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Independent games, showing different scenery

Independent games, showing different scenery

—— The Curriculum Reform of Preschool Education in xinghua city, Taizhou, Jiangsu Province

One by one, the children boarded the "platform", simulated divers, jumped from the "springboard" and cheered and enjoyed the challenge. After landing, they bounced off the cushion, wiped the sweat from their foreheads, and scrambled to board the platform with a smile …

This is a video of outdoor games in Zhaoyang Central Kindergarten, xinghua city, Taizhou, Jiangsu. As the experimental area of "Anji Game Promotion Plan" of the Ministry of Education, in recent years, xinghua city has actively implemented the national preschool education reform policy. Under the guidance of "Guide to Learning and Development of Children Aged 3-6" and "Guide to Evaluation of Kindergarten Conservation Education Quality", Anji Game and Jiangsu Curriculum Gamification Project have been integrated and implemented, which has comprehensively promoted the curriculum reform of preschool education and greatly improved the quality of preschool education.

Children in the central kindergarten of Dainan Town, xinghua city are playing a slide game on the hillside. Photo by Ji Ling

Back and Wait: Seeing Different Children

The "platform jumping" in the video consists of two Anji boxes, a ladder and a long board. The protagonist in the game is Shun Shun, a big boy.

An outdoor game in November, 2022, I like to climb the challenge smoothly, and I think it is too easy to climb the Anji box, so I decided to build two boxes. He called his companion Xiaojun, but the box was so tall and heavy that it was really impossible to build it.

Liu Xiaoqin, a teacher in Shunshun’s class, said, "In the past, as an observer and supporter of children’s games, I would’ can’t help’ helping them solve the problems in the game. The "Guidelines for the Quality Assessment of Kindergarten Conservation Education" puts forward the requirement of’ not rushing to intervene or interfere with children’s activities’. Faced with this scene, I chose to stand back and wait, leaving children with more opportunities for trial and error, exploration and reflection. "

In the subsequent "game story" characterization and "one-on-one listening record", Liu Xiaoqin learned about Shunshun’s troubles, and asked Shunshun to introduce his plans and difficulties in the collective sharing session, which aroused the interest of the children in the class, and they made suggestions and offered suggestions one after another.

The next day, Shunshun called his friends and found boards to put on the bottom box, forming a slope. Everyone joined forces to build the second box with the help of the slope. The high platform was put up, and the children had a whim, played new tricks, built a "springboard" and played "diving" …

"From the practice of building a base box to the representation record, and then to the platform change, in the independent game, children have achieved effective development in many fields such as health, language, society, science and art, and cultivated good learning quality and personality quality." Fan Henghua, a researcher at xinghua city Teacher Development Center, said, "Teachers have found different children in the process of retreating and waiting patiently, and realized that children are active and capable learners, which has reshaped their views on children and education."

It is a microcosm of curriculum reform in xinghua city that teachers stand back and wait to let children develop and grow in autonomous games.

The reporter learned that there are 94 kindergartens in xinghua city. Influenced by the unique topography, economy, population and other factors, preschool education in the city is scattered, started late and developed slowly. For a long time, there have been some problems: the renewal of teachers’ ideas and the lag of professional development; Kindergarten curriculum relies too much on teachers’ books and ignores children’s dominant position; Children in kindergarten environment have insufficient vision and are not suitable; The development between urban and rural areas, regions and gardens is unbalanced.

In order to promote children’s all-round development and happy growth, xinghua city Education Bureau thoroughly implemented the two Guides and deepened the reform of preschool education. In 2020, it successfully applied for the project of promoting curriculum gamification in Jiangsu Province, and in 2021, it became the experimental area of "Anji Game Promotion Plan" of the Ministry of Education, which accelerated the pace of promoting kindergarten curriculum reform in the region.

Children in the central kindergarten of Zhuhong Town, xinghua city play punting games with foam floating boards and PVC pipes. Wang weishe

Listening and observing: approaching real children

"Unexpectedly, in just a few months, the children in our class have become talkative and lively." Fan Jianqin, a kindergarten teacher in xinghua city, said.

Fan Jianqin’s class is Class 2. In her impression, in the past, kindergarten was mainly based on collective teaching activities, and children’s imagination and creativity were limited by the teacher’s perspective and the operation of high-structure game materials. Some children are quiet in the class group, but they are considered as symbols of obedience and understanding, and their real voices are not fully heard. With the deepening of curriculum reform, these children are awakened and discovered in the "one-on-one listening record" of teachers, and they become willing to express themselves and get personalized development.

In the process of curriculum reform, seeing children, understanding children, respecting children and believing in children are important prerequisites for effectively carrying out educational activities and supporting children’s meaningful learning, and are also the key and difficult points for improving teachers’ professional level. In practice, Xinghua preschool teachers find that observation, listening and dialogue are important ways for teachers to know children, especially "one-on-one listening record", which is easy to operate and has obvious effects, and is a "fast track" for teachers to know children and build a good relationship between teachers and children.

According to the actual situation of teachers, xinghua city Education Bureau puts forward three requirements for kindergartens in the city: First, from the level of curriculum implementation, we should give free support to children’s independent games, and thoroughly implement the "game story" representation, one-on-one listening and recording, collective sharing and other links to help teachers understand children’s thinking, experience and needs face to face in listening and dialogue, and approach real children. Second, from the teaching and research level, teachers are required to use mobile phones and other equipment to record children’s game activities, and then through various levels of teaching and research activities, the real game scenes of children are presented, and the interest, learning and development level behind children’s game behaviors are interpreted. Third, from the training level, through regional alliances, famous teacher studios and other platforms, we will promote the professional reading and training of principals and teachers, promote teachers to constantly update their concepts, and improve their theoretical level and professional ability to observe and interpret children’s behaviors.

At the same time, the preschool teachers and researchers of the Municipal Education Bureau went deep into kindergarten research and guidance to help kindergartens find, analyze and solve problems, carry out reflective practice, and promote the transformation of kindergartens in practice and reflection.

Xiao Yiyun, a kindergarten teacher in Dainan Town Center, said: "I began to learn to squat down and observe, sit down and listen, observe, listen and record every day, understand children’s real interests and needs, reflect on the development contained in children’s game behavior, interpret children’s game stories, and give further adjustment and support based on this."

Through study, practice, reflection and communication, teachers’ ideas are gradually clear, their understanding of children is deeper, and they respect, trust and follow children more sincerely.

Optimization and burden reduction: finding great children

Recently, a video of children playing outdoors in township kindergartens became popular on the Internet. In kindergartens with flowing bridges and reeds, children wear red life-saving vests, some paddle and paddle in the river, some swim and climb on banks, docks and bridges, and laughter fills the whole playground.

This video was taken by a parent of Zhuhong Town Central Kindergarten in xinghua city. In order to meet the children’s demand for games, the park has carefully built an outdoor activity venue with the characteristics of Xinghua water town, and built artificial canals with local wild interests and arch bridges, suspension bridges and single-plank bridges with different shapes. There are ecological planting areas of reeds, arrowheads, lotus roots, water chestnuts and water chestnuts, as well as sand ponds, mud ponds, gullies, sloping fields with different heights and flat land and passages with different materials …

"These can bring different experiences and feelings to children during the game, and stimulate children’s interest in continuous exploration." Director Shen Lei said.

Environment, materials and time are the basic conditions for children’s play. In order to solve the problem that the environment creation is not suitable enough and needs to be optimized urgently, xinghua city has increased the financial guarantee, set up pre-school education development guidance funds, and guided and supported old kindergartens to carry out suitable transformation of indoor and outdoor environment. After the transformation, the outdoor environment of kindergartens in the city is more natural and wild, the playground is more open, the game materials are less structured and challenging, and the optimization of the external environment gives children more room to release their nature and explore challenges.

Children in Zhaoyanghu Kindergarten in xinghua city are playing graffiti games. Photo by Lu Juan

"The children in the newly rebuilt sand in our kindergarten are so cute that I can’t write more recent stories." A teacher in an feng Central Kindergarten said with emotion.

Behind the repeated adjustment and updating of environment, materials and time are the in-depth thinking and exploration of managers and front-line teachers. Zhou Hua, deputy director of Dainan Town Central Kindergarten, said: "Every adjustment and optimization is the embodiment of the spirit of Anji Game and the process of teachers’ growth. We deeply understand that there is no end to curriculum reform. Only by taking children as the foundation, following and supporting children and creating a suitable and secure environment for them can children live happily and meaningfully. "

In fact, at the beginning of the implementation of "Anji Game", kindergartens encountered a lot of "distress" because of lack of understanding and understanding. For example, some kindergartens pay too much attention to the writing of observation notes, game cases and other copywriting, and value quantity over quality, which is regarded as a main indicator to assess teachers’ work performance; Some kindergartens ignore the actual situation such as teacher-child ratio and teacher’s proficiency in operation, and mechanically implement the daily requirement of "one-on-one listening record" … All these reasons lead to heavy workload and pressure for teachers, so they can’t let children play their own games and record their representations, listen to their children one-on-one attentively, and have no time for retrospective reflection.

In order to solve these "troubles", xinghua city Education Bureau starts from the root causes and takes many measures to reduce the burden on teachers. For example, resolutely cancel the teaching books used by children, minimize the collective activities preset by teachers, and replace the original lesson preparation notes with retrospective reflection records; According to the actual situation of kindergartens, the number of teachers’ "one-on-one listening records" per day should be weakened; Replace the original decorative environment with children’s real records and representations; Optimize and adjust weekly plans and monthly plans, and cancel mechanical duplication, numerous and unnecessary paperwork …

"Without the director’s letting go of the teacher, there would be no teacher’s letting go of the children." Teng Yan, deputy director of the Education Bureau of xinghua city, said with deep feelings, "In the initial stage of curriculum reform, only by effectively reducing the burden on teachers and slowing down the convergence slope can teachers have more time and energy to observe, listen, talk and reflect every day, so as to really and effectively approach children, find children and understand children."

"Xinghua’s preschool education has developed so fast, it is not worse than big cities at all. My child is in kindergarten with you! " In the autumn semester of 2022, a parent who brought his children from Beijing to his hometown and entered the park nearby said that the independent games implemented by the kindergarten made the children free and happy and reluctant to leave.

"Entering a new era and embarking on a new journey, Xinghua preschool education should continue to improve its connotation quality, stick to the position of children, take project construction and curriculum construction as the starting point, renew its concept, discover and develop children in open and diverse and spiritual educational activities, and push forward the’ education for young children’ to’ education for young children’." Gu Xiaobin, director of xinghua city Education Bureau, said. (Correspondent Cai Weihua Gu Risheng Our reporter Ji Xiujun)

short review

Reform does not need short theory, but real practice.

Xinghua city is located in the north of Taizhou, Jiangsu Province. As the experimental area of Anji Game Promotion Plan of the Ministry of Education, it also faces many questions in the early stage of reform: If the kindergarten curriculum reform is implemented, will teachers really not use books and teach collectively? With these questions, along the way, Xinghua preschool teachers continue to gain surprises and self-confidence, which makes people sigh their courage and courage to turn reform ideas into reality.

Reform should firmly grasp the policy direction and "national position." The choice of national education policy in different periods must have its background, and we should consider who to train, who to train and how to train people at this historical stage. Xinghua preschool teachers carry out the practical action of "children are capable self-learners", giving full play to children’s potential and initiative, which embodies the position of universal development of preschool education in China. This pattern and position are determined from the height of national education. At the same time, Xinghua preschool teachers take the initiative to find the common ground between Anji Games and Jiangsu Province’s curriculum gamification projects, and find the combination of curriculum reform ideas on the premise of "freedom, autonomy, pleasure and creation". The leader of xinghua city Education Bureau made a decisive decision: "If you have an argument, you can do it first! Without practice, you can’t see the development of children in the game, and adults have no right to speak. " This guiding measure ensures the implementation of the "children-oriented" game concept.

Reformers should have educational ideals and feelings. In Xinghua’s reform, we can see that the teacher-oriented "teaching material goal" and "high-control game" have gradually withdrawn from the stage and been replaced by "true" games that can give children the right to play. Behind this word "true", it is to "reduce the burden" for teachers and contains the educational pursuit of "getting rid of falsehood and seeking truth". In the face of a "game revolution", many "breaks" and "stands" are also innovations in many pre-school education concepts and elements. The courage of reformers comes from their persistence and persistence in educational ideals and beliefs. A group of reformers with educational feelings have gradually formed an internalization and understanding of the "game spirit" in more than two years’ practice, have a sense of responsibility for children’s development, and firmly believe that "the castle peak will not relax", constantly sum up experiences and lessons from setbacks and disputes, and usher in a brand-new realm of "a village with a bright future".

The reform has brought about changes in the "professional development ecosystem". The administration, teaching research and kindergarten teachers of xinghua city Education Bureau unite and cooperate with each other, complementing each other’s advantages, and jointly stay in the "game reform scene" to discuss "understanding children" and "discovering children"; Front-line teachers constantly change their views on children and education in game observation and one-on-one listening and dialogue, breaking the previous context of professional growth of teachers led by "experts". Facts have proved that the cooperative partnership based on "real" scene and solving "problems" has reshaped the teaching and research community, spawned practical wisdom and cracked the dilemma of separating educational theory from practice.

In the practice of Anji game education, Xinghua preschool teachers have initially found the way to improve the quality of education, but they should also be soberly aware that any reform can not be achieved overnight. Facing the practical problems such as unbalanced development between urban and rural areas, regions and gardens, and scattered distribution, how to embody fair, just and balanced development for all needs to be continuously explored and deepened.

(Author: Zhou Xin, a professor at the School of Preschool Education of Jiangsu Second Normal University)

Source: China Education News.

Weifang: Optimizing Medical Service Resources and Improving Primary Medical Service Ability

Weifang Radio and Television New Media News Primary health care is related to the health protection of the whole people, and primary medical institutions are the net to provide basic medical and health services to the masses. Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that to promote the construction of healthy China, we should give priority to the protection of people’s health, focus on rural areas and communities, and vigorously improve the basic medical level and health management and protection capabilities.

Zhao Tongxiang, deputy chairman of Weifang Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society: "In the investigation, Weifang Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society learned that the medical staff in primary medical institutions are highly mobile and the brain drain is serious; There are also individual primary health service institutions, lacking large-scale commonly used necessary inspection equipment, etc., and people tend to choose large hospitals for medical treatment. Focusing on solving these problems, we sorted out and submitted proposals. "

The proposal proposes to strengthen the construction of talent team in primary medical institutions, increase financial input in primary health care, strengthen the support of medical insurance policy to primary medical institutions, vigorously promote the grading diagnosis and treatment system, etc., improve the medical service capacity of primary medical institutions as soon as possible, and better make primary medical institutions become the health guards of the general public.

Wang Qinghai, the second researcher of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, said: "After receiving the proposal from the CPPCC, we seriously adopted and implemented the proposal. Innovative implementation of single-disease group management, always taking the health needs of the people as the focus and starting point, taking multiple measures to strengthen the construction of primary health service system, continuously improving the capacity of primary medical services, and improving the grading diagnosis and treatment system, further enhancing the satisfaction and sense of gain of the people. "

With the attention and support of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Municipal Health and Health Commission actively responded to the concerns of CPPCC members and people from all walks of life, continuously optimized medical service resources, greatly improved the capacity building of primary medical services, resolutely safeguarded people’s health and life safety, and further enhanced people’s sense of acquisition, happiness and security.

20 games with the highest IGN score in 2023: two perfect works!

The future game lineup of each family has gradually stabilized this year, and many masterpieces will be launched one after another in 2023. All three host manufacturers are planning their own blockbuster works in 2023. At present, the first quarter has passed, and IGN has published a summary of 20 high-scoring games so far this year, two of which are full marks. Let’s take a look.

Full list:

8 step:

Heart of the atom

Multi-player part of company of heroes 3

I wish you a good death

Meet the Creator

Resident Evil: Village VR

Son of the forest

Wild heart

Wolong: The Fall of Heaven

《WWE 2K23》

9 step:

Bayonetta: Origin

Dead Space: Remastered Edition

Flame coat of arms Engage

《GT7 VR》

《Hi-Fi Rush》

The legacy of Hogwarts

Major League Baseball 23

Pizza tower

Final fantasy rhythm theater

10 step:

Galactic warrior Prime replica edition

Resident Evil 4: Remastered Edition

Zhang Linyan’s overseas famous scene! Hold up a trophy in both hands, Cao Meng Club: Awesome.

Recently, the China Women’s Football Team sent good news that talented teenager Zhang Linyan was selected as the Golden Glove Award in the Swiss Women’s Football Super League. Next is Zhang Linyan’s famous scene abroad. In a photo released recently, Zhang Linyan can be seen holding trophies in his left and right hands, and Grasshopper Football Club praised this in the essay.

When it comes to studying women’s football, fans may think of China’s top soccer player Shoupeng Wang, who played in French Ligue 1 for one season. After all, Shoupeng Wang contributed to the team’s growth in the 2018-2019 season, which is a bright spot. Yu Wai Shoupeng Wang also won the honor of Miss Asian Football by scoring 8 goals and 10 assists for the Parisian women’s football team. This is really great.

However, times have changed. Since Wang Shuai broke off her contract with Paris after the French Women’s World Cup and returned to China, it was not until the Indian Women’s Asian Cup was held that there was no obstacle for China women’s football team to study abroad. Paddy fields At the beginning of last year, the overseas development of China women’s football team, which returned to the top of Asia after 16 years, set off another wave of upsurge.

From Zhang Linyan, Li Mengwen, Yang Leina, Li Jiayue, and even Shoupeng Wang, who started her overseas trip again, the number of China women’s football team studying abroad surged to more than 10 in one year. I can’t figure it out!

Among these more than 10 foreign players, some have gained a firm foothold abroad. For example, Shen Mengyu and Shen Menglu, China teenagers who currently play for the Su Chao Celtic women’s football team, have made great contributions. In particular, Shen Menglou, who joined the Celtic women’s football team this season, has a great ability to break through from the sideline to the last line of the frontcourt, and often beats her opponents without hesitation.

Another talent that can’t be ignored is Zhang Linyan, a talented teenager from China who is now shining brilliantly on the Swiss stage. He scored 10 goals, sent 9 assists and scored 2 goals. In addition, Zhang Linyan’s two high-quality long-range goals so far have also been rated as the best goals in the second round of the league. Rookie Zhang Linyan is a special presence on the Swiss stage!

Recently, with the good news that Zhang Linyan was selected as the Golden Glove Award in the Swiss Women’s Super League, FIFA also affirmed and praised Zhang Linyan, saying that "the future is limitless!"

Zhang Linyi’s overseas famous scene was exposed, and Grasshopper Football Club recently took a photo of Zhang Linyi’s celebration. It is suspected that Zhang Linyi looks more relaxed than Zhang Linyi. In this regard, grasshopper football club also wrote: the best left-handed player in the league and the best right-handed 11 in the league! Zhang Linyi is amazing!

In addition, in the second round of the quarter-finals of the Swiss Women’s Super Play-offs, Zhang Linyi scored two goals in a row, forcibly avoiding the goalkeeper’s push and no goal, and finally helping her team win. Cao Meng girls advanced to the semi-finals with a score of 4-0.

It can be seen that at present, Zhang Linyan is hot, and in the next group match of the 2023 Women’s World Cup, Zhang Linyan may once again become the secret weapon of China women’s football coach Shui Qingxia! What do your fans say about this?

Shuxiang Zhiyuan The First Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon was launched in Shanghai.

The first "Progress Cup" Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon was launched in Xujiahui Academy. Photo courtesy of the contest organizer

Xu Jing, April 17 (Xinhua) The year 2023 marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of Soong Ching Ling, one of the founders of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and honorary president of the country. The launching ceremony of the first "Progress Cup" Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon (hereinafter referred to as "Yuema") and the launching ceremony of the question bank were held in Shanghai on the 17th.

The contest was hosted by the Shanghai Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Cultural Relics Management Committee and the Shanghai Committee of the Communist Youth League, and co-hosted by the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Former Residence Memorial Hall and Xuhui District Culture and Tourism Bureau.

In this competition, a series of related books, such as Soong Ching Ling, Sun Yat-sen and so on, were read by combining offline and offline, so as to attract a wide audience, including teenagers, to read the grand and magnificent life stories of two great men in the century and approach their three-dimensional and vivid spiritual world.

The contest calls on the whole people to read the works of celebrities intensively and enjoy reading. Photo courtesy of the contest organizer

Soong Ching Ling is the daughter of Shanghai. Her "lovely home" is located in Xuhui, Shanghai, and most of the women’s and children’s cultural and educational undertakings she initiated in her life germinated, took root, flourished and expanded in Xuhui. The launching ceremony of this competition was held in Xujiahui Academy, one of Shanghai’s cultural landmarks. By setting up "Soong Ching Ling’s special bookcase" in this all-media era compound library and entering the hospital to scan the code, the reading was switched online and offline, showing the power of reading to the society and calling on the whole people to read.

On the same day, 150 contestants were divided into student group and adult group. They read the book Soong Ching Ling together in three divisions of Xujiahui Academy, and completed the online question bank and made a comparison within the specified time. After the launching ceremony, various organizations and individuals will continue this "Yue Ma" lasting for 100 days, calling on the whole people to intensively read famous works, enjoy reading, pool their wisdom and enrich their spiritual world.

Ni Yifei, director of the Cultural Management Committee of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai, said that in recent years, the Cultural Management Committee of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai has continued to promote the construction of a "great mission" platform with the theme of carrying forward the great spirit of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling, with the series of activities of "five tours" (tour exhibition, lecture, broadcast, competition and tour) as the starting point to provide quality public cultural services to the public. The first "Progress Cup" Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling Reading Marathon is a touring brand planned and launched by the Cultural Management Committee of Sun Yat-sen Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai this year.

Wu Bin, deputy secretary of the Shanghai Communist Youth League Committee, said that the Shanghai Communist Youth League Committee will widely mobilize the youth of the city to actively participate. I believe that through this competition, the contestants will learn something and learn something. With the joint efforts of many parties, this competition will definitely become a high-quality platform for "innovating the use of red resources and boosting the growth of young people". (End)

In the civil war of women’s singles table tennis, Manyu Wang defeated Wang Yidi 4-2, advanced to the final and was recognized.

For Manyu Wang, how brilliant will his achievements be? The WTT Macau Championship in 2023 will last until the sixth match day, and the men’s and women’s singles semi-finals have now ended. In the high-profile women’s table tennis competition, four China table tennis players presented two amazing semi-finals. This is the second year in a row that she has won the world championship at this level. In a just-concluded semi-final, Manyu Wang defeated Wang Yidi with a score of 4:2, thus successfully advancing to the final. In this competition, Manyu Wang showed amazing strength. His goal is to win the final championship. Even if he loses the competition, he can consolidate his position in the third place in the world.

At present, there are obvious differences between the two core players of China table tennis team. During the whole Paris Olympic cycle, Wang Yidi’s performance showed a trend of low opening and high walking, from the marginal main force of table tennis to one of the five main forces of table tennis. With Chen Meng’s ranking falling to the fourth place in the world due to the elimination of Olympic points, Wang Yidi’s ranking in the world has climbed to the third place, while Manyu Wang has shown a trend of high opening and low walking throughout the cycle.

Especially in this year, Manyu Wang showed an amazing performance, coupled with injuries and the change of the head coach, his performance is quite bad. His grades don’t seem to have changed much either. Chen Meng failed to win the championship in many competitions. Unfortunately, her efforts failed to win in the end. But he still sticks to his dream. In the Macau Championship, Manyu Wang and Wang Yidi staged a thrilling reversal in the semi-final, which provided him with an opportunity to win the championship again.

In the first game, Wang Yidi seized the opportunity of the game with keen insight and keen sense of smell. Take the lead in the score, then remain stable in several rounds, and finally lead the opponent by 11:7, successfully opening the door to victory. He used his expertise and technology to attack. With the arrival of the second game, Manyu Wang launched a counterattack and successfully occupied the advantage on the field. And control it. Whether in attack or defense, we can seize the opportunity skillfully in the stalemate and win. After pulling back the second game with 11:9, the score was 1:1, and in the third game, the competition between the two sides became more intense.

However, there is still a chance to catch Manyu Wang, who took a 2-1 lead with a score of 11-9, performed well in the multi-beat stalemate in the fourth game without mercy, and finally took the lead. Although he was robbed by his opponent in the last board, he finally defeated his opponent to win. Under the score of 11:6, we have achieved a 3:1 lead, which is a very excellent victory. This also shows that he is very confident about this game. In the fifth game, Wang Yidi showed indomitable spirit, even in the face of last stand.

From falling behind to equalising and then leading, we finally won the bureau with a score of 11:5, making the score 2:3. Manyu Wang, whose victory in the sixth game was in sight, did not give up the victory, but won with the score of 11:4, and finally eliminated Wang Yidi with the score of 4:2, thus winning the national table tennis civil war. This is another great achievement after he won the titles of "best server" and "excellent receiver and receiver". Despite the hard-won victory, Manyu Wang is expected to challenge the first singles title this year and become a new champion.

Due to long-term injury and coach change, Manyu Wang’s performance this year is not satisfactory, and he has not been able to break through the championship shortage so far, but in the end, he successfully entered the finals and will have an excellent chance to win the championship. Although his current state is not very good, he still hopes that he can return to the competition as soon as possible and strive for a better record. This is also the root cause of Manyu Wang’s recovery. Although his performance in the game is not good at present, if he can maintain his current competitive state, he can lay a solid foundation for winning greater victories next year. In order to consolidate the existing position, it is indispensable to achieve corresponding results after the global ranking has risen to the second position. Therefore, his performance in this competition is still good, especially his excellent service, which won him a good chance and finally won the runner-up. For Manyu Wang, how excellent will his performance be in this competition? We will analyze his pre-match preparation and performance in the competition and give some suggestions. Welcome everyone to leave a message and exchange.

ChatGPT invested $180 million in anti-aging company, trying to increase the average life expectancy of human beings by 10 years.

In mid-2022, a startup company named Retro Biosciences came into public view, and it announced that it had obtained $180 million for a bold task: increasing the average life expectancy of human beings by 10 years. Just a short year ago, the company was headquartered in a warehouse near San Francisco. There were many containers on the concrete floor, where scientists worked and did experiments.

Retro said that as part of the "radical task", it would "stimulate the speed" and "tighten the feedback loop" in order to stop aging or even reverse it. But it is vague about the source of its funds. According to reports, it was still a "mysterious" startup, and its investors were anonymous.

Now MIT Science and Technology Review can reveal that all the investment was provided by Sam Altman, a 37-year-old senior entrepreneur and CEO of OpenAI.

Altman spent almost all his time on OpenAI, an artificial intelligence company, whose chat bots and electronic art programs have always been unique in the field of science and technology because of their comparable human capabilities.

But altman’s money is another matter. He said that he had emptied his bank account to fund two other very different but equally ambitious goals: pursuing unlimited energy and prolonging life.

He said in 2021 that one of the projects is Helion Energy, a nuclear fusion power generation startup, and he has invested more than 375 million US dollars in the company. The other is Retro, who invested a total of $180 million in the same year.

"This is a lot of money. I basically invested all my current assets in these two companies, "altman said.

Altman’s investment in Retro has never been disclosed before. This is one of the largest personal investments ever made by a startup company seeking to increase human life span.

Altman has always been a well-known figure in Silicon Valley. He used to run Y Combinator, a business incubator in San Francisco, but with the release of ChatGPT by OpenAI and its popularity all over the world, his name has been known all over the world.

It is reported that the breakthrough based on artificial intelligence technology has turned this seven-year-old company into a "member of the technology giant club". Microsoft promised to invest $10 billion in it, and altman, who has 1.5 million Twitter followers, is consolidating his status as a technology tycoon, and his invention will definitely change the society profoundly.

Altman is not on Forbes’ list of billionaires, but he is still very rich. His extensive investments include early shares in companies such as Stripe and Airbnb.

He said: "In the biggest bull market in history, I have always been an investor in technology stocks at an early stage."

Hard core technology

Now, in his words, he has invested his capital in a level that is "orders of magnitude far beyond the Y Combinator era". He has been betting these funds on several technical fields that he thinks will have the greatest positive impact on mankind: artificial intelligence, energy and anti-aging biotechnology.

Helion, headquartered in Everett, Washington, is eager to conquer atoms to create an "infinite clean energy". Joe Betts-LaCroix, CEO and co-founder of Retro, said that the company’s goal is to "prolong human life by discovering how to rejuvenate our bodies".

All these companies, including OpenAI, are what altman called "hard-core" start-ups-companies that need a lot of investment to make scientific progress and master difficult technologies. This is a shift for altman, from supporting fast-growing applications and companies in the era of Web 2.0 prosperity to supporting scientists engaged in long-term research.

Hard science companies need higher capital costs, but altman believes that their bigger goals are more likely to attract talented engineers. He recently quoted Daniel Burnham, a Victorian architect, on Twitter: "Don’t make small plans, they don’t have the magic to stimulate the blood flow."

Although nuclear fusion and life extension may be the most incredible projects (some researchers even think it’s daydreaming), few people believed that artificial intelligence would pass the medical school exam in 2023, just like ChatGPT, a chat robot of OpenAI, did this year.

Altman said that in fact, hard-core startups may have a better chance of success than simple companies. This is because there may be a thousand start-ups developing photo sharing applications, but only a few companies can build experimental nuclear fusion reactors.

enlarge the scale

Altman said that the areas he has been betting on are those where he can see some potential trends, so that technologies that seem impossible today are expected to spread quickly. This is what happened to OpenAI, which was established in 2015.

The company focuses on a machine learning technology called transformer and has steadily expanded its scale. In the process of creating its products, it only spent more than $1 billion on purchasing computing power.

The resulting model (program) can create pictures and complex text paragraphs in a few seconds, even close to human works. "We have an algorithm that we can learn, and as it performs more operations, it seems that it can be further extended," altman said.

As for the realization of controlled nuclear fusion, the trend that altman sees is bigger and stronger magnets. In order to fix the 100 million-degree thermal plasma vortex in the reactor core, we need very powerful magnets. Altman said that he initially invested about $10 million in Helion, but later increased the stakes because he was "very confident".

Although the problem of nuclear fusion has not been solved (reactors still use more energy than they produce), he has been urging Helion to list how to build several reactors every day-if nuclear fusion wants to replace coal and natural gas as the main power source, increasing production capacity is a necessary part.

"That’s what I’ve learned from my career. Scale it up and see what happens, "altman said.

Young blood

About eight years ago, altman became interested in the so-called "young blood" research. In these studies, scientists stitched young mice and old mice together so that they shared a blood system. Surprisingly, these old mice seem to have partially recovered their vitality.

This is a terrible experiment, but to some extent, it is very simple. Altman, then the head of Y Combinator incubator, asked his staff to investigate what progress anti-aging scientists were making.

He said: "It feels like this is a result I didn’t expect, and that is another result I didn’t expect. This means that something is happening quietly … Maybe there is a secret hidden here, and it is easier to find than we thought. "

In 2018, Y Combinator opened a special course for biotech companies, inviting companies with "radical anti-aging plans" to apply, but soon after, altman left Y Combinator to concentrate on his increasingly busy work in OpenAI.

By 2020, some researchers in California showed that they could achieve the effect similar to obtaining "young blood" by replacing the plasma of old mice with saline and albumin. This shows that the real problem lies in the "aging blood". Just by diluting it (and the toxins in it), we may be one step closer to drugs that resist or even cure aging.

Bates Lacroiva recalled, "Sam called me and said,’ My God, have you seen this plasma intervention paper?’ That’s not what I said, but the general idea is similar. Bates Lacroiva was a part-time biotechnology partner of Y Combinator and now leads a gathering of longevity lovers.

Bates Lacroix agrees that it’s cool and some companies should pursue it. "How about I fund you to do it?" Altman said.

But Bates Lacroix was already studying a different idea. He just finished an early joint venture project, a company called Vium. The company tried to "digitize" the rat population and added cameras and artificial intelligence to monitor the experiment. Vium has raised more than 50 million dollars, but it has not been successful. That year, it was merged into another biotechnology company, which bought its assets for $2.6 million.

Bates Lacroiva’s new plan is to set up a company to pursue cell reprogramming-another hot area involving the technology of making cells younger through genetic engineering. He has collaborated with Chinese scholar Ding Sheng Ding who has developed a new method of reprogramming cells. Bates-Lacroiva also believes that the process that cells use to process toxins (called autophagy) may be a direction worth exploring.

Altman’s answer is: "Why don’t you do all these things?"

"I will. I will set up a multi-project company around the biology of aging, which is a big project, "Bates Lacroiva recalled." Then he said,’ Great, let’s do it.’ "

The new company needs a lot of money-enough to keep it going for at least seven or eight years while conducting research, encountering setbacks and overcoming them. And it needs to finish the work quickly. The expenses of many biotech startups are decided by the board of directors, but in Retro, Bates-Lacroiva has all the decision-making power. "There is no bureaucracy here," he said. "I am a bureaucracy."

For example, Bates Lacroix did not wait for scarce laboratory space, but filled a warehouse with 40 prefabricated containers and used them as laboratories. This means that he can quickly carry out the first experiment, including repeating some plasma work on mice. Bates Lacroiva presented some preliminary results at a conference in 2022, saying that mice undergoing plasma exchange seemed to become stronger.

Mysterious start-up company

Retro employees submit experimental memos every week to record which work is progressing smoothly and which work is frustrated. Bates Lacroix said that he usually calls altman on weekends to tell him the highlights, and altman sometimes makes suggestions.

However, up to now, things related to this company in altman have been kept secret. This is a decision made by Bates Lacroiva, who wants Retro to open its own path. Altman agreed, because he tried to be "very careful not to hide the brilliance of the CEOs I worked with."

When Bates Lacroiva officially disclosed the company information in mid-2022, in a series of tweets, he still didn’t disclose altman’s name, but said that he was "lucky to get the initial capital of 180 million dollars", which was enough to "safely" support the company to run until 2030, when it planned to realize "the first proof of concept to extend life".

People familiar with the company’s thinking say it’s also because altman’s name may be a distraction. Of course, he is famous, but this reason may be wrong. Although altman’s position in the entrepreneurial world is unparalleled, his reputation is almost nonexistent in the biological laboratory and pharmaceutical industry, and a person’s scientific record is the most important in this circle.

"I’ve never heard of the name Sam altman," said Irina Conboy, a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, although her work on plasma has amazed Sam. But she is really more familiar with Bates Lacroiva and his research on longevity.

"100 million is just a number, not a breakthrough," Comboy said.

Public discontent

Every technology also has risks. As far as artificial intelligence is concerned, it is chat bots that may spread lies and false information. As for reversing the age, if it is really effective, one of the risks often mentioned is public dissatisfaction, especially if it will be offered to the rich like altman first.

The basis of this idea is that if altman’s financial support is magnified conspicuously, Retro may become a victim and be classified as a vanity project misled by billionaires in pursuit of immortality.

We have reason to be so worried. In 2016, Peter Thiel, one of altman’s mentors, was ridiculed by the media as a "vampire looking for young victims" after he expressed interest in receiving anti-aging blood transfusion treatment. A year later, HBO’s spoof program "Silicon Valley" released an episode called "Blood Donation Boy". In the film, the CEO of a fictional technology company is in a meeting, and his vein is connected with that of a handsome young man called "blood transfusion assistant".

"We really don’t want to see those old billionaires pay for plasma donors," Bates Lacroiva said in the summer of 2022. Instead, he said, the company hopes to find more "credible" interventions, such as drugs that mimic the effect of blood replacement, for millions of people to use.

"We don’t want to treat billionaires with prejudice. I’m just saying that we don’t want to see treatments that are super expensive, awkward and difficult to implement. "

Altman said that his personal anti-aging methods include "trying to eat healthily, exercise and get enough sleep" and taking metformin. Metformin is a diabetes drug, but it is very popular in Silicon Valley because it may make people without diabetes healthier. "I hope I can use Retro therapy one day!" Altman said.

OpenAI in the field of anti-aging

Anti-aging research seems to be a promising investment field. One reason is that it has not received much funds in the past, at least relative to the scale of the research project. According to the data of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services in the United States-about $4.3 trillion, accounting for nearly one-fifth of the GDP of the United States-it is used for medical care, most of which is used to treat the elderly. Longevity researchers generally believe that if a drug can delay aging, it may help delay a series of serious diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

Bates Lacroiva said that in order to have the widest impact, he is looking for interventions that can scale up and affect "millions or billions" of people.

However, when Retro lifted the veil, the research on the problem of old age was becoming very popular. The Saudi government said that it will provide 1 billion dollars for related research every year, and an organization called Altos Laboratory has been established, claiming that it has 3 billion dollars. Famous investors are also involved, such as Yuri Milner, and even Jeff Bezos is rumored.

Compared with these investments, altman’s bet looks relatively small, even making Retro look insignificant. One of its projects is to test the rejuvenation technology on T cells, which are part of the immune system and play an important role in fighting infection and avoiding cancer.

These cells are particularly useful because they can be removed, rejuvenated in the laboratory and sent back to the patient. But other startups have similar goals, including Altos and NewLimit, a biotechnology company founded by cryptocurrency billionaire Brian Armstrong in 2022.

The competition for researchers is particularly fierce. Altos persuaded 24 university professors to leave their jobs and offered millions of dollars in salary and other benefits, which absorbed almost half of the top scientists in the field of reprogramming.

But Bates Lacroix also managed to attract some top talents. In 2022, he flew to Switzerland to visit Alejandro Ocampo, a researcher at Lausanne University. In 2016, Ocampo was the first scholar to study the rejuvenation of mice, and his research helped trigger the current craze for longevity investment.

"I’m glad to see Joe coming to see me in person," Ocampo said. He was so grateful for the attention he received that he later agreed to become a paid consultant for the company.

He also said that Bates Lacroiva is willing to accept his view that the age reversal of human beings will not happen in the short term. Some of Ocampo’s recent experiments explored why the reprogramming method he studied would kill some mice instead of making them live longer.

Ocampo said: "Some optimists think that we will achieve eternal life in 10 years, while some pessimists say that we will never prolong human life. As a realist, my personal opinion is that many people are choosing simple and fast experiments, but if we do the same, I don’t think we will go very far. Because this will not be an easy road. "

Ocampo said that Bates Lacroix convinced him that Retro was willing to explore these basic problems with its own funds. "They want to promote the development of science, not just pursue short-term goals," he said. "Other companies want to find an application scenario immediately, but they are willing to spend time exploring basic science."

Bates Lacroiva did not discuss Retro’s funding sources with Ocampo. Ocampo said that he didn’t know that altman was funding the startup until he was interviewed by MIT Science and Technology Review.

In an interview, altman didn’t worry about the competition from other companies. He believes that most biotechnology companies are accustomed to slow action and are usually "not good at management". He believes that the research on longevity needs an "OpenAI-style effort".

Altman said: "Retro’s main task is to become a truly excellent biological start-up company, because this is a rare thing. It combines great science with the resources of big companies in the spirit of a startup company. This is our current project. "

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Laundry technology sharing: can ChatGPT make autonomous driving faster?

Recently, the hottest topic in the science and technology circle is "ChatGPT". However, ChatGPT is only an external manifestation, and what deserves more attention is the development of AI technology behind it and its future application.

Some people even describe the changes brought by ChatGPT optimistically: Before ChatGPT, AI was only a module of existing scene products at most. Then, after ChatGPT, AI will redefine the product framework of existing scenarios.

Whether it is as optimists say remains to be seen, but whether autonomous driving, as one of the important scenes of AI landing, will have further development in this wave has still aroused many people’s discussion.

Some people think that autonomous driving needs more graphics, images and data processing ability, requires higher image algorithm, and has little correlation with natural language processing ability. It is not possible to realize autonomous driving with ChatGPT’s ability at present.

Of course, some people think that the appearance of ChatGPT shows us a possibility, that is, trained AI will make high-level autonomous driving expected to appear in a few years.

Why does the progress of AI technology make people pay attention to whether autonomous driving is affected?

Observing the development history of autonomous driving, it is not difficult to find that every major breakthrough of autonomous driving is synchronized with the development of AI technology.

We know that,AI is actually imitating the brain neural network and learning some very humanized skills by analyzing a large amount of data.In 1980s, the first practical application of neural network happened in the field of automatic driving.

In 1987, researchers at Carnegie Mellon Artificial Intelligence Laboratory tried to make a truck that could drive automatically. They manually write codes for all driving behaviors and write as detailed instructions as possible for various situations encountered by trucks on the road, so as to make the vehicles run automatically. But unfortunately, this way can only make the car achieve a speed of several inches per second.

Manual code writing failed, and another doctoral student named Dean pomerleau chose another way: neural network.

He named his system ALVINN. After adopting this system, trucks use the images taken by the roof camera to track what drivers are doing, so as to observe how to learn to drive on the road. In 1991, ALVINN drove from Pittsburgh to Erie, Pennsylvania at a speed of nearly 60 miles per hour.

However, a more direct and broader impact occurred in 2012.

Jeff Hinton, a professor at the University of Toronto, and two of his students, Alex Krzyzewski and Ilya Satsky, won the first prize in the ImageNet image recognition competition, and published a paper introducing the algorithm AlexNet. This paper is not only the turning point of artificial intelligence, but also the turning point of global technology industry.

As the key technology of autonomous driving, target detection and image recognition are highly benefited from the breakthrough of computer vision algorithm. Therefore, with the recognition accuracy of Li Feifei team, director of Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, surpassing humans for the first time on ImageNet open data set in 2015, autonomous driving, as one of the most important landing scenes of AI, has also entered the fast lane of development.

So, will the appearance of ChatGPT become the Milestone of autonomous driving again?

Generally speaking, AI can be divided into three parts: voice, vision and natural language understanding.The last wave of AI was mainly based on the breakthrough of visual image recognition technology, and this time ChatGPT is a natural language processing technology based on GPT-3 model, which can effectively simulate human language understanding ability, thus helping people better understand and analyze natural language text data.

When we want to discuss what impact ChatGPT will have on autopilot, we think that we should first find out whether autopilot here refers to mass-produced low-level autopilot (assisted driving) or high-level L4 autopilot. Secondly, does ChatGPT refer to a language model or a more generalized generation model?

From the perspective of natural language understanding, ChatGPT has a more direct impact on human-computer interaction in the assisted driving part, but it may not have a great impact on L4-level automatic driving.

Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Federation, also wrote in his WeChat WeChat official account that the innovation of human-computer interaction and intelligent cockpit system is very strong, especially the human-computer interaction ability of domestic car companies is very strong. Only China enterprises can understand Chinese more deeply. With the empowerment of the bottom layer in the future, the domestic automobile industry will have more good human-computer interaction effects at the application level.

For example, by using ChatGPT, the vehicle can interact with the driver by voice or text, and provide the driver with real-time feedback on vehicle status and driving information.

Before this, although a large number of in-vehicle interactive systems have appeared, the pain point of the industry mainly focuses on the "understanding" part, and most of the in-vehicle voice interactive systems are not intelligent in "understanding", resulting in a single function and command word of the whole system. ChatGPT’s explosion made the market see the hope of solution.

However, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Federation, also said that,Electrification is the core of new energy vehicles, and intelligence is just icing on the cake. In the future, the core competitiveness of car companies will still be to build electric vehicles, and at the same time make full use of intelligence such as ChatGPT to empower the development of the automobile industry.

Of course, whether it is the core or not, it is not enough to have a technological breakthrough if you want to get on ChatGPT. An AI industry person told Titanium Media that "there are still cost issues, including the use cost, cloud service cost and targeted training cost."

However, from a broader generative model, the generative model with big data and large parameters will help to achieve a higher level of autonomous driving.

He Xiang, a data intelligence scientist at Mimo Zhixing, said in an interview with Titanium Media App that the vehicle-side capabilities mainly include two categories: perception and cognition. The perception ability really relies mainly on image technology, while the cognitive ability relies more on similar generation technology of ChatGPT.

That is to say,ChatGPT’s revolutionary significance lies in: letting AI model enter the era of knowledge and reasoning. At present, the biggest shortcoming of autonomous driving lies in the lack of sufficient intelligence in decision-making planning.

ChatGPT uses a training method called "Human Feedback Reinforcement Learning (RLHF)", and He Xiang, a data intelligence scientist at Mimo Zhixing, explained to Titanium Media APP.GPT is a large-scale universal pre-training language model. GPT1, GPT 2 and GPT 3 mainly improve the parameter scale, while ChatGPT mainly introduces human feedback data for reinforcement learning.

The introduction of this method can ensure the minimum output of useless, distorted or biased information according to human feedback in training.

It happens that there is also a kind of automatic driving decision algorithm called imitation learning, which is to let the machine learn how human drivers do it in different scenarios.

Generally speaking, every takeover by a human driver is an artificial feedback to the autonomous driving strategy; This takeover data can be simply used as a negative sample, which is a record that the autopilot decision is corrected. At the same time, it can also be used as a positive sample to improve cognitive decision-making

"The big model of big data and big parameters can learn more potential knowledge, including different environments and different scenarios, which is equivalent to learning a lot of common sense of autonomous driving. This common sense is very important for autonomous driving decisions." He Xiang, a data intelligence scientist at the end of the year, told Titanium Media App.

That is to say,In the process of autonomous driving research and development, the idea of human feedback reinforcement learning can be used to train a model to verify and evaluate the output of the machine model, so that it can make continuous progress and finally reach the driving level of human beings.

Therefore, it can be said that the improvement of basic ability has brought about the expansion of imagination and applicable scenarios. However, at this stage, we still can’t accurately judge how much change the big model represented by ChatGPT will bring to autonomous driving. An industry person told Titanium Media App that the excellent generalization ability trained by the big model may make there no corner case in the world.

Corner case refers to a small probability event that may occur during driving, but the frequency is extremely low. Although it is rarely encountered at ordinary times, it is likely to lead to a fatal traffic accident when encountering a corner case that cannot make a decision for an autonomous driving system.

The emergence of ChatGPT has made the industry realize that it is possible to gain a higher level of autonomous driving technology by constantly accumulating kilometers and running like this.

In fact, before this, both foreign Tesla and domestic Tucki, Baidu and Mimo Zhixing were already exploring the route of "big model".

In 2020, Tesla announced that it would introduce a large model based on deep neural network into its autonomous driving, and now it has realized a large-scale public beta of pure visual FSD Beta; Tucki expressed the viewpoint of using large models to get through the whole scene of XNGP on the 1024 Science and Technology Day in 2022. Baidu Apollo believes that the Wenxin model will be the core driving force of the elevator’s automatic driving ability.

As early as 2021, Mimo Zhixing announced that it would improve its data processing ability with the help of a large model. On February 17th this year, Mimo Zhixing officially upgraded the large model of human driving self-monitoring cognition to "DriveGPT", which will continue to introduce large-scale real takeover data, and continuously improve the evaluation effect through intensive learning of human driving data feedback. At the same time, it also uses DriveGPT as a cloud evaluation model to evaluate the driving effect of small models at the vehicle end.

However,The development of high-level self-driving cars is a complex multidisciplinary field, involving a wide range of technical and regulatory challenges. The progress of artificial intelligence technology can bring some impetus, but this is not a short-term problem.

It is reported that GPT3.0 involves 170 billion parameters, with more than 300 GB of memory, and the training process costs more than 12 million US dollars. The above-mentioned industry insiders said that the autopilot algorithm is to run in the car. Can such a large model be deployed to the car? How much computing power does it need to support? In addition, autonomous driving can not be completed by repetitive and simple road data stacking, so how to ensure a large amount of data is also a key issue.

The article is reproduced from the titanium media. The opinions in the article are only for sharing and communication, and do not represent the position of WeChat official account. If copyright issues are involved, please let us know and we will deal with them in time.

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