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Aviation opening activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Air Force: The participating equipment is the highest ever.

CCTV News:A press conference to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Air Force was held in Beijing yesterday. Shen Jinke, spokesman of the Air Force, said that the Air Force will hold an aviation opening event in Changchun, Jilin from October 17 to 21. 歼 -20 and Yun -20 will spread their wings for the first time in the air force’s aviation opening activities, demonstrating the power of air and space and spreading the culture of air and space.

This aviation opening activity includes three sections: aerial display, ground display and supporting activities. There is a theme day and four public days.

Colonel Zhang Shouhai of the Air Force Staff:In terms of air display, we mainly arrange flight, skydiving performance, performance display of combat aircraft, teaching display of trainer, demonstration of special operations unit of airborne troops, etc. There are 35 aircraft of 10 types participating in the performance display, including advanced aircraft such as J -20, J -16 and Yun -20, and will perform single-machine or double-machine performances, such as "August 1st", "Red Eagle", "Wings of Heaven" and "Blue Eagle".

In the ground display, the Air Force will dispatch 71 types of weapons and equipment of 46 types, which constitute the static display plate of four series of equipment, namely, training equipment, air combat, air delivery and air support, including digital aircraft, red -22 and red -9B ground-guided weapon systems and other national day reading equipment. In addition, activities such as air force recruitment publicity, military camp opening and international student week will be arranged to highlight public participation and interaction and let the public know more about the air force.

According to reports, the air force aviation opening activities have been successfully held in Changchun, Jilin for 7 sessions since 2011. This year’s aviation opening activities not only have the highest number of exhibiting equipment, but also the activity time has been increased from the previous three days to five days. At the press conference, Air Force spokesman Shen Jinke also introduced the achievements of actual combat military training of the Air Force in recent years.

Air Force spokesman Shen Jinke:In the new era of training and preparing for war, the Air Force has taken new steps in strengthening the electronic warfare capability. As a new brand of air force actual combat training, "Qingdian" exercise is pulling the air force’s electronic warfare ability to improve in an all-round way. The Air Force has persistently carried out actual combat military training, and formed five brands, namely, Red Sword, Blue Shield, Golden Helmet, Golden Dart and Electric Power, to comprehensively enhance the comprehensive combat capability of the Air Force.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: China’s new energy vehicle production and sales ranked first in the world for 8 consecutive years.

  Cctv newsOn the afternoon of March 1st, the State Council Press Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening by authoritative departments", introducing the situation of "accelerating new industrialization, strengthening and improving the real economy" and answering reporters’ questions.

  Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that in 2022, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China reached 7.058 million and 6.887 million, up by 96.7% and 93.4% respectively, ranking first in the world for eight consecutive years. Since 2012, when China promulgated and implemented the Development Plan of Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicle Industry, the average annual compound growth rate of new energy vehicle sales reached 87%, and the cumulative promotion of new energy vehicles reached 15.96 million, nearly 16 million. China has become an important guiding force for the electrification transformation of the global automobile industry.

  This year, the new energy automobile industry will maintain a good development trend, and production and sales will achieve steady growth. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will focus on promoting the work from five aspects.

  First, we should strengthen overall planning. Further improve and perfect the coordinated promotion mechanism for the development of new energy automobile industry, and coordinate the overall work of electrification, networking and intelligent development. Focusing on technical research, popularization and application, infrastructure construction, etc., we will continue to cultivate independent brands with high innovation level, strong comprehensive ability and international competitiveness.

  The second is to support innovation breakthroughs. We will focus on supporting leading enterprises to play a leading role and accelerate the technical research and industrial application of new systems such as batteries, automotive chips and automotive operating systems. Start the pilot of intelligent networked vehicle access and road traffic, accelerate the technical application of 5G vehicle-road coordination, and promote the coordinated development of electrification and intelligent networked.

  The third is to further increase the promotion and application. We will carry out pilot projects for the comprehensive electrification of vehicles in public areas, and further improve the electrification level of vehicles in official vehicles, taxis, postal express delivery, sanitation and other fields. It is necessary to work with relevant departments to study and clarify the continuation policies such as tax reduction and exemption for new energy vehicles as soon as possible, and revise and issue the "double points" management method to stabilize market expectations.

  The fourth is to improve service support capabilities. It is necessary to speed up the development of domestic resources, stabilize international cooperation and supply, and ensure the supply and price stability of key raw materials. It is necessary to improve the recycling system, strengthen key technologies such as intelligent disassembly, and improve the recycling level of power batteries.

  The fifth is to promote open development. We will continue to implement opening-up measures in the automotive sector, give play to the role of multilateral and bilateral cooperation mechanisms, and support enterprises, research institutions and industry organizations to carry out exchanges and cooperation in the fields of trade and investment, technology research and development, and standard setting, so as to achieve win-win development.

How to divide the responsibility when "fitness" changes to "injury"?

  The picture shows that the presiding judge of this case is in court.

  guide reading

  With the increasing admiration of the public for the concept of healthy living, yoga has gradually become a popular choice for the masses to keep fit. However, seemingly simple yoga exercise may also suffer sports injuries and lead to disputes. Recently, the People’s Court of Jinan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province concluded a case of tort liability dispute caused by yoga injury. After hearing the case, the court held that the yoga studio, as an institution specializing in training and teaching services, failed to fulfill its sufficient security obligations and should bear the main responsibility of this case. At the same time, the customer, as a person with full capacity for civil conduct, should be aware of the related risks of practicing yoga, but he continues to practice after feeling unwell, and there is also fault in the occurrence of damage results, so the responsibility of the yoga studio can be appropriately reduced. While fully safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, the judgment of this case also reflects that the people’s court fully applies the concept of active justice to civil trial work, effectively exerts the rule-leading and value-oriented functions of judicial judgment, and plays a positive role in the standardized governance of service industries such as sports and fitness.

  Fitness is risky and exercise needs to be moderate.

  On December 10, 2021, Duan paid 3380 yuan to a yoga studio through WeChat and became an annual card member of the yoga studio. The next day, Duan transferred 5719 yuan to the yoga studio to buy a personal trainer course package. During the period from December 11th, 2021 to January 22nd, 2022, Duan frequently made an appointment with the yoga instructor Li in the yoga studio through WeChat and did yoga exercises.

  In early January, 2022, Duan felt discomfort in his left hip after attending a private yoga class, and told his coach Li. After listening, Li said that this is a subluxation strain of the femoral head after normal exercise, so let Duan continue to do some rehabilitation and relaxation training in the yoga studio. Duan, out of trust in the coach, continued to go to the yoga studio for classes.

  The injury becomes more serious, and fitness hurts the body.

  On January 20, 2022, Duan went to the hospital for examination because of unbearable pain. The X-ray diagnosis report showed that Duan had degenerative changes in his left hip joint. On the 23 rd of the same month, Duan went to the orthopedic hospital for magnetic resonance examination, and the imaging diagnosis was: a small amount of effusion in the left hip joint space.

  From March to May, 2022, Duan’s symptoms have not been alleviated, and he went to the hospital for examination and treatment many times. He was also hospitalized at the end of April and discharged on May 18th. The diagnosis conclusions given by the hospital are as follows: 1. Hip joint disease (left hip arthritis) edema (mild bone marrow edema in the left acetabulum and mild bone marrow edema in the upper femur of the left femur); 2. Abnormal findings of diagnostic imaging examination in other parts of musculoskeletal system (mild degeneration of pelvis), etc.

  After leaving the hospital, Duan found a yoga studio to find a solution.

  The negotiation ended in vain, and the judge was asked to judge.

  Since then, Duan and coach Li have repeatedly communicated and negotiated related compensation matters, but the two sides have never reached an agreement, so Duan sued the yoga studio and Li to the court. The defendant argued in the lawsuit that Duan confirmed in the WeChat chat with Li that the range of yoga movements taught by Li was very small, and the teaching intensity was low, and Li only demonstrated the movements and told the essentials of the movements, and Duan stretched himself, so Li did not press Duan’s body, so there was no fault in Li’s yoga teaching, and Duan’s injury was not caused by Li, so the defendant should not bear the responsibility.

  In addition, as a sport, yoga practitioners should practice in a step-by-step manner according to the flexibility of their ligaments and the strength of bone structure. Duan, as a practitioner, should fully understand the dangers of practicing yoga. He is eager to achieve success and frequently asks for classes at his own risk, so his injury result is caused by his improper practice. According to the law, if the victim intentionally or neglects the occurrence or expansion of the same damage, the liability of the compensation obligor may be reduced or exempted.

  There is a causal relationship after two appraisals.

  In June, 2022, Duan entrusted a judicial appraisal institute for appraisal, and the appraisal opinions issued by the judicial appraisal institute were as follows: 1. There is a causal relationship between the consequences of Duan’s current left hip injury and the injury caused by practicing yoga in the yoga studio on December 29, 2021; 2. Duan’s delayed construction period is evaluated as 120 days, the nursing period is evaluated as 90 days, and the nutritional period is evaluated as 60 days.

  During the litigation, according to the application of the yoga studio, the court entrusted another judicial appraisal institute to re-evaluate whether there is a causal relationship between Duan’s left hip injury and yoga practice, as well as the missed construction period, nursing period and nutrition period. The opinions of the judicial appraisal opinion issued by the judicial appraisal institute on October 14, 2022 are as follows: 1. There is a complete causal relationship between Duan’s practice of yoga in a yoga studio and his left hip injury; 2. Duan’s delayed construction period is 120 days, the nursing period is 90 days, and the nutrition period is 60 days.

  Both parties are at fault and bear primary and secondary responsibilities.

  Based on the facts of the case and relevant evidence, the court held that citizens have the right to life and health, and the actor should bear tort liability for infringing upon the civil rights and interests of others due to his fault. Duan’s left hip injury has a complete causal relationship with the yoga exercise directed by Li, as evidenced by the appraisal opinions issued by two appraisal institutes.

  As an institution specializing in yoga training and teaching services, the yoga studio should provide students with a safe fitness environment and professional fitness services. It failed to fulfill its sufficient security obligations, resulting in Duan’s injury, and continued to arrange Duan to do yoga exercises after Duan told him that his left hip was unwell. It was at fault for Duan’s injury and should bear the main responsibility of this case.

  As a person with full capacity for civil conduct, Duan should be aware of the risks associated with practicing yoga, have a considerable sense of self-protection, and have a full understanding of his physical condition and endurance. However, after feeling the discomfort of the left hip joint, Duan did not choose to see a doctor in time, took the initiative to stop training, and continued to carry out yoga training. He himself was also at fault for the occurrence of the damage result, which can appropriately reduce the liability for compensation of the yoga studio. Li is a yoga instructor in the yoga studio, and Duan was injured in yoga teaching, so his employer yoga studio should bear the liability for compensation.

  In the end, combined with the actual situation of the case and the degree of fault of both parties, the court ruled that the yoga studio should bear 70% of the liability for compensation, and Duan should bear 30% of the liability himself.

  After the judgment, neither party appealed, and the judgment has taken legal effect.

  ■ referee analysis

  The combination of fault liability principle and fault offset system

  Natural person’s right to health and body should be protected by law. When engaging in social activities, all civil subjects should fulfill the necessary duty of care, respect the rights and interests of others, and avoid causing damage to the rights and interests of others. Any act that causes damage to the rights and interests of others due to negligence or neglect shall bear the corresponding liability for damages. Article 165 of the Civil Code of People’s Republic of China (PRC) clarifies that the principle of general tort liability is the principle of fault liability, that is, unless there are special provisions in the law, generally speaking, the civil subject should bear the liability for damages only when the civil rights and interests of others are infringed by fault (intentionally or negligently); If there is no fault, it is not responsible.

  It is worth noting that Article 173 of the Civil Code states that when the victim is at fault for the occurrence of damage or the expansion of the damage result, the liability of the compensation obligor for damages shall be reduced or exempted according to law, that is, the fault shall be offset. As an important system of damage compensation, the effect of the principle of negligence offset is reflected in three levels: first, for the infringer, the effect of the principle of negligence offset is reflected in the reduction or exemption of his liability for damage compensation. Second, for the infringed, it is reflected in the fact that his claim for damages is restricted in entity, and he has lost part or all of his claim for damages. Third, for the court as a referee, it is reflected that the judge should distribute the damage results fairly among the parties according to specific standards and determine the responsibility. Negligence offset, in essence, is to consider the faults of the offender and the victim to determine the primary and secondary responsibilities, rather than offset each other.

  Returning to this case is essentially a combination of the principle of fault liability and the system of fault offset. First of all, institutions engaged in yoga training and teaching services should provide students with a safe fitness environment and professional fitness guidance services, and do their best to ensure safety within reasonable limits. Yoga is a dangerous sport. In the process of practice, the staff of the yoga studio should guide the students to complete the corresponding actions according to the intensity suitable for their own foundation, and give necessary safety tips. In the case of knowing that the students are unwell due to the practice actions, they should not continue to arrange yoga exercises, which will aggravate the injuries of the students. Therefore, the principle of fault liability applies and the yoga studio bears the main responsibility. Secondly, students, as adults with full capacity for civil conduct, should also know the related risks of practicing yoga, have a considerable sense of self-protection, avoid causing self-harm in yoga exercise, and should also bear part of the responsibility for the expansion of the damage results.

  At the same time, the principle of negligence offset has its subject scope of application. If the victim is at fault for the occurrence or expansion of the damage, it should be applied to reduce the compensation liability of the offender. There should be no objection. It is worth noting that in judicial practice, when a third person who has a specific relationship with the victim has the following circumstances and is at fault for the occurrence or expansion of damage, the principle of negligence offset may still be applied:

  (1) Legal representative

  The legal representative is the guardian of a person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct, and has the legal obligation to supervise, protect and take care of the person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct. If the legal representative neglects to perform his guardianship duties, resulting in damage to the ward, based on the guardianship relationship between the legal representative and the victim, the principle of negligence should be applied to reduce the liability of the offender.

  (2) Staff

  If a staff member causes property losses to the employer due to the infringement of others in the course of performing his duties, if the staff member is at fault for the occurrence or expansion of the damage, his fault is regarded as the fault of the employer, and the fault can be applied to offset and reduce the compensation liability of the infringer.

  ■ Expert comments

  Strengthen the supervision of fitness practitioners and operators.

  Ding Zhaozeng, Associate Professor of Fujian Normal University Law School

  The verdict of this case conforms to the provisions of Article 165 of the Civil Code of People’s Republic of China (PRC), "If the actor infringes upon the civil rights and interests of others due to his fault, he shall bear the tort liability" and Article 173, "If the infringed is at fault for the occurrence or expansion of the same damage, the liability of the infringer may be reduced".

  On the one hand, in the fitness and yoga courses, the service contract relationship is formed between the members and the yoga institutions, and the instructors need to formulate targeted courses according to the students’ physical conditions and fitness goals, and provide professional guidance during the practice. If the members’ sports are injured due to the coach’s mistakes, the coach and the organization may have to bear the corresponding tort liability.

  On the other hand, gymnasiums, yoga studios and other institutions should fulfill their security obligations to members, create a good and safe fitness environment, ensure the safety of supporting service facilities in business and management places and the qualification compliance of coaches, so as to effectively protect the personal and property safety of members. However, the security obligations of gymnasiums, yoga rooms and other institutions are not infinitely expanded. If a member is a person with full capacity for civil conduct, he should have a reasonable understanding of his own health, and should also have a sense of safety and self-protection about the exercise environment and sports equipment. Members should arrange exercises scientifically and reasonably according to their own physical conditions to achieve the purpose of safe and healthy exercise. If members fail to fulfill their duty of care, they should bear certain responsibilities for the consequences of their own damage.

  This case also reflects that the current fitness and yoga consumer markets need to be standardized. On the one hand, the entry threshold for fitness and yoga coaches should be improved, and the skills training and quality education for coaches should be strengthened. Coaches should hold certificates, and coaches engaged in fitness and yoga should hold China Fitness Yoga Grade Certificate. On the other hand, we should strengthen the standardized and legal management of gymnasiums and yoga studios. As soon as possible, formulate and improve the unified standards of fitness, yoga training, grade evaluation and other aspects, so that fitness and yoga training have rules to follow and rules to follow. In addition, it is also necessary to clarify the supervision departments of the fitness and yoga industries, strengthen the supervision of practitioners and operating venues, rectify and clean up the fitness and yoga venues with irregular operation in time, and standardize the industry order.

The Morning Post is super-expected that Ang Lee’s new film was "accused" and Lu Han was upgraded to be BOSS.

The fresh news morning call is all in the morning paper.

Good morning, people who eat melons! February has suddenly passed ~ According to the bold prediction of some girls, today’s circle of friends has been screened by 365 "Hello in March, good morning, come on". On the occasion of March, I would like to remind you friends that you want to have a good March. In addition to punching in, you should continue to work hard. Most importantly, you should continue to pay attention to the gossip of the morning newspaper every day, as well as those unimportant things in the film circle, such as the Oscar Awards broadcast live at 7:00 a.m. on the client side of our movie channel on March 5, adding good luck to your March ~

Overseas Telescope Ang Lee’s new film starts shooting, starring director becomes "veiled" online celebrity.

Chinese Pride Director Ang Lee has made new moves, and the new film has finally started shooting in the United States. Just one week after he joined the group, will smith, the leading actor, couldn’t help but broadcast live the shooting scene to "accuse" director Ang Lee of his evil deeds. Because the flying insects in Georgia, the location of the new film, are flying all over the place, everyone has to wear a gauze hood to go out to work. The "Emperor Shi" who was tortured by gauze to collapse complained to netizens in the live broadcast: "After filming for a week, Ang Lee made me fight wild animals."

Gemini malefic tells the story of an agent who is about to retire and finds himself being hunted by a killer, who is a clone of himself who is 25 years younger. In addition to starring will smith, it has been confirmed that Fan Wei, who is sharing pancakes with benedict cumberbatch, has joined us. Oh, no, I mean Benedict Wong … This film is expected to be released in October 2019, so don’t forget to support this science fiction film Made In Ang Lee ~

What about the star? Lu Han set up a personal studio, and the former agent Yang Naizhen sent a blessing.

Congratulations! WULI Lu Han set up a personal studio and successfully upgraded to deer Boss! Yesterday, Lu Han Studio issued an announcement: "The contract with Yixin Entertainment expired, and the two sides officially ended the cooperative relationship." In the statement, Lu Han thanked Yixin for his help and support in the past three years. At the same time, from February 28th, Lu Han’s related work will be independently operated by Lu Han Studio.

Yang Tianzhen, one of the founders of Yixin Entertainment, also expressed his blessing to Lu Han: "In the forty months of cooperation, we have experienced many unknown and known challenges together. We are proud and happy to bid farewell, and sincerely wish Lu Han a successful future and a vast life." I hope Lu Han can bring more and better works ~

Preview, grab the news, see the exposure, and finally predict that there is a companion in life called girlfriends.

Is your best friend sen? The best friend is that you take photos, and I have a picture. You are lovelorn, I accompany the wine, you are married, and I cry! If you want to ask if your feelings are deep or not, your girlfriend will make a toast! Directed by Huang Zhenzhen and starring Chen Yihan, Ar Fi and Zhang Junmi, the film "Girlfriend 2" will be released nationwide on March 2nd, and it’s time to have Yuanxiao and watch movies with girlfriends.

As presented in the final preview, the "girlfriends group" has gone through the process from strangeness to acquaintance, crying and laughing together, and also "tearing each other apart" but still never leaving. At the end, the warm-hearted confession that "as long as we just hold each other’s hands, we will never be lonely" makes the girl want it instantly. In the film, the bowl of chicken soup between girlfriends is sincere and warm, and the girl is expected to do it first ~

Industry broadcastget awayIndian movie box office has gone red all the way into the era of "separate accounts"

Just before the Spring Festival, it closed at 740 million box office, which is not bad. After the Spring Festival movie, the movie that once sold well in the Indian market will be released tomorrow. It’s just the beginning of 2018, and the China film market has ushered in the "Indian fever", and the momentum is really not small.

In fact, from 1950s, Indian films began to enter the eyes of China audiences. However, it broke out again and again on the big screen in China ~ In fact, Indian films entering the China market are generally introduced at a fixed fee, and with the popularity of Indian films in China, Mysterious Superstar has taken the form of "split accounts" (revenue sharing) when it was introduced to China, and it was introduced to China three months after it was released in India, setting a record for the shortest introduction period of Indian films ~ whether it is "approval".

Director of the big movie calendarAlain ResnaisDied (March 1, 2014)

(The specific broadcast content is subject to TV)

Want to get more fresh movie information, love beans, exclusive live video, don’t hurry to download CCTV6 movie channel app, there are girls waiting for you!

It’s 2023, is your mobile phone screen folded?

Text | slow pixel

Editor | Wen Ba Niang

Since Motorola came to China with a mobile phone in 1999, it has become a necessity in people’s daily life. More than 20 years have passed, and the mobile phone terminal market has experienced many industrial leaps. Now it has already entered a new stage from the struggle of thousands of smart phones, and major mobile phone manufacturers have increased their investment in folding screen mobile phones. It seems that the folding screen mobile phone has become a new battlefield for their competition.

Folding screen mobile phone, is it just needed or false demand? Is the era when the national mobile phone is ruled by folding screens really coming?

When the folding screen mobile phone becomes a fashion "symbol"

I don’t know when the folding screen mobile phone became a symbol of wealth and trend. When the migrant workers in the first-tier cities returned to the county, they suddenly found that the "rich women in the county" already had a folding screen mobile phone-they may not be strong women who walk in the first-tier cities with BGM, but they have BMW, Audi, brand-name bags and folding screen mobile phones.

Just like the advertising slogan of Samsung’s folding screen mobile phone, "It’s time to fold together". "Sisters have it. It’s cheaper than Apple 14. Why not buy it?" Xiaohui, a post-95 girl from a county town in Sichuan, said: "What’s the meaning of going back and forth besides chasing drama or chasing variety shows and brushing news?" Anyway, I don’t understand it, just chase it! "

Xiaohui’s mentality reflects the attitude of some consumers towards folding screen mobile phones. They don’t have a demand for the function or individual use value of specific things, but actually have a demand for the meaning (and the difference of meaning) given by goods.

As Baudrillard pointed out in Consumer Society, "the logic of goods has been popularized, which not only dominates the labor process and material products, but also dominates the whole culture, sexual desire, interpersonal relationships, and individual fantasies and impulses."

In Baudrillard’s eyes, things are not an objective entity, but a symbolic meaning with an objective entity as the carrier. Drinking Coca-Cola is not so much a consumption of carbonated drinks as a consumption of a meaning and recognition of a certain lifestyle. The mobile phone has become a fashion symbol, which began to appear as early as ten years ago.

In 2013, six years have passed since Jobs took out his first Apple mobile phone. In a university in Harbin, Tian Qing, a 21-year-old senior, finally got the first Apple mobile phone in her life. At that time, most of her classmates were using Nokia E63 or Lenovo, TCL and other brands of full keyboard or flip phones. This Apple mobile phone 3 was bought as a birthday present for the sailor’s father when he passed through the United States.

Every era has its own imprint, regardless of industry or field. In the eyes of domestic consumers, Motorola, Nokia and BlackBerry, which are deeply loved by geeks and business people, are all "trendy products" of their respective times. With the entry of Xiaomi, a showstopper, the price of the smart phone market has finally been reduced to less than 1,000 yuan, and the "trendy" attribute of smart phones has weakened, returning to universality and popularization, and mobile phones have gradually become "tools".

Image source: Huawei Weibo, China

For example, a migrant worker in the Imperial Capital, who is in sharp contrast with the "county rich woman", was born in 1992. "I use the folding screen mobile phone as a production tool, while checking information and writing a copy." He said that as a typical "copywriter dog", you no longer have to carry a brick-like tablet or a computer weighing several kilograms, which is "real freedom". "But the screen is still too small. Sometimes I feel that my eyes are going blind. It is ok for a short time, but it is still very uncomfortable for a long time."

But another feature of fashion is that it will definitely come back. Nowadays, the folding screen mobile phone, which has some similarities with the flip phone, has begun to become the fashion trend of this era. In this sense, the folding screen mobile phone at this time has become a new symbol.

A new track that all manufacturers want to win.

But in any case, the folding screen mobile phone was completely popular in 2022.

According to IDC data, in the fourth quarter of 2022, the single-season shipment of folding screen products in China reached a new high, with more than 1.1 million units shipped, and the annual shipment was nearly 3.3 million units, up 118% year-on-year. The proportion of folding screen products in the domestic smart phone market rose from 0.5% in 2021 to 1.2%.

Looking at this set of data alone, it seems that there is nothing surprising. However, it should be noted that in 2022, China’s smartphone shipments dropped by 13.2% compared with 2021, to 286 million, which was the first time in ten years that it fell below 300 million. Compared with 470 million smartphones shipped at the peak in China in 2016, it shrank by about 40% year-on-year.

Between a liter and a drop, the market for folding screens seems to be good for the naked eye. However, after further study, it will be found that behind the good-looking data is that the base of folding screen mobile phones in 2021 is low enough.

Even so, for the mobile phone manufacturers who have been fighting for several years in the "price war" and "stacking war" and finally see the new possibilities in the industry, the folding screen mobile phone is indeed a direction that can focus on.

As a rare bright spot in the mobile phone market in recent years, the emergence of folding screen mobile phones can not be separated from the pioneering move of Samsung, an old mobile phone manufacturer. The world’s first commercial mass-produced smart folding screen mobile phone is the Galaxy Fold from Samsung, which was launched in 2019. The 7.3-inch flexible large screen broke through the limitations of the original mobile phone screen. With this, Samsung has also brought the industry to a new era of folding screen mobile phones. As the pioneer of folding screen, in 2022, Samsung’s share in the global folding screen market was 16.5%, ranking second in the industry.

Image source: Weibo @DTCHAT

But the first person in the industry is not necessarily the one with the largest market share, and this first-Mover advantage was quickly surpassed by Chinese mobile phone manufacturers. Through the picture of IDC, we can see that Huawei has the highest proportion in the global market, even nearly three times that of Samsung. In 2022, Huawei exerted enough force on the folding screen mobile phone side.

According to public information, Huawei’s folding screen mobile phones are Huawei Mate X2, Huawei Mate Xs 2, Huawei P50 Pocket and Huawei Pocket S, and these mobile phones have a good popularity.

Huawei Yu Chengdong once said at Huawei Pocket S and the new product launch conference of the whole scene: "For every two folding screen mobile phones sold in China, one is Huawei." This shows Huawei’s determination and confidence in folding screen mobile phones.

In addition, OPPO won 13.8% market share with Find N2 Flip, ranking third. Followed by vivo, glory and Xiaomi, with market shares of 7.7%, 6.5% and 6.4% respectively.

In 2022, mainstream mobile phone brands including Huawei, Samsung, Xiaomi, OPPO, Glory and vivo continued to launch new folding screen mobile phones. According to the rough statistics of public data, at least 20 mobile phones with folding screens will be released in the second half of 2022.

With such a dense pace of new product launch, it is no wonder that the outside world will think that this is a new track that is quite interesting. However, in the view of slow playback, there are two reasons for the popularity of folding screen mobile phones.

First, the market needs new stories. From the launch of Apple’s mobile phone in 2007, smartphones have been on the market for 16 years. In these 16 years, smartphones have grown from scratch, and their functions have changed from single to multiple. Although the market can see the efforts of major manufacturers, it boils down to nothing more than the previous "price war" and the subsequent "stacking" wars in photography technology, screen pixels, memory, chips and design. No real breakthrough has been achieved in the industry when major manufacturers "rolled up" internal injuries.

Second, the market has new demands. In the past few years, the competition in the low-end market of domestic smart phones was the fiercest, so at that time, the market scale of "thousand yuan machine" was even larger. However, in 2021, the contribution of domestic smart phones with a revenue of more than 4,000 yuan has exceeded 50%, and it has gradually become the consensus of the global smart phone industry to make efforts in the high-end market. The folding screen mobile phone is a representative model of high-end mobile phones in terms of function and price. In this case, it is expected that the manufacturer will re-note the folding screen mobile phone.

How far is it from real popularization?

Mobile phone manufacturers have made a big bet to compete, and each even hopes that their folding screen mobile phones will become a sharp weapon for brands to seize the market, but consumers like Mingming and Xiaohui just want to use them as dispensable "tools" or fashion products. This kind of opposite direction of supply and demand has implied the difficulty of widespread popularization of folding screen mobile phones.

After all, they are also quite representative among consumers. What’s more, since the folding screen mobile phone went on the market, consumers around it have not been interrupted.

"At the beginning, the price of the folding screen mobile phone bought with an early adopter mentality was really painful for several months. After buying it, it seems that there is nothing special except’ pretending’." Xing Lei is a digital enthusiast, a fanatic who wants to get started whenever a new product goes on the market.

"If you have to say a few special places, it is that the sound of opening or closing the folding screen is very loud, and every time you fold, you are worried that the screen will break." Because Xing Lei started folding the screen phone earlier, the folding technology of the screen was really not very good at that time. However, what impressed him was the price of changing the screen. "Not long after I bought it, my mobile phone fell to the ground. It was not my mobile phone but my wallet that was broken." According to him, it took more than 3,000 yuan to change the screen, which is equivalent to the price of a mid-range mobile phone.

It is Xing Lei’s obvious feeling that there are few people around to buy and most of them are watching the excitement. "I always feel that I have paid an IQ tax."

Xiaohui’s idea is not so complicated. When she bought a folding screen mobile phone, the price has already dropped. "Seven or eight thousand yuan, the price is not as expensive as Apple’s 14. The latest model is small and cute, which is very suitable for girls." Yan value is justice and the price is acceptable, which is all her requirements for mobile phones.

Both Xing Lei and Xiaohui are essentially "not bad money" people. But for more mass consumers, their replacement cycle and acceptable price are not the case.

In the recent survey of folding screen mobile phone consumption for young people, we may be able to see some trends.

According to the survey data, among the young consumers aged 21-35, less than 5% use folding screen mobile phones, and more people are still using straight screen mobile phones; In terms of replacement cycle, 1-2 years and 2-3 years have the largest number of consumers, accounting for more than 70%, while changing mobile phones within one year accounts for less than 5%.

In terms of mobile phone prices, mid-range models are more popular, with the prices of 2001-4,000 yuan and 4,001-6,000 yuan bringing consumers the most, accounting for 28% and 26% respectively. Consumers with the price of 6,001-8,000 yuan dropped sharply, only 17%, and consumers with mobile phone prices above 10,000 yuan were less than 10%.

From the survey data, it can be clearly perceived that the price of 6001-8000 yuan for folding screen mobile phones is not high. This also means that the folding screen mobile phone wants to extract the target consumers from this group of people, and its potential consumers are bound to be less.

When asked about the price range of folding screen in consumers’ minds, 33% of consumers think it should be in the range of 4001-6000 yuan, 23% of consumers can accept the range of 6001-8000 yuan, but 26% of consumers think that the price of folding screen mobile phone can reach 2001-4000 yuan.

For the purchase intention of folding screen mobile phones, "may buy" and "resolutely not buy" are almost equally divided, accounting for 10%; Their feedback on "under what circumstances will they buy a folding screen mobile phone" can also explain the problem quite well: geek mentality and early adopters with products account for the highest proportion, exceeding 31%, and those who pull out weeds after being planted by others account for 18.5%, and those who need it for work account for 13.5%. The proportion of consumers who "buy after popularization" is 8%. It is worth noting that 16% of consumers said that "they will regret it after buying it".

Therefore, Slow Release believes that it is still too early for mobile phone manufacturers to increase their overall market share through folding screen mobile phones, when the folding screen mobile phones with high technology and price are far from being popularized. Moreover, there are still many unsolved difficulties in folding screen mobile phones, which need to be improved by manufacturers. Such as "too heavy, poor performance, expensive maintenance", "expensive, nothing special in function", and 22% of consumers think this is a "proper IQ tax, don’t pay for’ semi-finished products’"

However, they also said that if the folding screen mobile phone is stable in all aspects and the cost drops to a relatively reasonable range, it will still consider buying it.

In addition, among the purchase decision factors of folding screen mobile phones, consumers rank in the top five in terms of function/performance, price, operating system and design, and pay little attention to the brand. This also reflects from the side that the passionate consumption era of "rushing to buy the latest mobile phone" has passed, and the rational consumption era of "paying attention to function, function and price" has arrived.

Generally speaking, although from the perspective of consumers, the folding screen mobile phone is still a long way from the real popularity. However, it is worthy of recognition that the investment of domestic smartphone manufacturers in new technology has freed them from the whirlpool of "price war" and turned to the real technical level PK.

We also have reason to believe that this long-term investment will surely lead China’s manufacturing industry to a broader world.


1. Zijin Finance Analysis: Will folding screen mobile phones become the mainstream of the market in 2023?

2.IT Times can’t afford to repair the folding screen mobile phone.

3. Why was Samsung, which dominated the global folding screen mobile phone market by China Electronic News, "turned over" in the China market?

4. Why hasn’t the geek network folding screen mobile phone become mainstream?

5.36 "Essence" and "Hardness" of Krypton Folding Screen

Xinglongzhuang Street, Yanzhou District, Jining City launched a nationwide reading activity of "advocating reading for all and enjoying reading happiness"

  Public Network reporter Wei Donghui correspondent Xia Endo Jining reports.

  On March 18th, Xinglongzhuang Street, Yanzhou District, Jining City, relying on the rural bookstore of the New Era Civilization Practice Institute, organized the offline reading activities of "advocating reading for all and enjoying reading happiness" and "learning to strengthen the country" to create a strong reading atmosphere.

  At the activity site, the masses selected their favorite books and shared the pleasure of reading in the warm and quiet bookstore. In the reading sharing session, the masses actively expressed their reading experience, and also shared the experience of using "learning power", and actively recommended it to the audience, inviting them to scan the code and download the "learning power" mobile APP to jointly improve their scientific and cultural literacy.

  "This activity has created a good reading atmosphere for the whole people, stimulated the reading enthusiasm of the masses and injected new vitality into the construction of spiritual civilization in the streets. Xinglongzhuang Street will make full use of the farmer’s bookstore as an offline experience space for’ learning power’, continue to promote’ online and offline’ reading and learning activities, and continuously promote the development of reading for all. " Peng Fenggang, stationmaster of Xinglongzhuang Street Cultural Station, said.

The reading and sharing activity of Six Branches of Damei Liangdu Gallery was held in Zhongshan District.

Recently, the 15th reading meeting of "Enjoy Reading for Life" —— "Meet Liangdu Sakura You Come" series of activities "Six Branches of Damei Liangdu Gallery" sponsored by the Propaganda Department of CPC Liupanshui Municipal Committee, Liupanshui Culture, Radio, Film and Television Tourism Bureau and Zhongshan District Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television Tourism Bureau, and undertaken by Liupanshui Library and Zhongshan District Library was held in Zhongshan District.

At the reading sharing meeting, some authors from "Damei Liangdu-Selected Works of Liupanshui Regional Cultural Prose" and book lovers who have enjoyed reading all their lives gathered together to share their insights and gains in the reading process and go to a reading appointment.

Reading sharing meeting site.

Reading sharing meeting site.

"The publication of the anthology" Damei Liangdu "is undoubtedly the joy of the spring breeze." Shi Yu, vice chairman of Liupanshui Writers Association and Zhongshan District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said in reading and sharing: "The authors in the book have their feet on the cool land, facing the grassroots, their words are grounded, dewy and warm, and they write and explore the history, humanities and eco-tourism of the cool capital. From a certain perspective," Damei Liangdu "can be regarded as a local textbook and local text."

"In the cool capital of spring, it is very gratifying and comfortable to read the selected book of Liupanshui regional cultural prose, Damei Liangdu." Dai Qingxiang, vice chairman of Liupanshui Dramatists Association, vice chairman of Zhongshan Writers Association and the host of this activity, said: There are 17 essays in the chapter of "Six Branches of Gallery" in the book, which eulogize the regional history and culture, natural scenery, food culture, etc. of six special zones, such as Songyu River, Yanjiao, Sazhi, Luobie, Langdai, Guanzhai and Yuelianghe.

Reading sharing meeting site.

Reading sharing meeting site.

"Liupanshui has a large number of prose creators who have been paying attention to the local regional culture. They have written a wonderful chapter for this hot land with their hot feelings." Wang Hua, vice-chairman and secretary-general of Liupanshui Literature and Art Critics Association, vice-chairman of Zhongshan Writers Association and editor-in-chief of Selected Works of Damei Liangdu-Liupanshui Regional Cultural Prose, said: "This is an anthology published by the authors of Liupanshui regional cultural prose on the same stage, and its publication has certain literary value and historical significance."

At the event site, all book lovers also shared their reading feelings and recited the wonderful chapters of the "Six Branches of Gallery" series in Damei Liangdu. Everyone used books as a medium to talk about feelings and gains. The atmosphere was warm and applause continued.

In addition, the person in charge of Huiwen Bookstore, a book publishing support unit, donated 20 volumes of Damei Liangdu to Liupanshui Library, and Zhou Youwu, director of the Municipal Library, issued a book collection certificate to Huiwen Bookstore.

Reading sharing meeting site.

Reading sharing meeting site.

It is reported that Dameiliang, Xu Wenli, Zhuo Mei, Wu Qiuming, Shi Yu, Fu Berlin, Tang Zongshun, Li Tinghua, Ma Peng and Huang Shusheng have compiled more than 60 regional cultural essays of more than 30 Liupanshui local prose creators, totaling more than 180,000 words. This book shows people the unique natural history and humanistic endowment of Liupanshui, the capital of China, and provides a window for readers to deeply understand the regional history and culture of Liupanshui. This year, the book was officially published by China Overseas Chinese Publishing House, with a first print of 2,000 copies, and was put on the shelves of Liupanshui Huiwen Bookstore. (Photo/Wen Guo Lingling)

The media and game sectors continued to rise, and many stocks such as Gravity Media went up and down.

Southern Finance March 18th, afternoon media,gameThe plate continues to rise,Gravitation communicationZheshu cultureWentou holdingDianguang communicationWaiting for the daily limit,WANDA CINEMASApproaching the daily limit,Huayi BrothersHuace movie and televisionLongban communicationZhongguang natural selectionWait for it to rise. In the news, this timeNVIDIAThere are 11 speeches related to GTC2024, and 34 speeches related to media and entertainment, which mainly focus on the following aspects: 1. Generative AI aided development and film and television production; 2. Wensheng map, Wensheng video model, and other AI applications; 3. 3D content generation; 4. Create games in the cloud.

Break dancing has become an official Olympic event, and the formation of the national team has begun to select talents.

       CCTV News:Together with skateboarding, rock climbing and surfing, break dancing has become an official event of the Olympic Games. A few days ago, when IOC President thomas bach announced this decision, it really caused quite a stir. When it comes to break dancing, friends over 40 must have special feelings. In the 1970s and 1980s, break dancing became popular in China. No matter the streets and alleys, as long as the dynamic music rang, there were young people with explosive heads, bell bottoms and open-fingered leather gloves, while stepping on the spacewalk, cleaning the glass with their bare hands and dancing with each other, showing their youthful vitality. In many variety shows at present, break dancing is even more cool, and the limelight is the same.

       [After all] What kind of dance is "Olympic" break dance?

       Break dancing, English name Breaking, is sometimes translated as "floor dancing" because of its classic movements on the ground. From leading the trend of street culture to becoming an official Olympic event, what kind of dance is break dancing?


       Hold the ground with one hand, exert your strength instantly, and your body will fly and spin rapidly. The young man who danced like a tornado and looked wild and free was 20-year-old Shang Xiaoyu. As the only break dancer in China, he played in the 2018 Youth Olympic Games, competing with the world’s top players, and finally broke into the top eight.


       Break dancing originated from American hip-hop culture in the 1960s and 1970s, and it is a kind of generalized hip-hop. Its symbolic action is that dancers support their bodies with their hands and heads to do rapid rotation and tumbling on the ground, which has the elements of sports competition since its birth, and street cheers are the basis for judging the success or failure of fighting dancing. In 1987, the American film "Break Dance" was released in China, and it was all the rage to take a "spacewalk" with a tape recorder on your shoulder or "clean the glass" in the air. However, these movements are not break dancing.

       Su Jie, Secretary-General of China Sports Dance Federation: "The break dance in the movie is the predecessor of breaking now."

       According to experts, the most obvious feature of break dancing is that athletes are no longer satisfied with expressing music with their bodies, but pursue to explore the limits of the human body in rhythm, and Thomas and handstand rotation have become symbolic movements.

       [Question in the end] There are various forms of street dance. Why can break dance "enter the Olympics"?

       As a competition, break dancing made its debut at the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires in 2018, which also played an important role in promoting its official entry into the Olympics. There are many forms of street dance, so why can break dance "enter the Olympics"?

       Su Jie, Secretary-General of China Sports Dance Federation, said: "One of the strong characteristics of break dancing is that it is very competitive. The form of competition generally appears in the form of fighting dance, that is, one-on-one PK, and the criteria for judging are relatively clear, so it can be the official event of the Olympic Games first."

       In China, break dancing has also become the only dance in the street dance competition of the 2nd Youth Games held in 2019, and China break dancing has officially entered the preparation stage for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

       Experts believe that dance presentation, music understanding, dance culture interpretation and innovation may be the scoring points of break dancing after entering the Olympics.

       How to form a national break dance team?

       The reporter learned from the China Sports Dance Federation that the formation of the national break dance team for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games has started, and talent selection has begun. At the same time, the preparation and selection plan has also entered the revision stage and is expected to be announced to the public in the first half of 2021. How to form the national team of break dancing? In particular, everyone is very concerned about whether those stars who are good at break dancing will also have the opportunity to enter the national team.

       Su Jie, secretary-general of China Sports Dance Federation, said: "We will decide who can be selected into our large talent pool by comprehensive standards, not whether he is an performing star or a person engaged in a certain profession. We are based on sports performance."

       According to reports, it takes two steps to form a national team of break dancing. First, a talent pool is established by extensively selecting talents in the whole society, and then the national team candidates are finally determined through a competitive selection mechanism.

       Su Jie, Secretary General of China Sports Dance Federation: "Now the selection method has entered the revision stage, and then it will be reported to the relevant departments for review, and finally we will announce it to the whole society. The announcement time is probably before the first half of next year. "

       [After all] Is everyone suitable for break dancing?

       The door of the national break dance team is open to the whole society. Are you also moved? It is estimated that many parents will be busy letting their children practice again. Is it suitable for everyone to break dance? What should we pay attention to when engaging in this sport?

       In the face of zero-based reporters, Shang Xiaoyu only selected a few simple warm-up professors, but the reporters still found it difficult to control.

       Wang Hong, a professor at Beijing Sport University and a member of the "Source News" expert database of the China Association for Science and Technology, said: "Many movements really violate some concepts of traditional sports training, and the risk of injury is great. Some movements of flexibility and explosive force may be harmful to a child who does not grow well, to the development of his bones or to his ligaments, for example, to the lumbar spine. If children and young people want to do this kind of action, you must first practice basic physical fitness and special physical fitness before you can rise to the level of technical training. "

       Shang Xiaoyu, the only player of the China team in the break dance event of the 2018 Youth Olympic Games, said: "Don’t always focus on these rotations and difficult movements. In fact, breaking is more interesting in its dance."

       [After all] Although break dancing is cool, can everyone try it?

       Finally, I would like to remind you that although break dancing is cool, its difficult movements such as tumbling, handstand, head turning and Thomas require very high strength, flexibility and coordination. Don’t try rashly if you don’t have a certain physical quality. Especially parents and friends, all want to build a handsome baby, but break dancing is fierce and difficult, and it is not suitable for children who are too young to learn, so as not to get hurt.

Football News: Taishan will win the second place in the U21 League. In the final round, four teams will compete for the remaining place for the second place.

Live broadcast: On November 3rd, in the 21st round of U21 League, Shandong Taishan U21 team defeated Shanghai Harbour U21 team 2-1, locked in the championship one round ahead of schedule, and got the qualification to participate in the 2024 season B. According to "Football News", in the final round, there were four teams competing for the remaining one B spot.

According to the rules, the top two players in U21 League this year won the number of places in China B, but the rules on registration, promotion and demotion have not been finalized. After this round, Taishan scored 45 points, Haigang scored 40 points, Dalian scored 39 points, Rongcheng scored 39 points and Shenhua scored 38 points. Taishan U21 team has won the championship ahead of schedule and successfully rushed to B, while the four U21 teams of Haigang, Dalian, Rongcheng and Shenhua all have hope of rushing to B in the final round.

At present, the situation in the seaport is the best. If you win, you will get the qualification of B. If you draw, you need another game and it will be a draw. If you lose, you will miss B.: If Dalian people win and the harbor doesn’t win, they can get the qualification of B, and they will be tied or negative; If Rongcheng wins, and the harbor doesn’t win, it will get the qualification of B, and it will be flat or negative; If Shenhua wins and Dalian people draw with Rongcheng, they can get the qualification of B.
