标签归档 西安桑拿网

Because of 18.87 million, Wanda Real Estate has become a "dishonest person"!

  After a lapse of three months, Wanda Real Estate Group has become a "dishonest person" again.

  Recently, according to the China Enforcement Information Disclosure Network, Wanda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., and Heyuan Fuxin Construction Co., Ltd., refused to perform the obligation to determine the effective legal documents due to their ability to perform, and were listed as dishonest persons subject to enforcement by the Shanghai Second Intermediate People’s Court (hereinafter referred to as "dishonest persons"), involving a domestic non-foreign-related arbitration award. Not long ago, due to the arbitration case, the above companies have been forcibly executed for more than 18.87 million yuan.

  It is worth mentioning that in April this year, Wanda Real Estate Group and other non-foreign-related arbitration awards have been listed as dishonest persons subject to enforcement once.

  Dalian Wanda Group is in constant trouble. In addition to Wanda Real Estate, Wanda’s commercial management-related equity has also been frozen recently.

  Due to 18.87 million, Wanda Real Estate has once again become a "dishonest person"

  Tianyancha shows that recently, Wanda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Wanda Real Estate") and its Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Heyuan Fuxin Construction Co., Ltd. added a new information on the person subject to execution, and the execution target 18.87 million Yu Yuan, which was listed as a dishonest person subject to execution by the Shanghai Second Intermediate People’s Court.

  Tianyancha App shows that Wanda Real Estate was established in February 2018 with a registered capital of about 4.05 billion yuan, and the legal representative is Qu Xiaodong, jointly held by Shenzhen Dixun Industrial Co., Ltd. and Futai (Hong Kong) Investment Co., Ltd. with a shareholding ratio of 98.7% and 1.3% respectively. Shenzhen Dixun Industrial Co., Ltd. is 100% owned by Wanda general merchandise. The predecessor of Wanda general merchandise group was registered in Hong Kong by Wang Jianlin in the early years. Dixun investment.

  It is worth mentioning that Wanda Real Estate in April due to non-fulfillment of 245 million has been listed as a dishonest person to be executed once, and was restricted from high consumption.

  According to the data, on April 4 this year, due to the application of the applicant China Fuxing Co., Ltd., the court officially filed the case, mainly because Wanda Real Estate failed to perform the payment obligations determined by the effective legal documents within the period specified in the notice of execution in the domestic arbitration award case. Subsequently, Wanda Real Estate Group, Heyuan Fuxin Construction Co., Ltd., and Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. became the executors.

  It is understood that the reason why Wanda Real Estate became a "dishonest person" was due to the real estate project planted in Heyuan, Guangdong, which was sued by its former partners. In April this year, the court listed as the person subject to execution, in addition to Wanda Real Estate, also includes Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Heyuan Fuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. are 100% owned by Wanda Real Estate. Among them, Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. is Heyuan Yuhai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and China Fuxing Co., Ltd. hold 90% and 10% respectively. This time Wanda Real Estate is sued by China Fuxing Co., Ltd.

  On July 24, the Shanghai Second Intermediate People’s Court issued a consumption restriction order showing that the court filed a case on July 12, and the enforcement applicant was still China Fortune Star Co., Ltd., applying for the enforcement of Wanda Real Estate’s domestic non-foreign-related arbitration award. In the case of arbitration, the court issued a consumption restriction order because Wanda Real Estate failed to fulfill the payment obligations determined by the effective legal documents within the period specified in the execution notice.

  As of now, Tianyancha shows that Wanda Real Estate has multiple information on the person being executed, and the cumulative execution is about 265 million yuan.

  Wanda’s commercial management stake has also been frozen

  Tianyancha App shows that recently, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company (referred to as "Wanda Commercial Management") added two equity freezing information, the executor is Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company, the amount of frozen equity is 5.072 billion and 100 million, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management is the main body of Wanda Hong Kong IPO, and Dalian Wanda Commercial Management is the largest shareholder of Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management.

  According to public information, the above freezing period is from July 4, 2023 to July 3, 2026, and from July 5, 2023 to July 4, 2026, respectively. The enforcement courts are the Zhanjiang City Intermediate People’s Court of Guangdong Province and the Dezhou City Intermediate People’s Court of Shandong Province.

  It is worth mentioning that Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has submitted its IPO application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the fourth time. Previously, in October 2021, April 2022 and October 2022, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management submitted listing application materials to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange three times, but ultimately failed to list.

  On July 20, Wanda Commercial Management announced that in terms of ratings, on July 18, China Chengxin International decided to maintain the credit rating of Wanda Commercial Management’s main body and related debt as AAA, and adjusted its main body and related debt outlook from stable to included in the credit rating watch list. The previous rating outlook was stable.

  In terms of overseas ratings, as of July 20, Fitch downgraded its long-term foreign currency issuer default rating to B, maintaining a negative outlook. Moody’s downgraded its long-term foreign currency issuer default rating to Caa1, maintaining a negative outlook; Standard & Poor’s downgraded its long-term issuer credit rating to CCC, maintaining a negative outlook.

  The reasons for the adjustment of the above rating agencies are mainly due to the fact that the refinancing channels of Wanda Commercial Management’s open market have not been restored, the continuous net repayment of maturing debts, the listing progress of its subsidiary Zhuhai Commercial Management is less than expected, and some of the equity held has been frozen, etc. Liquidity pressure has increased.

"Tang Bohu Dian Qiuxiang 2" Ren Xianqi took off for the first time, crazy like a Transformer

        Directed by the gold-medal director Li Li, the costume action comedy starring stars such as Huang Xiaoming, Zhang Jingchu, Ren Xianqi, Chen Baixiang and Zhou Libo will be officially released nationwide on July 9. Among them, Xu Zhenqing, played by Ren Xianqi, is transformed into an ancient Einstein. All kinds of whimsical inventions make people laugh. In order to test the effect of his own inventions, Ren Xianqi is even more willing to go naked and test drugs.

Ren Xianqi incarnates as Optimus Prime

        Xu Zhenqing, played by Ren Xianqi, as a generation of Jiangnan talents, was transformed into an ancient Chinese version of Einstein in the movie. Invisible Pills, Transformers, etc. were all successfully tested by him. These inventions not only became sharp weapons against the enemy, but also became a "must-have magic weapon" to play tricks on friends around him. Zhu Zhishan, played by Chen Baixiang, mistakenly thought that he had taken the invisible pill he invented and made a fool of himself, and his body and psychology were destroyed. In the final Armageddon, Ren Xianqi, who was armed with a sharp weapon, went into battle naked, and the big Transformers Autobots logo on his chest also made him the embodiment of justice. I believe that how this ancient version of Optimus Prime breaks the enemy will definitely become a major attraction of this film.

Dedicated to the screen for the first time

        Unlike Chen Baixiang’s naked exit, Ren Xianqi’s body is stronger than the old talent Chen Baixiang’s round and jade figure, and Ren Xianqi’s perfect muscle lines are believed to make many female audiences feast their eyes and fantasize. According to Ren Xianqi himself, he made full preparations for this nude scene: "I have been practicing in the gym for a long time before coming to the cast, because this is the first time I have taken off so much, so I must give the audience a surprise, and I must not lose to Brother Baixiang." Compared with Ren Xianqi’s naked appearance this time, his inventions that travel through the future and his instant noodle hairstyle that is full of presence are no longer so important, and "Tang Bohu Dianqiuxiang 2", which brings together two male stars’ naked scenes, has also become a summer must-see film for female audiences.

Next page More exciting stills

The national industrial Internet platform empowers depth to reach depth, Jieshun Technology helps build "Digital Longhua"

On September 23rd, sponsored by the Shenzhen Longhua District People’s Government and the China Electronics Standardization Institute, and organized by the Longhua District Digital Economy Leading Group Office, the National Industrial Internet Platform Empower Deepin Tour (Shenzhen Station) and the "Digital Economy See Longhua" series of activities were held in Shenzhen.

Feng Wei, director of the integration of industrialization and industrialization department of MIIT Information Technology Development Department, Sun Wenlong, vice president of China Electronics Standardization Research Institute, and Wang Wei, secretary of Longhua District Party Committee, attended the forum and delivered speeches. Jieshun Technology, as a representative of a key enterprise in "Digital Longhua", was invited to attend the meeting.

The event focused on the theme of "platform empower, digital transformation", aiming to strengthen the promotion and implementation of the digital economy policy system, accelerate the improvement of financial, spatial, intellectual and other support and security systems, and efficiently promote the platform carrier to fully empower, and jointly explore the strategy of deeply empowering the industrial Internet.

In recent years, Longhua District has vigorously promoted the strengthening of the real economy and the industrial transformation and upgrading project, and took the lead in introducing ten measures to build a digital economy pioneer area in the city. At the event site, Longhua District officially released the "1 + N + S" digital economy policy system.

Of which,"1" is the three-year implementation plan for the digital economy in Longhua District, "N" is the inclusive policy by industry and field, and "S" is the special project policy for the digital economy industryFocusing on the current situation, characteristics and shortcomings of the industry, targeting and focusing, increasing support for the industrial Internet, blockchain, artificial intelligence, new display, intelligent manufacturing equipment, consumer Internet, fashion creativity, digital culture, integrated circuits, life and health. A systematic policy system covering more than 10 industrial fields, more than 20 policies, and a budget of over 3 billion yuan has been initially formed, and it is committed to accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system and promoting sustainable and high-quality economic development.

As a national high-tech enterprise and a key development enterprise in the ten industrial chains of the "1 + N + S" digital economy policy system, the release of this policy undoubtedly provides strong support and guarantee for Jieshun to accelerate the development of digital transformation.

Over the past 29 years, Jieshun Technology has always adhered to independent research and development, continuously introduced high-precision scientific and technological talents, and maintained the leadership of scientific and technological innovation. Gradually transforming from an intelligent hardware manufacturer to a smart ecological operator with intelligent software and hardware + platform + operation, and witnessing and promoting the transformation and development of the industry with repeated transformations and upgrades.

As a new member of Longhua Intelligent Manufacturing, Jieshun Technology will also closely follow the policy, seize the opportunity, and comprehensively enhance the innovation and creativity ability based on smart car dealerships, smart pedestrians, smart visitors, and smart consumption, accelerate digital transformation, and continue to lead the development of the industry.

To achieve a comprehensive digital transformation of the enterprise, digital empowerment is an essential part of it.At the event, Zhao Yong, general manager of Jieshun Technology, and five other well-known enterprises in Longhua District signed a digital empowering strategic cooperation agreement with the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center.

This strategic cooperation is not only an important measure of the "1 + N + S" digital economy policy system, but also fully reflects Longhua District’s firm determination to accurately connect the digital empowerment platform with local outstanding enterprises and achieve "two-way empower".

As a state-level think tank research unit with a history of more than 60 years, the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center has accumulated rich research experience and platform construction, ecological construction and promotion experience in digital transformation, and has participated in a large number of national "integration of industrialization and industrialization" policy documents and standards.

Zhao Yong, general manager of Jieshun Technology, said,"Scientific research institutions hold the theoretical commanding heights of the industry and understand the future direction. Under their guidance, we will have a more accurate grasp of the trend, and we can also get the optimization of the system and the guidance of theory."

As a leading enterprise in the field of smart parking, Jieshun Technology keeps pace with the digital age and plans digital transformation deployment in advance.It is now fully moving towards a new "cloud age".

In the future, Jieshun Technology will take the "Digital Longhua" construction as an opportunity, make full use of the advantages of Longhua’s industrial chain, and continue to accelerate the digital strategic transformation towards the new goal of "comprehensive cloudification, ecological construction, and fission development". It will further play a role in the promotion of Longhua’s digital construction and development, and help Shenzhen’s smart city industrial chain layout.

After three years of listing, the cumulative sales volume exceeded 200,000 units, and the Lynk & Co 06 family’s Chinese New Year car purchase benefits were in place

  Positioning "the first good car in the eyes of young people", Lynk & Co 06 has always maintained excellent sales performance in the market segment with its leading technical strength, excellent product strength and good consumer reputation in the past three years. Since its launch in 2020, the Lynk & Co 06 family has sold more than 200,000 units, making it the best choice for Generation Z young consumers.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image001

Lynk & Co 06 Family: 06 Remix and 06 EMP

  In November last year, the 06 family hybrid iteration model Lynk & Co 06EM-P was officially launched. As the only plug-in hybrid SUV in the market segment, it was recognized by consumers and the market in a short period of time. At the same time, the fuel model 06Remix continued to be sold and always maintained a hot-selling trend. With the support of the dual-model strategy, the 06 family adhered to the Lynk & Co brand’s strategic transformation to electricity and new, and continued to lock in the leading position in the compact SUV market segment.

  The proportion of new energy has risen, and the overall sales of 06 families have increased strongly

  In 2023, the Lynk & Co 06 family achieved outstanding annual sales of 70,226 units, a strong increase of 47% compared to 2022, demonstrating the layout of oil and electricity products composed of 06EM-P and 06Remix. The listing of 06EM-P also promoted the 06 family’s new energy sales share to further increase. The overall sales share of more than 80% of the top version also proves that the high value of Lynk & Co 06 products is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

  Since its launch, Lynk & Co 06 has always been positioned as a young consumer group, providing more choices for Generation Z consumers’ pleasant travel. At present, among the consumers of the 06 family, the young group under the age of 30 is still the main consumer group, fully demonstrating the strong appeal of Lynk & Co 06 in the hearts of young consumers.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image002

Lynk & Co 06EM-P top version sales have accounted for more than 80%

  Multi-domain resonance 06 family explains the true strength of hardcore products

  The 06 family has been selling well for many years and has become a hit. It relies on clear product positioning, precise marketing strategies and outstanding product strength. Among them, far superior product experience has always been the secret of the 06 family to maintain its C position. The new member of the 06 family, the iterative version of the hybrid model 06EM-P, interprets the hard-core product power in terms of appearance, interior, performance, intelligence, safety and other aspects, giving Generation Z’s young consumer groups more uncompromising reasons when buying a car.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image003

Lynk & Co 06EM-P launched in November 2023

  Positioned as "New Urban Functional Ultra-Electric SUV", the Lynk & Co 06EM-P adopts the new second-generation design language of Lynk & Co in appearance, and provides five trendy color schemes and three interior styles. The original soufflé seat provides a dense riding experience, the soft sunglasses sun visor is ingenious, the 38 storage designs of the whole car are designed to achieve extreme storage, 50W wireless air-cooled fast charging, and the 20.35 ° tilt design can be used with charging, creating a sense of travel happiness.

  Lynk & Co 06EM-P is equipped with a super range extension electric solution, which combines high performance and high economy. The 100-kilometer acceleration is 5.9s, and it is the only member of the "5s club" of the current single-motor front-drive hybrid SUV. It has CLTC 126km pure electric battery life and CLTC 1280km comprehensive battery life. The 100-kilometer comprehensive fuel consumption is 1.11L, the feed fuel consumption is 4.98L. The equipped 19.09kW · h battery pack supports 32kW DC fast charging, and the commute is long and worry-free.

  In addition, the 06EM-P smart cockpit has a 14.6-inch high definition floating central control screen, equipped with China’s first self-developed car-grade 7-nanometer mass-produced super chip "Eagle One", equipped with the leading 16G super storage and 128G memory, the operation is smoother, and the car machine is smoother. In addition to rich configuration, it can also meet Karaoke mode, e-sports space, nap scene, pet travel and outdoor camping, creating a full-scene and immersive "third space" for users.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image004

Create a leading smart cockpit of the same level, and Lynk & Co 06EM-P has an outstanding experience

  Multi-circle cross-border linkage 06 family is more than just cars

  While impressing users with its continuously evolving product power, the 06 family adheres to the brand concept of "more than just cars", and comprehensively deploys marketing actions in the fields of beauty and e-sports that Generation Z consumers love, creating a more trendy car-owning life for Generation Z.

  Focusing on "her marketing", it aims to bring more surprises to more than half of the female car owners of the 06 family. Lynk & Co 06 cooperated with multiple top luxury beauty brands throughout the year, continued to iterate a number of "powder has power" gift boxes as exclusive car pickup gifts, and successively linked high-luxury beauty and fragrance brands to launch six generations of "small powder boxes". In addition, 06 also joined hands with Meitu Xiuxiu to carry out cross-border cooperation with the theme of "Spring Adventure, Strength Circle Powder", and cooperated with dealers across the country to hold a "Pink Adventure Season" user test drive activity. While experiencing the comfortable driving experience of 06, it led users to feel the beauty of spring.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image005

"Small compact" adds more color to the car life of Lynk & Co 06 owners

  At the same time, Lynk & Co 06 continues to deepen its efforts in the field of e-sports. As a sponsor partner of LNG Li Ning e-sports club for three consecutive years, Lynk & Co 06 continued to make efforts in the e-sports arena of Hangzhou Asian Games, and cooperated with Weibo to help "China e-sports 06 to fly", further linking the e-sports core and 06 attitude, and using this to reach more young client bases across the circle.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image006

Lynk & Co 06 helps "China E-sports 06 to fly" during the Hangzhou Asian Games

  At the end of 2023, Lynk & Co 06EM-P, as a "super electric induction travel companion", achieved a surprise cross-border with the New Year’s Day box office champion movie "Twinkle, Twinkle, Shine", and joined the young actor "Zhang Jianing" to become a representative of 06Shero as a brand friend, strengthening the youthful trend of the 06 brand, and also deepening the "Shero" attitude.

Listed three years cumulative sales exceeded 200,000 sets, Lynk & Co 06 family Spring Festival car purchase benefits have been in place _fororder_image007

Zhang Jianing became a close friend of the 06 family brand

  Product marketing is given equal attention, and user benefits are pulled over 06 families to distribute surprise rights and interests for Chinese New Year car purchases

  Relying on the dual product lines of 06EM-P and 06Remix, the Lynk & Co 06 family provides high-quality products for consumers with different needs, comprehensively enhancing the user’s car experience in terms of intelligence, performance, comfort, etc. At the same time, it focuses on the preferences of core consumer groups, and interacts in multiple fields. This allows the 06 family to gradually take root in the hearts of Generation Z young people, providing a new solution for the pleasant travel of Generation Z young people.

  The Spring Festival is approaching, in order to let young consumers feel more holiday benefits when they are reunited with their families, the 06 family has prepared multiple car purchase benefits for consumers: currently, you can enjoy a limited-time exclusive gift of 4,000 yuan when you place an order for all 06EM-P models. As of February 9, you can also participate in the collection of a limited-time red envelope of up to 2,888 yuan for the Lynk & Co EM-P family. The next order of 06Remix models can enjoy a limited-time car purchase gift worth 8,000 yuan for fuel vehicle purchase coupons. In addition, more rights and interests, including random matching gifts, new financial gifts, and worry-free car gifts, will also be given according to different models.

  Outstanding product strength, eye-catching marketing activities, and car purchase benefits. In 2024, the 06 family will continue to make efforts to create more outstanding products and surprises based on young consumer groups, and constantly innovate lifestyles. I believe it will continue to be Generation Z. The best choice for young people to travel, trend life, express their individuality, and pursue their dreams. (Source: Lynk & Co Auto)

11.86-17 1,800 new Lynk & Co 06 officially launched

  [Autohome new car launch] On September 8, the new model (|) was officially launched. The new car was named Lynk & Co 06 Remix, and it still offered a fuel version and a plug-in hybrid version.The price is 11.86-17 1,800 yuanThe new car has been upgraded in terms of appearance design and car system, and the fuel version has been replaced with a four-cylinder engine. In addition, the new intelligent voice housekeeper "Hicks" was also released at the press conference, which supports 62 multi-scene intelligent language controls and 6 kinds of sounds. At the same time, the second-generation smart car control watch was also officially released.



The new Lynk & Co 06/Lynk & Co 06 PHEV price guide Model Selling price (10,000 yuan) 1.5T Plus 11.86 1.5T Strength Pro 12.86 1.5T Power Halo 13.86 1.5T Halo 13.86 1.5T Heroes 13.98 1.5T Shero 13.98 PHEV Pro 16.68 PHEV Hero 17.18 PHEV Shero 17.18






  In addition, the purchase of a car can also enjoy triple rights, including 3,000 yuan to receive a gold, 4,000 yuan replacement subsidy, 3,000 yuan additional purchase subsidy, lifetime free quality assurance, free road assistance and free data traffic, etc. Users who buy Hero/Shero models can also enjoy exclusive gift boxes, and users who buy PHEV models can enjoy free basic installation of charging piles, 160 yuan smart watch voucher and 260 yuan home discharge gun voucher.

New car features:

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  The styling details of the new Lynk & Co 06 have changed. The biggest adjustment to the front face is the internal structure of the upper and lower grilles. The upper grille of the new car is decorated with 12 sets of three-piece blade trims, while the lower grille is decorated with 19 straight waterfall fins. In the C-pillar part, the car also added a pulse ray style decorative line. It is worth mentioning that the Hero model will also use exclusive green paint, which is more unique. The Shero version continues to use the pink and purple contrasting design. The details are added to the wildberry purple highlight trim and use the wildberry purple contrasting rim. For other versions, blue-orange, gray-orange, gray, white, light blue and other color schemes will also be available.

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  In the car, the overall design of the new car has not changed, but the central control screen has been upgraded to 12.3 inches. Some models, such as Hero and Jin Halo, will use integrated sports seats with racing yellow piping and stitching, which is more sporty. The Shero version will use a color-matching interior with purple stitching and piping, which is more attractive to female consumers.

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  The new 12.3-inch central control screen integrates the Co lynk intelligent interconnection system, the storage + memory is upgraded to 6G + 64G, and the boot speed is increased by 40%. At the same time, it has ecological entertainment systems such as Tencent Accompanying and Volcano Car Entertainment, including popular applications such as car WeChat, Bilibili, Autonavi navigation, and Douyin.

  In terms of driver assistance systems, the official said that the car will provide 21 driver assistance systems (but not all standard), including intelligent pilot assistance systems, remote parking, automatic parking assistance, panoramic imaging (including chassis perspective), etc., as well as the new TBA tracking reversing assistance system.

Lynk & Co 06 2023 Remix 1.5T Hero

  The upgrade of the power part will be the most concerned, and the fuel version will be replaced with a four-cylinder engine. It is equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder engine with a maximum power of 181 horsepower and a peak torque of 290 Nm. It is matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission.

  The plug-in hybrid version is still equipped with the plug-in hybrid system composed of the previous 1.5T three-cylinder engine. Its maximum engine power is 177 horsepower, peak torque is 255 Nm, and the maximum power of the power system is 190kW (258 horsepower). Its NEDC pure electric range is 84km.

Competitive models:

Dongfeng Honda, Honda XR-V 2023 1.5L CVT Boom Edition

"Honda XR-V"

  In the small SUV market at the price point of the Lynk & Co 06, it faces competitors mainly from overseas brands, including Honda XR-V/Bizhi, Volkswagen Tucai/Troupe, Nissan Kingke, Chevrolet Tron and other models. In contrast, the Lynk & Co 06 has a more youthful and personalized design, higher configuration and stronger powertrain. Of course, at this price point, there are also a variety of compact SUVs and even mid-sized SUVs from Chinese brands to choose from. At this time, you need to choose between bigger and more refined.

● Summary:


  In an environment of "talking about three-color change", many manufacturers began to return to the four-cylinder power layout. On the occasion of the change of the Lynk & Co 06, in addition to the improvement of design and configuration, the main fuel version was replaced with a four-cylinder engine, which is of course good news for consumers who do not like three cylinders. And from the book data, the power output of 181 horsepower and 290 Nm is also higher. So, is the new Lynk & Co 06 your cup of tea? (Text/Autohome Chen Hao)

Hundreds of people commented on the new car-Qin PLUS with high cost performance

   [car home Information] Hello, netizens, the 74th issue of the series of articles "100-person word-of-mouth comments on new cars" has met with you. In this issue, we will bring you a compact car-BYD (|). As early as the Guangzhou Auto Show in 2020, the car officially met with us. The new car will be built on BYD’s new DM-i platform, and its appearance follows BYD’s classic "Dragon Face" design language. At present, the car has launched a 1.5-liter hybrid version and a pure electric version, with a price range of 105,800-174,800 yuan. Since the car went on the market, it has gained a good reputation. Then, in the eyes of many car owners, what is the performance of the car? Please find out through this issue of "Hundred People’s Word of Mouth on New Cars".

Home of the car

  What is word of mouth? Netizens who have read our previous articles may know that I will explain to you here that word-of-mouth evaluation can actually be simply understood as car home certified car owners’ feelings about the use of their vehicles in eight aspects, such as appearance, interior, comfort, handling and space, and give corresponding scores (ranging from 1 to 5 points).

Home of the car

  "Hundred People’s Word-of-mouth Review of New Cars" is a series of contents launched by the team. We selected the protagonist as a popular new car, and during this period, the number of word-of-mouth participants in car home exceeded 100. Up to now, 3060 car home certified car owners have filled in the word-of-mouth content of BYD Qin PLUS. Let’s first look at the car owners’ impressions of this car.

● Impression label of BYD Qin PLUS

Home of the car

  Click the "Word of Mouth" button on the car home BYD Qin PLUS model page to view the impression keywords of BYD Qin PLUS. Car owners are satisfied with BYD Qin PLUS, such as spacious front head space, good hand feel of steering wheel, attractive waistline design and good steering hand feel, while owners complain that the rear head space is small, the chassis is too low, the car paint is thin and the weight of brake pedal is unreasonable.

● Byd Qin PLUSComprehensive score of

Home of the car

  From the analysis results, the comprehensive score of BYD Qin PLUS is 4.79, which is at a high level compared with the compact cars in the previous series of articles "A Hundred People Comment on New Cars", which means that car owners are satisfied with the products in their daily use after buying a car. Specifically, the appearance, fuel consumption and cost performance are the highest items with a score of 4.93, followed by the evaluation of power with a score of 4.89. As a family compact car, this achievement is worthy of recognition. In addition, the car’s performance in space and interior is also good. In contrast, the interior needs to be further improved. For car owners, the appearance and cost performance of a car have become the primary consideration in choosing the car. Overall, the performance of the car is still very satisfactory.

● Byd Qin PLUSAppearance score: 4.93 points

Home of the car

Byd Qin PLUS 2021 DM-i 120KM flagship model

Byd Qin PLUS 2021 DM-i 120KM flagship model

  Qin PLUS is the third product of BYD Qin family. The appearance design of the new car is obviously different from that of Qin and Qin Pro which were listed before. The hexagonal mouth is further extended to both sides, and the interior is decorated with array grille, but it is very similar to BYD Han DM. The front face of the car is equipped with LED headlights with "arrow feather" as the design element. In addition, we can see the camera, parking radar probe and millimeter wave radar at the front of the car.

Byd Qin PLUS 2021 DM-i 120KM flagship model

  The side design of Qin PLUS is very similar to that of Qin Pro, but it is different only in details such as rims. Except for the minimum 16-inch rim, the other three models all use 17-inch rims.

Byd Qin PLUS 2021 DM-i 120KM flagship model

  The tail of Qin PLUS adopts a penetrating taillight, and the shell of the lamp group is blackened, and the LED light source is used inside. Above the taillights, there is also a "Build Your Dreams" trailer with the latest design font.

  From the score point of view, BYD Qin PLUS’s appearance score reached 4.93 points, ranking first in all the project scores, which shows that most car owners are very appreciative of BYD Qin PLUS’s appearance. We can see from the word-of-mouth evaluation of car owners that many car owners said that Qin PLUS has beautiful exterior design, beautiful front design, beautiful headlights and fashionable body. Among them, the owner of the car heard Mei uh mention in word of mouth: "The biggest feeling of BYD Qin PLUS is that it is very exquisite, and the whole body is also quite atmospheric, mainly reflected in the front face. Its grille and headlight design are different and particularly conspicuous." In addition, the owner of the wine shop, Mr. Qing 4o, also said: "If you savor it carefully, you can see that its headlights, rims and the lines of the whole body are very well matched, and the details are particularly excellent, which makes me see that it has spent a lot of thought on its appearance, which is what makes me feel satisfied with this car."

● Byd Qin PLUSInterior score: 4.59 points

Home of the car

  The overall layout of the new car continues the design of Qin family, but after re-polishing, it presents a different style. First of all, the shape of the panel is no longer the simple style of horizontal and vertical on Qin Pro, but the curve design is added. The rotatable large-size LCD screen in the center is retained, and the original LCD instrument is further simplified.

Byd Qin PLUS 2021 DM-i 120KM flagship model

  Judging from the word-of-mouth evaluation, most car owners have two different views on BYD Qin PLUS interior evaluation. Some car owners think that the interior of the car is satisfactory, the design of the central control panel is good, and the interior material is strong, but some car owners think that the car has problems such as strong interior odor and poor instrument panel design.

  Owner Foshan rider i9ncsv said: "I am quite satisfied with the design of the interior. The interior is well done in many details, especially the materials used in the central control, and some small details around it are well handled, which is more exquisite at the same level." Regarding the central control design of the interior, the owner’s past scar said: "The design inside the car is relatively modern, which is in line with my aesthetics. The most eye-catching thing is that the central control adopts a 10.1-inch central control screen, which can be rotated, and the voice recognition accuracy inside is also relatively high, even if it is a little dialect."

  However, some car owners have put forward different views. Among them, the owner of Qujing Cheyou o8qzbr mentioned: "The smell inside the new car is obvious, so it is usually necessary to open the window for ventilation." Not only that, the owner bird’s light mood also mentioned: "The few days after the car was just bought, I always asked some strange smells, and I had to ventilate. Later, it gradually got better."

  As a family car, the interior design of BYD Qin PLUS is satisfactory, but some car owners are uncomfortable because of the odor inside. This problem really needs to be solved urgently.

● Space score of BYD Qin PLUS: 4.69.

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Home of the car

Byd Qin PLUS 2021 DM-i 120KM flagship model

Home of the car

  In terms of space, my colleagues have previously conducted a space test on the top model of Qin PLUS DM-i, and in summary, it is at a fairly satisfactory level. For car owners, in the word-of-mouth evaluation, car owners generally think that the car has enough space, large trunk space, sufficient trunk space and reasonable storage space design. Among them, the owner’s dustless uncle said: "The space of this car is still enough, and it is still very comfortable to sit in the back row. The space in the front and rear rows is still quite spacious, and the space in the trunk is ok. Usually, there is enough room for things." In addition, the owner listened to Mei uh in the snow and said: "What makes me most satisfied is the space. Its space utilization rate is very good, the internal space design is in place, and there is enough space in the front and rear rows for riding. The performance of the trunk is also good. It is easy for a family of three to travel normally, and there will be some room left. "

● Comfort score of BYD Qin PLUS: 4.56.

Home of the car

  In terms of comfort, the owner gave different views. Most car owners think that the car has good comfort, comfortable seats and good sound insulation effect in the car. However, some car owners said that the car has problems such as high tire noise and high wind noise. Among them, owner Yue E hand 8z said: "For me, the comfort of this car is still relatively high, and I appreciate this kind of car with relatively high comfort. Especially the design of the seat, its support is very good and it attracts me very much. " In addition, the owner of the car, Shaoxing rider 7y8pm, also expressed satisfaction with the comfort of the seat. He bluntly said: "In terms of comfort, I prefer its seat, because it is leather, and it is more comfortable to sit on."

  However, some car owners have also raised the problem of loud tire noise. Among them, the car owner Yueyang Cheyou 3332564 said, "The tire noise is still a bit loud, especially when driving on asphalt roads. I endured it for more than a month, because I used more cars and added soundproof cotton myself. "

● Power score of BYD Qin PLUS: 4.89.

Home of the car

  In terms of power, Qin PLUS currently has plug-in hybrid vehicles and pure electric vehicles. Among them, Qin PLUS DM-i is equipped with Xiaoyun-plug-in special 1.5L engine, which has two versions of pure electric battery life of 55km or 120km. The pure electric version will provide AC permanent magnet synchronous motors with maximum power of 100kW and 135kW, with cruising range of 400, 500 and 600 km.

  It can be seen from the score that most car owners are satisfied with the dynamic performance of Qin PLUS. Most car owners think that the car has strong power, strong acceleration, smooth shift and strong start. Only some car owners have suggested that the engine is shaking and the engine starts loudly, but it can be regarded as an individual phenomenon because of the small sample size. The owner’s love sighs V: "The acceleration of the car is very smooth, and there is no sense of frustration during the acceleration." In addition, the owner Heze netizen 1887525 also said: "The power of this car is still very powerful, and I feel full of power every time I drive. Even in a fully loaded state, it will not affect the power output. "

● Control score of BYD Qin PLUS: 4.80.

Home of the car

  In terms of handling performance, car owners have more positive comments on BYD Qin PLUS, such as "powerful handling", "reasonable steering wheel weight", "accurate steering" and "satisfactory driving stability".

  L9ncsv, the owner of Foshan Cheyou, said: "BYD Qin PLUS is easy to operate and particularly easy to use, but it was really a bit difficult at first. After all, I have never driven a hybrid car before, and I feel that this car is a bit stressful for me to drive, but it also takes time to verify and feel." In addition, the owner’s memory burned to ashes also said: "BYD Qin PLUS is very convenient to control, the steering wheel is relatively light, and it is easy to step on the accelerator and brake. Compared with my previous car, it is not difficult to drive."

● Fuel consumption score of BYD Qin PLUS: 4.93 points.

Home of the car

  BYD Qin PLUS has a high score in fuel consumption, and the word-of-mouth page shows that the average fuel consumption of this car is 4.27L/100km, which is obviously better than the average level of compact cars. It is worth mentioning that BYD Qin PLUS currently provides plug-in hybrid and pure electric power, which is its advantage. In terms of fuel consumption, we mainly show the average fuel consumption of plug-in hybrid vehicles. Among them, Tao Dongning, the owner of the car, said: "This car has strong fuel-saving ability, and I bought this car mostly for this reason. The car is really beyond my imagination in terms of fuel saving. This fuel consumption is even better than I expected, which is simply too economical. "

  In addition, in terms of the power consumption of pure electric models, the car owners voluntarily coexist. C said: "At present, the power consumption is still very standard. My car has a battery life of 600 kilometers. I usually drive to and from work, and I only need to charge it once when I come back from shopping on weekends to prepare for next week. Moreover, when I bought a car, I also sent a charging pile for free, so charging is still very convenient. "

● BYD Qin PLUS’s cost performance score: 4.93 points.

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  In terms of cost performance, the most popular configuration is the 2021 DM-i 55KM flagship model, and the official guide price is 119,800 yuan. Among them, the owner of Chifeng rider rhurlv said: "More than 100,000 cars can unlock NFC, cruise control, remote control, electric sunroof, multi-function steering wheel, 10.1-inch central control screen, voice control, reversing image, plus satisfactory fuel consumption, and the appearance of the vehicle is full of modernity. This car is very cost-effective."

  In addition, the original owner said, "It’s a natural thing for me to choose this car. At first, because of its beautiful appearance, I gradually felt that all aspects of this car met my requirements. The most important thing is that it is cost-effective and the price is right. And I like it very much, so I started."

● BYD Qin PLUS’s main car purchase purpose:

Home of the car

  Through data analysis, we can see that the main car-buying purposes of the car owners who buy BYD Qin PLUS are commuting, go on road trip and shopping, which is consistent with the use of most family cars. It can be seen that home use is still the core usage scenario of BYD Qin PLUS. Therefore, many car owners are more concerned about fuel consumption, space and cost performance.

Full text summary:

  Among the 100,000-150,000 yuan new energy vehicles, BYD Qin PLUS has a certain competitive advantage. Among them, Qin PLUS DM focuses on low fuel consumption and the price is close to the people. Qin PLUS focuses on high battery life, attracting the attention of many home consumers. Of course, the significance of its launch does not stop there. From a certain point of view, the significance of Qin PLUS for BYD is to further seize the market of traditional fuel vehicles. It is not an exaggeration to say this. After all, it will directly cut the pain point of "fuel consumption" of traditional fuel vehicles. Isn’t this kind of car fragrant? Well, after reading the true reputation of so many car owners, would you choose BYD Qin PLUS? Tell me in the comments section. (Text/car home Li Na)

2022 Chengdu Auto Show: Large-scale high-performance luxury pickup truck, real shot of the Great Wall Shanhai cannon.

At the Chengdu Auto Show, which opened on August 26th, the Great Wall Gun brand made its debut in a large-scale high-performance luxury pickup truck, which was equipped with a 3.0T V6+9AT high-performance power combination, a luxurious cockpit and ever-changing expansion space. This car is the Great Wall Shanhai Gun. The front-line team of Niuche. com also took pictures of Shanhai cannons. Let’s have a look.

In terms of appearance, the outline of Shanhai Gun is almost the same as that of the current Great Wall Gun, and it is still tough and domineering, but some modifications have been made in details. For example, the new car uses a more complicated and beautiful chrome-plated and black two-color front net, and the headlight group also uses an upper and lower double-layer design, which is more layered and more exquisite.

The classic pickup truck shape is still used on the side, and the wide wheel eyebrows and large ground clearance seem to tell you that I am still the Great Wall Gun that can go up the mountain and down the river, full of momentum, and the lines on the side of the car are also straight lines on the upper and lower floors, which not only looks atmospheric, but also has a good sense of hierarchy. In terms of parameters, the length, width and height of the new car are 5440/1991/1924mm and the wheelbase is 3350mm, which is a little bigger than the ordinary version of the Great Wall Gun, and it also indicates more internal space. The rim also adopts a two-color design, which is more fashionable and conforms to the current aesthetics.

The headlights at the rear of the car also adopt an up-and-down split internal structure, which echoes the headlights. The rear tailgate can be unfolded left and right, can be opened horizontally, and can be split in four or six parts. The upper cover plate can also be folded up and down, making it more convenient to take things. However, due to the limited size of the car body, the size of the trunk is not very large. Fortunately, there is a large storage box under the bottom cover of the trunk, which is enough for daily driving or traveling. ‘

For enthusiasts, Shanhai Gun has also reserved a lot of anchor points in the rear trunk, which is convenient for modification according to actual needs. At the same time, the tail is equipped with a trailer hook and an optional winch, all of which have greatly improved its extreme off-road ability.

In terms of interior, Shanhai Gun is similar to Tank 500, using a small-sized LCD instrument and a suspended central control panel, which is practical, luxurious and scientific, and the three-position steering wheel is the same as the joystick of the spacecraft, which is classic and innovative.

At the same time, in creating a sense of luxury, the interior of the new car uses a lot of leather and soft material packages, and many solid wood decorative boards are added to the details, which are very eye-catching, domineering in appearance and exquisite in interior. It is the core index of Shanhai Gun.

Configuration, head-up display, quartz clock, brand audio, electric adjustable rear seat angle, heating and ventilation of front and rear seats are all available, which is quite surprising.


Looking at luxury, sitting comfortably and driving wild seems to be the realm that Shanhai cannon wants to achieve. However, in this era, hard-core cross-country is paying attention to the comfort of transportation. It is also normal for Great Wall Gun to build such a large pickup truck with exquisiteness and luxury. Then let’s wait for its performance and see if you recognize this pickup truck with great personality.

Visit the China International Import Expo(CIIE) National Exhibition Hall: Learn from each other, promote exchanges and cooperation and seek a win-win situation

  National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) West Entrance. (Xinhua News Agency)

  Cambodia shows "development and opportunity"

  The shape design of the Cambodia National Pavilion originated from the Royal Palace in Cambodia, focusing on the traditional culture and special commodities of the Khmer nation. Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Zhang Bao for the picture

  The National Pavilion of Cambodia has strong national cultural characteristics, and the whole pavilion "copied" pictures of the Royal Palace of Cambodia, Angkor Wat and other famous temples in Cambodia. On the big screen in the museum, there is a promotional film on Cambodia’s trade, economy and tourism development.

  "Cambodia hopes to show traditional Khmer culture and special commodities, introduce the investment, trade and tourism environment, and invite countries to share cooperation opportunities." According to China’s embassy in Cambodia, business counselor Wu Guoquan, the first China International Import Expo(CIIE) brought Cambodia a full harvest, and China-Cambodia economic and trade cooperation was tangible and fruitful. In this year’s China International Import Expo(CIIE), Cambodian people from all walks of life are more enthusiastic. The special products such as cassava, pepper, cashew nuts, palm sugar, fish sauce, coffee and handicrafts displayed in the museum have attracted many visitors to buy them.

  In addition to specialty products, Cambodia focused on Cambodia’s trade and economy, Khmer culture, tourism and investment projects this year. A poster attracted the reporter’s attention. Under the words "Development and Opportunity", there was a picture of a vast blue sea with pleasant scenery. Gao Chunhui, director of the operation center of Tianjin Youlian Investment Development Group Co., Ltd., told the reporter that the group has been in Cambodia for 12 years. The Cambodia-China Comprehensive Investment Development Experimental Zone and Cambodia Qixinghai Tourism and Holiday Zone written on the poster are one of the 11 key cooperation projects for China-Cambodia capacity investment jointly signed by China and Cambodia in October 2016.

  Gao Chunhui said that the group hopes to use China International Import Expo(CIIE) to attract foreign partners to invest in Cambodia. Cambodia has the best coastline, precious mangroves, good business environment, friendly people and sufficient labor force. "Over the past three days, many companies have come to dock and are interested in investing in tourism and other industries in Cambodia. We feel very rewarding. Later, we will continue to dock, hoping that they will visit Cambodia and share ‘ Development and opportunity ’ 。” (Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Shen Zezhen Zhang Bao)

  Jamaican eagerly awaits China’s investment.

  Visitors taste Jamaica’s Blue Mountain Coffee. Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Zhou Mingyang photo

  Jamaican was one of the 15 guest countries in the second China International Import Expo(CIIE) and participated in China International Import Expo(CIIE) for the second time. The Jamaican National Pavilion shows its achievements in agriculture, tourism, mining, logistics and other fields to consumers in China, expecting to reach deeper and wider cooperation with China.

  Jamaica is located in the western part of the Caribbean, with superior geographical position, rich natural resources and mineral resources, good climatic conditions, and the port with the highest throughput in the Caribbean. This year, the theme of the Jamaica Pavilion is "Doing business in Jamaica", and "Investment, trade and connectivity" are the three key words of Jamaica’s participation. I hope that by participating in China International Import Expo(CIIE), more people will know about Jamaica’s business environment and investment environment and invest in Jamaica.

  The front of the "bar" in the Jamaica Pavilion is very lively, and the audience waiting to taste Jamaica’s blue mountain coffee and rum lined up in a long line. The whole Jamaica Pavilion is full of attractive coffee and wine. Ni Kaolian, general manager of Nijie Business Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is based in Shanghai and is responsible for investment consulting, product procurement, tourism information consulting and cultural exchange between China and Jamaica. She told reporters that participating in the first China International Import Expo(CIIE) made more people begin to understand and pay attention to Jamaica.

  This year’s China International Import Expo(CIIE), Jamaica brought many high-quality products, such as lobster, coffee, tea, rum, sauces and so on, which are popular among China consumers. "Frozen lobsters from Jamaica can already be bought in China. This year, we will launch a fresh lobster business, and China consumers can taste fresher Jamaican lobsters."

  Tourism is the key project promoted by Jamaica this time. Jamaica has beautiful beaches. Visitors can experience surfing, rowing, diving and other marine projects, and eat delicious seafood and exquisite dishes. Visitors can also experience "farmhouse music", be a "Caribbean farmer", harvest sugar cane like locals, make rum by themselves, and even ride horses in the sea. More importantly, Jamaica’s culture is diverse. Being in Jamaica, you can appreciate the integrated culture of the whole Caribbean.

  Ni Kaolian said that Jamaica has vast farmland, developed agricultural and processing infrastructure, abundant low-cost labor and huge market opportunities. With the expansion of Panama Canal, Jamaica’s logistics industry has developed rapidly. "Jamaica is a good place to do business. Welcome more China friends to visit Jamaica!" (Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Zhou Mingyang)

  India expands bigger export market

  The India Pavilion displays the development achievements in the fields of service trade, science and technology in India. Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Zhu Lin photo

  Stepping into the National Pavilion of India, the colors dominated by white and blue give people a fresh and quiet feeling. The person in charge told the reporter that China people are familiar with India’s long history, rich culture, special cuisine and colorful art, but what they want to show at the China International Import Expo(CIIE) is an India that is changing with each passing day and full of infinite possibilities.

  "Indian vaccines are exported to 150 countries and regions around the world; India has become a global small car manufacturing center; India ranks fifth in adopting automation technology on a large scale … …” Indian Minister of Commerce Anup Wadhawan said in a message to China International Import Expo(CIIE) that China International Import Expo(CIIE) provides a unique opportunity for Indian exporters to explore new opportunities and further expand their trade footprint and market share.

  In the museum, India displayed its development achievements in service trade, tourism, culture, food and other major industries and science and technology. Sharad Kumar Saraf, President of the Federation of Indian Export Organizations, said that China International Import Expo(CIIE) is an ideal platform for inviting China enterprises to invest in India.

  "By 2028, India will become the third largest economy in the world" — — This is a propaganda slogan in the India Pavilion. The head of the India Pavilion said that it is becoming more and more convenient for Indian goods to be exported to China. In the fields of pharmaceuticals, information technology and agricultural products, which have global influence and competitive advantages, there will be more room for cooperation between India and China in the future.

  The head of India National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation Co., Ltd. said that China’s continuous opening-up and the implementation of various convenient measures to attract foreign enterprises to enter China provided a very good opportunity for Indian enterprises to enter the China market.

  In the India Pavilion, an exhibitor from Guangxi stopped for a long time at the booth where spices were placed and studied all kinds of spices with great interest. "India is famous for its spices, some of which are not available in China. Communicate with Indian exhibitors on the spot and learn more market information, which is very informative. We can cooperate and complement Indian companies. " (Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Zhu Lin)

  Russian "hard core" exhibits become "online celebrity"

  The Russian National Pavilion attracted many visitors. Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Gao Xinggui photo

  The second China International Import Expo(CIIE) Russian National Pavilion was bursting with popularity, and Russia’s rich cultural heritage and advanced scientific and technological achievements gathered in the pavilion, making people dizzying.

  A "Golden Russia" limousine spliced in black and white has become a well-deserved "online celebrity" in the exhibition hall, and an endless stream of spectators came to watch the "punching in", many of whom came to find out. In addition to luxury cars, there are blue and white new medium-sized narrow-body passenger planes, red and white firefighting helicopters, and blue-green world-leading icebreaker & HELIP; … All kinds of "hard core" equipment are amazing.

  The Russian National Pavilion also highlights areas where China and Russia are cooperating or have promising cooperation prospects, including aviation and shipbuilding, agriculture and energy machinery manufacturing, digital economy, intelligent robots and jewelry technology. Russian companies participating in the exhibition cover meat and poultry, honey and grain, dairy products, candy and other industries.

  "Russian companies are very interested in China International Import Expo(CIIE). Our primary goal is to clarify the variety and scope of goods that Russian manufacturers are going to export to China, maintain the enthusiasm of those industries that already have good export potential, establish the supply of high-tech products, and focus on promoting export areas directly related to modern trends and technologies. " Alexei Kozevnikov, Senior Vice President of Russian Export Center, said.

  "The market docking area between the two countries is packed and very popular." Jiang Ding, vice president of Guangdong Imported Food Association, said that trade service is a bridge for Chinese and Russian enterprises to understand each other, which helps Russian enterprises to know more about China’s economic and trade policies and market consumption characteristics, improve their products in a targeted way, and at the same time, let China buyers know more about Russian enterprises’ product characteristics and make more rational and effective choices in the huge foreign market.

  Fana Gaulias Wine Company is one of the three major Russian wine producers. Misa, the company’s senior export general manager, told reporters that the first China International Import Expo(CIIE) has improved the brand awareness of the company. At present, China has the largest share in the company’s export market, and the future goal is to increase the sales volume of China by five times.

  This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. Alexei Gruzdev, Russian Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, said that Russian-Chinese relations are currently in an all-round positive development stage, the economic and trade exchanges between the two countries are increasingly stable and expanding, the cooperation projects between the two sides are increasing year by year, and the trade is increasingly diversified. Talking about the goal that the bilateral trade volume between Russia and China has exceeded 200 billion US dollars, Gruzdev said that promoting the implementation of this goal will help promote the comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation between the two countries in the new era. (Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Qu Lihua)

  Italy promotes technology and design

  The Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Colosseum of ancient Rome, the Milan Church and the Plaza Saint Kyle, the "most beautiful living room" in Europe, are the four famous Italian pavilions, which make many visitors stop to visit and feel different Italian tastes.

  "Integrating the most representative architectural elements in the Italian urban landscape into the exhibition area by modern and scientific means not only shows the profound Millennium meaning of the Renaissance country, but also simply and clearly conveys the rich connotation of the long-term friendly relationship between Italy and China, as well as the hopes and demands for the future, and enhances the audience’s sense of experience. This is the original design intention of the Italian Pavilion." Ma Shizhen, chief representative of the Shanghai Representative Office of the Italian Foreign Trade Commission, said.

  The theme of this year’s Italy Pavilion is "Italian Technology and Design along the New Silk Road", and its exhibits are jointly selected by the Italian Industrial Design Association and the Italian National Fashion Association, including innovative contents created by young designers for the fashion industry, elaborate promotion videos, interactive exhibits introduction, etc., which fully display Italy’s high-tech products and advanced design concepts.

  On the first floor of the exhibition hall, there is a wide wooden bench, which attracts many spectators to sit down. The staff told the reporter that the chair looks simple and natural, but it can be used as a charging pile for electric cars, or for charging mobile phones and computers. The designer’s clever mind is hidden in the inconspicuous details.

  The Italy Pavilion has also specially produced an application program. The full-motion video generated by 360-degree shooting technology enables visitors to visit four Italian cities in a virtual environment through realistic images, and to have an overview of the unique historical imprint and cultural precipitation.

  According to reports, the Italian delegation covers all fields, with more exhibitors in consumer goods, agribusiness and technical departments. Exhibitors include not only well-known companies such as Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Ferriero, Iveco and Leonard, but also many Italian small and medium-sized enterprises that are not well-known in China.

  Geographically speaking, although China and Italy are far away, the ancient Silk Road connects China and ancient Rome. Italian President Mattarella once said that this is a close link between Italy and China. In March 2019, Italy and China signed a memorandum of understanding on the Belt and Road Initiative, becoming the first G7 member to join the Belt and Road Initiative. At present, Italy has become China’s fifth largest trading partner in the EU, while China is Italy’s largest trading partner in Asia.

  "2020 will mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy." Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Luigi Di Mayo said that Italy is willing to play an active role in promoting the development of EU-China relations, and will work with China to strengthen cultural exchanges and consolidate and deepen friendship and cooperation between the two countries. (Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Yang Zhongyang)

Trass is expected to take over as British Prime Minister, and the party survey is far ahead of his opponent Sunak.

  The election of the leader of the British ruling Conservative Party will announce the voting results on September 5; According to the latest survey in party member, the current Foreign Minister Trass is 22 percentage points ahead of former Finance Minister Sunak and is expected to replace Johnson as Prime Minister.

  According to Lianhe Zaobao, the survey released by Opinium Research13 on the 13th showed that among 450 Conservative Party party member who had decided to vote, Trass was far ahead with 61% support rate, while Sunak’s support rate was 39%.

  The above survey was conducted between August 8 and 12. There are three main reasons why party member supports Trass: she doesn’t like Sunak, thinks she is more honest and credible, and she remains loyal to Johnson.

  If the respondents who did not indicate their intention to vote were included, the total number of survey samples of Opinium Research reached 570. Less than one-third of them, or 29%, said they had already voted; Another 47% said they had decided who to vote for. Only 19% said they might still change their mind.

AITO asked the world that the new M7 delivered 30,635 new cars in 84 days.

  On December 6th, IT House reported that in November this year, all the brands in Wenjie delivered 18,827 vehicles in November, of which 15,242 vehicles were successfully delivered by Wenjie, and 10,000 vehicles were delivered for two consecutive months. At the same time, the number of new M7 cars has exceeded 100,000.

  According to the latest official data, 30,635 new M7 vehicles were delivered in 84 days. According to reports, the car purchase rights in December include 12,000 yuan for interior and exterior decoration, 15,000 yuan for matching rights and so on.

AITO asked the world that the new M7 delivered 30,635 new cars in 84 days.

  The M7 was officially launched on September 12th. Last month, two new models were added. The car offers seven configurations, five-seat and six-seat seat layouts, with a guide price range of 249,800 yuan. IT house summary guide price:

  This model has a length of 5020mm, a width of 1945mm, a height of 1760mm and a wheelbase of 2820mm. It uses a drive motor with a rated power of 70kW/72kW and a peak power of 130kW/200kW. The maximum net power of the engine is 110kW, and the fuel consumption of WLTC is 0.85L or 1.06L per 100 kilometers. It is equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited ternary lithium battery.

  In terms of intelligent driving,The new M7 in Wenjie is equipped with Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system.It can realize high-speed and urban intelligent driving without relying on high-precision maps. The new car is equipped with 27 sensing hardware, including 1 overhead lidar, 3 millimeter-wave radars, 11 high-definition visual sensing cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars, which supports parking service and ultra-narrow parking spaces in the park.

AITO asked the world that the new M7 delivered 30,635 new cars in 84 days.

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