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What are the "magic weapons" to deal with the super typhoon "Lichima" and "Noisy Sea"?

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 12 th: What are the "magic weapons" to deal with the super typhoon "Lichima" and "Nautical Sea"?

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Ye Haoming, Gao Jing, Wang Junlu and Qin Huajiang

  It has caused 5 deaths and 7 missing in Shandong, 39 deaths and 9 missing in Zhejiang, and 73 rivers have exceeded the police … … The super typhoon "Lichima" has caused great losses to many coastal provinces and cities. What is the origin of "Lichima"? Have local emergency plans played their due role? What other aspects should we pay attention to in the next step to deal with the "Lichima" invasion? Xinhua News Agency reporters visited the front line of fighting against typhoons and launched an investigation.

  "Lichima", "Naughty Sea" and "Soft Meng" fruits are named super typhoon.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, "Lichima" is a tropical fruit with a "soft and cute" image and a close taste. I don’t want to become the name of the third strong typhoon that landed in East China in 70 years. According to experts, "Lichima" has become the fiercest typhoon this year because of its violent storms.

  — — Gale. The previous typhoons "Muen" and "Weipa" were tropical storms when they landed, and the winds were 8 and 9 respectively, which was far lower than the maximum wind intensity of 16 when "Lichima" landed. On the morning of the 11th, there were 8-10 gusts in northeastern Jiangsu, northeastern Anhui, northern Shandong and southern Bohai, and the local gusts in Qingdao and Tai ‘an in Shandong could still reach 12.

  — — Rainstorm. The huge rainfall brought by "Lichima" also threatens the safety of relevant places. As of the 10th, the rainfall in Taizhou, Zhejiang, northern Wenzhou, southern Ningbo and southwestern Huzhou reached 350-580mm, 829mm in Kuocangshan, Taizhou and 706mm in Sanmen. At the same time, heavy rain or heavy rain occurred in Shanghai, Jiangsu, central and eastern Shandong, eastern Anhui and other places, and heavy rain occurred in Weifang and Linyi, Shandong, with rainfall of 250 to 407 mm. As of the 11th, 73 rivers in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Anhui, Shandong and other places have experienced over-alert floods since August 9th.

  Why did "Lichima" bring such huge rainfall? "A typhoon is like a huge ‘ Water vapor absorber ’ Absorb water vapor from the ocean and bring heavy precipitation to the land. " Senior engineer of Typhoon and Marine Meteorological Forecast Center of China Meteorological Bureau explained to Chun Yi that the monsoon input of "Lichima" is very strong, that is to say, there is a cross-equatorial airflow to transport warm and humid air rich in water vapor in the equatorial region into the typhoon, which greatly increases its "water" power.

  Since the 8th, "Lichima" has caused many disasters, including landslides, mudslides and urban waterlogging. According to authoritative statistics, as of 7: 00 on the 12th, Typhoon Lichima had affected 6.679 million people, affected 234,000 hectares of crops and damaged 41,000 houses.

  Start emergency plans in many places according to law to reduce the degree of disaster.

  On the evening of the 8th, Weibo, the official of Qingdao Professional Meteorological Observatory, reported that a report reprinted by Qingdao Municipal People’s Government Press Office issued a typhoon warning in violation of regulations. "Qingdao Meteorology" emphasizes that "if a typhoon warning is issued, the city will start emergency plans, including flood control and resettlement, which is a very serious matter". This little tidbit once again highlights the importance of starting and implementing the "emergency plan" according to law when dealing with serious natural disasters.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, the China Meteorological Bureau has launched a Class II emergency response to major meteorological disasters (typhoons), issued a typhoon red warning, and carried out targeted monitoring, forecasting and early warning services;

  As the first province to contact typhoon, Zhejiang reserves all kinds of emergency relief materials, and the meteorological department launched the Class I emergency response against typhoon at the first time.

  According to the requirements of the emergency plan, Hangzhou has investigated 6,902 farmhouses, evacuated more than 2,000 people and closed 38 A-level scenic spots; According to the movement path, development and influence of the typhoon, Ningbo will continue to do a good job in the transfer and resettlement of people in dangerous areas and the safety management of transferred people and ships in Hong Kong according to the emergency plan.

  In Jiangsu and Shuyang County, from 20: 00 on August 11th, the flood control level I emergency response was launched, and 32 towns and villages with 255,000 people’s efforts arrived at the designated position of Xinyi River embankment to patrol the embankment to ensure related safety.

  In Shandong, Qingdao fangzhi upgraded the typhoon prevention level II emergency response to level I emergency response at 13: 00 on the 11th. The Water Affairs Bureau keeps a close eye on the largest river course in the city — — Flood control safety of Dagu River. The Culture and Tourism Bureau requires all scenic spots in the city to be closed and stop visiting activities. The Bureau of Commerce requires relevant units to strengthen the organization of the supply of "vegetable basket" commodities such as meat and vegetables to ensure that the market supply is not out of stock and does not stop.

  Xie Yuwen, dean of Zhongguancun Zhilian Disaster Perception Science Research Institute, said that timely launching and fully implementing the emergency plan can effectively help all localities control the disaster in the face of major disasters. Shouguang, Shandong Province, was affected by the typhoon, although the rainfall hit a historical record, but the disaster level was significantly lower than last year.

  "Wind blowing to the north" plus general disaster risk Northeast China or long-term large-scale precipitation

  The reporter learned from the Emergency Management Department of Shandong Province on the 12th that according to preliminary statistics, there were 1,655,300 people affected by the disaster in Shandong Province, 5 people died and 7 people were missing. The affected area of crops is 175,400 hectares, and 609 houses have collapsed. Relevant disaster data are being further counted.

  Why "the wind blows north"? Xiang Chunyi told reporters that the subtropical high was relatively strong this year. Under its guidance, "Lichima" did not land in low-latitude Guangdong and other places, but moved to the northwest.

  Experts warned that the biggest problem of the current typhoon northward is to directly expose the northern region with less experience in fighting typhoons to the typhoon. Because the northern part of China has a weak ability to withstand heavy rain and generally lacks experience in typhoon prevention, it will greatly increase the risk of disaster, so it must not be taken lightly.

  The reporter learned that at present, the expert group of flood control and drought relief technology of Shandong Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters is all in place, and professional consultation and judgment have been carried out on the situation of reservoir exceeding flood limit, river flood discharge and mountain torrents prone to occur. Shandong Provincial Defense Index has sent eight working groups to 16 cities in the province to guide the typhoon defense work on the spot, and urged all localities to carry out detailed safety hazard investigation and grasp the key links of defense.

  Xiang Chunyi also reminded that the weakening of typhoon landing does not mean that rainfall is reduced. The influence of "Lichima" on the northeast of North China will be long-term and wide-ranging, and the influence of continuous precipitation accumulation will be great.

  Experts said that from the afternoon of the 11th to the next 72 hours, there will be large-scale precipitation in the northeast of North China. After 72 hours, there may be some precipitation influence in the east of Northeast China.

Put away your competitive heart when running.

Unless you are interested in becoming a professional runner, for most amateur runners, running is not a competition in the arena. You have to figure out what you are running for.

I think some runners blindly follow the trend when they see other people’s achievements, so they can’t resist a competitive heart. All I can think about is the amount of running and pace. In the end, even if I ran out of good grades, I also ran out of injuries. What’s the point?

For amateur runners, the word "stability" is the most important, and jogging is the truth. Be a little timid, it doesn’t matter! Run slowly, run less, and leave if you can’t run. It’s really nothing. It is even more important to achieve the "three noes": no running when you are sick, no running after drinking, and no running after staying up late.What do you think? Let’s talk in the comments section.

These actions hurt your knees more than running, and some people do them every day!


Exercise has become a "compulsory course" for many people every day.

And in many sports,

Running is deeply loved by many people.

Recently, a circle friend sent for help and said

There are all kinds of sayings about running on the Internet.

The most popular saying is that running will hurt your knees.

Is this really the case?

Zhao min

Peking University Third Hospital

Deputy chief physician of orthopedics

Does running really hurt your knees?

Improper running posture or excessive load is the most likely to damage the knee joint.

Incorrect running method exceeds the load of knee joint, which will easily lead to "running knee", which is a chronic overwork.

No matter ordinary people or athletes, they may encounter the problem of knee joint injury in sports, but the "running knee" only exists in the situation of knee overuse, which is related to personal sports and physical fitness.

Both sitting without running and high-intensity running can cause joint problems, and the prevalence rate is the lowest among people who run at leisure, so proper running is beneficial to joint health for ordinary people (non-athletes) as a whole.

Unscientific exercise is an important cause of knee injury. If you don’t warm up before running, it will have a huge impact on the meniscus and even cause comminuted fracture of the patella.

Incorrect running posture, too long exercise time, too high frequency and different physical qualities of individuals are all factors that cause knee joint injury.

Therefore, incorrect running methods or excessive use of knees will lead to knee injury, but you can’t stop exercising completely.

Action points:

Warm up for 5 ~ 10 minutes before jogging, and the duration of pure running is 30 ~ 60 minutes every day, so don’t care too much about the distance;

The body leans forward slightly, the arm swings naturally, and the forefoot touches the ground;

Keep the speed "breathing, heartbeat is slightly faster but you can talk normally";

Plastic ground, asphalt road, etc. are selected for the site, and cement ground is not recommended.

These movements hurt your knees the most.

Step 1 sit still for a long time

An internationally authoritative study once pointed out that the incidence of arthritis in fitness runners is 3.5%; For sedentary people, the incidence of arthritis is as high as 10.2%! Long-term sedentary articular cartilage will gradually lose nutrition and "starve to death". Therefore, proper exercise can prolong the life of the knee. But the premise is to master scientific methods and avoid unnecessary damage.

Step 2 climb mountains and stairs

Old people, overweight people and people with knee injuries had better crawl less. Don’t insist on climbing if your knees are uncomfortable.

When going up the mountain (stairs), the wrong posture can easily hurt the knee, and the knee will bear about three times its own weight.

When going down the mountain (stairs), the knee will not only bear the impact of the ground, but also increase the wear of the knee.

Therefore, it is not recommended to climb mountains and buildings as daily exercise.

Tip: There is a knee injury. When going upstairs, the good leg goes first, and when going downstairs, the bad leg goes first.

Step 3 jump rope

The risk of skipping rope to knee joint is mainly related to the venue.

Generally, the concrete floor downstairs in a residential area can’t provide an effective buffer for the impact force when skipping rope falls to the ground, and it is easy to hurt the knee for a long time.

Key points of skipping rope:

Choose plastic floor or cement floor to pave plastic mat;

When jumping, keep your feet close to avoid bending your knees greatly;

The take-off height is 2 ~ 4 cm to ensure that the skipping rope just passes through the soles of the feet;

Shake the rope with wrist strength and keep the big arm close to the trunk.

4. Riding a bike in the wrong posture

If you ride too hard, or take some wrong riding posture habits, it will also have certain health risks to your knees.

Action points:

The height of the seat is adjusted to: when the foot steps on the lowest position, the knee joint slightly bends about 170;

Hold your head high while riding, keeping your knees and toes facing forward;

Keep riding at a constant speed, and don’t suddenly increase the speed by force;

Exert force on the thigh and step on the pedal with the first third of the sole of your foot.

5. I don’t have exercise habits at ordinary times, and I suddenly run away.

For people who don’t have any exercise habits at ordinary times and sit for a long time every day, leg muscle strength is usually insufficient, and sudden long-term walking is easy to cause instability of knee joint position.

Suggestion: Try to avoid striding, don’t stretch your front legs too far, avoid tightening your legs or knees and step forward, so that your body can walk naturally, comfortably and moderately.

Step 6 sit cross-legged

When sitting cross-legged, the knee joint is in a state of flexion. Under the action of gravity, it will bear the sinking force, resulting in uneven stress on the inside and outside. Over time, the knee joint is also prone to deformation.

Suggestion: when you can’t help sitting cross-legged, bend only one leg at a time, try to be natural and comfortable, and don’t force your feet down, which can reduce the damage to your knees to some extent.

Step 7 squat for a long time

When the squatting posture is greater than 90 degrees, the compression of the medial knee joint will become larger, resulting in the wear of the medial patella.

Suggestion: Try to control the toilet time in squatting position within 3 minutes.

These symptoms appear in the knee joint.

May have suggested joint damage.

If you can’t remember your knee joint at all, first of all, it shows that it is healthy. When you start to pay attention to your knee joint, it may indicate that there are some problems with it.

Then there are probably two kinds of problems that often appear in our knee joint:

1. it hurts

This is the most common situation. Suddenly, I feel pain in my knee. The pain varies from light to heavy. Another is its position. If you touch your left knee with your palm, buckle the patella above your knee with the palm of your hand. After buckling it, when your thumb naturally droops, you can touch a gap. This is the gap on the inside of the knee. If this position is painful, you should be careful about meniscus or osteoarthritis. If this position is further up.

Step 2 make a noise

Sometimes there will be some noise in the knee joint, a crisp snap, without pain, which may be some physiological snap, such as synovial hyperplasia. If you have degenerative osteoarthropathy and arthritis, its noise is very characteristic, just like when you hold a handful of snow in winter, the snowball makes a creaking sound. This feeling of holding snow is a very typical manifestation of osteoarthritis, called bone rubbing sound.

You can protect your knees by sitting and lifting your legs.

The first method:

When the leg bends to 90 degrees, the calf and thigh are basically in a vertical state. At this time, you can slowly extend the leg from 90-degree knee flexion to straightness, and pause for 5~10 seconds. You should feel the muscles in front of the thigh, especially the muscles in the inner thigh, exerting force and straining, and then slowly relax it to the knee flexion position. This is the first time.

We can repeat this cycle for 20 ~ 30 times, and this is a group, and we can do 2 ~ 3 groups every day.

Note: If you feel tired the next day, it means that this intensity exercise is appropriate. If you feel relaxed after exercise, you may need to correct your movements or increase your strength and frequency.

The second method:

You can step on something under your feet. At this time, the angle of bending your knees is less than 90 degrees. Slowly straighten it, straighten it to the position of 0 degrees, keep it for 5~10 seconds, and do reciprocating training.

Leg-lifting in sitting position is suitable for both sick patients and healthy people. It is a very basic training, so everyone should develop such a habit, and its application scenario is very wide. You can do such a training whether you are in the office or on a business trip.

Note: If the joint is in the inflammatory stage of redness, swelling, heat and pain, you should rest instead of doing any strength training, even if it is mild, and you should wait until the inflammation is relieved, the symptoms are relieved, or even disappear before starting strength training.

These symptoms appeared in the knee joint.

May have suggested joint damage.

If you can’t remember your knee joint at all, first of all, it shows that it is healthy. When you start to pay attention to your knee joint, it may indicate that there are some problems with it.

Then there are probably two kinds of problems that often appear in our knee joint:

1. it hurts

This is the most common situation. Suddenly, I feel that my knee begins to hurt. The pain varies from light to heavy, and the other is its position. If you touch your left knee with your palm, use the palm of your hand to buckle the patella above your knee. After buckling it, when the thumb naturally droops, you can touch a gap. This is the gap inside the knee joint. If this position hurts, you really have to be careful. For example, there will be some problems like meniscus or osteoarthritis. If this position is higher or lower than the knee joint, it may come from the ligament, so we judge it according to the painful part.

Step 2 make a noise

Sometimes there will be some noise in the knee joint, a crisp snap, without pain, which may be some physiological snap, such as synovial hyperplasia. If you have degenerative osteoarthropathy and arthritis, its noise is very characteristic, just like when you hold a handful of snow in winter, the snowball makes a creaking sound. This feeling of holding snow is a very typical manifestation of osteoarthritis, called bone rubbing sound.

You can protect your knees by sitting and lifting your legs.

The first method:

When the leg bends to 90 degrees, the calf and thigh are basically in a vertical state. At this time, you can slowly extend the leg from the 90-degree knee bend to the straight, and pause for 5~10 seconds. You should feel the muscles in front of the thigh, especially the muscles in the inner thigh, exerting force and tightening, and then slowly relax it to the knee bend position. This is a time.

We can repeat this cycle for 20 ~ 30 times, and this is a group, and we can do 2 ~ 3 groups every day.

Note: If you feel tired the next day, it means that this intensity exercise is appropriate. If you feel relaxed after exercise, you may need to correct your actions or increase your strength and frequency.

The second method:

You can step on a whole box of cans under your feet. At this time, the angle of bending your knees is less than 90 degrees. Slowly straighten it to the position of 0 degrees, keep it for 5~10 seconds, and do reciprocating training.

Leg-lifting in sitting position is suitable for both sick patients and healthy people. It is a very basic training, so everyone should develop such a habit, and its application scenario is very wide. You can do such a training whether you are in the office or on a business trip.

Note: If the joint is in the inflammatory stage of redness, swelling, heat and pain, you should rest instead of doing any strength training, even if it is mild, and you should wait until the inflammation is relieved, the symptoms are relieved, or even disappear before starting strength training.

Six things to prolong the service life of the knee

Knee joint should be used sparingly, and only by protecting it can its service life be prolonged;

Step 1 control your weight

Patients with knee arthritis caused by overweight account for a large proportion of the sick population. Losing weight can greatly reduce the burden on weight-bearing joints and reduce wear and tear.

2. Exercise with restraint

The healthiest exercise program for joints is: 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical exercise every day, no less than 5 days a week.

Warm up before exercise, exercise and stretch properly. If you do strenuous exercise, warm-up time should not be less than 10 minutes.

When swimming, the body is basically parallel to the water surface, and the knee joint is basically free of load, so it is best for the knee joint. Freestyle and backstroke are more recommended to protect the knee joint.

3. Pay attention to joint warmth

Avoid cold and damp knees, and wear knee pads if necessary.

Step 4 supplement calcium

Especially women over 40. When osteoporosis occurs, joints are prone to illness.

5. Shoes should be suitable

Whether walking or other sports, you should choose a pair of suitable shoes. Sports shoes with elasticity, slightly thicker soles and slightly thicker heels are the best for joints.

6. Avoid continuously exerting force on joints.

Try to reduce squatting as much as possible. If you need to squat frequently, you’d better sit in a low position, such as sitting on a small bench. When sitting and standing for a long time, you should always change your posture to prevent your knee from being fixed in one posture and being strained.

Note: Don’t exercise easily when your knee hurts. If there is injury or pain in the knee, you should see a doctor in time and standardize the treatment. Consult a doctor and make a suitable recovery exercise plan according to your own situation and illness.

Knee pad tips

1. Improper running posture or excessive load is the most likely to damage the knee joint.

2. These actions hurt your knees the most: sedentary, skipping rope, climbing mountains and stairs in the wrong posture, riding a bicycle in the wrong posture, having no exercise habits at ordinary times, suddenly running away, sitting cross-legged and squatting for a long time.

3. These symptoms of knee joint may have indicated joint damage:

Pain: the gap inside the knee joint hurts, and there may be problems with meniscus or osteoarthritis;

Sound: Osteoarthrosis and arthritis will cause bone rubbing sound.

4. Sitting leg lifting is a basic training suitable for both sick patients and healthy people.

5. Extend the service life of the knee: control the weight, exercise with restraint, pay attention to joint warmth, supplement calcium, fit shoes, and avoid exerting force on joints continuously.

Ding Junhui will avenge Stephen Chow’s supporting role as the snooker UEFA Cup starts soon.

Still from Descendants of the Dragon, but Jimmy White ranks sixth in the world.

  Sohu Sports News The new season snooker Super League (the domestic media used to call it the "Snooker League Cup") will start on September 6, local time in the UK. Ding Junhui, a billiards player from China, will face Jimmy White, the runner-up of the 6th World Championships, in the first stage group match in the early morning of September 7th, Beijing time. The British Sky Sports Channel will broadcast live, and Sohu Sports will report the game at the first time.

  Snooker Super League is a non-professional ranking match. Its organizer is not the official organization of the Snooker League, but two senior players, Jimmy? White and Steve? Davis’s agency-—Matchroom Spor, but its high bonus and high level are obvious to all. Seven players with strong strength and influence can be invited to participate in this competition.

  This year’s seven contestants are Stephen Haendly, Steve Davis, Jimmy White, Ronnie O ‘Sullivan, John Higgins, last season’s MVP Neil Robertson and China’s Ding Junhui.

  The Super Snooker League adopts a single-round group match system in which seven players play first, that is, each player has to fight with other players once again, playing 6 games, winning a game and scoring 2 points, drawing 1 point and losing 0 point. At the end of the round robin, the top four players will play in the semi-finals, and the winner will play in the final. The Premier League has been held for 21 times so far, with Stephen Haendly and Rocket O ‘Sullivan winning the championship the most times, both six times.

  Last season, Xiaoding reached the semi-finals of the UEFA Cup, but because of the conflict with the Asian Games, he resolutely gave up the 12,500-pound semi-final prize and the 50,000-pound championship prize that he was likely to win. Rockets O ‘Sullivan swept Jimmy White 7-0 in the final, who happened to be Xiaohui’s first-round opponent this season.

  Jimmy White is the favorite of British and Taiwanese fans, because he has always pursued perfect playing style and has the nickname of "People’s Champion". In the mid-1980s, Jimmy White was the most threatening opponent of Steve Davis, who won the runner-up in the World Championships six times and was awarded the title of "uncrowned king". An important reason why Jimmy White is known to China fans is that he played a supporting role in the comedy "Descendants of the Dragon" of China, Hongkong and Stephen Chow.

  In recent years, with the growth of age, Jimmy White’s state has obviously declined. In the first round of the 2006 World Championships, Jimmy White lost to his training partner David 5-10. Gray, the world professional ranking fell out of the top 32 for the first time in 25 years. In the 2007 World Championships, Jimmy White stopped qualifying and didn’t even make it to the Shanghai Masters, the first stop of the season. He is a veritable "out of date" star.

  Ding Junhui and Jimmy White had played four times before, and Xiaohui had 3 wins and 1 loss, which was the absolute advantage. The specific engagement records are as follows:

  Ding Junhui, 2004 British Open, 5:1 Jimmy White;

  Ding Junhui 4:2 Jimmy White in Super Snooker League in 2005;

  2005 All England Championship Ding Junhui 9:2 Jimmy White;

  Ding Junhui 1:5 Jimmy White in the Super Snooker League in 2006;

  Although Xiaohui has an absolute advantage in the battle record match, you must not be careless in the first battle. Last season, Ding Junhui won the North Aier Cup in the first stop, and played against White in a good state and record, while White had a poor state and record before. As a result, Xiaohui unexpectedly lost 1-5. This game is also a revenge game for Xiaohui.

  In addition, the snooker Super League is of great significance to White, and it is his signature event. It will definitely put all its efforts and attach great importance to it. Only six games belong to the short-term competition system, and the chance of surprise is very great. Xiaohui’s state in the Shanghai Masters just attended is not good, and it needs to be adjusted. However, considering all the circumstances, Xiaohui has a good chance of winning. Specifically, Xiaohui’s chance of winning is 60%, while White’s is 40%. In the odds offered by bwin, a famous European gambling company, Xiaohui is obviously optimistic, and the odds gap with White is as much as 20 times.

Editor: Lu Fangfei

Tourists take photos with RMB scenery. Designer: It’s a combined landscape.

  Figure ①: The fifth set of RMB 100 yuan with the back pattern "Great Hall of the People".

 Fig. ②: The fifth set of RMB 20 yuan back pattern "Guilin Landscape".

 Fig. ③: The fifth set of RMB 10 yuan back pattern "Three Gorges Kuimen".

  The Great Hall of the People, Potala Palace, Guilin Landscape, Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, Mount Tai, and San Tan Yin Yue are all the buildings and scenery behind the fifth set of RMB banknotes. Why did you choose them as the main scene on the back? Can the photos taken by framing be directly used on paper money? Recently, the reporter came to China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation and visited the people who had participated in the design and production of the fifth set of RMB in that year to reveal the secrets of the scenery on RMB for you.

  Theme design

  Beijing West Railway Station and Jiuquan Launch Site were once candidates.

  Everyone knows that the fifth set of RMB was officially listed and issued in 1999. In fact, the design and development of this set of RMB started as early as 1988, and its design process is also very complicated and tortuous.

  The design of the theme alone has undergone many changes. In the fourth set, the front main view of RMB is the head of representative national figures in China, and the back main view is based on the famous mountains and rivers such as the main peak of Jinggangshan and Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River, which embodies the theme of high spirits and unity of people of all ethnic groups in China. What is the good theme in the fifth set?

  The first theme given by the designer is ancient historical figures, in the order of dynasties. Kong Qiu and Qu Yuan in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Sima Qian and Cai Lun in the Han Dynasty were all selected. The second theme is contemporary leaders such as Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai. The third theme is the head of Mao Zedong on the front and the famous scenery and buildings in China on the back, highlighting the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

  In the process, some leaders suggested that nanpu bridge, Beijing West Railway Station, "Three North" Shelterbelt, Jiuquan Launch Site and so on could be added to the ticket.

  In fact, China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation has designed color drafts of these schemes and submitted them to the People’s Bank of China, and the People’s Bank of China has submitted them to the State Council for discussion. What is finally confirmed is what we see now. On the front, Mao Zedong’s head is adopted, and on the back, famous buildings and landscapes such as the Great Hall of the People and Potala Palace are selected from China’s historical sites and buildings and landscapes.

  There are so many scenic spots in China, why are these selected? The most basic principle is not to use the scenery that has been used before. "Let people know at a glance where it is, have a special status and popularity, and be expressive", which is the standard in one of the designers’ mind. Although it may not be possible to cover the factors considered by every designer, after hundreds of repeated discussions and verifications by designers, the victories of Potala Palace and Mount Tai are truly deserved.

  "It was once suggested that Huangshan Mountain be used on the back of 50 yuan, but after discussion, everyone thought that Huangshan Mountain had been used before, and the Potala Palace not only reflected the elements of national unity, but also added a lot to its religious significance." Liu Yongjiang, director of the product development office and head of the fifth RMB design, said.

  Field shooting

  The mysterious collector of the West Lake has to take a close-up shot in the rain.

  In the minds of employees of banknote printing and minting companies, RMB is an "outstanding representative product" they produce, hoping to be recognized and loved by the people. However, after all, RMB has its own particularity, so that it is kept secret throughout the design and production process, and even it is difficult for ordinary people to see it until the moment it comes out. Kong Wei Yun, a sculptor of RMB, told the reporter an interesting story that happened during the filming.

  In those days, Kong Wei Yun went to the West Lake in Hangzhou to collect the wind and print the moon on the three pools behind the 1 yuan paper money. According to the confidentiality regulations, only the director of the currency issuance department of the local people’s bank knew the purpose of his visit and arranged his accommodation and itinerary. Unfortunately, the day of collecting the wind just happened to catch up with the rain.

  There are regulations in the West Lake that you can’t go out when it rains, and you can’t shoot Santan at close range without taking a boat. What should I do? Kong Weiyun told the boatman that he was an advertising company, and his task was urgent. He would return to Beijing tomorrow, and he had to shoot today. The boatman said that he would sail, but there must be two guests on board, so Kong Weiyun had to pay for a tour guide.

  Finally, the ship sailed successfully, but the route was not satisfactory. The boats in the scenic spot all have a fixed driving route and time, but Kong Wei Cloud has its own specific shooting point, so we can only spend more money to let the boatmen temporarily change the route and add time. "The boatman still wondered and asked me why I didn’t see so many beautiful scenery in the West Lake."

  Do we have to photograph the real thing? Kong Weiyun said that unlike designers who can find inspiration by looking at albums, as sculptors, they must see the details. If you don’t look at the details, you don’t know how to do the edges and corners when carving, and you don’t know what the patterns and patterns on Santan stone carving are. Because he couldn’t tell the boatman his true intention, Kong Weiyun joked that he was a "mysterious collector of the West Lake".

  In the fifth set of RMB design stage, Kong Wei Yunhe and other designers and sculptors were also pulled into a small building at the foot of the Great Wall to "lock up" for two weeks’ closed creation. There are no "outsiders" here, and they eat and live in the building. Because the mobile phone was not popular and the transportation was inconvenient at that time, it can be said that it was really isolated from the world and the confidentiality work was done quite well.

  "combined" landscape

  Want to take pictures of the scene? Actually, it can’t be completely matched

  After the introduction of the fifth set of RMB, the back scenery became a hot topic, and tourists took RMB to take photos of the back scenery, but designer Li Zhinong told you, "Forget it, you can’t find exactly the same place."

  Li Zhinong told reporters that unlike the previous sets, the fifth set of RMB clearly stated that "combined" scenery can be used. In other words, what you see on the back of the paper money, such as the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, the Three Ponds and the Moon, is difficult to find exactly the same angle to shoot again in reality. They are combined "brand-new" landscapes.

  Take Mount Tai as the most representative, the unique stone carving of Wuyue, the Southern Gate of Heaven and the Jade Emperor’s Peak are all symbolic symbols of Mount Tai, but it is difficult for tourists to find a place to photograph these three elements. Why do you want to put them together? Li Zhinong said that the characteristics of Mount Tai are not very prominent. It is difficult to tell if it is Mount Tai only by depicting the mountain features. Therefore, in order to better show the grandeur of Mount Tai and facilitate identification, all three elements are simply integrated into one picture.

  Similarly, after a large number of multi-angle shooting in the early stage, in order to make the composition more beautiful, the designers also "moved" the positions of several distant mountains in Guilin Mountain, "moved away" some mounds near Potala Palace, and "depressed" the grandeur of the distant mountains, making the pillars as the decoration of the Great Hall of the People, the five-pointed stars and lights of the dome become its background … …

  "There is actually no close correspondence between color and face value. One hundred yuan is red, but once one yuan was used in red." Liu Yongjiang said that colors serve the theme, and they should ensure that different denominations cannot be confused and easy to distinguish.

  Of course, how to design is not up to one person, and it can even be said that every link of RMB design has the hard work of countless people. Not only do designers choose scenery and design angles to draw sketches, but also some people draw sketches to improve them, and sculptors use dotted lines to shape scenery … … Every draft of design, painting and sculpture will be different. After each link, the scenery may change slightly. "Because of the technological restrictions and anti-counterfeiting requirements, the scenery on the banknotes must stand scrutiny and picky." Liu Yongjiang said.

The news of the snow has been confirmed. It is freezing in Zhejiang, and there is sunshine on New Year’s Eve.

Chao news client reporter Fang Li

Recently, it has been overcast with rain in Zhejiang Province, with obvious rain today (February 3-4), and the precipitation was suspended on the 5th, and the freezing rain and snow weather resumed on the 6th-7th.

Let’s stick to it for a few more days. Judging from the current weather situation, the weather in Zhejiang on New Year’s Eve was good, accompanied by sunshine, and the temperature began to rise.

West Lake misty rain user sea photo

Affected by cold air, the daytime was still cold yesterday. At 15 o’clock yesterday, the temperature in all parts of Zhejiang was low. Huzhou was only 2.9℃, and southern Zhejiang was relatively warmer. The temperature in many areas dropped by more than 10℃ compared with the same time the day before. At night, the water vapor strengthened again and the rain increased again.

Today, there are sometimes showers in cloudy weather in the whole province, and more rain will appear tomorrow, with moderate rain and partial heavy rain in the whole province.

For example, in Hangzhou, due to the eastward movement of the deep south branch trough, the Jianghuai cyclone was also born in the southwest airflow in front of the trough and the easterly airflow at the bottom of the northern high pressure. At the same time, the water vapor condition of precipitation in Hangzhou has been strengthened and the dynamic conditions have become more sufficient. The whole city of Hangzhou will experience moderate rain and partial heavy rain.

In the next few days, the rain will stop all over the province on the 5 th, mainly cloudy weather. However, due to the influence of multiple cold air, the temperature will drop further.

The coldest day is February 6, and it is predicted that Zhejiang will join the "ice and snow group chat" on this day.

Since the 6th, the warm and humid air flow has been strengthened again, and combined with the low temperature, it is easy to change the phase of rain and snow.

In the morning, the temperature fell below the freezing point again, and the lowest temperature in most parts of the province was 0 ~-2 C with thin ice and-3 ~-5 C with freezing. The highest temperature during the day is only about 2℃ in northern Zhejiang.

It is estimated that there will be sleet or snow in the mountainous areas of central and northern Zhejiang on June 6-7, and there will be sleet locally in the plain areas.

The rainy weather in Zhejiang will last until the 7th, and it will turn cloudy to cloudy on the 8th.

From this point of view, despite the baptism of rain and rain before the festival, on New Year’s Eve, we can finally be accompanied by winter sunshine.

Hangzhou’s red wall Bai Mei netizen sea photo

Let’s draw the key points again-

It was rainy in our province before New Year’s Eve, and there was low temperature, rain and snow freezing in the mountains on June 6-7. 2-5 days, there is a wide range of rain, snow and freezing weather in central and eastern China.Friends who have plans to return home should plan their itinerary in advance to ensure safe travel.

Medium-range weather forecast

4th (Sunday): There is moderate rain in the whole province, and partial heavy rain in northern and western Zhejiang.

5th (next Monday): The whole province is cloudy.

Day on the 6th (next Tuesday): It is cloudy to cloudy in the southwest of Zhejiang, and it turns cloudy with light rain in the afternoon; Cloudy to cloudy in other areas.

6th night-7th (next Wednesday): There is little to moderate rain in the province, and there is sleet or light snow in the mountainous area of central and northern Zhejiang.

8th (next Thursday): The northern part of Zhejiang is cloudy to cloudy, while the rain in other areas gradually stops and turns cloudy.

9th (next Friday): Cloudy to sunny in the whole province.

"Reprint please indicate the source"


Freehand brushwork China explores the origin of Chinese characters, and Qihe River from The Book of Songs reproduces poetic beauty.

  Which river is known as "China Poetry River"? What is the fetter with poetry? Recently, the reporter followed "freehand brushwork in China — — Exploring the Origin of Chinese Characters "The interview group came to the bank of Qihe River in Hebi, Henan, and felt the deep ancient and modern poetry.

  Time flies, and the stars move. Wandering in the river, there are endless long years flowing. Qihe River, which has come from the depths of history, has left behind poems that have been sung for thousands of years, nourishing one side of the land endlessly.

  Poetry has profound cultural connotations.

  Qihe River, called Qishui in ancient times, originated in Qizishan, Shanxi Province. After entering Henan, it flows into Weihe River in Qimen, Hebi, with a total length of 176 kilometers and a length of 83 kilometers in Hebi.

  Poetry related to Qihe River. People’s Daily reporter Liu Weishe

  Since ancient times, many literati have come here to play and watch, and their poems are full of joy. "Qi Shui Tang Tang, gradually draped over the car", "Qi Shui Cui, Ba Ba Song Zhou" and "Looking forward to the Olympics, green bamboo and bamboo" … … In the Book of Songs, the first collection of poems in China, many poems describe the beautiful scenery of Qihe River and record the customs closely related to cross-strait life.

  Poets of all ages, such as Li Bai, Gao Shi and Wang Wei, also came to the Qihe River to sing. "Qi water flows like jade, and boats and cars rush every day." Li Bai saw a lot of traffic on both sides of the Qi River, which was very lively; "yiyi Xishan, don’t leave the mulberry forest", Gao Shi came to stay by the Qi River and lived a rural life of self-cultivation and self-sufficiency; "Ping Ju Qi Shui, Dongye Kuang Shan", the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei lived in seclusion in a small village, intoxicated by the quiet pastoral scenery.

  Ancient rivers are pregnant with ancient poetry culture. In September 2014, the Chinese Poetry Society officially named Qihe River as "China Poetry River", which is also the first river named after poetry in China.

  Spontaneous chantingHeritage Classic

  Today, thousands of years later, people living here still love poetry and inherit classics. With the theme of poetry, a 2.5-kilometer-long street park was built in qibin district — — Qishui Poetry Garden, with Qihe River as the carrier and poetry corridor as the main line, is divided into five chapters: pre-Qin, Qin and Han, Tang and Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties and modern times from north to south, with a total of 1,500 poems.

  Strolling along the Qi River, the water surface is sparkling under the sunlight. No matter on the slate of the poetry corridor or the floor tiles of the square, poems related to the past dynasties are engraved everywhere, and parents can be seen everywhere taking their children to have a rest and recite poems, telling stories related to this place, adding a lot of poetry and painting under the beautiful scenery.

  The children are singing poems. People’s Daily reporter Liu Weishe

  It is reported that on weekdays, citizens often come here spontaneously to organize poetry readings. On the day of the reporter’s visit, members of Hebi City Recitation Association and students of Futian Primary School in the city performed wonderful recitation programs in Taibai Square. "Vote for me with papaya, with Joan Cheng. It’ s always good to report it. " While bowing, the children sang The Book of Songs Wei Feng Papaya with childish voices.

  This city, which is closely connected with poetry, inherits the classics by combining modernity with tradition, and shows the profound cultural elegance of Qihe River Basin.

  Protecting ecological damei wetland

  Qihe River is Hebi’s mother river and life river. It rushes out from Taihang Mountain, giving birth to the misty Qianhe Lake, the Qiligou with clear water, the mysterious and romantic Jinshan Temple, the ancient Lutai Pavilion and the Qihe National Wetland Park with flocks of birds. In 2015, Qihe Ecological Zone was rated as "National Eco-tourism Demonstration Zone" by the National Tourism Administration and the Ministry of Environmental Protection. In 2021, the Hebi section of Qihe River, as the only river selected in Henan Province, was selected as the nomination case of "Beautiful Rivers and Lakes" by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

  Qihe national wetland park. People’s Daily reporter Liu Weishe

  Following the interview group, the reporter came to Qihe National Wetland Park and saw the reeds rippling by the clear river. "Duck Prophet of Spring River Water Heating", strolling in the garden, many ducks and geese are playing in the water, and peacocks are pacing on the shore. Red-crowned crane, gray crane, white-headed crane and gray-crowned crane … … In Heyuan, there are many rare cranes walking leisurely. According to the on-site commentator, there are 8 kinds of cranes in Heyuan, and there are more than 200 other birds. "Come to Hebi to see cranes" has become a new business card being built locally.

  It is understood that Qihe National Wetland Park has a total area of 4,987 mu, of which the wetland area is 4,065 mu, and the wetland rate is 81.43%. The wetland park has diverse geological terrain, rich hot spring resources and good water quality, which provides an ideal growth environment for animals and plants.

  "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", it is reported that the local investment is nearly 400 million yuan to build water conservation forests, build ecological buffer zones and isolation zones, build ecological wetlands to restore rivers, and build an ecological protection circle of Qihe River, which combines arbor, shrub, grass, vine and humidity, and reproduces the Dameiqi River from the Book of Songs.

China’s beauty market is full of vitality (interpretation by experts)

Customers buy cosmetics in Haikou Riyue Square Duty Free Shop. Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Chengshe
"China’s beauty market sales will exceed 1 trillion yuan in 2025." According to an article in Women’s World Daily, China has become the key to the growth of global beauty companies, driven by the increase of family income, the continuous influx of newcomers and the growing local brands.
At the "June 18th China International Beauty Summit Forum" held by Women’s World Daily, Gian positano, head of the Italian Cosmetics Federation, said that the beauty market in China is expected to reach 92.1 billion US dollars in 2022. The growth momentum will mainly come from the rapid growth of the male beauty products market and the rise of domestic beauty brands.
According to the report, China is not only a key consumer market and manufacturing center, but also a driving force for innovation. From setting up research and development centers to investment funds, many international beauty giants continue to expand their investment in China; At the same time, many local brands of beauty cosmetics in China began to internationalize in order to explore the international market. China beauty brands are still entering foreign markets through cross-border e-commerce.
In recent years, the beauty market in China is full of vitality, showing new development characteristics. First, the growth rate is fast and the coverage is wide. At present, the market scale of China’s beauty industry is gradually moving towards trillion level; Second, facial basic skin care is the core track, accounting for the largest market share, and the growth rate of sub-tracks such as makeup and makeup is also faster; Third, the male beauty market is developing rapidly, and major brands are competing to enter the market. In addition to "her economy", "other economy" has also quietly emerged; Fourth, domestic beauty brands have risen rapidly. Domestic brands have made remarkable progress in raw materials, formula and technology, and a large number of cutting-edge domestic brands such as Perfect Diary and Huaxizi have emerged.
China’s beauty market is booming, which is of great significance to promoting domestic and even global economic recovery. In terms of supply chain and industrial chain, the development of beauty industry is closely related to agriculture, biochemistry, glass industry, plastic industry, transportation industry and advertising industry, and many related industrial chains have been developed and integrated. This has a positive role in promoting the global industrial chain.
The unprecedented development of China’s beauty industry is the result of multiple factors.
First, with the continuous development of China’s economy, the main contradiction in today’s society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and the unbalanced development. Beauty products just meet the social needs and respect needs of consumers.
Secondly, more and more foreign excellent beauty brands have entered China, bringing advanced production technology, novel marketing methods and unique product concepts to the beauty market in China, promoting the industrial chain to be mature and perfect, and cultivating consumers in the beauty market in China to some extent.
Third, the consumer groups of beauty products in China are gradually expanding. With the rapid economic development, China people’s household income level and consumption power are constantly improving, and the demand for beauty products will also expand. In addition, some beauty brands have gone to other cities to explore the market after deep cultivation in first-and second-tier cities, and gained more sustained positive growth momentum.
Fourthly, the change of consumption concept provides a broad market for the development of beauty products in China. Generation Z consumers are the core consumer groups in the future beauty market.
Fifth, new social and marketing platforms such as live broadcast have expanded rapidly. The rise of social media, such as Little Red Book Assessment, online celebrity Live Delivery and KOL, has strongly promoted the development of China’s beauty market.
With the development of economy, the progress of science and technology and the change of consumer groups, there will be some new trends in China’s beauty market. First of all, driven by "Yan value economy", the influence of "Z generation" on the beauty market should not be underestimated. Secondly, digital transformation is the general trend. Digital transformation of layout is conducive to grasping the core channels of beauty products, such as credit payment method, digital marketing concept, digital network sales channels and so on. Finally, Guochao brand has great development potential. "Generation Z" consumers have a high degree of cultural self-confidence, preferring China elements and national brands, and new publicity strategies and marketing methods such as "co-branding" are loved by consumers.
If China’s beauty market wants to achieve steady and healthy development, it needs to firmly grasp the development direction. From the core competitiveness of beauty products, we should pay attention to the independent research and innovation of product formulas, establish a "moat" of domestic brands, and gain a place in the global beauty industry chain; From the special properties of beauty products, we should enhance the experience and efficacy of beauty products and enhance customer stickiness. As an "experience product", consumers will pay special attention to the core ingredients and actual use effect; From the perspective of development trend, we should focus on digital transformation, put product design and research and development, industrial chain operation and customer loyalty system on a digital platform, and then make a comprehensive layout of digitalization; From the perspective of sustainability, green materials should be used to promote sustainable development. Beauty products are "fast-moving consumer goods", and packaging materials will produce a lot of carbon emissions when they are processed. The country strongly advocates "carbon integration". If beauty brands can pay attention to sustainable development and combine with the major policies advocated by the country, it will not only benefit the brand itself, but also help the environmental development.
(Interview with Zhou Ying)

8 hours to solve the case | a lottery ticket to find the suspect! Haiyuan police quickly cracked a theft case.

"Let’s police too much! Help me get my money back so quickly! " Recently, Mr. Yan, a resident of the jurisdiction, sent a banner with the words "People’s Police ultimate revenge Solve Cases Quickly to Solve People’s Worries" to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Haiyuan County Public Security Bureau, thanking the police who handled the case for successfully solving the theft case and helping them recover their property in just 8 hours.

On January 25, the Criminal Investigation Brigade received an alarm, claiming that two mobile phones were lost, worth about 25,000 yuan, and requested investigation. After receiving the police, the police immediately launched an investigation. By investigating the crime scene and collecting the surveillance video of the incident, it was found that a masked man who appeared at the scene of the crime was suspected of committing a major crime. The police repeatedly combed the context of the case, spliced and restored a shredded China welfare lottery ticket in the trash can of the suspect’s temporary residence, and found that the purchase time of the lottery ticket coincided with the suspect’s itinerary. So they went to the lottery site to obtain the physical characteristics of the suspect, and finally locked the identity and activity track of the theft suspect Chen, and successfully captured him.

After the trial, Chen told the truth about the fact that he went to foot bath shops and other places to steal mobile phones many times. At present, Chen has been taken compulsory measures according to law.

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8 hours to solve the case | a lottery ticket to find the suspect! Haiyuan police quickly cracked a theft case. The news propaganda group Ping An Haiyuan touched the original text.

Ping’ an Haiyuan Zan shared in reading and writing a message, swiping up to see the next one.

Original title: "8 hours to solve the case | a lottery ticket to find the suspect! Haiyuan police quickly cracked a theft case.

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The summer version of the "sauna" is free to experience for a limited time. Next week, the Sichuan Basin will be "steamed" and then "cooled"

Cover journalist Wu Bingqing
Without sunshine, we can only explore carefully in summer, which gives Sichuanese a few more pleasant early summer days. However, the coolness in summer is always short-lived, and soon, the days of dazzling sunshine and sultry feeling will be online.
According to the forecast of Sichuan Meteorological Observatory, in the next three days, there will be many showers or thunderstorms in the basin, and when there is no rain, it will be mainly cloudy. Generally speaking, there is sunshine and rain, and the summer version of the "sauna" is free to experience.
This is all "manipulated" by the subtropical high. The subtropical high extends from southern Fujian-northern Guangdong to central Zhejiang-central Jiangxi-southern Hunan, stretching all the way to the north, and will control Sichuan and Chongqing on 29-30. In fact, on the afternoon of the 28th, it had already arrived in Chongqing, southern Sichuan and Panxi, bringing sunshine and a hint of summer flavor. At 16: 00 on the 28th, the temperature in Ningnan of Liangshan reached 39.6℃. In addition, the temperature in Yanbian and Miyi of Panzhihua was above 37.5℃.
From the 29th, the temperature will continue to rise. Take Chengdu as an example. On 28th, the highest temperature in Chengdu was 32.8℃. On 29th and 30th, the highest temperature will rise day by day, reaching 33℃ and 35℃ respectively. At the same time of warming up, showers began to appear and the sultry feeling struck.
However, it is still early summer, and the summer version of "sauna" is only a limited time experience. On May 31, the subtropical high retreated, and on June 1, the cold air from the north arrived, and the large-scale rainfall will bring coolness to the basin.
Most of the basin is "steamed" first, and then "cooled", while in the northeast of Sichuan, this period of time is mostly "drenched". Recently, there has been heavy rain or rainstorm in northeast Sichuan, and even heavy rain has fallen in Bazhong and Dazhou. It should be noted that this is continuous rainfall. Today and tomorrow, there will still be heavy rainfall in northeast Sichuan, mainly from heavy rain to heavy rain. On the 30th, the rain will take a short break, and on the 31st, it will "make a comeback".