标签归档 西安耍耍

The central government issued detailed implementation rules, 31 provinces issued implementation plans, and the fair competition censorship structure was fully established

  Our reporter, Wan Jing

  In June 2016, after the release of the "Opinions of the State Council on Establishing Fair Competition and Censorship in the Construction of the Market System" (hereinafter referred to as Document No. 34), in 2017, all provinces and cities across the country began to establish rules and regulations, and fully implemented Document No. 34. 31 provinces have issued implementation plans or implementation measures.

  The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, together with relevant departments, studied and formulated the "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Fair Competition Censorship (Interim) " (hereinafter referred to as the "Detailed Rules"), which were approved by the State Council and issued in October 2017. The industry unanimously commented that "another boot has landed" to allow the fair competition review to enter the substantive implementation stage.

  19 provinces were included in the performance appraisal

  "Legal Daily" reporters found that since the release of Article 34, all ministries and commissions of the State Council have established a fair competition review mechanism; 31 provinces have issued implementation plans to carry out the review work in an orderly manner. It is particularly noteworthy that 19 of these 31 provinces have proposed to establish and improve the government affairs and administrative commitment assessment system and improve the accountability mechanism for fair competition review.

  Six provinces – Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Jiangxi, Hebei and Qinghai – called for stronger accountability and the establishment of a system of assessment, supervision and accountability for fair competition review work. Taking Jiangxi Province as an example, the Provincial Fair Competition Review Joint Conference Office and relevant industry authorities should strengthen the assessment and supervision of fair competition review work, and local governments and departments that fail to conduct fair competition review or violate fair competition review standards and introduce policies and measures, as well as fail to correct relevant policies and measures in a timely manner, must be seriously accountable.

  In addition, more than 10 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) including Shanghai, Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Shandong have proposed to improve the evaluation mechanism and encourage the government to purchase services and entrust third parties to carry out evaluations. Evaluation reports should be open to the public for comments, and evaluation results should be open to the public.

  The rules ensure that the review is left behind

  At the end of October 2017, the "Detailed Rules" jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council were officially issued. Non-review and non-serious review in the practice of fair competition review are the primary issues to be solved by the "Detailed Rules".

  To this end, the "Detailed Rules" mainly strengthen the procedural constraints on the fair competition review work in the following aspects: clarify the internal review mechanism, require the formation of written review conclusions, refine the rules and procedures for soliciting opinions, and establish a regular reporting system. More notably, the "Detailed Rules" further clarify the issue of supervision and reporting and accountability, and stipulate that any unit or individual can report to the policy-making authority or report to the superior authority or the anti-monopoly law enforcement agency if the review is not conducted or the review standards are violated.

  Professor Shi Jianzhong, a member of the Expert Advisory Group of the Anti-Monopoly Committee of the State Council and Vice President of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that it is far from enough to establish fair competition censorship, and the cage of the system must be further tightened and tightened. The Detailed Rules explain and refine the relevant provisions of fair competition censorship from the aspects of review mechanisms and procedures, review standards, exception provisions, social supervision, and accountability, ensuring that fair competition review becomes a necessary procedure before the introduction of policies and measures, ensuring that review leaves traces, avoiding self-censorship as a formality, and preventing perfunctory.

  Investigate and punish restrictions on competition

  In July 2017, the National Development and Reform Commission disclosed that the National Development and Reform Commission and the Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission investigated and found that the Chengdu State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission organized a special coordination meeting and issued meeting notes, requiring municipal state-owned enterprises and their wholly-owned and controlling subsidiaries (sub) companies to give priority to insurance services provided by local state-owned enterprises under the same conditions of price and service. Chengdu State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission took the initiative to issue a document to abolish the above meeting notes.

  Rather than establishing rules and regulations, the public is more concerned about practical actions. As fair competition censorship has gradually and solidly advanced across the country, in 2017, many local governments began to strictly review their respective policy documents in accordance with the spirit of Circular 34. During the year, many acts of restricting competition or abusing administrative power to interfere with market competition order have been corrected or are being corrected.

  According to a person from the Price Supervision Bureau of the National Development and Reform Commission, there are currently more than 40 cases of abuse of administrative power to exclude and restrict competition that have been completed or are being handled in various places, and will be disclosed one after another in the near future.

  On December 5, 2017, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the "2017-2018 Work Plan for Cleaning Up Existing Policies to Exclude and Restrict Competition".

  According to the plan, by May 2018, all departments of the State Council and local people’s governments at all levels and their subordinate departments will form a conclusion on the policies and measures to eliminate and restrict competition, and repeal or adjust them according to the procedures. Before July 2018, local people’s governments at all levels and their subordinate departments will conduct a comprehensive summary of the clean-up work, form a written report, and report it level by level. Before November 2018, the inter-ministerial joint conference on fair competition review will organize inspections of the clean-up work of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and departments, and correct those that are not in place.

  Supervision network ride-hailing local policy

  In 2017, the biggest challenge to fair competition censorship was the introduction of local policies on ride-hailing. Many people use local policies on ride-hailing as "test strips" to test whether fair competition reviews are real.

  New regulations on ride-hailing in many places have set up obstacles to the relevant conditions of "people and cars", and "deliberately" shrinking the policy space given to the online car-hailing industry by the Ministry of Transport. In response, Beijing Tianyuan Law Firm recently reported to the relevant anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies that "the detailed rules of online car-hailing in some cities are suspected of violating fair competition censorship and are suspected of abusing administrative power to exclude and restrict competition." At present, the National Development and Reform Commission has started to investigate the situation of local online car-hailing fair competition reviews.

  Under the supervision of the National Development and Reform Commission, in September 2017, Quanzhou, Fujian and Lanzhou, Gansu Province successively revised the previously formulated detailed rules for the implementation of online car-hailing. The adjustment direction includes weakening the personal and household registration restrictions on online car-hailing drivers, lowering the price and technical conditions requirements for online car-hailing vehicles, canceling access restrictions on online car-hailing vehicles and drivers, and canceling other unreasonable restrictions that violate the requirements of the market economy.

  According to a relevant person from the Price Supervision Bureau of the National Development and Reform Commission, many local governments are not copying or forwarding documents in implementing the spirit of Document No. 34, but actually conducting censorship, which is why there are more than 40 cases mentioned above. This is also closely related to the efforts of the development and reform departments to initiate and organize local administrative departments to train and study Document No. 34 and the Detailed Rules. At present, some local governments, especially at the grass-roots municipal and county levels, need to speed up the implementation of fair competition censorship, establish relevant working mechanisms as soon as possible, and really move. In addition, local governments need to come up with practical solutions in specific work implementation, such as the problem of "stock clearance".

Tencent Company Profile

  Founded in November 1998, Tencent is currently one of the largest Internet integrated service providers in China and one of the Internet companies with the largest number of service users in China. Since its establishment more than ten years ago, Tencent has been adhering to the business philosophy of "everything based on user value" and has always been in a state of steady development. On June 16, 2004, Tencent was publicly listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code 700).


  Enhancing the quality of human life through internet services is Tencent’s mission. Currently, Tencent regards providing users with "one-stop online life services" as its strategic goal, providing Internet value-added services, mobile and telecommunications value-added services and online advertising services. Through China’s leading online platforms such as instant messaging QQ, Tencent Network (QQ.com), Tencent Games, QQ Space, Wireless Portal, Soso, Paipai, and Tenpay, Tencent has built the largest online community in China to meet the needs of Internet users in communication, information, entertainment, and e-commerce. As of September 30, 2011, the number of active accounts on QQ instant messaging reached 711.70 million, and the highest number of simultaneous online accounts reached 145.40 million. The development of Tencent has profoundly affected and changed the communication methods and living habits of hundreds of millions of Internet users, and opened up broader application prospects for China’s Internet industry.


  Facing the future, insisting on independent innovation and establishing a national brand is Tencent’s long-term development plan. At present, more than 50% of Tencent’s employees are R & D personnel. Tencent has a considerable number of patent applications in instant communication, e-commerce, online payment, search engine, information security and games. In 2007, Tencent invested over 100 million yuan to establish the first research institute of China’s Internet in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, to conduct independent research and development of core basic technologies of the Internet, and is gradually embarking on the road of independent innovation of national industry development.


  To become the most respected Internet company is Tencent’s long-term goal. Tencent has been actively participating in public welfare undertakings, striving to assume corporate social responsibility, and promoting Internet civilization. In 2006, Tencent established the first charity foundation in China’s Internet, the Tencent Charity Foundation, and established Tencent Charity Network (gongyi.qq.com), focusing on assisting youth education, development in poverty-stricken areas, caring for disadvantaged groups, and disaster relief and poverty alleviation work. At present, Tencent has carried out a number of public welfare projects across the country, actively practicing corporate citizenship and contributing to the construction of a "harmonious society".


  The most respected internet company.


  Improve the quality of human life through internet services.


  Integrity, enterprising, cooperation, innovation.

Business philosophy:

  Everything is based on user value.

Management philosophy:

  Caring about employee growth.

Corporate Strategy

  Tencent takes "providing users with one-stop online life services" as its strategic goal, and has completed its business layout based on this. It has built four major online platforms: QQ, Tencent, QQ Games and Paipai, forming the largest online community in China.

Running a red light, going retrograde… Why do takeaway riders repeatedly perform life and death speed?

  investigation motive

  Recently, #BeijingA takeaway rider illegally overtook a car and caused death #Rush on the hot search. Beijing traffic control authorities revealed that a takeaway driver was driving past a car on a section of Xicheng District when he hit a pedestrian crossing the road. After being sent to the hospital, the pedestrian died after being rescued. At the time of the incident, the takeaway driver was speeding and did not drive on the right, which was a number of faults.

  In this regard, many netizens left messages saying that in life, traffic violations such as red lights, retrograde, and speeding by takeaway riders have become commonplace, seriously affecting traffic order and requiring urgent rectification. Public reports show that traffic accidents and even deaths caused by takeaway riders due to traffic violations are also common.

  The reporter conducted an investigation and interview on why the delivery riders "risked their lives" on the road and how to solve this chaos.

  □ Wen Lijuan, reporter of Rule of Law Daily

  □ Zheng Ting, Intern of Rule of Law Daily

  "Riders often perform life-and-death speed when delivering takeout, and we can’t stop it at all," said Wang Li, a traffic counselor at an intersection in Chaoyang District, Beijing. Every day during the midday and evening rush hours, Wang Li sees many takeout riders "flash by" in front of her eyes, whether it is a red light or a green light; she has also seen many takeout riders have traffic accidents as a result.

  Guo Kun, a rider, is one of the "speeding experts". He confessed to the Legal Daily reporter that he had run red lights twice and retrograde three times during a delivery process, and the whole speed exceeded 50km/h many times. "Of course I know it’s not safe, but if you don’t do it, you won’t be able to deliver it on time. If the delivery is overtime, you will be deducted more money than you should earn," he said. "As a rider, who didn’t run a red light and who didn’t exceed the speed?"

  With the development of the Internet ordering industry, takeaway food delivery has become more and more convenient for people’s lives, but at the same time, the pursuit of speed has led riders to ignore traffic laws and regulations, and the accident rate has been high. Reporters recently visited multiple intersections in Beijing and found that traffic violations such as red lights, reverse driving, and speeding were prominent, and some riders still had distracted driving behaviors such as looking at their mobile phones and answering phones during driving.

  Rider intersection ignores red light

  Retrograde speeding is extremely common

  At 6 p.m. on July 17, the peak time for takeaway riders to deliver food. At a crossroads connecting shopping malls and many office and residential buildings in Chaoyang District, Beijing, reporters observed that more than 70 riders passed through the intersection within 30 minutes, including 35 who went retrograde, diagonally crossed the road, and ran red lights.

  There are many restaurants around the intersection, and dozens of takeaway electric vehicles fill the sidewalk, so pedestrians can only walk along the side of the road. After the riders pick up the order, they ride the electric vehicles directly along the sidewalk and drive into the road.

  A few riders looked to the left and saw that the car was still some distance away from them, so they drove onto the sidewalk and rushed to the opposite side of the road, completely ignoring the warning of the red light; when they reached the middle of the road, because there were many vehicles on the right and the speed was fast, the riders stopped, some took out their mobile phones and looked down to check the information, some waited on the head of the electric car, and some kept observing the road conditions. Once there was a "gap", they immediately increased their horsepower and "sprinted" over.

  Guo Kun often delivers takeout in this area, with a delivery radius of up to 5 kilometers, and the delivery time of an order varies from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. He told reporters that during the peak delivery period, a rider may have six or seven orders on hand at the same time, and the delivery time is almost overlapping. To avoid timeout, the delivery time of each order can only be compressed as much as possible. The system will provide route navigation for each order, but the delivery time is calculated based on the shortest route, and some of the shortest routes even include retrograde sections. If it is not retrograde and speeding, it is impossible to deliver every order on time.

  Once the delivery is timed out, the price is high: a certain percentage of the delivery fee is deducted, sometimes as much as 70%, depending on the timeout. "Everyone earns hard money and has to be fast," Guo Kun said.

  Zhang Yi, who works as a security guard in Beijing, will work as a part-time rider during the holidays. "I definitely want to send a few more orders and make more money." He said that the maximum speed of the national standard electric car is only 25 yards. Normally, you can only take 2 to 3 orders at most. If you want to send a few more orders and speed up, you have to take risks to modify the electric car. In order not to time out, you must always keep an eye on the time during the delivery process. Running red lights and going retrograde are inevitable.

  Especially on rainy days when it is easiest to "order surge", riders often have to appease anxious customers while rushing. Once, on a rainy day, it took the customer about an hour to place an order before Zhang Yi received the order. After receiving the order, the customer immediately called him and asked why the order had not been delivered for an hour. In fact, the delivery time of riders is calculated from the beginning of receiving the order.

  "The road is not easy to walk on rainy days. If the speed of the car exceeds 20 yards, the brakes will easily slip and fall. In addition, the rain will affect the line of sight, so the delivery time will be longer than on sunny days." Zhang Yi said.

  Luo Yu, a part-time rider from Guangzhou, Guangdong, faces the same dilemma. He only runs three or four hours a day, concentrating on lunch and dinner, and completes an average of more than a dozen orders a day. He has a system to send orders, and he also grabs orders himself. Although there is a risk of timeout in taking more orders, Luo Yu still hopes to be able to take more orders, because taking more orders means making money. And when he has more orders, running red lights and going retrograde have become commonplace for him.

  The number of traffic accidents is on the rise

  The rights and interests of both parties are difficult to protect

  Riders speeding, going the wrong way, and running red lights have led to an increasing number of traffic accidents.

  According to the staff of the traffic accident handling center in Changsha, Hunan Province, a large part of the traffic accidents involve delivery riders. Most of the cases involve running red lights and driving in the opposite direction, especially the phenomenon of looking at mobile phones while riding. In recent years, the traffic accident rate of delivery riders has been on the rise.

  Wang Li has seen many riders have accidents due to rampage while on duty, "especially the cross road *** has a high accident rate".

  On the evening of August 1, it was raining in the sky. The reporter witnessed a traffic accident in a community in Chaoyang District, Beijing: a takeaway rider wearing a raincoat and a rain hat half-covered his eyes was riding while answering the phone, completely oblivious to the passers-by walking in front. After he reacted, he made a quick turn, and the electric car slipped directly, causing the takeaway in the incubator to fall to the ground.

  For riders, compensation is often difficult to achieve in the event of an accident.

  Liu Lin, a rider in Beijing, was hit by a car while delivering food and left a 5cm scar on the outside of his arm. "The driver had insurance, and the insurance company asked me to provide proof of income to calculate the missed work fee. My monthly income at that time was about 10,000 yuan, but when I asked the platform for proof of income, the platform said it had nothing to do with them. In the end, the insurance company paid according to the minimum wage standard."

  The rights and interests cannot be guaranteed, and there are passers-by who were injured by takeaway riders.

  Beijing photographer Wang Pingping was injured by a takeaway rider on the way to work. After the accident, the traffic police determined that the rider was fully responsible for the accident, but the rider could not afford it personally, so they went to the platform company, but the other party brushed off the responsibility. "In order to avoid injury, I can only try to stay away from the’speeding ‘takeaway rider in the future."

  A variety of factors contribute to the chaos

  The platform algorithm needs to be improved

  The reason for "working hard" and seeking fast, many interviewed riders mentioned that on the one hand, they are in order to take more orders and make more money, and on the other hand, they are in order to evaluate the performance of the platform and avoid being punished for overtime.

  The reporter learned that most takeaway platforms currently implement piece-rate wages. Riders’ income mainly comes from the commission of "running orders", and the more orders they receive, the more they earn. In addition, the status level of a rider depends on the rider’s "bee value", which is calculated through multiple dimensions such as attendance, order volume, response rate, and praise rate. The higher the "bee value", the more orders will be dispatched. Riders desperately run orders to protect data and compete for "bee value" because it is closely related to income.

  Wu Jie is the webmaster of Shandong Tai’an site of a takeaway platform outsourcing distribution company. He told reporters that takeaway platforms are usually only responsible for merchant settlement and merchant order generation, and distribution services are outsourced to various distribution companies, and then local sites under each distribution company provide delivery services.

  "The reward and punishment systems of different distribution companies are basically similar, but the calculation rules are different. For example, the average unit price in Shandong is 4 yuan, and the reward and punishment system is relatively loose on this basis. The average unit price in Beijing is 6 yuan to 8 yuan, and the reward and punishment system is more strict. The most important thing in the performance appraisal of riders is the punctuality rate, satisfaction rate, violation rate and attendance rate," Wu Jie said.

  Regarding rider rewards, Wu Jie introduced that full-time riders mainly include full attendance award, single king award (the top three orders on this site in the month), total order salary, order ladder award, bad weather subsidy, distance subsidy, weight subsidy, night subsidy, etc.; part-time riders mainly have order fees, various platform activity rewards such as "hand-holding" and "rushing single award", etc. Other subsidies mainly depend on the willingness of merchants. If an order is not received by a rider for a long time, the merchant will increase the unit price.

  The reporter learned from Wu Jie that for full-time riders, the delivery fee is fixed at 4 yuan per order. If it exceeds the delivery range by 1 kilometer, the subsidy is 1 yuan, and if it exceeds the delivery range by 2 kilometers, the subsidy is 1.5 yuan. If it is seriously overtime (referring to exceeding the delivery time of the order by more than 30 minutes), a fine of 5 yuan per order will be imposed. For part-time riders, 20% of the delivery fee will be deducted for 3 minutes overtime, and 50% will be deducted for more than 3 minutes overtime.

  "Regarding complaints and bad reviews, if a full-time rider encounters such a situation, they can either negotiate with the customer or only accept a fine," Wu Jie said. "The part-time rider will deduct personal credit points according to the situation. When the credit points are insufficient, it is forbidden to take orders. Online training and answering questions are required to restore the authority to take orders. In more serious cases, the number will be permanently banned."

  Some riders also pointed out that the platform’s journey algorithm has many unreasonable aspects. For example, the delivery time is calculated based on the distance, and it will not be judged based on the speed of the merchant’s meal, the small size of the meal, and whether there are special circumstances on the road.

  Zhang Yi was most afraid of delivering takeout to a community under renovation or a high-end community. Such orders were most likely to be timed out, and vehicles could not enter and could only be delivered on foot. After entering the community, he found that there was no building number or unit number, so he could only keep asking and calling customers. Once, because he couldn’t find the address and couldn’t contact the customer for a while, it took him an extra 20 minutes to deliver the order. At this time, there was not much time left for the next order.

  Dong Lai, a traffic law practice expert and director of Beijing Kaiya Law Firm, has long been concerned about the rights and interests of takeaway riders. He summarizes the reasons for the frequent occurrence of riders’ traffic violations. In addition to the riders’ own poor awareness of traffic rules and lack of safety education, platform dispatch models and algorithms are important reasons.

  "Some platforms have unreasonable order delivery models and high deduction fees. The monthly income of takeaway riders basically depends on the delivery fee. If you get a delivery fee of about 5 yuan for an order, then if you send 30 orders a day, the rider can earn 150 yuan; but if it expires, the rider will usually be deducted a certain proportion of the delivery fee; if the customer refunds the order, the rider needs to bear the full loss." Dong Lachao said that in addition, some platforms have a single algorithm, and the estimated arrival time is too short, so the rider can only run hard.

  "In order to appease users, some platforms even display different arrival times for riders on the user’s mobile phone and those displayed on the rider’s mobile phone. The time on the user’s mobile phone is often 1 minute to 2 minutes earlier, which leads to riders having to run on the road in order not to get bad reviews." In addition, some merchants that provide takeaway food are slow to eat, and they have already clicked "food preparation is complete" before they have eaten, resulting in longer waiting times for riders and squeezed time on the road.

  Linkage supervision and governance chaos

  Certification is urgent

  In April this year, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Cyberspace Administration of China, and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Responsibilities of Online Catering Platforms and Effectively Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Takeaway Deliverymen", proposing that platforms should not use the "strictest algorithm" as an assessment requirement. They can reasonably determine the number of orders, punctuality rate, online rate and other assessment factors through "algorithm selection" and other methods, and appropriately relax the delivery time limit. Online catering platforms and third-party cooperative units shall participate in social insurance for takeaway deliverymen who have established labor relations in accordance with the law, and encourage other takeaway deliverymen

  The reporter observed a takeaway platform and found that its pilot changed the "estimated delivery time point" to "estimated delivery time period", and set "Junction Treasure" to guarantee the delivery time of the order. If the rider does not deliver within this time period, the platform will pay the corresponding amount according to the excess time. However, on the order receiving page of the rider, it still shows the number of minutes required to be delivered, which has a strict time limit. However, the rider can extend the delivery time by reporting the slow delivery of the merchant. The delivery time starts to be calculated after receiving the order.

  It is urgent to balance the contradiction between the "slowdown" and "income" of takeaway riders.

  A number of interviewed experts and industry insiders pointed out that the management of traffic violations and chaos among takeaway riders cannot be separated from linkage supervision, one is the supervision of the platform, and the other is the supervision of riders.

  Dong Lachao suggested that the platform adjust the assessment rules and optimize the algorithm. At present, many takeaway platforms have not established a complete set of mechanisms to incentivize takeaway riders to reduce traffic violations, such as rewarding takeaway riders who have not committed traffic violations; they can make full use of big data intelligent analysis to formulate standards to remove the time spent on traffic congestion from the rider’s assessment, and at the same time disregard unreasonable bad reviews.

  "In addition, the legal relationship between the platform and the rider also needs to be clarified urgently. At present, the management body between the rider and the platform company is not clear, and there are complex social management models, such as special delivery model, labor dispatch model, crowdsourcing model, individual model, agency model, etc., resulting in lax management. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the legislation to clarify the management body. When the rights and interests of riders or platform companies are damaged, they can get social relief with reasonable evidence and law." Dong Lachao said.

  In his opinion, it is urgent to set up a strict entry system for the takeaway rider industry, and it is recommended that riders be licensed to work. For example, determine a social management body to train riders, and after the training, they will be certified to work, and the riders will be assessed and evaluated every year. If traffic violations reach a certain number of times, they will not be able to pass the annual review the following year, and effective supervision will be formed through source management.

  Liu Wei, a partner at Beijing Shengchi Law Firm, also proposed that the platform should optimize algorithm design and other measures to achieve a balance between corporate economic efficiency, rider income, and safety.

  "How does the platform deal with customer dissatisfaction and complaints? Whether to simply punish the riders or solve them through other channels, we need to think more, try to meet customer requirements while avoiding excessive pressure on the riders, and prevent the situation that the riders are desperate to speed up the delivery of orders regardless of safety." Liu Wei said. He also suggested that the relevant departments can urge the platform to establish and improve the channels and procedures for reflecting the demands of takeaway riders through irregular inspections, such as simplifying the procedures and shortening the process. The relevant demands of takeaway riders should be handed over to the first responsible person, and timely feedback should be given. The feedback time should be controlled within 24 hours as much as possible to resolve conflicts in a timely manner.

  (The parties in the text are all pseudonyms)

Han Xue joined the emperor and Zhang Meng to "compete for favor" Hu Ge blew himself up and wanted to play a eunuch

??Movie Network News(Photo/Film Festival News Team) On June 13, during the 12th Shanghai International Film Festival, the new drama promotion and star signing ceremony of Shanghai Film Emperor Cultural Development Co., Ltd. was held in Shanghai. Yang Shoucheng, chairman of Emperor Group, Ren Zhonglun, president of Shanghai Film Company, and actors Hu Ge, Zhang Meng and Zhang Shi were on hand to witness Han Xue becoming the first contracted artist of Shanghai Film Emperor. Han Xue and Zhang Meng, two actresses, one in pink and the other sexy and sultry, each made a high-profile appearance and staged a "favorite show". The handsome Hu Ge said at the scene that the role he most wanted to play was a eunuch, which was "surprising".

Han Xue

Zhang Meng

Han Xue’s pink skirt is cute, Zhang Meng’s cleavage is sexy and sultry

??On the day of the press conference, Han Xue, who has always been depicted as a jade girl, was dressed in a short skirt with slanted shoulders, a large ruffle and a bow to set off her chest and waist, and pink shoes. With long hair with bangs, she looked pink and cute in front of her. Han Xue said that this hairstyle was just cut by her for this signing ceremony, indicating that everything has to start again. At the same time, she also said that she has been waiting for this opportunity for many years to develop in film.

??The other actress present, Zhang Meng, took the opposite route. A super low-cut gold dress exposed her cleavage, and with long curly hair, she looked sexy and enchanting. After the press conference, neither of them left immediately, each occupying a corner, constantly cooperating with the media to take various poses to take pictures, and "stealing the camera" was very happy.

Hu Ge

Zhang Shi

General Hu Ge blew himself up and wanted to play eunuch Zhang Shi, saying that if he became popular, the price would increase

??In the three years since its establishment, the Shanghai Film Emperor has filmed many high-quality film and television dramas, including the 2008 billion-dollar box office movie "Slam Dunk" starring Jay Chou. In 2009, the Shanghai Film Emperor invested over 100 million yuan to produce and distribute the first domestic TV drama "Myth" with Jackie Chan as the director and Tang Jili as the artistic director. Starring is Hu Ge, Bai Bing, Zhang Meng, Zhang Shi and many other stars.

??Hu Ge played the general Jackie Chan once played in the movie version of "Myth" in the TV series version, and there will naturally be many big plays. "I have a lot of fun playing this character, because when I don’t lose, I win every time." Although he said it proudly, Hu Ge admitted that he actually wanted to play the eunuch played by Zhang Shi the most. "I especially want to play his role. This character is a chef in modern society, a good person who is honest and honest. But in the Qin Dynasty, because he is" unfamiliar with the place ", he was bullied and his personality gradually twisted. Eventually, he became the notorious eunuch Zhao Gao in history. With such a big contrast, it is very challenging."

??Hearing this, Zhang Shi, who was on the side, showed a surprised expression, and then said, "I also really want to play the role of Hu Ge. In fact, I want to have his appearance, how handsome he is." Although the play was not finished, Zhang Shi was full of confidence in the future prospects, and he joked and asked for a "salary increase" on the spot. "I believe that with such a good script and team, we will definitely be popular if we play" Myth ". Sorry, my salary will go up in the future."

[Movie Network] www.1905.com exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting!

More live pictures on the next page!

Ele.me launches "Barrier-Free Festival" for visually impaired users: free shopping does not close, and care does not stop

  Recently, a news about the "Barrier-Free Day" has caused heated discussions on the Internet, and many netizens have asked: What is the "Barrier-Free Day"? The reporter learned that Ele.me recently announced that August 7 will be designated as the "Barrier-Free Day", and will send benefits to visually impaired users every year from this year.

  On the day of the free-order festival, the platform offers free-order for visually impaired users: no need to guess the answer, no need to grab time, and no total quota. The first catering order of the day can be free of charge for up to 39 yuan. This is also the second consecutive year that Ele.me has launched a special free-order event for visually impaired users.

  The sense of participation of minorities, that is, the responsibility of marketing activities

  According to the data released by the China Disabled Persons’ Federation, the total number of disabled people in our country has exceeded 85 million. The number is huge, but they are rarely seen – because they rarely go out. Because of this, the issue of disabled people has always been a hot topic of attention from all walks of life in the country and society.

  According to data, more than half of visually impaired people choose to order takeout to solve their daily diet, and more than 70% of visually impaired users use Ele.me. The large visually impaired group relies heavily on takeout apps, so Ele.me has always paid great attention to the experience of visually impaired users, gained insight into the needs of the disabled group, and carried out many benefits and activities for visually impaired users to send warmth to everyone.

Ele.me launches "Barrier-Free Festival" for visually impaired users: free shopping is not closed, care is not stopped _fororder_ picture 4

  Barrier-free environment is an important basic condition for facilitating the full participation of special groups such as the disabled, the sick, the elderly, and the young in social life. At the same time, it is also a key factor in improving the quality of life and service level in urban environments.

  "Will there be free Ele.me this year? There was one last year, and now it’s almost that time again." A user named "Star Magic" posted a question on the Zhidu forum, an online community for the visually impaired. Their discussion has been followed by Ele.me.

  According to the relevant person in charge of Ele.me, this year’s free-order rules are similar to those of last year. Since Ele.me cannot directly identify visually impaired users, users who have opened the Ele.me App using screen-reading software between July 5 and August 5 (this is the operation of visually impaired people using mobile phones) will automatically enjoy free-order eligibility.

  Zhao Zhiguo, spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, recently mentioned that we will continue to promote the results of information accessibility construction and guide 1,735 mainstream commonly used websites and mobile apps to complete the senior-friendly transformation. The implementation of a series of relevant policies and regulations has provided a strong guarantee for the construction of a barrier-free environment in our country, helping all sectors of society to actively participate in the construction of a barrier-free environment and improve the well-being of the people with disabilities.

  The benefits are not closed, and the care is not stopped. "Last year’s free-order activity for visually impaired users received a very enthusiastic response. Recently, we also saw some netizens concerned about the situation this year in the forum for visually impaired people." The original intention of the free-order activity is to make more people happy, and we will not forget visually impaired users this year, and plan to stick to it every year. "

Ele.me launches "Barrier-Free Festival" for visually impaired users: free shopping is not closed, care is not stopped _fororder_ picture 5

  Welfare is one aspect, and more importantly, visually impaired people believe that they are cared for and valued, which is the reason why they are happier.

  In recent years, our country has continued to introduce relevant policies to promote the construction of barrier-free facilities and services. On June 28, at the third meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People’s Congress, the Barrier-free Environment Construction Law was officially voted and will come into effect on September 1, 2023, providing a strong legal guarantee for the construction of barrier-free environment in our country.

  From a business perspective, due to the small user base, most companies rarely launch targeted product launches and activities for visually impaired people, making it difficult to customize activities that suit their experience.

  Therefore, in some large-scale marketing activities, under the conditions permitted by the platform or enterprise capabilities, it is a useful exploration to integrate activities that are more convenient for visually impaired users to participate in. When more and more enterprises join, they can enhance the consensus of disadvantaged groups in social care.

  As some netizens said in a message, the social treatment of minorities is a silhouette of the degree of civilization in a society. To pay attention to them is to pay attention to everyone, because anyone may become a minority.

  From helping popular science to supporting merchants, the sense of social responsibility of "playing" free of charge

  In fact, although giving benefits is a public welfare activity, it hides the attribute of "popular science" behind it. Since the main activity of free shopping is "guessing the answer and free shopping", Ele.me invited many professional institutions, experts and scholars to pose questions, and developed it into a large-scale popular science platform with the help of the traffic of the event itself.

  For example, on July 20, "China Aerospace News" was invited to publish a popular science project about China’s lunar exploration project, and Shanghai Fire Protection also published a popular science topic about the "trivia" that cannot be placed in the home at will, which is easy to cause fires.

Ele.me launches "Barrier-Free Festival" for visually impaired users: free shopping is not closed, care is not stopped _fororder_ picture 6

Aerospace experts pose a popular science question about China’s moon landing plan

  There are also institutions such as Qingdao Anti-Fraud Center, Jinan Ecological Environment Bureau, and China Packaging Federation, which have been invited to provide happy popular science for netizens in the form of questions. The fields are diverse enough, the content is practical enough, and the interaction is interesting enough, so that the participants can sow the seeds of knowledge and curiosity in an unconsciously happy atmosphere.

  This type of activity exploration has given special groups a sense of inclusive participation, allowing platform companies to root their business development in social needs. This has undoubtedly opened up avenues for other platforms and brands, providing an excellent reference sample.

  At the same time, free shopping also effectively promotes consumption and drives the growth of merchant orders. Last year’s free shopping activities led to the recovery of orders from a large number of merchants in Shanghai, Changsha and other places. This year, Ele.me invited the Jinzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce to issue a question to promote Jinzhou BBQ. The topic of Weibo #Jinzhou is the ceiling of the barbecue industry #boarded the hot search, and the reading volume exceeded 110 million that day.

Ele.me launches "Barrier-Free Festival" for visually impaired users: free shopping does not close, care does not stop _fororder_ picture 7

  Compared with last year, the number of merchants benefiting from free orders this year has increased significantly. The latest disclosure data of Ele.me shows that since the opening of the free order activity on June 21, the participating merchants have exceeded 1.50 million, which is 2.5 times more than last year’s 600,000.

  The inspiration of free-order public welfare: looking forward to many parties working together to "create festivals"

  In addition to targeting visually impaired groups, Ele.me also collaborates with merchants to provide benefits to outdoor workers in many places through free-of-charge activities. For example, starting from July 15, Ele.me started a series of cool-off activities in Guangzhou, going to the construction site of Guangzhou Metro Fangbai Intercity Rail Project in Baiyunrenhe to distribute free cold drinks to subway workers who are struggling on the front line. At the same time, Ele.me also set up "cool stations" in many places in Guangzhou, distributing 10,000 free ice drinks for outdoor workers to receive for free; in order to allow workers to survive the hot and hot summer season, on July 23, Ele.me and Zhengzhou Federation of Trade Unions sent hundreds of watermelons weighing about 1,000 kilograms to outdoor workers to relieve the heat and so on at the Huaibei Community Love Station of Huaihe Road Street Office, Erqi District.

  In fact, the free-order form has a certain appeal to any consumer. It allows consumers to intuitively see the discounts and profits on real money, and there are no extra routines, so it is a success for brands. And if you want to achieve long-term benefits through the free-order economy, you must also focus on higher social value dimensions. The plan given by Ele.me is to combine its own business conduct with social responsibility, and drive merchants to invest in it, laying a solid foundation for the long-term sustainability of its model.

  As a platform enterprise in the field of local instant e-commerce, Ele.me pays attention to the product experience and well-being of visually impaired people. It can be seen that it has always rooted its business value in social needs, and has therefore harvested good social feedback and market data. Sorting through media reports in recent years, it can be seen that Ele.me is not a whim to create a festival for visually impaired users. In March 2023, Ele.me App was awarded the first batch of excellent cases of Internet application senior-friendly and barrier-free transformation. In addition, Ele.me continues to realize the dreams of visually impaired users by supporting blind school teams and holding blind e-sports competitions.

  Making benefits for visually impaired users fixed as a festival not only allows more visually impaired people to be seen, but also expresses Ele.me’s firm determination to appeal for the rights and interests of visually impaired people. This can not only drive more brands to participate, but also play a demonstration role in society and build a broader consensus. Perhaps we can imagine that there will be a large number of brands in the future to create a lifestyle consumption festival for visually impaired people.

  Ele.me said that only when the government, platforms, merchants and other parties work together can the value of the festival be maximized and a sustainable state of long-term development be formed. Ele.me will continue to work with all partners in the ecological chain to make more visually impaired people visible and valued through technological innovation, unique business gameplay and other forms.

  Reporter | Han Donglin

  Intern reporter | Tian Mi

Baise xingyue l zhiqing has a big price cut! The reserve price is 152,700, and the car is sufficient.

[car home Baise Preferential Promotion Channel] I sincerely recommend that at present, in Baise area, the high-profile models are undergoing a round of considerable preferential activities. Consumers can seize this excellent opportunity to enjoy a car purchase discount of up to 0.7 million yuan, and the minimum starting price has been adjusted to 152,700 yuan. Consumers who want to know the specific car conditions and strive for higher discounts must click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form below to seize this rare opportunity to buy a car.



Xingyue L Zhiqing shows elegant demeanor with its exquisite body proportion. The dimensions of length 4795mm, width 1895mm and height 1689mm not only ensure the spacious interior space, but also give the body a resolute visual effect. The wheelbase of 2845mm provides excellent driving stability and ride comfort. The side lines of the car are smooth and dynamic, and the front and rear wheel tracks are 1610mm. The carefully designed tyre size 235/50 R19, with exquisite wheels, not only strengthens the appearance design of the car, but also ensures excellent handling performance.


In the interior, Xingyue L Zhiqing shows the perfect combination of luxury and technology. The spacious interior space is made of high-grade leather, creating a comfortable and exquisite touch. The driver will hold it on the delicate leather steering wheel, which supports manual up and down+front and rear adjustment, providing a good grip. The 12.3-inch high-definition central control screen stands in the center, integrating multimedia, navigation, telephone and other functions, with convenient operation and clear display. In terms of seats, the front seats are equipped with electric adjustment functions, including front and rear, backrest, height (4-way) and lumbar support (4-way), so that drivers can enjoy personalized comfort experience, and the passenger seat also provides front and rear adjustment and backrest adjustment. The seat is made of imitation leather, which provides passengers with good support and touch. In addition, Xingyue L Zhiqing is also equipped with the heating and ventilation function of the front seat (driver’s seat only) and the electric seat memory driver’s seat. The details reflect the concern for the driver and passengers. The second row of seats supports backrest adjustment, while the seat reclining function brings flexible space utilization for passengers.


Xingyue L Zhiqing is equipped with a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 120kW and a maximum torque of 255nm, which is matched with a 3-speed DHT transmission to provide sufficient power support and high performance for the vehicle.

Generally speaking, Xingyue L has won the appreciation of car home car owners for its outstanding design and high cost performance. The Maibakh-like temperament and high-tech head-up design he mentioned undoubtedly enhanced the luxury of the vehicle. As he said, no matter the appearance or configuration, Xingyue L has met his demand for high-quality life and made his friends envy him. This kind of reputation has undoubtedly added more charm to Xingyue L Zhiqing, making it a high-profile model.

Apple iPhone 16 standard A18 processor: TSMC second generation 3nm process

  iPhone 14, iPhone 15 series use two processors at the same time, the Pro series is "superior", but in next year’s iPhone 16 series, this situation may change.

Apple iPhone 16 standard A18 processor: TSMC second generation 3nm process

  Haitong International Securities analyst Jeff Pu learned from the supply chain that the A17 Pro is a transitional design, and the iPhone 16 series will be equipped with A18 processors as standard, and they are all manufactured by TSMC N3E process.

  However, iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus uses the standard version of A18, iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max uses the more advanced A18 Pro, but the specific difference between the two is temporarily unknown.

  If so, the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus upgrade will be a leap.

  Apple A17 Pro is currently the only 3nm process chip, using TSMC’s first-generation N3B, while the next A18 uses N3E, which is TSMC’s second-generation 3nm, with lower cost and higher yield, but also lower performance.

  Of course, iPhone 16 is still a year away, anything is possible.

  However, Jeff Pu has repeatedly revealed new changes to the iPhone, such as the iPhone 15 Pro series will give up silent picks, the memory will be increased to 8GB, the iPhone 15 Pro Max will increase in price, and so on.

Original title: iPhone 16 series standard A18 processor: upgrade TSMC second generation 3nm
Editor in charge: Li Xiaoling

Foshan, Guangdong: Interviewed twice in 3 months, online car-hailing APP may be removed from the shelves

  Text/Guangzhou Daily All Media Reporter Li Chuanzhi

  Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Foshan Municipal Government Network that Foshan City will revise the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services in Foshan City" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Measures"), and the exposure draft of the revised draft is currently soliciting opinions from the community. The exposure draft proposes that if a network car-hailing platform company has violated laws and regulations, and after being jointly interviewed twice within 3 months, it still refuses to correct it. After collective discussion by the joint regulatory authorities, it can start the carrier processing process such as suspending the release and removing mobile Internet applications (APPs) from the shelves.

  authoritative release

  1. Strengthening supervision: including the removal of APP as a means of punishment

  According to the exposure draft, if a car-hailing platform company violates laws and regulations and refuses to correct it after being jointly interviewed twice within 3 months, after collective discussion by the joint regulatory authorities, it can start the carrier processing process such as suspending the release and delisting of mobile Internet applications (APPs). In addition, if the mobile Internet applications (APPs) and other carriers of the car-hailing platform company are suspended and delisted, and the above violations continue to occur, the joint regulatory authorities can start the disposition process of stopping internet service, stopping networking or downtime for rectification.

  So, under what circumstances will online car-hailing platform companies be interviewed? The exposure draft proposes that those who engage in online car-hailing business activities without obtaining an online car-hailing business license or engage in online car-hailing business activities in a disguised form shall be dealt with by the transportation authorities at or above the county level in accordance with laws and regulations. If an online car-hailing platform company that has obtained an online car-hailing business license violates laws and regulations, it shall be dealt with by the departments of transportation, development and reform, public security, economy and informatization, commerce, industry and commerce, quality supervision, human resources and social security, taxation, online information, and the People’s Bank of China within the scope of their respective duties. If the violations involve multiple departments, the relevant departments may conduct joint interviews.

  2 Security upgrade: APP should not have heterosexual social functions

  In the exposure draft, Foshan’s security management of online car-hailing continues to be upgraded, and proposes that "the client side application should not have heterosexual social functions, and should have the following safety service functions: the basic attribute information and location information of the vehicle and the driver Real-time sharing function, the third person confirmed by the driver or the passenger in writing can view the vehicle’s dynamic location information during the service process at any time; personal phone encryption function, the passenger and the driver communicate through technical means; ‘One-click call’ function, when the passenger is used in an emergency, the real-time dynamic information of the vehicle and the driver information can be automatically sent to the online car-hailing platform company."

  In addition, the exposure draft also proposes that the online car-hailing platform company should conduct real-time dynamic monitoring of vehicle operation and service process through the online car-hailing platform and in-vehicle service end point, and should collect personal characteristic data such as driver portraits in real time during operating hours. Compared with the personal identity information of the driver in the background; the in-vehicle service end point should adopt the mainstream operating system compatible with the supervision and service software, and ensure that the normal operation of the supervision and service software at the in-vehicle service end point is not disturbed.

  At the same time, the exposure draft emphasizes that platform operators should submit the information of drivers and vehicles connected to the network, including online car-hailing and private passenger car-sharing services, to the municipal public security organs at least once a quarter, and the municipal public security organs will conduct background checks in conjunction with the transportation department. For drivers and vehicles that fail the review, platform operators should be fully cleared. Platform operators who are also engaged in private passenger car-sharing information services should refer to the background verification of online car-hailing drivers and relevant regulatory requirements for network access management.

  3 Model standard adjustment: two types of new energy vehicles will be required from July next year

  According to the exposure draft, in addition to meeting the conditions stipulated in the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services, the vehicles to be engaged in online car-hailing should also meet the following conditions: 7-seat and below new energy vehicles, with a vehicle wheelbase of not less than 2650 mm. From July 1, 2019, the new energy vehicles applying for online car-hailing should be pure electric vehicles or fuel cell vehicles. Register in Foshan, obtain a vehicle driving license issued by the Foshan public security organ, and the date of initial registration and acquisition of the "Motor Vehicle Driving License" to the date of application for the "Online Booking Taxi Transportation License" is less than two years.

  At the same time, the valid period of the "Network Booking Taxi Transport Certificate" is linked to the service life of the vehicle, and the longest is no more than 8 years. When the mileage of the online car reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped; when the mileage does not reach 600,000 kilometers but the service life reaches 8 years, it will withdraw from the online car-hailing operation, and the municipal transportation authority will cancel the corresponding "Network Booking Taxi Transport Certificate"; when the mileage of the vehicle that exits the online car-hailing operation reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped.

  In terms of drivers, the exposure draft proposes that drivers who engage in online car-hailing services, in addition to meeting the conditions stipulated in the Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services, should also meet the following conditions: have Foshan household registration or Foshan "Residence Permit"; approved by the examination agency confirmed by the Foshan transportation authority, familiar with Foshan human geography, master passenger transportation services and safety emergency response skills; have obtained Foshan cruise car driver qualification and on-duty operation, serve in Foshan for 3 years without bad integrity records, and have a service quality reputation assessment of AAA or above in the past 3 years, can directly apply for the "Online Booking Taxi Driver’s License", and the driver’s license is valid for 3 years.

  Department interpretation

  If you fail the exam within 3 months, you need to resubmit your application

  Yesterday, the Foshan transportation department made a detailed interpretation of the background of this revision.

  In view of the fact that some drivers do not take the test at the agreed time, resulting in a waste of test resources, and if they do not take the test for a long time after the background check, the background information may change greatly, so the exposure draft increases the driver’s test time limit in Article 23, and clearly requires the driver to make an appointment for the test at the designated location within 7 working days after receiving the approval information, and complete the test within 3 months.

  In addition, the exposure draft also strengthened the security background review and public safety maintenance, clear public security organs should network about car drivers and vehicles for security background review, and public security organs in accordance with the law to carry out national security work, prevention and investigation of illegal and criminal activities, network about car platform companies must provide technical support and assistance, truthfully submit data information. Network about car platform companies refuse to perform, the public security organs shall be dealt with according to law; constitute a crime, criminal responsibility according to law.

Hengda Property Announcement! Two major events

K Figure 03333_0

K Figure 06666_0

  On the evening of January 26th,Publish two

  For depositsNotification by the board of directors of enforcementThe company’s wholly-owned subsidiary has filed a lawsuit with the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court.

  Due to the company’s failure to provide sufficient supporting materials for bad debt losses, there is a total risk of underpayment of corporate income tax in 2021 and 2022 of about 650 million yuan and related late fees.

  In addition, on January 26, the website of the Hong Kong Judiciary revealed that the Hong Kong High Court will hold a hearing at 9:30 on January 29Group winding-up petition hearing. Prior to this, eight applications for adjournment of petition hearings had been filed.

Alert the risk of underpayment of taxes

  According to the voluntary announcement on the evening of January 26, three subsidiaries of the company, namely Jinbi Property Co., Ltd., Hengda Hengkang Property Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Hengda Hengkang") and Guangzhou Jinbi Huafu Property Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Jinbi Huafu"), have received a notice from the competent tax authorities that the above three companies confirmed the loss of bad debts and made partial pre-tax deductions for the execution of the pledge of 13.40 billion yuan in 2021, 2022 and 2023, and failed to provide sufficient supporting materials for the loss of bad debts. There is a total risk of underpayment of corporate income tax in 2021 and 2022 and related late fees of about 650 million yuan. The notice requires the company and three subsidiaries to correct their declarations.

  Evergrande Property said that the company has fully reflected the taxes and fees payable in the profit and loss statements for 2021 and 2022, and this correction does not involve retrospective adjustment of previous financial data and does not affect the relevant annual net assets and profits.

File a lawsuit in court

  According to Hengda Property’s announcement, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company has filed seven lawsuits with the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court regarding the enforcement of the deposit pledge.

  Hengda Hengkang 1.70 billion yuan deposit certificate pledge guarantee wasThe company’s wholly-owned subsidiary Hengda Hengkang has filed a lawsuit against Zhiluo Sheng (Guangzhou) Agriculture Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Guangzhou Zhiluo Sheng"), Guangzhou Chenxiyu Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Fragrant Berry Sweet Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Ruiyida Industrial Co., Ltd., Hengda Real Estate and (Hengda Hengkang 1.70 billion yuan responsible party), requiring Hengda Hengkang 1.70 billion yuan responsible party to repay 1.70 billion yuan and provisional interest of about 144 million yuan.

  In connection with the enforcement of the 1 billion deposit certificate pledge guarantee by Guangzhou Jinbi Hengying Property Services Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Jinbi Hengying"), Jinbi Hengying, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, has filed a lawsuit against Guangzhou Mai Cai Meirui Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Guangzhou Mai Cai Meirui"), Guangdong Jingqi Industrial Co., Ltd., Hengda Real Estate and China Hengda (Jinbi Hengying 1 billion responsible party), demanding that Jinbi Hengying 1 billion responsible party repay the amount of 1 billion yuan and the provisional interest of about 84.6917 million yuan.

  In connection with the enforcement of Hengda Hengkang’s 1 billion yuan deposit certificate pledge guarantee, Hengda Hengkang has filed a lawsuit against Guangzhou Zhiluo Sheng, Guangzhou Mai Cai Meirui, Guangzhou Qianfenghui Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Jinsui Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Xinyuan Investment Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Guangzhou Xinyuan"), Hengda Real Estate and China Hengda (Hengda Hengkang 1 billion yuan responsible party), demanding that Hengda Hengkang 1 billion yuan responsible party repay 1 billion yuan and provisional interest of about 76.0719 million yuan.

  In connection with the bank-enforced recovery of approximately 2 billion yuan of the deposit certificate pledge guarantee of Jinbi Hengkang Property (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Jinbi Hengkang"), Jinbi Hengkang, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, has filed a lawsuit against Tianjin Hushang Trading Co., Ltd., Tianjin Junwei Industrial Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Xinyuan, Evergrande Real Estate and China Evergrande (Jinbi Hengkang 2 billion responsible party), demanding that Jinbi Hengkang 2 billion responsible party repay about 2 billion yuan and provisional interest about 153 million yuan.

  In relation to the recovery of the 700 million yuan deposit certificate pledge guarantee enforced by the bank, Jinbi Hengying has filed a lawsuit against Shenzhen Runjintong Supply Chain Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Shengjiazhe Trading Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Xinyuan, Evergrande Real Estate and China Evergrande (Jinbi Hengying 700 million yuan responsible party), demanding that Jinbi Hengying 700 million yuan responsible party repay 700 million yuan and the provisional interest is about 53.4985 million yuan.

  In relation to the recovery of about 2.70 billion yuan of the deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank, Jinbi Huafu, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, has sued Guangzhou Tongfu Agriculture Co., Ltd., Shanghai Panlong International Trade Co., Ltd., Guangdong Minhui Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Bohong Supply Chain Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Juhong Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Xinyuan, Hengda Real Estate and China Hengda (Jinbi Huafu 2.70 billion responsible party), demanding that Jinbi Huafu 2.70 billion responsible party repay about 2.70 billion yuan and temporarily accrue interest about 206 million yuan.

  In relation to the recovery of the 2.30 billion deposit certificate pledge guarantee enforced by the bank in Guangzhou Jinbi Family Property Services Co., Ltd. (referred to as Jinbi Family), Jinbi Family, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, has filed a lawsuit against Guangzhou Jiacheng Zhixing Trading Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Tongxin Trading Co., Ltd., Shanghai Zhouhang International Trade Co., Ltd., Dalian Jiuyi Chunqiu Trading Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Xinyuan, Hengda Real Estate and China Hengda (Jinbi Family 2.30 billion responsible party), requiring Jinbi Family 2.30 billion responsible party to repay 2.30 billion yuan and the provisional interest of about 174 million yuan.

  Evergrande Property has received the notice of formal acceptance of the case by the court on January 25, 2024. As Guangdong Jingqi Industrial Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Runjintong Supply Chain Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Tongfu Agriculture Co., Ltd. have been cancelled respectively, the company will consider additional litigation against the shareholders of the companies concerned. According to the analysis of the board of directors and its legal advisors, the litigation will not have a material adverse impact on the company’s daily operations. The company will continue to make every effort to recover the relevant deposit pledges and will make further announcements in due course on any material progress of the above litigation or any other actions the company will take.

Facing a winding-up petition hearing

  Separately, on January 26, the Hong Kong judiciary’s website revealed that the High Court would hold a hearing on the winding-up petition against China Evergrande Group at 9.30pm on January 29. Justice Chan Ching-fen will hold a hearing on a potential regulatory order at 2.30pm on January 29. Such a regulatory order would mean that the court would oversee the winding-up process, which could include the appointment of a liquidator.

  Prior to this, China Evergrande had submitted eight applications for adjournment of the hearing of petitions. On June 28, 2022, China Evergrande announced that Top Shine Global had filed a winding-up petition against the company with the Hong Kong High Court on June 24, 2022, involving a debt amount of approximately HK $862.50 million.

  The last postponement notice was issued on December 4, 2023. The relevant notice shows that the High Court of Hong Kong granted the company’s postponement application on December 4, 2023, further adjourning the hearing of the petition to January 29, 2024.

  Wind data shows that as of the close of January 26, China Evergrande closed at HK $0.206/share, a decline of 4.63%; Evergrande Property closed at HK $0.4/share, a decline of 5.88%.

The national industrial Internet platform empowers depth to reach depth, Jieshun Technology helps build "Digital Longhua"

On September 23rd, sponsored by the Shenzhen Longhua District People’s Government and the China Electronics Standardization Institute, and organized by the Longhua District Digital Economy Leading Group Office, the National Industrial Internet Platform Empower Deepin Tour (Shenzhen Station) and the "Digital Economy See Longhua" series of activities were held in Shenzhen.

Feng Wei, director of the integration of industrialization and industrialization department of MIIT Information Technology Development Department, Sun Wenlong, vice president of China Electronics Standardization Research Institute, and Wang Wei, secretary of Longhua District Party Committee, attended the forum and delivered speeches. Jieshun Technology, as a representative of a key enterprise in "Digital Longhua", was invited to attend the meeting.

The event focused on the theme of "platform empower, digital transformation", aiming to strengthen the promotion and implementation of the digital economy policy system, accelerate the improvement of financial, spatial, intellectual and other support and security systems, and efficiently promote the platform carrier to fully empower, and jointly explore the strategy of deeply empowering the industrial Internet.

In recent years, Longhua District has vigorously promoted the strengthening of the real economy and the industrial transformation and upgrading project, and took the lead in introducing ten measures to build a digital economy pioneer area in the city. At the event site, Longhua District officially released the "1 + N + S" digital economy policy system.

Of which,"1" is the three-year implementation plan for the digital economy in Longhua District, "N" is the inclusive policy by industry and field, and "S" is the special project policy for the digital economy industryFocusing on the current situation, characteristics and shortcomings of the industry, targeting and focusing, increasing support for the industrial Internet, blockchain, artificial intelligence, new display, intelligent manufacturing equipment, consumer Internet, fashion creativity, digital culture, integrated circuits, life and health. A systematic policy system covering more than 10 industrial fields, more than 20 policies, and a budget of over 3 billion yuan has been initially formed, and it is committed to accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system and promoting sustainable and high-quality economic development.

As a national high-tech enterprise and a key development enterprise in the ten industrial chains of the "1 + N + S" digital economy policy system, the release of this policy undoubtedly provides strong support and guarantee for Jieshun to accelerate the development of digital transformation.

Over the past 29 years, Jieshun Technology has always adhered to independent research and development, continuously introduced high-precision scientific and technological talents, and maintained the leadership of scientific and technological innovation. Gradually transforming from an intelligent hardware manufacturer to a smart ecological operator with intelligent software and hardware + platform + operation, and witnessing and promoting the transformation and development of the industry with repeated transformations and upgrades.

As a new member of Longhua Intelligent Manufacturing, Jieshun Technology will also closely follow the policy, seize the opportunity, and comprehensively enhance the innovation and creativity ability based on smart car dealerships, smart pedestrians, smart visitors, and smart consumption, accelerate digital transformation, and continue to lead the development of the industry.

To achieve a comprehensive digital transformation of the enterprise, digital empowerment is an essential part of it.At the event, Zhao Yong, general manager of Jieshun Technology, and five other well-known enterprises in Longhua District signed a digital empowering strategic cooperation agreement with the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center.

This strategic cooperation is not only an important measure of the "1 + N + S" digital economy policy system, but also fully reflects Longhua District’s firm determination to accurately connect the digital empowerment platform with local outstanding enterprises and achieve "two-way empower".

As a state-level think tank research unit with a history of more than 60 years, the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center has accumulated rich research experience and platform construction, ecological construction and promotion experience in digital transformation, and has participated in a large number of national "integration of industrialization and industrialization" policy documents and standards.

Zhao Yong, general manager of Jieshun Technology, said,"Scientific research institutions hold the theoretical commanding heights of the industry and understand the future direction. Under their guidance, we will have a more accurate grasp of the trend, and we can also get the optimization of the system and the guidance of theory."

As a leading enterprise in the field of smart parking, Jieshun Technology keeps pace with the digital age and plans digital transformation deployment in advance.It is now fully moving towards a new "cloud age".

In the future, Jieshun Technology will take the "Digital Longhua" construction as an opportunity, make full use of the advantages of Longhua’s industrial chain, and continue to accelerate the digital strategic transformation towards the new goal of "comprehensive cloudification, ecological construction, and fission development". It will further play a role in the promotion of Longhua’s digital construction and development, and help Shenzhen’s smart city industrial chain layout.