bone and Joint and Sports Medicine of Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, reminded netizens to be careful about "swimming shoulders".

What is a "swimming shoulder"?

Swimming is a sport that uses the shoulder joint the most frequently. "Swimming shoulder" is mainly caused by the frequent movements of the shoulder joint over the head when swimming, which leads to the collision between the subacromial coracoacromial ligament and the greater tubercle or rotator cuff tendon, resulting in subacromial bursitis and rotator cuff tendinitis, and the shoulder pain is induced.

In addition, when swimming, the upper arm needs to fully rotate and abduct, and the upper arm repeatedly exerts its strength. At the same time, due to the resistance of water, it exerts great pressure on the shoulder, and excessive exercise will lead to tendon injury of the shoulder joint.

What are the symptoms of "swimming shoulder"?

The clinical symptoms of "swimming shoulder" mainly include shoulder pain, including rest pain, exercise pain, nocturnal pain and movement disorder.

Specifically, acute injury is characterized by severe pain in the shoulder and decreased abduction ability of the shoulder; In chronic injury, the shoulder is dull and painful, while in abduction, the abduction is limited. In the early stage, it is often manifested as shoulder pain at rest or at night, decreased activity, weakened strength, etc., and symptoms such as persistent pain and frozen shoulders will appear in the later stage.

Which strokes are prone to "swimming shoulder"?

Compared with other strokes, people in freestyle, butterfly and backstroke are more likely to suffer from "swimming shoulder". Because the shoulder joint frequently moves above the head, the ligament under the acromion, the greater tubercle of humerus and the rotator cuff tendon repeatedly hit, resulting in local injury of the shoulder joint.

For example, in freestyle, the internal rotators such as pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi are often used in the "pull" stage, while the external rotators such as deltoid and infraspinatus are often used in the "recovery" stage. Generally speaking, the external rotator is weak and easily injured. However, the basic posture of breaststroke determines that its shoulder movement range is small, so it will be relatively better.

It should be noted that no matter what kind of swimming stroke, if the swimming action is not standardized, uncoordinated or too long, lack of sufficient warm-up and excessive exercise intensity, the shoulders will be in an excessive state of exercise.

How to prevent "swimming shoulder"?

First, the preparation activities should be sufficient. Warm up well before swimming, such as bending your head forward, leaning back and rotating your back from side to side for more than 10~15 times to move your neck; Shoulder shrug, arm circle drawing and chest expansion exercise 10~15 times each to move shoulders and chest; Stretch your legs, bend over, touch your toes with your hands, bend your knees, bend your hips and squat, and stand up alternately for 10 to 15 times to move your knees;

The second is to pay attention to maintaining the correct posture. The body is in a flat floating state, relaxed and stretched, the coordination of hand and foot movements is in place, and the swimming speed is balanced. It is not advisable to be too fast or too fierce;

The third is to control the swimming time reasonably. Each swimming time should not be too long, and it is recommended not to exceed 1 hour;

Fourth, relax properly after swimming. By stretching muscle ligaments, regulating breathing and supplementing nutrition, the body can recover better.

Remind that once you have shoulder discomfort, you should stop swimming. After 1-2 weeks of rest, the pain is still not relieved, so you need to seek medical advice in time.

How to treat "swimming shoulder"

It is recommended to stop all pain-inducing activities or training. At present, effective treatments include: using anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs (oral, topical or local injection), ice compress, acupuncture exercise therapy, physical therapy and rehabilitation exercise.

If the above conservative treatment fails or rotator cuff tears occur, surgical repair should be performed as soon as possible.

Editor: Geng Jieyu

Can you really play badminton? Standard badminton basic action diagram

There are many badminton lovers, and people can be seen playing badminton downstairs in the community, in the leisure square, in the school gymnasium, etc. Even if you have never taken badminton lessons, you can learn the basic movements and play a few rounds just by watching.

However, it is not a long-term solution to play like this occasionally. After all, the incorrect playing posture only makes it difficult for you to improve your level, while the incorrect way of exerting force is easy to hurt your body.

Today, Xiaobian will share with you a textbook-like diagram of basic movements of badminton. Hurry up and collect your fingers and learn slowly! ! !

Badminton backhand net front hook diagonal

Badminton backhand net front hook diagonal

Badminton backhand pick

Badminton backhand pick

Badminton backhand high ball

Badminton backhand high ball

Badminton backhand high ball

Badminton backhand lob

Badminton backhand lob

Badminton backhand lob

Badminton backhand backhand passive backhand.

Badminton backhand backhand passive backhand.

Weifang: Optimizing Medical Service Resources and Improving Primary Medical Service Ability

Weifang Radio and Television New Media News Primary health care is related to the health protection of the whole people, and primary medical institutions are the net to provide basic medical and health services to the masses. Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that to promote the construction of healthy China, we should give priority to the protection of people’s health, focus on rural areas and communities, and vigorously improve the basic medical level and health management and protection capabilities.

Zhao Tongxiang, deputy chairman of Weifang Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society: "In the investigation, Weifang Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society learned that the medical staff in primary medical institutions are highly mobile and the brain drain is serious; There are also individual primary health service institutions, lacking large-scale commonly used necessary inspection equipment, etc., and people tend to choose large hospitals for medical treatment. Focusing on solving these problems, we sorted out and submitted proposals. "

The proposal proposes to strengthen the construction of talent team in primary medical institutions, increase financial input in primary health care, strengthen the support of medical insurance policy to primary medical institutions, vigorously promote the grading diagnosis and treatment system, etc., improve the medical service capacity of primary medical institutions as soon as possible, and better make primary medical institutions become the health guards of the general public.

Wang Qinghai, the second researcher of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, said: "After receiving the proposal from the CPPCC, we seriously adopted and implemented the proposal. Innovative implementation of single-disease group management, always taking the health needs of the people as the focus and starting point, taking multiple measures to strengthen the construction of primary health service system, continuously improving the capacity of primary medical services, and improving the grading diagnosis and treatment system, further enhancing the satisfaction and sense of gain of the people. "

With the attention and support of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Municipal Health and Health Commission actively responded to the concerns of CPPCC members and people from all walks of life, continuously optimized medical service resources, greatly improved the capacity building of primary medical services, resolutely safeguarded people’s health and life safety, and further enhanced people’s sense of acquisition, happiness and security.

There are more and more beauty shops. How much difference can it make where to buy them?

Reporter | Huang Wei

Editor | Xu Yue

The local beauty market has experienced rapid changes in recent years. In the first half of 2021 alone, there are many more brands of collective stores where China consumers can buy beauty products. More importantly, even if they can’t travel abroad for the time being, China consumers can easily buy many imported beauty products in the local market.

On November 9th, South Korea’s online beauty collection retailer "Resolving HWAHAE" announced that it had landed in Tmall International to open an overseas flagship store. Following the launch of this overseas flagship store, there are 11 Korean beauty brands such as Torriden and S.NATURE, and their entry form is "shop in shop".

Careful calculation, together with overseas beauty retailers such as Sephora overseas flagship store opened in Tmall International in the last year and overseas flagship store of Australian beauty retailer MECCA, Tmall International is providing more and more options for consumers with cross-border Haitao niche beauty products.

Introducing these overseas beauty flagship stores into the same platform system, the most intuitive result is that China consumers can buy all kinds of beauty products such as Korean makeup, Australian beauty, European and American niche beauty in one stop; These beauty products are different and can meet different consumers with individual needs.

It is worth noting that these overseas beauty retailers often have in-depth and direct cooperation with beauty brands in their respective regional markets, which can guarantee the quality of goods for consumers far away from China.

Overseas beauty retailers have entered the cross-border e-commerce market in China one after another, and the most realistic motivation behind it is the China consumers who disappeared in the overseas tourism retail market. These consumers were trapped in the local market because of the epidemic, but they directly promoted the great growth of the local beauty market.

Among them, I’m afraid that the brand of local beauty collection stores that emerged in recent two years was the first to seize the opportunity of China’s beauty consumption changing to differentiation and personalization.

Take HARMAY Huamei, a warehousing beauty collection store located in the middle and high-end market, as an example. At present, 50% of SKUs in its offline stores are overseas niche beauty brands. Zhong Taipeng, co-founder and chief operating officer of Huamei, previously told Interface Fashion that this is one of its core advantages that distinguish it from its competitors. At present, Huamei has introduced a series of overseas minority brands by means of exclusive agency and capital operation, aiming at enhancing brand differentiation and increasing the repurchase rate of stores.

In addition, consumers in the first-and second-tier consumer markets can also buy high-end overseas niche brands in HAYDON Black Hole and Bonnie & Clyde (hereinafter referred to as "BC Extreme Choice"), a more luxurious beauty collection store brand.

It is worth noting that the polar selection of Huamei and BC is an extension from online to offline after accumulating rich experience in e-commerce operation in the early stage. But the difference is that Huamei bought the gene of the store with beauty from the beginning, and then began to incubate overseas brands with the blessing of capital, in order to differentiate in the fierce competition.

The high-end beauty brands in BC’s extremely selected stores are extremely selected, and the brands they sell are high-end niche beauty and fragrance brands exclusively represented by the parent company USHOPAL Group or invested in shares.

On the other hand, Huamei and Black Hole are very similar in style positioning. Both of them transform the super-large stores into warehouse-type retail stores with strong aesthetic style, and they also tend to choose representative buildings or blocks in the city center instead of urban complexes or shopping centers.

It is worth noting that the above-mentioned two collection stores are also different from the emerging beauty collection stores such as WOW COLOUR and THE COLORIST, which exploded in 2020. The latter opened stores in many cities across the country in a short time, while the former strategically opened its first stores in key cities in different regions of the country, and usually it was "one city, one store", with a slow expansion speed.

In the business model, Huamei and Heikong both use international big-name samples as "traffic passwords" to attract price-sensitive consumers to shop and drive the sales of formal clothes, and then rely on niche long-tail brands to improve the repurchase rate.

This is greatly different from the product mix of traditional beauty retail stores such as Watsons. In addition, they strive to create a "social-friendly" store style, and continue to attract consumers by expanding the format, triggering communication and discussion on social media and attracting a large number of young people to visit the store.

With the blessing of capital, Huamei and Black Hole have been accelerating the pace of opening stores nationwide since 2021. They are more surprised and demanding in the location of stores, and after opening stores, they also drive the flow of people in the surrounding blocks, which is attractive to operators in urban blocks or business districts.

Beijing Xidan, which has been upgraded to the standard, introduced Huamei to open a large-scale store with an area of 880 square meters, and introduced a large-scale flagship store with an area of 700 square meters to the "Anfu Road-Wu Kang Road" block in Shanghai. Raffles, a new landmark project in Shanghai, which focuses on urban markets, and Chongqing, which has been vigorously upgraded in recent years, may actively introduce this type of beauty collection store.

Another foreseeable trend is that more overseas niche beauty brands will enter the China market through various beauty retailers in the future. And these brands will choose their partners according to their more specific China market strategy; If you want to deepen the China market and deepen brand awareness, some brands may choose local emerging beauty collection stores with more omni-channel operation and incubation capabilities.