Donghu comment: Life is not just "brushing your mobile phone"

Donghu comment: Life is not just "brushing your mobile phone"

Recently, Zhang Chaoyang’s remarks about mobile phones have sparked heated discussions. When interacting with the students of Xi ‘an Jiaotong University, he talked about a thought-provoking question: Why can’t we passively brush our mobile phones for a long time? In this regard, Zhang Chaoyang gave his own answer: passively brushing the mobile phone is killing time and delaying. If you don’t think and ask questions, time will be wasted and people may become numb.
Mobile phone, a highly popular technology product, has become an indispensable part of everyone’s life. It provides endless information and resources, which can be studied and explored anytime and anywhere. Whether reading books online, watching educational videos or learning the latest information through social media, mobile phones can provide unprecedented convenience and become a fountain of learning knowledge. However, as Zhang Chaoyang emphasized, if you indulge in the habit of passively brushing your mobile phone for a long time, it may become a shackle that binds people’s thinking and development.
Over-reliance on mobile phones can lead to distraction. In the process of swiping mobile phones, people often switch applications and browse different pages. This fast switching attention mode will weaken their concentration and deep thinking ability, especially when they need to concentrate on completing a task, the existence of mobile phones will often become an interference factor, making it difficult for them to stay focused.
Excessive reliance on mobile phones will affect social interaction. Mobile phones can keep in touch with others anytime and anywhere, but at the same time they may rely too much on virtual social interaction. In real life, face-to-face communication and interaction is an important way to establish deep interpersonal relationships, and excessive use of mobile phones may reduce social activities in real life, thus affecting interpersonal relationships.
Excessive reliance on mobile phones may also have a negative impact on physical and mental health. Bowing your head and brushing your mobile phone for a long time will put pressure on cervical vertebrae and eyes, and may even lead to problems such as cervical spondylosis and myopia. In addition, excessive use of mobile phones may also lead to health problems such as decreased sleep quality and increased psychological stress.
Therefore, we should be aware of the dangers of over-reliance on mobile phones, reasonably control the time of using mobile phones, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, we should actively seek other beneficial activities, such as reading, sports and socializing, so as to enrich our life experience and improve our own quality.
Source: Jingchu. com (Hubei Daily)
Author: Shen Dudu (Wufeng, Yichang)
Editor: Ding Chufeng


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