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Zhengzhou issued a yellow warning for heavy pollution weather.

According to the provincial and municipal air quality forecast and consultation results, Zhengzhou will experience a round of moderate-severe pollution from January 11th. According to the requirements of joint prevention and control of heavy polluted weather in Henan Province and the Notice of the General Office of Zhengzhou Municipal People’s Government on Printing and Distributing the Emergency Plan for Heavy Polluted Weather in Zhengzhou City (Zheng Zheng Ban [2023] No.43), Zhengzhou issued a yellow warning for heavy polluted weather, and started the Class III response of heavy polluted weather at 18: 00 on January 10, 2024.

During the yellow warning period, citizens should do a good job in health protection. Children, the elderly and susceptible people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and respiratory diseases should stay indoors, and protective measures should be taken if they really need to go out; The general population should reduce outdoor sports and outdoor work time. If it is inevitable, it is recommended to take protective measures.

Advocate public green consumption and green travel, try to travel by public transport or electric vehicles, stop the car in time, and reduce the idle running time of the vehicle; Advocate public green life and reduce energy consumption.

Relevant departments should implement emission reduction measures for industrial sources, dust sources, mobile sources and non-point sources. Including the National Fourth Diesel Truck, it is forbidden to drive into the south of the North Fourth Ring Road (Dahe Road, excluding this road), the west of the East Fourth Ring Road (including this road), the north of the South Fourth Ring Road (including this road), and the east of the West Fourth Ring Road (even Huo Expressway is not allowed in the area).

This round of early warning is expected to be lifted on January 15, and the specific lifting time is subject to the official notice according to the results of the consultation and judgment.

(Zhengguan journalist Qi Qijuan trainee reporter Huang Qiyue)


The Beauty of Festivals New Year’s Day | One-Yuan Recurrence: Talking about "those things" on New Year’s Day

A unified start, Vientiane update. January 1, 2023 is the first day of the Gregorian New Year, and people are used to calling it New Year’s Day. What does the word New Year’s Day mean? What’s the nickname? What is the relationship between modern Spring Festival and ancient New Year’s Day? Listen to what folklore experts say.
Poster production: Feng Juan
Xiao Fang, a professor at the School of Social Studies of Beijing Normal University and director of the China Festival Culture Research Center of China Folk Writers Association, said in the Song Dynasty that "the first month of the first month is called New Year’s Day, and the common name is New Year’s Day. One-year-old festival, this is the first. " Literally, Yuan is the beginning and Dan is the morning. As a holiday time, it refers to the morning of the first day of the first month of each year, that is, the beginning of the new year.
Historically, there are many elegant terms for New Year’s Day, such as Sanyuan, Yuanri, Zhengchao, Yuanshuo, Zhengdan, Yuanzheng, New Year, Early Year, Xinzheng, Chicken Day, etc., but among many terms, "New Year’s Day" is the most common and the longest.
Poster production: Feng Juan
Traditional China society has a different understanding of the "new year" from the west, and has always regarded "the first day of the first month" as the beginning of the "new year", which was the case in ancient China, and New Year’s Day was the "first day of the first month". Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the specific date of New Year’s Day was not uniform. The Xia Dynasty was the first day of the first month of the first lunar month, the Shang Dynasty was the first day of the second lunar month, the Zhou Dynasty was the first day of the first lunar month, and the Qin Dynasty was the first day of the first lunar month. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he switched to taichu calendar, redesignating the first day of the first month of the first lunar month in the summer calendar as "New Year’s Day", which has since been used by successive dynasties.
"It can be seen that in a long historical period, there was only one New Year in China, which was the lunar year on the first day of the first month. This situation was not changed until the Republic of China." Xiao Fang said.
In 1911, the Revolution of 1911 overthrew the rule of the Qing Dynasty. The newly established government of the Republic of China introduced the western calendar, and began to use the Gregorian calendar in 1912, stipulating that January 1 of the Gregorian calendar was the New Year, and appropriated the name "New Year’s Day" originally used as the Lunar New Year to the Gregorian New Year, and the Lunar New Year was renamed the Spring Festival. Since then, China people have had two New Years every year: one is New Year’s Day on January 1 of the Gregorian calendar, which people used to call "Gregorian Year"; The other is the Lunar New Year, the Spring Festival, on the first day of the first lunar month.
"However, due to historical culture and folk traditions, the holiday revision of this calendar has not become widely popular." Xiao Fang said.
On September 27th, 1949, the first plenary session of China People’s Political Consultative Conference passed a resolution, and People’s Republic of China (PRC) adopted the AD calendar year. Since then, January 1st of the Gregorian calendar has been officially called "New Year’s Day" and the first day of the first lunar month has been designated as "Spring Festival".
"As the first day of the Gregorian New Year, New Year’s Day is a legal holiday in many countries or regions in the world. It is full of vitality, symbolizes new life and new hope, and also places people’s good wishes and expectations for the future." Xiao Fang said.
Coordinator: Liu Xinhui and Liu Yuanxu
Reporter: Zhou Runjian
Editor: Li Min
Jointly produced by Xinhua News Agency and Tianjin Branch.
Produced by Jieling Studio
Everyone is searching.
New Year’s Day is the first day of the new year. Before New Year’s Day, the beginning of the new year is the time for all families to reunite. The beautiful sentence of New Year’s Day is also a festival day, New Year’s Day and Spring Festival.


Baidu netizen 710d9f03

May everyone’s wishes come true in the new year, and their actions will be smooth, joyful and peaceful.


Anhui (Province)



It’s all occupied.

The mountain is high and there is a walk, and the water is deep and there is a boat. Harmony is spring, and the new year is better than the old year.





Zhimofang Karuo

May the epidemic and all unhappiness disappear with the bell this year. The new year is healthy, safe and smooth. It is booming.





Mysterious ruins

See you in 22 years. Hello in 23 years. In the new year, happiness and well-being, everything goes smoothly, and the right company is also the warmth of unexpected encounters. Come on in 2023!





I like you like me.

Goodbye, in 2022, all the sufferings will drift with the wind. In 2023, I wish people all over the world peace, health, happiness and happiness, and all the good things and expectations will come as scheduled!





Rows of oranges

New Year’s Day is full of vitality, symbolizing new life and new hope, and also placing people’s good wishes and expectations for the future.





Search product event

Too soon, 2022 will pass, and 2023 will be welcomed. May all people, Xin Fuan Kang.


Anhui (Province)



One has you.

Say goodbye to 2022, usher in 2023, and 2023 will go hand in hand!


Jilin (Province)



The sunshine in the morning is very bright

New Year’s Day refers to the morning of the first day of the first month of each year, that is, the beginning of the New Year.





Baidu netizen 9927eb25

I wish the people of the whole country good health and happy family in advance. I wish the motherland better and better.


Liaoning (Province)



A lone cat walking in the clouds

I wish you all a happy new year, good health and happiness every day.





Baidu netizen b179aeb7

The winter is over, the Milky Way is bright, and everything goes well in the new year.





Hollow bone

In the new year, I wish the motherland continued good weather, peace and prosperity!


Anhui (Province)




I hope everyone will work hard in the new year!





Ge sang Hua Zhan

Season after season, joy had followed joy, may the new year be better than the old one.





I don’t know

I wish the people of the motherland a happy New Year! Everything goes well!


Guizhou (Province)



Engineering hardware interlocking

I wish the people of the whole country good health and all the best.





Float and never meet.

May the heart be happy and everything be happy, and the year will be peaceful!





There is no more.

Lei Yi’s reconstruction and expansion project department will not "close" during the New Year holiday.

New Hunan Client December 31st (correspondent Zhong Jufen, Liu Yi, Cao Wenjuan) Recently, leishui Bridge, the first starting point of the reconstruction and expansion project of G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, began to carry out pile foundation drilling, marking a new breakthrough in the construction of leishui Bridge and officially entering the main project construction stage. Lei Yi’s reconstruction and expansion project department does not "close" during the New Year holiday, and each bid section strives to advance various preparatory work and make a final sprint for the large-scale construction of the whole line in 2024.
During New Year’s Day, the construction site of leishui Bridge was busy. Leishui Bridge is one of the key control projects of Lei Yi’s reconstruction and expansion project. In order to ensure the orderly progress of the project construction according to the node plan, the project department will not stop production during the New Year holiday, and all the managers and workers will stick to their posts, striving for high efficiency, first progress, superior quality and safety first, which will provide a strong guarantee for the full start of the main bridge in 2024.
Leishui bridge construction site.
Leishui bridge construction site.
Except for leishui Bridge, the construction sites of other blocks are also in full swing. The year of 2024 is a great year for the reconstruction and expansion of Leiyi. Each bid section actively promotes all preparatory work before the comprehensive construction to ensure the smooth progress of the first "four to eight" expressway project in Hunan. In the third bid of Leiyi Project, the construction of concrete mixing station and steel bar processing plant has entered the final stage, and workers are debugging the equipment and conducting trial production; In the fourth bid of Leiyi Project, excavators, bulldozers and loaders roared at the construction site of the comprehensive station, and the project department seized the fine weather, increased manpower and material resources, and strived to advance the project progress.
Comprehensive station construction site.
Comprehensive station construction site.
Leiyi reconstruction and expansion project is the first "four to eight" expressway construction project in Hunan Province. After the project is completed and opened to traffic, it will greatly relieve the traffic pressure of G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, which is of great significance to improving Hunan’s external traffic conditions and promoting social and economic development.

WANDA CINEMAS changed hands and China benefited from Confucianism.

Our reporter Zhang Jingchao reports from Beijing.

On the evening of December 12, WANDA CINEMAS announced that WANDA CINEMAS’s indirect controlling shareholder, Beijing Wanda Cultural Industry Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wanda Culture") and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Beijing Hengrun Enterprise Management Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing Hengrun"), and the company’s actual controller, Wang Jianlin, Signed the Equity Transfer Agreement on Beijing Wanda Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Equity Transfer Agreement") with Shanghai Ruyi Investment Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ruyi Investment"), and planned to transfer 51% equity of Beijing Wanda Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wanda Investment") to Ruyi Investment. According to the Equity Transfer Agreement, the total transfer price was RMB 2.155 billion.

If the above transaction is finally implemented, Ruyi Investment will hold 51% equity of Wanda Investment, and Ke Liming, as the actual controller of Ruyi Investment, will indirectly control 20% equity of WANDA CINEMAS through Wanda Investment. In addition, China Ruyi Film and Television, which is controlled by Ruyi through an agreement, holds 49% of Wanda Investment, and Ke Liming also holds 16.34% of the total share capital of China Ruyi. Wang Jianlin indirectly controls 10.9% equity of WANDA CINEMAS through Wanda Culture, Shenxian Rongzhi Xingye Management Consulting Center and Lin Ning. Colliming will eventually become the new actual controller of WANDA CINEMAS.

The reporter of China Business News learned that China Confucianism was formerly known as Hengteng Network. In October 2020, Hengteng Network wholly acquired Ruyi Film through allotment and issuance of shares and subscription of equity, with a total transaction amount of about HK$ 7.2 billion (at that time, it was about RMB 6.2 billion). However, in November 2021, with the departure of Evergrande, Ke Liming, the real controller of Ruyi Film, became the largest shareholder of Hengteng Network, while Tencent Holdings and United Resources Investment Holdings ranked second and third. In February 2022, Hengteng Network was renamed as "China Confucianism".

According to China Ruyi’s mid-year report in 2023, the company’s business mainly includes film and television drama production, online streaming platform pumpkin movies and games. After holding WANDA CINEMAS, it means that China Confucianism and Italy will open up the downstream film industry, and its strength should not be underestimated.

The whole process of transfer

Two equity transfer transactions with Ruyi Investment contributed to the change of WANDA CINEMAS’s actual controller, but in addition, Wanda Investment has transferred WANDA CINEMAS shares several times in 2023.

In April this year, WANDA CINEMAS issued the Announcement on Pre-disclosure of Shareholding Reduction by Controlling Shareholders. According to the announcement, Wanda Investment, the controlling shareholder of WANDA CINEMAS, holds 849,811,931 shares, accounting for 38.99% of the company’s total share capital. Wanda Investment plans to reduce its shareholding by no more than 65,381,064 shares through centralized bidding and block trading, accounting for 3% of the company’s total share capital. The reduction will be completed within 6 months, and the reason for the reduction is "own capital demand".

On July 12th, WANDA CINEMAS issued another announcement to remind Wanda, the controlling shareholder, to invest in the transfer of equity. According to the announcement, Wanda Investment transferred 180 million shares of the company to Lu Lili through agreement transfer, accounting for 8.26% of the company’s total share capital. Lu Lili is a legal person of Shanghai Oriental International Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Subsequently, on July 17, Wanda Investment and its concerted action person, Shenxian Rongzhi, signed the Share Transfer Agreement on WANDA CINEMAS Co., Ltd., stipulating that Wanda Investment would transfer 177,352,994 shares of WANDA CINEMAS unrestricted shares held by it to Shenxian Rongzhi, accounting for 8.14% of the company’s total share capital.

On July 20th, WANDA CINEMAS announced that Wanda Culture, the indirect controlling shareholder of the company, transferred its 49% equity of Wanda Investment to Ruyi Investment at a transfer price of 2.262 billion yuan. After changes in equity, Confucianism and Italian Investment indirectly held 216 million shares of WANDA CINEMAS through Wanda Investment, accounting for 9.8% of the total share capital.

China Ruyi said in the announcement at that time that although Ruyi Investment would directly hold 49% of the shares of Wanda Investment, it had no intention of appointing directors to Wanda Investment and would not participate in the daily operation and management of Wanda Investment. Wanda Investment will not be a subsidiary of China Confucianism and Italy, and its financial performance will not be incorporated into the comprehensive financial statements of China Confucianism and Italy. At that time, the actual controller of WANDA CINEMAS was still Wang Jianlin, but after the signing of the Equity Transfer Agreement, the actual controller of WANDA CINEMAS will be changed from Wang Jianlin to Ke Liming.

China’s Confucianism reappears and capital operation is generous

The reporter learned from the information provided by a number of third-party organizations that WANDA CINEMAS is one of the few companies in China that has realized the integration of film and television production, distribution, cinema, film management and film projection, and its market share has also occupied the first place for a long time at the screening end. On the content level, WANDA CINEMAS is equally strong. According to public information, the "Beijing Love Story" controlled by Wanda Cinema in 2014 accumulated a box office of 406 million yuan; In 2015, the master controller produced 9 films, including Searching for the Dragon, goodbye mr. loser and Pancake Man, among which 7 films exceeded 100 million at the box office. In 2016, the master controller produced 9 films, including "Love Saint" and "Grand Prix"; In 2017, there were 16 films such as "Journey to the West" and "Master of Memory"; In 2018, in addition to the "Chinatown Detective 2" with a cumulative box office of 3.397 billion yuan, there are 10 master film projects such as "Get My Brother Away"; In 2019, there were 15 master movies including Sheep Without A Shepherd’s Flying Life; In 2021, Detective Chinatown 3, the master producer, ranked seventh in the box office list of Chinese movies with a box office of 4.523 billion yuan.

However, this year, WANDA CINEMAS’s only film projects are Space Exploration Editorial Department, Countdown Love You, Shen Jilan and Three Battalions, which will be released on December 15th. Among them, Cosmic Exploration Editorial Department has a cumulative box office of 67.043 million yuan, Countdown Love You has a cumulative box office of 26.37 million yuan, and Shen Jilan has only 4.565 million yuan. According to WANDA CINEMAS’s semi-annual financial report for fiscal year 2023, although WANDA CINEMAS achieved operating income of 6.869 billion yuan in the first half of the year, the income from cinema screening accounted for over 60%, while the income from film production and distribution and related businesses was only 202 million yuan, accounting for less than 3% of the total revenue. The cinema screening sector is undoubtedly the core asset of WANDA CINEMAS.

The momentum of WANDA CINEMAS’s projection in the cinema will help China’s Confucianism. Before Ke Liming became the actual controller of WANDA CINEMAS, China Confucianism and Italy had included three major businesses: film and television drama production, online streaming media and games. Among them, Shanghai Ruyi Film and Television Production Co., Ltd., a subsidiary, participated in films such as Hi, Mom, A Little Red Flower and Moon Man, and participated in the production of dramas such as No War in Peiping, nirvana in fire and My Fireworks on Earth. In 2023, the main films included Exchange of Life, Keeping You Safe and Warmth. China Ruyi also owns Pumpkin Movie, a streaming media platform. The business segment had 70.84 million registered members when the data was last published in 2021, of which 28.68 million were paid subscription members. The game business of China Confucianism began in 2022, and Beijing Confucianism Jingxiu Network Technology Co., Ltd. was established to lay out the game business. China Confucianism said in the announcement at that time that it would get Tencent’s support in technology, channels and funds.

Before WANDA CINEMAS changed hands, there had been many large-scale capital operations of Confucianism and Italy in China. In 2020, when Hengteng Network acquired Ruyi Film, the two sides signed a three-year gambling agreement, and Ruyi Film was required to achieve an annual net profit of 400 million yuan, 500 million yuan and 600 million yuan respectively from fiscal year 2021 to fiscal year 2023, with a profit of 1.5 billion yuan in three years. After the transaction is completed, the shareholding ratio of Evergrande and Tencent in Hengteng Network is 45.55% and 16.9% respectively. Ke Liming became the third largest shareholder of Hengteng Network, holding 12.5%.

In 2021, with a guaranteed price of 1.5 billion yuan, Ruyi Film bought out Hi, Mom’s share of the profits from the first producer, Beijing Culture. In the end, the box office in Hi, Mom exceeded 5.4 billion yuan. With this transaction, Confucianism and Italian Film successfully completed the above gambling agreement.

At the beginning of this year, among the four cornerstone investors introduced by Lehua Entertainment IPO, Sun Mass Energy, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Confucianism and Italy, subscribed for 7.9 million US dollars in offering shares, making it the largest one.

(Editor: Zhang Jingchao Proofreading: Liu Jun)


The Value Implication of Common Prosperity of Spiritual Life

Author: Zhang Xia (lecturer of tianjin polytechnic university Marxism Institute, researcher of tianjin polytechnic university Base of Tianjin Socialism with Chinese characteristics Theoretical System Research Center)
Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Party pointed out that Chinese-style modernization is a modernization in which material civilization and spiritual civilization are in harmony. Material wealth and spiritual wealth are the fundamental requirements of socialist modernization. This important thesis enriches the era connotation of common prosperity of spiritual life and highlights the common prosperity of spiritual life from common prosperity. The common prosperity of spiritual life is of profound value to continuously improve people’s quality of life, promote the realization of Chinese modernization and promote people’s free and all-round development.
 Common prosperity of spiritual life is a realistic need to continuously improve people’s quality of life.
With the continuous development of social productive forces, China has created a miracle of rapid economic development and long-term social stability, constantly meeting the people’s growing material and cultural needs, and gradually improving people’s lives, so that people have new expectations for the quality of life. The inherent requirement of people’s high-quality life is to meet people’s new expectations for a better life and enrich people’s spiritual world on the basis of meeting the needs of material life. Promoting the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life plays a decisive role in continuously improving people’s quality of life.
Common prosperity of spiritual life is a realistic choice to continuously meet people’s needs for a better life. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the main contradiction in our society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and the unbalanced development. "The need for a better life" includes the needs of material and spiritual life in quantity, which is a more comprehensive needs system; In terms of quality, it conforms to the law that people’s needs upgrade with the development of production, which shows that the Communist Party of China (CPC) always regards people’s expectations as the direction of governance. Meeting people’s spiritual needs is one of the key elements of "the need for a better life". The common prosperity of spiritual life requires our party to fully realize that the common prosperity of spiritual life is not a minority, temporary and average prosperity, but a sustained and common prosperity for all people in the process of uniting and leading the broad masses of people to strive to achieve the goal of the second century, and always put the common prosperity of spiritual life in a more prominent position, taking it as an important value measure to judge the continuous improvement of people’s lives, and we must make continuous efforts and make contributions for a long time.
The common prosperity of spiritual life is a realistic measure to greatly enrich the spiritual world of the people. After the people’s material living standards have been greatly improved, it is even more urgent to continuously enrich the people’s spiritual world. Promoting the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life plays an important role in solving similar problems such as mental poverty and further promoting socialist core values. Promoting the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life is helpful to strengthen the leading role of socialist core values, stimulate the effect of socialist core values to unite social consensus, infiltrate the hearts of the broad masses of people with the beauty of truth, value and realm contained in socialist values, lead the people to standardize their spiritual life with socialist core values, consciously resist the invasion of decadent ideas such as money worship and hedonism, and constantly polish the spiritual background and provide spiritual nourishment for enriching the people’s spiritual world.
Common prosperity of spiritual life is the inevitable choice to promote the realization of Chinese modernization
The inherent requirement of common prosperity of spiritual life is to lead the development of economy, politics, culture, society and ecology through advanced ideas, so as to realize the harmonious coexistence of people, people and society, people and nature at the spiritual level.
The common prosperity of spiritual life is an inquiry into the modernization of western style. Modernization includes both material modernization and human modernization. At the same time, people’s spiritual modernization should be an integral part of all modernization paradigms. However, Western-style modernization is confined to its own chronic disease, which regards modernization as a single economic growth, and excludes cultural and spiritual factors from the needs of society and individuals, so that economic things are unilaterally placed in the center, leading to spiritual, moral and artistic things being squeezed into secondary positions. With the continuous advancement of western-style modernization, the civilization dominated by capital centralism has aggravated people’s spiritual emptiness, moral decay, value nothingness and lack of faith, and people’s one-sided development and mental illness have reached an unprecedented level. Western-style modernization imprisons people in a material "cage", which cannot bear the historical responsibility of "human liberation" and does not conform to the value goal and progress direction of human civilization.
The common prosperity of spiritual life opens a new way for the exploration of modernization path. The common prosperity of spiritual life runs through the whole process of Chinese modernization. Different from the western-style modernization road, Chinese-style modernization adheres to the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), takes Marxism as the fundamental guiding ideology, and takes the free and all-round development of human beings as the value goal, thus opening up a brand-new road to break the myth of "modernization = westernization". On the one hand, we continue to plant a modern material foundation and consolidate the material conditions for people’s happy lives; On the other hand, we continue to care for people’s spiritual needs, enrich people’s spiritual world, and promote the realization of people’s spiritual life prosperity. In this way, spiritual common prosperity and material common prosperity are placed in the same position, which has planted the value foundation of Chinese modernization and is more conducive to activating the great power of all people to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with cultural power. At the same time, the rich and full spiritual life of all the people has also helped China to stand among the nations of the world with more confidence, which has opened a new practice of human exploration of modernization.
The common prosperity of spiritual life has enriched and deepened the exploration of the era of people’s free and all-round development. The common prosperity of all people’s spiritual life does not hinder the enrichment and improvement of the quality of spiritual life of every member of society. From a holistic perspective, the common prosperity of spiritual life is the organic unity of the free and all-round development of all people and the free and all-round development of individuals. From a comprehensive analysis, achieving common prosperity in spiritual life is a systematic project, which not only pays attention to improving people’s scientific and cultural literacy, but also pays attention to improving their ideological and moral quality and physical and mental health quality, and pays more attention to sublimating their spiritual realm. From the dynamic analysis, it is a long-term process to realize the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life. It is not a matter of time, but haste makes waste. It is necessary to make strategic arrangements and long-term plans, step by step, solidly promote the common prosperity of people’s spiritual life, and constantly accumulate strength for realizing people’s free and all-round development.
[This paper is the phased achievement of Tianjin Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project "Research on Long-term Mechanism of Tianjin Local Culture Revitalization in the All-Media Era" (ProjectNo.: TJKS19-003). 】
Source: Guangming. com-Academic Channel

The big directors have returned to the film circle, and the dispute between cinema and streaming media is hard to stop.

Image source @ vision china

Wen | Eye Entertainment, Author | Mu Ying

What kind of movies can Zhao Liying and Yang Mi, two popular "85 Flowers", make a hot search for a role?

# Yang Mi, the girl in the sauce garden ## Yang Mi Zhao Liying Jiangyuan Lane ## Yang Mi docking rumor sauce garden lane #…… Recently, the topic about the attribution of the role of Su Qing, the second female in the movie "Sauce Garden Lane", has been frequently searched, which makes onlookers wonder, what is the fragrant "cake" that can make the popular female star grab it like this?

"Sauce Garden Lane" is indeed one of the most concerned projects in the recent film market.Well-known director Chen Kexin grinds a sword for seven years, and Zhang Ziyi, the winner, takes the lead. This is simply going to win the prize. No wonder the stars want to squeeze in and brush their faces.

To tell the truth, the Chinese film market seems to have been so busy for a long time. Even Chen Kexin lamented that it was his busiest time in the past decade, and he was not the only one who was busy in the film industry recently.

Xiaogang Feng crowded into the 2023 Lunar New Year file with Feng’s New Year film "If You Are the One 3", and held a press conference with Ge You, Shu Qi, Fan Wei and other actors.

Xu Ke, the "old monster", returned to Jin Yong’s martial arts after 30 years, and took the top entertainment in Sean Xiao to shoot "The Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Great Man", and stayed in Inner Mongolia for several months;

Yuan Heping also chose to return to the martial arts, and the new film "The Dart Man: The Wind and the Desert" has been successfully established, and actresses are being recruited all over the world.


I still remember that before 2023, the rapid development of streaming media, coupled with the epidemic situation, led to a fierce impact on cinema films, and the box office was not optimistic. A large number of well-known directors such as Wong Kar-wai, Xu Anhua and Jia Zhangke played cross-border games, either to shoot advertisements or to shoot online dramas, and the film market was once silent.

When streaming media and cinema started a "protracted war", the industry began to worry about the future of the film industry, butJudging from the current state of the film market, streaming media is probably a cinema that can’t be killed..

With the rise of streaming media, it is an inevitable trend that cinema films will be impacted, and the real war between them began in Lost in Russia.

In the Spring Festival of 2020, under the circumstance that almost all cinema films were forced to be withdrawn, Xú Zhēng’s comedy film Lost in Russia directly crossed the cinema and was broadcast on streaming media.The change of media form led to the earthquake in the film industry..

Lost in Russia was the first to go online with streaming media, which undoubtedly caused great damage to the interests of cinemas. At that time, tens of thousands of employees claimed that the national cinemas suffered as a result, and even declared that they would boycott the films of Xú Zhēng and the producer Huanxi Media in the future. It can be seen that the relevant personnel in the film industry hated streaming media.

From the film side’s point of view, Joy Media sold Lost in Russia for 630 million yuan, which was undoubtedly a steady profit. At that time, the industry situation was not good. Even if it was successfully released in the cinema, it might not be able to get a higher box office, not to mention the film release under the influence of the epidemic was far away.

For the streaming media, Byte spent 630 million yuan to buy Lost in Russia, but the watermelon video really needs a movie to refresh itself. What’s more, watching Lost in Russia for free has made Byte well received by the general audience, and gained word of mouth and reputation. This business is not a loss.

The only loss among the three parties is the cinema, which invested a lot of publicity and film arranging expenses in the early stage, but in the end it was nothing.

more importantly,Lost in Russia has opened a new outlet for movies. Once movies enter the era of streaming media, cinemas are bound to suffer heavy blows.At a time when this trend was looming in the film industry.

In fact, the dispute between streaming media and cinema is not limited to China.This problem also exists in Europe and America, where the film industry is more developed..

In July, 2021, Scarlett Johansson, a widowed sister, went to court with Disney, because Disney had promised that her new Marvel Comics film "Black Widow" would be exclusively shown in the cinema, but the other party turned around and synchronized the film on the D+ streaming media platform, which would inevitably affect the cinema box office, and a large part of the remuneration of "widowed sister" came from the share of the cinema box office.

The rise of streaming media is an irreversible trend. If Disney wants to develop an online streaming media platform, it will definitely harm the interests of cinemas and even actors, which has caused a series of debates.

The dispute between streaming media and cinemas is a problem in the whole industry. With the rapid development of the Internet, audiences are gradually gathering online, and streaming media tends to overwhelm cinemas. Just like Warner Bros. put all the films produced in 2021 on the streaming media platform, the share prices of many cinemas in the United States plummeted.

The same is true in China. In 2019, the total box office of China movies was as high as 64.2 billion yuan, but in 2020, only 20 billion yuan was left, and in 2022, the number of rooms was as high as 30 billion.

The decline of cinemas has led to a sharp drop in box office and revenue, which has hindered the development of the film industry to some extent.Directors have made more profitable TV dramas. Xiaogang Feng made the online drama "North Road South", Chen Kaige produced the Legend of the Wonder Man in the Early Republic of China, and Wong Kar-wai made the Flowers. ……

It is difficult for streaming media and cinemas to have a truce. Well-known directors have joined the drama market one after another, and the film industry has actually suffered the most.

Although the industry once shouted the slogan that China movies entered the streaming media era, in fact,The film industry is still dominated by cinemas, and it is difficult for small screens to replace big screens..

The rapid development of streaming media benefited from the changes in the general environment to a certain extent, but with the decline of the epidemic in 2023, the recovery of offline cinemas led to the recovery of the box office.Cinema has become the main battlefield of the film industry again, and the market share of streaming media in the film industry is gradually decreasing..

On the one hand, it is difficult to replace the social attributes and experience attributes of offline traditional cinemas. More and more ordinary audiences enter cinemas and enjoy the immersive viewing experience, and cinemas are also one of the main places for socializing, which meets the social needs of ordinary people. This is what Guangming Daily once said.The cultural field created by cinema viewing is irreplaceable by Internet viewing.”。

At the same time, the film industry can’t leave the offline distribution channel. Due to the long production cycle and large investment, it is difficult to make a profit by only streaming media distribution. The cinema is always the core of the film economy, which will also drive the consumption of urban entities to a certain extent. It is a kind of urban cultural need, and the big screen is still the first choice for the film market.

On the other hand, streaming media is still in the development stage, and its main task is "innovation".However, the effect of staying in movies is not as good as that of dramas and variety shows, and the investment of relative streaming media in movies will be reduced..

Generally speaking, the purchase cost of movies is high, and the viewing time is mostly 2-3 hours, so it is difficult to keep users for a long time. However, the update cycle of dramas and variety shows is relatively long and the volume is relatively large, which can keep users to the greatest extent. Therefore, the investment of streaming media platforms in the field of long video is much greater than that of movies.

At the same time, users of domestic streaming media platforms have relatively low willingness to pay, and viewers are unwilling to spend money on content, which also leads to rampant online video piracy.Once the movie turns to streaming media, it is difficult to make a profit.Therefore, in the movie market, it is difficult for streaming media to replace the status of cinemas.

However, although it can’t completely replace the cinema, streaming media has its own advantages and its influence in the film market can’t be ignored.

With the vigorous development of the Internet, the influence of streaming media is gradually expanding, which provides a better platform for the promotion, marketing and dissemination of movies, and movies can reach a wider audience through streaming media.

Not only that, streaming media viewing is not limited by the environment, which actually makes up for the shortage of cinemas and provides a more convenient way for some viewers in need.To some extent, streaming media and cinema are actually complementary..

For China movies, streaming media did once occupy the living space of cinemas. However, with the recovery of the industry and the revival of cinemas, streaming media can’t replace cinemas, and the same cinemas can’t eliminate streaming media. They will continue to coexist in the movie market, providing more diversified content platforms for audiences and markets.


Donghu comment: Life is not just "brushing your mobile phone"

Recently, Zhang Chaoyang’s remarks about mobile phones have sparked heated discussions. When interacting with the students of Xi ‘an Jiaotong University, he talked about a thought-provoking question: Why can’t we passively brush our mobile phones for a long time? In this regard, Zhang Chaoyang gave his own answer: passively brushing the mobile phone is killing time and delaying. If you don’t think and ask questions, time will be wasted and people may become numb.
Mobile phone, a highly popular technology product, has become an indispensable part of everyone’s life. It provides endless information and resources, which can be studied and explored anytime and anywhere. Whether reading books online, watching educational videos or learning the latest information through social media, mobile phones can provide unprecedented convenience and become a fountain of learning knowledge. However, as Zhang Chaoyang emphasized, if you indulge in the habit of passively brushing your mobile phone for a long time, it may become a shackle that binds people’s thinking and development.
Over-reliance on mobile phones can lead to distraction. In the process of swiping mobile phones, people often switch applications and browse different pages. This fast switching attention mode will weaken their concentration and deep thinking ability, especially when they need to concentrate on completing a task, the existence of mobile phones will often become an interference factor, making it difficult for them to stay focused.
Excessive reliance on mobile phones will affect social interaction. Mobile phones can keep in touch with others anytime and anywhere, but at the same time they may rely too much on virtual social interaction. In real life, face-to-face communication and interaction is an important way to establish deep interpersonal relationships, and excessive use of mobile phones may reduce social activities in real life, thus affecting interpersonal relationships.
Excessive reliance on mobile phones may also have a negative impact on physical and mental health. Bowing your head and brushing your mobile phone for a long time will put pressure on cervical vertebrae and eyes, and may even lead to problems such as cervical spondylosis and myopia. In addition, excessive use of mobile phones may also lead to health problems such as decreased sleep quality and increased psychological stress.
Therefore, we should be aware of the dangers of over-reliance on mobile phones, reasonably control the time of using mobile phones, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, we should actively seek other beneficial activities, such as reading, sports and socializing, so as to enrich our life experience and improve our own quality.
Source: Jingchu. com (Hubei Daily)
Author: Shen Dudu (Wufeng, Yichang)
Editor: Ding Chufeng

Double super in one city! Why is Qingdao football fruitful?

Public Network reporter Mao Daoguang reports from Qingdao

The past weekend has become the most unforgettable day for Qingdao football!

In the 29th round of League A, Qingdao West Coast, which holds the initiative, beat Guangzhou team 2-0, thus locking the Super League seat in advance for next season. At this point, there are two Super League teams for the first time in the history of Qingdao football, and it has become the seventh city in China that will soon have the "Super League Derby" after Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Success is never achieved overnight. In the past ten years, Qingdao professional football has set foot on the top of the mountain and once fell into a trough. Fortunately, Qingdao football has never given up lightly, and with a tenacity, it has regained the road of chasing dreams in difficulties.

One city "double super"! At this moment, Qingdao football has realized the "dream of two heroes" in the top leagues in China, and let the whole country see the profound connotation of "Football City" and let football become the shining business card of this city again!


Looking back at Qingdao football in recent years, there are too many moments worth remembering!

Drinking ice for 9 years, blood is hard to cool! After many years of silence, Qingdao Manatee returned to the Super League from China B, and made its home debut 10 years later in Youth Stadium, the first 50,000 professional football stadium newly opened in Shandong this season, beating former enemy Beijing Guoan 3-1, which made countless fans dream back to 10 years ago and rekindled the hope of Qingdao football.

Qingdao West Coast Football Club, formerly known as Qingdao Kangtaiyuan Commercial Concrete Football Team, was established in 2007. In 2019, it was awarded the qualification of Grade B, and officially entered the China Football Professional League in 2020. In April, 2022, Qingdao Youth Island Football Club officially moved into German Football Asia Base. After playing in League A in the 2022 season, the young team hit it off with the West Coast, a city of youth, and set a more ambitious goal: changing its name to the West Coast, fighting for Qingdao and fighting for the West Coast New District.

The home relocation to Qingdao West Coast University Town Stadium marks that Qingdao West Coast New District has the first team to compete in professional football matches. As a new landmark of the West Coast New District, Guzhenkou University Town Stadium can accommodate 20,000 people and is one of the closest stadiums in China. It has been officially unveiled and put into use on May 10th this year. As the home of Qingdao West Coast Team in League A and Qingdao Red Lion Team in League B, it has been frequently unveiled in national competitions.

This autumn, Qingdao Manatee relegated to the Super League two rounds ahead of schedule, Qingdao West Coast overtook the Super League one round ahead of schedule, and Qingdao women’s football team returned to the domestic women’s football professional league, all of which are inseparable from the silent cultivation of Qingdao football for many years. With the end of the "Jinyuan Football" era, the inherent advantages of Qingdao football have gradually emerged, and the achievements of football development and youth training have blossomed everywhere, which has also polished the "golden signboard" of football again.

"The success of the West Coast Club is inseparable from the attention of the municipal party committee and the municipal government and the support from all walks of life. With two super league teams, Qingdao football has reached a new height. I hope that we can make persistent efforts next, and Qingdao Football can continue to contribute to China Football. " Tian Weiguo, director of Qingdao Football Activity Management Center, said this.


As a prestigious "Football City", on January 25th, 2022, Qingdao was successfully selected as one of the first nine key cities for football development in China during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. This is the third time that Qingdao has won this honor since 1979 and 1992. In 2023, Qingdao Football has achieved full coverage of football professional clubs at all levels, including Super League, China A, China B, Women A and Five Super League.

The achievement of such excellent results is inseparable from Qingdao’s policy support for football development.

In terms of support for professional sports clubs, Qingdao Sports Bureau issued the Measures for Supporting and Encouraging High-level Professional Sports Clubs in Qingdao according to the spirit of the document "Implementation Opinions on Promoting National Fitness and Sports Consumption to Promote High-quality Development of Sports Industry". The Qingdao Municipal Sports Bureau will set up a sports industry support incentive fund, which will invest 35 million yuan every year to support the high-level professional sports clubs in Qingdao, and reward them according to the results of professional leagues.

In November of the same year, the leading group for the promotion of football reform and development in Qingdao also issued the "Construction Plan of National Key Cities for Football Development in Qingdao during the Tenth Five-Year Plan". The plan clearly sets the goals to be achieved by 2025, focusing on building 1-2 super league teams; Realize the 9-level elite echelon of Super League Club and the 7-level elite echelon of Zhongjia Club; Set up 1-2 professional women’s football clubs … and the goal of focusing on building 1-2 super league teams was first fulfilled this autumn.

Looking at the whole country, there are only a handful of cities that can be called "football cities". Qingdao has enjoyed a good reputation for many years, which is inseparable from its excellent youth training system and good youth football competitions.

For a long time, Qingdao youth football has a profound foundation and outstanding achievements in youth training. The traditional event "Mayor Cup" campus football league has gone through 32 seasons. The league also achieved full coverage from the primary school, junior high school, senior high school and university four-level campus football league system. By the end of 2021, the "Mayor Cup" campus football league had organized 3,694 games, in which 22,553 players from 1,510 teams participated. Qingdao campus football is constantly exploring the deeper field of integration of sports and education. The introduction of a series of security policies and the practice of trying first provide protection for children who like playing football and take care of their studies.

By 2023, 10 Qingdao athletes, including Wang Ziming, Liu Yang, Li Lei, Wei Zhang, Wang Haobin, Li Suda, Liu Chen, Zhang Yiqian, Shuo Yang and Shao Mingzhen, have been selected into national football teams at all levels, and outstanding talents are constantly emerging; Qingdao U9-U14 football team won five championships in six groups in the 2023 Shandong Football Championship, and Qingdao U16 women’s football team became the first team to advance to the top four of the National Student (Youth) Games, with excellent competitive results.

In addition, Dong Lu, a well-known football commentator, also praised Qingdao’s youth training in the recent live broadcast. He said that Qingdao has a large number of football talents and good football development genes. Youth training clubs such as Qingdao West Coast Football Club and Qingdao Zhuifeng Youth Football Club have performed very well on the field, and many high-level athletes and coaches are also impressive.


"Fight, Qingdao team!" It is not only a slogan, but also engraved into the football memory of a generation.

Counting the football history of Qingdao, at the beginning of the China Professional League, Qingdao established its own professional team-Qingdao Manatee. The time can be traced back to December 31st, 1993. Qingdao Manatee Football Club was formally established, and it became one of the founding teams of Chinese Football Association Super League together with Shandong Taishan, Beijing Guoan, Tianjin Jinmenhu and Shenzhen Team.

In 2002, Qingdao Yizhong Manatee hired Li Zhangzhu, a famous Korean coach, as the head coach, and the team won the China Football Association Cup, which was the first national championship in the history of Qingdao professional football. Qingdao Huanghai Qinggang Team won the championship in the 2019 season and successfully overtook it. In the 2020 season, Qingdao Manatee Team and Qingdao West Coast Team also staged the "Qingdao Derby" in the second season. In the 2021 season, the Qingdao Manatee team took the lead in rushing to the A, and the West Coast team subsequently succeeded in rushing to the A in the play-offs of the 2021 season. In the 2022 season, the two teams will continue to stage the "Qingdao Derby" in the Chinese team. Last year, the Manatees took the lead in overtaking, and the West Coast team gained a foothold in the Chinese team. By the 2023 season, the West Coast team was successful, while the Manatee team was successful in relegation in the Super League.

At the recently concluded 2023 China Qingdao Fashion Sports Industry Conference, Liu Jianhong attended as a guest, also talked about Qingdao at the scene, and praised the development of Qingdao football. He said, "In 1996, as a reporter of CCTV’s Football Night, I came to Qingdao to interview League A and B, and witnessed the process of the Manatees returning from League A to League A that year." After leaving CCTV, Liu Jianhong came to Qingdao again in 2021. He presided over the expedition ceremony of Qingdao Manatee. The Manatee was successfully upgraded from B in that year, and it was successful at the end of 2022. Today, the Manatee has become a strong force in the Super League again. As a football city, Qingdao and Liu Jianhong have witnessed the ups and downs of Qingdao football for so many years.

In the long history of football development in China, Qingdao football has experienced ups and downs, but it has never been absent.


Derby is an unavoidable topic in a region where football is booming. Two teams in the same region staged a "peak showdown", accompanied by tens of thousands of fans shouting like a tsunami, the two sides joined hands in the game to contribute to the offensive and defensive war, and the fierce physical confrontation and the collision of beliefs among fans undoubtedly made it the most eye-catching game at present, which also made the football economy "hot"!

Looking around the world, there are the famous Manchester derby and North London derby in the Premier League, the national derby between Real Madrid and Barcelona in La Liga, the "Milan duo" in Serie A, and the most intense national derby between Boca and Riverbed Argentina.

In China, the derby in the same city is also one of the most concerned games. Compared with the "Jinglu War" and "Jingyue War", the once Guangzhou Derby, Wuhan Derby and Tianjin Derby gradually disappeared from public view with the fading of "Jinyuan Football". Now, the joining of Qingdao Derby not only injects fresh blood into the league, but also appears more precious in timing.

Looking forward to the 2024 season, Qingdao will usher in the "city derby" of the Super League for the first time, Qingdao manatee and Qingdao West Coast will usher in "love and kill each other", and the "football economy" will gradually spread from the north shore of Jiaozhou Bay, which was on fire this year, to the west coast of Jiaozhou Bay. At that time, the two teams will also dedicate a wonderful showdown for Qingdao and even the national fans.

One city "double super"! This is an affirmation of the hard work of Qingdao football for many years, and it has injected a "cardiotonic agent" into the development of Qingdao football. Whether manatees avoid relegation, or the West Coast overtake, or the gradual improvement of the youth training system, to a certain extent, it reflects the long-term vision and unremitting pursuit of Qingdao’s football career development.

Dapeng rises with the wind in one day, soaring to Wan Li. In the future, Qingdao Football will take advantage of the east wind of "building a key city for national football development" to vigorously promote the deepening of football reform, do a good job in training and transporting youth football, comprehensively improve the overall development level of football, and make the reputation of "Football City" a "golden signboard" of Qingdao.

18 ways girls can be.

There are many rules in this world, some of which can support us, but others will hinder our growth, such as "girls should look like girls", "women should get married and have children early" and "girls should not engage in sports that belong to boys" …

Many women have heard similar words when growing up. These voices seem to be everywhere, and the subtle influence and great pressure brought by gender stereotypes limit girls’ lives in all aspects.

But there are some girls who choose to stand up and say "no" bravely-they care more about pursuing their love and exploring the life they want, the life that live high longs for.

"I want to be myself."

Today, we selected 18 female stories that bravely challenged stereotypes and explored the possibility of life.

Let’s feel their power together.


Girls can be strong.-I once climbed a mountain with an altitude of 2338 meters without assistance and only one protective rope.


Girls can have a sense of direction.I have a strong sense of direction and spatial imagination. I like all kinds of maps. I can read paper maps in primary school. I don’t get lost in a strange city, and I don’t turn by car, so I won’t lose my sense of security wherever I go.


Girls can be heroes who save lives.-I lived in a closed village near the Yangtze River. At the age of thirteen, I rescued my drowning classmates in the shallow waters of the Yangtze River. I took off all my clothes before going into the water and finally went home in clean clothes. At that time, I thought it would be good to take off my clothes and put them on, and go home as usual, but I may have misjudged the malice of my peers. I took off my clothes and suffered many attacks.

Today, a long time later, I can finally tell such a thing. I think if I can go back to thirteen years old, I must say to myself: You are so brave, you are so great ~


Girls don’t have to be pleased with themselves.


Girls can talk about sex openly.-Engaged in sex education. I hope to correct some public misconceptions about sex; I hope that China will popularize scientific sex education, so that everyone has the right to enjoy sex freely.


Girls can be the "pillars" of the family.—— In April 2014, less than one year after graduation, the deposit was less than 10,000. The old house (rural house, wooden structure) at home for more than 20 years caught fire because of aging circuits, and everything turned to ashes. There are parents, grandma and I (the only child) at home. It is difficult for parents to save money all year round by farming in the countryside. Grandma is old and sick, and she stays in bed all the year round. I borrowed 100 thousand to build a house for my family. I paid off all my debts this year.


Girls can protect themselves and others without waiting for others to protect them.-When I was in graduate school, the dormitory next door caught fire, and the fire extinguisher was ineffective. After the alarm, I quickly judged the fire and evacuated all the people on this floor and the upper and lower floors. At the same time of evacuation, the students were told to cover their nose and mouth with wet towels, take the stairs downstairs, and finally close (unlock) the fire door to leave, waiting for the fire brigade to go out, and silently watched the time when the fire brigade went out.


Girls can fight against power.-My 25-year-old daughter, I, beat my 51-year-old father who abused his mother.


Girls can give themselves to the world.-Female doctors participated in Doctors Without Borders, and participated in more than a dozen rescue projects in battlefields: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sierra Leone and Somaliland.


Girls can compete with big men for CPR.

-The female doctors in our emergency department have no pressure _(:3/ ah … So the girls in clinical medical colleges are stronger than those in other hospitals as a whole.


Girls can engage in nuclear weapons.-studying nuclear engineering, yes, nuclear reactor engineering. In four years, PK lost nearly 100 men and won the first place in the whole department; I chose the nuclear reactor experiment for my graduation project. In winter, I wore two down jackets, screwed valves, did electric welding and played with high temperature and high pressure in a laboratory without heating, and finally got the only excellent one at the school level. Now I’m studying PhD in the United States, or I’m still engaged in nuclear studies. The only girl in the group, the tutor doesn’t like my sister to do experiments, so I’ll toss and change my tutor. I hope the toss will not end badly, and I pray for blessings.


Girls can be very courageous.-After leaving the scene of the explosion, fix the position of each corpse at the scene.


Girls can be fearless of challenges for love.—— English major at Grade 13 University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, female. My senior year wants to follow an old Chinese doctor in massage. The other party refused, saying, What are you doing for being so thin and short? Go and get acupuncture. In front of the patients and other brothers, I only took off my vest in the winter. On the ground, with two thumbs, I made ten hungry tigers pouncing on food in a row (like push-ups, but not straight up and down, which is more difficult), and then I became the teacher’s first female apprentice. In the end, the object of study was not this master, and the later master was also a female and a child massage expert. Well, actually, she taught me how to eat like a hungry tiger. She is the only one who can get full marks in the tuina testing instrument in our school, including men and women. Massage major, tall and male, is indeed an advantage. I am 160, and my master is 155. And the performance created by our department is 10% of that of a top three hospital.


Girls can be good at science.-Graduated from the Physics Department, one of the departments with the most unbalanced male-female ratio in Tsinghua University. When we first entered school, we girls often fell into doubt whether we could study as well and do research as boys. Later, when I graduated, a girl went to Princeton to continue her Ph.D. in astrophysics, just because she loved watching the stars in the sky when she was a child. A girl went to Yale to study for a doctorate in geometry, because doughnuts and coffee cups are a topological point. My favorite girls, who dare to love and fight, care whether it is considered the domain of boys dominate.


Girls can not give up their development for marriage and children.-My mother, who got a college diploma when she got married, got her doctorate at the age of 49.


Girls can "go around the world with swords and see the prosperity of the world".—— In the third year of work, the whole person was very consumed and didn’t like this job. Since childhood, he has always followed the so-called correct life track. On my 27th birthday, I resigned and decided to travel: list the places I want to go, make long-term and short-term plans, make strategies, buy equipment, and hit the road! In the past three years, I have visited all the provinces and more than 70 countries in China, seen a lot of scenery and all kinds of life, and the whole person has taken on a new look, with confidence and courage to face life calmly.


Girls can be the best role models for girls.-I want to talk about my mother. In the 1970s, when material conditions were scarce, my mother formed a thinking of equality between men and women from an early age. She believes that the first essence of women is independence, spiritual independence and material independence, and they should have their own independent ideological system. My mother has been living a very lively life, making many friends, mostly male friends. In the face of unhappy marriage, I made a decisive decision, and there was no room to leave home clean. The only requirement was that I must follow her. In that 1990s, how difficult was it for a girl to leave her marriage and leave home with her children? After the divorce, she stayed at her grandmother’s house. On the one hand, she worked in a public institution, on the other hand, she ran her own small business.

When I graduated from primary school, my mother had bought a suite and a car independently. When I graduated from middle school, she sent me to a private middle school by herself. When I graduated from high school, my mother bought two suites and changed three cars. By the time I graduated from college, she had prepared all the money for my study abroad.

However, these material things are not the most important. The most important thing is that she is my best friend. I claim to be an independent and rebellious new woman, but my mother and I are very close. Our communication goes deep into any field, and we are not afraid to hide, criticize or understand narrowly, but empathize with each other, just like bosom friends.

Now that I am in a foreign country, I have to call her for 20 minutes every day, and I have to hug her every time I meet her. This relationship between mother and daughter is envied by everyone around me.

My mother taught me to love and be independent. She doesn’t like housework, but she is very proficient. She cooks good Sichuan food and washes all my clothes. She loves life and everything, so she is unwilling to give up, willing and willing in the process of balancing the relationship between family and career.


Girls can be everything they want to be.

The author said:

I can often feel all kinds of negative comments about girls in society in my life. If you are beautiful, you may suffer from gossip, and if you are not beautiful, you may be bullied; "Strong women" will be said to be "unmarried", and other girls will be said to be "money worshippers"; Not losing weight is called "not self-discipline", and losing weight is criticized as "body anxiety" …

Today’s article is to convey some strength to girls. This is what girls really look like: we have the courage and ability to do what we want to do and become what we want to be, without being evaluated by others and society.

Regardless of gender and circumstances, we can fight according to our own will and strive for live high’s greatest potential. I always think that people are the proudest and dignified when they are struggling.

I hope that everyone who has expectations for what kind of person you "become" can believe that you are destined to shine your own light, and nothing can stop you-sometimes just because you have gained such courage, you are one step closer to what you want to be.

Look at 2023 | Park Xuedong, General Manager of Beijing Fashion Holdings: Focus on the development of the fashion industry in the capital

Standing at the end of 2022 and looking at 2023, entrepreneurs, as an important force in China’s economy, how do they view the current economic policy in China and what are their expectations for the future economy in China? The Beijing News Shell Finance invited more than 100 entrepreneurs from all walks of life to complete their thoughts on the new year by questionnaire and explore the new impetus of China’s economic growth.

Shell Finance made an appointment with Park Xuedong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Beijing Fashion Holding Co., Ltd.

Park Xuedong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Beijing Fashion Holding Co., Ltd.. Figure/Respondents for the picture

Shell finance:What are the "small goals" for you and your company in the coming year?

Park Xuedong:My small goal is consistent with the small goal of the enterprise: slow down as soon as possible, regroup and start again.

Shell finance:To achieve this goal, what kind of help and support do you want, or what kind of good news do you want?

Park Xuedong:I hope we can overcome difficulties with the spirit of altruism and mutual assistance, and hope that everyone and every family will be safe and healthy. Specific to the fashion holding company, I hope that every employee of the company will have no worries and devote himself to all jobs in the capital fashion industry healthily and happily. Fully implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, the spirit of the "two sessions" of the whole country and the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of the city, conscientiously implement the decision-making arrangements of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, base on the development of the capital in the new era, adhere to the general tone of steady progress, better coordinate the prevention and control of epidemic situation and enterprise development, and further focus on the high-quality development of the fashion industry in the capital. Clear direction, boost confidence, deepen reform, strengthen management, guard against risks, integrate resources, stabilize scale, improve quality and efficiency, and work together to build the flagship of the capital’s fashion culture industry.

Beijing News Shell Finance reporter Yu Menger

Editor Jake proofreads Liu Baoqing.