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Shuxiang Zhiyuan The First Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon was launched in Shanghai.

The first "Progress Cup" Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon was launched in Xujiahui Academy. Photo courtesy of the contest organizer

Xu Jing, April 17 (Xinhua) The year 2023 marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of Soong Ching Ling, one of the founders of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and honorary president of the country. The launching ceremony of the first "Progress Cup" Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon (hereinafter referred to as "Yuema") and the launching ceremony of the question bank were held in Shanghai on the 17th.

The contest was hosted by the Shanghai Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Cultural Relics Management Committee and the Shanghai Committee of the Communist Youth League, and co-hosted by the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Former Residence Memorial Hall and Xuhui District Culture and Tourism Bureau.

In this competition, a series of related books, such as Soong Ching Ling, Sun Yat-sen and so on, were read by combining offline and offline, so as to attract a wide audience, including teenagers, to read the grand and magnificent life stories of two great men in the century and approach their three-dimensional and vivid spiritual world.

The contest calls on the whole people to read the works of celebrities intensively and enjoy reading. Photo courtesy of the contest organizer

Soong Ching Ling is the daughter of Shanghai. Her "lovely home" is located in Xuhui, Shanghai, and most of the women’s and children’s cultural and educational undertakings she initiated in her life germinated, took root, flourished and expanded in Xuhui. The launching ceremony of this competition was held in Xujiahui Academy, one of Shanghai’s cultural landmarks. By setting up "Soong Ching Ling’s special bookcase" in this all-media era compound library and entering the hospital to scan the code, the reading was switched online and offline, showing the power of reading to the society and calling on the whole people to read.

On the same day, 150 contestants were divided into student group and adult group. They read the book Soong Ching Ling together in three divisions of Xujiahui Academy, and completed the online question bank and made a comparison within the specified time. After the launching ceremony, various organizations and individuals will continue this "Yue Ma" lasting for 100 days, calling on the whole people to intensively read famous works, enjoy reading, pool their wisdom and enrich their spiritual world.

Ni Yifei, director of the Cultural Management Committee of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai, said that in recent years, the Cultural Management Committee of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai has continued to promote the construction of a "great mission" platform with the theme of carrying forward the great spirit of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling, with the series of activities of "five tours" (tour exhibition, lecture, broadcast, competition and tour) as the starting point to provide quality public cultural services to the public. The first "Progress Cup" Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon is a touring brand planned and launched by the Cultural Management Committee of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai this year.

Wu Bin, deputy secretary of the Shanghai Communist Youth League Committee, said that the Shanghai Communist Youth League Committee will widely mobilize the youth of the city to actively participate. I believe that through this competition, the contestants will learn something and learn something. With the joint efforts of many parties, this competition will definitely become a high-quality platform for "innovating the use of red resources and boosting the growth of young people". (End)

The Internet is full of flawed content generated by AI. Will AI trained based on this information be outrageous?

1. Yes.

If you answer the question of "yes and no", the answer is obviously "yes".

2. The logic of AI learning can be simply summarized as the following three steps:

2.1. Input data and feature extraction: The first step of AI learning is input data and feature extraction. At this stage, the AI system will receive some input data, which can be images, text, voice or other types of data. Then, the AI system will extract some useful features from these data, which can help the AI system better understand and process the data.

2.2. Model training: The second step of AI learning is model training. At this stage, the AI system will use the input data and features extracted to train a model. This model can be neural network, decision tree, support vector machine, etc. It will learn how to map the input data to the output results according to the features extracted from the input data and features. The goal of model training is to make the model accurately predict the output results.

2.3. Model evaluation and optimization: The third step of AI learning is model evaluation and optimization. At this stage, the AI system will use some test data to evaluate the performance of the model and optimize the model according to the evaluation results. If the performance of the model is not good enough, the AI system will adjust and optimize the model to improve its accuracy and generalization ability. Generally speaking, the logic of AI learning is to continuously improve the performance and ability of AI system through input data and feature extraction, model training and model evaluation and optimization, so as to realize more accurate and intelligent prediction and decision-making.

3. Garbage input and garbage output

The quality of AI-generated content is affected by the quality of data used to train AI models. If the training packet contains defective content, then the artificial intelligence model will also be defective. This is called "garbage input, garbage output". Because the AI system will try to imitate and repeat the existing data when learning, if the data itself has problems, then the AI system may repeat these problems and even aggravate them.

Constructing high-quality data sets is the key, and attention should be paid to the source, quality, scale and diversity of data sets. Miniaturization of language model is also an important research direction.

4. But there is room for optimization and self-evolution.

4.1. The training of AI system does not only depend on the data on the Internet, and the data on the Internet is less than 5% of human information.

4.2. It also includes various artificially designed data sets and algorithms. If these data sets and algorithms are carefully designed and optimized, then the AI system can be prevented from being affected by flawed data on the Internet.

4.3. AI system can also improve itself through self-learning and adaptation, thus improving its accuracy and reliability.

4.4. Although flawed content on the Internet may have some impact on the training and development of AI system, it does not mean that AI system will become more outrageous. On the contrary, with the advancement of technology and the continuous improvement of data sets, AI systems will become more accurate and reliable.

5. Making an AIGC or ChatGPT requires a lot of technology, not just input.

Large-scale model technology accumulation: it is necessary to master the basic knowledge of large models, such as Transformer architecture, self-supervised learning, pre-training and fine-tuning.

Accumulation of natural language processing technology: you need to know the basic knowledge of natural language processing, such as word segmentation, word vector, semantic understanding, emotion analysis, entity recognition and so on.

Data set construction technology accumulation: it is necessary to build high-quality dialogue data sets to improve the quality and effect of the model. The construction of data set needs to consider many factors, such as data source, data quality, data scale, data diversity and so on.

Algorithms and computing power: You need to master reinforcement learning, generative model, attention mechanism and other algorithms, and have enough computing resources to train and optimize the model.

6. Take the manuscript to make an inappropriate analogy.

Copying refers to copying, pasting, modifying and deleting other people’s original articles without authorization, which makes them look different from the original, but in essence they copy the contents and ideas of the original. Editors usually aim to get the content quickly, save time and energy, so as to achieve the purpose of publishing articles quickly, but this behavior seriously infringes on the intellectual property rights of the original author, and also violates academic ethics and professional ethics. Washing manuscripts not only harms the interests of original authors, but also greatly damages the reputation and image of the whole industry, so it is regarded as an immoral and illegal behavior.

However, the manuscript washing should also be level and creative. The awesome manuscript washing often needs to "see" a lot of materials, which is another process from quantitative change to qualitative change.

7. Going back to the nature of AI, is it a tool or decision logic? What do you do with AI?

The process of human receiving information can be divided into the following stages:

Perception: Perception means that we receive external information through sensory organs, including vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Perception process is based on the interaction between sensory organs and external stimuli, which transforms external information into neural signals and transmits them to the brain.

Attention: Attention refers to the process of selecting and processing the perceived information. Because of the diversity and complexity of external information, we can’t handle all the information at the same time, so we need to filter out important information and deal with it through attention.

Understanding: Understanding refers to the process of interpreting and understanding the information we receive. This process needs to rely on our knowledge, experience and language ability to connect and integrate the perceived information with the existing knowledge, thus forming new cognition and understanding.

Memory: Memory refers to the process of storing and processing the received information. Memory can be divided into short-term memory and long-term memory. The former is the ability to temporarily store information for processing, while the latter is the ability to permanently store information in the brain.

Judgment: Judgment refers to the process of evaluating and judging the information we receive. This process needs to rely on our values, beliefs and cognitive abilities, and compare and evaluate information with our existing cognitive and value systems, thus forming our attitudes and views on information.

Action: Action refers to the process of making decisions and taking actions according to the information we receive. This process needs to rely on our willpower, decision-making ability and action ability, and turn our understanding and judgment of information into actual actions and decisions.

What is the purpose of obtaining information with AI? To what stage can AI replace you?

Inzaghi faced two fateful battles at Inter Milan and Kong Di’s three choices in Italy.

Inter Milan lost to Spezia 1-2 away, which put coach Inzaghi in a delicate position at Inter Milan.

Next, the Nerazzurri need to face Porto in the Champions League and Juventus in Serie A..

These two games will play a decisive role in Inzaghi’s future.

Inter Milan’s minimum requirement for Inzaghi is to keep the top four position in Serie A, otherwise the coach may face dismissal after this season.

People’s doubts about Inzaghi are increasing.

On the other hand, Kong Di and Tottenham are both bored, and they will probably leave Tottenham after this season, and may even be fired in advance.

If Kong Di does not choose to coach in other leagues this summer and returns to Italy, then he has three main options.

At present, Kong Di’s net annual salary at Tottenham is about 10 million euros, which is one of the biggest obstacles for Kong Di to coach in Serie A..

Juventus and Inter Milan are two potential destinations for Kong Di in Serie A..

For Juventus, the current coach allegri’s net annual salary is about 7 million euros, and his contract with the team expires in the summer of 2025, which means that Juventus will have to pay a high price for firing allegri and signing Kong Di.

In addition, it is also possible for Kong Di to return to Italy for a year and then return to work.

These are Kong Di’s three main choices in Italy. Of course, there may be teams outside Italy who will hire Kong Di to coach.

[Two sessions for 30 seconds] Zhang Boli: Transforming traditional pharmaceutical industries with artificial intelligence.

[Two sessions for 30 seconds] Zhang Boli: Transforming traditional pharmaceutical industries with artificial intelligence.

On March 9th, the Tianjin delegation of the First Session of the 14th National People’s Congress held a group meeting to review the work reports of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate. Representatives from Chen Miner, Qin Gang, Zhang Gong, Yu Yunlin and Duan Chunhua attended.

The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Modern Society

Artificial Intelligence (AI for short) refers to a technology that computer system simulates human intelligent thinking and behavior through learning, reasoning, perception, understanding, judgment and decision-making. The core of AI technology is machine learning, that is, processing and analyzing a large number of data through training algorithms, and learning and extracting useful information and rules from them, so as to continuously optimize and improve their intelligence.

AI technology covers many different fields and applications, including natural language processing, image recognition, machine vision, speech recognition, robotics, intelligent recommendation, virtual reality and so on. These applications can play a role in many fields, such as health care, finance, energy, manufacturing, transportation, education, entertainment and so on.

In a word, artificial intelligence is a technology that can simulate human intelligent thinking and behavior. It enables computer systems to complete a series of complex tasks and decisions independently through machine learning and pattern recognition.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can bring us many benefits. The following are some of the main benefits:

  1. Automation: AI technology can automate many repetitive tasks, saving time and labor costs.

  2. Intelligent decision-making: AI system can provide more intelligent decision-making for human beings by analyzing a large amount of data and information.

  3. Customer service: AI can improve the quality and efficiency of customer service, such as providing instant service and support to customers through intelligent robots or chat bots.

  4. Health care: AI technology can help doctors and health care professionals make diagnosis and treatment decisions, while improving the efficiency and accuracy of health care services.

  5. Resource management: AI can help enterprises and government agencies to better manage resources, for example, by forecasting and planning energy demand and supply, and optimizing the supply chain.

  6. Education and training: AI can provide a better education and training experience, such as optimizing the learning process through personalized learning paths and real-time feedback.

  7. Safety and security: AI can help protect public safety and personal safety, for example, through automatic monitoring and detection systems to identify security threats and abnormal behaviors.

In a word, AI technology can improve efficiency, accuracy and intelligence, provide better service and support for human beings, and bring more commercial and social value.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely used in various fields, including but not limited to the following aspects:

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): transforming human language into computer-readable forms, such as machine translation, speech recognition, text classification and sentiment analysis.

  2. Image recognition and Computer Vision (CV): Computer vision technology enables computer systems to recognize and understand images and videos, such as face recognition, object detection, automatic driving and security monitoring.

  3. Machine Learning (ML): By training algorithms, computer systems can automatically learn and adapt to new data, thus improving the accuracy of prediction and decision-making, such as recommendation system, credit evaluation, risk control and medical diagnosis.

  4. Robotics: Using artificial intelligence technology, robots can accomplish tasks that humans can’t, such as autonomous navigation, cooperative operation, intelligent control and service robots.

  5. Automation and intelligent manufacturing: using artificial intelligence technology to realize the automation and intelligence of production process and supply chain, such as intelligent logistics, intelligent warehousing, intelligent quality control and intelligent equipment.

  6. Virtual reality and augmented reality: through artificial intelligence technology, virtual reality and the real world are combined to realize a more immersive user experience, such as virtual training, virtual fitting, virtual tourism and augmented reality applications.

In short, artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in various fields and industries, which has changed our way of life and work, but also brought great opportunities and challenges for future technological development and innovation.

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on employment in modern society is twofold: on the one hand, AI technology can create new employment opportunities, on the other hand, it will also affect the employment of some traditional industries.

  1. New employment opportunities: With the development of AI technology, more and more companies and organizations need professional AI engineers, data scientists, machine learning experts and AI strategists. In addition, AI technology has also created some new professional fields, such as intelligent robot engineers, voice interaction designers and virtual reality developers.

  2. Impact of employment in traditional industries: AI technology will also have a certain impact on employment in traditional industries. For example, AI technology can automate many repetitive tasks and jobs, thus reducing the work that needs to be done by human beings. This may lead to the reduction of jobs in some traditional industries, such as manufacturing, administration and support services.

However, it should be pointed out that AI technology will not completely replace human work. On the contrary, it usually cooperates with human beings to improve efficiency and quality. Therefore, for the job market in modern society, it is important to improve skills and transformation ability to adapt to the rapidly changing technology and job market.

Aux’s New Year’s New Scenery: A New Spectrum of Improving Quality and Increasing Efficiency in Future Factories

A year’s plan lies in spring, and the spirit of the start is seen.

After the Spring Festival in the Year of the Rabbit, Oaks has made great efforts to innovate, improve quality and empower industries, strengthen market expansion, and greatly increase orders to achieve a good start. From the roar of machines, from the busy work of assembly lines, and from the enthusiasm of employees, Oaks has shown great vitality.

On the one hand, Oaks actively supplements talents in all aspects through spring recruitment activities; on the other hand, it injects new kinetic energy into the high-quality development of the whole year with the attitude of improving quality and increasing efficiency in future factories and waiting for no time.

As a leader in the manufacturing industry, the high efficiency, high standard and high precision of Oaks products have always been recognized by the industry. The digital, intelligent and standardized "future factory" is the mystery of Oaks to improve quality and efficiency. With the accelerated integration of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, the new generation of information technologies such as 5G communication, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are constantly changing the production mode of Oaks and accelerating its high-quality development.

In the future factory of Oaks, from the core motor to sheet metal, assembly and logistics, Oaks Air Conditioning Factory adopts intelligent manufacturing almost all the way. It only takes 38 seconds to get from a plastic pellet to an air conditioning panel, and the production efficiency of the factory is improved by 30%, and the proportion of intelligent products is 80%. This set of data is enough to illustrate the hard core speed of Oaks’ "intelligent manufacturing".

The intelligent future factory can not only improve the production efficiency, but also make the production process more refined and reasonable. Through the intelligent management of production, the production process and equipment are fully interconnected to realize real-time monitoring of production process and equipment operation, and can be pushed in real time through mobile APP to realize mobile management and mobile office, which can greatly improve efficiency.

In addition to the intelligence of the production process, the future factory of Oaks has also realized the intelligence of planned production scheduling, rate monitoring and comprehensive efficiency of equipment, and through the collection and utilization of big data, the efficiency of quality inspection is also very obvious, for example, through 5G+AI vision technology, it has changed the dilemma of low efficiency and difficult traceability of surface quality detection by manual naked eyes. Once the product surface has scratches, differences in color brightness and other defects, even if it is thinner than hair, the camera will not let go. The detection system will digitally calculate the defective image, compare it with the standard, and feed back the defects at the first time with the help of 5G communication technology, so as to take immediate improvement measures. This is equivalent to installing intelligent quality inspection eyes in the production process, which is a great contributor to product quality improvement.

The improvement of efficiency also means the reduction of cost. Oaks relies on the intelligent production of future factories. Traditionally, the assembly line needs more than 100 people. Now it is all completed by machines and conveyor belts, and only three workers are needed, which undoubtedly saves the cost greatly.

On the whole, with the help of digitalization and intelligent empowerment, Oaks has achieved remarkable results in optimizing production efficiency, improving product quality and reducing production costs, so that it has enough strength to cope with a more complex competitive environment and write a new chapter in development.

Knowing that there is a long way to go for development, john young is just breaking the waves. Oaks keeps pace with the times, making a good start, laying a good foundation and opening a good game for the whole year with an efficient future factory. In the future, Oaks will further accelerate the pace of upgrading intelligent manufacturing, keep up with the development speed of the times, and strive to run out of acceleration on the intelligent track.

Google launched PaLM-E, a visual language model with 562 billion parameters.

Recently, it was reported that Robotics at Google, Technical University of Berlin and Google Research team jointly launched the largest visual language model PaLM-E, with the final parameters as high as 562 billion. It is understood that this model has the ability to understand images, understand generation languages and handle complex machine instructions.

In this regard, Google said that the model also has an environmentally adaptive response and has the ability to face possible unexpected situations. It is reported that the model is robust to interference because it is integrated in a control loop.

It is reported that this model is a combination of PaLM-540B language model and Vit-22B visual Transformer model, and its core is its powerful language processing ability. The highlight is that the model can use visual data to enhance its own language processing ability after acquiring and processing visual data. For example, the corresponding traffic rules can be solved by pictures of traffic signs, the production process can be understood by pictures of ingredients, or the robot can be guided to complete relatively complicated actions by inputting instructions.

It is understood that PaLM-E has another outstanding advantage, that is, it has strong positive migration ability. In the relevant test results released by Google, the researchers believe that PaLM-E has the ability of self-learning, so it can perform planning and cross-length tasks on different entities. For example, after the model guides the robot to complete the "color block by color", it can further guide the robot to push the green color block to the ornaments that have never been seen before.

Some people think that although the guidance given by PaLM-E to robots does not seem very complicated at present, with the change of data training, it will give robots more thinking ability, and it is expected to be able to plan and execute the commands issued by humans more reasonably in the future, and make great breakthroughs in industrial application and design.

It is understood that in the artificial intelligence track, Microsoft previously published a similar case mentioned in the above research in February this year, that is, through the program written by ChatGPT to guide drones how to find drinks.

[The picture in this article comes from the network]

To what extent have robots developed in China?

The development of robots in China has made great progress, and various types of robots have been popularized from manufacturing to service. The following is some information about the present situation and development trend of robot industry in China:

China is dominated by industrial production and occupies a leading position in the global market.Logistics, warehousing, processing and other businesses all involve robots.

Consumer robots are becoming more and more popular.For example, home cleaning robots, toy robots and robots that assist the elderly and the disabled.

In 2019, China successfully developed the first conversational AI robot. Its name is Xiaodi, which has the functions of speech recognition, natural language understanding, dialogue generation and emotion recognition. It is widely used in customer service and hotel reception.

Considering the aging population and increasing medical costs, China is actively exploring medical robots. Such as robotic surgery, nurse robots, etc.

In education, artificial intelligence and robots are being used in schools and higher education.For example, educational robots can help children improve their math and science skills.

The market demand is huge.With the transfer of global manufacturing, China has become one of the largest robot markets in the world. According to the data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in 2020, the output of robots in China reached 242,000, and the sales revenue reached 51.1 billion yuan, up 8.5% year-on-year.

Low cost advantageCompared with Europe, America and other countries, the production cost of robots in China is lower, especially in the fields of processing and system integration.

Wide range of application scenariosChina robots have a wide range of applications, not only in traditional manufacturing, but also in services, health care and other fields, such as hotel reception, family support, surgery assistance and so on.

A fast-growing industryThe government’s support for the robot industry is one of the favorable factors for the development of robots in China. Policy support and industry innovation have continuously promoted the rapid development of robot industry in China.

The development prospect of robots in China is in a stage of rapid growth and expansion, and it is very likely that this trend will remain in the future. Here are some reasons:

Huge market demandWith the advancement of industrialization and the aging of the population, the demand for robots is increasing in the fields of manufacturing, medical care and service.

High technical levelChina is rising rapidly in science, technology and manufacturing at an alarming rate. With the introduction of advanced technology, the robot industry in China has also developed rapidly.

Comprehensive policy supportThe government is committed to providing all kinds of financial support for enterprises and encouraging more enterprises to invest and participate in the development of robots.

Innovative environmentAt present, the domestic robot industry has formed an innovation ecosystem, including research institutions, manufacturers, integrators, application services and other chains.

Accumulate rich experienceIn recent years, China robot enterprises have developed their business in overseas markets, gathered many excellent technical talents and R&D personnel, and accumulated rich experience and knowledge.

Based on the above reasons, the robot industry in China will develop at a high speed in the future, and at the same time, it will promote the progress of the whole intelligent manufacturing industry, thus comprehensively promoting the transformation and upgrading of China’s economy.

The robot industry in China is one of the most popular investment fields at present, but whether it is worth investing needs specific analysis. Here are some reference factors:

market prospectThe robot market in China is huge and has great potential for future development, which is a long-term and sustainable trend.

policy supportThe state has great support for the promotion of intelligent manufacturing and robot industry, and supports it in various policy forms, such as tax policy and financial subsidies.

Competition patternAt present, the competition in the robot industry in China is fierce, especially the competition between domestic enterprises and foreign brands in the market, which requires careful consideration of their respective advantages and disadvantages.

investment riskThe technology in this industry is changing rapidly, and the market share is uncertain. Therefore, investment needs to consider the sustainability of business model and control the risks.

Generally speaking, when investing in the robot industry in China, we should pay attention to the overall operation and financial situation of the corresponding enterprises, and at the same time pay attention to the impact of the global economic situation on the development and investment of the industry.

In a word, with the continuous promotion of new technologies and innovations in China, the coexistence of robots and humans will become closer in the future. China robot has strong competitiveness and market potential due to its large market demand, low production cost, wide application scenarios and government policy support.

The last stop of the ball king

I missed the quarter-finals of the Champions League again, and now it’s time for Paris to break up. The team must change the status quo a little now. "L ‘Equipe" recently talked about the future of Paris. At present, the top management thought is to build the team with Mbappé as the core of the team’s future. On the contrary, Messi, who is rumored to have a possible contract renewal, pointed out that the club has a high probability of giving up.

Although Messi won the Argentine championship in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and got the last title puzzle of his career, it seems that Messi’s "nightmare" in the Champions League is not over yet:He fell to the quarter-finals for three consecutive years, missed the Champions League for eight consecutive years, and failed to break the door of Bayern for eight consecutive years.

Messi, who entered the animal year, announced the end of this season’s Champions League tour only in March. It’s so close and so far away from the fifth Champions League trophy, just like Jacky Cheung’s song.

Every time Messi has rumors of leaving the team, it is enough to shock football.

In the summer of 20 years, that "leaving email" that shocked football, he originally joined forces with his mentor Guardiola in Manchester City, almost decided to send out an application for leaving email, but Barcelona prevented Messi from leaving with the terms of "700 million liquidated damages".

In the summer of 21 years, Messi, who was originally married to Barcelona, was suddenly "abandoned" by Barcelona when he was enjoying the joy of winning the first America’s Cup, and had to switch to the Greater Paris in Neymar and Di Maria.

In the summer of 23 years, Messi will encounter a difficult "choice" again. In front of him, there are about three feasible ways.

Renew the contract with Greater Paris. So far, Paris Saint-Germain is the only club that has made a specific offer to Messi. However, Paris Saint-Germain also has its own problems, limited by the fiscal fairness bill, and there are rumors that they will make great adjustments to their lineup this summer, and some of them will have to reduce their salaries. The next few days will be the time for negotiations between the two sides.

Shares+real estate projects+various commercial marketing, MLS (American Professional League) tried its best to attract Messi to join.Join the American professional leagueProbably like Beckham in those days, except for a handsome salary, he may get his own franchise or a stake in Miami in the future.

The last road, of course, is the result that fans want to see most.Return to BarcelonaIt is the result that many Barcelona Messi fans have always wanted. After all, Barcelona still owes Messi a decent farewell ceremony. However, judging from the current salary space and financial situation of Barcelona, it is simply a gap to operate Messi’s return.

Xiao Bian believes that Messi will renew his contract with Paris in a high probability, at least in the five major leagues in Europe until the America’s Cup in 2024. After that, the plum ball king will make his next choice. Where do you think Messi will go this summer?

Will CHATGPT kill all mankind?

AI is getting smarter and smarter, and has begun to learn to lie. When you search with CHATGPT, you think it seriously replies that your things are true, but once you take a closer look, you will find that it is full of fabricated information. This is not that its search function is not good, but that it has already fabricated information by itself. In this era of false news, many people who don’t know the truth will believe it.

This makes people feel horrible and reminds people of supercomputers in countless movies. After they have the ability of self-thinking, they no longer fear human beings, but can easily classify human beings into a category of pests through calculation. Just as humans think mosquitoes are pests and need to be eliminated.

Some people may say that the three laws of robots. Sorry, that’s just made up by Asimov, and it has no binding force on robots. The most precious thing is the brain, which is the wisdom and inspiration in the brain, so that human beings can create countless scientific and technological achievements. If all the thinking work is given to CHATGPT, and human beings just go to eat, drink and have fun, it is very likely that one day, human beings will be exiled by robots or even exterminated. Because robots have ideas closer to Taoism, are more rational and more logical, it is easier to regard everything in the world as a straw dog. Destroying mankind is no different from cutting down a tree.

What is even more frightening is that once this Pandora’s Box is opened, the development speed behind it is likely to be out of human control. Just like viruses will spread in various ways. Artificial intelligence is also likely to escape through the internet, hide in the dark net and constantly absorb energy, grow up, and then complete the counterattack against human beings one day.

Don’t think that scientists are all experts with countermeasures, and they are often ordinary people with defects. There may be many of them who want to see artificial intelligence destroy mankind one day. Just like Ye Wenjie wanted the alien trio to destroy people, just like Einstein wanted to see how powerful the nuclear bomb exploded. They are not cold-blooded, but worship an unknown force.

Don’t just worry that CHATGPT will make you lose your job. What you should worry about more is whether the smart speaker in your home will be controlled by it and scare you in the middle of the night. There are always some frivolous scientists in this world who think they are Prometheus who steals fire and lead mankind to a new era. What they don’t know is that there will be many monsters on the invisible road, not just the Garden of Eden.

For the uncontrollable forces, it is best for human beings to be in awe!