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Cold air strikes, and snow and haze days will weaken and dissipate in some areas.

  CCTV News:Recently, smog has resurfaced in Huanghuai and other places in North China. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today (18th) will be the most serious day of this round of smog in Huanghuai and other places in North China, with severe haze in 7 provinces and cities. It is expected that the smog in the above areas will gradually weaken or dissipate from the 19th.


  In addition, the process of heavy snowfall in northern Xinjiang is coming to an end. Starting from the 20th, the strongest cold air will come in the second half of this year, and the temperature in most parts of China will plummet. North China, Huanghuai and other places may usher in snow at the beginning of this winter.

  Early warning: severe haze in 7 provinces and cities and strong fog in 5 areas

  The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of haze at 6 o’clock this morning. Today, from day to night, there are moderate haze in parts of central and southern Beijing, Tianjin, central and southern Hebei, northwestern Shandong, central and northern Henan, central Shanxi and Guanzhong, Shaanxi, and severe haze in some areas.



△ Beijing sounded an orange warning of heavy pollution (Photo: vision china)

  However, from the morning of the 19th, due to the influence of cold air, the haze in the northern region will gradually weaken or dissipate from north to south.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory also issued a foggy yellow warning at 6 o’clock this morning. From this morning to this morning, some areas in the eastern Sichuan Basin, central Jiangxi, southern Hunan, northern Guangdong, northern Zhejiang and other places have strong fog with visibility less than 200 meters, and local areas have extremely strong fog with visibility less than 50 meters.



  In the second half of the year, the strongest cold air will come to Huanghuai, North China to welcome the first snow

  Since November 10th, heavy snowfall has frequently occurred in northern Xinjiang, and some areas have continuously set a record for the deepest snow in November. It is expected that the snowfall in northern Xinjiang will weaken today, and this round of continuous heavy snowfall will end. However, under the continuous influence of cold air, the temperature will collapse. Take Urumqi as an example. In the next three or four days, the local daily maximum temperature will drop below -10℃.


  The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will still be small to medium snow or sleet in eastern Inner Mongolia, the central part of Northeast China, and the Ili Valley in Xinjiang from day to night. Among them, there are heavy snow in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, southwestern Heilongjiang and central Jilin. Affected by cold air, the temperature in the northeast of Xinjiang, the eastern part of northwest China, North China, Northeast China, Huanghuai and other places will also drop by 4 to 8 C from today to the 20th, with the local temperature drop in the central and eastern Inner Mongolia and the southern part of Northeast China reaching more than 10 C. The above areas are accompanied by northerly winds of 4~6.


  In the next five or six days, the south will be affected by warm and humid air currents, and there will be more rainy weather in Jiangnan, Jianghuai and Jianghan. Among them, there were small to moderate rains in Jiangnan and South China on the 19th, and there was heavy rain in the local area. In addition, there will be a cold air invading China from 20 to 24, and it is likely to be the strongest cold air in the second half of the year. Affected by this, the temperature in most parts of China plummeted, and the first snowfall this winter is expected in North China, Huanghuai and other places.

  This winter is particularly cold? Experts predict that this winter may be a "cold winter" in China.

  The source of weather changes is often far away. Meteorologists have judged that the winter of 2016/2017 may be a cold winter in China, which is rooted in the melting changes in the Arctic and the "La Nina event" in the equatorial Middle East and Pacific Ocean. 


  Experts say that after the rapid melting of Arctic sea ice, the albedo (the ratio of reflected flux to incident flux of solar radiation) decreases, and more energy is stored in the ocean. On the one hand, it will accelerate the melting of ice, on the other hand, more energy will be transmitted from the ocean to the atmosphere, changing the air pressure difference between the Arctic region and the mid-latitude region, and bringing cold air from the Arctic region to the mid-latitude region. The effect of the rapid melting of Arctic sea ice on the temperature is the so-called "warm Arctic-cold continent". The decrease of Arctic sea ice is closely related to the winter temperature and precipitation in China, which will lead to the increase of extremely cold temperature in winter and the appearance of cold winter.

  On the other hand, the SST in the equatorial Middle East Pacific entered La Nina state in August, and "took over" the previous super El Ni? o event. Monitoring shows that La Nina is expected to last until winter, which has a great impact on the winter temperature in China.


  La Nina is a phenomenon that the sea surface temperature in the equatorial, Middle East and Pacific Ocean is unusually cold, which causes abnormal atmospheric circulation and affects the global climate. At present, the entire equatorial Middle East Pacific is in La Nina state, and it is expected that a weak to moderate intensity La Nina event will be formed in December. When La Ni? a state or La Ni? a event occurs, it is easy to be cold in winter in China. (Source: CCTV News, China Weather Network, Xinhua News Agency)

ATFX continues to help the charity cause of the Aijue Cup and pass on the brand power.

Source: Financial Information

  ATFX dynamics: On September 27th, 2022, local time, the Duke of Edinburgh Golf Cup (British Finals), led by the British royal family, officially started. Its main goal is to raise funds through national amateur golf tournament plans around the world to benefit young people and children in need around the world. This tournament is open to golf lovers all over the world, and it is divided into two stages: the preliminaries and the finals. This ATFX will appear in the 2022 British Finals, as well as the 2023 British and Mexican preliminaries, and practice a company’s social responsibility with practical actions. As a caring broker of contracts for differences, ATFX has once again become a sponsor of the event and has met the event for five consecutive years.

  ▲ATFX for the picture

  Different from the usual events, this year’s events not only attracted the attention of many professional golfers, but also attracted many amateurs. As a sponsor of this tournament, ATFX also sent excellent players to participate in the competition, competing on the same stage with golf lovers and accomplished professional players all over the world. It is worth mentioning that in every game, different "dark horses" staged wonderful skill competitions, which also increased the interest of the event and the participation of players.

  Not only that, ATFX also prepared a variety of stadium supplies for the contestants. Taking the basic supplies of the competition as an example, it customized and prepared exclusive golf balls, golf club bags, handbags, hats and towels for the contestants. ATFX brand can be seen from the entrance of the stadium to the whole stadium, which not only reflects the organizers’ attention to ATFX, but also is another friendly witness after we met with the Aijue Cup for five years.

  ▲ATFX for the picture

  As a heavy sponsor of the event, Weems Chan, global marketing and brand director of ATFX, Matt Porter, operation director of professional customer service department of ATFX UK institutions, Marc Taylor, senior account manager of professional customer service department of ATFX UK institutions, and other members all appeared on the field to cheer for the next event. Among them, Marc Taylor and Matt Porter also participated in the Aijue Cup as players in this competition, and discussed their skills with golf enthusiasts on the field.

  ATFX has been holding hands with Aijue Cup for five years.

  Since 2018, ATFX has joined hands with Duke of Edinburgh Cup for five consecutive years to support this particularly "loving" activity with practical actions, which embodies the brand’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) concept of "value growth and giving back to society". As a highly active financial technology broker in the UK, ATFX has not only made great efforts in financial technology, but also actively participated in sports and charity. From 2018 to 2022, ATFX has helped young people all over the world with care and support. It is reported that it has sponsored more than 4,500,000 pounds in cash and helped 10,000 young people live a better life.

  ▲ATFX for the picture

  In the second quarter of 2022, according to the report published by Finance Magnates, the authoritative media in the industry, ATFX ranked sixth in the world with the leading MT4 transaction volume, and the brand development momentum continued in the new quarter, and its own drift team was established in September. All these actions indicate that the brand will enter a period of rapid development. In sports events, the brand still maintains a high degree of enthusiasm. As can be seen from the continuous cooperation with the Aijue Cup, ATFX is highly recognized by its concept of advocating positive and caring for vulnerable groups, and the cooperation between top events and top brands will also form a strong alliance, which will not only promote the process of the final of the British Aijue Cup, but also provide a good platform for ATFX to display.

  As an active promoter and practitioner of public welfare undertakings, ATFX has been involved in public welfare undertakings, from caring for the physical and mental health of children, teenagers to the elderly, to caring for students, helping environmental protection and ecological poverty alleviation to public health and safety. The brand’s charitable footprint has spread all over China, Britain, South Korea, Mexico and Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. In the face of social charity, ATFX often conveys the warmth of the enterprise with simple love, and supports charities everywhere with practical actions. An important reason why the Aijue Cup can continue to join hands with us is that we love and love to participate in charity. Similarly, ATFX also loves to cooperate with world-class charities and contribute to charity around the world.

  Everyone gathers firewood, and ATFX has been well aware of this point since the brand was founded, so that it has always paid attention to public welfare and practiced it in the process of enterprise development. In the future, ATFX will continue to pay attention to charity, cooperate with charitable foundations in many ways, continuously increase investment in charity, take more social enterprise responsibilities with practical actions, and light up the love lights in more people’s hearts with actions, so that the power of love will become stronger and stronger.


The most comprehensive strategy for world-famous ski resorts

This article is transferred from SIPA; Komerovo, Russia, a ski resort in Russia-the scenery of the misty town of Sheregsh.
This article is transferred from SIPA; In Desolido Ripley, Nevada, Chile, the Red Bull "Red Bull Out of Hell" event was held in Desolido Ripley volcano, Nevada. Participants climbed the snow-covered crater and then slid down by sleigh.
This article is transferred from SIPA; In the Penning Alps, Switzerland, skier Jeremie Heitz descended the alpine snow mountain vertically, and the scene was spectacular and thrilling.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Whistler, Canada, Whistler Mountain Ski Resort is the largest ski resort in North America, about 120 kilometers north of Vancouver, Canada. From 1992 to 1995, Whistler was awarded the title of "SnowCountry’s First Ski Resort in North America" and "Best Holiday Resort Design" for four consecutive years, and it was also one of the ski resorts in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.
This article is transferred from SIPA; The tourist and leisure environment of Mount Elbrus is suitable for all seasons.
This article is transferred from SIPA; In Moscow, Russia, the first deformation ski resort opened in a park in Pushkinskaya Embankment, and fans gathered to enjoy extreme skateboarding.
This article is transferred from SIPA; In the Karachay-Cherkessia region of Russia, the ski resort of Arkhyz ushered in the tourist season.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Az, Avory is a French mountain resort, located near Geneva, Switzerland. As early as 1930, the first cableway was built. It is the most standard ski resort, with an altitude of 1,800 meters, which attracts a large number of skiers every year.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Kitzbuhel, known as the "Pearl of the Alps", is the most famous resort in Tyrol, Austria. This 700-year-old village has fully demonstrated the charm of alpine villages in front of tourists, and skiing has been carried out here since the winter of 1892. Kitzbuhel Ski Resort is the most fashionable and prosperous winter tourist resort, which can provide excellent ski resorts and is famous for the Hahnenkamm Brave Downhill Ski Race held here in January every year.
This article is transferred from SIPA; The ski jumping platform in Homme Cullen, Norway is the largest and most advanced ski jumping platform in the world. The platform with a height of 65 meters is built on a slope, and the slide is like a huge slide, which has the world’s top engineering level. At the same time, the ski jumping platform in Homme Cullen can also meet the different needs of skiers, referees, media reporters and spectators.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Weir Ski Resort has always been known as the "Best Resort in America" and has also been rated as the top five ski resorts in the world. It has the largest single ski resort in the United States, providing nearly 5,300 acres of skiing area. Besides skiing, Weil has several galleries, museums, hot air balloon clubs, dog sledding, skating, ice hockey, snowmobiles and many other recreational facilities. Weir’s ramp was created by God for skiing, which has an almost supernatural attraction and makes countless skiers dream about it.
This article is transferred from SIPA; As the largest independent ski resort in Canada, Banff Lake Louis Ski Resort has a slide with four peaks and was once rated as "the most scenic ski resort" by ski magazine. The well-designed slide layout here can meet the needs of tourists of different levels.
This article is transferred from SIPA; St. Maurize Ski Resort is located in Switzerland, with many snow-capped mountains and luxurious facilities, and is known as the birthplace of winter sports. St. Maurize is an advanced resort with a comfortable and pleasant climate, and has always been famous for hosting high-level winter sports. It used to be the venue of two Winter Olympic Games, so the standard of skiing facilities is extremely high. St. Maurize Ski Resort is known as the originator of winter sports.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Zermatt ski resort in Switzerland, Zermatt ski resort is considered to be the best ski resort in Switzerland and even the best in the world. Zermatt Ski Resort, located at the foot of Matterhorn Peak, is the world’s top ski resort, with a total length of 250 kilometers, the second largest vertical drop in the world (up and down by elevator), and an altitude difference of 2,200 meters. There are 74 sets of various mountaineering transportation facilities for all kinds of skiers.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Elbrus Peak, Russian Caucasus. You can ski in Mount Elbrus in winter and climb in summer. The town at the foot of the mountain is 3.5 hours’ drive from the city, and it is all roads with good road conditions, so people can carry out cycling activities on the roads. Many hiking adaptation routes have also been developed around the town, where people can hike in the mountains to prepare for the subsequent skiing and mountaineering activities. The whole town is purely tourist, and participants have more freedom of choice.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Elbrus Peak, Russian Caucasus. You can ski in Mount Elbrus in winter and climb in summer. The town at the foot of the mountain is 3.5 hours’ drive from the city, and it is all roads with good road conditions, so people can carry out cycling activities on the roads. Many hiking adaptation routes have also been developed around the town, where people can hike in the mountains to prepare for the subsequent skiing and mountaineering activities. The whole town is purely tourist, and participants have more freedom of choice.
This article is transferred from SIPA; February 13, 2017, local time, Tine, France, the picture shows the data map of the ski resort in Tine, France.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Sochi, Russia, a Russian winter ski resort-Sochi Alpine Ski Zone, is also the venue for the 2017 World Military Winter Games.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Valloire, France, Valloire ski resort.
This article is transferred from SIPA; On January 20, 2018, local time, Minsk, Belarus, Logoisk Ski Resort.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Davos Ski Resort Center, Switzerland.
This article is transferred from SIPA; France, Les 3 Vallées.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Whistler ski resort, Canada.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Italy, Cortina Ski Resort.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Aspen Ski Resort, USA.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Kitzbuhel Ski Resort, Austria.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Renzehead Ski Resort, Switzerland.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Lake Louise Snow Mountain, Canada.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Chamonix, France.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Mont Blanc, Italy.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Zermatt ski resort, Switzerland.
This article is transferred from SIPA; Komerovo, Russia, a ski resort in Russia-the scenery of the misty town of Sheregsh.

(Economic Watch) How can finance help solve the "pain of economic transformation"?

China news agency, Shanghai, September 24 (Gao Zhiming) Under the background of sustainable development, green has become the "background color" pursued by the development of various industries, and concepts such as green finance and transitional finance have emerged. How can finance help solve the "pain of transformation" in economic development?
At the 5th Bund Financial Summit held in Shanghai from 22nd to 24th, transitional finance received attention. Experts generally believe that finance should not only focus on "pure green" or close to "pure green" economic activities, but also encourage the development of transitional finance.
The recently released "Research on the Development of Transitional Finance in China" shows that the concept of transitional finance was first put forward by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2019, which refers to financial activities that support the transformation of economic entities to the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations. Broadly speaking, transitional finance should not only include financial support for the economic transformation to a green and low-carbon goal, but also include the financial system’s active transformation and adjustment to adapt to the economic transformation.
Xu Lin, chairman of China-US Green Fund, said that transitional finance is very important for the development of China. The technological progress in the field of new energy has made people see that investing in green finance is profitable and has little risk. However, the transformation of traditional industrial sectors such as coal-fired power generation, chemical industry, metallurgy and building materials has actually encountered greater difficulties, including cost increase.
Ma Jun, president of Beijing Institute of Green Finance and Sustainable Development, also pointed out that there may be some difficulties and pain points in the development of transitional finance. In China, the criteria for defining economic activities in transition are displayed in the form of a catalogue, but there may be some risks of "false transition" if only the catalogue is used, and the catalogue must be used in combination with other conditions.
He also pointed out that at the product level, there are many debt-based transformation financing tools, such as bonds and loans linked to sustainability, but basically no equity financing tools supporting transformation have been seen; In terms of incentive mechanism, what is needed is not only the conceptual incentive mechanism, but also the specific tools to be used. In terms of fair transformation, it also faces challenges at the landing level.
Financial support for green and low-carbon transformation must be achieved through various effective policy tools. Relevant experts attending the meeting said that policy tools can be divided into two categories: price-based and non-price-based Price tools price negative externalities or subsidize positive externalities to enhance the relative competitiveness of green projects; Non-price tools mainly form incentives and constraints on market players to promote their behavior to meet the requirements of green and low-carbon development.
It is understood that since 2021, based on the Catalogue of Projects Supported by Green Bonds, the People’s Bank of China has absorbed the consensus of international transitional financial standards, and given consideration to its own reality, determined the principles of remarkable contribution, advancement, consistency, continuous supervision, simplicity and feasibility, and dynamics of transitional financial standards, and formed the first drafts of standards for four industries: coal, electricity, steel, building materials and agriculture.
Talking about the future of transitional finance, Xu Lin suggested providing better and more specific policy support for the research and development and application of green and low-carbon technologies; At the same time, design a better incentive mechanism; In addition, the regulatory rules should also be adjusted adaptively. Transitional finance needs to be gradually refined in the specific practice process and constantly improve the ecological construction of transitional finance. (End)

go to evening school

Changjiang Daily Great Wuhan Client December 30thOn December 26th, 27th and 28th, for three consecutive nights, "Youth Night School" in Dongxihu District started classes in gold and silver lake Street Huacheng Community, Changqing Garden Sixth Community and District Workers’ Cultural Palace respectively. Many young people signed up for classes, learned African drums, hand knitting and calligraphy, and opened up a different way of "nightlife" through night school.
On the evening of December 26th, Jiang Jun, a percussion player of Hubei Opera and Dance Theatre, was teaching African drums to young people.
It is not difficult to make woven bags. Everyone helps each other to finish them together.
Record the learning results with your mobile phone, and the harvest is full.
Nowadays, more and more young people choose to recharge in time after work to improve themselves. Working during the day and attending classes at night have become a popular new way of "nightlife". In order to meet the learning needs of young people, the East-West Lake Youth Night School was launched by the East-West Lake Youth League Committee in early December, and the courses were arranged in a combination of "skills upgrading+decompression manual+non-genetic inheritance+culture and art", including calligraphy, beauty, painting, dance, tea art, baking, knitting and so on. A variety of courses, so that the East and West Lake youth "self-improvement", decompression, social and other growth needs have been further met.
On the evening of December 28th, in the Workers’ Cultural Palace in Dongxihu District, young people were learning brush calligraphy.
On the evening of December 28th, young people were learning badminton in the badminton court of Wuhan living room.
It is understood that there are currently four youth night school teaching points with convenient transportation and large radiation range in the district. Since the beginning of this month, there have been 12 classes, each with 30 ~ 40 students, which were quickly robbed as soon as they went online, and the attendance rate was not less than 95%.
The relevant person in charge of the Communist Youth League Committee introduced that the "Youth Night School" was established to enable more young people to better integrate into the East and West Lakes and fully participate in their development. Next, the "Youth Night School" will also offer more courses that young people like and learn according to classroom feedback and suggestions.
(Changjiang Daily reporter Li Yonggang photo report correspondent Guo Baiting Huang Boqing)
[Editor: Zhao Ke]    
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Suddenly burst into fire! The nightlife of young people in Hangzhou is so interesting.

Working during the day and attending classes at night has become a fashionable nightlife for young people in Hangzhou. Recently, from Shanghai to Hangzhou, a large number of young people choose to go to night schools after work. What courses are there in these night schools? How did you sign up? Let’s get to know each other!

Shake the number to generate admission places

Since September this year, Zhejiang Cultural Center has opened a series of autumn public welfare courses of "Beautifying Literature and Art" National Art School, which is located in Zhejiang Cultural Center of West Lake Cultural Square.

In addition to the most popular beauty class, there are 69 courses such as cello, violin, Latin dance, ballet, Hangzhou dialect popularization, sorting and storage, calligraphy, Chinese painting, Beijing opera, photography and buckle skills, all of which are trained by special teachers.

All these courses are free for public welfare, and most of them have 8 classes, once a week. The most popular classes that need to be rushed are mainly concentrated in the prime time from 7: 00 to 8: 30 every night, so they are called "night classes" by many people.

Once the night school was opened, it became a hot cake, and the registration was particularly hot. At present, these public welfare courses are registered through the "Zheli Cultural Circle" applet, and the admission results are generated by random lottery.

According to the registration page of "Zheli Cultural Circle", only 30 places enrolled in the beauty class flooded into 1700 people, with an admission ratio of 56: 1. Most of the people who come to night school are young people born after 90.

However, just recently, the Provincial Cultural Center issued a "missing" strategy-if there are students taking time off, the staff will make statistics in advance and publicly release the vacant places as experience class places. Citizens who have not shaken the number can pay attention to the "Little Front Desk of the Cultural Center" account in time or call the official hotline 0571-87083278 for consultation and registration!

On the evening of November 4th, the students walked into the "night school" in Zhejiang Cultural Center.

These courses are the most popular

Huang Ying, the teacher of the beauty class, is a national senior makeup artist and beautician. She has a full schedule during the day, but she also cherishes the one-and-a-half-hour evening class every week. She also feels relaxed and happy to see so many young people on time for appointments every week.

The violin class is in the classroom next to the beauty class. Violin and other musical instruments are provided to the students for free. Many people will ask for detention after class, just to practice more.

The class is over at 8: 30 in the evening, and many students will be around the teacher, hoping to help. The teacher is also very patient and willing to accompany the students to "drag the class".

Popular courses that are highly sought after, as well as the "sorting and receiving class" on Friday afternoon. Zhang Ying, a teacher, is a professional organizer, which is also a new profession in recent years. In every class, she has to repeatedly emphasize the essence of reception with the students, that is, to balance the relationship among people, things and space. In other words, it is not easy to tidy up the house, which should be clean and tidy as well as scientific and reasonable.

On weekdays, the "night school" is full of popularity, and on weekends, the Zhejiang Cultural Center is more lively.

For example, the "Hangzhou dialect popularization class" every Saturday night is a newly added course this fall. The teacher is Gao Renfei, a post-95 boy. Over the years, as a linguistics major, he has been devoted to exploring and studying Hangzhou dialect in a systematic way.

From theory to practice, Gao Renfei taught everyone the basic intonation of Hangzhou dialect in an easy-to-understand way in class. The students are from all over the world-Beijing, Chengdu, Sichuan, Yantai, Shandong, Quzhou, Zhejiang, Yichun, Jiangxi and other places, and even "foreign students" from the United States, Zambia and Russia.

At the end of this year, Zhejiang Cultural Center will hold a series of performances of "Beautifying Literature and Art", and outstanding students will have the opportunity to perform on stage. And those relatively static courses, such as buckle, embroidery, calligraphy, painting, etc., also have the opportunity to exhibit excellent works.

Someone took the high-speed train to Hangzhou to attend classes.

In fact, a hard-to-find public welfare course has actually been available since 2014. The Zhejiang Cultural Center conducts public welfare course training every spring, summer and autumn to recruit students from the society. Only in the past, most of the people who came to participate in this kind of training were older citizens and teenagers.

This year, things have changed Working during the day and attending classes at night, these courses attract more and more office workers and young people. There are even young people in Jiaxing and Huzhou who are willing to take the high-speed train to class after work every week.

Violin class

Latin dance class

Zumba aerobic dance ban

Students in Beijing Opera class practice their vocalization by biting chopsticks.

Netizen commented that this is a children’s palace for adults, and the sense of relaxation in class can be used to iron out the folds of life.

Here, at first, no one knew anyone, but because of the same interests, these people who came from all over the city got together on a fixed night every week and spent a special "night school" time. In the beauty class, the only male student volunteered to be the monitor of the beauty class, and some students said that their social fears for many years would be cured.

Night school is also the memory of a generation in Hangzhou.

The word "night school" is actually very chronological. In the 1980s and 1990s, it was all the rage in China, including Hangzhou.

This is a memory that belongs to a generation. In the early days of reform and opening-up, it was difficult to get into universities. Some young people who are already employed and eager to continue their studies will join TV University, Night University and Correspondence University after work to continue their studies.

Youth night school in the 1980s

Different from the "night school" courses which mainly focus on literary interests, the night school was mainly about teaching subjects, such as junior high school, junior high school and junior college, and some courses to upgrade professional skills, such as electrician knowledge, electronic technology, mechanical drawing, mold design, etc., all of which had corresponding graduation exams and formal diplomas. Generally, some classrooms in primary and secondary schools are borrowed to attend classes, just like going back to campus again, and everyone’s enthusiasm for going to night school is very high.

Did you go to "night school"?

Are you interested in such "night school" classes?

If given the chance, which course would you like to study most?

Welcome to the comment area to leave a message for interaction.

Information/Orange Persimmon Interactive City Express, Provincial Cultural Center

Photography/Chen Zhongqiu

Original title: "Sudden fire! The nightlife of young people in Hangzhou is too rich.

The Beauty of Festivals New Year’s Day | One-Yuan Recurrence: Talking about "those things" on New Year’s Day

A unified start, Vientiane update. January 1, 2023 is the first day of the Gregorian New Year, and people are used to calling it New Year’s Day. What does the word New Year’s Day mean? What’s the nickname? What is the relationship between modern Spring Festival and ancient New Year’s Day? Listen to what folklore experts say.
Poster production: Feng Juan
Xiao Fang, a professor at the School of Social Studies of Beijing Normal University and director of the China Festival Culture Research Center of China Folk Writers Association, said in the Song Dynasty that "the first month of the first month is called New Year’s Day, and the common name is New Year’s Day. One-year-old festival, this is the first. " Literally, Yuan is the beginning and Dan is the morning. As a holiday time, it refers to the morning of the first day of the first month of each year, that is, the beginning of the new year.
Historically, there are many elegant terms for New Year’s Day, such as Sanyuan, Yuanri, Zhengchao, Yuanshuo, Zhengdan, Yuanzheng, New Year, Early Year, Xinzheng, Chicken Day, etc., but among many terms, "New Year’s Day" is the most common and the longest.
Poster production: Feng Juan
Traditional China society has a different understanding of the "new year" from the west, and has always regarded "the first day of the first month" as the beginning of the "new year", which was the case in ancient China, and New Year’s Day was the "first day of the first month". Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the specific date of New Year’s Day was not uniform. The Xia Dynasty was the first day of the first month of the first lunar month, the Shang Dynasty was the first day of the second lunar month, the Zhou Dynasty was the first day of the first lunar month, and the Qin Dynasty was the first day of the first lunar month. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he switched to taichu calendar, redesignating the first day of the first month of the first lunar month in the summer calendar as "New Year’s Day", which has since been used by successive dynasties.
"It can be seen that in a long historical period, there was only one New Year in China, which was the lunar year on the first day of the first month. This situation was not changed until the Republic of China." Xiao Fang said.
In 1911, the Revolution of 1911 overthrew the rule of the Qing Dynasty. The newly established government of the Republic of China introduced the western calendar, and began to use the Gregorian calendar in 1912, stipulating that January 1 of the Gregorian calendar was the New Year, and appropriated the name "New Year’s Day" originally used as the Lunar New Year to the Gregorian New Year, and the Lunar New Year was renamed the Spring Festival. Since then, China people have had two New Years every year: one is New Year’s Day on January 1 of the Gregorian calendar, which people used to call "Gregorian Year"; The other is the Lunar New Year, the Spring Festival, on the first day of the first lunar month.
"However, due to historical culture and folk traditions, the holiday revision of this calendar has not become widely popular." Xiao Fang said.
On September 27th, 1949, the first plenary session of China People’s Political Consultative Conference passed a resolution, and People’s Republic of China (PRC) adopted the AD calendar year. Since then, January 1st of the Gregorian calendar has been officially called "New Year’s Day" and the first day of the first lunar month has been designated as "Spring Festival".
"As the first day of the Gregorian New Year, New Year’s Day is a legal holiday in many countries or regions in the world. It is full of vitality, symbolizes new life and new hope, and also places people’s good wishes and expectations for the future." Xiao Fang said.
Coordinator: Liu Xinhui and Liu Yuanxu
Reporter: Zhou Runjian
Editor: Li Min
Jointly produced by Xinhua News Agency and Tianjin Branch.
Produced by Jieling Studio
Everyone is searching.
New Year’s Day is the first day of the new year. Before New Year’s Day, the beginning of the new year is the time for all families to reunite. The beautiful sentence of New Year’s Day is also a festival day, New Year’s Day and Spring Festival.


Baidu netizen 710d9f03

May everyone’s wishes come true in the new year, and their actions will be smooth, joyful and peaceful.


Anhui (Province)



It’s all occupied.

The mountain is high and there is a walk, and the water is deep and there is a boat. Harmony is spring, and the new year is better than the old year.





Zhimofang Karuo

May the epidemic and all unhappiness disappear with the bell this year. The new year is healthy, safe and smooth. It is booming.





Mysterious ruins

See you in 22 years. Hello in 23 years. In the new year, happiness and well-being, everything goes smoothly, and the right company is also the warmth of unexpected encounters. Come on in 2023!





I like you like me.

Goodbye, in 2022, all the sufferings will drift with the wind. In 2023, I wish people all over the world peace, health, happiness and happiness, and all the good things and expectations will come as scheduled!





Rows of oranges

New Year’s Day is full of vitality, symbolizing new life and new hope, and also placing people’s good wishes and expectations for the future.





Search product event

Too soon, 2022 will pass, and 2023 will be welcomed. May all people, Xin Fuan Kang.


Anhui (Province)



One has you.

Say goodbye to 2022, usher in 2023, and 2023 will go hand in hand!


Jilin (Province)



The sunshine in the morning is very bright

New Year’s Day refers to the morning of the first day of the first month of each year, that is, the beginning of the New Year.





Baidu netizen 9927eb25

I wish the people of the whole country good health and happy family in advance. I wish the motherland better and better.


Liaoning (Province)



A lone cat walking in the clouds

I wish you all a happy new year, good health and happiness every day.





Baidu netizen b179aeb7

The winter is over, the Milky Way is bright, and everything goes well in the new year.





Hollow bone

In the new year, I wish the motherland continued good weather, peace and prosperity!


Anhui (Province)




I hope everyone will work hard in the new year!





Ge sang Hua Zhan

Season after season, joy had followed joy, may the new year be better than the old one.





I don’t know

I wish the people of the motherland a happy New Year! Everything goes well!


Guizhou (Province)



Engineering hardware interlocking

I wish the people of the whole country good health and all the best.





Float and never meet.

May the heart be happy and everything be happy, and the year will be peaceful!





There is no more.

Why is the ocean so important?

At the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the concept of "World Ocean Day" was put forward for the first time, aiming at praising the oceans shared by the whole world, emphasizing the connection between the oceans and ourselves, raising people’s awareness of the importance of the oceans in daily life, and understanding the important ways to help protect the oceans.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 63/111 on 5 December 2008, which willJune 8th was designated as World Ocean Day.

Humans don’t live on the ocean, but why is the ocean so important?

The ocean is the cradle of life, accounting for nearly 3/4 of the earth’s surface area and the ninety-seven percent of all the earth’s water resources. It is the source of our life, and the life of human beings and all other creatures on earth depends on the ocean. The ocean provides many resources and services for human beings, such as oxygen, climate regulation, carbon sequestration, food and medicine, which is of great significance to the survival and development of human society.

The ocean produces at least 50% of the oxygen on the earth, which is the home of most biodiversity on the earth, and the protein ingested by more than one billion people in the world mainly comes from the ocean. And the ocean is vital to our economy. It is estimated that by 2030, the marine industry will employ 40 million people.

Although the ocean has so many benefits, it still needs support.

With 90% of the large fish stocks exhausted and 50% of the coral reefs destroyed, the resources we get from the ocean far exceed the amount that the ocean can supply. In order to protect the ocean and everything it supports, we must establish a new balance based on a true understanding of the ocean and the relationship between human beings and the ocean. We must learn from the lessons of the past and establish contact with the ocean in an inclusive and innovative way.

The purpose of "World Ocean Day" is to tell the public about the impact of human activities on the ocean, promote the global citizens’ movement to protect the ocean, and mobilize and unite the people of the world to carry out a project of sustainable management of the world’s oceans.

"Ocean: Life and Livelihood" is the theme of World Ocean Day in 2021, and it is also a statement of intention to start the ten-year challenge and realize the sustainable development goal 14 "Protection and sustainable utilization of oceans and marine resources" by 2030.

This year, the United Nations organized activities to celebrate World Ocean Day. This is also the second virtual celebration of the United Nations World Ocean Day held on June 8, 2021.

This year’s annual event, jointly organized by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs and the non-profit organization Global Ocean and partner Blancpain, will reveal the wonders of the ocean and how the ocean has become the source of our life and supported human beings and all other living things on earth.

Join us in this year’s annual activities of the United Nations World Ocean Day, and you can hear the voices of thought leaders, celebrities, institutional partners, communities, entrepreneurs and cross-industry experts to discuss information about the biodiversity and economic opportunities maintained by the oceans.

At the same time, this year’s theme is particularly important in the preparations for the United Nations Decade of Marine Science for Sustainable Development, which will last from 2021 to 2030. This decade will strengthen international cooperation and develop scientific research and innovative technologies that can meet the needs of marine science and society.

Man and the ocean are a community of life, and we should care for the ocean like life! Only by adopting a more sustainable production and consumption mode and promoting a green production and lifestyle can we improve the global marine ecological health and ensure the well-being of mankind for generations to come.

In the future construction of marine ecological civilization, it is urgent for more people to pay attention to and join the ranks of protecting the marine ecological environment and biodiversity, conserve the diverse marine life and habitats, realize the sustainable utilization of marine resources, and leave a blue sea and blue sky for our future generations.

(Source: United Nations, China Green Development Association, etc.)

Finishing /Xiaoai editing/greenery

Xianglushan Street in Chongqing High-tech Zone: Public Welfare Movies Entering the Community to Share Harmonious Neighborhood.

Hualong News (correspondent Liang Wenya) In order to further enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the broad masses of residents, improve the cultural quality and taste of community residents, promote the construction and integration of community culture, and create a harmonious and warm community atmosphere, recently, a movie-watching activity of "public welfare movies enter the community to share harmonious neighborhood feelings" was held in the shared living room of Kangju Xicheng, Xianglushan Street, Chongqing High-tech Zone, providing residents with a comfortable and relaxed audio-visual feast.

"Come on, Khufu, there is a movie in the shared living room. Let’s go and watch it together." Before the film screening began, residents came to the shared living room one after another, and the scene suddenly became lively. "Here we go, here we go …" Everyone soon quieted down and watched the film attentively. The film shown this time is a warm, touching and inspirational film "Miracle Stupid Child", and the atmosphere was harmonious and warm.

After the film screening, many residents are reluctant to leave and are still discussing the wonderful movie plot. Uncle Jiang, a resident of Kangsan, said, "This film is very educational, and it also makes me feel the hardships of young people starting a business and the warmth of family and friends. I will come to the movies in the future."

It is reported that the shared living room has held more than 20 activities, including popular science lectures, public viewing and food production, which attracted more than 1,000 residents to participate and fully demonstrated the vitality and enthusiasm of the community. Many residents have expressed their feelings that the completion of the shared living room has once again narrowed the distance between neighbors.

In the next step, Xianglushan Street will rely on the shared living room and various community activity stations to carry out more cultural activities that are rich in content and popular with residents, so as to further meet the cultural needs and life fun of residents.

What do you know about the amazing "World Heritage" in China?

  BEIJING, Beijing, July 4 (Shangguan Yun) According to media reports, from July 2 to 12, the World Heritage Conference will be held in Poland, and Hoh Xil in Qinghai and Gulangyu in Fujian will sprint the world natural heritage and cultural heritage respectively. Previously, the total number of world heritages in China has reached 50, including natural heritage and cultural landscape, which are either magnificent or profound. So, how many of these 50 amazing world heritages do you know?

  In 1977, the World Heritage Committee held its first general meeting in Paris, France. On December 12th, 1985, China acceded to the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. In 1987, China’s Great Wall, Mogao Grottoes, Ming and Qing palaces, Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum and Terracotta Warriors Pit, and Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site were also included in the World Heritage List.

  Needless to say, the Mogao Grottoes are also known as the Thousand-Buddha Cave in the above-mentioned list of China’s first batch of World Heritage sites. It is said that it was built in the pre-Qin period, with 735 caves and 45,000 square meters of murals, which makes visitors who have seen the real thing amazed. Shu Lang’s "flying" is a business card of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes; The grandeur of the Great Wall has also left a strong mark on the world heritage.

  Ancient cities and villages are also places worth visiting among these 50 world heritages. Like Pingyao Ancient City, it is located in Pingyao County in the middle of Shanxi Province, and was built in the period of Western Zhou Xuanwang (827-782 BC). Pingyao, Shanxi Province is known as one of the "four best preserved ancient cities". The residential buildings in the ancient city have strict layout, clear axis, exquisite wood carving, brick carving and stone carving with strong local flavor and paper-cut window grilles, which are vivid and lifelike.

  The completion of Dujiangyan has made the Chengdu Plain "flood and drought come from people, I don’t know hunger, there is no famine, and the world is called abundance". This is a description of Dujiangyan in Historical Records, from which we can see the importance of this ancient water conservancy project. At the 24th General Assembly of the United Nations World Heritage Committee in 2000, "Qingcheng Mountain — Dujiangyan is listed in the World Heritage List.

  Dujiangyan was built in the 3rd century BC. It was a large-scale water conservancy project built by Li Bing, the prefect of Shu County of Qin State, and his sons during the Warring States Period. It is the oldest and only preserved water conservancy project in the world, characterized by water diversion without dams. For more than 2,200 years, it still plays a great role, and is called "the great masterpiece of the civilized world".

  Shennongjia, a world natural heritage in Hubei, shows us another landscape. In many people’s minds, Shennongjia is famous for the legend of "Shennong teaches people to cultivate crops and taste a hundred herbs", and the Shennong altar is still preserved in the scenic spot. It is reported that there are 3767 species of vascular plants in Shennongjia Heritage Site, more than 600 species of vertebrates have been recorded, and 4365 species of insects have been found. Among them, there are 205 endemic species, 2 endemic genera and 1793 endemic species in China, and the number of the flagship species Shennongjia golden monkey is more than 1300.

  Why can Shennongjia be selected as a World Heritage Site? The World Heritage Committee gave the answer: Shennongjia, Hubei Province is unique in the world in terms of biodiversity, zonal vegetation types, vertical natural belt spectrum, ecology and biological processes. In particular, its biodiversity makes up for the blank in the world heritage list.

  Yin Ruins and Fujian Tulou … … It is possible that there will be more and more world heritage sites in China in the future. In fact, whether it is natural landscape or cultural heritage, when they are selected into the World Heritage, it does not mean that they will be protected and utilized once and for all, but on the basis of the original, so that these precious heritages can exist forever with a beautiful attitude. (End)

  Appendix: World Heritage of China (from official website, State Administration of Cultural Heritage, until July 3, 2017)

   Forbidden City in Ming and Qing Dynasties (Beijing Forbidden City, Shenyang Forbidden City)

   Qin Shihuang Mausoleum and Terracotta Warriors Pit

   Mogao Grottoes

   Mount Tai

   Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site

   the Great Wall

   Mount Huangshan

   huanglong scenic and historic interest area

   Jiuzhaigou scenic spot

   wulingyuen scenik and historik interest area

   ancient building complex in the wu dang mountains

   historic ensemble of the potala palace, lhasa

   Chengde summer resort and its surrounding temples

   Confucius Temple, Confucius Forest and Confucius House in Qufu

   Lushan national park

   Emei Mountain — Leshan Giant Buddha

   Ancient City of Pingyao

   The Classical Gardens of Suzhou

   Old Town of Lijiang

   Beijing Royal Garden-Summer Palace

   Beijing Royal Altar — Temple of Heaven

   Dazu rock carvings

   Mount Wuyi

   Ancient villages in southern Anhui-Xidi and Hongcun (2000)

   imperial tombs of the ming and qing dynasties

   Longmen Grottos

   Qingcheng Mountain — Dujiangyan irrigation system

   Yunnan Sanjiang Parallel Nature Reserve

   capital cities and tombs of the ancient koguryo kingdom

   Historic Centre of Macau

   Sichuan giant panda habitat

   Yin ruins

   Kaiping Diaolou and Village

   Karst in southern China

   the Hakka earth buildings of Fujian

   Sanqingshan National Park

   Mount Wutai

   china danxia landform

   Dengfeng "in heaven and earth" historical site

   Hangzhou West Lake Cultural Landscape

   Chengjiang fossil site

   the site of xanadu

   Cultural Landscape of Hani Terrace in Honghe

   Tianshan mountain, Xinjiang

   Silk Road: The Road Network of Chang ‘an-Tianshan Corridor

   Grand Canal

   Tusi site

   Yungang Grottoes

   Zuojiang Huashan Rock Painting
