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Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: China’s new energy vehicle production and sales ranked first in the world for 8 consecutive years.

  Cctv newsOn the afternoon of March 1st, the State Council Press Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening by authoritative departments", introducing the situation of "accelerating new industrialization, strengthening and improving the real economy" and answering reporters’ questions.

  Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that in 2022, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China reached 7.058 million and 6.887 million, up by 96.7% and 93.4% respectively, ranking first in the world for eight consecutive years. Since 2012, when China promulgated and implemented the Development Plan of Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicle Industry, the average annual compound growth rate of new energy vehicle sales reached 87%, and the cumulative promotion of new energy vehicles reached 15.96 million, nearly 16 million. China has become an important guiding force for the electrification transformation of the global automobile industry.

  This year, the new energy automobile industry will maintain a good development trend, and production and sales will achieve steady growth. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will focus on promoting the work from five aspects.

  First, we should strengthen overall planning. Further improve and perfect the coordinated promotion mechanism for the development of new energy automobile industry, and coordinate the overall work of electrification, networking and intelligent development. Focusing on technical research, popularization and application, infrastructure construction, etc., we will continue to cultivate independent brands with high innovation level, strong comprehensive ability and international competitiveness.

  The second is to support innovation breakthroughs. We will focus on supporting leading enterprises to play a leading role and accelerate the technical research and industrial application of new systems such as batteries, automotive chips and automotive operating systems. Start the pilot of intelligent networked vehicle access and road traffic, accelerate the technical application of 5G vehicle-road coordination, and promote the coordinated development of electrification and intelligent networked.

  The third is to further increase the promotion and application. We will carry out pilot projects for the comprehensive electrification of vehicles in public areas, and further improve the electrification level of vehicles in official vehicles, taxis, postal express delivery, sanitation and other fields. It is necessary to work with relevant departments to study and clarify the continuation policies such as tax reduction and exemption for new energy vehicles as soon as possible, and revise and issue the "double points" management method to stabilize market expectations.

  The fourth is to improve service support capabilities. It is necessary to speed up the development of domestic resources, stabilize international cooperation and supply, and ensure the supply and price stability of key raw materials. It is necessary to improve the recycling system, strengthen key technologies such as intelligent disassembly, and improve the recycling level of power batteries.

  The fifth is to promote open development. We will continue to implement opening-up measures in the automotive sector, give play to the role of multilateral and bilateral cooperation mechanisms, and support enterprises, research institutions and industry organizations to carry out exchanges and cooperation in the fields of trade and investment, technology research and development, and standard setting, so as to achieve win-win development.

How to divide the responsibility when "fitness" changes to "injury"?

  The picture shows that the presiding judge of this case is in court.

  guide reading

  With the increasing admiration of the public for the concept of healthy living, yoga has gradually become a popular choice for the masses to keep fit. However, seemingly simple yoga exercise may also suffer sports injuries and lead to disputes. Recently, the People’s Court of Jinan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province concluded a case of tort liability dispute caused by yoga injury. After hearing the case, the court held that the yoga studio, as an institution specializing in training and teaching services, failed to fulfill its sufficient security obligations and should bear the main responsibility of this case. At the same time, the customer, as a person with full capacity for civil conduct, should be aware of the related risks of practicing yoga, but he continues to practice after feeling unwell, and there is also fault in the occurrence of damage results, so the responsibility of the yoga studio can be appropriately reduced. While fully safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, the judgment of this case also reflects that the people’s court fully applies the concept of active justice to civil trial work, effectively exerts the rule-leading and value-oriented functions of judicial judgment, and plays a positive role in the standardized governance of service industries such as sports and fitness.

  Fitness is risky and exercise needs to be moderate.

  On December 10, 2021, Duan paid 3380 yuan to a yoga studio through WeChat and became an annual card member of the yoga studio. The next day, Duan transferred 5719 yuan to the yoga studio to buy a personal trainer course package. During the period from December 11th, 2021 to January 22nd, 2022, Duan frequently made an appointment with the yoga instructor Li in the yoga studio through WeChat and did yoga exercises.

  In early January, 2022, Duan felt discomfort in his left hip after attending a private yoga class, and told his coach Li. After listening, Li said that this is a subluxation strain of the femoral head after normal exercise, so let Duan continue to do some rehabilitation and relaxation training in the yoga studio. Duan, out of trust in the coach, continued to go to the yoga studio for classes.

  The injury becomes more serious, and fitness hurts the body.

  On January 20, 2022, Duan went to the hospital for examination because of unbearable pain. The X-ray diagnosis report showed that Duan had degenerative changes in his left hip joint. On the 23 rd of the same month, Duan went to the orthopedic hospital for magnetic resonance examination, and the imaging diagnosis was: a small amount of effusion in the left hip joint space.

  From March to May, 2022, Duan’s symptoms have not been alleviated, and he went to the hospital for examination and treatment many times. He was also hospitalized at the end of April and discharged on May 18th. The diagnosis conclusions given by the hospital are as follows: 1. Hip joint disease (left hip arthritis) edema (mild bone marrow edema in the left acetabulum and mild bone marrow edema in the upper femur of the left femur); 2. Abnormal findings of diagnostic imaging examination in other parts of musculoskeletal system (mild degeneration of pelvis), etc.

  After leaving the hospital, Duan found a yoga studio to find a solution.

  The negotiation ended in vain, and the judge was asked to judge.

  Since then, Duan and coach Li have repeatedly communicated and negotiated related compensation matters, but the two sides have never reached an agreement, so Duan sued the yoga studio and Li to the court. The defendant argued in the lawsuit that Duan confirmed in the WeChat chat with Li that the range of yoga movements taught by Li was very small, and the teaching intensity was low, and Li only demonstrated the movements and told the essentials of the movements, and Duan stretched himself, so Li did not press Duan’s body, so there was no fault in Li’s yoga teaching, and Duan’s injury was not caused by Li, so the defendant should not bear the responsibility.

  In addition, as a sport, yoga practitioners should practice in a step-by-step manner according to the flexibility of their ligaments and the strength of bone structure. Duan, as a practitioner, should fully understand the dangers of practicing yoga. He is eager to achieve success and frequently asks for classes at his own risk, so his injury result is caused by his improper practice. According to the law, if the victim intentionally or neglects the occurrence or expansion of the same damage, the liability of the compensation obligor may be reduced or exempted.

  There is a causal relationship after two appraisals.

  In June, 2022, Duan entrusted a judicial appraisal institute for appraisal, and the appraisal opinions issued by the judicial appraisal institute were as follows: 1. There is a causal relationship between the consequences of Duan’s current left hip injury and the injury caused by practicing yoga in the yoga studio on December 29, 2021; 2. Duan’s delayed construction period is evaluated as 120 days, the nursing period is evaluated as 90 days, and the nutritional period is evaluated as 60 days.

  During the litigation, according to the application of the yoga studio, the court entrusted another judicial appraisal institute to re-evaluate whether there is a causal relationship between Duan’s left hip injury and yoga practice, as well as the missed construction period, nursing period and nutrition period. The opinions of the judicial appraisal opinion issued by the judicial appraisal institute on October 14, 2022 are as follows: 1. There is a complete causal relationship between Duan’s practice of yoga in a yoga studio and his left hip injury; 2. Duan’s delayed construction period is 120 days, the nursing period is 90 days, and the nutrition period is 60 days.

  Both parties are at fault and bear primary and secondary responsibilities.

  Based on the facts of the case and relevant evidence, the court held that citizens have the right to life and health, and the actor should bear tort liability for infringing upon the civil rights and interests of others due to his fault. Duan’s left hip injury has a complete causal relationship with the yoga exercise directed by Li, as evidenced by the appraisal opinions issued by two appraisal institutes.

  As an institution specializing in yoga training and teaching services, the yoga studio should provide students with a safe fitness environment and professional fitness services. It failed to fulfill its sufficient security obligations, resulting in Duan’s injury, and continued to arrange Duan to do yoga exercises after Duan told him that his left hip was unwell. It was at fault for Duan’s injury and should bear the main responsibility of this case.

  As a person with full capacity for civil conduct, Duan should be aware of the risks associated with practicing yoga, have a considerable sense of self-protection, and have a full understanding of his physical condition and endurance. However, after feeling the discomfort of the left hip joint, Duan did not choose to see a doctor in time, took the initiative to stop training, and continued to carry out yoga training. He himself was also at fault for the occurrence of the damage result, which can appropriately reduce the liability for compensation of the yoga studio. Li is a yoga instructor in the yoga studio, and Duan was injured in yoga teaching, so his employer yoga studio should bear the liability for compensation.

  In the end, combined with the actual situation of the case and the degree of fault of both parties, the court ruled that the yoga studio should bear 70% of the liability for compensation, and Duan should bear 30% of the liability himself.

  After the judgment, neither party appealed, and the judgment has taken legal effect.

  ■ referee analysis

  The combination of fault liability principle and fault offset system

  Natural person’s right to health and body should be protected by law. When engaging in social activities, all civil subjects should fulfill the necessary duty of care, respect the rights and interests of others, and avoid causing damage to the rights and interests of others. Any act that causes damage to the rights and interests of others due to negligence or neglect shall bear the corresponding liability for damages. Article 165 of the Civil Code of People’s Republic of China (PRC) clarifies that the principle of general tort liability is the principle of fault liability, that is, unless there are special provisions in the law, generally speaking, the civil subject should bear the liability for damages only when the civil rights and interests of others are infringed by fault (intentionally or negligently); If there is no fault, it is not responsible.

  It is worth noting that Article 173 of the Civil Code states that when the victim is at fault for the occurrence of damage or the expansion of the damage result, the liability of the compensation obligor for damages shall be reduced or exempted according to law, that is, the fault shall be offset. As an important system of damage compensation, the effect of the principle of negligence offset is reflected in three levels: first, for the infringer, the effect of the principle of negligence offset is reflected in the reduction or exemption of his liability for damage compensation. Second, for the infringed, it is reflected in the fact that his claim for damages is restricted in entity, and he has lost part or all of his claim for damages. Third, for the court as a referee, it is reflected that the judge should distribute the damage results fairly among the parties according to specific standards and determine the responsibility. Negligence offset, in essence, is to consider the faults of the offender and the victim to determine the primary and secondary responsibilities, rather than offset each other.

  Returning to this case is essentially a combination of the principle of fault liability and the system of fault offset. First of all, institutions engaged in yoga training and teaching services should provide students with a safe fitness environment and professional fitness guidance services, and do their best to ensure safety within reasonable limits. Yoga is a dangerous sport. In the process of practice, the staff of the yoga studio should guide the students to complete the corresponding actions according to the intensity suitable for their own foundation, and give necessary safety tips. In the case of knowing that the students are unwell due to the practice actions, they should not continue to arrange yoga exercises, which will aggravate the injuries of the students. Therefore, the principle of fault liability applies and the yoga studio bears the main responsibility. Secondly, students, as adults with full capacity for civil conduct, should also know the related risks of practicing yoga, have a considerable sense of self-protection, avoid causing self-harm in yoga exercise, and should also bear part of the responsibility for the expansion of the damage results.

  At the same time, the principle of negligence offset has its subject scope of application. If the victim is at fault for the occurrence or expansion of the damage, it should be applied to reduce the compensation liability of the offender. There should be no objection. It is worth noting that in judicial practice, when a third person who has a specific relationship with the victim has the following circumstances and is at fault for the occurrence or expansion of damage, the principle of negligence offset may still be applied:

  (1) Legal representative

  The legal representative is the guardian of a person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct, and has the legal obligation to supervise, protect and take care of the person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct. If the legal representative neglects to perform his guardianship duties, resulting in damage to the ward, based on the guardianship relationship between the legal representative and the victim, the principle of negligence should be applied to reduce the liability of the offender.

  (2) Staff

  If a staff member causes property losses to the employer due to the infringement of others in the course of performing his duties, if the staff member is at fault for the occurrence or expansion of the damage, his fault is regarded as the fault of the employer, and the fault can be applied to offset and reduce the compensation liability of the infringer.

  ■ Expert comments

  Strengthen the supervision of fitness practitioners and operators.

  Ding Zhaozeng, Associate Professor of Fujian Normal University Law School

  The verdict of this case conforms to the provisions of Article 165 of the Civil Code of People’s Republic of China (PRC), "If the actor infringes upon the civil rights and interests of others due to his fault, he shall bear the tort liability" and Article 173, "If the infringed is at fault for the occurrence or expansion of the same damage, the liability of the infringer may be reduced".

  On the one hand, in the fitness and yoga courses, the service contract relationship is formed between the members and the yoga institutions, and the instructors need to formulate targeted courses according to the students’ physical conditions and fitness goals, and provide professional guidance during the practice. If the members’ sports are injured due to the coach’s mistakes, the coach and the organization may have to bear the corresponding tort liability.

  On the other hand, gymnasiums, yoga studios and other institutions should fulfill their security obligations to members, create a good and safe fitness environment, ensure the safety of supporting service facilities in business and management places and the qualification compliance of coaches, so as to effectively protect the personal and property safety of members. However, the security obligations of gymnasiums, yoga rooms and other institutions are not infinitely expanded. If a member is a person with full capacity for civil conduct, he should have a reasonable understanding of his own health, and should also have a sense of safety and self-protection about the exercise environment and sports equipment. Members should arrange exercises scientifically and reasonably according to their own physical conditions to achieve the purpose of safe and healthy exercise. If members fail to fulfill their duty of care, they should bear certain responsibilities for the consequences of their own damage.

  This case also reflects that the current fitness and yoga consumer markets need to be standardized. On the one hand, the entry threshold for fitness and yoga coaches should be improved, and the skills training and quality education for coaches should be strengthened. Coaches should hold certificates, and coaches engaged in fitness and yoga should hold China Fitness Yoga Grade Certificate. On the other hand, we should strengthen the standardized and legal management of gymnasiums and yoga studios. As soon as possible, formulate and improve the unified standards of fitness, yoga training, grade evaluation and other aspects, so that fitness and yoga training have rules to follow and rules to follow. In addition, it is also necessary to clarify the supervision departments of the fitness and yoga industries, strengthen the supervision of practitioners and operating venues, rectify and clean up the fitness and yoga venues with irregular operation in time, and standardize the industry order.

Dong Mingzhu talks about Gree’s change of ownership: it is not full of dissatisfaction, and steady development does not depend on a certain shareholder.

On December 28th, the 4th "Make the World Love Made in China" Summit Forum was moved to the headquarters in Gree Electric, Zhuhai, which was the first large-scale event held at the headquarters after the transfer plan of Gree Electric (000651) was finalized.

When interviewed by reporters after the meeting, Dong Mingzhu, the chairman of Gree Electric, said that he was "not satisfied or dissatisfied with the scheme" when talking about the transfer of control rights. She said that the steady development of Gree Electric over the years is not due to a certain shareholder, but mainly depends on the management team. This time, Zhuhai SASAC withdrew from the position of major shareholder in the hope that Gree Electric would become a more market-oriented listed company.

Dong Mingzhu also stressed that after the transfer of Gree Electric’s controlling stake, there will be "three invariants": the integrity of society, the cultivation of employees and the protection of the legitimate interests of shareholders cannot be changed.

Dong Mingzhu, Chairman of Gree Electric 

Withdrawal of state-owned assets: in order to establish a more market-oriented system.

On December 15th, Zhuhai SASAC officially approved Gree Group’s plan to transfer 15% of Gree Electric shares to Zhuhai Mingjun. Gree Electric will become a public company without controlling shareholders and actual controllers.

Dong Mingzhu explained that Zhuhai SASAC sold its shares in the hope that Gree Electric would become a truly public company. Dong Mingzhu quoted Guo Yonghang, secretary of Zhuhai Municipal Party Committee, as saying that the government should "show up immediately when enterprises need it;" When enterprises don’t need it, you are far away and keep a clear political and business relationship. " Dong Mingzhu said that the focus of this transfer of Gree’s control right is not the withdrawal of state-owned assets, but the establishment of a market-oriented system for listed companies to operate and develop better.

In addition, the transfer of control rights in Gree Electric was also promoted under the background of the accelerated development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. "Zhuhai is located in the center of Greater Bay Area. We have more thoughts and positioning for the future construction of Greater Bay Area and the development of Zhuhai. I feel that through this equity transfer, more listed companies will be built for Zhuhai, and (Zhuhai) will become a more market-oriented place that is conducive to the faster development of enterprises. " Dong Mingzhu said that the equity transfer is of far-reaching significance.

According to the announcement on December 2nd, the price for Gree Group to transfer 15% equity of Gree Electric is 41.66 billion yuan. If the transaction is finally made at this price, the takeover party will have a floating profit of 16.6 billion yuan by taking this 15% equity based on the current share price of Gree Electric.

Dong Mingzhu revealed that Gree Electric will build Gree Tower in Hengqin, Zhuhai, to provide some support for the development of Macao. "Although there are more than 10 research institutes and nearly 100 research institutes in Gree Electric, with the diversified development, Gree will build more research institutions. Building Gree Building in Hengqin is a platform to boost Macao’s development and provide talents for the University of Macau and Macau University of Science and Technology. "

Gree Electric launches Gree three-generation mobile phones.  

Management is the biggest beneficiary? The team is pure.

Gree Electric’s 15% equity was taken over by Zhuhai Mingjun, and behind Zhuhai Mingjun, besides Gaoying Capital, Gree Electric management also participated in the shareholding. Some outsiders believe that the biggest beneficiary of the transfer of control rights in Gree Electric is the management of Gree Electric.

Dong Mingzhu responded that Gree Electric’s management is a pure team. In the past 20 years, it has never been more concerned about the company’s shares. It is bent on making Gree bigger and stronger, and there is no other idea. The development of an enterprise is not supported by capital, but by the innovative culture of the enterprise.

According to CICC’s report, Gree Group’s plan to transfer 15% of Gree Electric’s equity has properly arranged the interests of Gree Electric’s management. Among them, Gree Electric management entity will subscribe Zhuhai Mingjun 2.426 billion yuan, and get 11.10% of the capital contribution; In addition, the management entity obtains 41% of LP investment share (i.e. 20.3% of investment share) from Zhuhai Xianying (GP general partner of Zhuhai Mingjun), and can fully enjoy the management fee and GP income brought by Zhuhai Mingjun. The management entity will distribute 8% of the total GP income to the management and employees who have made important contributions to the listed company. The management entity obtained 41% controlling equity of Zhuhai Yuxiu (GP general partner of Zhuhai Xianying) for RMB 4.305 million, which can indirectly control Zhuhai Mingjun. After the equity transfer is completed, the company will promote the equity incentive plan, with the total amount not exceeding 4% of Gree Electric’s shares.

Are you satisfied with Gaoling Capital? Not satisfied or dissatisfied.

After Gree Electric threw out the intention of equity transfer, Hopu Investment was also very interested in this part of the equity besides Gaoyou Capital, but in the end Gaoyou Capital won.

When asked if he was satisfied with the equity transfer plan, Dong Mingzhu responded that this should be asked to Zhuhai SASAC.

There have been rumors before that the negotiations between Gaochun Capital and Gree management were not smooth. Dong Mingzhu responded: "Any negotiation is not smooth. If it is smooth, it will not be called negotiation." When asked if she was satisfied with the plan, Dong Mingzhu responded: "It is not satisfied or dissatisfied."

When asked how Gree Electric will cooperate or cooperate with its new shareholder, Gaoyan Capital, Dong Mingzhu replied that "at least I haven’t seen it now", and she further said, "If one capital can solve the problems of enterprises, how can we see that so many capitals are exploding today? Therefore, it is not a capital to support the development of enterprises, but the innovation of enterprises to support development. "

Gree Electric business segment readjusted.

Throw out the new strategy of "Internet of Everything" Gree mobile phone released for three generations.

On the same day, Gree Electric released the "Internet of Everything" strategy, and for the first time demonstrated a complete set of intelligent connected home appliances controlled by intelligent voice.

Gree staff demonstrated how to control refrigerators, washing machines, rice cookers, range hoods and other household appliances by voice with Gree IOT air conditioners and Gree IOT mobile phones as entrances.

Dong Mingzhu also personally released Gree Electric’s third-generation smart phone at the scene. On-site PPT shows that Gree’s third-generation mobile phone adopts a 5.99-inch full HD full screen, emphasizes the night shooting algorithm in taking photos, has intelligent IOT buttons, and controls household appliances by voice.

Dong Mingzhu said that every Gree third-generation mobile phone can directly open the "micro store in Dong Mingzhu". "With Gree’s mobile phone, you should buy Gree’s products, otherwise I will remember you."

There are also many controversies about Gree making mobile phones, but from Gree Electric, mobile phones are just an entrance to Gree’s smart home strategy.

Gree Electric has also publicly released four international leading technologies that have been identified-key technologies and applications of rare earth-free reluctance main drive motor system for new energy buses, high-efficiency reluctance variable frequency scroll compressor technology, high-performance linear servo motor and driver, and high-efficiency pneumatic suspension centrifugal compressor.

The latest information displayed in Gree Electric Exhibition Hall shows that Gree Electric’s business has been re-divided into two parts, one is consumption and the other is industry. Previously, Gree Electric’s four business segments included air conditioning, household appliances, communications and intelligent equipment. This also means that the first three sectors are now merged into the consumer sector, highlighting the overall smart home; Intelligent equipment has expanded into the industrial field.

Dong Mingzhu also confirmed the adjustment of the company’s business sector in the interview. She said that the consumer sector is the business that Gree started, and the industrial sector is the heavy weapon of the country. There is no conflict between the two. "Without high-end equipment, you can’t make perfect consumer products, and you won’t be biased."

Xinglongzhuang Street, Yanzhou District, Jining City launched a nationwide reading activity of "advocating reading for all and enjoying reading happiness"

  Public Network reporter Wei Donghui correspondent Xia Endo Jining reports.

  On March 18th, Xinglongzhuang Street, Yanzhou District, Jining City, relying on the rural bookstore of the New Era Civilization Practice Institute, organized the offline reading activities of "advocating reading for all and enjoying reading happiness" and "learning to strengthen the country" to create a strong reading atmosphere.

  At the activity site, the masses selected their favorite books and shared the pleasure of reading in the warm and quiet bookstore. In the reading sharing session, the masses actively expressed their reading experience, and also shared the experience of using "learning power", and actively recommended it to the audience, inviting them to scan the code and download the "learning power" mobile APP to jointly improve their scientific and cultural literacy.

  "This activity has created a good reading atmosphere for the whole people, stimulated the reading enthusiasm of the masses and injected new vitality into the construction of spiritual civilization in the streets. Xinglongzhuang Street will make full use of the farmer’s bookstore as an offline experience space for’ learning power’, continue to promote’ online and offline’ reading and learning activities, and continuously promote the development of reading for all. " Peng Fenggang, stationmaster of Xinglongzhuang Street Cultural Station, said.

Getting out of the misunderstanding of labor education practice: "gamification" can’t gain labor interest

  Bright pictures/vision china


  editorial comment/note

  Labor refers to the activity that people create material wealth and spiritual wealth necessary for their own survival and development through their own hard physical or mental efforts. In the new era, labor education has been picked up again, and schools have gradually begun to jointly carry out labor education practice with society and families. But in reality, labor education is often reduced to a simple task in daily teaching, a simple physical education, skill learning, and even alienated into entertainment, punishment and domestication. This paper holds that the lack of understanding of the connotation of labor and labor education still leads to some misunderstandings in the practice of labor education, such as the "servitude" of cognitive mental work that makes learning and labor oppose each other, the "play" that replaces the real pleasure of labor, and the lack of continuity in labor education, which needs serious reflection based on the connotation of labor education, and has certain practical pertinence, hoping to bring inspiration to readers.

  1, learning "servitude" put learning and labor in opposition.

  In recent years, labor education has been promoted to the same position as moral education, intellectual education, physical education and aesthetic education, so some schools have vigorously carried out labor education practice. Some open up schools to build farms and guide students to carry out productive labor practice; Some combine social resources and rely on labor education practice bases to organize students to experience labor. Social practice activities of learning agriculture and learning industry are carried out regularly every year in many places. However, while increasing the opportunities of labor experience, we will find a conventional concept that students’ daily study is not labor. This is really worth reflecting on. Isn’t learning itself labor?

  In fact, learning itself is also a kind of labor, and learning is cognitive mental labor. Soviet educator Suhomlinski believes that "labor education begins when students sit behind desks and study. Desk is the most complicated machine tool, which makes children, teenagers and teenagers feel that it is shameful to be careless, and laziness and idleness are sad. It is the most difficult thing for students to establish this understanding in education". Learning is a kind of labor that promotes the combination of wisdom and hands’ efforts. In this labor, learning is labor, while knowledge is the result of labor efforts. Under the background of digital labor era, the function of labor gradually turns to the existential function of realizing personal self-worth and obtaining the sense of value and meaning of existence. From this perspective, completing labor outside of learning may not be able to obtain more sense of value and existence than learning process.

  If learning is labor, why talk about labor education now? Why didn’t the mental work, which occupies the main position in students’ life at present, achieve the purpose of labor education? Why do schools often oppose mental labor and productive labor, and think that too much emphasis on intellectual development leads to insufficient labor experience? This is because the mental work of learning is alienated, and learning has been externalized as "labor".

  To recognize that learning is externalized as "labor", we need to trace back the essence of learning, a mental labor, and re-examine the current learning process of students. From Marx’s definition of labor, we can see that labor is firstly a process between man and nature. In the process of material exchange with nature, people increasingly realize the common attributes of things and phenomena, and find the regularity and connection between them, while mental labor is expressed in the form of representation, concept and reasoning. Learning this mental work ultimately points to scientific understanding of things, which is also an essential attribute for learning to become mental work. At present, students’ learning has gradually become "externalized labor" pointed out by Marx. Marx said in the Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844: Labor is an external thing for workers. In labor, he does not affirm himself, but denies himself. Instead of feeling happy, he feels unfortunate. Instead of freely exerting his physical strength and intelligence, he makes himself physically tortured and mentally destroyed. Once the external force stops, he will escape from labor like a plague. This exposition of externalization of labor seems to be just right to describe the study of today’s students. Students’ study is not to scientifically understand reality, but to pursue external material needs. The "tearing books after the college entrance examination" repeatedly exposed by the media reflects the students’ escape from this externally imposed task. Therefore, learning is no longer real labor, and it no longer has the function of liberating physical strength and intelligence.Instead, it becomes "hard labor", so it has little effect on improving students’ labor literacy.

  2. "Gamification" makes students lose their interest in labor.

  Corresponding to the fact that learning has become "hard labor", other forms of labor education that are gradually emerging show a trend of "gamification". Some schools carry out interesting and wonderful labor activities to attract students, and some schools integrate labor education into spring outing. On the one hand, this can improve students’ enthusiasm for participating in labor, but on the other hand, we need to pay attention to avoid blurring the difference between labor and games. Labor is the process of externalizing oneself, while game is the process of internalizing reality. The fuzziness of the difference between labor and games is more obvious in the digital age. Digital labor blurs the time-space boundary between entertainment and work, and dispels the traditional antagonistic relationship between play and labor.

  Labor is a serious process of giving, and the joy of labor lies in creation. This kind of giving also explains the self-externalization of labor. Students devote their physical strength and intelligence to the labor process and gain certain results. The pleasure that students feel in their work is the pleasure of creating things because of self-sacrifice, not fun. There is a difference between labor and games. Games can naturally bring satisfaction to children, but labor itself has no interest in children, so the interest in labor needs to be cultivated and developed consciously. The "gamification" of labor makes many activities look interesting, but there is no labor in essence, and students can’t gain interest in labor. Suhomlinski believes that the interest in labor should be manifested as "they realize that they can act on nature, make plants give fruits, and use tools to process wood or metal into needed shapes". Therefore, in the practice of labor education, we need to judge whether the interest in the labor process comes from giving and creating, or is interfered by other factors such as gamification.

  The contribution in the process of labor can cultivate positive labor values and make students love the working people and respect the fruits of labor. At the end of the 19th century, a "new" school appeared in France to train people engaged in "advanced knowledge occupations". In this school, students treat manual labor just like games and sports, because they don’t have to live by manual labor in the future. Although this school is located in the countryside, the students are far away from farmers’ lives. Although they are also working, they can’t really understand and study various social relations. Rousseau believes that only by taking part in labor in person and understanding all its complexity and arduousness according to experience can students judge the social significance of a production department in the future. Therefore, if we don’t regard labor as a serious process, we can’t cultivate our feelings for the working people, and we can’t cultivate our appreciation for the obtained survival materials.

  3. Labor education stays in experience and ignores daily self-service labor.

  At present, the labor practice of studying industry and agriculture in some areas is vigorously carried out, and an institutionalized labor experience system is gradually formed based on the construction of learning industry and agriculture bases. However, the persistence of these activities is worthy of attention. Most schools spend one week each semester leading students to experience labor, but they only stay in the experience once each semester, and there is a lack of cohesion between the activities, which is easy to make the labor experience become a casual entertainment. What’s more, some schools organize students to pull weeds in wasteland, and students regard pulling weeds as a kind of hard labor. This kind of labor experience of "working without teaching" deepens students’ rejection of manual labor. Therefore, the experience of labor must be complete, so that students can see the results of labor and feel satisfied with the achievements they have made through their own labor. If we just stop at pulling weeds without letting students experience the significance of pulling weeds for the growth of saplings, it will be difficult for this labor experience to play its due role. To lead students to plant wheat seedlings, we should let them see the process of wheat seedlings growing, heading and harvesting, and even let them see the process of wheat grains turning into food. At this time, the sense of pleasure comes not only from obtaining external products, but also from experiencing the sense of value and existence of labor.

  In fact, daily self-service labor is just the way to implement the principle of continuity of labor education. However, these are often ignored in schools and families. Schools spend time and energy to organize off-campus labor practice, but at noon, catering staff bring students lunch to the classroom, "depriving" students of the opportunity to experience self-service. The relationship between man and self is at the core of the three attributes of man, which also means that students’ self-service labor plays a vital role in students’ all-round development. Self-service labor can be regarded as the beginning of labor education. No matter what kind of productive labor he is engaged in in in the future, self-service will become his obligation and habit, and it is also the habit of cultivating people to observe discipline, meet their personal needs by doing it themselves, and form the habit of respecting others. When students get food effortlessly, it is difficult to ask them to respect food and labor.

  4. Strategies and suggestions for getting out of the misunderstanding of labor education practice.

  "If there is labor, there may not be education". Labor needs to satisfy three relational attributes, namely, man and self, man and nature, and man and society. The basic contents of labor are: self-service labor, productive labor and social welfare labor. Labor education is a practical activity based on physical labor and material production labor, exploratory innovation labor and artistic aesthetic labor, which is manifested in independent life in family life, practice and hands-on operation in study, public welfare activities in society and various professional labor. Therefore, the strategy to get out of the misunderstanding of labor education practice is to balance people’s different forms of labor demand through diversification.

  First of all, set up a cohesive and comprehensive labor education course. Dewey once said in The Waste of Education that all aspects and stages of education lack the necessary connection and cohesion with each other, which leads to conflicts and even negative effects. Similarly, in order to avoid the waste of education caused by labor education staying at the experience level, the labor education curriculum needs to pay attention to the cohesion of labor content and skills, which is reflected in the cohesion of curriculum content and the cohesion of education system. In terms of course content, it is necessary to set up labor courses that echo and connect properly according to the needs and characteristics of students of different classes and grades. In the education system, it is necessary to consolidate the skills and concepts of labor education through the cooperation between family and society. Schools can encourage students to find service jobs at home, take the initiative to participate in housework, and learn some labor skills. In addition, the content of labor curriculum also needs to take into account three basic labor education contents, namely, self-service labor, productive labor and social welfare labor.

  Secondly, change the concept of labor education of parents and educators, so that parents and educators can establish labor education awareness. The promotion of the cooperative mechanism between labor educators and schools puts forward higher requirements for teachers and parents’ awareness of labor education. For example, some schools will arrange "homework". If teachers and parents can’t pay attention to it, the effect will be greatly reduced. In order to avoid staying in the curriculum, labor education needs to enhance the awareness of teachers and parents. On the one hand, it is necessary to interpret the connotation, function and significance of labor education in combination with the development of the new era. On the other hand, it is necessary to change the concept of labor education through necessary education and training, so that they can voluntarily carry out and cooperate with the development of labor education activities.

  Finally, actively develop creative forms of labor and promote the combination of physical strength and brain power. Creative labor enables students to use the power of wisdom in physical labor, realize the unity of "internal thinking" and "external doing", and thus experience the happiness of labor. Wang Shaoliang, a scholar, believes that the labor values of contemporary teenagers have changed from "labor glory" to "labor happiness", that is, from "a kind of praise obtained from the outside through labor achievements" to "confirmation and affirmation of an essential force from their own labor achievements". Therefore, the development of school labor activities can not stay in simple physical labor, but needs to develop challenging creative labor that can show students’ physical and mental potential. Suhomlinski’s "creative labor theory" also points out that the content of labor education should be enriched with enough knowledge, abundant wisdom and refined talents.

   (Author: Ning Bentao Feng Linlin, respectively, professor of the Department of Education, Department of Education, East China Normal University, researcher of the Institute of Basic Education Reform and Development; Master student, Department of Education, East China Normal University)

La Liga: las palmas vs Atletico Madrid! Blood pressure? Why does Atletico Madrid like the home team type?

Let’s have our first chat today.La Liga: las palmas vs Atletico Madrid!

At the beginning of the season, we talked about Atletico Madrid’s away game against Vallecano. At that time, we analyzed why Atletico Madrid likes teams like Vallecano.

Coincidentally, today’s las palmas is also quite similar to Vallecano.Can Atletico continue to satisfy the fans?

This las palmas is just like.Basaer teamSame.

After playing in Barcelona for more than ten years, coach Pimienta has been a youth training echelon coach in Barcelona for twenty years.

After he came to las palmas, he brought in many players from Barcelona’s youth training to play football in Barcelona.

So,The style of this team is very similar to that of Barcelona, and many data are also very close to that of Barcelona.For example, the possession rate, the average number of passes per game, the high-pressure forced data and so on.

They have many advantages of Barcelona, such as high-intensity and effective high-level grabbing.Not only can it disrupt the opponent’s offensive organization, but it can often launch a counterattack on the spot to get a chance to break the door after stealing.

Therefore, it is very powerful for them to play the passing and controlling teams such as Huang Qian and Royal Society, and it will be very difficult for opponents to organize attacks normally.

But Atletico don’t buy it.

We introduced it before when Atletico Madrid played Vallecano.Atletico’s attack is very simple and fast, and it pays attention to the quick delivery of the ball, which will not give the opponent too much time to rush forward.

Moreover, because Atletico Madrid’s lineup is very stable, their ability to kick the ball may even be close to the level of Real Madrid.

Then, if Real Sociedad, Vallecano and other high-ranking teams that are equally fierce are hard to win the ball from Atletico Madrid, it may be difficult for las palmas.

Besides,Las palmas also has many shortcomings of Barcelona, for example, because a large number of people pressed into the frontcourt and forced to grab, which led to being easily beaten by opponents.

In almost every game this season, their opponents can get excellent scoring opportunities by playing behind them. For example, the last goal of almeria was a long pass behind them.

As far as Barcelona can play like this, it is backed by a strong defender. araujo, Comte and Christensen are all first-class in La Liga.

But las palmas doesn’t have a first-class defender. Even when playing Huang Qian, Huang Qian’s 1.95-meter high center Soloff is actually faster than their defender …

The combination of Atletico’s Gleizman and Morata is one of the best combinations in the five major leagues, and Morata is in the best season of his career, so it is hard for las palmas’s defenders to guard against it.

In addition, on the 1st, las palmas went to Manakol Island in the Mediterranean to play in the Cup, with a journey of 4,000 kilometers, which was still a bit of a toss-up.

Although the rotation has been made, many main players have also played, which may be somewhat worn out and may be at a disadvantage in physical fitness.

In the case that there is a big gap between the lineup configuration and competition experience of the two teams, if the weak side has no advantage in technical and tactical style and physical fitness, it will be difficult to play this game.

If Atletico Madrid wins tonight,You can temporarily climb to the top of La Liga.The fighting spirit may be relatively strong.

All things considered, can Atletico satisfy the fans? What do you think? The cocktail party expects them to score three points away from home!

Well, in other competitions today, Xiaojiu will still send you text analysis in the evening. If you have anything unclear, you can ask me, "Look at the ball and see clearly", and we will be there or not!

If you like it, move your fingers and pay attention to it!

Shenzhen civil aviation safety supervision department responded to "a loud noise occurred near Shenzhen Baoan Airport"

  Jimu journalist Li Xiancheng

  On the evening of October 30, many netizens said that they heard a huge plane roar near Shenzhen Baoan Airport and saw a plane flying at a low altitude. On the evening of 30th, the staff of Shenzhen Safety Supervision Bureau of Civil Aviation responded to a journalist who said that at 6: 22 that night, a flight made a go-around due to air traffic control and deployment. When the plane went around, the engine made a loud roar.

  Netizens broke the news that there was a huge roar at Shenzhen Baoan International Airport (Source: Network)

  At about 6: 30 pm on October 30, many netizens reported that they heard a rush of aircraft roaring near Shenzhen Baoan International Airport and saw a plane flying at a low altitude, which shook the windows. I have never encountered such a situation before.

  On the evening of the 30th, the customer service staff of Shenzhen Baoan International Airport told Jimu journalists that they had not received any relevant reports of aircraft anomalies. At present, Shenzhen Baoan International Airport is operating normally, and the inbound and outbound flights are operating normally.

  Many netizens reported encountering similar situations (Source: Network)

  At 10 o’clock on the evening of October 30, the staff of Shenzhen Safety Supervision Administration of Civil Aviation responded to a journalist who said that after detailed verification, at 6: 22 that night, a flight made a go-around due to air traffic control and deployment, and it was loud when going around. The flight landed normally at 6: 37.

  "During the go-around process, the engine generated a loud roar. Because it is full horsepower, many netizens hear this voice. At present, it is still a normal deployment, and the more detailed situation requires more detailed investigation in the follow-up. " The above staff said.

  Go-around, the technical term of civil aviation, also known as go-around (GA; Go Around), refers to the plane before landing to the ground, adjust the throttle to the maximum position (TO GA) and pull up the nose to return to the air and hover to land again.

What are the "magic weapons" to deal with the super typhoon "Lichima" and "Noisy Sea"?

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 12 th: What are the "magic weapons" to deal with the super typhoon "Lichima" and "Nautical Sea"?

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Ye Haoming, Gao Jing, Wang Junlu and Qin Huajiang

  It has caused 5 deaths and 7 missing in Shandong, 39 deaths and 9 missing in Zhejiang, and 73 rivers have exceeded the police … … The super typhoon "Lichima" has caused great losses to many coastal provinces and cities. What is the origin of "Lichima"? Have local emergency plans played their due role? What other aspects should we pay attention to in the next step to deal with the "Lichima" invasion? Xinhua News Agency reporters visited the front line of fighting against typhoons and launched an investigation.

  "Lichima", "Naughty Sea" and "Soft Meng" fruits are named super typhoon.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, "Lichima" is a tropical fruit with a "soft and cute" image and a close taste. I don’t want to become the name of the third strong typhoon that landed in East China in 70 years. According to experts, "Lichima" has become the fiercest typhoon this year because of its violent storms.

  — — Gale. The previous typhoons "Muen" and "Weipa" were tropical storms when they landed, and the winds were 8 and 9 respectively, which was far lower than the maximum wind intensity of 16 when "Lichima" landed. On the morning of the 11th, there were 8-10 gusts in northeastern Jiangsu, northeastern Anhui, northern Shandong and southern Bohai, and the local gusts in Qingdao and Tai ‘an in Shandong could still reach 12.

  — — Rainstorm. The huge rainfall brought by "Lichima" also threatens the safety of relevant places. As of the 10th, the rainfall in Taizhou, Zhejiang, northern Wenzhou, southern Ningbo and southwestern Huzhou reached 350-580mm, 829mm in Kuocangshan, Taizhou and 706mm in Sanmen. At the same time, heavy rain or heavy rain occurred in Shanghai, Jiangsu, central and eastern Shandong, eastern Anhui and other places, and heavy rain occurred in Weifang and Linyi, Shandong, with rainfall of 250 to 407 mm. As of the 11th, 73 rivers in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Anhui, Shandong and other places have experienced over-alert floods since August 9th.

  Why did "Lichima" bring such huge rainfall? "A typhoon is like a huge ‘ Water vapor absorber ’ Absorb water vapor from the ocean and bring heavy precipitation to the land. " Senior engineer of Typhoon and Marine Meteorological Forecast Center of China Meteorological Bureau explained to Chun Yi that the monsoon input of "Lichima" is very strong, that is to say, there is a cross-equatorial airflow to transport warm and humid air rich in water vapor in the equatorial region into the typhoon, which greatly increases its "water" power.

  Since the 8th, "Lichima" has caused many disasters, including landslides, mudslides and urban waterlogging. According to authoritative statistics, as of 7: 00 on the 12th, Typhoon Lichima had affected 6.679 million people, affected 234,000 hectares of crops and damaged 41,000 houses.

  Start emergency plans in many places according to law to reduce the degree of disaster.

  On the evening of the 8th, Weibo, the official of Qingdao Professional Meteorological Observatory, reported that a report reprinted by Qingdao Municipal People’s Government Press Office issued a typhoon warning in violation of regulations. "Qingdao Meteorology" emphasizes that "if a typhoon warning is issued, the city will start emergency plans, including flood control and resettlement, which is a very serious matter". This little tidbit once again highlights the importance of starting and implementing the "emergency plan" according to law when dealing with serious natural disasters.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, the China Meteorological Bureau has launched a Class II emergency response to major meteorological disasters (typhoons), issued a typhoon red warning, and carried out targeted monitoring, forecasting and early warning services;

  As the first province to contact typhoon, Zhejiang reserves all kinds of emergency relief materials, and the meteorological department launched the Class I emergency response against typhoon at the first time.

  According to the requirements of the emergency plan, Hangzhou has investigated 6,902 farmhouses, evacuated more than 2,000 people and closed 38 A-level scenic spots; According to the movement path, development and influence of the typhoon, Ningbo will continue to do a good job in the transfer and resettlement of people in dangerous areas and the safety management of transferred people and ships in Hong Kong according to the emergency plan.

  In Jiangsu and Shuyang County, from 20: 00 on August 11th, the flood control level I emergency response was launched, and 32 towns and villages with 255,000 people’s efforts arrived at the designated position of Xinyi River embankment to patrol the embankment to ensure related safety.

  In Shandong, Qingdao fangzhi upgraded the typhoon prevention level II emergency response to level I emergency response at 13: 00 on the 11th. The Water Affairs Bureau keeps a close eye on the largest river course in the city — — Flood control safety of Dagu River. The Culture and Tourism Bureau requires all scenic spots in the city to be closed and stop visiting activities. The Bureau of Commerce requires relevant units to strengthen the organization of the supply of "vegetable basket" commodities such as meat and vegetables to ensure that the market supply is not out of stock and does not stop.

  Xie Yuwen, dean of Zhongguancun Zhilian Disaster Perception Science Research Institute, said that timely launching and fully implementing the emergency plan can effectively help all localities control the disaster in the face of major disasters. Shouguang, Shandong Province, was affected by the typhoon, although the rainfall hit a historical record, but the disaster level was significantly lower than last year.

  "Wind blowing to the north" plus general disaster risk Northeast China or long-term large-scale precipitation

  The reporter learned from the Emergency Management Department of Shandong Province on the 12th that according to preliminary statistics, there were 1,655,300 people affected by the disaster in Shandong Province, 5 people died and 7 people were missing. The affected area of crops is 175,400 hectares, and 609 houses have collapsed. Relevant disaster data are being further counted.

  Why "the wind blows north"? Xiang Chunyi told reporters that the subtropical high was relatively strong this year. Under its guidance, "Lichima" did not land in low-latitude Guangdong and other places, but moved to the northwest.

  Experts warned that the biggest problem of the current typhoon northward is to directly expose the northern region with less experience in fighting typhoons to the typhoon. Because the northern part of China has a weak ability to withstand heavy rain and generally lacks experience in typhoon prevention, it will greatly increase the risk of disaster, so it must not be taken lightly.

  The reporter learned that at present, the expert group of flood control and drought relief technology of Shandong Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters is all in place, and professional consultation and judgment have been carried out on the situation of reservoir exceeding flood limit, river flood discharge and mountain torrents prone to occur. Shandong Provincial Defense Index has sent eight working groups to 16 cities in the province to guide the typhoon defense work on the spot, and urged all localities to carry out detailed safety hazard investigation and grasp the key links of defense.

  Xiang Chunyi also reminded that the weakening of typhoon landing does not mean that rainfall is reduced. The influence of "Lichima" on the northeast of North China will be long-term and wide-ranging, and the influence of continuous precipitation accumulation will be great.

  Experts said that from the afternoon of the 11th to the next 72 hours, there will be large-scale precipitation in the northeast of North China. After 72 hours, there may be some precipitation influence in the east of Northeast China.

Sunshine beach is hidden! The death of a 7-year-old girl in Florida warns of the risk of "quicksand trap"

  Sunshine beach has hidden dangers! Recently, a tragedy occurred in Florida, USA: a 7-year-old girl accidentally fell into a bunker and was buried alive while "digging sand" on the beach. Experts reminded that similar accidents are not uncommon in the United States, and parents should be especially alert to the "quicksand trap" when bringing their baby.

Sunshine beach is hidden! The death of a 7-year-old girl in Florida warns of the risk of "quicksand trap"

  A 7-year-old girl fell into a sandpit while having fun at the beach, and was buried alive. Investigators are investigating the scene. Source: New York Post

  ABC reported on the 22nd that the tragedy happened on the beach in Lauderdale-on-the-Sea, a resort town in Florida, on the afternoon of the 20th local time. At that time, Si Long Mattingly, who was only 7 years old, and his 9-year-old brother dug up a pit nearly 1.5 meters deep. Soon, this unstable "fortification" suddenly collapsed and the brother and sister were buried in the bunker. Because my brother is tall, the sand just doesn’t reach his chest, while my short sister is swallowed up by the yellow sand.

  According to reports, the local resident population is only about 6,000, and there are no professional lifeguards on the beach. Although there were enthusiastic passers-by to rescue after the incident, it was too inefficient to dig sand only by hands and buckets, and the surrounding fine sand continued to flow into the bunker. By the time the rescuers dug out the little girl with a shovel, she had already lost her pulse and was declared dead shortly after being sent to the hospital. The report said that the parents of the brothers and sisters were nearby at the time of the incident.

  The death of "quicksand trap" is not a case. Medical records show that three to five minors die every year in the United States, including some "older children". In addition to the beach, it is also risky for children to play with sand in parks or their own homes. Last year, a 17-year-old young man in North Carolina was buried in sand. In 2022, there were also dangers in national parks in Utah and beaches in New Jersey. Two victims were 13 years old and the other was 18 years old.

  Experts say that leisure places like the seaside are easy for people to relax their safety awareness. Many people are keen on digging sandpits and building castles, but they have no idea about the weight and danger of sand. Experts suggest that the depth of the bunker should not exceed the height of the knee, and try not to be in the pit, because the structure of the bunker is very unstable and it is easy to collapse instantly, causing danger. For tourists who are exhausted, they must be backfilled before leaving, because even if it is only a barrel deep, it may be dangerous. (Liu Yuran)

[Editor in charge:


Mango TV Transformation, "Under the Sun" catch me if you can, both the editor and the director are excellent!

According to the past habits, most of the dramas broadcast by Mango TV can’t escape the youth idols and sweet pets, but the opening year of 2021 is really a big surprise. The New Year’s drama chosen by Mango TV is actually Under the Sunshine produced by Bona, a big play in catch me if you can, knowing that the villain is there, but for various reasons, he can’t be brought to justice immediately. You must also make a pretence with him and deal with dozens of criminal investigation dramas!

From the first two episodes, "Under the Sun" shows a sense of suspense and tension that is not lost to this year’s hot and foggy theater. After being hijacked by gangsters halfway, the female university teacher escaped calmly and tactfully, and found that the murderer at that time changed her identity and reappeared in her life seven months later. The old policeman, who has been suspicious of the case and carefully pursued it, was victimized by the gangster’s design step by step, but he secretly left a chess piece and ambushed the murderer. The killers with high IQ and high face value play with their prey in their hands like cats, as if they don’t mind that their minions also have deadly abilities!

Not only is the story tightly woven and full of unexpected suspense, but it is also excellent in actor performance. First of all, I have to talk about Mr. Wang Jinsong. Although he has been off the production line in the third episode, he has set a benchmark for all the actors in these two episodes. Moreover, Chen Jinyan, the old policeman he played this time, is completely different from the role he interpreted before. Besides the justice of the police, he also has a special human touch, especially for Xiaowu, played by Liu Kai, who used his own dead church as a street punk to mix responsibility and justice, which also made the story have a longer-term development.

Another surprise is Peng Guanying. I have always paid close attention to this actor, not only because of his outstanding appearance and good acting skills, but also because he can often give people a reasonable role and some unexpected feelings. For example, in The Longest Day In Chang’an, the hypocritical son, a few scenes can be impressive. This time, he played the roles of Feng Xiaosheng and Shen Shijie respectively. When he first appeared, several side shots were full of ferocity. After that, the chic and arrogance of staying at the group headquarters was still a true performance. When I arrived, I played with Ke Yingshi’s abnormal eyes, which can be regarded as the most creepy scenes at the end of 2020. However, in the face of martial arts, people have to believe that people are complex and fickle animals. Such polarized emotions and performances make Peng Guanying play incisively and vividly in a short series. I believe that after the broadcast of Under the Sun, he will soon become one of the most frightening characters on the screen after An Jiahe!

On the other hand, "Under the Sun" has not forgotten the theme of guiding people to be good in film and television works while making great suspense and puzzles of human nature. From the beginning to the end, there were old policeman Chen Jinyan, victim Ke Ying and bystander Xiaowu who spared no effort to work for justice and vowed to wipe out criminal gangs and murderers. Even in the face of life and death threats and various threats from family members and relatives, they never gave up their persistence, but became more determined and more skillful in fighting criminals and crimes.

2021 is coming soon. At this time, watch "Under the Sun" on Mango TV, feel catch me if you can, who is frightening and inspiring, and understand what "justice may be late, but it will never be late!"