标签归档 西安夜生活论坛

The young man joined this special volunteer team to help others after playing games for 8 months.

Residents of the community gave Dong Lianghong a thumbs up.

Residents of the community gave Dong Lianghong a thumbs up.

  one person

  I ate lunch at noon and started to play games. I didn’t go to sleep until 6 or 7 o’clock the next morning. After sleeping, I got up and continued to play. This kind of life lasted for 8 months, resulting in retinal detachment in both eyes. After three operations, I saved part of my vision and changed his life.

  A team

  I joined the volunteer service team and became a volunteer, hoping to bring my skills to those who need them more, and at the same time help those disabled people who are hiding in the dark corner like themselves, to bravely come out, integrate into society and face life optimistically.

  Xiao Xiao, a 26-year-old boy from Chengdu, played games in front of the computer day and night for eight months, resulting in retinal detachment in both eyes, leaving only one eye with weak vision. Losing his light, he tried to commit suicide, but with the help of his family, friends and society, he walked out of the darkness. He not only became a blind masseur by himself, but also joined a special volunteer team to help others give back to society.

  On the morning of November 14th, in dressing the, Xiao Xiao and the volunteer team came to Chengdu Wanjiafudi Community with a toolbox, providing services such as haircut, massage and shoeshine for the elderly and needy people here. What moved the residents at the scene was that these volunteers were all disabled, some of them were deaf and some were physically disabled. They were the service team for the disabled in Qingyang District of Chengdu and the first volunteer service team for the disabled in Sichuan Province.

  "Self-improvement, self-confidence and gratitude are our slogans and the original intention of building a team." Zeng Guanghui, captain of the service team for the disabled in Qingyang District, Chengdu, said.

  free service

  Massage haircut shine shoes

  Disabled volunteers come to serve the elderly and the weak in the community.

  On November 14th, after several days of cold weather, the long-lost sunshine came out, making the earth warm. In Wanjiafudi Community, a group of volunteers wearing red vests and red caps are busy, having haircuts, massages and shining shoes, providing convenient services for the elderly and the weak here. The scene is very warm.

  However, half an hour ago, when the volunteers first arrived, everyone just stopped to watch, and few residents received services. "They are all disabled people and people in need. How dare we ordinary people accept their free services?" Residents of the community said. It turned out that the volunteers who entered the community service this time were different from the past. They came from the disabled people’s service team in Qingyang District, Chengdu. The team members were all disabled, some were deaf and dumb, and some were physically disabled. Behind the volunteers, there is a poster with the words "self-improvement, self-confidence and gratitude" very eye-catching.

  "Disabled people need self-improvement and self-confidence, and we should understand and respect them." Mr. Chen, the citizen, accepted the shoeshine service before he first came to the shoeshine booth. In Uncle Chen’s view, it is a good thing for disabled volunteers to provide services, which can prove their self-reliance and self-confidence. Everyone should understand and respect them. If they do well, they should be praised. Even if they are not good, they should be encouraged to improve their self-reliance.

  When everyone learned the original intention of the volunteers, they enjoyed the free service of the volunteers and gave them a thumbs-up and praise.

  "Teacher, my back has been hurting for two weeks. Please give me a massage." He Zihua, a 75-year-old man, accidentally bumped into his waist at home two weeks ago, put on a plaster, and still felt dull pain. When she saw Xiao Xiao, who provided massage service, she went forward for consultation. "You may have a bad breath in your abdomen. Let me massage it for you." Xiao Xiao arranged for the old man to sit down, gently knead it with his fingers, and carefully asked about the symptoms. After analysis, the symptoms of the old man’s abdominal rib bifurcation were ruled out, which may be caused by impact. It is recommended that the old man go to the hospital for another examination. The reporter noticed that in the process of massage, Xiao Xiao also set up a dragon gate array with the old man, such as how old he was, how many people in his family, and what he liked to eat. The whole communication process was very pleasant, and the old man did not have a different vision because he was disabled. For the service of volunteers, the old man expressed great gratitude. "I am old, my legs have been in car accidents before, and it is inconvenient to move. Thank them for providing services and helping us elderly people."

  exert oneself constantly

  Not only can I earn money and live independently.

  You can also help others in need.

  "I want to prove myself, and I can do what normal people can do." Xiao Xiao, 26, is a member of the volunteer team. After graduating from college, he worked in sales, earning seven or eight thousand yuan a month, and likes to get together and play with friends as much as young people. Three years ago, he quit his good job at that time and returned home to find a job. When he doesn’t go to work, his free time is naturally much more. He loves to play games and begins to immerse himself in front of the computer. He plays day and night. "I started to play after eating at noon, and I didn’t sleep until six or seven the next morning. I got up and continued to play." Xiao Xiao said that this kind of life lasted for 8 months. Later, when I went out to play with my friends, I suddenly found that I couldn’t see clearly, and my vision was blurred. Later, my eyes were completely dark.

  After hospital examination, I was diagnosed with retinal detachment in both eyes and may be blind. After hearing the bad news, Xiao Xiao collapsed internally. "I am only in my twenties, and my life has just begun. After blindness, my life is over!" Unable to face the reality, he tried to commit suicide many times, but was stopped by his family and friends and constantly enlightened him. After three operations, Xiao Xiao’s left eye was partially preserved. Blindness has changed his life, but it has not faded his heart of active life. After being introduced, he came to the blind massage shop, where he not only learned massage techniques, but also made friends with disabilities. After coming into contact with this circle, he found that he could work and live like a normal person except for a few inconveniences.

  "I used to be a child who didn’t grow up. I grew up after experiencing it. I want to reassure my family that I can not only earn money to live independently, but also help others in need." After learning that the service team for the disabled in Qingyang District of Chengdu will be established, Xiao Xiao joined the team in the first batch and became a volunteer. He said that he hopes to bring his skills to those who need them more, and at the same time help those disabled people who are hiding in dark corners like themselves, to bravely come out, integrate into society and face life optimistically.

  Establish an initial heart

  Grateful to give back to society.

  Drive more disabled people into society.

  In the eyes of some citizens, the disabled are also vulnerable groups in society and the object of everyone’s help, but now they have to accept the voluntary service of the disabled. Is this good?

  "Self-improvement, self-confidence and gratitude are our slogans and the original intention of building a team." Zeng Guanghui, the captain of Chengdu Qingyang District Disabled People’s Service Team, said that the Chengdu Qingyang District Disabled People’s Service Team was formally established on November 8 this year. It is composed of Chengdu Qingyang District Minghui Disabled Service Center entrusted by Chengdu Qingyang District Disabled Persons’ Federation and consists of disabled volunteers. At present, there are 10 members. The team trains its members and provides convenience services such as shoeshine, haircut and massage for community residents, which reflects the spirit of self-reliance and self-reliance of the disabled, and at the same time gives back to the society’s care for the disabled.

  At the service site, there was a team member who buried himself in shoeshine seriously. His name was Dong Lianghong, and he had a speech disability and could not speak. He communicated through gestures when polishing shoes for the public. He first brushed the dust with a shoe brush, then coated it with shoe polish, wiped it repeatedly, and finally dried it with a soft cloth. Soon, a pair of brand-new leather shoes were polished, and the citizens gave him a thumb. Dong Lianghong smiled happily. Zeng Guanghui said that in the past, Dong Lianghong looked forward to being at home because of his disability, and rarely dealt with outsiders. After being introduced by friends to work with him, people became cheerful. Before the establishment of the volunteer team, he often participated in some public welfare activities. "As soon as he heard of activities, he was very active in signing up." To this end, the establishment of this team, in addition to giving back to society, also hopes to mobilize more disabled people to join in and integrate into society.

  The relevant staff of the Qingyang District Disabled Persons’ Federation in Chengdu told the reporter that this team is the first disabled volunteer service team in Sichuan Province. In order to support and encourage more disabled people to participate, the Disabled Persons’ Federation will also give volunteers some subsidies in transportation, meals and other aspects after each service. At the same time, Zeng Guanghui said that he hopes to expand the scale in the future, and provide more convenience services in addition to voluntary services, which can also promote the employment of disabled people. (Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star Journalist Zhang Yuting Photojournalist Liu Haiyun)

Dong Mingzhu talks about Gree’s change of ownership: it is not full of dissatisfaction, and steady development does not depend on a certain shareholder.

On December 28th, the 4th "Make the World Love Made in China" Summit Forum was moved to the headquarters in Gree Electric, Zhuhai, which was the first large-scale event held at the headquarters after the transfer plan of Gree Electric (000651) was finalized.

When interviewed by reporters after the meeting, Dong Mingzhu, the chairman of Gree Electric, said that he was "not satisfied or dissatisfied with the scheme" when talking about the transfer of control rights. She said that the steady development of Gree Electric over the years is not due to a certain shareholder, but mainly depends on the management team. This time, Zhuhai SASAC withdrew from the position of major shareholder in the hope that Gree Electric would become a more market-oriented listed company.

Dong Mingzhu also stressed that after the transfer of Gree Electric’s controlling stake, there will be "three invariants": the integrity of society, the cultivation of employees and the protection of the legitimate interests of shareholders cannot be changed.

Dong Mingzhu, Chairman of Gree Electric 

Withdrawal of state-owned assets: in order to establish a more market-oriented system.

On December 15th, Zhuhai SASAC officially approved Gree Group’s plan to transfer 15% of Gree Electric shares to Zhuhai Mingjun. Gree Electric will become a public company without controlling shareholders and actual controllers.

Dong Mingzhu explained that Zhuhai SASAC sold its shares in the hope that Gree Electric would become a truly public company. Dong Mingzhu quoted Guo Yonghang, secretary of Zhuhai Municipal Party Committee, as saying that the government should "show up immediately when enterprises need it;" When enterprises don’t need it, you are far away and keep a clear political and business relationship. " Dong Mingzhu said that the focus of this transfer of Gree’s control right is not the withdrawal of state-owned assets, but the establishment of a market-oriented system for listed companies to operate and develop better.

In addition, the transfer of control rights in Gree Electric was also promoted under the background of the accelerated development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. "Zhuhai is located in the center of Greater Bay Area. We have more thoughts and positioning for the future construction of Greater Bay Area and the development of Zhuhai. I feel that through this equity transfer, more listed companies will be built for Zhuhai, and (Zhuhai) will become a more market-oriented place that is conducive to the faster development of enterprises. " Dong Mingzhu said that the equity transfer is of far-reaching significance.

According to the announcement on December 2nd, the price for Gree Group to transfer 15% equity of Gree Electric is 41.66 billion yuan. If the transaction is finally made at this price, the takeover party will have a floating profit of 16.6 billion yuan by taking this 15% equity based on the current share price of Gree Electric.

Dong Mingzhu revealed that Gree Electric will build Gree Tower in Hengqin, Zhuhai, to provide some support for the development of Macao. "Although there are more than 10 research institutes and nearly 100 research institutes in Gree Electric, with the diversified development, Gree will build more research institutions. Building Gree Building in Hengqin is a platform to boost Macao’s development and provide talents for the University of Macau and Macau University of Science and Technology. "

Gree Electric launches Gree three-generation mobile phones.  

Management is the biggest beneficiary? The team is pure.

Gree Electric’s 15% equity was taken over by Zhuhai Mingjun, and behind Zhuhai Mingjun, besides Gaoying Capital, Gree Electric management also participated in the shareholding. Some outsiders believe that the biggest beneficiary of the transfer of control rights in Gree Electric is the management of Gree Electric.

Dong Mingzhu responded that Gree Electric’s management is a pure team. In the past 20 years, it has never been more concerned about the company’s shares. It is bent on making Gree bigger and stronger, and there is no other idea. The development of an enterprise is not supported by capital, but by the innovative culture of the enterprise.

According to CICC’s report, Gree Group’s plan to transfer 15% of Gree Electric’s equity has properly arranged the interests of Gree Electric’s management. Among them, Gree Electric management entity will subscribe Zhuhai Mingjun 2.426 billion yuan, and get 11.10% of the capital contribution; In addition, the management entity obtains 41% of LP investment share (i.e. 20.3% of investment share) from Zhuhai Xianying (GP general partner of Zhuhai Mingjun), and can fully enjoy the management fee and GP income brought by Zhuhai Mingjun. The management entity will distribute 8% of the total GP income to the management and employees who have made important contributions to the listed company. The management entity obtained 41% controlling equity of Zhuhai Yuxiu (GP general partner of Zhuhai Xianying) for RMB 4.305 million, which can indirectly control Zhuhai Mingjun. After the equity transfer is completed, the company will promote the equity incentive plan, with the total amount not exceeding 4% of Gree Electric’s shares.

Are you satisfied with Gaoling Capital? Not satisfied or dissatisfied.

After Gree Electric threw out the intention of equity transfer, Hopu Investment was also very interested in this part of the equity besides Gaoyou Capital, but in the end Gaoyou Capital won.

When asked if he was satisfied with the equity transfer plan, Dong Mingzhu responded that this should be asked to Zhuhai SASAC.

There have been rumors before that the negotiations between Gaochun Capital and Gree management were not smooth. Dong Mingzhu responded: "Any negotiation is not smooth. If it is smooth, it will not be called negotiation." When asked if she was satisfied with the plan, Dong Mingzhu responded: "It is not satisfied or dissatisfied."

When asked how Gree Electric will cooperate or cooperate with its new shareholder, Gaoyan Capital, Dong Mingzhu replied that "at least I haven’t seen it now", and she further said, "If one capital can solve the problems of enterprises, how can we see that so many capitals are exploding today? Therefore, it is not a capital to support the development of enterprises, but the innovation of enterprises to support development. "

Gree Electric business segment readjusted.

Throw out the new strategy of "Internet of Everything" Gree mobile phone released for three generations.

On the same day, Gree Electric released the "Internet of Everything" strategy, and for the first time demonstrated a complete set of intelligent connected home appliances controlled by intelligent voice.

Gree staff demonstrated how to control refrigerators, washing machines, rice cookers, range hoods and other household appliances by voice with Gree IOT air conditioners and Gree IOT mobile phones as entrances.

Dong Mingzhu also personally released Gree Electric’s third-generation smart phone at the scene. On-site PPT shows that Gree’s third-generation mobile phone adopts a 5.99-inch full HD full screen, emphasizes the night shooting algorithm in taking photos, has intelligent IOT buttons, and controls household appliances by voice.

Dong Mingzhu said that every Gree third-generation mobile phone can directly open the "micro store in Dong Mingzhu". "With Gree’s mobile phone, you should buy Gree’s products, otherwise I will remember you."

There are also many controversies about Gree making mobile phones, but from Gree Electric, mobile phones are just an entrance to Gree’s smart home strategy.

Gree Electric has also publicly released four international leading technologies that have been identified-key technologies and applications of rare earth-free reluctance main drive motor system for new energy buses, high-efficiency reluctance variable frequency scroll compressor technology, high-performance linear servo motor and driver, and high-efficiency pneumatic suspension centrifugal compressor.

The latest information displayed in Gree Electric Exhibition Hall shows that Gree Electric’s business has been re-divided into two parts, one is consumption and the other is industry. Previously, Gree Electric’s four business segments included air conditioning, household appliances, communications and intelligent equipment. This also means that the first three sectors are now merged into the consumer sector, highlighting the overall smart home; Intelligent equipment has expanded into the industrial field.

Dong Mingzhu also confirmed the adjustment of the company’s business sector in the interview. She said that the consumer sector is the business that Gree started, and the industrial sector is the heavy weapon of the country. There is no conflict between the two. "Without high-end equipment, you can’t make perfect consumer products, and you won’t be biased."

Palm reading technology response access AI dialogue assistant Kimi: I will choose the AI big model with the strongest support according to the needs of the scene.

There are market rumors that Palm Reading Technology has been connected to Kimi, an AI dialogue assistant product of the domestic AI startup Moon Dark Side. In this regard, Palm Reading Technology responded today that the company actively embraces AI technology and is deeply integrating AI big model and reading App, and is committed to building the first real AI reading App in China, so that more users can find reading pleasure through AI big model and improve reading efficiency. "As for which big model to choose, we will choose the AI big model with the strongest supporting ability according to the needs of the scene, such as long text processing, interactive dialogue, cultural and life pictures and other different scenes, and we will choose different most suitable big models to support it." (Cailian)

"The most beautiful reading sound" sounded in front of the Red Building of Peking University.

  (Reporter Zhang Enjie) "With the youth of me, we will create a youth family, a youth country and a youth nation & HELIP; …” "Youth is like the early spring, like the morning sun, like the budding of a hundred flowers, like the new development of a sharp sword in Xi … …” On August 29th, recitation artists Kang Zhuang and Guo Kaimin stood together in front of the Red Mansion of Peking University, and after a hundred years’ time and space, they read the classic quotations of Li Dazhao’s Youth and Chen Duxiu’s Youth with deep affection, bringing the readers back to that passionate awakening era, and officially launched the "Meeting the Party’s Twenty Themes Reading Activities".

  Sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the reading activity is based on the theme of "Striving for a New Journey and Building a New Era", and is divided into three sections: the reading demonstration activity with the theme of "the most beautiful reading sound", the book exhibition and promotion activity with key themes, and the special promotion activity of the digital reading column of "Reading Beijing, Reading China and Looking to the Future".

  On the same day, General Jin Yinan told "Why China" at the Red Chamber of Peking University. He pointed out that in today’s thrilling world, only history can make us face reality without feeling scared. "By learning to read and be familiar with history, we can broaden our horizons, enhance our confidence and improve the strength of our personality. Therefore, reading is not just a pastime after a meal, it is as simple as adding some talk. "

  It is worth mentioning that the reading leading plan of "the cradle of the Party" was also released at the event site, and the initiative of reading books such as "Striving for a New Journey and Building a New Era" was put forward. In addition to this launching activity, the theme reading demonstration activity of "The Most Beautiful Reading Sound" will focus on celebrating the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and four theme reading activities will be held successively, inviting industry celebrities to read books related to the construction of "Four Centers" in Beijing.

  It is understood that major bookstores, key entity bookstores and e-commerce platforms in Beijing will set up special counters to display and sell key books in a centralized way, and all relevant units and districts will also organize and carry out a variety of reading activities on the theme of "Celebrating the 20 th National Congress" in an orderly manner, and hold lectures and knowledge contests to create a good atmosphere for the party’s 20 th National Congress victory.

  In addition, digital reading enterprises will set up special columns to promote the Party’s innovative theoretical reading materials, the book list with the theme of "Striving for a New Journey and Building a New Era", China’s good books, good books reflecting the achievements in the construction of the national cultural center and the development of the capital, excellent online literature and digital reading. Through a variety of forms throughout the year, we will lead the citizens to enjoy a reading feast in the atmosphere of cultural Beijing and scholarly China.

  Photography/reporter Yuan Yi

  Coordinator/Liu Jianghua

The reading and sharing activity of Six Branches of Damei Liangdu Gallery was held in Zhongshan District.

Recently, the 15th reading meeting of "Enjoy Reading for Life" —— "Meet Liangdu Sakura You Come" series of activities "Six Branches of Damei Liangdu Gallery" sponsored by the Propaganda Department of CPC Liupanshui Municipal Committee, Liupanshui Culture, Radio, Film and Television Tourism Bureau and Zhongshan District Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television Tourism Bureau, and undertaken by Liupanshui Library and Zhongshan District Library was held in Zhongshan District.

At the reading sharing meeting, some authors from "Damei Liangdu-Selected Works of Liupanshui Regional Cultural Prose" and book lovers who have enjoyed reading all their lives gathered together to share their insights and gains in the reading process and go to a reading appointment.

Reading sharing meeting site.

Reading sharing meeting site.

"The publication of the anthology" Damei Liangdu "is undoubtedly the joy of the spring breeze." Shi Yu, vice chairman of Liupanshui Writers Association and Zhongshan District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said in reading and sharing: "The authors in the book have their feet on the cool land, facing the grassroots, their words are grounded, dewy and warm, and they write and explore the history, humanities and eco-tourism of the cool capital. From a certain perspective," Damei Liangdu "can be regarded as a local textbook and local text."

"In the cool capital of spring, it is very gratifying and comfortable to read the selected book of Liupanshui regional cultural prose, Damei Liangdu." Dai Qingxiang, vice chairman of Liupanshui Dramatists Association, vice chairman of Zhongshan Writers Association and the host of this activity, said: There are 17 essays in the chapter of "Six Branches of Gallery" in the book, which eulogize the regional history and culture, natural scenery, food culture, etc. of six special zones, such as Songyu River, Yanjiao, Sazhi, Luobie, Langdai, Guanzhai and Yuelianghe.

Reading sharing meeting site.

Reading sharing meeting site.

"Liupanshui has a large number of prose creators who have been paying attention to the local regional culture. They have written a wonderful chapter for this hot land with their hot feelings." Wang Hua, vice-chairman and secretary-general of Liupanshui Literature and Art Critics Association, vice-chairman of Zhongshan Writers Association and editor-in-chief of Selected Works of Damei Liangdu-Liupanshui Regional Cultural Prose, said: "This is an anthology published by the authors of Liupanshui regional cultural prose on the same stage, and its publication has certain literary value and historical significance."

At the event site, all book lovers also shared their reading feelings and recited the wonderful chapters of the "Six Branches of Gallery" series in Damei Liangdu. Everyone used books as a medium to talk about feelings and gains. The atmosphere was warm and applause continued.

In addition, the person in charge of Huiwen Bookstore, a book publishing support unit, donated 20 volumes of Damei Liangdu to Liupanshui Library, and Zhou Youwu, director of the Municipal Library, issued a book collection certificate to Huiwen Bookstore.

Reading sharing meeting site.

Reading sharing meeting site.

It is reported that Dameiliang, Xu Wenli, Zhuo Mei, Wu Qiuming, Shi Yu, Fu Berlin, Tang Zongshun, Li Tinghua, Ma Peng and Huang Shusheng have compiled more than 60 regional cultural essays of more than 30 Liupanshui local prose creators, totaling more than 180,000 words. This book shows people the unique natural history and humanistic endowment of Liupanshui, the capital of China, and provides a window for readers to deeply understand the regional history and culture of Liupanshui. This year, the book was officially published by China Overseas Chinese Publishing House, with a first print of 2,000 copies, and was put on the shelves of Liupanshui Huiwen Bookstore. (Photo/Wen Guo Lingling)

The media and game sectors continued to rise, and many stocks such as Gravity Media went up and down.

Southern Finance March 18th, afternoon media,gameThe plate continues to rise,Gravitation communicationZheshu cultureWentou holdingDianguang communicationWaiting for the daily limit,WANDA CINEMASApproaching the daily limit,Huayi BrothersHuace movie and televisionLongban communicationZhongguang natural selectionWait for it to rise. In the news, this timeNVIDIAThere are 11 speeches related to GTC2024, and 34 speeches related to media and entertainment, which mainly focus on the following aspects: 1. Generative AI aided development and film and television production; 2. Wensheng map, Wensheng video model, and other AI applications; 3. 3D content generation; 4. Create games in the cloud.

Shenzhen civil aviation safety supervision department responded to "a loud noise occurred near Shenzhen Baoan Airport"

  Jimu journalist Li Xiancheng

  On the evening of October 30, many netizens said that they heard a huge plane roar near Shenzhen Baoan Airport and saw a plane flying at a low altitude. On the evening of 30th, the staff of Shenzhen Safety Supervision Bureau of Civil Aviation responded to a journalist who said that at 6: 22 that night, a flight made a go-around due to air traffic control and deployment. When the plane went around, the engine made a loud roar.

  Netizens broke the news that there was a huge roar at Shenzhen Baoan International Airport (Source: Network)

  At about 6: 30 pm on October 30, many netizens reported that they heard a rush of aircraft roaring near Shenzhen Baoan International Airport and saw a plane flying at a low altitude, which shook the windows. I have never encountered such a situation before.

  On the evening of the 30th, the customer service staff of Shenzhen Baoan International Airport told Jimu journalists that they had not received any relevant reports of aircraft anomalies. At present, Shenzhen Baoan International Airport is operating normally, and the inbound and outbound flights are operating normally.

  Many netizens reported encountering similar situations (Source: Network)

  At 10 o’clock on the evening of October 30, the staff of Shenzhen Safety Supervision Administration of Civil Aviation responded to a journalist who said that after detailed verification, at 6: 22 that night, a flight made a go-around due to air traffic control and deployment, and it was loud when going around. The flight landed normally at 6: 37.

  "During the go-around process, the engine generated a loud roar. Because it is full horsepower, many netizens hear this voice. At present, it is still a normal deployment, and the more detailed situation requires more detailed investigation in the follow-up. " The above staff said.

  Go-around, the technical term of civil aviation, also known as go-around (GA; Go Around), refers to the plane before landing to the ground, adjust the throttle to the maximum position (TO GA) and pull up the nose to return to the air and hover to land again.

[See you at 8 o’clock] Official announcement! Corruption-related personnel are not allowed to be released on parole for this behavior.

  At 8 o’clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours.

  [Follow] Official announcement! Corruption-related personnel are not allowed to be released on parole for this behavior.

  According to the website of the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Court recently issued the Supplementary Provisions on the Specific Application of Laws in Handling Cases of Commutation and Parole. The Supplementary Provisions make it clear that criminals who were originally state functionaries who were sentenced for corruption and bribery, refused to plead guilty and repent, or did not perform or did not fully perform the property judgment in the effective judgment, were not granted parole, and generally did not receive commutation.


  The deflagration accident of Fangda Special Steel has caused 2 deaths and 8 injuries. Investigation on the listed supervision accident in Jiangxi Province

  According to the Jiangxi Provincial Emergency Management Department, as of 13: 00 on May 31, the deflagration accident of Fangda Special Steel Company in Nanchang has caused two deaths and eight injuries (six of them are in critical condition). According to the relevant laws and regulations, the Nanchang Municipal Government has set up an accident investigation team to carry out accident investigation, and the Jiangxi Provincial Safety Committee Office has listed and supervised the accident investigation, and will interview the person in charge of Fangda Group Industrial Co., Ltd. in the near future.

  The new version of foreigner visa, group visa and residence permit is so long!

  The State Administration of Immigration issued an announcement on May 31, deciding to enable the new version of foreigners’ visas, group visas and residence permits. The exit-entry administration departments of public security organs nationwide began to issue the new version of foreigners’ visas, group visas and residence permits from June 1, and stopped issuing the current version of foreigners’ visas, special economic zone tourist visas, group visas and residence permits. Special economic zone tourist visa business uses the new version of the visa to make and issue.

  Nearly 100 ancient tombs have been found in Tsinghua University, but no funerary objects have been found yet.

  On May 31st, it was reported that an ancient tomb was discovered during the construction of the northern side of Six Religions in Tsinghua University. According to Tsinghua University’s news about WeChat WeChat official account, 87 tombs of Ming and Qing Dynasties and 5 tombs of Han Dynasty have been discovered this time. The excavation work is not over yet, and the exact figures need to be further discovered and verified. As the funerary objects have not been found yet, the specific archaeological value has yet to be confirmed. According to the on-site staff, in addition to the bones, there are items such as copper coins at the excavation site.

  Beijing: The number of smokers has decreased by 200,000 after the implementation of the tobacco control regulations for four years.

  May 31st is the fourth anniversary of the implementation of the Regulations on Smoking Control in Beijing. Since the implementation of the Regulations, Beijing 12320 hotline has received 50126 complaints and reports on tobacco control, and the top three places for complaints and reports are office buildings, restaurants and entertainment places, accounting for 40.3%, 24.5% and 9.8% of the total complaints respectively. The rate of illegal smoking in public places decreased from 34.4% to 4.9%, a decrease of 85.8%; The adult smoking rate in Beijing decreased from 23.4% in 2014 to 22.3%, and the number of smokers decreased by 200,000. The exposure rate of secondhand smoke decreased from 35.7% to 20%, a decrease of 15.7 percentage points, and the number of people exposed to secondhand smoke decreased by 2.8 million.

  Beijing’s first bicycle lane opens

  On May 31st, the first bicycle lane in Beijing was put into trial operation. Bicycle lanes are totally enclosed, with a total length of 6.5 kilometers. They start from Huilongguan in Changping District in the east and end at Houchangcun Road in Haidian District in the west. There are 8 entrances and exits, and the speed of cycling does not exceed 15 kilometers per hour. Pedestrians, electric bicycles and other vehicles are prohibited from entering. After opening, it will directly serve about 11,600 commuters along the line, effectively alleviating the traffic pressure between Huilongguan and Shangdi on Metro Line 13 and improving the regional green travel environment.

  Li Guowen, former member of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress, accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation.

  According to the website of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Guowen, former member of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress, is under disciplinary review and supervision investigation.

  In 2018, the top ten online terms in China were announced, and koi fish, Buddhism and skr were selected.

  On the morning of May 31, the Report on Language Life in China (2019) released by the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission showed that ten words, such as koi fish, Buddhism and skr, became the annual online terms in 2018.

  These top 10 online terms include: koi fish, Bar Jing, skr, Buddhism, Confirmed Eyes, Official Announcements, C-position, earthy love words, peeling, burning my calories. When explaining "skr", the report pointed out that the word originally refers to the rubbing sound of automobile tires, and then it quickly became popular with the frequent use of a pop singer in variety shows, and was imitated and spread by netizens. When you encounter something recognized, you will use skr to express your admiration and praise.


  Eleven people have been killed and six injured in a shooting in Virginia, USA.

  On Friday afternoon local time, a shooting incident occurred in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA, killing 11 people and injuring 6 others. It is reported that the gunman has been killed by the police.

  Caressing Nara deer or causing it to be "abandoned" conservation groups: don’t touch it!

  According to Japanese media reports on May 31st, Nara Park, a famous tourist attraction in Japan, is now at the peak of deer birth. Local conservation groups have called for the doe to stop taking care of the deer if it is infected with the smell of people, so if tourists see the deer, "don’t touch it."

  American man sued Delta Air Lines for being bitten by a dog on the plane and leaving a scar on his face.

  According to US media reports, Marlin Jackson, a man from Alabama, filed a lawsuit against Delta Air Lines on May 31, claiming that in 2017, an emotional support dog of a passenger of Delta Air Lines attacked him on a flight.

  According to reports, litigation documents show that on the flight from Atlanta to San Diego, Jackson was sitting in a window seat, and a passenger’s "big dog" suddenly attacked him, bit his face and forced him to cling to the window of the plane. He is suing the airline for an unknown amount, claiming that the company failed to ensure his safety and allowed the dog to board the plane without proper restraint.

  Nearly half of Chileans rely on self-study to watch American TV plays in English.

  According to foreign media reports, the "Global English Learning Report" conducted by Yuguan Survey Network shows that 49% of Chilean respondents teach themselves English by watching American TV shows. The report said: "In developing countries, such as Indonesia and Chile, people are more inclined to master some English skills through self-study." In Germany, 93% of the respondents learn English through school teaching.


  The driver refused to take the drunk passenger and was responded by dripping.

  Recently, a drip driver refused to carry a drunk passenger and was beaten, which triggered a heated discussion. On May 31, Didi explained that on the evening of the 27th, Master Qin, the driver of Didi in Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province, was beaten by five drunken passengers during the service and was injured and hospitalized. According to the audio and video evidence, the driver refused to take the taxi, and Didi would permanently stop providing taxi service to the taxi driver. At present, Master Qin is in stable condition and is recovering.

  In 2019, the mountaineering season on the China side of Mount Everest ended, with 241 people reaching the summit, 2 rescued and 2 killed.

  The press conference on Mount Everest in Xizang Autonomous Region in 2019 was held in Lhasa on May 31st. The People’s Government of Xizang Autonomous Region released the relevant data of the climbing season on the China side of Mount Everest in 2019. A total of 241 people climbed the world’s highest mountain from the north slope of Mount Everest in Xizang Autonomous Region, China, and two foreign climbers were rescued in distress and died due to physical discomfort.

  The Guangdong police’s Hurricane 2019 operation destroyed more than 300 criminal gangs in five months.

  On May 31st, the press conference held by the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department reported that the Guangdong police’s "Hurricane 2019" special campaign launched 34 "Hurricane" cluster campaigns from January to May, destroying more than 300 criminal gangs and arresting more than 5,400 criminal suspects, successfully cracking a number of criminal cases, effectively driving the province’s criminal alert and criminal filing down by 16.4% and 9.6% respectively.

  A fire broke out in a KTV building in Changchun.

  On the morning of May 31, a fire broke out in a KTV building near the intersection of Changchun Street and Dajing Road in Changchun City. At 10 o’clock in the morning, firefighters were carrying out fire fighting work. The building where the fire broke out was unrecognizable, and the fire was under control, but there was still an open flame in the building. It is not clear whether there are any casualties.


  80 yuan also sent a cheering T-shirt to announce the highest fare for the national football warm-up match.

  Weibo, the official of China Football Team, announced the ticket price of the national football warm-up match in June. The highest price is only 80 yuan, and you can also get a cheering T-shirt.

  According to the information released by China Football Team Weibo, the tickets for this warm-up match are divided into three stages: 30 yuan, 50 yuan and 80 yuan, and all spectators who buy tickets for the match can receive a T-shirt for China team for free on the match day.


  [Xia Gengen] The only boy wears a wedding dress to shoot graduation photo.

  Graduation photo, a special student of Northwest Normal University, became popular on the Internet, with a boy wearing a wedding dress and 28 girls wearing suits surrounding him. A group of special graduation photo popular networks in Northwest Normal University in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, have been dubbed by netizens as "the funniest graduation photo of the year". Xia Gengen, the hero in the photo, said, "We don’t want to be unconventional or eye-catching. We just want to leave a good memory for graduation photo in the class. As long as the students are happy, I am not afraid of other people’s opinions and ridicule. "

  [Wang Yongfeng] We must be in awe of nature.

  At the end of the climbing season on the China side of Mount Everest in 2019, Wang Yongfeng, Vice Chairman of chinese mountaineering association, told the climbers in an interview on May 31 that they must be awed by nature, and introduced chinese mountaineering association’s efforts to ensure the safety of climbers on Mount Everest. Besides, enjoying the process is more important than reaching the top.

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

  Editor: Zhu Xinyu

What are the "magic weapons" to deal with the super typhoon "Lichima" and "Noisy Sea"?

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 12 th: What are the "magic weapons" to deal with the super typhoon "Lichima" and "Nautical Sea"?

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Ye Haoming, Gao Jing, Wang Junlu and Qin Huajiang

  It has caused 5 deaths and 7 missing in Shandong, 39 deaths and 9 missing in Zhejiang, and 73 rivers have exceeded the police … … The super typhoon "Lichima" has caused great losses to many coastal provinces and cities. What is the origin of "Lichima"? Have local emergency plans played their due role? What other aspects should we pay attention to in the next step to deal with the "Lichima" invasion? Xinhua News Agency reporters visited the front line of fighting against typhoons and launched an investigation.

  "Lichima", "Naughty Sea" and "Soft Meng" fruits are named super typhoon.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, "Lichima" is a tropical fruit with a "soft and cute" image and a close taste. I don’t want to become the name of the third strong typhoon that landed in East China in 70 years. According to experts, "Lichima" has become the fiercest typhoon this year because of its violent storms.

  — — Gale. The previous typhoons "Muen" and "Weipa" were tropical storms when they landed, and the winds were 8 and 9 respectively, which was far lower than the maximum wind intensity of 16 when "Lichima" landed. On the morning of the 11th, there were 8-10 gusts in northeastern Jiangsu, northeastern Anhui, northern Shandong and southern Bohai, and the local gusts in Qingdao and Tai ‘an in Shandong could still reach 12.

  — — Rainstorm. The huge rainfall brought by "Lichima" also threatens the safety of relevant places. As of the 10th, the rainfall in Taizhou, Zhejiang, northern Wenzhou, southern Ningbo and southwestern Huzhou reached 350-580mm, 829mm in Kuocangshan, Taizhou and 706mm in Sanmen. At the same time, heavy rain or heavy rain occurred in Shanghai, Jiangsu, central and eastern Shandong, eastern Anhui and other places, and heavy rain occurred in Weifang and Linyi, Shandong, with rainfall of 250 to 407 mm. As of the 11th, 73 rivers in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Anhui, Shandong and other places have experienced over-alert floods since August 9th.

  Why did "Lichima" bring such huge rainfall? "A typhoon is like a huge ‘ Water vapor absorber ’ Absorb water vapor from the ocean and bring heavy precipitation to the land. " Senior engineer of Typhoon and Marine Meteorological Forecast Center of China Meteorological Bureau explained to Chun Yi that the monsoon input of "Lichima" is very strong, that is to say, there is a cross-equatorial airflow to transport warm and humid air rich in water vapor in the equatorial region into the typhoon, which greatly increases its "water" power.

  Since the 8th, "Lichima" has caused many disasters, including landslides, mudslides and urban waterlogging. According to authoritative statistics, as of 7: 00 on the 12th, Typhoon Lichima had affected 6.679 million people, affected 234,000 hectares of crops and damaged 41,000 houses.

  Start emergency plans in many places according to law to reduce the degree of disaster.

  On the evening of the 8th, Weibo, the official of Qingdao Professional Meteorological Observatory, reported that a report reprinted by Qingdao Municipal People’s Government Press Office issued a typhoon warning in violation of regulations. "Qingdao Meteorology" emphasizes that "if a typhoon warning is issued, the city will start emergency plans, including flood control and resettlement, which is a very serious matter". This little tidbit once again highlights the importance of starting and implementing the "emergency plan" according to law when dealing with serious natural disasters.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, the China Meteorological Bureau has launched a Class II emergency response to major meteorological disasters (typhoons), issued a typhoon red warning, and carried out targeted monitoring, forecasting and early warning services;

  As the first province to contact typhoon, Zhejiang reserves all kinds of emergency relief materials, and the meteorological department launched the Class I emergency response against typhoon at the first time.

  According to the requirements of the emergency plan, Hangzhou has investigated 6,902 farmhouses, evacuated more than 2,000 people and closed 38 A-level scenic spots; According to the movement path, development and influence of the typhoon, Ningbo will continue to do a good job in the transfer and resettlement of people in dangerous areas and the safety management of transferred people and ships in Hong Kong according to the emergency plan.

  In Jiangsu and Shuyang County, from 20: 00 on August 11th, the flood control level I emergency response was launched, and 32 towns and villages with 255,000 people’s efforts arrived at the designated position of Xinyi River embankment to patrol the embankment to ensure related safety.

  In Shandong, Qingdao fangzhi upgraded the typhoon prevention level II emergency response to level I emergency response at 13: 00 on the 11th. The Water Affairs Bureau keeps a close eye on the largest river course in the city — — Flood control safety of Dagu River. The Culture and Tourism Bureau requires all scenic spots in the city to be closed and stop visiting activities. The Bureau of Commerce requires relevant units to strengthen the organization of the supply of "vegetable basket" commodities such as meat and vegetables to ensure that the market supply is not out of stock and does not stop.

  Xie Yuwen, dean of Zhongguancun Zhilian Disaster Perception Science Research Institute, said that timely launching and fully implementing the emergency plan can effectively help all localities control the disaster in the face of major disasters. Shouguang, Shandong Province, was affected by the typhoon, although the rainfall hit a historical record, but the disaster level was significantly lower than last year.

  "Wind blowing to the north" plus general disaster risk Northeast China or long-term large-scale precipitation

  The reporter learned from the Emergency Management Department of Shandong Province on the 12th that according to preliminary statistics, there were 1,655,300 people affected by the disaster in Shandong Province, 5 people died and 7 people were missing. The affected area of crops is 175,400 hectares, and 609 houses have collapsed. Relevant disaster data are being further counted.

  Why "the wind blows north"? Xiang Chunyi told reporters that the subtropical high was relatively strong this year. Under its guidance, "Lichima" did not land in low-latitude Guangdong and other places, but moved to the northwest.

  Experts warned that the biggest problem of the current typhoon northward is to directly expose the northern region with less experience in fighting typhoons to the typhoon. Because the northern part of China has a weak ability to withstand heavy rain and generally lacks experience in typhoon prevention, it will greatly increase the risk of disaster, so it must not be taken lightly.

  The reporter learned that at present, the expert group of flood control and drought relief technology of Shandong Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters is all in place, and professional consultation and judgment have been carried out on the situation of reservoir exceeding flood limit, river flood discharge and mountain torrents prone to occur. Shandong Provincial Defense Index has sent eight working groups to 16 cities in the province to guide the typhoon defense work on the spot, and urged all localities to carry out detailed safety hazard investigation and grasp the key links of defense.

  Xiang Chunyi also reminded that the weakening of typhoon landing does not mean that rainfall is reduced. The influence of "Lichima" on the northeast of North China will be long-term and wide-ranging, and the influence of continuous precipitation accumulation will be great.

  Experts said that from the afternoon of the 11th to the next 72 hours, there will be large-scale precipitation in the northeast of North China. After 72 hours, there may be some precipitation influence in the east of Northeast China.

Put away your competitive heart when running.

Unless you are interested in becoming a professional runner, for most amateur runners, running is not a competition in the arena. You have to figure out what you are running for.

I think some runners blindly follow the trend when they see other people’s achievements, so they can’t resist a competitive heart. All I can think about is the amount of running and pace. In the end, even if I ran out of good grades, I also ran out of injuries. What’s the point?

For amateur runners, the word "stability" is the most important, and jogging is the truth. Be a little timid, it doesn’t matter! Run slowly, run less, and leave if you can’t run. It’s really nothing. It is even more important to achieve the "three noes": no running when you are sick, no running after drinking, and no running after staying up late.What do you think? Let’s talk in the comments section.