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Deng Chao, it’s really hard to be a director!

Original, Ren Shangkun, business personality

Author: Ren Shangkun

Source: Business figures (ID: biz-leaders)

On Jan. 23, the second day of the new year, Deng Chao had a dream. He dreamed of Xin Xiaofeng. It was his character in the suspense film "Burning Sun," a character who was extremely restrained because he was on the run for a homicide. That year, Deng Chao, Duan Yihong and Guo Tao won the China Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor. Until now, his performance in that film is still regarded by outside audiences as the peak of his acting skills.

When Deng Chao dreamed, he felt like he was in the movie again. He said he "couldn’t breathe." He remembered going to the sea to complete a shot. He felt uneasy and confused.


On the third day of the new year, "Chinese Ping Pong: The Jedi Strike Back" directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei was released. But soon, less than two days after meeting the audience, the film was announced to be withdrawn, adjusted to a small-scale screening from the fifth day of the new year, and postponed to the official release on February 17.

Regarding the reason for the withdrawal, the producer said that due to the major mistakes and serious deficiencies in the decision-making, preparation and promotion of the publicity and distribution team, the film fell into a particularly passive situation during the Spring Festival.

Less than two days after its release, "Chinese Ping Pong" announced its withdrawal. Source: Visual China

As a newcomer to the transformation of a well-known actor and director, he and his partner Yu Baimei once caused "group ridicule" and became the representative of bad movies. Deng Chao understands the voices of the outside world. In recent exchanges with the media about "China Ping Pong: The Jedi Strikes Back", one of his recurring phrases was, "Is there an elephant in the room to pretend not to see?" In Deng Chao’s words, the theme of the film is not success, but "failure", which is for those who are not optimistic.

After missing the Spring Festival, a family-friendly stew, people’s nerves were slightly loosened, and they wound up again to welcome the reality of the new year. Deng Chao told the story of national table tennis falling into the Jedi, and he had to face the situation of the current atmosphere retreating.

In the film and television industry, there are not a few people who act well and guide well. From the current public information, there is still a very definite answer as to why Deng Chao became a director and why he chose such a recognized and unconventional theme as competitive sports.

He said he was an adventurous person.

The Chinese women’s volleyball team, formerly directed by Chen Kexin, was changed to "Winning the Championship". According to Chen’s self-report, the filming of the women’s volleyball team was the most difficult film he had ever made. Deng Chao focused on the national ping, and in addition to the conceivable value narrative, the official statement also implied the personal experience of the main creator. Yu Baimei said, "When the national players played the game, they completed it under what difficult circumstances. Let’s see how they went on. If they can go on, we must also persevere." From the father-son "Galaxy Tutoring School" to today’s Chinese ping pong, Deng Chao’s story transmission method has not changed much, as Yu Baimei said above.

Deng Chao’s dream of directing still has a long way to go.

This time, "Chinese Table Tennis Jedi Counterattack" is aimed at the 1995 Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships. Dai Minjia, who was modeled after Cai Zhenhua, the national table tennis leader at that time, led the decision to return from abroad, linking up coaches, players and the process of social evolution.

It was indeed a pivotal battle in the history of national table tennis. Before that, the men’s team of the national team had suffered consecutive losses at the World Table Tennis Championships held every two years from 1989 to 1993. At the 1991 World Championships in Chiba, Japan, the men’s team ranked seventh, the worst season in history. The men’s team championship medal won by the national table tennis 18 years ago was a turning point for the national table tennis team and marked the arrival of a new era.

The question is how to present it?

For such a film that audiences can roughly think of the story and ending direction when they hear the title, the director Deng Chao puts it more from the perspective of the head coach. The description used in the film for the personnel dilemma facing the national ping as a whole at that time is: "Injured, blind, small, old". As for the individual "arc light", including the prototype Liu Guoliang, Kong Linghui and other national ping five tigers, and even Deng Chao’s coach Dai Minjia’s prototype Cai Zhenhua, it is still a rare item.

Bite the score

Under the narrative of the country and the grand goal of winning gold, the film gradually moved towards the road of "blood counterattack". Behind the victory, the film gave a high-flying summary answer at the end: "The Chinese are the most diligent people in the world".

During the intense promotion period, Deng Chao emphasized the training process of himself and other actors. To restore his technique, he practiced playing with his left hand. From the accounts of him and Yu Baimei, "burning", "winning" and "competition" are high-frequency words.

In addition to people, Deng Chao’s focus is still on "technology".

To this end, the main creative team spent a lot of effort. This is slightly different from the director Chen Kexin. Chen Kexin has selected a lot of real people who have no acting experience to appear on the scene, including Lang Ping’s daughter playing the young Lang Ping when he was an athlete, and active athletes Zhu Ting and Hui Ruoqi playing themselves. The middle-aged coach Lang Ping is played by Gong Li.

Chen Kexin said that after a period of time, he found that "it is easier to train players to act than to train actors to play." That is muscle memory and the daily life of players. In the film, Lang Ping has a line that it is not important to win, but to bite the score.

Competitive sports is a subject rarely covered in domestic movies. It has natural obstacles, including the resulting market difficulties.

No matter Chen Kexin or Deng Chao, it is predictable that it is difficult to penetrate into the more specific and complex environment behind the athletes and coaches. This is probably one of the reasons why Chen Kexin focuses on the iron hammer with great personality and the cultural drama behind the event.

As for the industry situation, Cao Baoping, the director of "Burning Sun", made a metaphor: "If you give them another 50 years of Chinese football, it can’t be good. It can’t be good because you don’t have it. Your whole mechanism and system don’t say that it starts with children, and then cultivates every seedling, and then let him know what the technology of football and the magic of football are."

"A movie doesn’t have to be a parody show. No matter how much you learn from a person, if you don’t have that aura, you will always be a parody show." Chen Kexin also failed to escape the value narrative, and the emotional drama is too divided into similar films. However, when it comes to presenting domestic competitive sports itself and its problems, Chen Kexin has gone a step further, or for some conceivable reasons, it has appeared a little more.

short board

In a recent interview with The Beijing News, Deng Chao admitted to his lack of ability as a director. He said that he and Yu Baimei once made a very failed movie, and they couldn’t sleep for many days, often with a face that was as gray as death.

But he also says he needs to face up to his shortcomings. "If you don’t play well, practice your playing style; if the racket glue doesn’t work, do the glue; if the tactics are not good, practice the tactics." He just doesn’t know if he knows where the shortcomings are.

In 2013, after the contract between Deng Chao and Huayi expired, he partnered with Enlight Media to establish "Orange Image", served as the chairman of the board, and began investing in movies. His first film was "The Breakup Master," released in 2014, starring Deng Chao and starring Yang Mi, who was popular at the time. The list of supporting actors is also extensive, including Liu Yan, Gulinazar, Wu Jing, Xie Nan, Jinxing and Han Han. In 2015, another masterpiece, "Villain Angel," by him and Yu Baimei, was launched.

During that time, Deng Chao once felt that he had glimpsed the code of comedy. "Breakup Master" grossed 660 million yuan at the box office, and "Villain Angel" was nearly 500 million. Feng Xiaogang’s "Old Cannon" starring in the same period was less than half that. "Breakup Master" and "Villain Angel" scored 5.1 and 4.4 on Douban, respectively.

In 2016, Stephen Chow’s "Mermaid" went live, and Deng Chao was the male lead. The film broke the box office 1 billion in four days, with a total box office of about 3.40 billion yuan. According to Deng later, Chow said he would be "the king of comedy in the future." Since then, Deng Chao began to reflect on his understanding of comedy. He decided to change direction.

Image source: The official Weibo of the movie "Mermaid"

"Galaxy Tutoring School," which deals with Chinese education, was released in 2019, and the box office is still good, surpassing 800 million in a week. On Douban, the film has a rating of 6.2.

The box office was high, and the reputation slipped. Accompanied by this, Deng Chao became a variety bar in the "Running Man" program for several years.

In terms of popularity alone, Deng Chao is not inferior to other actors. He also has no shortage of industry resources. Deng Chao has a share of "China Partner" directed by Chen Kexin and "Shadow" directed by Zhang Yimou. The screenwriter Liu Heng recommended Deng Chao as the second male in the first film "Assembly Number", which Feng Xiaogang’s transformation breakthrough. Deng Chao and Liu Heng are old acquaintances. The "Young Son of Heaven" written by Liu Heng was released in 2003. Deng Chao starred in Shunzhi, and he also rose to fame and became an "emperor professional". Deng Chao was 23 when he made that film. After that, Deng Chao starred in a series of TV series and met Sun Li in "Happiness is Like a Flower". Both the director and the screenwriter praised Deng Chao’s talent. He later turned into a director and was blocked, and once again proved his acting skills with "Burning Heart in the Sun".

What is the difference between the early actor Deng Chao and the director Deng Chao?

Coach and director

In the national table tennis film directed this time, he starred as a coach.

In "Winning the Championship", Chen Kexin gave Lang Ping, played by Gong Li, many close-ups, such as eyes and glasses, a rotating pen in his hand, and a notebook sitting in the stands to draw battle charts. Calm, but powerful. No roars.

So far, more than a decade later, Deng Chao’s past roles still show a stable consistency. In addition to the funny comedy he longs for, every time he combs his back, it feels like he has returned to the "Chinese Partner" of the past.

As a high-profile actor, Deng Chao has been seeking breakthroughs in recent years, switching between different tracks. From "Young Son of Heaven" to "Burning Heart of the Sun" and later "Shadow", which has a depressing atmosphere like black and white ink splashing, Deng Chao plays an inwardly anxious, confused and hesitant character. His feelings, understanding and emotional communication are the best among actors.

Cao Baoping, a representative of the sixth generation of domestic directors, met Deng Chao as early as when he was filming "Li Mi’s Conjecture." He once told Deng Chao, "Chao, 95% of you are very good, but only 5% still has a red carpet smell." Deng Chao interpreted this sentence as, "He doesn’t want you to have your own thing in the play, to become the character itself." Cao Baoping shared his views on directors with the media, saying that the director’s foundation is thinking about life, more analysis, and then requirements and judgments, and then narrative.

In recent years, Deng Chao has been a frustrated director. His wife, Sun Li, recently interviewed the media, saying that Deng Chao looks carefree, but he actually has a lot of scruples and cares about the emotions and opinions around him. But she feels that he is also changing.

This time, the star Deng Chao, who has always been at the forefront of the topic trend, will become a good director in the audience’s mouth?

The audience had expectations, and so did Deng Chao.

* Headshot purchased from Visual China

Original title: "Deng Chao, it’s so hard to be a director!"

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There were no new cases in Shenzhen on October 14

Prevention and control work released daily

From 0 to 24:00 on October 14, there were 4 new confirmed cases imported from abroad in the province, which were reported in Guangzhou, from Singapore, the Philippines, Cameroon and Senegal. There was 1 new case of asymptomatic infection imported from abroad, and Guangzhou reported it, from Singapore. All of the above were found at the port of entry or isolation point, and were quarantined and observed after entering the country. Three new cases were discharged.

As of 24:00 on October 14, the province has reported a total of 1873 confirmed cases of COVID-19 (477 imported from abroad). There are currently 36 cases in the hospital.

From 0 to 24:00 on October 14, there were no new confirmed cases in Shenzhen and no new asymptomatic infections.

As of 24:00 on October 14, Shenzhen has reported a total of 471 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Where did Qingdao’s "Patient Zero" come from?

Wu Zunyou made a preliminary judgment and made a suggestion

The "News 1 + 1" broadcast on October 13 continued to focus on the epidemic in Qingdao. The program connected Wu Zunyou, the chief epidemiologist of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, to respond to questions such as "Patient Zero", "Whether you need to be quarantined when you visit Qingdao during the Golden Week", and "The scale of this epidemic".

01. The scale of the epidemic in Qingdao should not be too large

According to the Qingdao Health Commission, as of 15:30 pm on the 13th, Qingdao’s nucleic acid test has completed 4.23 million samples, and 1.94 million results have been issued.

Wu Zunyou introduced that large-scale nucleic acid testing provides a very important technical means for understanding the scale of the epidemic. From the current results, the scale of the epidemic should not be too large.

Wu Zunyou mentioned that when a case occurs, it is still quite worrying. Especially if the patient takes the initiative to seek medical treatment in the community outpatient clinic, which indicates that there must be a certain number of cases later, depending on the patient’s early and late treatment. From the more information of Qingdao cases, they are mainly concentrated in hospitals, so the scale should be lower than that of Beijing Xinfadi and Xinjiang epidemics.

02. Taxi drivers have a limited role as a source of infection

In this epidemic in Qingdao, a taxi driver became a confirmed case, causing concern. Wu Zunyou introduced that when the driver first found positive nucleic acid, he was still asymptomatic and infected, and he turned to a confirmed case on the 13th. From asymptomatic infection to confirmed case, indicating that the driver is in the early stage of infection.

He introduced that according to the detoxification law of novel coronavirus, the patient is contagious one or two days before the appearance of symptoms and five days after the appearance of symptoms. For this driver, before the discovery on the 11th, his role as a source of infection was very limited. After the discovery on the 11th, he has been quarantined. For him, the scope of contact and spread is very limited.

03. Tourists who have been to Qingdao do not need to be quarantined

During the 11th of this year, Qingdao received 4.50 million passengers. Do you need to isolate all nucleic acid tests?

Wu Zunyou said that this is not necessary. Judging from the current testing situation, the epidemic is mainly confined to thoracic hospitals. For the vast majority of tourists who travel to Qingdao during the National Day, there is no opportunity to contact patients. But there is one point. If you go to the district where the hospital is located and take a taxi and have a taxi invoice, you need to check whether it is a taxi service provided by the patient. For other travelers, there is no need to worry too much. If you are really worried, you can take the initiative to go to a medical institution for a nucleic acid test.

04. Preliminary judgment of "Patient Zero" is likely to be related to the management of imported cases overseas

On the 13th, the epidemic conference in Qingdao mentioned that the possibility of community infection is getting lower and lower.

Wu Zunyou introduced that there are two interpretations. First, the epidemic is less and less likely to be brought to the hospital by the community to detonate. From the clinical symptoms and incidence of cases, it should be hospitalized patients, to accompany, to accompany family members, resulting in transmission. Second, the risk of this epidemic causing greater transmission in society is very small.

With the deepening of investigation and testing, more and more evidence shows that the 6 confirmed cases and 6 asymptomatic infections detected in this epidemic are highly related to the Municipal Chest Hospital. This hospital is responsible for the treatment of imported novel coronavirus infections.

Wu Zunyou said that the epidemic in Qingdao once again sounded the alarm, and the whole country should further supervise and inspect when receiving imported cases from abroad, check that the closed loop is intact and there are no loopholes.

Some netizens asked who was "Patient Zero"?

Wu Zunyou mentioned that there is no clear answer at present. Preliminary judgments show that the epidemic is not directly related to the Golden Week of November, and "Patient Zero" needs to be further transferred. Preliminary judgments are likely to be related to the management of imported cases from abroad, and this answer also needs to be further investigated and verified by local governments.

05. It is necessary to check the hospitals that receive imported cases from abroad

What issues should be paid attention to in the closed-loop management of imported cases abroad?

Wu Zunyou said that for the management of imported cases from abroad, there are designated hospitals or designated hospitals in various places. Some designated hospitals are dedicated to receiving COVID-19, and some provide services to other patients in the society while receiving COVID-19 imported cases.

If it is dedicated to serving COVID-19 cases, it should be said that the risk is relatively small. If it also serves other patients in the society, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the division of the ward is strictly isolated, and whether large instruments and equipment are cross-used.

This kind of risk should also exist in other parts of the country, so the results of this investigation in Qingdao should be taken as a warning. All localities should conduct a one-stop inspection of the hospitals that receive imported cases to see if there is a risk of loopholes in the entire closed loop and how to make up for it. This is a very important measure to stop the local spread of epidemics imported from abroad.

06. Qingdao has previously treated imported cases in hospitals, and some patients have been infected

On April 15 this year, at a press conference held by the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism, two new confirmed cases in Qingdao at that time attracted media attention.

According to the news released by the Qingdao Municipal Health Commission on April 7, it was initially determined that the two confirmed cases were infected by imported cases during their treatment at Qingdao Jiaozhou Central Hospital, and they were in the same ward as an imported case.

Three days later, on April 10, the official website of the Qingdao Municipal Government released information, dismissing Xing Chunli and Wei Xiu’e, vice presidents of Jiaozhou Central Hospital.

Is the test result of nucleic acid 10-in-1 mixed mining accurate?

This large-scale test involves mixing samples from 10 individuals for testing. Does this test comply with regulations? Can the results be accurate?

According to the introduction, the nucleic acid test work for the city’s population in accordance with the requirements of the novel coronavirus nucleic acid 10 in 1 mixed mining detection technology specification for nucleic acid sampling, mixed inspection in line with the State Council joint prevention and control mechanism related to social level crowd detection specification.

Mixed testing can improve the efficiency of screening, and play an important role in multi-screening, early diagnosis, and restoring the order of production and life as soon as possible. Professor Liu Yong, the main developer and specification writer of "novel coronavirus nucleic acid 10-in-1 mixed detection technology" and director of the laboratory department of Shengjing Hospital Affiliated to China Medical University, once said: "The biggest feature of the new technology is high efficiency. Saving time is extremely important in epidemic prevention and control. Finding patients one minute earlier and isolating them one minute earlier will reduce transmission and save a lot of social costs."

Once a positive is found during the mixed inspection screening, the relevant departments will be notified immediately to temporarily isolate the 10 subjects of the mixed inspection tube, and re-collect the single-tube swab for review. The mixed inspection meets the regulations, and the results are also accurate, and there will be no problems such as missed or wrong inspections.

Content sources: Shenzhen CDC, Shenzhen Health Commission, Guangdong Provincial Health Commission, Beijing Daily, Surging News

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Original title: "No new cases in Shenzhen on October 14"

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The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

The healing sandbox building game "Tiny Glade" created by Pounce Light launched the latest demo at the recent Steam New Festival, and the game was loved by many players.

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

Pounce Light recently updated the latest news on the Steam homepage, and the number of wish lists added to the game has reached 1 million, far exceeding the developers’ expectations.

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

Pounce Light mentioned in the update that it was originally expected that "Small World in the Woods" would become a niche indie game, but they were surprised by the attention and love of many players. Therefore, the developers decided to extend the demo of the new festival by one week until June 23, so that players who missed it would have the opportunity to experience the game.

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

"Small World in the Woods" is a casual, healing castle-building game. There are no grid restrictions, and players can explore the interaction of building materials to the fullest, and see what kind of world the game can build with bricks, stones, and planks. No management, no combat, no right or wrong. Leisurely, you can turn forgotten meadows into lovely miniature landscapes.

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

The healing sandbox building game "Small World in the Woods" launched the Steam New Product Festival demo wish list has reached 1 million

Smart driving upgrade does not need to press "picture" Suoji, Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy upgrade is listed

On January 8, the official announcement of the Avita 11 Hongmeng Edition Smart Enjoy upgrade was listed. The car has mainly undergone four upgrades: smart driving upgrade, equipped with no map NCA function that does not rely on high-precision maps; comfort upgrade, four somatosensory optimization; chassis upgrade, new Huawei iTRACK function; rights upgrade, the highest "intelligent" rights and interests can be enjoyed for life. And the whole system does not increase the price, maintaining the 90-degree rear drive version 300,000 yuan, 116-degree rear drive version 335,000 yuan, 90-degree luxury version 350,000 yuan, 116-degree luxury version 390,000 yuan The price remains unchanged.

With the launch of the car, Avita has entered the era of "de-precision mapping" smart driving, effectively making up for the shortcomings of the high-precision map smart driving solution, not only solving the pain points of "follow the picture", but also unlocking more high-frequency smart driving scenarios. It is reported that its urban NCA smart driving function will unlock more than 300 cities at one time, bringing users a travel experience that "can be driven all over the country and is easy to drive all over the country".

Thanks to the industry’s top-class vehicle sensing and computing capabilities brought by the 3-laser radar that is fully equipped at the beginning, Avita 11’s smart driving NCA function that does not rely on high-precision maps can be quickly implemented. Avita 11’s smart driving system integrates road topology inference network (RCR) + the industry’s first GOD network to build road information in real time, keenly identify various obstacles, and improve driving safety for people and smart driving.

Avita 11’s intelligent driving system can make rapid and reasonable vehicle motion planning and path planning, and the driving style is more "human-like". In response to scenarios such as subway repair, tidal lanes, and temporary road changes caused by traffic control, the intelligent driving system can make up for the difference in the iteration cycle of high-precision maps, and truly can be opened without pictures, and complex road conditions will not be degraded. In response to daily commuting and self-driving inter-provincial travel scenarios, the intelligent driving system can independently choose roads with higher traffic efficiency.

Combined with user feedback, the car has also been optimized for the four body senses of the seat, such as legs, waist, back, and sitting posture, so that users can have a comfortable experience no matter which seat they take. At the same time, the chassis upgrade of the car is equipped with Huawei iTRACK architecture, which can realize ultra-fine road condition perception 10,000 times per second, and torque real-time adjustment of 1,000 times per second to achieve the best power output mode under different road conditions and create the best driving experience.

Huawei iTRACK function "makes the road smooth". For the most common speed bump scenarios in daily life, Huawei iTRACK accurately recognizes wheel speed fluctuations, and adjusts and controls torque within milliseconds to achieve rapid convergence. After actual measurement, wheel speed fluctuations can be reduced by 50%, and aftershock time can be reduced by 40%, thus effectively improving the comfort and safety of the whole vehicle and bringing users a better driving experience. 

Benefit upgrade is convenient. From now until February 29, 2024, car buyers can choose one of the following benefits: Benefit 1, users who buy cars after January 8 will be given a high-end smart driving bag worth 26,000 yuan; Benefit 2, car buyers can enjoy a discount of 5,000 deposit to 25,000 yuan during the event. In addition, Avita also launched more car benefits for a limited time, including: the first owner’s lifetime Sandian quality assurance; 6,000 yuan replacement subsidy; gift intelligent fragrance system; down payment of 42,000 yuan, full-term ultra-low interest financial incentives, etc.

Upstream News, Wu Jian

Editor: Wang Xinyu, Editor in charge: Zheng Wei, Review: Zhao Lei

Newton Group suspends capital injection! Hengda Auto’s heavy announcement: resumption of trading tomorrow

Every editor, Zhang Jinhe    

On the evening of October 8, 2023, Hengda Automobile announced the resumption of trading and disclosed the latest progress of the war investment.

Evergrande Motor said in the announcement that on September 29, 2023, it received a letter from Newton Group stating that in view of Evergrande Motor’s announcement of the suspension of trading of its shares on September 28, 2023, together with a series of recent changes in China Evergrande, which in turn will also bring significant uncertainty to the share purchase agreement and the proposed transaction. According to the share purchase agreement, the completion of Evergrande Group’s workout and a series of other prerequisites are very important prerequisites for closing. In this case,Newton Group suspends its obligations under the share purchase agreement. 

Newton Group said that according to the transitional financial support agreement, due to the current situation that the preconditions under the share purchase agreement cannot be met, the preconditions for Newton (Zhejiang) Automobile to pay the second and third funds to Hengda New Energy Vehicle (Tianjin) have not been met.It is not obligated to pay the second and third tranches of funds to Hengda New Energy Vehicle (Tianjin) for the time being. 

In addition, Newton Group also hopes that Hengda Automobile will reply to clarify the following aspects:

First, the Hengda Group workout plan involved in the share purchase agreement needs to be readjusted, and there are plans to launch a new restructuring plan;

Second, China Evergrande, Evergrande Automobile, creditors and related parties are willing to renegotiate the adjustments required for the proposed transaction plan on the premise that the new restructuring plan is clear.

Third, Newton Group confirms that the letter sent to Hengda Automobile does not constitute a notice to terminate the share purchase agreement, and there is no request to terminate the share purchase agreement as of the date of issuance.

Evergrande Automobile pointed out that on October 5, 2023, it sent a reply to Newton Group.Expresses its willingness to renegotiate with it any necessary adjustments to its plans for the proposed transaction.Evergrande also said it would make further announcements in due course in accordance with the Listing Rules and Takeover Rules. 

The board of directors of Evergrande Automobile believes that,It currently has no other insider information that needs to be released.It has applied to the Stock Exchange to resume trading from 9:00 am on October 9, 2023. At the same time, Evergrande also cautioned that as the proposed transaction may not proceed, shareholders and potential investors should exercise caution during the transaction.

On the evening of August 14, Hengda Automobile (0708.HK) issued an announcement,The first strategic investment of US $500 million (about RMB 3.63 billion) by the US-listed company Newton Group (NWTN), which is held by the UAE sovereign fund, and 600 million RMB transition funds will arrive one after another 5 working days after the announcement

All investment funds are used in Hengda Automobile’s Tianjin factory to ensure the normal production of Hengchi 5 and the successive mass production of Hengchi 6 and 7It is reported thatNWTN Group will also assist Hengda Automobile to develop overseas markets and achieve the annual export of 30,000 – 50,000 Hengchi vehicles to the Middle East market

Before the suspension, Hengda Automobile’s share price was HK $0.56, and its market value was HK $6.073 billion.

On the evening of September 21, Hengda Automobile released the 2023 semi-annual report, showing that as of June 30, 2023, the company’s total assets 42.852 billion yuan (RMB, the same below),Total liabilities 75.692 billion yuan.

As of June 30, 2023, Hengda Motor borrowed 26.997 billion yuan, up 1.011 billion yuan from 25.985 billion yuan at the end of 2022.

As of June 30, 2023, Hengda Automobile was involved inFailure to pay off maturing debts accumulated about 9.341 billion yuan, the overdue commercial ticket accumulated about 3.591 billion yuan.

In the first half of 2023, Hengda will focus on the production and delivery of Hengchi 5, with more than 760 vehicles delivered.

On the evening of July 26, 2023, Hengda Automobile (00708.HK) released its 2021 and 2022 results announcement. For the year ended December 31, 2022,The Group incurred a loss of 27.664 billion yuan (2021: loss 56.344 billion yuan)As of December 31, 2022, the Group’s cumulative loss and shareholder loss were 98.906 billion yuan (2021: loss 71.241 billion yuan) and 68.651 billion yuan (2021: loss 39.339 billion yuan) respectively.Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 2022 at $220 million (2021: $2.453 billion)

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Image source: Hengda Automobile Announcement

In terms of debt,Evergrande Automobile’s total liabilities in 2022 are 183.872 billion yuan, excluding the advance receipt 3.314 billion yuan, the debt scale is 180.558 billion yuan. As of December 31, 2022,The Group is involved in unliquidated maturing debts of approximately 11.626 billion yuanIn addition, as of December 31, 202,Group overdue tickets accumulated about 18.512 billion yuanAs of December 31, 2022, Hengda AutomobileThe total assets are 115.22 billion yuan, which is already insolvent

According to Life Daily, Newton Group (NWTN) is the "pacesetter" of new energy vehicles in the United Arab Emirates, with deep ties to China. Newton Group was formerly known as the Tianjin-based company Iconic. After "Nirvana",Newton Group received funding from the UAE Royal Fund and was established in Dubai in 2016To be born again.Newton Group is now controlled by the Royal Group of the United Arab EmiratesIt has unique advantages in core technologies such as modular pure electric platforms, digital vehicle interconnection systems, electrical and electronic architecture, and autonomous driving. Supercar, full-size SPV, and compact SPV are the main products being developed by Newton Group.

As the first manufacturer to obtain a new energy vehicle production license in Abu Dhabi, the strength of Newton Group should not be underestimated. In May 2022, Newton Group announced that it signed a PIPE subscription agreement with Al Ataa Investment LLC (hereinafter referred to as LLC) in Abu Dhabi, UAE, with a total amount of 200 million US dollars. LLC is the UAE Royal Assets Company, which is not only an important part of the UAE economy, but also represents the national intention of the UAE’s special political system. This subscription shows the strong support of the UAE for new energy vehicles, and also shows the country’s determination to develop local new energy vehicles.

With the strong support of the UAE government,Newton Group successfully "landed" on Nasdaq in the United States on November 14, 2022, becoming the first stock in the United Arab Emirates’ new energy vehicle listing in the United States

Before putting on the coat of "the first share of new energy vehicles in the United Arab Emirates", Newton Group was active in domestic and foreign markets as the "Iconic" brand.

According to Iconic’s official Weibo chat history, in September 2016, Tianjin Iconic New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. was established. In April of the following year, the company brought its first pure electric MPV to the Shanghai Auto Show and claimed that it had won nearly 10,000 pre-orders at home and abroad before it was listed. The first batch of new cars will be delivered in 2019.

Image source: Weibo screenshot

Similar to the "hot-selling" news of the product, there are also its big-name partners that have been officially announced, such as product design by W Motors, a Middle Eastern supercar manufacturer, prototype car building by Turin studio, and working with Microsoft to create future smart travel solutions.

However, as the time came to 2019, Iconic did not release more news on the delivery of orders. But at the same time, the company is still revealing new "highlights". According to a report by China News Service in April 2019, during the 2019 Shanghai Auto Show, Iconic founder and president Wu Nan announced that Iconic established Tianjin Tianqi New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd.

In July of the same year, Tianjin Aikonik New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. was renamed Tianjin Tianqi Group Co., Ltd. At that time, many media reported that Aikonik and Tianjin Jinghai District Government, Tianjin Baili Machinery Equipment Group Co., Ltd. and Tianjin Jinghong Investment Development Group Co., Ltd. reached an agreement on the transfer of equity of Meiya Automobile, and thus obtained the car manufacturing qualification.

Inside the registered place of Tianjin Tianqi Group, picture source: Photo by Li Xing, every reporter

According to the news released by Tianjin Jinghai District Rongmedia Center in 2019, the Tianqi New Energy Vehicle Headquarters project will be settled in Jinghai District Ziya Economic and Technological Development Zone. The project is divided into two phases as a whole. The first phase starts the new energy vehicle production base project, and the planned annual production capacity is 50,000 new energy MPVs. It is expected to start construction in October 2019 and be completed and put into operation in October the following year.

However, there is no public information on the progress of the project.

Previously, a reporter from the "Daily Economic News" called the investment project department of the Jinghai District Government Service Office to inquire about the follow-up progress of the aforementioned project. After the other party’s inquiry, the project was not established in the system. "[The project unit at that time] may have an agreement with the district government, but it may only be a framework agreement, or a strategic agreement. In the end, the project unit may not be cost-effective (think) it is not suitable, or the supporting site selection may feel that there is a problem, and it will not be connected. Then the project will be completed in the end."

The daily economic news is comprehensive from Hengda’s announcement and the daily economic news (reporters: Zhu Chengxiang, Li Xing, Yang Yu)

Disclaimer:articleThe content is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

Lynk & Co 02 Hatchback new model will be available today, lowering the price threshold

BITECH On March 24th, the 02 Hatchback Plus/Pro model will be launched today. The two new models are equipped with a Drive-E 2.0TD T4 turbocharged engine and are matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission. Their launch will not only enrich their product line, but also lower the price threshold and provide more choices to consumers. On June 1st last year, the 02 Hatchback Halo model was announced, with a price range of 17.68-18 1,800 yuan.

It is reported that the 02 Hatchback Plus/Pro will be basically the same as the Halo in terms of styling, and offer gray, black and white paint options. The Plus roof is the same color as the body, and the Pro is designed with a roof-to-body color. In addition, both new cars are equipped with 19-inch Goodyear Eagle F1 sports tires, and the interior is unified in a black minimalist style.

In terms of configuration, the 02 Hatchback Plus/Pro is equipped with 17 ADAS safety driver assistance systems and direct intelligent tire pressure monitoring functions. The configuration on the Halo model has been optimized and upgraded on the Plus/Pro model.

Including OTA online self-service upgrade, mobile app vehicle assistant, car-home interconnection, one-click custom button of steering wheel and car Wi-Fi connection function at any time. The car system is upgraded to E03 chip, the operation response is faster and the experience is smoother.

In the power part, the 02 Hatchback Plus/Pro is equipped with a Drive-E 2.0TD T4 turbocharged engine with a maximum output power of 190kW and a peak torque of 300N · m. In the transmission part, it is matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission. The official comprehensive fuel consumption of 100 kilometers is 6.4L.

In the test list of Easy Car, the 02 Hatchback Halo model equipped with Drive-E 2.0TD T5 turbocharged engine, matched with 8-speed automatic transmission, has a 100-kilometer acceleration time of 7.43s and a braking distance of 36.87m. Four data, including 100-kilometer fuel consumption and Elk test, all ranked second in the same class, after the eighth-generation Golf, showing good competitiveness. On the Plus/Pro model, the new car will be equipped with Drive-E 2.0TD T4 turbocharged engine, matched with 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission. How each test project performs, please pay attention to the detailed test experience brought by the follow-up test of Easy Car.

Just now, Evergrande responded!

  In response to the short-selling agency’s report that Evergrande had never made a profit, China Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on the morning of December 4 that the report had no actual basis.

  On the morning of December 4, China Evergrande Hong Kong shares fell by more than 4%. As of 9:56, China Evergrande Hong Kong shares rose by more than 5%.

  Evergrande will further clarify

  On the morning of December 4, China Evergrande issued a clarification notice on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, stating that the company noticed that an institution published a report on December 1, 2023 that the company had never made a profit. The report has no actual basis, and the company will further clarify the content of the report later.

  On December 1, GMT Research, a short-selling agency, published a report that pointed out that the delayed release of China Evergrande’s 2021 annual report clearly reflects the company’s obvious exaggeration of revenue and profitability, and it is likely to continue to exaggerate for many years. Evergrande may have basic problems or even never made a profit.

  Operating loss in the first half 17.38 billion yuan

  On August 27, China Evergrande released its semi-annual report for 2023. During the period, revenue was 128.20 billion yuan, an increase of 44% year-on-year; gross profit was 9.80 billion yuan, an increase of 38% year-on-year. During the period, the operating loss was 17.38 billion yuan, the non-operating loss (including litigation, land recovery, equity disposal and other losses such as asset appraisal impairment) was 15.03 billion yuan, and the income tax expenditure was 6.84 billion yuan. The total net loss was 39.25 billion yuan. In addition, Evergrande’s cumulative sales so far this year are about 40.50 billion yuan, an increase of 123% year-on-year. As of June 30, Evergrande’s land reserves reached 190 million square meters, and there were 78 old renovation projects (34 in Shenzhen).

  A few days ago, China Evergrande disclosed the update announcement of Evergrande Real Estate involving major litigation and failure to pay off due debts. The announcement shows that as of the end of October 2023, Evergrande Real Estate had a total of 2002 pending proceedings with an amount of more than 30 million yuan, and the total amount of the underlying amount was about 470.755 billion yuan. As of the end of October 2023, Evergrande Real Estate had completed a total of 75 real estate projects through equity transfer, land and construction transfer, trust, and holding.

  During October 2023, Hengda Real Estate added 100 pieces of information to be executed as of the deadline set out in the previous announcement, and the total amount of new execution was about RMB 6.617 billion yuan.

  As of the end of October 2023, Hengda Real Estate and its subsidiaries within the scope of the merger involved a total of about 301.363 billion yuan in unliquidated maturing debts, and a total of about 2059.33 billion yuan in overdue commercial tickets.

  In addition, China Evergrande disclosed the "Litigation Information" on November 29, 2023, and China Evergrande noted the announcement issued by Evergrande Property Group Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of China Evergrande) on November 28, 2023, regarding its subsidiary Jinbi Property Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Jinbi Property"), including China Evergrande and three related subsidiaries, for the enforcement of its 2 billion yuan deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank. Approximately 1.9963125 billion yuan and approximately 152.0628 million yuan of provisional interest.

  As of the date of the above announcement, China Evergrande and its related subsidiaries have not received notice of the lawsuit filed by the Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China regarding Jinbi Property. China Evergrande will seek legal advice to safeguard the legal rights of China Evergrande. China Evergrande will issue further announcements on any material progress of the above litigation in due course. (Dong Tim)


Is it realistic to rent a car and run a network to book a car? The old master tells you that you should pay attention to a few "super pits"

Renting a car has always been controversial. I really know this industry very well. Can you rent a car? I tell everyone clearly that you can definitely rent a car. It just needs to be consideredhaveIt’s not a question of whether you can rent a car, but whether you will. There are too many real cases around me, I really can’t count them! In Huaian, Jiangsu, where I am located, basically every company rents3800Yuan, the monthly flow can reach1.2But let me tell you, the so-called "pits" are not visible on the surfaceIt’s called"Pit"! The following "super pits" must be paid attention to!

The first is the mileage limit. When renting a car, if you don’t mention it, they will definitely not take the initiative to bring up this issue. Generally, the rented car will only run for you every month.110,000 kilometers, as long as you run enough miles, you can’t continue running this month. Didn’t you think? As I mentioned above, what you can’t see is the real "pit". 10,000 kilometers of running water is probably1.2About 10,000 yuan, after all, when you usually use the car and pick up passengers, it doesn’t count as money.

1.2Million yuan removed500Yuan household electricity bill, minus300The electricity bill of the Yuan fast charging station, and3800Yuan car rental, you can only have the rest7400Yuan! Under normal circumstances, if you are really going to rely on online car-hailing to eat, every month1Ten thousand kilometers is absolutely not enough. Just this alone, it is estimated that many people can’t bear it.

Secondly, the condition of the car, although the car is used to make money, the condition of the car cannot be ignored. You must not rent that kind of old car, because the battery of the old generation car is not very good, and the shrinkage is more serious. The battery life of more than 400 kilometers can run at most200.About kilometers, this is a very serious matter. Charging is a small matter, mainly to delay making money by yourself. If you can’t rent a new car, don’t hesitate and give up!

Here to talk about, generally GAC Ai’an, Changan Yidong New Energy, Geely Emgrand, GeometryA proThe new BAICEUQichenD60They are all more reliable. I don’t mean that the car is good, but it is more reliable than the entire car rental industry. If you rent a Pentium, the old BAICEU5, then be careful, these cars will be like I said above. Also, the mileage should be less than20Thousands of kilometers, more than20The 10,000-kilometer car’s battery life is basically downhill, which has a relatively large impact on making money and is prone to problems.

Finally, there is the issue of the duration of the contract. If it is signed at one time6Years, don’t hesitate, just give up. The reason is simple, if you can really run6Year, then here6In years, you will definitely choose to buy your own car. If you are not satisfied with running6Years, the same need to pay liquidated damages. Therefore, be sure to be optimistic about the contract period, generally2It is signed once a year or so. Then there is the problem of accidents. The industry standard is that the insurance driver of the year after the accident is carried out. If there is no insurance, the insurance premium will be borne by the company. It depends on how the individual handles it. The insurance fee is about1.2About 10,000 yuan.

If you are addicted to "Animal Crossing", do you know what game literacy is?

Can games be an effective way to learn, and how should we perceive the learning function of games?

The University of Wisconsin-Madison professor James Paul Gee’s book Game-Changed Learning: Game Literacy, Critical Thinking, and the Future of Education provides a model for discussing the relationship between games and learning. For him, a game is a well-designed learning experience in which you can identify problems, understand them, and solve them.

The true potential of the game has yet to be tapped.

"The" sense of play "is everywhere"

The game Pikmin 3.

When it comes to video games, many people’s first reaction is to be addicted and unable to withdraw. They believe that online games can easily lead to negative problems such as declining academic performance or reduced work efficiency, poor eyesight, and withdrawn personality. Is this our misunderstanding of games?

James Paul Gee (author of Games Change Learning: Game Literacy, Critical Thinking, and Education for the Future): People become addicted to anything that brings pleasure, especially when it makes up something that is not there in life. However, pleasure is an important human driver. Without pleasure, one would not want to learn.If we need to deal with a variety of addictive behaviors, we need to identify what the addict is missing in real life and help them find it.In addition, we also need to learn how to make powerful technologies benefit lives rather than harm them.

When my son Sam was six years old, he played a game called Pikmin, which was designed by Shigeru Miyamoto in 2001. You may not know who Shigeru Miyamoto is, but his masterpiece is the famous Super Mario. In Pikmin, the player takes on the role of Captain Olima, whose spaceship crashes to an unknown planet due to a comet impact. Olima can only survive for 30 days, and within 30 days, he must find the missing spaceship parts and escape from the planet. The game sounded interesting, but after watching his grandson play for a few hours, Sam’s grandfather commented, "Although it may be good for the child’s eye-hand coordination, it’s a waste of time because the game has nothing worth learning."This is also a typical misconception that important knowledge is often gained from the subjects taught in schools, and the rest is just "meaningless entertainment". But in fact, games can also generate knowledge.

Jing Sun (Translator of "Games Change Learning: Game Literacy, Critical Thinking, and Future Education"): From the perspective of consumption, in our traditional culture, games and work learning are a set of binary opposing expressions, and this evaluation of traditional games has more or less influenced people’s views on digital games. From the perspective of production, although people currently know that games can play serious functions other than entertainment, and can be used in various scenarios such as education and medical care, there are very few such game products, and the public does not have much access to such games.

Furthermore, contemporary attitudes towards games are mainly divided into "addiction school" and "addiction school". It is obvious that the "addiction school" misunderstands games and advocates that all games are bad. On the contrary, the "addiction school" exaggerates the entertainment function of games and believes that all games are good.Both views are also generational differences between "digital natives" and "digital refugees," but both views are misconceptions of gaming, and ultimately a lack of adequate game literacy.

Upper Study: Game literacy is a very important concept proposed by Professor Ji in the book. What is game literacy?

James Paul Gee: When people play video games, they are learning a new kind of literacy. As an important part of digital literacy, game literacy is not just the ability to understand the game or play the game, but the ability of the player as an active participant to "control" the game symbol system in turn. In the process of playing, the player can not stop at "input" – one-way passive acceptance of the game content, but also be able to "output" – active and critical gaming experience.

In the book, I distinguish between "lowercase games," which are the software you play, and "uppercase games," which are not just the software but also the social interactions and social resources that go with it, so that players can put the game into a social context, go beyond the game itself and reflect on it, discuss it, and even modify it.What we should be focusing on is "capital games," that is, games and all the social elements associated with them. Now, players make this very clear.

Sun Jing: As far as the term "game literacy" is concerned, Professor Ji has laid a solid theoretical foundation for this concept from the perspective of linguistics and pedagogy, which is also the biggest gain I have gained from translating this book. I believe that game literacy is an active and critical game experience. One is the ability to read games, emphasizing the evaluation of games for specific game works, and to understand games in specific social and cultural contexts. The other is the ability to use game writing, that is, to modify and create games, and eventually to use games to express themselves.

When it comes to reading and writing, we usually think of words. Can games become the same medium as words?

Sun Jing: Of course, and it has already happened. In short, game thinking is a way of thinking that solves problems through trial and error, with initiative, exploration, and criticism.Today’s young people are all "game generation", growing up in the infiltration of games. Through games, they can understand traditional media such as literature, television, film, painting, etc. It can be said that the "sense of game" is everywhere, becoming a way for them to understand the world.

James Paul Gee: We’ve known for a long time that people can learn from all kinds of media experiences, just as they learn from real-world experiences. It’s true that sometimes they can’t remember whether what they’re learning came from the real world or from a medium. Games are also gradually becoming a medium like books, and have a deeper impact on people than books. In other words,Books can tell us what an electron is, but games can make us an electron.

"The Secret of the Game"

Laura in the game Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation.

Upper Study: Not everyone who plays games is successful in translating the advantages that come from gaming into their daily lives. What’s going on with some deep gamers who benefit from gaming, while others run into trouble?

James Paul Gee: The same is true for books. What you get out of a book depends on what you read, how you read it, and who you read or discuss with. Compared to other types of reading, a romance novel may not be "spiritual food for thought and practice."But if you read it with a critical perspective and "read it like an author," thinking in your head how to use it, how to change it, how to make it a spiritual imagination, then novels like this can also pay off.

Sun Jing: This is still related to game literacy. If you passively accept the content conveyed by game producers and game works, then players will still have nothing to gain except entertainment pleasure. Even hard-core players, some people are just immersed in the game, excessive consumption of time and money, affecting real life; while others may repeatedly refine strategies, optimize tactics, and become world esports champions. If you want to gain something from the game, you must have enough critical thinking and game literacy, be able to understand the game, and more advanced, be able to use the technical language of the game to solve real life problems.

Upper Study: Whether it is learning or gaming, difficulty and skills are the key parameters. In games, it is very common to not give up even if you are turned into a slag in seconds, and it is very common to not sleep until you complete the level. Why can players enjoy immersing themselves in the game, but be hesitant to learn?

James Paul Gee: This can be called the secret of games. I’ve played a lot of games and found that a good game has a characteristic: almost every problem has multiple solutions. Players can choose strategies that suit their learning, thinking, and acting styles, which is a great motivator and a rich resource for reflecting on their behavior and problem-solving. I wrote this book to help people uncover this secret, find effective ways to coordinate game skills and task difficulty, and then apply the corresponding game thinking to learning to make learning fun and effective.

Upper Study: Professor Ji mentioned in the book that one of the spiritual cores of the game is critical reflection. How is criticism reflected in the game?

James Paul Gee: I had this experience in the game Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. You play as Lara, a teenage girl, who follows an archaeologist, Professor von Croix, on an expedition through a Cambodian temple. The professor once told Lara to follow him and not stray from his path. But I found that if you follow the professor’s orders, you risk missing out on a lot of hidden treasure. Good games have a mechanism that encourages players to try, question and break the rules, and such experiences not only enhance the fun of the game, but also cultivate critical thinking.In this way, players no longer rely on various operation guides, get rid of the established routine of completing tasks, and even jump out of the rules. They will also reflect on the values that the entire game mechanism has shaped.

Jing Sun: It can be said that critical reflection underpins game thinking. In fact, critical reflection may not have been ubiquitous in the general public at every stage of history, from Plato’s "The Parable of the Cave" to Kant and Foucault’s "What is Enlightenment". At present, people are faced with too much information, and the discourse of power operates in more subtle ways in daily life, which can also affect the way some people understand the world. Because of this, we need to emphasize the cultivation of critical thinking.

James Paul Gee: Just to add that critical thinking is not the same in different fields of knowledge and practice, for any branch of science, law, game design, or gardening. Critical thinking involves understanding how to make and use knowledge, principles, and methods in a given field to discover, to criticize, and to solve problems. In order to produce critical thinking in any meaningful dimension, we need to teach people how to acquire knowledge in that field, for example, the spread of viruses, the nature of video games, or the role of government, and how to use that knowledge to cooperate with people to solve problems and reach effective criticism,The purpose of criticism is to construct, not to destroy. We need to use knowledge as a tool, not rote for exams.

"The game is always changing."

But the problem we have to face is that the game industry is mixed, and not all games are suitable for teenagers. What kind of digital games can have great appeal and practical benefits for children?

James Paul Gee: Like choosing a book, teenagers are left to decide on their own which games are good. In any case, we want teenagers not to jump in without thinking, but to think like designers and ultimately learn to "design" their lives with their own experiences, using a variety of different tools and effective ways to become good people. They will also become teachers and parents, and hopefully they will be able to "design" quality experiences for their children and students.

We can learn from games that schools should not be designed as warehouses of past knowledge, but as a source of imagination that can make life and society better.

Jing Sun: The quality of game works is uneven, which is normal, because novels, movies and other art works also have the same problem. Teenagers are still in the stage of exploring the world and learning to learn, so it is not suitable for game products that emphasize consumption. Consumption here includes both money consumption and time consumption. Therefore, video games that emphasize exploration and creation with one-time payment are more suitable for teenagers to play.

As for how we can learn from good video games to design learning models and education systems, Professor Ji gives a detailed answer in the book. He lists 36 principles, including building situations, encouraging exploration, and understanding fun groups. This kind of education can not only make children feel interesting and learn knowledge, but more importantly, it can cultivate their way of thinking, which will benefit them for life.

The current challenge we are facing is how to use the unique projective identity of games to construct meaningful "second classrooms" outside of school education and in the game world. This poses a challenge to current game design. Can we change the crude way of mass production of games that look at money, and make games that are not only formal and slogans, but also thought-provoking?

James Paul Gee: I talk a lot about projected identity in my books. Projected identity in a video game is when the player projects their identity on a virtual character or stand-in, performing some form of action, and the player accepts the stand-in’s values, goals, and identity.I believe that we are also adapting to our new identities in the real world in the same way. If we want to learn science, we need to accept being a scientist before we can really use scientific knowledge in depth.

Developing a science game is easier for students to experience as a scientist than learning, at least in the United States. In reality, however, schools can do the same if the school space is properly adjusted to have a strong interaction with the world outside the school, the virtual world, the simulation world and the game world.

We need to change not only the profit-driven approach to the mass production of games, but also current classroom teaching and schooling to develop problem-solving strategies and plan for an entirely new future. In the United States, this often stems from the need for standardization and profit in the textbook industry, at the expense of critical thinking and problem-solving. Putting multiple design technologies (including literacy) at the service of design thinking, problem-solving in deep collaboration, and ensuring that we all serve in a rapidly changing, high-stakes complex world will only get better when people discover the importance of this approach. For now, we must pay more attention to the future and use the past to imagine the future, otherwise we humans will not have the future.

Driven by the digital revolution, new technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI) are changing the learning environment. Will games under the new technologies affect people’s learning ability more deeply?

James Paul Gee: It’s critical for people to realize that digital games are a very cutting-edge and rapidly changing technology. If you compare games from 1995 to games today, there are a lot of differences between the two. New game genres are being discovered and made. The types of games we’ve made, maybe only 1% of future games, still have a lot of room for imagination and creativity. Games are always changing, and this trend will continue as games merge with other technologies like VR, AR, and AI. Emerging social games and cooperative games will also be developed. This is a powerful technology that is undoubtedly critical to economic, cultural, and even social development.

People need to realise that when it comes to books, most of what they hear are "bestsellers". However, there is an important and growing industry of indie games that make games from the fields of art, medicine, design, science, collective intelligence and more. Above all, it is important to realise what digital game technology really means. It is a virtual imagination, based on important choices, strategic thinking and learning from failure. It is also an external active imagination, based on well-designed and carefully directed virtual experiences that allow players to merge their identity with real-world experiences.

Sun Jing: I also think that the answer is yes. In the real world, learning resources and feedback cycles are limited, and games can create more diverse and rich learning scenarios by simulating reality and fiction. For example, there are VR games that specifically train medical students to perform surgery, which can provide operators with real-time feedback and accurately complete surgical training.

Good games typically convey knowledge and shape people’s way of thinking, while good educational games can also stimulate interest in learning, create a more immersive learning environment, and provide a more fulfilling formative evaluation.With them, you and I can not only become the "number one player", but also benefit our future learning and lifelong education.

"Games Change Learning: Game Literacy, Critical Thinking, and the Future of Education"

?By James Paul Gee

Translated by Sun Jing

East China Normal University Press

Han Xue joined the emperor and Zhang Meng to "compete for favor" Hu Ge blew himself up and wanted to play a eunuch

??Movie Network News(Photo/Film Festival News Team) On June 13, during the 12th Shanghai International Film Festival, the new drama promotion and star signing ceremony of Shanghai Film Emperor Cultural Development Co., Ltd. was held in Shanghai. Yang Shoucheng, chairman of Emperor Group, Ren Zhonglun, president of Shanghai Film Company, and actors Hu Ge, Zhang Meng and Zhang Shi were on hand to witness Han Xue becoming the first contracted artist of Shanghai Film Emperor. Han Xue and Zhang Meng, two actresses, one in pink and the other sexy and sultry, each made a high-profile appearance and staged a "favorite show". The handsome Hu Ge said at the scene that the role he most wanted to play was a eunuch, which was "surprising".

Han Xue

Zhang Meng

Han Xue’s pink skirt is cute, Zhang Meng’s cleavage is sexy and sultry

??On the day of the press conference, Han Xue, who has always been depicted as a jade girl, was dressed in a short skirt with slanted shoulders, a large ruffle and a bow to set off her chest and waist, and pink shoes. With long hair with bangs, she looked pink and cute in front of her. Han Xue said that this hairstyle was just cut by her for this signing ceremony, indicating that everything has to start again. At the same time, she also said that she has been waiting for this opportunity for many years to develop in film.

??The other actress present, Zhang Meng, took the opposite route. A super low-cut gold dress exposed her cleavage, and with long curly hair, she looked sexy and enchanting. After the press conference, neither of them left immediately, each occupying a corner, constantly cooperating with the media to take various poses to take pictures, and "stealing the camera" was very happy.

Hu Ge

Zhang Shi

General Hu Ge blew himself up and wanted to play eunuch Zhang Shi, saying that if he became popular, the price would increase

??In the three years since its establishment, the Shanghai Film Emperor has filmed many high-quality film and television dramas, including the 2008 billion-dollar box office movie "Slam Dunk" starring Jay Chou. In 2009, the Shanghai Film Emperor invested over 100 million yuan to produce and distribute the first domestic TV drama "Myth" with Jackie Chan as the director and Tang Jili as the artistic director. Starring is Hu Ge, Bai Bing, Zhang Meng, Zhang Shi and many other stars.

??Hu Ge played the general Jackie Chan once played in the movie version of "Myth" in the TV series version, and there will naturally be many big plays. "I have a lot of fun playing this character, because when I don’t lose, I win every time." Although he said it proudly, Hu Ge admitted that he actually wanted to play the eunuch played by Zhang Shi the most. "I especially want to play his role. This character is a chef in modern society, a good person who is honest and honest. But in the Qin Dynasty, because he is" unfamiliar with the place ", he was bullied and his personality gradually twisted. Eventually, he became the notorious eunuch Zhao Gao in history. With such a big contrast, it is very challenging."

??Hearing this, Zhang Shi, who was on the side, showed a surprised expression, and then said, "I also really want to play the role of Hu Ge. In fact, I want to have his appearance, how handsome he is." Although the play was not finished, Zhang Shi was full of confidence in the future prospects, and he joked and asked for a "salary increase" on the spot. "I believe that with such a good script and team, we will definitely be popular if we play" Myth ". Sorry, my salary will go up in the future."

[Movie Network] www.1905.com exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting!

More live pictures on the next page!